'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 24, 1963 9 | : : i neal REST. a } ; Concern Shown toJune breeding. period andjand Alaska, will help natural CANNING $ LTD. follow-up checks of the samejists find out exactly how the " nests at least once every three'bald eagle is faring and 20 KING ST, E, MEN'S WEAR 725-1812 For Ba cd e Aveeks until next spring whether actie conservation Some detailed observa./Programs are required, ane ANNUAL -- TORONTO (CP) -- A rotived)|was a census, now nearing 'com tion from a blind blose to an| It could round out research Winnipeg banker living in Plors pletion, to establish population/eyrie, may be necessary to begun by Charles Broley when SUMMER SALE 4 ida sounded the warning five trends, Among preliminary fig-jround out such data as how/he scrambled by rope ladder years ago, A Montreal birdjures available, a continental/ many eggs are laid, how manyito a Florida nest and banded) #1 lover decided to help and do:/U.S.-census last year counted) hateh, how many deaths o.curlthe first of 1,900 baby bald nated $8,000, An exiled Hungap-/3,807 bald eagles, U.S, counters) and how many nests are aban-'eagles in - January, 1930---vir'us| arts urs ay, a.m. ian roologist. is putting the/found S13 active nests, Cana./doned ally the first serious study of) money to work in research'dians counted about 150 nests, The Canadian work, co-ordin,|the big bird since it was-adopted around Vancouver Island but these included few from inated with research in Florida as the US, symbol in 1782, The object of this cosmopol accessible areas of northern) see. hence cea itan concern is the bald eagle, British Columbia, an ideal majestic national symbal of the breeding ground United States, The aim is to, The second phase involves) discover whether the bird is dy more detailed studies of indi CREDIT ing out or merely retreating vidual pairs of birds in Florida, farther into the wilds from hu. Alaska and British Columbia to) " man annoyances discover particulars on birth] The retired banker was the and death rates, breeding and) ) late Charles L. Broley, known feeding and the ratio of young to to naturalists as the Eagle old binds Man, who warned in 1958 that, For the B.C, study, Canadian ene ANNOUNCES on the bald eagle might be a van-/Audubon in Toronto received a ishing bird, He judged thar 80/$8,000 grant from a Montreal per cent of Florida's bald eagle member who wished to be an SEMI a ANNUAL CLEARANCE SA E | population was sterile and he/anonymous donor, The grant é blamed the affliction on con. Went to the zoology department tamination of their food, mainly of the University of British Co fish, through the use of DDT lumbia for a twoyear survey and other pesticides sprayed under the direction of Dr, Mik near waterways os Udvardy, who joined UBC Mr. Rroley was renowned for after leaving his native Hungary eer OM ane is hazardous habit of banding during the 1958 uprising fledgling bald ¢agles in West). ews pe ER : " JEWELLERY Florida and the Rideau Lakes SURVEY BY PLANE Rey x 30 . = 4 region of eastern Ontario when) A fellow Hungarian refa he was in his 808 and TOs, He gee, sraduate student Lasalo ; based his warning on a decline Revfalvi s -coducting -- fleld WATCH ES a the number of . Retfaly is conducting field . ork for the first year with the na iner . ry WE And an increase in abandoned' assistance of David Hancock ' DIAMONDS ' : who ¢ pilot the light plane i : - : = LAUNCH STUDY they are using in a survey of . . * Three vears ago, the US. and islands south of Vancouver Is - BULL CONNOR' S DOGS -- : Canad anAudubon so iativs re as a og seg WATCH OUR WINDOWS AND COUNTERS aunched one of the most ex tensive wildlife survevs ev » the second year for a study segregation demonstration in mingham's former police 'undertaken. in North America along the northern B.C. coast FOR CLEARANCE