Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1963, p. 5

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REGISTER FOR ANGLICAN CONGRESS The first of more than 100 t ered in London, Ont, Mon-. TI. A. Norris, Brandon, Man Anglican Church leaders from day for pre-Congress meet Rt. Rev. J. Gilbert Baker, throughout the world who will ings Among those meeting in London, England: Rt. Rey. R attend the Anglican Congress London are, left to right: Rev nat in Toronto next month regis. Cyril Powles, Tokyo; Rt, Rev T. Jourdain, London, England WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel, 668-3703 Tomato Grower Awarded Brooklin Srs. { St. Catharines SI a LS OD asad Oat istrict tomato grower has beer Zt Swarded $15,000 damages By CLIFF GORDON the loss of a tomato cro : For the second time this sea 1961 in a civil actio pair son the weather man Shell Oil Company havoc with the Brooklin lacros Farrow, .a Newtonv team _ Were schedule tom sprayet harines last nigh ' Ruegger a i his aoe or the game were ruined when. his neg one was rained out earlier in the sprayed with a herb HATE season. But once again the rains 'oss was set at aly was. . "came and the game had to. be the nine-day hear or oa called off, Plans are under wa) Mr. Justice R Penang bar yr to reschedule .the game next served judgment at wi* . jon and W8S week possibly Monday : the trial. His I hip made the 2" : Si. Catharines and Brookiit award Monday Soups, Ruegget are wag a down-to-the-wire Farrow was ve entire crop be race for first place with the S share of the dame umber of culls Kitts crew holding a slim two tion against ¢ es. He said he point lead at th ny unt ract with the Wednesday tuer ton Sealtests 2 al appearance of the sched at the Brooklin arena. Three French-Canadian sins cscs: During the hearing company at the time John Spicer of Brampton and Don Craggs of Brooklia Crages and Castator are out Heads Bell Firm s2e2crs HELSINK], Finland ( United States archers won both and women's events Counsel Cites Wards Control Over Keeler |. LONDON--Justice Sir Archie/speech from the bench, Prosecu-jtween Ward and Christine, an Marshall today began summing|tor Mervyn Griffith . Jones de-jauburn-haired 2l-year-old play:| lup te.the jury trying Dr. Ste.)nounced Ward as a lying lecher/girl, Griffith.Jones said phen Ward on_ five vice! charges 24 hours. A finding of guilty! | |could send the 50-year-old soci- 'iety osteopath to prison for up) j jto 25 years in a case which the! 'justice said "has probably igained more notoriety than any) trial in recent years." The 63-year-old justice seemed |perturbed by the image of Brit. "Niain spread abroad by reve- ** |lations of sex and sin in Lon- idon high society "As we til know," he told the jury of 11 men and one woman, "repercussions arising out of} Siwhat we have to investigate have widely spread their tenta- Ss jcles across the public life of this country and have aroused great interest in foreign coun- tries. "One would have thought from what w ehave all been faced with in the national news- papers tht this country has be. come a sort of sink of iniquity But you and I know that the even tenure of family life for the overwhelming majority of our population goes quietly and decently on." TASK ISN'T EASY Urging the importance of a true and proper verdict, he com mented that in view of the "'sale in the market place of deta of filth and vice for high finan. | rewards, our task is not going to be an' easy one." This was an obvious reference to stories sold to newspapers by Chritine Keeler, 21, and Mar lyn (Mandy) Rice-Davies, 18, a eged by the prosecution to have been the stars of a stable of Ward party giris Justice Marshall admonished the jurors that they should find Ward guilty only if they were ceriain that the prosecution had established its charges He said they must acquit him f they had been "left in doubt a reasonable doubt--as to his guilt." Dealing with the law on liv ing off the earnings of pr tutes, the judge said that ictly interpreted "many quite table people could thin its*terms -- the man, the butcher, the publi ean, the taxi driver and the dress shop who supplied goods er services and received pay- ment from women they knew to be prostitutes." "That," said the judge "would of course be absurd and the law is not really such an ass." A GIVES INTERPRETATION The udge laid down his own. interpretation of what. could be construed as living off prostitu- and demanded conviction on all! "It is perhaps only part of the) five charges against him--three|background grain, You will no : A verdict is expected within/of living off prostitutes and twojdoubt consider whether she is/Court of Criminal Appeal today/l? outside a West End London of procuring underage girls. speaking the truth--and One is)squashed the conviction of Aloy.