THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 27, 1963 § he v Rs. & The Mth annual [ODE day Margaret Weaver, Anne Hain- } -- GE camp session ended, Friday, stock and (right) Mary Lorra WHITBY with' a sing song, display Of pyjtchard, Another sad Miss DAY C MP END arts and crafts and the fond Be farewells of some 70 Whitby (centre) is S.yearold Sharon PERSONALS sublic «school aged girls, Kane who is seen giving su e Showing a reluctance. to pervisor Mrs J. McQuay a 1 Mrs. Merv McConnell, her (ve, Georgina Hodgson 5, goodbye kiss, Displaying re n j A i sill . (above left) clings to the lap sults of a crafts class (photo Iker rns: -- Ra hanes of camp leader Mary Ellen right) are Susan Sage 12 '. " and his son, Jack, of Mar MeQuay. Flanking Miss Me 12, Linda Underwood 9 and mora, spent last weekend in Quay (left) are fellow lead. Beth Lee, 10 : ve osin om ain | Niagara Falls and visited rela. ers and Grade 12 classmates Oshawa Times olos jatives in Caledonia and Font hill Some 70 young Whitby girls,}willingly in games, swimming,) ganized 14 years ago by the ¢ ns mers Favor today are faced with six weeks/sing songs, arts and crafts, un-| Viscount Greenwood Chapter of Miss Greta Rarker and Miss @) u of comparative boredom, after/der the watchful supervision of|the IODE, and annually. caters Nanded "the Wuratford Festiva completing 10 wonderful, fun. Mrs, J. McQuay and her four/to the whims of hundreds of pub- redeeming filed days at the IODE dayjgirl assistants from Henry High/lic school aged boys and girls. . o Forty-eight residents of Whit Service ( ommiuttee camp, on the MeQuay farm School : : The one-month camp session, by Fairview Lodge enjoyed a near Whitby The extremely popular day with time equally divided be: chartered: bus four and day al Since July 18, the six-to-jcamp, which this year boasted/.tween the boys and girls, is one Greenwood Park Representatives of the Con Stanley Martin behind the set twelve yearolds have joined'its largest attendance, was orjof the very few programs of sumers' Gas Company are ining up of the committee) Mr ne organized child recreation Young Miss Diane De Jongifaver of the newly appointed! Pelligrini expressed pleasure at Ps e e jeurrently active in Whitby s spending a few weeks itiTown of Whitby Services Co.) Whitby's. considering the = es / An atmosphere of gaiety as Canfield visiting her uncle and ordinating committee, Serge) tablishment of the joint co-o1 1ring Tac 1ces well as the expression of crea- aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Kul: Pelligrini, Consumers' Gas dis./dinating committee, He volun tive ability is prevalent during wr, Over the weekend the Deltrict engineer told the commit:/teered to take an active par the two weeks, Supervisors Jonge family w also visit in/tee at its inaugural meeting this'on the committee jurge the youngsters to express Canfield week He pointed out his experience appe n CLA WG emseve by moulding clay ae 7 "Mr, Pelligrini, who makes his indicates considerable savings figurines, drawing and making Mire. Ric mare, Heal celebrated headquarters in Peterborough can be effected by. reporting dolls, Much, of the other time is het hcl "Deetes pina ge ing ale seh Fo Rte aig caging rend vant and teva) TORONTO (CP) rhe vice.,view of the position of. the ates spike gpa and partici with many members af her te! Sie Pang pire tialod bien, = ae te hase WUNUES Of nresident of the Ontario Labor mayor--raises in our minds the veus _ oo family and friends calling dur (ery | Co*OrminaUNg commuts) an KmMergency daeis need for Committee, for Human Rights'question of whether the admin) ainic whats a oan oon com: ng the day and evening. ' D ea ee en ' te ie ¢ ne "pa vest said Thursday the Progressive istration of this part of the/® ees . eats efinite suc uring the inaugural meeting, good communications between Conservative government of On-/act should not be taken out of chiara the 1963 camp and the Mr, and Mrs, Ross Hall ana haired by Councillor George) the various utilities," Mr. Pelli aig has ignored alleged dis-the hands of the minister," he|CMldren have even gone so. far daughter Lynda were host and 4. Revan, (the man with Mayorigrini said hir as to ask that next year the on in : sessions be le ed hostesses for the occasion, A the city of Ottawa for fear Labor Minister Rowntree said/month. -- ' : ' delicious lunch was served by e of angering, fellow Conserva: the matter is uppermost. berore 6 ' . 