Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jul 1963, p. 4

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"@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 26, 1963 Delicate White Ribbon Separates Two Armies * date reference tenancy case may find himself|!"s * acts DIP teeeee eee te ee eee eee EPPS Eee El ogee BOWMANVILLE HONORED General Fred award to Councillor W. Fice fatality-free year during 1962 a Canadian of Bowmanville, The town Councillor Fice is chairman of Council was honored for having a the Fire Commitice Attorney Cass presents Highway Safety Fire Co British Statue La Breaks Legal Hearts general's post in the next Labor rules for taking various pro , 'Tet : t reedings A solicitor must LONDON (CP) - Let there government ¢ agi : Ie yw hes 0 other be no moaning at the bar Some of the book's psec ages weet re Tennyson pleaded, but British mendations involve national terent courts lawyers are finding it difficultjissues. Gardiner, for instance.) air. infuriating to lawyer to refrain from weeping in pure/ would abolish the death penalty, and public alike is the apparent frustration allow homosexuality between inability of British Pi igor The sheer unorganized bulk consenting adults, compensate), & ' of common law and the incred. Victims of violent crimes, ibly complex rules of procedure !oosen the libel laws, do away voverning it are beginning to with the coroner's courts and preak legal hearts scrap the House of Lords as British statue law 42,44 ultimate court of appeal eee volumes in most con-, But Gardiner reserves cise form and extends to 4 more tomes in its full version. Ca)s Only a few topics are codified Wons and prec --e 3 the legal machiner n rranged for easy, up-to-|'¢ Bai Boa injustices that result He tells of one case By DOUG MARSHALL recom Almost invariably, persons con- cerned are informed by tele gram 12 hours before the case Even at that, all the one day are often begins runs to his actions: for its . The trouble, says Gardiner and the i$ that despite the many clarion calls for law reform through the years there is single nine steelworkers. They) minister or government. depart buried in half a dozen musty/Contracted a serious disease) nent responsible keeping ad i r to be their of Parliament from the and it was proved to } i aniks Forcible aire Act A 1381 to/employer's fault. However, they the legal system in good repair or i entry / the Tenant Act of 1962 were denied compensation be cause the first sympton of the LAW REFORM NOW the deadweight nvo.y no A solicitor dealing with a for He suggests creating a third ministry between the home of.) fice and the lord chancellor's office where a small, well qualified staff could mould the statutes into a mod disease appeared after the an The latest of many proposals|cient. lega! time limit on such to simplify the statues and -- iclaims had lapsed ify subjects into some digestible So a 4 form come in a new book, Law DEADLINES VARY Reform Now, It as written, The argument for reforming under the sponsorship of the|the rules of procedure is illus-|¢' shape Society of Labor Lawyers and/trated = the meso i My usa its chief editor is Gerald Gar-jpage table setting oul the aif . Ti I Dick Tiger Is Back In Camp diner, tipped for the attorney- ferent times fixed by different LAGOS, Nigeria (AP)--Mid CALLED HYPOCRITES Uganda Parties .%:'Si/s Attack Students * against Gene Fullmer of West Jordan, Utah, after spending five days "just relaxing' with family KAMPALA, Uganda (AP)--Ajcountries. Last year, a member group of Canadian and Unitedjof the Southern Rhodesian Par- States college students, here tojliament cuggested that a con- promote better international re- gent of Crossroaders ations during their summer va-jbe deported as creators of "dis- cation, has found itself the tar n disunity and feel- get ef criticism from Uganda's tmp Thajor political parties begin to took a break to pre f 1g overtrained Bobby Dia representa. vent b and mond tive The f scheduled the unfavorable -com-, noctnone students -- members te 1s Craseneaders rel poned ao. ee t al African nation have rporated, a people-to-peop a t- Risiie a ssion that helped inspire the! "- ms santas been Ki and subver American coio-|. s s o s tal ai his British n gh Tuly ow injury suffered by ex Fullmer caused the delays, and the delays caused grumbling by Nigerian fight fans Fullmer is