Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jul 1963, p. 15

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|27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sole |32---Articles For Sale 32--Articles for Sale : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, July 27,1963 1§ Bin! Estate For Sale pene Ritch Atal " . Rooms dl Rent o7---Reel : it NGHOUSE retrlg yerator ond my pe ype PRIVATE GALE -- Six-room Ypungalow, 1950 MERCURY coupe, 60,000 miles, BUY and sell, good used "furni ure. "and wesTi [| AITCH! LL ae | Ritson, waa, furn' shed, we Wave ® cash buyer for a two: bet Jk rage, recreation room, asphalt whitewalls, radio, ne rust. Suite 205,/appliances, One location only, Pratty'siteur burner Thee arene, er BRITISH BRIEFS KEEP TO RIGHT y ed = sitting room, meals optional, Tele room bungalow in the north ares, preter: aiiveway. Close to shopping plaza. ApPlY!o)) Reedalre Court, of Dunlop West, miture, 444 Simeoe' Street South, | horsepower elepnon' ow! | LONDON = The government wrone 728-9692 ably close to bus line, Possession Flo. Glendale Avenue Whitby 4-927) 629-558) jis considering a change to driv- 18, Call Lievd Corson. 17-----Real Estate For Sale Simeoe Street South, Oshawa bungalow, oll heated, aluminum win $685. or best offer.itect condition Reasonable, 423-5736 one year, $75 Dlal 729-994) ling on the right of the roads in jquired Sep : | ae yt Guide Realty Lid. Realtors, 16 JONES AVENUE --- Twobedroom Brick! 4." CUE VRoLET hardiop. automatic|ROTO:tiller, 3 horse, hardly used, In per/ RANGE, Finlay, gas. four a Re : : ; et . mechanically pertect : Manvel heer Gaatws toms or best ot Tetephone mens feheeee atid lhe FT, plywood runabout, with many| BOAT, Class A racing hydroplane, fully Ci S t Britain, This was saneunces 'a vighway, Near Oshawa: $5,000 or beat of- Telephone 728-72 1 954 FORD sedan, radio. Lore Good con-Jextras, including tratier, 18 hp eine: aaulPbad, Asking $125. Telephone after 4 ithe House of Commons, but to si LLOYD REALTY |itomtet@om sartag 'ican ttm fare romana, a, o_o a | vil Servan S a Hgere ot Conn" TAERIFICE!" three-bedroom, storey and W, Wilson Ltd, Realtor, 725-6588 1958 FORD V8, radio with rear seat). ? 16 FT. Cedarsirip boat, 18 hp Evinrude) \change ee ee eee half, modern kitchen with range, new tt windshield washers, aur |RANGE, General Electric, 40 Inch W motor, both goo' condition. After § pm, jas furnace, finished recreation room LIST WITH LLOYD |SPLIT Lever, ail" three bedroame have) SPORT TORT: Ne cscationt enaitians | Manse refrigerator, euble_ foot, Ex-|'wlephone 725-483 ispersa rge |preparatory period, b ' ari Many extras ? ® 'panoramic view of Lake Ontario, fin' " lephe Alax cellent condition easona' elephone) Dab ate: bist ater Sous. THEN CALL. YOUR MOVER -- |e" recreation. room. walkout basement/$#i0,,, Will finance, Telephone Alax) jay, BUYING or selling faraiture "oe eee SAVING THE COAST | fo patie, aluminum storms and screens, Tce habeul? 5 2805, - ISLE OF SHEPPEY aug Work TT ! Only $12,500. with good 1941 FORD ANGLIA $700 or neares! of-/14 FT. MAHOGANY plan' ad runabout or 3m | pena m SLE LS . GRANDVIEW FURNISHED CO PAGE Zan rains M5-2004. ter, Aust aell. by. the weekend, "Spotiess, " beet manual) lil "Jeane fuer |30 HP Johnson 'electric outboard motor, By M, McINTYRE HOOD jof Hemel Hempstead, Council jy to begin this fall on a coast l A F ete| UF ine i . ' 'a VILLAGE LAKE eon 410000 DOWN and fake over payments of New car conation. EM kala Pe i Mey controls, completely overhauled, Dial' LONDON <= A special com:|ior- J, A. Graham, and a goldiprotection