Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jul 1963, p. 16

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COE EDIRNE te iii peredonnanetedntaigidiapabibeade og FT On ney 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Juty 26, 1963 ek worhet " * Informal Work ' | RAGPOURRIES for sale, Pick your own, $3.75 for 36 pint crate, ava miles Weat urc p ] Se ae yea Started On | wenko, RR | Brook BIRTHS savcredian ke Wa aa +" oe ed y large strawberries ai % : y a" and Doris (nee Wal: CGR. your own 4 d Elect IM Toronto Stock Bx it pBbaron - mo i rnenee ie" aca hormkes arm all dey, "cao re, an a re) TIS 1ans ora a Quotations cor nfo mr % Wert'awts 190 MAS O03 Os 400 Tuy Me 1H) 41 Orhews General Hoxpias|_ (Continued from Page eA alla Rreha naan OTTAWA (CP) -- Nelson! righs, xw-Bxwarrents, Net change te] Wonmwe A 700 SI 18 In A brother for Julle, Many thanks to Or, y.,|Castonguay, chief electoral of. Previews Wonre-iet cleelng. sate, Lindsay, ; 32---Articles for Sale =» |34_--"Lost and Found : By KEN SMITH ate fully and properly the re : The report on crorebip called tee, told jmeoting ci MEM! stock _ Salen High Lew am 'cnge OILS DOCHERTY -- Matt and Maxine (nee) om mn used furniture andli@ee Monday, ¥ kifven, female, 10 ee sults of ihe conference, 'or more uent cole ers arliament jursday ap m0 © © me i neh wy" nani. "ane wl gi, Pte wma Winkie ern enters] MONTREAL (CP)--A special SU Oe fenorts presented/noly communion and urged that work has started in an informal] INDUSTRIALS =| Mas' ge 8 SS a ny ; Granddaughter tor Mr.) Furniture, : Fo eee Tate OR Or haar all Protestant and Orthodox theolo|Thursday dealt with the le; more emphasis de p: be Way on redrawing the electoral! apiriyi Wes 4 ae ml AM ne wm 3 WO =} Bare Willem | Doce' sce Rint'| ea vOrilIeny Woreer RII GEOR' TF" Bar| MOVING, BLANKETS on or near aity/ Prote Christian truth and the nature|significance of Sunday and the} map in line with shifts in pops| Aton w 'wove ss mal) ANehoe aah Scotiand, First grandchild for Mra. /RGTOtilier, 9 horse, hardly used In Perigump, Driver fully responsible for feicians says the continuing split hri festivals, Alta Gas 380. $279 27V2 27\9 1 Bre Bee aa earch an haw. | or emreruan._oseenenie, SE S=._.|avermnth, Freese renee, CoN TAAOT EL On Christian churches is ajand meaning of worship, = "3g Cc cose Merowing coal naton recorded in the 1961 cen! mv Ue ae Sree wed ben Br. Riywaee unaeny a eeinuen art Blue male budgie enawering| scandal," The report on worship sald a oo ge © dn 3a] Are'c Por 0 'stu em occas] Sono | GO ae HE KON -- Bill and Marg _(néolextran, Including tralier, 1S he Bvinewde COST -- A blue male | vicinity of Gar} The report, presented Thursjwide area of agreement has/question of inter communion, agp Castonguay reported to) Af? ¢ P Pr = WS) Cont del 380 735 7S Mas aac : windshields, controls and ite | toe the name of "Peter" vicinity pt " i Atl Sugar 200 $1648 1698 16th Yh) Gey.pal nom Fh Oh + So eee aenemie 7 fon, 10/8225. After S; 7209845, rar Road, Missed terribly, Reward, Tele day to the fourth world confer|been found among churches rejsaying there is a Pde ie the members on his trip this} Auto & 280 480 450 480 Re 100 007. SF ar + San, Weanesday, July 24 142 a! OsNawal ATTRACTIVE WA madel MeLary Eany|prone vas7m, | JAAN, GM GM OO ystaarding baptism. patience' with barriers that for! spring to Australia and New| Bek Mow 0 diovm Jou foie vel Siaclor 00 Hy Hin Nip General Hospital, A sister for Susan and! Range, used only nine Fn ores | LOST -- Dark brown bill folder, Brewis ie clear that God now is lead/mained among churches advolbid a member of one church Zealand to examine the system! RaMXpNS,, at Hee Fw Pe Wi BF Pine 10 NT TT Oinny, with timer and clock, Whitty, 6 Weak ane | Athol Brest veinity, containing Wr. ing Christians toward unity and/cating infant baptism and thosejreceiving communion in an by which those countries ap-| BA oll 2 ? Mog oll bad a8 iv @ | MACCARL -- Ronaida and Melanie an/ RANGE, General Electric, 10 In, Wen RENN Reward. Telephone. 