|flat. Gordon was convicted June Ward pleaded not guilty and/up against this the whole Wayisius (Luck) Gordon on Re be charged the girls who testified/{hrough the case, the difference|change of assaulting playgirl) After Gordon's conviction new against him were lying. jin age and the difference in ed-/Christine Keeler | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, July 90, 1963 8 KEELER ASSAULT Court Looses 'Lucky' Gordon LONDON (AP) -- Britain'sjhad beaten up Miss Keeler April evidence in the case came to The prosecution was struck by /UCallon; these two persons, One) Gordon, M-year-old Nogre jazz/light including a lengthy tape one phase of this during the/aged 48 and the other aged 18) .inger from Jamaica, was a for. ecording of Miss Keeler |final stages of the 'trial today) when an Appeal Court freed Aloysius (Lucky) Gordon, one of Christine's Negro ex - l0V€rs, known of her promiscuity, and] Gordon was sentenced to three! from a three-year prison sen-/ admitted he knew about her/years in smoking marijuana while they) tence on charges he beat her up.) Lod Chief Justice Lord Par-/ ker said he reversed Gordon's! conviction on the basis of stil! undisclosed evidence contained ness you will treat with cau, in a tape recording Christine had made, She claims she was! thigh on marijuana at the time Griffith-Jones hastened to tell) the Old Bailey jury trying Ward that the reversal did not mean the Appeal Court had ruled Christine a Har He inserted news of the re versal into his summing up and said "That does not, of course. mean to say that the Court of Criminal Appeal have found that Miss Keeler is Lying. The Court of Criminal Appeal have not found whether Miss Keeler was telling the truth, They have al lowed the appeal simply and solely because two witnesses were not there." Griffith . Jones contir closing speech to th the trial resumed for the sev enth day. The prosecuter spoke for 244. hours. Defence counsel James Burge completed his statement to the jury Monday GriffithJones told the court Monday that the 30 -vear - old Ward Was a "thoroughly filthy fellow" who profited from intro ducing rich friends like the third Viscount Astor and Douglas Fairbanks Jr., to his promiscu ous young girl friends The prosecutor declared that Christine, key figure im the sex and-security scandal involving resigned war minister John Pro fumo, and 18-year-old Marilyr (Mandy) Rice-Davies were girls "prepared to go te bed with any be man--certainly a good number of men--for maney." 'ARE PROSTITUTES' "If you came to that conclu sion," he teld the jurors, "then they are, in the eyes of the law prostitutes." Ward has pleaded not guilty te three counts of living on im moral earnings of prostitution and two of inciting or attempt ing the procurement af giris under 21 for the purposes of un- lawful sexual intercourse Defence counsel James Burge completed his statement to the when this story started." DIDN'T TELL PARENTS He said Ward, who must have were living tagether, never said a word to her parents He said Christine was "a wit tien." "She is a witness who requires to be corroborated but on the question of corroboration when a man is living with a prasti tute it is presumed that he is knowingly living on her immora earnings," he added "What one requires corrobo.| ration of in both the case af Keeler and Davies is first that she was a prostitute -- and a prostitute, you will remember is simply a woman who offers her body for money--and sec ondly corroboration of the fact that she was living with the. de- fendant "Once you have that then al else follows unless he satisfies you to the contrary, You have his own admission that he in- troduced the two girls when they were living at Comeragh Road to at least four persons-- Aster, Fairbanks and two others." "He himself has admitted t Keeler had no other means must have been earning maney fram somewhere You have his own admission that there was al least a con versation On the lines of prosti. tute mentality of which he speaks. These are all matters which tend to show that she is elling the truth "You also have the Indian doctor business. He (Ward) first denied all knowledge of the In-/ dian doctor--'who is he?" he said te the police--when on his ewn admission only a week or So before he had been speaking of that very man to Keeler, ask ng her not to mention his name to the police "All these are matters which if you think right, you can treat as correberative evidence of ims $ Story--meaning noth ing more than some evidence other than the girl's which goes te show that she is telling the treth Teffithones dealt with the peried when Miss Rice-Davies was living in Ward's apartment at Wimpole Mews, in London's fashionable West End mer lover of Miss Keeler--her-| coup RAISE DOURT self a central figure in the aed Protas ahiete | Lord Chiet Justice Parker did not rule on the validity of this Seon ter allegedly |Sviaenee. But