supposed to arrive Sunday and proceed next week » the southwestern to work shoulder- 0 ith Africans on a t to build a cl for the an ~h - Hospital The Crossroaders here are ° culed them for offering to sid headed by Charles W. Brown > Eant nee tas oe Africans when the United States @ lawyer from London, Ont.,/&¢t!a, for tial training was facing its own racial prob-/42d include David Thomson and ems. Ironically, two of the * Crossroaders here are Negroes, |% Crossroaders have encoun- tered criticism in other African pocrite oi the 1 People's Congress and both students at the pie of governing themselves hiversity of Western Ontario. Uganda and aii Ar - - rene 2 Tic Kirunda Kivejinja, UPC sec tenn folallated tu 1 t f research and informa." °**"" sa riticrzed Operation Cross- 'rom enterin ads as a project to deceive Africans The real American attitude towards Africans is that which Extradition Completed : se domonatreted in their For 2 Suspects SB is Have off and on made ur point clear on this diabol- Gina Be . ical issue that instead of Pres WIN , Ont. (CP) -- Ex... alee svete aie agains nt Kennedy spending all his two Windsor area men who tame and money sending the ee 5 were indicted last fall by a De." -- -- Peace Corps trot grand jury on charges 0! id send them to Southern stat conspiring to traffic in narcot- "7° American Southern states to ies, concluded with their com. '©3ch that Senator Ellender and maittal by Judge Peter S. Mac-| iis Chueegues about human dig- Kenzie of Walkerton t SATURDAY | ROBBIE LANE and the DISCIPLES ( uty Richard Grant, 44, of subur-| Democratic Senator Allen J. ban Sandwich West Township,/Eliender of-Louisiana caused an and Robert Fox, 22, of Windsor, uproar during an African tour were both ordered held in cus. /ast year when he 'said he did tody for 15 days before being ER cen : turned over to the United States authorities. The pair was ai lowed the 15 - day period ix which to file writs of habeas corpus Two witnesses testified dur- ng the hearing in which Wind s0r was named a "pick - up" point for heroin which was then} "out" and sold on the Detroit market. : Mariens Gransberry, 28, des- eribed Tuesday how she made aS many as two trips a week tol: a Windsor restaurant where she| - POPP : ote THREE STOOGES COMEDY: BEACH HOUSE OSHAWA-ON.-THE-LAKE 'Ma & Pa Kettle On The Farm" 2 JAMES MASON "HERO'S ISLAND" IN COLOR met Fox and paid him as much} as $6,000 for heroin she would later pick up in Detroit Both Miss Gransberry and Frank Horton, 38, the man with whom she lived, testified they) bought heroin from Fox and Grant at $509 an ounce or ai a fix the date of trals in advance.| 99 strongest criticism for what he/summoned for the same hour.) Marian Macqueen, both of Lon- not believe Africans were capa- By ROBERT EUNSON itheir foxholes or train in the|Czechosiovakia and Poland, PANMUNJOM (AP)--A rs or 4 ol -- --, 1 They meet al least once a week cate white ribbon, strung up) United States Army a st! : : ee rather whimsically from 2B 4 Army troops of the Republic of/HOT PHONE LINE post across the 151-mile Korean|Korea guard battle positions) Duty officers from each side front 10 years ago this month, south of the demilitarized zone.|meet daily, except Sundays and separates two mighty battle. Hére--at. Panmunjom, inside|holidays, to exchange informa. ready armies the demilitarized zone, agencies|tion on the number of troops There has been no war inicreated by the military armis-jarriving or departing, A hot! Korea since July 27, 1953, But/tice supervise the truce terms telephone line connects their there has been no real peace|Within the joint security area, | {wo offices in case there is need either during the "Jongést ar-/a circle carved into No Man's|for instant communications, mistice,"' Land 800 metres in diameter,, Each side Is allowed 35 secur Even though the guns arejuniforms are seen from. thejity officers inside the area, The stilled at Pork Chop Hill, Heart.|Korea People's Army and the/Communists have taken to break Ridge and Old Baldy, and|Chinese People's Volunteers as swearing at the UN MPs in Eng: a decade has passed since tho|well as the 18 members of the/lish, Although the UN guards} last Sabre streaked to Mig|UN, including Canada, who sent/haven't started learning profan-| Alley, the situation at Panmun:| troops to contain the Communistjity in Korean, they push when! jom is still a touchy one. threat here between 1950 andthe Communist guards push or The inch-wide ribbon, hooked !953 strike should the Communist to the barbed wire marking the Every day on this hillside, guards strike southern boundary of the dem'|.