7250091, away from separation, practising adult or believer bapjother, point independent commissions) ge pom" se RNS WY Wet Ww NMG 8 2) 8 ot gounce the arrivel ot baby sister, eran eel At various times groups ofjtism, "all would insist that) The report on the relations ofltg draw riding, boundaries for} ac 6S 84 $434 Wy] N Davien = 1000 22 Poe wt gl ggg Ny BRB pe A Ron | 7239908 1 96----Legal _.... Christians have found it neces/personal commitment is neces/ohurches to each other said their new maps Brock B 250 450 40 Sieg -- Rae i. wu Sav! atarlon ine Gebovrie) 'give, hahks| ggG CHEATERRIELD dnd chain nod! ate [sary 'to express their faith and|sary for responsible member world trends of scientific and Witherte Canada's redistribe: ye $a Sow tee eT MS) Ponser 900 35 oS te Or, ond, Or, Reapers One WMO for cottage, fortene. fedie ane nal, national, linguistic, cul/ship in the of Christ, sociological thought and the "re C brew A pra a) 8) Sarcee $00 10? 107 107 +1 nuraing atatt of the fourth tloor [players Findlay X:Inch range, good corr sional, , At ae " a tion of parliamentary seats has, ¢ 9, Unispher 1000-378 79 I jaition, Telephone PANU tural and other associations,"| Baptism 'might well be adj surgence of nonChristian reli been done by a House of Com.| € chem -- " rso 'sine 'sik aug tA) Wataten" 'Too. 900." 900 "500 MeOILLIS een ANY" planked runabout: the re: says, minis gions anid Fn te a runee the ertival tli AT. MAHOGANY Bl TO CREDITORS _ [the report say inistered in public on great] gi Wil have "farroaning | ee ene mite former| con Wt W Decaita 3800 112 Hn Howard) Wan Mecula tthe 9 aus, Weg./4 Scott manual Teenee trailer, com: But the right of separate de|festival occasions, as was theland at present unpredictable " commaittes, former] Coto ey Yen can 00 6 68 nesday, July 24, 196, Qanawa, General Dletely equipped. Including single lever ND OTHE R S nominations to continue to be practice of _ early church, pasaeatences ised Log oe Sacer hain ty eas Bes ~ ¢ Hyare. 1 He y y MINES Wonpital, A baby brotner for Jo-Elien and) c : aneores Tw ee A ist "must always ve judged/the report said. should recognize that there is € ind Guar S40 OO Cory, Many thanks to Dr, P, Nolan, EVINRUDE outboard motor, 10 hp, new i ray Th rt on the Bible and h bl th just electoral boundaries commis. ee sis 1s AL Acere 00 see condition, 1960 model $225, Telephone} anew" in the light of the pres e report on more to. the problem than just/e! She WOES $9013 B09 Sin | Advocate | 33 ame eR SEELEY -- Don and Frances (000) 799.3991, SEAN IN THE ESTATE OF [ent world movement toward/|tradition recommended that alreaching agreement on various|sion and the present govern: Ra ye Anatens. \ee as HANGER ae fay te Uoslig tanne: RANGETTE, Cloyd baby corrlage, Gar HARRY WATSON Christian unity, highlevel scholastic s.udy belohurch doctrines, ment. intends to do the same! Ene" aoe aan?! Aner omen ff er oe Friday, duly 1% 1M at Qanawa/sinette, playpen, Very goed cond! on, 746 GOURLEY The report was one of three) undertaken of the councils of the Ciairtone =--e@ Fy ye an a 2 Z ' Generel Woepital, A slate fee WEN eee aaa vorakilaa "QlOTe presented Thursday as the conlearly Christian church to try to wie mete Aunor 300 375 9S 5 Fe -cusacennania senate bog qua and ever eavinet, "Telephone! All claims against the Es- [ference prepared to end its. two/throw some more light on the OBITUARIES YY 415 $24 26 Mie We) Bankiield = 42800 2D WELDON -- Roy and Pat are Rape! niea3it tate of Harry Watson Gour iweek meeting today, Two other problems a nieroreting | seip a eee niin we to IM ER ES Ry te announce arrive' a se Re 'Panel metal three-quarter be ley, late of the City o » s de ? various as't jo determine au t ./BROWN panei metal three-quarter bed Y, fate - reports dealing with various as ture and_ te Cos 0 $9 +B) Bein © 435 45 4 Wednesday, vty 3a 19a Onhawe Glen and Spring, S10, Teleonene 73203. | ewe, pgs ve eaagg Oh 8 sects of the problems of Chris/thentic Christian tradition, HOWARD R. FOLEY | Mr, Webb graduated from Coal or wm Oe We ne Holy ane Jere vv v=" a! Hospital, Many thanks fe Or, 7. MH. WALNUT dining room auite, six chairs) tori, w ied on > rereto asented| j j : gee -- Sch es RT | te en et IRR gay ge eel eT cela Mat eae etl coay atte taco] Stes OR A ee" ee Street West, Wni via. | must be filed wit r SPORE ,/Catholic scholars shou! o/s mes oe se Pp Camp Chib $90 395 35 BS 48 ae WANTS 208 NEY. cel PORTABLE "oven, Westinghouse eleciri signed Executors on or before The yg tha sh ee Boe sought to help in the study, /later two weeks in Bowmanvillejology at the Gordon School of] Ov Pen Us mee ; 100 44 aa ae We arrival of twins, a doy and girl, at/ thermostatically canicolion, SHS: twa, oie) the 13th day of August, /tacular breakt omg Pi _ The Roman Catholic Charch/Memorial Hospital, Howard Rus: Theology in Boston, Mass, Rady Mich 35 Sima 4. 