scheme at Warden " | ont | ny $6,900 FULL PR $80 per month buys two-bedroom older om mittee set up by the govern-lwatch to his wife as mayor: Bay, Isle of Sheppey, where . new Kassinger | ' Yandard, two door, black, EVIMRUDE outboard motor, 10 hp, new : a 12 Ho Wall, used approxl ' lg ol this choice ait Ranch style, 3 bedroom, |n Pana p.m, aab 003 sie le aie ravsles interne 23,000 miles, radio, condition, 1960 model, $225. Telephone! wate tir Wee: eeeiliont ® eonaition ment. has recommended -- the ess, in tribute to the enthus-/houses have been threatening Yo end location, give us a col! huge living foom, Very | REMENT property, Gwe Tacran,Whitewalls, dincs, $2100" or | best offer, 723089) E Dial 629-2004 % dispersal to points outside Lon-|iagm and sense of purpose they.topple into the sea, A tender Trodes accepted beautiful condition with [industrial land Bloar Street West, face OAY8 721911, evenings 725-812 WALNUT dining room sulle six chairs pliner a wait oulpup einen don of some 20, 000 civil Ser|displayed during their year inlof over $75,000 for the work has stoined plywood interior, tile ing 401 Asking 87.500 with terms, 1957 VOLKSWAGEN. good condition, Will lable, vin paoie oats UNAS Hiaxial Satellite speakers, microphone, vanis from government head:|oftice been approved, Carl Olsen, Realtor floors. inside bathroom, Open to offers. Telephone 723.2176 trade tor larger car, Must sell, Telephone Street West, Whitby, 6682 its suitable. for Bens SORTS AYE) quarters staffs, The govern. | r a PORTABLE oven, Westinghouse electric, Reasonable, 728-34! J | 9 St. West 723-1133 | ectricity, telephone, only |BRAEMORE GARDENS, three-bedroom, /2805° . . satter its. of: in FE . | rhe old Seen built taney stone front, five years old, well 1982 PLYMOUTH, in good running order, thermostatically controlied, $25) two si vRicyeLE, 'brand new. Telephone atier MCNL SC heme to scatter its. of | wy. Klin 485-2959 gie bed springs $5: Coleman space heat- ? 03 fice workers out of Central Lon- Winterized for yeor round -- |KPBt 814.800, with $3,000."dtown, 7280294, 1875, Telephone Brooklin 4% oe camally $80, Brooklin, 68earia pl tse an don could result in some 25,000 | living. - $2,000.00 down and -- |INVESTMENT™ opportunity, must seil,1963" MERCURY COMET, -- automaticy| . , AIR CONDITIONER, Westinghouse, used F $5000. monthly, One hour six stores plus five apartments, Simeoe|radio, 1,000 miles, $2,200, Phone 668-3220 ha eg ea! Lee gy reeds one year, $180, Dial 728-5584 boing moved, « « | ® niy Ht for top ea |Street, central Tolal =-year rents oy ic foot deep freere. ; Nok nic table, chestortiaid, Brig. . drive from Oshawa, Call das jy POR SALE» 2! cub Ca! Blake's Furniture and Appliances CANOE, picnic ¥ A : : ea 723- ] 12) ene fit appointment to deere Oe oon Ve Beagle OF yt Telephone 728-s808 Store, King Street Bast, 728-0101 waite Soman ore tee dat WORLD FRIENDS B | N 0 7 r ern ables, \e 5 --] » inspect ot 728.5123 or 725- Survey Real Estate Lid, Real Mstate 195? CHEVROLET convertible V8, radia} conveERTRD coal furnace. and pipes, Pye fed b eee ie Ae LEWISHAM, Kent -- Lewish G GRIERSON STREET North | 9345 Brokers, 728-7851, evenings 728-1866 new top,- partect condition throughov!. oi) burner with 200 gallon tank, completely'. t)"Wriental rug, snow boots, Tele am World Friends are hosts for) Wednesday July 31st ) Must be seen, Apply §!) Floyd Stree! $65 of best offer, Telephone 725-2518 or y9n.akaa 3 | ORANGE TEMPLE of Rossiond Rd. 114 storey | $7,000, FULL PRICE with only $700 ; ' phone 728-6543 two weeks to 11. girls from) i 1. : o . ith ppiy $1? Madison Avenue . 