24 THE COHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 24, 1963 Call. The Direct Classified Num ber 723-3492 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 '17---Male Help Wanted BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants Building Trades ALOERT WOSMAR, Charierea account| ROOFING, -- shingl "yoot and gable ant, 322 King Street West, Oshawa, Tele) \guvers installed Siding, carpentry, phone 72 j atteralions. Workmanship, matertala HAROLD, OEWAR, Accredited" Pub-|euaranteed, HM, Tweker, 728-0036, ie Accountant Commercial aie ROOFING, concrete floors, flat rooting 784 King Street West, Oshawa, 720 new work and. repairs, THGNARD JAMES BROOKS, Sharer -- nt oof Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shoppin: Contre, 7259953. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, our specialty ed|\arae and smail jobs. L, g| (he and Construction, 123- BRICK CLEANING aves aie RIEHL, ana cleaned like new by -- HydroSelloa t method, no dust Free estimates, Call ny ae cgay oo Bas Rl Stan's. Sharpening an. Rental Lad, hinx W2" 20890, | FaeSea, Whitey N MO_f-4)a1 FALE, ~~ FRIRDLANDER "and | Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trum) ACKERMAN _ tees in Bankruptey, €4 King Street Excavating ~ Loading ns ce SRI ae nets Sond, Gravel, Fill HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, Char And Top Soil tered Accountants, 167 King Street Dump Truck East, Oshawa, | Ontarie, 75.9509. dance Ren PHONE 623-5756 _ BOWMANVILLE | CONSTRUCTION accountants, Ma king Street East, Osh awa; Ronald F, D. Wie, CA: GG.) For guaranteed home im- provements, store and office Fdmond Burrows, CA Tae? GGG CLANCY'S "Accounting Service remodelling, expert workman. ship. Free estimates. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Whitby 668-4412 | Street West. 7240397, Bes, 723-7608 sensors PLASTERING stucco, ng base Work- 4, Free Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN. SERVICE CENTRE | Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West----728-1607 "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOL Barristers RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS HW GREER, Associate Barristers and Solic tors, 130 King Street Gast, 728-4245 Mortgage loans available MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD 1. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries. Money to: loan. Henry Block @éie King ect East, 723-4697. Res dence, dial 723-402? Lous $ pha: QC, Barrister citer, Nota Alger Bullding, 3? Street Eant. "9a Mortgage estimotes. SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, FILL N. G. BARTER 725-7119 " Cartage i. Solis IONS MOVING AND Dial Oshawa, Whitby "Reasonable rates 1 Fully equipped and insured, 728-266! Kell $0 King monies ve TOR BA, and Nolaly 23.9446 dD ng LLB, Ra Pubtie Simcoe Dressmaking DRESSMAKING re experienced Mra. Bitridge, é? "Piarrister, Solici- ROWMAN, DAVID i. Tas.9892 tor, 34 Simese Street South Reskience [28-0284 JOSEPH FP" MANGAN, OC Solicter Money to loan King Street Rast, Oshawa TRETGHTON, DRYNAN MURDOCH, Barristers, tore, tary Public Bank Bvilding, 5 Simece St awa, Ontario. 7 1, K, Creighton, Q¢ Qu, THN: GL Mortgages «& agreen mente oi tc -- bought, soid and arranged. A VO MACKEY. BA Notary F alterations, pant cuff. reasonable rates Moatrave 723-6176 rister, * Gardening and Supplies re and evergreens, also A es : Oshe CEMENT grave: and driveway gravel, Resid ences: sand and fill. For delivery call Eric M pegs Brantin. Whitby 868.2860. taker dowr and joba insured, rv im ree estimates. Dial ts Psat DAVEY TREE SERVICE roy feeding, 'es end stump re- The. oldest ond _Seving service 723-1361 oe and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill r Exceveting, lots leveled Loo rucks for hire BEATTY HAULAGE "chain" saw Pr "Barrister, BRU cE $ Mt. Mortgage pdowds ry DONALD, Barristera and 9 King: Street East ng. dAMES" A Barrister funds ava adh tt % Sieve Charies € Rastedo, Qc "BA, Barrister, Solleh Lined Street North Ta.32 Solicitors. Clients first mortgages, North, 728-7336 a F Edgar F EF SALMERS. $s! MeG Residence HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Street East Oshawa; R prreya, QC: G. S$. Boychyn 725-2156 Hillman, LLB. Office Res Gence: 728-428, Whitsy @27). Tsasne, MNStruction NMA end other mortgage funds avaliadia PRIVATE Bookkeeping BOOKKER? Returas. Statem Views. TOA Newman Crescent, Building Trades ALL TYPES cf is, chimneys. fi @wops Gordon May, CRIMNEYS built, site else Drickwork, F 53.208) student Counsellor, iMerview amis, Act nt ices, Income Tax EXPERT - prepared, BC Ser. 'cher 853-8252 Dy qualified ch. Begin ' ee sh References Telephone 3.75 LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Late Model: s, Standerds atic: Dual ed OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 728.0 0091 1B OEE se Au Contro! YOUR LOCAL CRIMNEY cleaner Calmaeya Dult and repaired, gas lin tags insta farnacea vacuumed, Free ates, TIT Money To Loan PAY ALL YOUR BILLS Have Only One Low Monthly Payment $50 to $5, 000 GORD'S JANITOR SERVICE Exper enced. cleoners on Ors, welt. cenungs end 723.1302 A. FOSKETT AND SONS Roo + Mes P exper SUPERIOR ESTIMA scan FINANC 668- 5906 or 668. 234) HOME IMPROVEMENTS Reoting painting MITED Fastest Growing All- n Company" 17 SIMCOE ST. N 725-6541 iL 5:30 Canadian Loa eevestro Y UNT PM ESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M > SATURDAY DURING UST E i. 4ER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Telephone 728- 2061 CE IN ONTARIO Classified Ad: Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster Vere ~< 6 consecutive deys 3 consecutive devs Count exch word, Box number tt mot peid within 7? doys, initiel, figure er ceddrevict ° charge rote month 3 tines per (Net applicable for merc DEAI mh} Li Word eds Ciess fied Births, menor > end Fau ee oms and Correct Q . REGL LATIONS The Oshowe Times will not be respomibie for ments submitted otherwise thon ene incorrect insertion ef ony 2 price chorge for o single insertion ot the error occurs. The Oshoewe Times reserves the eccording to its proper cioss feet : tn the cose of displcy advertisements, The held resporsibie for more space thon + error eecupies. The publishers endeey tising motter correctiy, but cssume mo liodi if ery incccurocies im omy form ere contoined therein Xest Concelle errors, vert A, WOODS 728-3420 | }OUTSIDE FAINTING |Money To Loan MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE | Low Interest | Valuations Arranged Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Members Ontario Morgtage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES | LIMITED 112 Simeoe St. North | Oshawa, Ontario---725-3568 | |Mortgages_ "|FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale agreements purchased and sold, Hen inick and Hennick, Barristers, 3) King Street Bagt, 723.7232 PRIVATE and joan on all types of mortgages; gages and agreements hased. Creighton, Drynan a j loch, (See heading "Barrister," 12 YEAR MORTGAGES |~ | corporation monies to mort TV--Radio Repairs wurrny TV aerial and tower vervice, al OSHAWA ELECTRONICS _ Guerenteed Parts and Service (068-8544, DAY OR. EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, Prop, 728-5286 any TV. For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaronteed Sotisfaction Paul Cieslar Prop, | $11 Dean Ave. 725-0500 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 \7--Trailers No Bonus or Hidden Cost No Prepayment Penalty, Neo Broker's Fee To obtain your free brochure wn sound. residentiol. mort. gage financing of up