4 -- eae je ee sat Se OTE Sane! LAS ereeehiGr caeanh, Ga Green GabaTta 1963, after which date his (question of unity, deleates!, "sont tive otticial observersisell Dearborn Foley, age 1| Ordained more than 50 years) fame' p 'Se gn 7 Ph wl Ce 2 Ny nH 4 ee SELEING™" firniture" Gr appliances? Eatate will be distributed, pened eri ane _-- to the conference and 15 others!years, passed away suddenly) aro, he held. pastorates in Mass: Fraser 1 $4 a P+ 4 an mo ee Daughter, Twine or Triplets, you! A yy for ton cash. Telenhene! Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, work was accomplished, have been attending as guests./on July 3, i jachusetts, the Maritimes and] $9, Ware 0 913 Uo uicul ee Ome eB ae % tell the whole town about Cel mane' Furniture and. Apelia this 10th day of July, 1963. page UNTIL 2000 | The report also proposed a} He was born in Darlington/ Ontario. He also served as Held] Srevnna 3 a ten tee Con Shaw mee o cMuntarmente are, accepted "antl SOO HONEST Gal's Firnitore and Anal] THE ROYAL TRUST | One prominent Europoan theo/study on the Way separate/township May 8, oo vn ievanae list under the Maritime) Hardee | en a lfm ean Sim for puntication the same aay for ances, Name brands at Ddiggest die) COMPANY, jlogian said it could take untiunity in their ecatechisms and/youngest son of Mr, Wa \s |Home Mission Board for several] jusy 300 4 6) Ga a] C Northid «1000 20 2s ee only $1.90, Just telephone 723202 rounta anywhere, We carry Restonle) GERTRUDE MAE GOURLEY, ithe end of the century to evalulother teaching materials, and Ida Gertrude (Farwell) Fo-lvoars, Since his retirement in| ime Ol B! 208 Gm Gus we) & Remy toe a en ane tie coker On eater, Contact) RONALD HARRY GOURLEY, = |------- mene ley, and a grandson of two 011959 he had done supply work ep te wn a4 i WM ey miu DEATHS Monat Cavs on King Street Bast, Yan) DIANE LOUISE HUMMEL ed Per -- families Of) in this area 1a or 20 8S SS Coulee 279.9 coe's Road, open 12 houre . '% Executors, : the district, Mr. Webb's } cha: it Nickel 20308 8 @ = roiner - /9.20, Telephone T2019 | y h No.| Mr, Webb's last ree WAS) ine unt MO Sle De Wa-- vy! Cure wy RON cogeg torts (Problems Caused [ie soa .ue s/.miotent Ba ° | Ser as" pg CARSWELL, Prederick George Frew estimatee, Pertae attackmentn|: Tevente, 1, Ontario | Based sv eee Larsen a ved Re a a Geena ter Pu 'Sm Oy us ae ¥s in Oahawe General Hospital on Wednes prushes, hoses, guaranteed repullt ma) p. Messrs, McGIBBON & jowmany Bn > ly he held pastorates at Elgin) {" P 33 3 Deniven BPS Me We Te day, July M196), Frederick G. Carswell chines, Rentals Wallace Vacuum Sere! BASTEDO. their solicitors | e lived his early life on the fam:)* ¥ . Lakeland 3O MS MS MS Dickran 2 NS 35 305 (Columbus), beloved husband of Betty ice. Call anytime, 728-0392, j , en ' ily homestead On the Base Line,/8%4 Hillsborough in New Brans-| LOnt Cem = 00 BS ORS BS 4S Sean 3 Drover end loving farner of Peter TD @NIOY aummmer camping" with tenn, Nerein. By Partnerships il May, ||Wick and Yor 10 years was pas-) bY Fin MS NN Te Tm a] Dome mse eu Carswell, Oshawa; brother of Mrs. H. E wd a ene ene - where he farmed until May, | : " ' ev 10 $e 16M ea = Cawley, Mavlevoury and Mrs. A." H/teun one eens Beit ores iihieiia contain 1942, when he took up resi ap in prccrontiaeon wi iat Bean ot Ik mm Ws » ~ yi oY town ni ire Store, 42 Bond West, Peto, j ome at) Since coming to Oshawa, r. treating at Mclaiwah Andersen Funeral ae oe anniee. ance ace By KEN KELLY A somewhat similar problem eee erat Win bean [Wedd waa s Sear sg Wirst| eet = are ee Be +¥ fone Wee ee "io Church oa Saturday, July 2? at 3 pm. Ratieries. Kelvinator refrigeratere. TENDERS OTTAWA (CP)--Equal part./{ooms for the minority Liberal! has been employed with/Baptist Church and a member! MEPC WO 30 30 OS gece Mine 1037 2 OD tnrerment Union Cemetery Aelovinies, Teritty Budget plan, V2h-<H), svaition' 4 » bin . government in its plan to have} age ain slot 3 . Mit Brick «=. ND 10 We OB BB me ---- - . . ee nerships of one kind and an ; the Co-eperators Insurance As-/of the Oshawa Ministerial Asso- I 3 au aur a! Slant YK 00 SNe Te IM SELEING "furniture or appliances?) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Sana two ministers of agriculture--|" Dntari ver 1iciat | Nat Cont ps rey GF Mining S10 WIEBE. Rev, Thomas, BA, BD Wet uy tt for tap cash, 'Telephone BUILDING AND other appear to be causing the) oo. ior Bastern Canada and one Section of Ontario for over I2/ciation, | Nat TS atau Vea te 1 2 GO aD 10 Entered into rest in the rane Soere Ca @lake's Paraiture and Applances COUNTY ADMINISTRATION federal government some con, | One tor SAS rn years, Previously he has been During the First World War lot i 4 bi = % Mas yous 106 0S We at Tramon M Wess, 'eoloved huvsang. of OTE, TRAM BUILDING loern for Western Canada, |widely known with his amateurine served as a corporal in the} NONGa as ga I ian mas 3 = Steen seeean Abn Hebeon wh WA Panic shoe" Bee Rn ntge @ nbn The biggest problem centres) At present, Harry Hays ts thejialent for humorous readings, |sional Corps Oat Steet" Se Rae we we wee Xe Ps ee o ™ veer' Reumna et the Aromaireng' Gunarelicnonaens Gon Prenermne Sena" Seoled tenders for the gen- jon the equal partnership of/sole minister of agriculture, butiwhich he gladly and WAURRIY! ate, Webb is survived by Wis| fet Pee as Sime Wee ee) ie 8S 83 SA Sete frome, Oshawa; with memorial service ij" ee gegansinin "Willy equipped. Bhp, «GTO! Contract, addressed 0 /Pranch and English in Conted:/ Minister Without Portfolio Rene/ shared at numerous local OR ite by Nellie Bea me? 8 9 rere * B.. 3 ae im the chapel, Saturday, Jviy 2% at 4 sonnson outboard and taller, Telephone) the undersigned and clearly leration Temblay has been tabbed dy/tertainments. jWife, the former Ne' t Do] b +4 3) TM Mh MW) Se 200 Ms MY 2 * Ren SNETENET -SAVEM LEWN: CONUITY Fin cine motked as to contents, will |" "With some fantare, prime/Mr. Pearson to become minister Mr, Foley was an ardent/"ice Brown and a daughter, aN one eee int | Ken Wee ms TELEVISION lous nec | A aus, be received up to 5.00 p.m IMinister Pearson. announced. alof agriculture (East) once Par member and worker in Manie| Mrs, Eldon Nelson (Mary) of] Reventoxe: as sala ts prs Kervite 2 Ne Ne Te ii sacnciciinasdecisiciaaliadvatatin ture" inchosing ail channel antenna ie] E-O.S.T on Tuesday, August . | Minister his week to/liament. approves legislation' United Church, a trustee Oshawa, Also surviving are a. Reval 1h Sale PNA Paleo | Kitomde 200 OD 900 OCKE'S FLORISTS statied and guarantend dy experts with; 20th, 1963, for the construc.. |Poyal commission this wee i . : | Grove 5 | sist M C Tuttle, Syn! me MO MO + Kopan mM MoM u © years experience, $8, Tle TeelvisioW) tian of on Administration of [find ways of ensuring that the 80 whefore it to divide up the/and elder, and for many years] Sister, Mrs." Cooper tle) Shell U wie BO GS GND ke Lak | Lerage RQ WwW WW Funeral arrangement end | serepnone 778 ps | Justice end County Admin (partnership is, in fact, equal, (department, _ jassisted as teacher in the Sun j(Tala), of Cranston, Rhode Is- Sivrwe A Re Hh EN wat 4 peed bated od am sm sate floral requirements for ail GOAT IER" Fieresians Wloweer Jewel! iration Building He confessed it wasn't an) Ina cabinet where all minis-iday School jiand and four grandchildren, torcm oe aS ge Martin Re wet ee occasions : SS Can afer 3S Bane aUNae OF Sa easy task to find 10 men andjters are supposed to share) On Dec, 21, 1911, he was marjJudith, Joan, Joyee and Tom-| Tame Hm RN poets al i OSHAWA SHOPPING > 33. ___ | Mechanical ond electrical = iwamen Muent in both French equality the responsibility forjried to Shirlie Snowden who pre-/my Nelson, all of Oshawa, i on Pa an ana Nexen we * = hg CENTRE WEBBING goan, wale lattes ee Tosh oe oe land English to undertake the in-/policy, Mr, Hays and Mr, 'Trem. weceaned him Agen ay ay ty memorial service will be ese Rw ag Min Corp sum Tm im 4 R PHONE SERVICE SUS_ONS, Elcor lore, size ™ : ers) (QuITY, And having found them, 'blay still will be on the same/Thirteen years later on May 7,/held at the Armstrong Funeral nA RO NM Ie We erore AES rere sores Eiken fey gue Ae mene of eel uae SA "hare ed Elina TONG] Loan Rata ates Eee a ee, puicatora, chequewriters, camptometers| August 19th, 196. Would head the royal commis-) But opposition MPs have been|Coolidge, whom he leaves {0/27 followed by interment in} Terndol a p 2 Sha aM Ms Name Cr a0) 17 talk Mate IN MEMORIAM [oc Shae eee ee ae "" by naming nen 'wil be, in fack seer tos four devated dau Enters |aemnee eee yee jeg Se] eee Ee a) Sea" ee SO sell, TOM, service, Hariiven | Pions ond = specifications =| This was solved by naming men will be, in fact, senior to his ur devoted d aug TS,iservices will be conducted by New Howe 3 10 08 10 sce Seth cra ean | moy be obteined from + cochairme a French + Ca-ithe other so far as agriculture/Mrs, Ernest