he said the jury hag might have had doubts about beating oo ine Keeler, Today's) aw < court action set Gordon free. |CoBvicting Gordon if it had been Police charged that Gordon] argitanie at the time of the trial | "It may well be that the com. patent) sat. ~ Rad anodher ipiainant's (Miss Keeler's) evid- "We have also heard of Melee completely truthhal, It ' Bos ry Pa prio Bond. not for us to say, We cannot Fox and above all in her case. roe . = Spry te mae Fox, ai D 3 er a fresh, but if the fresh evid- Pin gf prose a A ao ence Was likely to raise a rea. Serkan S, age our only course ig ito quash t Pd Ward, he said, admitted Ps wine « rk bt Mandy never worked but ap- ft hy eS Se pom neared ts get menay her Suit. White shirt and dark tle cS haa y from listened to the proceedings - His lawyer, Ashe Lincoln, told Men do not give girls friends! " : money unless for sex," Griffith me omer that be had seen. the Teuac taunt ap Bonen and would apply ' % Call Witnesses ae co Mag pl gp poe ard Ewreer Cane, how- ter id yo ' Siever, that the Appeal Court had -- sexual imercoure With\no jurisdiction to retry the case different men at your flat andion fresh evidence receiving money for it?" © money f x Regarding the tape recording, His answer was; "I thought/ine judge instructed the police she might have gone, dut it Wasito return it to Rodin Drury, a nothing to do with me, I wasn'tiCanadian who was a former bu. always there Siness associate of Miss Keeler, "Is it possible in effect," Grif-)Drury' mother live in Torente fith-Jones asked, "if you accept ss that conversation, to find any- CHRISTINE WANTS TAPE thing nearer to an admission on) Lawyer Peter Solomon sought jhis part that he knew this girl te make an application on Miss was receiving money for her|Keoler's behalf. concerning the body and doing so im his flat./tape, but the judge ruled Solo. although he was not always mon had no standing in the there court and could not be heard "But on the other hand, ac./Miss Keeler already has ob. cording to his own evidence,itained a High Court writ seek. jand I use his own words, it-was/ing the return of the tape te quite normal for him te be in/her the flat while Davies was hav-| The hearing lasted only nine ing intercourse." minutes Turning to the precuring) While the Gordon case was be. changes, the prosecutor asked:/ing decided, the trial of! Dr. "What is the evidence we have Stephen Ward an vice charges about this business of getting neared its end in another court -- a a cera building, the Old Bailey. May I remind you | Ward. 30-year. copa' werds Keeler used in her evid-lang artist [pion ye -- ence: "It became lke an underline young girls, including Mise standing between us that I used) Keeler, to commit immoral acts ® gO out and find girls for Dr.ifo, maney Ward. This is because I was The on Sein: oh highly influenced by Dr Ward) The, ngied affair already _ seo Big cag ty anything 2eitormer war cube Jona Pro- Ss ta da pat » ' Byoom a hittle later: "We never -- = per Pegler = caus sud & the oF ee ane relaheaship with Miss Kee. on the basis that he wanted og tere petits sa to get hiea a girt ? © Tesigned from _ "That has the ring of trath, Minister Macmillan'; govern. deosn't 2?" Griffith Jones|ment and from the House of asked Commons June & because he lied while Spicer is ou; for one. Bt noe. ti: : tion jury Monday MONTREAL (CP) Marce in the past he hasn't been was all the result of a stick-)yin4o, ' men's . "I think a person may be After GriffithJones completed "Was she a prostitute? Again "Never forget his owa admis. te Partiament. Vincent. a man who carries willing, generally, to try 10/swinging do in Brampton @ 9 953 points fairly said to be living on the his statement today, Justice Sir/she falls imto very much the/St0n that he himself was a thor.) even into his\work his way up through @/ week ago Sunday. Castator also the earnings of prostitution if he is/Archie Marshall will sum up be. Same category as |Keeler," he/ORshly immoral man, that he name, 3 become the first lange organization." leases his good conduct bend for ts paid by prostitutes for goods fore the case goes to the jury. said liked ginls and liked saing te bea FrenchCanadian president of Another factor, Mr. Vincent his il! doings France second with 6.31 and services supplieg by him The speeches were expected) "It was she who. im fact, had "2th girls the giant Bell Telephone Com- says, has been the FrenchCa----------------- ""lSweden third with te them for the purpoe of their to continue all day and it was |imterceurse, according te her, "Never forget as own admis pany of Canada mgness io be : . . women's team standigs 2e prostitution--which they would not expected that the jury would) With Lord Astor who had paid/Sien that when there was not a Mr. Vincent, a slender, dap ready + up takes and Bride S$ Price 1S. ted with 6598 