to 80% of value CALL OR WRITE C.A.C, REALTY LIMITED Oshawa Shoppi ing Centre Oshewa 25-47 77 MORTGAGE LOANS tie nv wi CARTAGE, ~ 648-2563 oF compressor ng, 466 Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine, Sp ng in ddinch tile, W. Ward, 204 ¢ t Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby. 603-1809 KROONTJE, work Park Road South, 728-3864, BILL LEMON _ WELL DIGGING Cleanouts, Deepeninga, Compressor Work LLIAM "well. Telephoné 728-0911 digging. cleanout and deepen: Moneys for first mortgoges Interest at 7% Open Mortgeges No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages ond Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St, East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Musical Services | PIANO TUNING, rates ve. Telephone Bowmanvilie 623.728) PIANO, reed pipe and electronic organ tuning and repair. instruments apprelsed. 4, Hiddink Alax 421664 Optometrist 1c 1 H FUCK, RG, Optemetrat Picaee | PAY accounts at downtown Dominion! Bank or % Burk Street? Dial T23.4st,/ Painting and Decorating Ad PAINTING and paper hanging J. Jensen after $ p.m, 725-7213 Careful Reasonable rates. Nelsoa Hel ae ir dar ner srononioun » FR EXPERT PAINTING and decorating AL work guaranteed. Mbitson and Sona, 20 St. Lawrence, Whithy 668-5205. CODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Poperhenging, Gyptex, Full Well Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S, WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725.7426 Personal Service MODERN GRILL anB-Qued Chicken, Turkey 2--Personal Box 33, WANTED --- Business address of Removal 3) YOU have a drinking probier Whitby, or call 668-3034 ber, within four miles of four s, Write Box 828, Oshawa Times. LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altere- tions, ete, Invisible mending, dress alterations 10 PRINCE ST, 728- 5311 of superfluous heir, Marie Murduff will be in Oshowa August "Sth, 6th, 7th, Phone Genoshe Hotel on these dotes for appoint ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) DOMAR INVESTIGATIONS 728-9054 DIVORCE, PERSONA' GENERAL INVESTIGATIONS FREE CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW © Simcoe St, S. (Bassett Bldg.) Oshawa Dr. N. Kowalsky Physician Announces Re-Location of his office The Medical Centre 211 Simcoe South (Formerly 9 Bagot Street) Telephone: 723-2822 Dinners, Fish "n Chids, Home Mode Pies ond Deserts 3--Pets & Livestock » Write Sree for rent, com WILLOW ame BODYMAN -- must have five years' ex. perience, top wages. Apply Doc's Garage, 1600 King Street East or tele phone 728-7781, WANTED --- two men for wholesale plumbing and heating warehouse, Exper! ecessary, Apply x own handwrit) Oshawa Ti Imes, GB marriod man tor dairy farm, Stage age, number of enilaren,| me and address of former employer.) rooks, Bowmanviile, ' 629-5125, FUEL OIL salesmen wanted, full or tme, for Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa, manvilie area. a necessary, Apply) Hb Perry, Harry 0. rry Ltd, 285 lor Street West, Osha Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants, Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work, Fuller Brush Co, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m, BELTONE OF OSHAWA Requires a young married man with a car to verify cd fp ate rhall nf Smal MAS HELD AKL. "RENT-A-TRAILER - Hitches supplied. Moving boat and cabin traliers MONTY'S BA SERVICE SIMCOE AT GIBB 725-913) Summer Properties For Sale or Rent GAST LAKE Picton ares. Large fully modern cottages, Available from August 1. Phone GR 64804. COTTAGES and ols River, 10 miles north "the Black Uxbridge on of "|Pelephone Black River Securities, UL TRSS3i collect for appointment ;FOR RENT -- cottage on Crow Lake, two bedrooms, refrigerator and = ray eve, Available July 27, Dial 