8 \ b : A losing cere we x : Mrs, Ross Hal Friends of Mrs ll Vie P S ve Mayor Charlotte Whitton, pis department. He refused to paar ae ho Le Hall wish her a belated happy e W abet Eamon Park said the alleged comment on Mr, Park's state-[IODE, convener of thie sears TREAT TO BEAT THE HEAT dirthday discrimination shows that ad ment that the committee's Jets/camp, spoke to the assembled ministration of the Ontario Hu-iers had been ignored and de. girls on plans for next year and ne practices sai¢ . . . Rovee Carson Jr. has found cool watermelon but until father pointed out the fam Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MecKen lt man Rights Code should be/nied there were/ any : a ; é _ ; ot . 'a : ARNIS t t ¥ political told them how happy . a perfect way te beat the heat Friday afternoon never tackl: ily had just left a restaurant (2* and daughters Donna and 1e ay esu =) taken from the jurisdiction of considerations preventing gov./have seen 'Sun th Caan and at the same time fulfil his ed as huge a chunk as he did whore inew had eaten dinner-- Audrey, of Brampton, were hunger, The five-year-old son while on a shopping spree , ast weekend guests at the ; shits commission and placed in | ef Mr. and Mrs. Royce Car. with his parents. When asked Dut the watermelon inome of Mrs Ross De Hart, GREENWOOD The foiiow Three-legged Judy Moore the hs is of a non sth nat aon, 1000 Dundas street east whether he liked watermelon ust "tickled the boy's fancy 110 Front street s are the results of the Fold) Kare pmary Seriy body the labor department's Numan erament action ] the camp After a nostalgic singsong the he M 's ; t MOVED TO HOSPITAL young ladies reluctantly beard- has always been a lover of or was just hungry, the boy's Oshawa Times Photo Nt _ .|Day held at Valley View Pub er, Joan Gardiner; Bleanor and) "ag. park added that the ja. JACKSON, Miss, (AP)--By./@ & dus and will now join the sceneinenammemeanianen ' ent hen conmeaitios ab the On.iren D ean ananena many local youngsters in their ror committee will ask the On-ron De La Beckwith, indic ted) ave group, who daily ask their nd Mrs A. Delletre ¢ School in Greenwood recent Shiriey 'Thompson ' tary wae } yOr > faria street attended the gol or. Ruby Thompson, Karen ane Federation of Labor to for the murder of Negro leader! parents, "What is there to ao?" y Sib ' i eh and sons Giles and Jim, T1s Sack race Rosemary. Scriv LACROSSE AT ITS BEST TOKYO (Routers)--Bast Get) gon wedding anniversary cele GIRLS, 69 YEARS recommend this in its annwalleaear Evers. was to be moved seaszsees mtetesansinaenabeinatainate GERMANS TO COMPETE = a many has been formally perr bration held in honor of Ny 38 Yd. das Leta ' ste in the pre j Mii sf atch «and u lud : Thursday from Hinds © ® ® ea be Cemnpese * . ee » in De Hetre's parents Mr and Betty Appleton, Kitty Lieyd aes ' » ke Sy oa MON } the « wees -- SCcUGOG rt itt iT pic Games to de held here Mrs, J. A. EB. De Hetre of Wind. conse scramble Bettyicn. aren arke; Sylva) Alan Borovey, executive seo, 7a to the state mental hospital, 0 ors October on Condition that all/cor Five of the original mem . ve nan Gardine Ruby etary of the labor committee, at nearby Whitfield for psychi- CLEANERS a € ye' Lianne \ eport to the provincial govern Anpleton, Janet Clarke, Carol ..a 3 ' ting nations will not re af} ine rt si and Bieanor