|New Lighthouse Ps a |Looks Like Cup | isn cron who says the days of the horse and the blacksmith are num i Mae SS AN BARRA AS : SA yw BE F 4 aR Ry GERRY MeNEIL while the wide base adds to the |, « pred Will get an argumen l s l QUEBEC (CP) -- The coast sivength of the. structure risk Morris A vehas DO -O-RAMA SA E suard already has dubbed Can: The wide top provides. room 4 she jae Si rn light) sifor a selfsufficient lighthouse Mr. Archer is a welder who jada's most modern lighthouse aria Magic paige eee S ' ' lthe: "yo-yo." "Actually it looks Where machinery and stores has in recent years become a more like Be C of can be Kept, with living quar: blacksmith as well, And the jmore tike an egg cup or. one of H aS . | 4 ters fer the two-man crew reason was that there was a those plastic detergent bottles. lers © twe ; f . The whole thing cosis an esti growing demand for the Rul the design is functional, sd $1,500,000 but operational smithy's services in Lambton Not artistic, and takes into ac-) MAled SLIM mS , cr than County fount the realities of planting al COSts | Wil be far lower that it ; lightho: n 48 feet of water those of the present lightship He reports the horse popula salied ey scala tides and the) {tat warns vessels off Prince's'tion in the area is growing and AS @ Nie , s es nents of two "eget Sis the Shoal he's Kept busy Making shoes fo: yg eet an he Ganasans. Dogens of freighters Make about 100 of them "Phe 32,000,000 candlepawer their way around the shoal Ue wppe difference is that in- light that will warn ships of) Ae We Saguenay SHIPPINE SCA oad af farm work horses wh & . & , > son with cargoes of aluminum, ... So hull a Prince's Shoal will be perched ng up the bulk of such popula on a citcular caisson 90 fect in CAURe and other materials. sign the trend today is to sleek hper ge ide ee iyi' Visiting the lighthouse by <oo5.. tae ate Pe pe | diameter at the base, narrowing baat isn't a Sunday sailor's job saddle horses, skittish pacers j to a slender neck, then widening and trotter and the inevitable lie spare the keener' '= though hatches in the neck and aa aapper ee ROEPEN'S QUAY aaders will allow vessels to tie PS ters up 'there when the water ix Mr, Archer, who took over an The ft sircular ¥ ill es tablishment operated for 49 The flat, ' reof Will calm, Landlubbers can get a establishment: qperated for a serve as a helicopter deck, & jook at the big red caisson from Years by Brian Maw, a smithy drydock for a sm boat and the ea0-foot hills that skim the afd thea learned the trade fron te base for the laht. The shore where the St. Lawrence Mr, Maw, finds that modern whole affair will jut about % and the Saguenay meet methods can be applied to feet above water at high tide blacksmithing When 48 feet of the caisson wil During an interview he got a be below water eall fram Alf Moore, a farme Censtruction has been slow u an ese and racehearse owner Wao v difficult be se af tat ' and ¢ wit because af tarbdu needed a quick repair job an a ence in the water Our AOS tris . e,8 . hind shee of one of his stris ait shore trem the % > Awalung Va Mr, Archer was off im min ag a IF miles ne ANt € , fully eouins here, Whea the ligh na KASHM EL GIRBA, Suda yack Geuiahe Gk an eighty CUDDLY CATHY DOLL turned Oh AEXE Veal u Rey Sh=dtalian and. Sudan ox Comes . i oe od a throw a beam 2 miles i : " weather and twe miles i ' and ele s € ACIR a » He ained that wh athy has e cotton nightgown and sleeping eves MUST WITHSTAND ICE The concrete shell of t son was Dulll near Qued »y,, Gresser with drawers and ease note cispiay DOX is Not tawed t@ the hghtheuse s rea Age " ~ R * f ' : ' , : , a Bib ; Vale . ' : arg ne ~ x a vie . SPECIAL aes 7 ; a am ome cane. whe |S aes ajor tributary of the oxegen equipment and repair i COMPLETE & 05 Ke ba ALE St ( RUst ana ntegrat concrete was poured in ; e shoe ba a. cd ' s ys J ) ae ake doubly sure the ane Ga went baa mass doesn 1.308.000 006 ate ] € Good Salmon arevcang Sn. a a a a ieee 20" Bun Reported r-"= moe s S e e eT eee S DOLLS SAINT ls with . he Bia F ' 3 ' 5 n hair, \ y x ¢ . leenir Yo WATER JUST RIGHT lira rts 3 sleeping eves and as. He . tn : sete Mle sorted styled dresses 'in % mands Taffeta and Nylon, SPECIAL 3.47 LADIES! . . . Here ar Wanted . Affe ANNUAL... be | ii DN i af PLAY PEN DOLL seoced sora Aanz, sleep. | te eves and decsed in rat r 3.7 eal poh '2.87 13" INFANT BABY DOLL All Furs IT'S REALLY CATCHING ON .. . Guerenteed!! Our quarterly clearing of | Remnants, and ends of bates, . = Kolinsky Jackets =. | : ie - 149.00 3 125.00 | eee es | that is, PLUSH DOLL Pastel Mink Stoles rn na ae ... a 1 ons ca PYIAMA BAG 3.00 wc: 298.00 | Grey Persian Lamb Jackets [{) ceo! sotues | ply ah a wae wey China Mink Jackets -. . : rs wt Beck S phech beep SS 325.00 | vee 498.00 Se 398.00 LAST CLEARANCE | PRICE | Anscus-GRAYDON | orrison Fur & Sportswear Lid. || CARPET COMPANY |] > stones ro save vou aerrn ie ' 282 KING ST. WEST PHONE 728-9581 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 48 Simcoe St. N. (Opposite The Armouries) 725-43 ' S220 Oe GRDAw TED OR WOKE! ONTO at OLS