|Communist representatives) Tiffs among the guards at itarized zone, warns troops of|from Kaesong and UN repre-|Panmunjom aren't daily occur: the United Nations command/sentatives from Seoul exchange|rences, but the last decade has that one step more to the north| information in an atmosphere of| produced some bruised knuckles could mean stepping on a mine|bemused hostility and bloodied noses at times. | or languishing in prison The military armistice con Usually the. sessions of the |PATH KEPT CLEAR mission is made up of five gon-jarmistice commission are con-| A pathway about three feetieral officers from each side jducted coolly and efficiently |wide is kept clear so the ribbon| Then there's the neutral na-|There have been more than 170 can be spotted easily, To the|tions supervisory commission, | meetings, since the armistive! north, 350,000 troops of the/consisting of repre sentatives! was signed, to settle differences Korea People's Army rest in'from Sweden, Switzeriand,)growing out of the agreement Columbus School Baptism Held " Field Day Results ** Kedron Heth ~~ United Church MRS, E. LAVIOLETTE Fifteen-yard dash, Grade COLUMBUS The schooljand 6 girls -- Patricia Webber KEDRON The Sacrament; picnic and Field Day was held|Linda Anderson; Grade 5 and/%! Baptism was solemnized at) recently on the church grounds.|6 (boys) -- Larry Boyd, Rob.|{he regular morning" service of| The race results are as fol-|ert Powell Page a Church on Sun- | lows Twenty-yard dash, Grade 7)98y, July | Sack race, Grade 1 and 2/and 8 (girls) -- Nancy Simpson,| The children baptized NEWS IN BRIEF girls -- Marilyn Pereman Pane Eeeere, RW. (boys) -- Dale/Paul William Rudyk Lucyk; (boys), Scott Webber, Watson, John Lucyk Mr. and Mrs rasa Billie aiinn ot Wheelbarrow race (girls) ----|Rudyk, RR 1, Oshawa, and Mi... ACCUSES SALESMEN Grade 3 and 4, girls--Dorothy oe oe Lyone Cox, daughtr of pgp eb cuiuk te toe Budiey n i 4 Mr. and Mrs. Michael | US bf . Lucyk, Connie er reciay' eye | *Twenty-yard dash (13-15 year/RR 1, Oshawa -- + oe people into buying thei a a jolds) -- Terry Cochrane, Dale) se race, Grade Watson 125th. ANNIVERSARY and 2 (girls) Marilyn Pere . a anh and Heather Sonlt Baits Three-legged race, girls--Sy:.| On Thursday evening there cuk ald Beehds Ge lthion Davey and Linda Ande son;|Was @ meeting in the Lower ithoys); 'Ronkia Parsnan ana| Heather Cochrane and Charles|/Hall of Kedron United Church Donnie Powell: Dennis Puckrin Love; (boys) -- John Brooks|to discuss plans for observance and Billie Collins and John Lucyk Tommy Gor-of the 125th anniversary of a Grade 3 and 4, boys and girls war Dhoage Larry Boyd church in the Kedron Commun Leslie Lucvk. and Wan ego', scramble (girls)--Linda ity Gordon; Connie Simpson' and Mountenay, Heather Cochrane; Marilyn Pereman Lana) ~ Benny Prentice, Tom: |, } ei Shoe scramble, Grade 1 end 2 gg viet dash in as Negroes downtown picket stores Atlanta, Ga., they press for boycott of busi- were son of William V |Wayne Gordon r prod. Three-leg ; T e-legged ect committee on credit costs was told Monday. S. C, Bowen, head of Toronto's Better Busi- ness Bureau, said promises and guarantees made by the vend- ors should be backed by any credit company which finances the purchase CABLE IN TROUBLE MONTREAL (CP) --' A fault developed in one of the major overseas cables Monday, - im- Special services will r Sunday, September §& Ww be a morn ommy Tommy 10.00 at which the specia Ser will be Rey Fisher who, in be held There vice at speak Melvin ¢ MIS Capacity as Dorothy to lure) ucts, an Ontario legislature se.) chairman of girls and boys -- Marilyn Pere Gordon, Debbie Bovd Presbytery, took part the dedication cere man, Barbara Brooks DEATHS mony the new Kedron Grade 3 and 4 Lucyk, Wayne Gordon Port Perry, Ont, -- Frank L. Church June, 1952 Vaughan, representative and : : of in FRIDAY FINAL NITE LITTLE CAESAR and the CONSULS G. Crozier nformal the ° lunch will be of the UCW fy rved by the It is and hoped many ends Wheelbarrow race, Grades 1 Brenda Smith Rey. 