points. Fin. not be supplied with but for the retire te consider a verdict un.)the rent, albeit later girl elsewhere he would ge out per man of 33, doesn't care move to another part of the and was second with 6418 and fac that they were prostiues." til Wednesday She was kept by Rachman|te Tottenham Court Read and whether peaple use the Fren t r the world -- when ] itain third with 6,087 Before he judge bean his' Speaking of the relations be. (Peter Rachman, a London stum/Oxford Street picking them wa"! ar English pronunciation of his faced with a company transfer tatus . nia iene He wouldn't like to spend a years in Veneruela or New) last name. "It makes no difference io! me at all." he says wih ats graceful, Gallic shrug. "I have been hearing both for as long as I can remem and I hav just as many ? , c te =Chicoutim side as on 2% %% s ait His appointment as e x emt Says, However; ih going price in distr president ff tne 2 andlor Pakis northwest fron came at 2 t iz z more : J Aca~ADA"! tier for an average sort of bride pressure e r Pren aia ar e° is two buffaloes, or three cows Canadians to > elected § fortis, Pars come 5 But prices vary widely ip mportant posts, both it y Con Cul. these tribal regions from about ness and fovernment o©n MOW $3 to $10,000, depending on the Since Bell. with & 2 HHA 8 nea girl's physical charm ~anac assets a adian unin y student ty t© work and the status af a have been a her family M yvears age A recent sutwey by Peshawar : a» immedia r . oul University unearthed these an? abo. : s Mr ACENt'S mare fesmoana 20D: ther facts about trihal ma new job was given to hi mest : Ts, doct than Tiages im the Kurram Valley an eye to relieving be f bas North Waziristan, Malakhendc this pressure | duated from Kalam and the slate ef Swai Ive been asked a e were 14 othe: In most cases, a tribesman af coarse." Mz ent says a = ns there are han- must pay for his bride in add ait Rut cinrerekx eds e3 ear. It's the same (OR te the expenses of the * dewry and traditional r . monies air. : Payments are usually in cash che caeas m some families ya Swat cd sige ran ag Salam and Malakhand, how a ~ @WOr, cattle are legal tend: Don <eming fer brides of business COM The survey said the respect a marred woman reneral ~ leag defore commands im trikal society i& will be made often directly prapartonate he sars he "bride money" paid "or wvhat I've called ma- 2% macho nes Z of penale talking te prepit immed:ately after graduatag with an oil company een of people who even' PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Rout > move from Quebec ers)---The women in the 'ulls especially, bere boast about whether they "are two-buffale or three-buffale years anc Ris Mund thar president since 1937 MUST SHARE BLAME : = trem the University of Mon tree = (ommmerce \ hoo Excem for four y fram 194] 18 firm, where he can 5 red with the rank of Lieut self or become an c DCR maz ani-commander afer serving om © ea o 1 ened Bell it the At"iantic and Pacific--ne -- a - has been with Bel ever sme Evening Shows ot 6:55 end 8:30 fore the war, he served Py ell in Ottawa and Qurdx wuitsy Lest Complete Show Starts 8:30 ity 2 ell as Montreal 93 be was appointed trail chief in the Laurentian @istrx and rese t became easter: Pius 2nd ' : area plant manager in 1857 FEATURE <_ A tew months later he wa lines Wh a Rancher vou age aRPNnied moe aressdent and " a | q )feneral manager af the eastern AN . area and in 298] became the : CHG ERS vice _ poesident im charge ot THE WILD We TREN 4X . staff operations, The follewing year he was Made vice-pres WESTERNERS" Tare ; The wey BACK and rex. pats CON mstantiy »te a lazy nap couch Ou can adjust the seat to the best position atter f you've 5 foot 2 or 6 foot 4. you rOOM |nd ig-10OM ts Equal to or better than other standard size Cars. But Rambler aisogrves you weil custroned chai-haight Maganme seats in a car that ndes steady. ndes smooth 3 Unusual ts the word tor the number of special features you get in a Rambler. There's quite an impressive kst that mciudes iow pnce, 2 guaanteed mutfier, battery and coolant. the best rustproohing and exceaphonal mileage. You also have a good assomment of models to choose from Take your pick of a convertible. hardton. sedan or wagon. See them af at vout mearest Ramble deale < Have a test rest or one of out reclim S S00" ATTRACTION Qutsiandeng » have toarmn-padded. adjustable dent in charge of pablic rela r hez nsialied m y r. Not only do they give you x tans not. they at ne YOu , be fi , Seite neck, te adec C . e yOu wont get on any rent Majer recreatens Swimming and walking mmiy Sak > work fram > j heme im suburban Westmocnt ta dist 2 a thre 2S gop pk ee -a4™MeR?'can.e*x actti.a > TRE _PQWEFEUL_ AVY BASSADOe_VE wiley beve tre som. : t nobody does as much ~orth, our head-on Mp- TN SE,fFCOSuLae

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