Twist (Iva), Mrs./Rey, N, F Swackhammer, pas- NB og oe 2 mh MURREM -- 0 loving sUmery Of 9 cued. Maken peace ely Bie Hun ind cee ae fs Pea ¢ jpadian As Laqrendaen ot policy is concerned, ere a a ay be pr of First Baptist Church, ivorce Noviex RO We Be Beloved sitter, Vivien Lee, WhO BITE a uncnnaien, sewn Gn Ruttene wit Glan! Qiiew venue |Montreal who is editorin-chiel/----- Mrs, Clare ' SC)./Assisting in the services will 2 2. § way July 28, 1990. Make payment SPO. manta or pay cash) Toronto, Ontario, by submit. lof the daily newspaper Le De- Mrs, Ross Allin (Marion), and/be Rev. Dr Thom MeDor, N Wee se oe kN May Me hy and sonsdine SS1.10, Snchuting wood capinet, Dealer, ting @ written aplication oc} ng lier stag Sit i his only brother. E Ww. F i . 'ead ly ® e Northeate = 50) 335 3S 4g She mised en like' Nighway Write Geox S25 ivoir, and an English-Canadian, $s only brother, Ernest mond, a relative, who is presi- Owary mm RRR Be found in God's Deactitul garden ef SSR GAT eee: Semen Se cartified = ir lacen Danton, the president ley, His only sister, Mrs. Mark/dont of the Ea hese iven Qpemike 0 AS aD aw FS rest SONVERTRO cool furnace and pipen!" cheque in the amount of [Davidson Dunton, the president) Binchbara (ikea) aloe stern Theologi- Orenee, sen he tae <--Pondiy. remembered by sister Lynga o Dorner wit) AO gallon tank, complete let Carleton University, Ottawa.' \ |Mackoura (va), predeceas cal Seminary in Philadelphia, Pamaor pS) bre wre Bethea IA ww wt een eee a | But that left the problem of] 17-Da rel in Seemary 008, a el:/Pa. and a former secretary of ea J are wt oy ie is be -- on ~~ Plans ond specifications will [who would act as the commis: jGest granddaugater, Mrs, the Baptist Federation of Can-) 2 2.8 REN ov o : = . 'i on cur Guin Wee Ce WD) pest tyes hast conden aad. Tanpaee! ais be on display ot the ision's chief executive officer! TORONTO (CP) -- Striking Dunk (Shirlie Cryderman), alsoiaaa | Orrawa (cP) «. ao 332 . car eas eee YO wen tay aad-0N0 Toronto Builders' Exchange ithe man responsible for theicarpenters and the Tor predeceased him on August 2, ° i dis -- Fifty Pick Crow SO) SS Ss 5S Sorimied with love eng tears THREE pee ete, green ane xd ot the County Buildings, important administrative deci onto Construction Association 1961, SU he leaves 15 grand-| FUNERAL OF vorce bills got scond reading-- eae = =m HR ta entwined im Gor Book of memorien [rose Gand condiven, Resende, Tele) Whitby, Ontonic. /Sions involved in a costly hear reached agreeent here Thurs-/children 'and two great-grand. C, R, DOWSON approval in principle = in Fg) pire mee wf for 8 pov ney Doge uae aa es = Se. welt The lowest or ony tender not Jag which wil! require the serv. day, ending a Iday walkout children cine, memorial service for "ihe bie sgeayie oes Svement = m ° Kid *Saaee necessarily occepted. iees of oosecrejaries and. any which has virtually paralyzed) On Saturday, July @, 1963, at Clifton Robert Dowson, who a eer oe 8 onl ae MM ten MURREN -- In loving memory of a Teesren, Ovawe 7283 lawyers Or researchers the com- construction work in the area,/{he Northoutt and Smith Fu-idied at his residence, 22 Etm/mons committee examination! as an" oe Rae wee Se ee 8 ra cas Sas a Ge eee WM. G. MANNING lmissioners might want to ap Work is expected to resume Neral Chapel, the funeral ser street, on Tuesday, July 23, was| and ther back to the Commons bn A PS ae Trees we lave we never ieee. CMTORNG HecIne RorpProit Rotissiere, dan Clerk-Treasurer alah Monday an $200,000.000 warth at Vice (due to the absence of his held at. the Armstrong Funeral)fer third and final reading, Sheri 2 B. a - be) For always They wil SVT. TOT. gS, Sreits, tries, bom County of Ontario, ate construction, 'The strike by 3,000 Paster Rev. J. Romeri! of Cour./Home Thursday, July 25, at 2) If no hitches develop, they) Ss) Mier ise e we N + ee. Ses. Kens atone ee -- = 416 Contre Street South, LAURENDEAU NAMED carpenters alfected approximat. tice Cireuit) was conducted by/p.m. could become the first nartia. se 4 ce ne + --Sadiy mae' by Sangre, Larnp, Ramey cognen. Reames Tecan rahene Whitby, Ontoria In the end, Mr. Laurendeau:.iy 30.000 other tradesmen. Rev, C. Dugan of Tyrone, The The officiating clergyman MeMary divorce dills to receive! Saran We Oe ae ee Tw BEEP Seas, Wak Re. excelent renner OT the ROd and the cabinet or "\sombers of the Taternational Se? How Great Thou Art" was was Rev, Dr. John Leng, minis./Teyal assenz