'H general manager of the Rank|. '*Y will con ion; Donnie Gi et Me ¢ ie Gimblett and Merle March ning at p.m. After the ser Simpson and Dorothy Lucyk. | P , cy ./Ontario Museum from former ministers and for ¢; Grades 3 and 4 Leslie ' history lecturer at the Univer adies s Marilyn Pereman, Pat-|Ontario. - forme: esidents of Kedron w take ty and 2--Scott Webber and Barry Prentice; Patty Lucyk, and Grades 3 and 4 (boys) : ' Leslie Lucyk and W vee Gor.|Crsanization film distribution duct an worship ser- : ; division until his retirement in'Vice in afternoon, begin Collins; (girls), Susan Hayes - 7 . and Heather Sobil, Connie| _Toreate -- Wiliam Todd, 52,\vice there will be a period of ichief conservator of the Roya!l/Teminiscences and greetings Shoe kicking, Grade 1 and 2)""\""* Scott Webber. Barry Pren. Collingwood, Ont. -- Gilbert/mer residents e Clarence Paterson, 75, former) 4 Lacyk, Merle Collins a Five:yd. dash, Grade 1 and 2)Sites of Toronte and Western pre that gi Lucvk' (boys) Scott Web. Woedsteck -- Michael Bobow Barry Prentice ski, 51, of Ingersoil ' a twice s per Ce advantage of this opportun the = a to Ten-yard dash, Grade 3 rated former Polish army ris -- Connie Simpson cer Lucyk: (boys) ordon, Merle Col Ball throw, Grade 1 girls Patty Lucyk, Marilyn|tunes (boys), Scott Web.| Sault Ste. Marie, ber, Barry Prentice; Grades 3)B. Poulin, 49. of Sault Ste and 4 (girls and boys) -- Wavyne/Marie, a pilot with the Ontario! Gordon, Michael Leibscher and/department of lands and forests! Merle Collins (tied) for the last 23 years COUNTRY MUSIC As You Like It! TUESDAY, JULY 30th This week dance and sing along with famous Radio, T.V. and recerding stars in person at the RED BARN * MACK WISEMAN * GORDIE TAPP (cousin clem) * JEAN SHEPPARD * EARL HAYWOOD e@ WILMA LEE & STONEY COOPER with the clinch mountain clen * AL CHERNEY * COUSIN BILL 178 WAYNE Showtime 8:30 ADMISSION 1.50 CHILDREN with adult 75¢ This show willbe taped ard broadcast over the C.B.C, network coast to coos. and 4° Doro. offi Wayne %t come back to community Albans, N.Y, -- Dr. Clay fora visi Boland, 59, a dentist song and Qiwriter who penned several hit ns Pereman Ont,---Louis Mywey, No. 2 1 Block East of Liverpool Rd Phone 668.2692 NOW! GIANT DOUBLE FEATURE ELVIS PRESLEY IN _ "GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS" ALSO DEAN MARTIN, LANA TURNER "WHO'S GOT THE ACTION" BOTH IN COLOR BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. INC. SUNDAYS "ALWAKS TWO Big FEATURES - PLUS A COLOR CARTOON" XIII III III III Ir yy PSSSSSSSCSCECCOCSCECESCES STEVE WERCUL TODAY! CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2:00 P.M reduction of $50 an ounce i NEGROES CALL FOR BOYCOTT nesses where segregation is practised. A woman's gar ment distributor in Atlanta Says boycotts in several Southern states are hurting business (CP Photo from AP) pairing 75 per cent of telecom- munications facilities between Montreal and London. A spokesman for Canadian Over seas Telecommunication Cor poration said the disruption will mean delays in general service as long as three hours on tele- phone calls INVITE EMPEROR TTAWA Haile Selassie of Ethiopia has been invited to visit Canada after his visit to the United States in early October, Exer nal Affairs Minister Martin said Monday in the Commons, He was. replying to Robert Thomp- son, Social Credit leader and formerly employed by the Ethi- opian government in an educa. (CP). -- Emperoritional post WALT DISNEY presents "THE PARENT TRAP" with HAYLEY MILLS MAUREEN O'HARA 1H COLOR RECORDING STARS "THE BIG BEAT" with CHARLIE BARNET FATS DOMINO IN COLOR ae BILTMORE © THE M T WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT EVER EVER] ve, = DYKE: MARGOT STEPIGTON: RYDAL: ERED: MOAR SWAN TALS SRO TFN a ST mee RDN *-- HORE SIDNEY AIR CONDITIONED FOR COMFORT JE AM i) FEATURE TIMES--1:40--3:35--5:35--7:35--9:30 DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! Showing Saturday & Sunday Only! Box Office Open at 8:00 - "HIGH COUNTRY™ Sterts 9:10 ALL COLOR FAMILY FUN SHOW! DON'T MISS "GIANT" STARTING SOON Mile aaeR ee em teaestuetaiesenteeteie ° ae cn TRCRNROUOR: Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ONLY! ALL COLOR CINEMASCOPE SHOW! "SAVAGE GUNS" - RICHARD BASEHART" PLUS ADDED FUN WITH "THE TRAPP FAMILY™ , OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE 723-4979 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE FREE KIDDIES' PLAYGROUND

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