Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1963, p. 9

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Place Youths onrorin Ohe Oshawa Times given suspended sentences and placed oa ee ni: two ears vy agistrat ' Bobs in Oshawa court vanes 'ISECOND SECTION Thy pleaded guilt' '9 separate charges of theft : possession of items purchaseu with stolen money, Kenneth Roy Cox, of Rama Township, told the court last week: that he had stolen $600 from his father's business and then gave the money to James Moore Hart, of Orillia, to buy such items as a boat and motor, and a motorcycle. Terms of the probationary period. included restitution to the Cox youth's father, regular meetings with the probation officer and a clergyman, a 10.30. p.m, curfew and a termi, nation of the friendship be- tween Hart and Cox. Says CARE Builds Morale OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1963 PAGE NINE our local facilities, Statistics Paui Curian, public relations) officer for CARE told members! jof the Oshawa Rotary Club of /Oshawa Monday that the par- loels being sent to other lands -s RS jare helping to build trust and AS CSS SRY SAR: : \ N friendship among these people) | WRLC : . -- RO, . Oise. for Canada and the United) © : XN : SERS : PRR ERAN Shia. States, BES ' A "ASAE Oe RE RECALLS 0S ISTO edo 'te ternational eric] "NEW LOW RENTAL APARTMENTS PROGRESSING = : PICTURE RECALLS OSHAWA HOCKEY HISTORY Sen ec |Committee. The speaker was in-) The Oshawa 'Times is in- team which won the champion: aston was the trainer, Mem- ham, T. Morison, V, Burr, L, |foduced by Rotarian Alex! The success which has the Oshawa Housing Company bachelor apartments, The awa, is doing the general con- dedted to Russell Nay 563 ship of the Oshawa City and bers of the team were B, Boneham, H. Rorabeck 'and |Nathan; while the vote of ap-! marked the operation of Hal- Limited is erecting a four above picture shows the build- tract. work, Routhwaite and Masson street, who s ed Industrial Hockey League in Naylor, G Cuthbert, George E. Dunstall, The picture was |Preciation was extended by Ken) liday Manor, Richmond street apartment building, The new ing will be ready for occu- Associates of Toronto are the the newspaper with a re 1930. Walter Branch was man- Fletcher, W, Browne, J. -'aken by Brightlings Studio, |Coulter, cnairman of the com-| east, which was erected to building on Westmount avenue ta Ua tal, Grameen arched of The Oshawa Daily Times ager of the team while George Purdie, S. Boneham, R,. Bone- King street west, Oshawa mittee, Vice-president Stanley) accommodate needy old age south of Elmgrove avenue in Pancy in all, Crawford architects. : au v . : a rege peotes in = = pensioners, has been such that Westmount, will contain 20 Construction Limited, of 9sh- --Oshawa Times Photo } President Murray Mac sesap eo Rapisaae'ys - | Mr, Courian, who trained as ott eS |a_pilot_at No. 20, Elementary . ° e Flying Training School, Oshawa, ree u | 1ssln n e ntari1o during the Second World War, said this humanitarian work. has |" S arget been going - for 17 years, Par- In Di tri t Th e cels of food as weil as seed, STrIC ree oaters re ate tools and books are being sent Due Mid = Au gust : F Cli s to 3 countries, Eleven at Fe people receive the supple- TRENTON, Ont, (CP)--Three, RCAF station here. The aircraft)yesterday morning a search was or Inic mentary aid parcels daily Accidents men, missing in a 15-foot boat| signalled a search vessel to tow organized by the RCAF and the Tt was stated that) CARE lin Lake Ontario, were found/the drifting boat --_ és U.S. Coast Guard, The complex time onsumMing W. G Davis said the earlier,sults during the height of the ast month's Oshawa Blood|spends $275,000,000 a year safe late Monday by an RCAF| The Simpsons sail to Olcott} processing of Grade 13 examin t bles were set because of period -- 1,660 markers, 26 €X- Donor clinic was rather dis. LUis $23,000,000 is for food parc} W HITBY (Staff) -- Three pe0-| rescue aircraft, lfrom Oshawa during the week- Loree other by _-- were also ation papers has react a cri- rep ts from univer- aminers-in-chief, and more | ES eae) _ lels, alone ple were injured Monday after-) : a, end with three other boats. On} course on the return voyage. tical stage, it is le ties : enis of Grade 13400 clerks and typists appoin to the many volUn-/mach parcel contains 22 pounds/noon in two accidents Monday| 'The trio, Walter Simpson, 34). way to the United States] One sighted shore off Newcastle : sults be releas ter workers who work so hard/of food. Wh 'Renation oF afternoon on