this session, se = @ 4 Qe SMACKERTON -- In loving memory of Common, NI Telegmane s3535N der naming him and Mr, Dut protmerhood of Carpenters ang mest beautiful rendered by Rossiter of St Andrew's United, Opposition by the New Deme-| temm ooum ee a Bean SMaKeHOm, WhO wen COME Te TE KELVINATOR Tetrigeraton F Gule A, ton as co-chairman also desig.) CLC) Will vote at weteet! : Charch, Interment was in Mountcrats to Parliament having to) Tree 30 1 HS Sf dole % WR ue nde on Sie einers ¢ The Noral butes 4 . Trin Oh sme There fh @ Dome nat mage dy hangs, SNE Seneitien ener nated Mr. Laurendeau as chef) p.m. today on the settlement, Bh 'ae poe be -- Lawn Cemetery pomapedy acs cases from Que] Aline ee 3 a wm Beyond We poser ear . mena axecutive e ence "i ey x . ; N S Di Anam me on aoe aoe away AY, VS, ees, i te Sem . " executive office SS ae aatgeggel baayes = Ppaatecta cand ers expressed the great esteem ao Eg "Dee Pg My jap os ton Lilt cen vu non" | e- = eR TP RAL Dor Gore Detor moter, Gece ark, w water a Vv a wrion tela). z ~ : : aS, HBAS, oP . ' ang mat Remeh Ge ain np tuna oie SO fer WuRK sale, ARP MY oF 0 Determine plo Settle "The c sl cecaak ten akties _. ges bay hay Aa. gg QY/A. Sidway, G Bray and Flin the last three sessions. | Un tee ww i 3 es Tee Mawer wel prepare 333 Lupin Drive, Wrany Em es Haga > "4 . Frauts Chi ts have been) Urecen wR Is US obey lege - a yees Jaly 8 to support demands for } a a Opponents 3s me he a inshore Min ane Bhs ag os . --« . . [2 e-contan-hour wage increase ee tee i ay Arnold Peters. (Timiskaming) Vere" St 8 Ha D Gur Savigur's Name adore, ee ae oe ed $s ame L ad Rir Strike alte Grancsens, Car yeerman) and Frank Howard (Skeena).| Vear we * Tid Gresing Sairer ei sme Hoare mm TRA Lacks SATS Ogee. Moy qui over the present rate of $2.18 land Raymond Twist, and four First Cobalt Bomb i ; lua wm. > He seohine of Wa lve |) «MONTREAL (CP) -- Wettere 1a a strike talke~it Separate interim agreements nephews, Edward Foley, Fare] tagged wes in the Comment at] Sio"itee 'saad ad 4 Wn hones en. eae relvigeraior and range, autROTIteS Were attempting 1 "HAMILTON (CP) -- Forty W&R the Union involving a 1-iwell Blackburn, Walter Black " N eth gag weer mun ut Ur tee shasos, lengthen Taeamaee Teta heed Aetersame "Thursday. whether employees af Canadian Liquid COeCee Nour increase have Deen!burn and Wilbur Blackburn" | WL Be Replaced a we Pastel ot me And ME avenmg comes Porsenower, Telephone Bowmanvilie gh . Prtagp hs Pecraclltnal prirantis eer HP ede ay PN Fag eonga independent com Interment in Bow: ville! janother 200 divorce bills in al] we we mse at And We Rey works | hothee ad-S38 an infant gil turned over to air Comaany, who had threat) Bade dy m Oy per "| LANDON, Ont. (CP) -- Trelmost reutine fashion rousing) Yee ine we 3 3 8 ang He Peer of ite 8 oe RANGE, Fin Geka Gorman wane tREM Is the one reported to have ened to strake today for con. SUCHIN firms, Cometory in family plot original cobalt. bDomd--the first/Sonator Jean . Francois Poul af Yoon tee tanh sents me year, 8S Dil A deen Kidnapped from its wnmar qract demands, voted Tharsday Settlement terms for a two. - MRS, ADA POTTS jam the world used to treat canlint (--Quebdec) to pound his) Om: same, Srast ws ask agp. AG & DOP TES One Bence ot . ayy NreUPA Je Ohrt Quer Daeipian dere, Mormer ang Farrer wher ~~ MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Letering estate s Open Evenings Unwi 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 Ring Street East 728. 3221 ~~ RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignited and Distmetive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS tm Designs For Any Need 832 Simcoe Se. S$. Qchawe 723-2002 F23-$62? Evenings Otte CARD OF R WnGi Ginsom ang or, Rene Nor Oarawa. fren aout to! Garare! Mawes of Donate Bs Wha Atomadie Careers oF iment TG, CAS, for we Denil white She ws Me many Herm! PR See 2 Peta Rev Ren. wt Magnmaaawn, Omarion ' ites, Rae Oe_e ano Arniiy WANT TO TRAVEL. QUEREC (CP) -- Te yours rots sald Taesa@ay thea skoped a Oadandound aircrah Jey T at Goose Bay, Labrador because they bke te travel "and em Canchosiovaka, ane is very résiziced." Sigeee Brata, 2 end bis brother Grorge, dot? single, are hore awaiting an um emigration Grcisian on theur re hg political asym ~ BOAT, Class A pace Pegrepiene, tf wquippes. Asking WB. Teleprore after « Dm 35308 M4 FT. Cetarsirin Saat, be Evinvade waar, BWI gee" ConSPen. Aher 3 on "wophane 723.9483. WE