SPECIALS!! Zirmingham, Ala, The use af chief, is seen by, some white 49 learn about the b } and in the Queen Chariotte more an while od p ' Ac and fire hoses Wher southerners as one reason for, ts hat t " . r ie 3 ¢ D . eagie, its habits ar abitat an | at his sweater during an ant direction of Bull Connor, Bin the. explosive MAIVONS I whether it is on the decline rat year, their program SAVINGS 20% t 50% Sr pe : | Dixie sniy on the mov Vas Atved 12 trips over bald ° ° ° toc 5 PPI gle country during the Apri OS Merchandise ! eyue heque for a cer amount P Photo from AP) The first phase of the survey ea Over Million il deposited in specia n < M. Whidden, ur TRADE-IN Ladies' Ladies' said J n, uni To University | | ee ee F 4 an A L 20.00 a Pleo FINE CALGARY (CP) t n w he said One TRAIN CASE Jewellery Seis sarta students hei rs 20 dragge t M years when deo ahs $1,000 an : anclaims of kinship a ore tae ie "A 4 4 OLD WATCH Reg. Value 35.00 Reguler to 24.95 act that came in fect 32 sons in another country, But \\ \ ial! years ago the university received regardless of condition on the purchase Special! On Sale The t ate Heir Act pro, 000. of any NEW NATIONALLY ADVER- vides the ates of any person Few. estates anpraack that TISED WATCH .. . Longine, Witt 24.88 11.88 maar ange ? ding Paes aah at bi -- i ja ve had farms nauer, Omega, Bulove, Elgin etc, coal mines, olf leases (thoug ee he y a pa " en e pro. 80t in goed locations) co'n co Clearout Special! Ladies' and Gents' d ' anev & ections,- grain and stocks and x be aay ta. sees Schall . TO ATTEND MEETING ' aa ' wf W atch Bracelets . and assistance ia re at PRAGUE (AP)--Antonin No : Guerontecd Velues to 10.00 * Pasian the univerity. votny, Czechesiovakia's Com OUT THEY GO e munist president, has left Tammy's fashion shoes during our e Prague for Moscow to attend cae te Sover a DOWNTOWN DAYS Clearout OF ------ Look! Look! ALL JET HEELS cosruns || RADIOS! || _28 or OneAen 6 Transistor 'STACKED and WALKING JEWELLERY ! Holidey Special "Regul te 695. Ash Trays, The perfect shoe for busy Valves 1 88 14.98 3.88 5 Vases, | HUNDREDS OF PRices __|| Trays, Etc. - $ brown, white and bone. Values DEODORANT 1.09 x wise... ween Values te 6.00 1.25 value : = reg. 8.99 - 9.99 Out They Go @ NOXZEMA Instent ' 3 Velues 5 88 { ] m Lather 89: | FINAL CLEARANCE te 10.00 4 | 98 1.25 Value ". e | een! |x SS od. 49 ~--= Sale of Gent's RINGS! SUN GLASSES | = ; es | Ladies' & Gents' Ooge, ts Homalite, Signet ete Priced ot sensational SO pe aa / GRUEN 20% OFF AND MORE! url | : ne | PROM WRIST WATCHES |) Ladies' Black Alaska ALL DRESS HEELS et) Tae DIAMOND RING Q.88 women in colours of block, \ : ; NEw | OU oe ? mM © < OU - i ! BANDAGE : ' Extra Special! Stunning selection GAUZE and illusion bie TV x 10 yas. ae a a SALE OF DIAMOND RINGS! ¢ vin 2Q '5. an Ladies' Matching Wee Ladies' Solitaire NOXZEMA WS py ENGAGEMENT RING AND Sun and Guard DIANOND RING SET! LN? 3 eS MATCHING WEDDING RING Leen 2 prs. 11.00 vem 199.50 Fees 179.50 1.09 | Special 3-Diamond OF Mee _\ Carat Special consisting of ITALIAN SANDALS | ENGAGEMENT RING! NS IASSRGaceENT RING. on: Eeqsiote sorcals iment waowe sve 99,50 SS su 395.00 ed HERE tal Value Reg, to 6.99 | Save NOW . LISTERINE 3 90 oh Uj ANTISEPTIC i . ~ " a These .. . "979° inate : Men's ELECTRIC SHAVERS! "sus 18.88 ane =. All Flat Heels : Clearance of CLOCKS, WALL PLAQUES """ =: 20% awa. ose reg. te 6.99 Ladies' or Gents' WATCHES ! cosmertwrm teacontcur, 16.95 Look For The Yellow Ticket Values 5 of : Ladies' DRESSER SETS! 33 0SS.h. 6.95 to 49.95 - bingy Leather Wallets and ""~ Clutch Purses! =" 20% to 50% C aan. PAs curs | HORWICH CREDIT JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE ST. S. and OSHAWA {in Doventown Oshawa) SHOPPING CENTRE E 530 SiMOOE STS i OSHAWA PHO eS 25-a5ae {SSOW AGA = Fab aes) ces eS Cie dab Wervey puaza SIMCOE STN, 728-2491 723-7133 -- a 725-8443 Twe Locations