Highway 401, be-/0f Taunton, Ont,, and his brother) ide they ran out of fuel andi® nd the other off Bowmanville, Although the ex ' ta t rel€AS-! nin OF LINE one Prisyse ee of foo en a donation of $1) alte Con-|Lloyd Simpson, 40, and Danny jand then followed the shoreline written & week'earlier this ye i ea , ® second week o keep a sufficient supply ofis received the name of the/tween Oshawa ad Ajax. Con- Cameron, 35. both of Oshawa had to be towed the last half|i9 Oshawa than in previous years t An important. task . at blood on hand for the use of/fonor is attached to the parcel jstable Brewer of the Whitby de- vanished. Sunday on a return salle, Comberaal, wales SO0t Was Ole is 3 36 mil sults are not lik t , stage is the checking. . of A non-profit, non-sectarian or-/tachment of the "OPP investigat-| trip from Oleott NY t swamped 500. feet from Olcott cott is about miles across able before the midd t earlier avails ia gmarks to see if there are any -- ganization, CARE was establish- nee doth accidents shes and towed to a cottage there,/Lake Ontario from Oshawa, month, about the same time as sv . Ps t that appear to be "'out of line",/Kept by the clinic show thatied in 1945. Originally it was hortly before 5 p.m, an east-) Their craft was spotted 10 was making the return trip with) RCAF officials said the craft, last year is considered out of Oshawa needs to collect at least/ sponsored for 25 major private bound auto, driven by Raymond miles southwest of Port Hope,|them powered by a 75 horsepower The senber of . e ta towards ft rT edu f it is considerably higher each organizations with prominent Kipparo, 27, of 77 Woodrow/30 miles east of Oshawa, and The three boats had left Olcott/outboard motor, had again run psn sa vie, CALION or jower than the teacher's con assured of United States and Canadian @venue, Toronto, rolled severallabout two miles off shore, by,at 8.30 Sunday night and, whenout of fuel on the 36-mile re po i ge + that th fyiden a eosiderably a bals for y pur-/businessmen as members of the mes in the me dian strip west/jan RCAF Albatross from the!the Simpson boat aid not return! 'turn voyage exams sen diagee ten a we ar FRANTIC BATTLE ug er m R MMe SW post me Clan : st month teasiren ig -- The project dere sony ter on po = see : 7 ey Mer thie yee : + o June St 100 markerei?™ only & total of 312 bottles was/started with person to person ° panied -- ' : : ie partn ent of ed , it rarer out Let line, the paper Collected assistance but now includes a**. a Good. W th | Gets 5 Yea Drunk Drit on 3S -- . < pb boaetaes yest We must not fail our people|{ullscale self help program) Mr. Kippari sustained a bruis.| S or I river Three possible ways have & fra attle ag To give everybody a fair who need blood transfusions, through Which tools, seeds and|°d left shoulder. After being x- been suggested to correct the : han 23 i $s are break, a special revising board We have to accept the re- texts are provided rayed at the Oshawa ag $1, 100 Taken - Gets 7 Days aaa : cg! Sear th a Pel. ge pease estoy ity of seeing that our While the organization de- -- he was nates a ail Term | ~-A new method of exam end the midd ugust.itives from universities and bi blood. bank is adequ ely sup./Pends upon voluntary contribu-/ ne Reoiny wad ev a. Sr aad | Drunk driving earned Vernon IRM marki mE syst 1 a sn papers go Seven from the department of lied. Let each of us deter./UORS, governments also assist ea rations to om From Auto /Eugene Woodward, of Ritson --Reducing the ; 'je@ucation, reviews all marks) mine to secure at least two! oments of the packages are!" a." oor of the Kippari ve- A five-year Kingston Peniten-jroad north, a seven-day sen- papers in some of th - lat ur before they are released new donors and help those who ote hased at wholesale prices hicle was extensively damaged) Articles valued at more than/tiary term was handed downjtence. in the county jail Mon- Mihe establishment a uni-cedure T eed up the pro. TRIS board has the power tom pointments keep them Ne hi WOES duties are waived, lin the accident $1100 were stolen Monday night/Monday by Magistrate F. S./day. A charge of having liquor ! versity entrance examination ¢ Q several com-/etant pass standing to a stu. The of our clinic depends/-- aa rl is spent on advertising "poring the afternoon Mary|from a car parked on Mary/Ebbs to Joesph O'Toole, 38, 374/a place other than his home which would be carried out by mitt r "a, made up/Gent who has failed by a few On the aquisition of new donors; nso a . wmbers. the US andi norten of Ki ingston, received/Street