doy sell ane exchange wand ferns c ayhoe we tee, The y ew at STL BENTS "A Saper Waren. mately G2) adeeta of seer ae Oshawa Times Denia Sweet West, Poa USES car prrts OF al Nidy weed Siren, a SR) Whe Spl ane ehesh for Peles. Apps SP Beer Sree Fan Telaprare 38° WHVING G scling Reutare er apgue i ae » j Seren Samy Dai said Wee be bad _ : jatendea St. Andrew's United Word | OTTAWA (CP) -- Tee govern. ADD an "OS Canada" aimcaprere fe CONV ® |. Sarvieing are twe daughters, . jment was as vy == Ssse Sec Integration Move ifssrcees TES IN BREF Se ees Sent Se 8 "Feeenin" Sereptane, i Sent tharities by unidentified persons Mrs, Thomas Dicksan (Mtyrtie), 'banks are charging more than "or Wa vA Ww ae = " Wen. Donn Toa What's My Line? Bang or selling wed for nawe ond anpliences. Far yout moeds phone. Valley Creek Furniture PIB-44D2 or col ot the stive % Bord W Selling Things through Oshawa Times Classified Ads Call 723-3492 Ploce your order TODAY ory = Past Pores. 495 Simone Sect Sent Sree? East, 967. WHR Paper Geews STD fer ete H.W An Otte, Witte Eieer Ramgaea, S328 ty Ted mother July 4 Right to aA agreemen Officials planned te Rave the worked out ¢ eT in Company want's Hagerp rints checked enion negotiations against recerds at the Aospital Thre acreement where R was dora Mrs. Pauline Laurence, 22, af Pointe Calumet, 20 miles north worth a total ef 21 cents Gar lag a two ~ year agreement cents af the total leges She took the Baby from. fk was the first Rs mother's arms while retern. Calumet from a seberban Car reralie dospital Mrs, Lawrence, arraigned ear Wer this week, was granted ball of $3,000 ang preliminary dear. Uae was set for Jely 2 Defence counsel Paal Aubat (AL), N also settled fringe ib sees iq dispute De directly cancerned with the case { Rarher Tharsday Paal Aubat, making a telephone call fram a ccna public booth meat the Montreal hake oy heme at Nesre chil mag = or ws Paggye Hoes dren and their parents and wa with thema next fall inte acwly ~e on the @oar he faand the desegregated schaals hady Leaving the infant in care ot THUS Phe Women can domen Jennie Pare, a waitress ar &. State thror cancera fot children Gabriel Inn, Aubat went inte the: coutt house where he met Crawn Presecutar Rene Draain Mr, Drowkm in torn called the wetlare aatheties ' Ll MgMs grow say COMMAS, sel up dy peal by Presidemt Kennedy, is a fearing house on wars te ease TR TenstaR and climate @is- ohmanation The "take a hand" idea came trom the Mamember biracial VALUABLE AWARD The Rebbard Medal, one of mearraphe's highest awards has been awarded aniv 2] times Y since the Natiwnal Geagraphic Mrs, Mila@red MoAfee Barten. Society frst gave k m TM former presidemt af Weveviey Cehege, and Mrs. Patricia Re ARMS BARNED MORE derts Barris, Norra wamar lee -- goose > ten yer Whe ik associate: dean af Teetere ja Australia m * " ' 20s "aa & seed: aan Stadents at Reward' Unicersity Tine-peT Cem Tse over I]. WOULD SHOW CONCERN Some T30R persons Eve in They told a press conference Nova Socatia's 20008 square Wednesday "this tone ef orm. jzmiles. ' pole actin" woald provides for wage and welfare benefits of Montreal, has been charged Ware imcreases accaant fer 23 wore. With kidnapping. The crown al agreement between the company and the wg WIR them by taxi te Palme United Seelwarkers af America Women : Suggest A cong spark a movement te and far @etency, the leaders of American women afer aa ap * steering committee heatied by yoar Contract between the car. penters and the Simember car. struction association will be an. : cation teday. MORE VISITORS LONDON -- There were 13 per cent mare visiters to Brit. ain fram overseas im May than @uring the same month of fast year, The total number of visit. ars in the first Ave months of this year 344.208 "take the hand of the parent' and take the hand of the child and walk with them inte the Thersdar in St Andrew's Uni. Wamen coald thased Charch with the Ree J M demonstrate Their refusal te be W. Mcleed eMicianng. RB buiiing." part af tensian preden he Tecalled receny scenes af fre cha@ren and their par. ents @xpesed te "the glare af Pabhoity and hestititx" withent the ho} af the white commun. year Rev noe Se all . inister of Ran- . " Ry as Ther walked ime newly son » Dy yg _ 3q 7ROT that the city plans to Scrap Mir MacNaaght said a mation desegregated schoals MARMORA -- Yong Raess, Mrs Fotewing Ada her home bere Tuesday. She was 8. eld, Eagiand, daughter of Nh and Mrs, Wilham Walker, who came te Canada when ther @aughter was nine. Her edaca. ' jen was continued in Hastings ©22D1e treatment techniques) County at Gilmour where she re.) Sided with her family unt her marnage She ba: ' . MREMiate saocess In ISN, N was) sence rented Eh Mela Guucana aul eee bl Ora. She was a charter member @ Harmony LORA No. 800 ang MeTARY «centres around qa cer pationts--wil] be replaced Potts, at Leadon Cancer C : nounced following union ratifi. Widow of Thomas Potts, died a; more Modern, efficient version.