8:00 P.M 3 bedroom brick on: large MAPLE GROVE AREA © /down tor th's twostorey sixsroom home,|1962 CORVAIR MONZA, Diack will), red Apply : FULL line of farm machinery, Including; Norway and one complete fam-| : j Owner anxious fo selt, Possession. onelleeiner upholstery, very goed cone COCA COLA cooler, electric, store sit® international tractors, baler, rake, eleva , | JUBILEE PAVILION SATURDAY, JULY 27 lot with gorage, Full price $4,900.00 FULL PRICE week. For particulars, call tke Perry,| Telephone 728-7156 chest type, new condition, $88, Telephone \Wernational Weactors, Baler. om waves ly from Austria, This Lewish- : : wieince $1,900.00 DOWN 1725-0303, Joseph Rosco, Realtor, 728-7377. /i9s9 RENAULT Dauphine, goad condi. Whitby 668-874 and some Holstein heifers, Blackstock AM group has been sone ant Watch Tuesday's Paper NORTHWEST AREA, very nice three\tion, Nurse's car, now brakes and muff OLD. GUNS 986-4356 : exchanges for 15 years, an 7:30 P M HAIG STREET 5 room JUST LISTED bedroom brick with carpor! and two/ler. Ideal ane car, Telephone 728-2939 WANTED WE buy, sell and exchange used turnl this is. the second visit Ba : Bieeas brick hore, Nicely land 3 bedroom home with large {finished rooms in basement, large lot,|igsg CADILLAC, hardtop, town and coun Yelophone Oshawa 725-8183 Tite ah anvthing vas' hava. SO Cty Neveas ' R | N G @) acaped and well kept inside kitchen and'can easily be an yp Hee a eo try, radio, Metallic blue, A real DATOAIN. YS.GALLON aquarium, $7.50; l0galion Trading Post Stores, 446 Simeone Stree! 20 Games -- $8 and out, Garage Clone te made into 4 hedroms.. Sit Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 $300 cash, Whitby 668-24 aquarium, $5.00. Fou gold! ah seven South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-167) BOATING HITS CHURCHES AT schools, downtown h voted on VA acre lot, school f , 1955 DODGE Custom Royal V-8 auto tropical fish, SO cents each, Telephone SrupeNTS A super value, approxi a Af aie Share the Wealth G.M. An excellent buy ot five minute walk. Carries jneet Gente Sanus eicae Tarce tor malice two-door hardtop, Continental, Kit./72325 mately $10 seats of tevter size typing BOURNEMOUTH, Hants 410 000 . near awe Shepping Cenir ' ot Good whitewall tires, accessories, im he rt i con paper (news print) for only $1.00 Xp > J Fre rec U A \W A HAI L $10,00¢ tor $60.00 monthly, inter- with garage, Asking price $9,800. With! manculaie condition, Must see to appre arene ano Groniell sissy 2b i Oshawa et es Office, whitoy Re Ms i Freeman, resiat ef ' ' . * - 4---$40 Jackpots ve 9° HOME AND INCOME. in est ond principal combined, [arly possession, Owner anxious to sell, (late Dial 728-7884 : ; ¥ 11) Dundas Street Weet a Bournemouth parish, blames 1---$150 Jackpot to go sath 'canbe Rei i Aces Don't delay seeing this call (puny for tia one, Ca LACE WelRe cae "haratag" GOdicr TOS" Wiss KELVINATOR reirige aio. te USED car parts of all kinds, Used tres, me Pile boating erage for SATURDAY, JULY 27th Children Under 16 Not Admitted ' mn . Ed, Drumm for appointment -- (798.797? excellent condition, Owner has no further 929 p75. al. sizes; also spindles and wheels forthe dozens of empty seals at ' : low in North West ee te inepect 18.9348 aor 798 need. Best offer accepted. Dial 728.0764 'aay " Seay RNS Apply $09 Bloor Street East. hic Sunday afternoon children's 7320 PM : : on a lerae fenced lot 2 8) , sh 4 14 ft, fiberglass, 25 Np Scotl! telephone 723-2981 i mar ' 12 AT C i MUST SELL 1961 FORD, transistor radio: motor, aie start, with trail Sc church, He is asking