723-710. |NEW COTTAGE for Sale on quiet Meth. huen Lake. | Oshawa Sate beach, 8? m&es from Telephone 725-2584. FURNISHED two - bedroom cottage among the pines, on Lake St, Peter sandy beach, hydra, boat, $35, weekly oe August 3 te 17. Brooklin 655 lakefront, all conveniences; Aug. 3 to 17. as. Sevgog. Dial 723 GLEN for your waterfront jot oF cottage, Three miles straight north of Ross Hospital, Lindsay. Apply on tots or a* 7) Saint Péul Street, Telephone 24 Mreededroom cottage boat, STONEY LAKE sandy. beach, conveniences, jAvoust 10 to 37 and trom August 9) on {Dia [AUGUST 0 to 18 - 688.2408. ter bedroom cottages on Rice Lake, one week, § sate have flush water, etc Motors. avalladie. write Cedar Cove FOR RENT Modbtrn, well-sheded, 3-bed- room fokefront cottege, in- side conveniences and T.V., Cameron Loke, |} mile from Fenelon Falls Grenville M. Flett R.R, 2, Fenelon Falls Phone Burnt River 15rd 11--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 OF All Kinds OUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- hand planes, ers, bolt na choirs }13--Business Opportunities) }room, approximately one acre of park na, |sale See this now. Geo, Shire, telephone » P RELIABLE GIRL or woman for general appointments, APPLY 42¥% Simcoe St. N MORNINGS ONLY No Phone Calls Please PAINTERS WANTED UNION RATES Between 5-7 p.m., the 22nd of July AT RAY McLEAN LTD., Harwood i North 942-6150 PLASTERERS Rate $3.10 Per Hour Plus 4 Per Cent Vacation Pay MILBURN LATH AND PLASTER 80-A Wolfe Street TELEPHONE 728-3735 | |MODERN lunch counter, also prenerty | jeorner King end Gibbon, paved parking jReasonavle price, Terms to svi Call evenings, 729-2742. | MOTEL for sale Sunderland, Solid brick buliding, 18 rooms, snack bar, dining Hicence possible, Sickness forces ACTIVE OR INACTIVE PARTNER WANTED For Small Gdrage and Car Business Apply on Small emount of capital needed, Oshawa District 728 - 1238 \14--Employment Wanted WILL MIND children in my home, week-) ty or dally, Lake Vista area, Telephone! P2S-S948, GAY care and meais to children Pte $8 yoars, Sday week, new home, nice yard, vicinity Grandview, 725-0317 SENIOR matriculant, aged 35, is looking for a clerical position. Available Aug. 6 1963, For. personal data write Box 2) OR 725-6225 Oshawa Times, Whitby 16--Female Help Wanted THE "OSHAWA WAITRESSES WANTED -- full time. SEPARATE SCHOOL Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel BOARD REQUIRES Sai ott, 725-844. i mata es S| CARETAKERS ee sen "BY Seter'Tst Applicants please apply in 728-030 writing stating age and qualifications to \TOWOR wortice clerk wanted, steady pos! aH cocoa MR, F. E. SHINE Business Administrator Box 396, Oshawa, Ont. household duties, lve in, no cooking re wired, Dial 728-2503 UNLIMITED opportunity for extra earn ngs; become a doauly Counsellor, We have openings Now avaliadle, Call Airs. cn Gower SHOP the * "variety store" of the Gass. | ified Section--"Migcelianeous for Sale" today. It's loaded with wondertal offers. IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENTS DICTAPHONE TYPISTS & STENOGRAPHERS SECRETARIAL. OVERLOAD SERVICES WHITBY 668-818) EXPERIENCED _ | PRESSER REQUIRED | Apply PICKWICK CLEANERS 434 Simcoe South EARN FOR YOUNG MEN. AGED 16 A TRADE YOU LEARN WHILE YOU EARN Through the Soldier Appren- tice Plon offered dy the Conedien Army you 'eam e trade ond take the first steps to a fine future. in eddi- tien, you con-- FURTHER YOUR ACADEMIC EDUCATION BENEFIT FROM MILITARY "just 1, Per mformation, 17--Male Help Wanted 17----Male Help Wanted AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS Licensed, with good background of experience BODY METAL FINISHERS With previous experience Reguired by G.M. DEALER OSHAWA, ONTARIO Flat Rate Shop 44 Hour Week POTENTIAL INCOME TO $125 WEEK