Thompson ear FO wer aes s ee . . seni COTGEROAY, 1 WOR Teleece en fem. Mere IN BUEN! Tureelenged rece -- Gronde/BOVS 12 AND OVER Darter actin the ony agit determine whether he is fate s bie . ey ARCS : = 2 can sinh . pember against the cit f bee Se ah . " isit Brooklin lonight ss" » Bast Brows, Judy Lee, Susan Wage) Dash a orian McTasgartiqting 7 competent to stand trial tor the PNG i German athletes have Miss Annie Oasterveen of Ny. beta Fisher Janet ¢. Lievd Morden, Bdward Henning." erume : 2 : witea t co a6 verdal. Holland s spending Rosemary Brooks >. Scramble Rrian Ne. The complaint alleged tha aii ee Ry CLIFF GORDON fedd and B Armour have Ses 8 : ¥ pecstfive weeks with Mr 'and hire Rear race lane! Tagean, Kdward Henning, Ron the city used a jod app.cation a Tonight Will see action galore Deen making At presen © felt Ger ag ena . se a Albert? Hosmar of St. Peter Carol Goodwin, Kitty Lieve F form which asked for the appl FAITH BAPTIST CHUR H at the Brooblin are " as % » the Brookiin line up as they rehgron a d oe t Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer, Sack Face Rett etan Mhreeleaged -- Brian McTag. Cant's creed, nationality, place high flying Port Credit Sa are Dalh very dangerous around bhinios . » , : ee he Kine I } Kiche . PP aRy ea cedar sek' thn ebmous ship inte town te battle with the nai Since eo the ate 3 Olympics e 2 je. MOL their guest at Malton Ain ie ys, sae F ae yd Morde Ron Maley, -gaette ad e paces a O 419 BROCK ST, NORTH nip 49 Wen Ww aN " ' vay ogc vo oe ye > P » ard Henning parents * pride of Ontario county, the tall Ume basis, Tedd has S@R¢d Mag hs mei arke; Edward Henning REV, DELOSS SCOTT, PASTOR Rrooklin Sr. Lacrosse Clad ayed somewhat > sue : h . sh t Monte stcblag ie Hen, BANNED UNDER CODE . 5 : ' ne LTow ward * age At time af 'writing Rreokiin ct t scoring geals than 5 STARTED IN 1908 SBARCH OLD SHIP E om y . a e Under the code. jod applica SUNDAY SERVICES > . ' Dannie West » lewd Merden. Rrian tek tN ° hehind 1% Ris ¥ : Armour S first Canadia water archeolagists a : ambie--Ronnie Wes lievd Morde Brian Me tion forms cannot directly or in - investigating a 1.000 + year. old el Staley David faggar directly ask a person te state 9:15 A.M,.--Broadcast ; . 4 H front ruania atharines Howe Armour really shane paay of Gir Snewrain 45 A.M--Bible Schoo! with a Closs for You eed, colar, nation a REC e ' ee) ae. ; fi "hri x fer the big plavelf 4 scored taree geals and picked ate Howa Middier . ~ 00 A.M, Proving Your Christianity cS Athletics, an makin de a the same against Port Credit 1918 membership he ® Byzantine ound in the AROS Rrace = . perate ted to take : t r mm the season when he same 190,008 in § WALLS waters off Turkey rree ; Ene Bran MeTe Haward Her ancestry er place or @ } ' * ' MwA PD vee - r a Brook . Y : ap QRe assist ia a losing cause SoS Tar , ; ' David Marke Steve Goodwir Park said under existing 00 P.M.--""Kent To The End tor Ou : 2 nis DY the way was his byes . . SVs < ' : . . . v Morden, B ote = : egisiation, before a board of WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 P.M the ear aarti of th g m Sr company, and he oe LEN hear --Gordon Groffen, Ralp d W t mablic inquiry inte changes © a. aaa en "i did AOt look a dit out of place x RN S Hoar. Ronnie Coles uage won ciumaton cae ke tain Prayer, Praise and Bible Study streak but sax Meanwhile on the other side ; < : Sa y Thomas, 6 he min cao © the ledger, Port Credit Aas . ae : Griffen, Billy Degrer : : i m ' : -- a _-- -- a . Catha s team mo Rik ASSEN een ge lag sine SURE NNT scoring men On the " ee ISMISS f1X i cin the Ot = rn why . , team. They have fellows like : . : ~~ GIRLS, 2 aa at ay Fee oP ney hard fousht one goal difference Ned Crawford, Rob Hanna, Lee J Dash ey, ssa acaba . a ey ~ Teatre, MeCracken and many : ' .. : SHIA SABye TO arges --ane games on the road here Thee hy Le baie : wt We do not Rave an up te ' y