his parish - rooms on. first Hoor for PRIVATE SALE belts, anow' tires, $1,300, Beat offer. io ceon gee quick acte, Apoly' 20" on a asus Seskal foners far hate nw ace oh aryl 20 GAMES $10 A GAME Business owner plus a 3 room hose € hone 725-8949 % mrive ome MA GTK CO! as . . ment apartment with sepa FRENCH STREET WHITBY ' onc UY I Polat Badia ee to remedy the non-attendance 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 People ' ae ae bath $7300 CONVERTIBLE, | i962 Chevrolel. VB MOTORCYCLE. M8 AIS Hurricane, im RASPBERRIES for sale ce VOUF OW. or children $40. $50 Sing the Preises ote entrance onc Df. power ring and brakes INOIIG. Coarelate sonal, new moter tak: eile 7§ for 36 pint cr mi o il : : room, rented at $65.00 per Four room frame -home with 332 Fairview Drive After § telephone 728-268 fom finish Looks 'sharp and goes, Must |Arooklin: on No ? Highway, John Noso- JACKPOTS of Oshawa month, 514% NAA. mor gorage, large modern kitchen. 1955 CHEVROLET, custom sedan, radio, sell, $93 bes? offer, Call Pickering wenko aay Srocktin, a vie Gss-a7'0 26-NATION CAMP ONE GAME $150 Times Classified Sida Ran hit exclusive list two bedrooms and cozy !iv Ranch type home, with at no rust, As) condition throughout. $375. 7422898 ; GLENALMOND, Perthshire SHARE THE WEALTH Ads ne | Jo ing roor $800.00 down tached garage. Three hed sepnone " ads ENJOY surnme amping with tents, PICK your. ow. large strawberries Members of the Boys' Brig " ey ng today bs Rs ics A ' adan in aead condition §. sleeping bags, ground sheets; fanterns,;Chomko"s Farm all day, & 8 z ' \ , 7 0 eS ok tad Or Hun gon Sia haped: living room | YM FRED sedan in good condition, $125 'Stoves, picnic lugs, coolers. Best prices in|Bring your cwn' containers, 2 ade from 26 countries will al WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE McKIM STREET $7.95 ments of $65.00. Hu gli dining roo arge kit to ominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, level box. Please no children under tend an international camp 3 : ' on} bath piled 1956 CHEVROLET r, atoor sedar ' +4 Hg 5 room 3 bedroom x we Sane Cruiksnonks ' ener, path, | ec r & cylinder, standard tranamission. An ex GOODRICH STORES -- 'Tires, "CY 148-0008 part of the 80th year celebra BI NGO MONDAY, JULY 29th ungolow with gorage. Taxes 205 oom Lot 75x If N eptional car, Dial 228-9124 es, Kelvinator refrigerators, e pls » fie Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize only $131.00. Ideal for re Public and Catho . spECIAL joa) Jaguars Sa aadane weal: MelevINON. Thrifty Budget plan, 735-454 34--Lost and Found Imencit Dp Se playing -- : 2.-$250 Jackpot N 53, 61 tired or younger couple | Llewd Realty (Oshawa) Limited A preferred location fied with 1950 a4C-head engine. Less SELLING furniture or applianceat |LOST Monday, & gray Kiiten, female, Yo Tiny Volege at wiensimond, lade ackpor INOS ' 101 Simeone Street North in 5,000 miles, new tires, BR green. W ut tor top cash, Telephone! weeks old, Wilson-King area, Children's! Perthshire, in August. Nine 1--$150 Jackpot (Must Go) SUMMER COTTAGE al Yshawe, Ontori 668-8635 Rest offer, Telephon: 7407 'urniture and Appliances pet, Telephone 728-8466 officers and 19 boys will be : Poudesh Lake. 100 f. fron . ei 1941 PONTIAC, four door sedan, auto >\" : MOVING BLANKETS on or near city coming from New Zealand ackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less tage on leke, 4 roams, $3 nati; cow y powered, like mew, ACCORDION, Hohner, Marino" IV" 120/dump, Driver fully responsiple tor re 20 GAMES $20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 « ag ) beat offer. Telephone 8.2490, bass, eleven treble changes, three - bass placement lease return, Call 725-03 aT bia bf 1 nor lige CHOFIELD-AKER tee BUICK Super vedan, ior, |"Tareet_Cov Pickerina Feral. __[Satore_¢ pm PLAISTOW. Eesee A Pla, REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS - . hod > 3 rm . "SS = ¢ MITCHELL AVENL 4 WANT YOUR adio. One owner car, $17S. Telephone 16 FT \r fully equipped, 25 hp BRACELET, lost. Polished tories, sev . ' 'earn trenl bei k - hea 130-1238 . * Johnson outboard and trailer. Telephone eral colors, set in stirting silver, Vielnity stow driving school has started $100.00 DOOR PRIZE 28-5298 ra te " obiaws. and Simeoe United P >.< 7" . x mi y * chore Nasa wake 4960.00 LieT PRICE $25,500 4 WF CORVAIR" Monee, fully" equipped Srey RS fag eg ll ge hd baby-sitting service for busy EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 price $3,900 'om. brick bungalow with peed, buckel seats, Tachameter,| TELEVISION tower seeclal"@ 1. struc grogutin aab4s mothers who want te leara to ADMISSION $1,00 -- EXTRA BUSES \ ad ts Sr agai rl drive he instructors take a < OUNTR LIVING ust attached garage. Locote $-439 tween 4 py e aver by experts with use . # pabeyte Be ees ae cil nig rable North-west Wt AUSTIN" NEALEY" Sp al 10 experie 0. Trio Telelvision, 36-----Legal baby-sitter along to the mo RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA ble sconor r a. fe t » tec ther's home and collect her 6 room brick bungalow with area a. few the feo attached garage. 4 pc. tiled tures a this home include bay ments mount owing #7 one BOAT 12M. Fibregiass Humber Jewell NOTICE TO CREDITORS when the lesson is over -- al FREE ADMISSION FREE : hie | 99.442 hp Scott outhoard motor, also tra F THERS no extra cost | Vea Ren seen ilivies, | Built-In even and stove ital KELTON ' S127S. Call after § p.m. 6232575 or 62 AND O R | eh 'ac } tir eu magnesium, new Westbend 5, $ 00 down and the bel. | niture nished moore aa, ana @ D gagine he clutch, helmel| te NOT ENOUGH WATER KINSMEN BINGO One Open mortgage broadioom in living roam xtra wheel and slick. $200 or nearest TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du- 1 the Estate of CAROLINE Q ' . es 'ache ; and -dining room, 2 huge postad Evenings telephone Pickering 942. plicators, chequowriters, comptemeters,, LONG. Widow, deceased GUILDFORD, Surrey -- A KINSMEN , COMMUNITY CENTRE 2.53 ACRES ot LAKEVIEW stone fireplaces me in MS, daytime 943-3230 three hundred new and used. We buy, seven-year plan to bring an ade 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST q 2 ! . ' Wve ' ~ . . MY orvie Hamilton Office A arson havi 7 1 | f th ' PARK. former @olf drivin the living room. and one in HOT ROD, i930 Ford, five window coupe, se kt: Metvice. | , persons oe] quate supply of water to the range. Idea! veeiant ig the Recreation Room. Sun CALL 728-5123 oeds vphaletering, Seale efherwise gern poe ee at MY Brock South, Whithy against the estate of f Guildford and Godalming areas T UESDAY, 8 .e) CLOCK mediate possession ken bath In main floor bath We specialize Sheet aD RRR AIR Oe tn ener Gian makers | ne eongr terest the: Fe until at least 1971 ts near com. $150 Jackpot --- $20 each line plus 2 : iit SRA REN buttonholes, sews on buttons with qials| ship of Darlington in pletion, But the water board $50 Full Card room, 2 pc. washroom with R RI-LEVEL HOME with Car large vonity off Master bed Resale Homes Hardtop, radio, POWEr Make paymen! $9.0" month or pay cash County of Durhan unable: to nreasi . ne able to meet the increasing €Q 5 > x d cabinet ; eceased 10 di ° --~ $30 m ~ + With LLOYD eee cae Sie rel dual ene tate including wood cabinet, Dealer.) deceased, who died demand for water, ia desperate 5 Games; 2 $250 Jackpots 1 port in Whitby - 3 hed room, and 2. pc. weshrourr aa! ra - transmission: | 96). 