outside Hotel Genosha, '| Mitchell avenue, after he plead-|was withdrawn, the universities to 1 school. teach-Arks in one or two papers. te replace those who move Senada numbers only 275. ji aiment at the Oshawa Gen-| Cyril E. Lyons, 118 Langdon ed guilty to changes of living) Constable G, Patton of the AGONIZING WAIT : ers 8 unive professors Soong sine takes into con en peed oe ity as well as eral Hospital following an acci-/street, Franklin Square, Long/0ff the avails of prostitution and/Oshawa Police Department told In the meantime ve ise oie tac the her a ie aah . oh acter h big " a dent on Highway 401 between/Isiand, New York, reported to procuring a female for prostitu-!the court that on July 22 he ia hae eanaias een ton rer nelish and. French papers ta a fon cee Bo ee ap had to cease donating. ine om Whitby and Ajax, the police that his car had been tion lwas called to a point on Simcoe stadents continues Their. purpose was to review! oo a. 7. muve SRG O Dearing! The clinic will be held aaaemeon ----broken into while he was hav-) In passing sentence, the ma-'street north where a truck was Also anxious are the univers. 2¢ Trevi markin eme "ew Mineral ee St Gregory's Auditorium ing supper in the hotel. Entry)sistrate described this as "the/stopped on the road after a car ties, With the sed enrol. PTevion WR Up, to think Of] 2." twee afer the relenes ofl ene ae eee the] jto the vehicle was obtained by] Worst case of its type" that hasihad been forced eff the road. ment the universities cane been as man Ts to the ques- ers yr diey vedas os Of afternoon and from § to 9 in the] osts onor [forcing the left front window.| Te agg before him in his 30/He said that a motorist had con unable to let the students know "O"* & y could, to eliminate asecengge To ai vi od to evening Four hundred bottles | The articles stolen included al' years on the bench. fiscated Woodward's car keys whether they had been accept- : ays once the an gr Pig lisa of blood are urgently needed piggy bank, a gold. charm| "I find it hard to believe that/by the time he arrived. ef a6 lee @ 3 aa ks nar actual pot under posed yy ssgn = ange oye We m must attack this goal with A young mother of two chil- : Cli M t jbracelet, a muskrat fur cape, "lite of would sell his wife Sul In addition to the jail sem commencement of the term. 2 refended Wf the Gnncal iz ger ihoe eee, eran dren was fined $100 and costs | inic us la string of cultured pearls, a lene he is the mother of f Yitence, Woodward's car will be This can result in a desperate mbers of committees con- 'cessful ppeal is suc-ithat this goal wil Ibe reached so) or one month in the county jai projector, camera case oni a egy a. - er of our! impounded for three months and situation especially for students|/Cerned with other subjects start-) 'The marks of the university a Oe Ten in Oshawa will Monday when she was convic rolls of film, a lady's suit, two Den rm, sa Oe heyy or sho jhis driver's licence will be sus- whose applications have been Od Work a week later _jsehol arship applicants are Sy 80 short of a transfusion no mat-/¢d on a sg ng of permi tting| 1S ed men's suits and various other go agp in Shawa jpended for six months. ast r Wducatior inis- invelved In process " y es Se Mappen in Our Community dur. entral n ouleva no --__--_--_--_--_----| Ie year, Educa M volved in proce ssing the. ~ Ontario : ine August A charge ve 'heenae Mle : told the court that his wite had| Quake Rid Off ed Sa The two greates; enemies of Sal@ Was wWithdawn by Magis- Robert Stroud, chairman of Fire U sets Pl acted on his instruction and was] er ee Aid clinic are apathy and com. rate F. S. Ebbs = Red Fee Mp Pp ans innocent in the matter. a | PM As H . RN nen » have the ahie.. Mis. Lynda Thompson plead-/ Omer Setvice, said: we an oe Mrs, Barbara Jean ie| ure: use eee ® bod ed ck head bo oh ge A sed gotigeoe Three age oor all concerned abou ~ access To Distribute Book old the court Friday that she} S £10 donate Diced. 1 am sure that/Which was laid June 99 after iS Thucstays = ciimic lived in fear of her husband and) OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min- when the ciitene ceatins the neighbors complained to police Everything possible has been' TORONTO (CP) -- Plans to) had to live as a prostitute on her/ister Pearson said Monday Can- seriousness of the problem that about the disturbance at the ' done but so many of our regu-jdistribute copies of the newly jhasband's orders. jada has offered financial as- they will be "force for Tesidence r donors are out of town and|revised prayer book of the An- 2 |sistance to the -victims of the Thur ot a Te Grown Atteraee W. Bnei Mm contacted, If wejglican Church of Canada be-| BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED violent earthquakes in Yugo- Big. " Affleck told the coun thatvT™.