Rave a big bounc : ' >» WILLINGS READY >= ak Rises "al gga ce age A , : wee Vey EW' sg a best © Oe tne POM aS geed as yeu wi Aw Ss + Trermpse ai Disinet Judge | Frank - 4 Let's All ST. ANDR S geahe by the name af ' x " Shoe Scramble " NASHVILLE, Te AP) : ' wound : . : ; y refused Frida 10 dismiss %y we have Glen Latton is well @ ATOUAS ~ . . ' gE ; Three . legeed--Norah Lieya 'ad oat predict = PRESBYTERIAN ster of labor mast give ace Russell whe when an : « s : Sertver, Janice Blake a ' 3 Ss The game tonight should de a . x and Breada Middleton: Syvivea rea a + : y eal fast cleanly played game ae Soriver and Rese Badreau: | a diy eh -. : ane Go To Comer Byron & St. dene aierful ' e he Sailers are ene af tne ' da Thomas and Bridget Clark. ied ay - eaare me 5. > nee Pi bag tchicactinagpnl : eaner teams in the league as : : Hap -- Rose Bedreau, Shires * seg j rgreuaiel A GALS @ despat : . edgy tee ail jer > MODERNIT hu h : Organ' hat hax bampere . Ae %@ TWA and make @ Thompson, Svicia Sorive a 3 . ¢ re Mire, PN, Spratt; wal 2 game of BR. Dent farget , 3 Sack -- Sasie Shewan, Shir... we » < 2 . . wT tame is 845 at the : ey Thompson, Rreada Gre tan ») bel ' Thi Nursery Gntont Core) Ceambes is aaather fey. BTWOMR arena tonight, fer & : ' BOYS, 2 YEARS oe of ik : y , Ss Beginners' Closses ow aa the Rreoklian team SACTOSS® at Bx dest S Das Rrvan Clarke > hax been potting goals x are mY Blake. Paal Saath tage . . *> Sund 22:00 AM regulariy. He picked an ? SEEK SUGAR SECRET : Shoe scramble -- Pan! Sm eta': lawvers : i ' ay Doone Worship pomats Wedmesday a m the 'Swedish scientists are trying es ee s 'Rav Rooker, Jieemy Blake t Bl Garden City on three goals and 19 Mdentity a sudsiance ia raw = . ' Three fogged -- Dorek Jones, sored te another city because @ pair of axxists sugar Which they Delipve may 3 : : Richard Brown, Mark eS. ay "wanted Rewsnane report : EMMANUEL WHITBY Tee Reweamers, Jee counteract caries Bryan Glarke; Warne Breaks ... -- : = -- Mike Niche sehen tek ee ee oo REFORMED BAPTIST BROCK frering Shows Stent 655 & 9: ' thi Te B Mae N ve + COMM. daicument ? RES. GERRIT RETEUMAN Calberne Sheet West ot Centre) a Rat Ae OAL AR EE * i 2D CONT ON WEST u " x harges Vaal the seven men at i IRD CONCESSION WES Niimistens REV, JOHN: MCLEOD ' ; . --Rrves the. I . men OF HIGHWAY 12 Writsy SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2:30 ' SK Ps = fs Pog Ae. DorRiiemnied te Bsbe jerers: ana A shoves . Sreenet cw é " TR Vase TAME VS areas -- 2 Ty; =. eae Wom, We SENT, . prospective jarers Gare 3 10:30 ; HIRLS, BAND OVER meneek conspiracy trial of . ENGLISH SERVICE AND : ae Dard . Bat . Meta here last veer. That tr fa . 12:00 AM ash -- Joan Gardiner, Riga (DOES Mah At ye beled be ; . | SUNDAY SCHOOL 1a ar Thomason, Rasesaary Scrip. CM8CS Ath Tho Jury deadlocked > Pa MORNING WORSHIP eT ang Retv Thamanser cH SE g 720 P Ps seaeggsn AS a DUTCH SERVICE 00 P.M. Serv Ioan Gardiner, Reb TOWN OF WHITBY EN & oa Ce junigemtalons Thamar aah Set weet ot S43 oon. Applications for Building and Plumbing tn. jj Soo* "ns "Ses | = Family Monuments 1] specter and By-law Enforcement Officer. ST. MARK'S peor sion THE CANADIAN W GANT sete ras es canes PUNITEDCHURCH] "crusapers feapecten end Bylaw Extorcoment Offhcer ter the Rev 3 parma et &D 2.438 m Sunday Schoo Town of Whitby : oe 2 1L-OD AM ond 7PM Apphconts vhowld Werte age, wertel wetes, eaperence # _ s 9 wry, e@eretion end when services will be avaiable. Solery MORNING WORSHIP he Crusaders pinging HAPPY BIRTHDAY J STAFFORD BROS.) Somryroc oe ca een AN WHITBY. Jereme J. Frv is Pee vear _ ' Raman e LTD. : Arqlicetion: vheeld be t applicants cun honduritiee ond cients Cutts, Resine and Sm As Y rol Warastra ---- MONUMENTS ee Tt i cea ges wae ee PENTECOSTAL 328 DUNDAS EAST JON R_ FROST, Cheek Trenverer Al cher iad ere eked an> Eonre tT WN 668.3352 &O3 Donde BW, Whebv, Overs a mae ae 30 BROCK $ axel! Cosa. Paster