19 coms and 4 pe. bath. Lots m besement. Large swim THEN ALL Y R MOVER nar excelent conditic 1S. POS88RS about the 6th day of July ly seeking other sources of sup 20 $20 Games closet. and storage space ming pool with indirect light C YOU OV 1985 CHEVROLET three ton stake truck, (AOD O0 Old Canada' almoapnere to, (1963, are hereby notit stds : ; JACKPOT NOS. 54, 52 street neor the school, Extra fenced back yord, Possession LLOYD REALTY 1954 STUDEBAKER champion Ac) condi-|vided by a "Franklin" fireplace, all cast red Persona! prese LIBRARIANS TO U EARLY BIRD GAMES arge kitchen. with loads of 30 dovs tion,. $800 or best offer. Dial 720-7806, iron and made for the authentic pattern { LONDON -- Some 140 librat EXTRA BUSES -- -- § li wy $9300 5 room house ion CHEVROLET, & - Free estimates. Parts, attachments. age" " ' will fiy to the U.S.A: in Oc cuppcares. Wolk out Dew (OSHAWA) LTD ids WUICK automatic, $878 or bent (82 Mrs, Dunn 720-4304 30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS BODY SHOP ---- New build mmaculate condition 28--Real Estate Wanted cont sanulilan 783 or Seat otter, Otull cic wceten "on atari fia er © said dote (tober, They will visit lihrar- prepeec BINGO 8: 00 P. M.. ment to patio $1.000 DOWN Full price 1s offer, Telephone 728-3468 VACUUM cleaner repairs, ali makes ugu 1963 f ' ians from all parts of Retain ing. including 5 room mo- erries for $75.00 monthly : 623-2656 Catt 738-0891 * the Personal' Representative ies in Washington, New York dem apartment. Close to Principle & interest. This WANTED 60 ft. frontage butiding fot In 1943 BISCAYNE coach, standard, will now "same 1 distribute the assets « Philadelphia, Baltimore and S ' | ] C ral t reterr ner rs vr oa EST Cal's Furniture and Appl : \ " 1 GERTRUDE S A DIT R U Oshawa with room for ex- property hos to be seen to Sanawe a preferred, Afier take old car in trade. Telephone 728 ances Name branda a higpest vais , d deceased having Boston, including those of the . pansion. Must be sold. j appreciated. Phone NOW letephone 485) after $ p.m, (Jot counts anywhere. We carry Restoni ' .) ngres the » . ~ ¢ - _ be a ee operty tT MAVE a genuine cash buyer for 0.1957 MORRIS Minor, excelient conditior i) ° ress fureiture lines. . he. st + , ess and the White House 690 KING of, EAST AT FAREWELL B-DIVIDERS Choice to se clean, modern duplex, north or west fo 1985 Chevrole sedan, good running orde: out r GE dealer, Contact REFUSED RE-NOMINATION Nerth Eeast location. 13" eile Lae catia preferred. 'call 'Bod. Jennaton at Telephone 0-38 Cals on King Street Bast var Ne WOLVERNAMPION ohn FREE- ADMISSION - FREE 19 C Lt . 1 Oisen Real Estate, 723-1) ey , 2 how ny 0. ( : N-- |. n acres ond |'¥'4 acres, Buile 6 room stone front split leve n ree? . 45 vials " * 1956 PONTIAC coach, 6 cyiing % good rn Cay, 08 : on re 4 No lg Bgl ardor, Private sate Telephone J20-d8f0 (2.0: Telephone TM-019 oted ot Oshawo. th h |Raird, Labor MP for Wolver: 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 am « rooms on main level, 29--Automobiles For Sale | 1 PONTIAC. tour door. six "cylinder What's. My Line? hampton Northeast. since 195.) cnOQWBALL 56 NOS. -- $100 -- $20 CON. condition, radio. $928 cash. Can be sina Nala has been rejected for re-nomin- consisting of living room 16 EF VOLKSWAGEN, _ need Condition. Rea: financed. 