Ontario Motor Sales Ltd., Oshawa, need sev- eral well qualified men to fill these positions Fringe benefits include: Pension Plan Group Insurance PSI. Hap with Blue Cross Extended Coverage Paid Statutory Holidays Coal Su "yet: and Laundered FREE Coffee Shop MR, NOWA D COOK' Service' Manager ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND STREET WEST OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-6501 \18-----Male or Female Help Wanted | RASPBERRY pickers, adults, 40) High way and Thickson Road corner farm. Apply evenings between 7? + 9 p.m | SALES REPRESENTATIVE, good pay, car necessary, advancement for right person, All replies confidential, Box 710, Oshawa Times. WORM PICKERS, experienced only, Ap ply Oshawa Golf Club parkiing tot be tween 11.90 and 12 p.mtonight Ir tele phone Toronto LE 1264. CANADIAN company ts expanding thelr! soles force and require men and women to train as representatives. een) must have use of a car and ee work evenings. $90 per week poly - parttime and $80 per week for full time,! Write Box ANS Oshawa vt scion WANTED TAX! DRIVERS Men or Women MERCURY TAX! | _14 Albert Street men | WANTED PHARMACIST | | For part time work would OFFICE SUITE Located above Karns, clean, bright, immediate occupancy. Paul Ristow Realtor, 728- 9474, 187 King St. €, FOUR CORNERS Approximately 1,000 squore feet plus basement Rental adjustment during establish. ing period, Immediate posses- sion, Paul Ristow Realtor, _728:9474. 187 King St. E, NEW OFFICES -- 'In Medical Center 211 Simcoe St. S. Available July 1963 Con be finished to suit Early Tenants, PHONE 725-5132 UITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 aq. ft, SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 '23--Wanted To Rent ay "SEPTEMBER lo Octooer by yy business woman, smal! Bungalow, Osh awa, vicinity Shopping Centre, After » nm 725-9731, wnitsy eutrkirts, 3. Threebedreem Reuse: 3 easonadle rent BR stord stating Lae to Box 903 Oshawa Times, WANTED one bedroom apartment oy Tews " OR ery 22 ffices, Stores, Storage RESPONSIBLE family With relerencee SMALL air conditioned office, approxi require three-bedroom mately 399 square feel, central, close folate school. iparking, Phone 7222035 6 __ PRONG GSB-H298 ears : |RUSINESS OFFICE, S90 Bq, K. Glose fe WANTED TO RENT -- Tho oF threebed downtown and parking. Available Aug room furnished apartment for August. dial 7235132. jQerawa area. For executive of eeeenenrer i deena ese elepnone | Nin, jBrennan, P2535 | Sing along with the happy |cxosenty ReshECTING respect tamily folks who have discovered [Nemes Fa Hh TBE. Son renee area preferred oF For Aum what a Want Ad can do, jes 2% WE. Write Box Oshawe OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS consider retired person | or married woman, | Reply to BOX 932 OSHAWA TIMES 20--Room and Board ROOM and board, for ne, or two gentle. men, im clean, quiet Rome, ond packed, Parking. Telephone 728-3350. 332 Arther street, room and deard gentioman, close to North General tors. Lunches packed, Tr Maw. NO DOGS. boarded, trimmed, defiened and bathed, Phone 723-622) MALE poortie, Diack ten weeas, dred, $125, Dial 668-506, WE DELIVER 348 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 ~wre coul pg set ile pol ty vacuum ¢ eaners, bissell EXTRA MONEY Show Conodo's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, Nov- eities, ete, to friends and rel- LEADERSHIP TRAINING EARN GOOD PAY FROM THE DAY YOU JOIN Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of rep: new and used rates. Estimates fee Faey Aut PLU MBING and heatag supplies. 