% meet the demands of our/fore the opening of the Anglican) Four members, who celebrate |slavia. pclae and make an Chief Constable Herbert Flin. 20spital We will have to have/Congress here Aug. 13 have} their birthdays this week, were) Replying to 0. W. Weichel em ere © Gone teft and Siena aed. beth ae an unusually jange number of/been upset by a ship's fire,/honored at the Monday meet- \(PC -- Waterloo North), Mr. _joeived calls at late hours con-|PO 2ORes The SS_Beavergien, gutted|img of the Rotary Club of Osh-|Pearson said a telegram ex- cerning the conduct of people| ens oe, proud of the/by fire in Montreal harbor July|2wa. Those honored were Al.jpressing Canada's sympathy Fiddl T. Be at the. house, "We've even ju bleed donors, reat tine to en ee aa Oe Saye a [had also been sent to the Yage- Te ee SRE ful bik conies of the boo! ime an enne' er 10 had aldermen complaining." time they move away or. be-| -- . pncncal Dubiiseaenteea said Mr. Affleck SEEN AAA EE Malcolm Family shell Fe ature Detective Sergeant Kenneth Young told the court that on the night in question, he and , > " eyed oe aan, three other officers of the Osh- Old Time Fiddler's awa Police Department went to 1 be the feature art- ine Thompson house and found ve -Dandshell.'13 people present. In his evi- oe" To ggee' dence he named two people as "having been intoxicated and : said several others were drink- As usual the stra l ing be ego the direc of B A search of the kitchen and nan Arne a 2 utr es --e Tierney and along with diving room turned up 34 beer playing some big band arrange- pees which were "littered on ments will show off a band », r and the tables." said within a band in some popular th : ous ies " wae Dixieland ne s detective The pablic assured of a splendid nicht ntertainment ne as the rcurst f General an Moters and The Toronto Musi- mans Association Badly Hurt . Staff --A dive Holds Reunion a Geen tek ot vale Site da 3 AAT-C Whi MGs -- te aente ee rit ul rscoends ; . reunion of the descendants Ofj.721 Hospital in an almost com come over age and no longer) x give. These people must be Te} placed with new donors, peo-| ple who have never given in Oshawa before, People without appointments will be welcomed with open arms. Our patients must not go short of bicod Anyone Im average good health between the ages of 18 and 65 years can give. It only takes 20 to 38 minutes of a person's time. Rk is painiess) and it will help te save some- one's life As usual the clinic is held at St. Gregory's Auditorium, og ./oge street north, Thursday, Aug_| 1. The afternoon session oon at 1.30 p.m. and closes at 4.350 p.m. The evening hours are from § to 3 pm Mr. Stroud says that there will be enouch staff on duty to) see that everyone gets out in| good time, especially between 2.30 and 4.30 in the afternoon.) The goal is 408 bottles, the bare minmmum to see that our Blood Bank is adequately sup- phed John Malcolm (17830-1865) and ...9.9, ralvsed nn bas wit. Letitia, was belt lati ee name Saturday at Greenwood Park HOSPITAL REPORT j Robert Thompson, 706 Daniop, Following is the report of the : » hen amber of relatives eet West was at Long Point/Qshawa General Hospital for) ; . | etig sll cue gaye Aen relatives /Bay on Lake Erie with a large|the week ending July 27: admis-| trom Peo Ber Ome "heater fishing party when the accident M me: births -- male 23) VIRGINIA MINIS Ont Por Barwekk B fenniag: ord eccurred femal a 318; new-! TER WALKS BAREFOOT Se Sones oe scharses male i te RAREFOOTED MINISTER snd wing bested giclee ---- A RR =e S| WORKERS PLEDGE $3000 TO ARENA ev. L.. W. Cease whe) release ip 3 pe ? e face pal and ng : Oe a hat MINE sUrger 187; eye, ear a "3 st nen as they tried § rrest set gnc ages Pease . e al t, 33; treatments Employees at Eaton's of chairman of the employees' donation is R. E. Wilson, left, . ivi, casts m the Oshawa Shop- recreation and welfare' club a director on the finance com 3 L to (Eaton's), presents a $1000 mittee of the Auditorium cam- the ivic Auditori am Fund chegue as first instalment for paign. wrapped in' his b by \ clased the a ee mm Sa eeaig et sigan vi ee Se eat on hii 4 r af uraphot /Ghie joondition is "satisfactory juonal therapy, : ; | Monday, Kelvin' Jones, right, the pledge. Accepting the --Oshawa Times Photo

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