720-0408 ng. 0 Q used fur- ation by his constituency ty x 18. family size dining room -- senable, Mia! 72 i951) FORD hait-ton truck. $008 ; nitur ¢ onces. For MERCY Pars} a large very, modern kitchen, PLYMOUTH "Plaza" ddoor sedan. This es? did, Bowmany Fae TE cy needs 8 e " Ry oh ' s pis not on the short list of Regular Jackpot 58 Nos. -- $100 -- $20 Con: pile ne bedroom 12 x a 8 waeet ~unnee, wall cared fer. cat.|Saeck : ¥ y . VicGinnnn al ur prospective candidates now C J). "Very modem bath, 2 Alractive anpearance Full Brice, 3998. ings auetiN Age taurauar sedans sie, Valley Creek Furniture s Soli being considered for the Labor fb PAR SHARE THE WEAL TS extra size bedrooms o D wate sete. Sig! 75-08 excellen' condition. Telephone ?2 798.440) oll ot the store ) Simeone Street N nomination GOO RIKING NO C DREN ag BUS SERVICE x 58-4401 or coll ar the ctor © CHILE E ner level. Our n * geen Oshawa, Ontario . i oo ' hives USA, Clear pre ane HCH Lane Ot mann Sarena oe 6)4 Bond \ ' . DEADLY GINGER BEER cache Geen: tor allele Bramley Motor Sales * napect at ry WHEEL CHAIRS MORTLAKE, Surrey -- Mrs Simeoe | Nor*h : alg ted t ~ Gertrude Mills ] $ IT 93.2988 ercury, Meteor, Comet nll . Pena Repairs, Sales, Rentals N O a | C E mabe yey -- ho gg OSHAWA TIMES PA ERNS Als : : : us when a bottle of home-made ised AUSTIN: Cambric '" Hospital beds, walke TO ALL MEMBERS OF ginger beer she was trying to "Teiee with grey upnaltery, New caro cc em cae THE OSHAWA TENNIS open fell to, the, Cig Gough THE PRINCESS SKIMMER - nica fea hae CLUB , : bi BUICK hardtop, rad in : Ma Pv glass. She had to be. taken to 3 peep 'ae , OOO DOUGLAS LANG st hospita 623-5406 VAKE ' BIL Ss ; " TOWERS ne GN et Oehows. a ese AG gneihton panei , Ns Cinuty ok Crier, Daniel GROWING ARMY Specia 4 CECIL DOOWELL. of LONDON The army ofj ' ia Sisaiis ' 't white collar servants rose by} mat > " tah Channel Anters io cory 15,600 last year and by ¥ 300) a oe becelien ; $50 i: LUB since 1960, to a total of 418,035] condition. ie . : call pe nce with a wage bill of one $1200) SPOT CASH pan cl ehben ke toais wince of Grteria, having [committe THIS WEEK + Chevrolet » 2OR.81R0 u J MENON a year Commons} PAID FOR station wagon, 4 cylinder. st 4 . . 8.818 < é Onteric vine committee is to hola an inquiry iad eae Chee oti y 0a or are dshc reid by inescapable Sowr Liens ped s J o > to ae . " 1 ™ ¥ me mer f DODD MO T R SALES vations Sly Sha caged ey See ee bers of the un-incorporated . VANISHING COUNTRYSIDE BY on 7 fees ve 25 hy ¢ start with er which | HERTFORD -- Building. has RAKIC CTION wsinde Sth ? ss LLY DISNEY ee a a were < t em swallowed up more than 16,000 FRANK DE PALMA CONSTRUCTION 23-942 USED CARS LTD mately 20: hr < rom the Ce of the acres of farmland in, Hertford-| c LT Oshawa ' "© ishire since 1945. The green! OPEN THIS WEEKEND TILDEN "1200 Dundes Steer angie doy of September, 1950.. "elds atthe. county Nand ae ss o -. wH 668-589 s : Hee ion on bs oe ed appeared at a rate of about! STARTING FRIDAY CAR AND TRUCK Cars bought and setd j Glenforest St. as follows 1000 acres a year, largely due ' vd Lier # 2 f to the development of four new epee RENT ALS : : i or de ' Dial 728-6234 ALL AND 5S LAR thet towns : Plus $10 Eech Horizontal Line certam parce! or tract of land f x ry amd premises tuate, tying KRYES EXAMINED FC Alf FREEZER and being ir ty of BARCELONA Spain (AP)-- a, in ounty.of On- Moise Tshombe, former presi ! pres P| AN tor ~ composer dent of Katanga, underwent wat Si NG . ie t : : Lots 2 . 