|a racket _ . jolinic, said the new unit Wilisenate Leader Mrs_ Potts was born in Shef cost just under $36,000 y@esk and say parliamentary di. jverce has become "a faree |. . ./ + & shame." inic by a Dr. T, A, Watson, head of the) COMING EVENTS After Senater Arthur Roebuck W. Ress Mac. and in donald mollified him, Sonater! OMS =) Pouliot wihdrew his , but said he'd be heard from again, statlations and Rerati other $9,000 H He said the new machine will! be more Manocurradle and will) Rate Probe mel posse with the old ma) chine, | The original unit was an im: ; SMandard equipment in radio e Requested WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lead-jthe concer of women for chit-/of Bowmanville, ane son, Gerald ers ef the National Woonen's dren caught im racial probdloms.'af Marmora 'Committee for Civ Rights have Many schools will Be @esegre | white women gaied this fal, sald Mes. Rar, children TS, ARG Women's organizations children, one sister, Mrs, Hine are. Exhaust fames Sheppard ef Torante and a dre. ther, Perey Walker Also surviving are 33 gran@. Plastic leaves on highway @ivid. and great.grand., Funeral service was held! REV, THOMAS M. WERE hr sq tacts, valued at between $308. Ja falling health for the past DW ana SVU F the Van: isha Themas M. Wedd, ants Bamend Carpenter, head ef the aria' KR TRE TVONTS. was im. the family plot at Mar mora Protestant Cemetery. Sees BO SP Calfornia wniversities to pur shocking as they may be." bs chase a collection of Indian at fore another body As for Mr. Qison's request ~ + USE LEAVES . : et specified in the Bank Nalian traffic specialists Mant The a oan be H_ A, Olson (SC--Medicine Ba') JAE SIMMS 20 cut down headlight he sabe Gn Gehan saan BINGO aT U.A.W.A, HALL SATURDAY, JULY 27%h 7:30 RM 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF ss JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH " real xamining SonsuMeD credit was) jteld that the banks are charg./ WANTS ARTIFACTS (ag More than six per cont on! VANCOUVER «CP) -- Prot jeans, j Soheiter . General MacNaaght! pelecy department at San'said R would be hard ernanda Valley State College,jnriate for a federal minister to) a bid be twelcomment on revelations, "aS t the pariamentary cormmit-| waver Musoum, He said & TR tee on credit be set Up qaicky,) Ry taking action at Their com years, Gied Thursday, Jaty 35, RC Mescum Prompted Ms ac iar creation at The commikter! tienal wormen's munity level, members of na.ai the Oshawa General Basal. erpanizations 'al. Mr. Webh, whe Heed at 3 oan end this "gnement of isala. Hiflcref street, was in his Path tea." Mrs. Harris said pear The steering committee in. Bora at Gearge E. MueRer, &, whe bas Westohester, Nowa worked on develapment af doth mw be broacht im as oon as NAMED SPACE READ WASHINGTON (AP) -- Dr et, House has deen disposed cludes representatives of nurs. Scotia, June 35, 1892, the de. mittary and civilian space reck-) SUMMONS PARLAAMENT | mg and professional groups, the ceased was a 'son of fhe Tate cts, was named Taesday to) GHRORGETOWN, British Gai. Yeung Women's Christian As-iMr. and Mrs. John Webb. Hehead the U.S. manned space ana (Reaters) -- Sir Ralph "somata, the General Pod@era.jwas married tien of Women's Chats, the|Purwash, NS wagee ef Women Voters andj resident aw 1 le had been aly Oshawa for wig at Space technology jabor 3, TS, at program, He has beon vice-ares-'Grey, governor of British Gai.) Gent for research and @evelapana, signed a proclamation 'Tuesday summoning Paniament tories at Las Angeles. ite assemble July 32. BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JULY 27 7:30 P.M. Ry appre.) Shore the Wealth 4--$40 Jockpots to go 1--$150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 & Not Admitted TEENSVILLE DANCE "the zaare pressing business In) WEAR YOUR SHORTS | Friday, July 26 8 TO 1) P.M. Admission Members 35¢ Non Members 60c | 100 GIBB STREET

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