2 232. pve ®XS t B: j TED CAMPIN | NICOLS Motors Lr y have heard the | 233, 234, 235, 238 ond 237 Spain, by Dr. Ignacio Batt im 2 BRO ear 2 n ne be spas ue o 28) raquer Monday. The t tf} MOTORS 668-8001 - 668-8101 os Ls is <> 3 254 255 3 Tashombe's ailment prosag 607 KING S OSHAWA ; i pin } ' 257 or S8 « i est disclosed EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ust East of Wilson Road eer ec, des freezer of yo it os morked on a Pon of |. RING FOR MAYOR GENERAL REPAIRS = eg ae we Gites tt te hagas tk ee seust tine 'bes bons| GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ALi MAKES OF CARS ae ering Division of the County of On presented to last year's mayor! PARTS AND SERVICE 7 oO Prive WN PAYN ' teria as Number 334 REALTORS All Foreign Moke Cars by Teiep! 8 TION HH. Mitchel ; STATHAM 86 ov evennas 128250. CALL TODAY | RtS'atemasn | Federal Budgetary Tie 8 ' SERVICE 30--Automobiles Wanted 552 : : id Ki CAREGNORG aks Wesdians want cor 723-2894 Surplus Reported i Of: wrecking. Highest prices paid. Wentworth Eaat, 725118) nd Ready-Mode OTTAWA (CP) -- 'A federal WHITBY CLASSIFIED M G. B' S 100 CARS WANTED DRAPERIES TIMES budgetary surplus of $19,100,000) Seoaree Sa oa, GRR Tees See Toronte, HO 1.63640 | Roa New ce a CLASSIFIED ie cara focal Yar ear specialty "a2 ae : y ' ed cart a " porte riday night by Finance' Sinica tacky ' on Talk "Cash"' to the New rapery Fa brie < Minister Gorden. ph ee Nel Hyland niniee ADS st comoares with a som.) PRINTED PATTERN M460 sats 10:8 rere : 4 _ . #20 Vantortn Avenue CAMPIN ( F > OW Se 020 surplus at the same stage in ' R 5-55 ab pth WORK 1982-63 fiscal year which) There's a beautiful finesse of lacy silk-and-woal texture for HOLIDAY : banat with an estimated $708.- fit to Stella Sloat's princess Summer and the transition 31---Automobile Repair tt skimmer -- curved. bosom, ease: season : i SPEC IALS WAVE & boat ter sale* Weil, there's » M. and ae FOR YOU The estimated deficit forecastithrough the midriff, lean hip Prinied Patiern M460 is avail- Srreet Sr. Schest Grey shirt é 2 better tine to 9 har and for this year is $655,000,000 fol-' line. This is the body-conscious able in Misses' Sizes 10. 12, 14, wa pind agp Eg A: 8. wot areenchins 4 Hie ct pen ' fi towing revisions to the June 13) look at its best -- a look that | a Baie Sautha Whitoy Plas Driv ive VOLVO : iat T2338 to : Drapery WHILE budget announced by Finance'does such flattering things for 16 and 18. Size 16 requires 314 SEPTIC tanxs Pygueatany = ict : me Minister Gorden July & all figures. Self-fringe trim and Yards sSinck fabric om celts. Waiter 'Ward. nest Jow on H TON'S ¢ GE YOU Comparisen of the first three top stitching enhance the. siz Send ONE DOLLAR for print saree " cTAT G d S months this fiscal ¥ e purity ef lir ai ed Pattern M460 to The Oshawa FOR RENT ~-- + , IAKE } 1} d SERVICE Dry 00 S tore : Sap ne Maw poly wey yp iin er Printed Pattern Times, Pattern De partment, <a Caan ee ee Geena nt TEXACO 5 needs WORK, SLEEP © pera a year cartier shows rev- standing in er green im- Oshawa, Ont. Please print SALES ane Ae : PRODUCTS us today. enues Tung. 10 $1.393.500.000 ported linen. Al r ver: plainly YOUR NAME, AD. ee AVON segertun'ty ; i g. > rf : ~ : , from $1.371,200,000. Expendi- sion in jewel-bright tor r DRESS with ZONE, STYLE undas Cast Sree, 2 vatanbis lerriter 22 NO? ' . PLAY ares inereased to $1.374.400.000 shadow black in cotton, linen, NUMBER and SIZE. Oniarie Whitby 668-322 lage taup. Werte PD. Oak Sth Gahoue . : > : elina Street : i from $1,349,200,008 jshantung, Dacron, pique or residents add 3c. sales tax. 16 Simcoe St. S$ 1415 D

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