3322 reid HB. Stark, Dial mn ae Rug Upholstery Service RUGS, chesterfielda cleaned at your heme, reasonable § rates sztisfaction Telephone 728. CHESTERFIELDS re upholstered ang 29% Res. Ste Our Dalton Up. ** ne Garranvecd nets, Enniskitien GERMAN ineprercs, AUTIFUL baby dedgies, ready talung strain. Appy 4 Riga Screet East Mra 4 ; PUREORED female Boxer, ene year old spayee ' easonadie Sowmanvitie 6: goed Sd gee home Teleprone DACHSHUND. female ret red, $8. Hida's Ken. MIKI registered, CaorpJ al Hampton ch Kennels, beautiful puppies, Char: pion, Sioag Pines, Stud service. if not de ea ROW SAVE RemM>er, Brooklia 635-4562 ter wistering. 73 Craries Street, 722-7ar2 CHESTERFIELDS ane od chairs covered Ts new. a Modern Sewtr. Ca) Uprolsterers, PM443). Free estimates ARRANGE row te have your chester ~~ 4--Sportsman's Column Get the dest for Po SAVE 31 $$ at Dominion Tire Store 142 SIMEDE 1963 Gale a at 3s, 3's. Phone 723-431) ehoara meters, 2 per cent Ss, Bs, 4s and G's Tels suite recovered while on vacation No pay. For estimate, DLQahon, Kennedy CRESTEREIELDS = ret whe new Why pay ave | 6reasenadic teed. Mattresses redailt haistery Co 2 Sales and Service prone 72878? atertng Oar rates Satisfaction gaaran. CASH on Ue apet Oshawa Up. 8 dead ® Bond West. Dial Ta). Telephone collect, down payment. Up foo mores to 5--Fermer's Column No FARMERS, Deminan Tire TECOVETER evenings after six need fires? Call BF z represemiative, 325-492) PESTS. andi crippied ART'S GUN REPAIR" CUSTOM "WORK CUSTOM GUN WORK Rebueing, refinishing, stock PROLING Gurs bought, sold exchanged WHITBY 668-2497 Surveyors tare Land Sarveyer DONE CUTTING GRASS OR RAK- ING _HAY-SIDE DRESS _FER- TIUZER ON. RO SPRAY FOR C PHONE 728- 3901 ANYTIME Migrest prices PA farm stock Hampton, COax Margwit's Far Farm. Licence prota, 2] Ostarie Street @ FLIM AND OLLOrE, Land Sarvyers. Hes Sreet East. Pane TH ERs ' TV--Radio Repeire of. GUARANTEER TV rate TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION OND ST. E. OSHAWA 728-6781 "te 7--Trailers ONE WHEEL $s pot eT ay Avene, ale Azp'y W Pvp CLEARANCE OF 1963 MODELS $ mer Collapsible travel trailers on daplay every evening ver ot RICHIE DRIVE-IN MYRTLE, ONTARIO 6PM _TO TI PM Call Oshawa 728-1468 or 728-1555 Dwr Yt se . CIMs HON, HQ mochine. CCM, "ex sewing machines. ame | delts, coffee urns, CAMERA FOU iPMENT--35 mm. slide Es gg mreavie projector projecto movie come screen, sun: gun, dinoculers GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- tric hedge clippers, post hole fewn seed: lawn mowers, ollers, garden sprayer, ers, own sweeper, tence stretcher, post drive, tree pruners, scythes, lown oreo- tors, sod cutters, gerden tiller, flame gun CAMPING EQL IPMENT n 3, sleeping matiress, lanterns, vers, we- jockets, out- © r : : fe board motors STAN'S Shorpening ond Rentols Ltd 223 King St. W., Oshowe Phone 723-3224 12--Articles Wanted WANTED day's Bicycle in goad cong "on, Alse. Boal water, Dial 655-422. WANTED one tw Carriage, in goed shape. Teleprere 71034. @ANTEOD Juveniie and sktewak dicycies, ary Condition, accapiadle, wil pick ap ang pay Cavd. Dial GowmnaneiRe 625.2384, MAVE YOU anyihine im your home yoo! Crs, Stevesse Ghent Cats, Mewes, forntera, re gee ators. pence mnees., Open gaily - am s >? pan. % wr ~e "eu. R TRA ce Orraeva SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cors For Wrecking Ports for sole, wlso strap iron end metas, etc bought. Open Saturdey olf doy. Phone _725-2311--89 BLOOR E. WANTED STRAP, IRON POL TRY AND FEATHER TICKS Raw Furs, ins, Metols S33 King East R 1. TURNE 723-2043 --. 723.2281 atives. Over 300 items. For free, beoutifully ilustroted catalogue, samples on epprov- md the fastest service, Jeandron Greeting. Card Co, 1253 King St. E, Homilton, Ont "BOOKKEEPER _ TYPIST Required for Public Accounting Office Write in detail in strict. confid- ence Stating, age, educe- tion and experience TO BOX 922 OSHAWA TIMES Clerk Typist if you have -- A good personality A high schoo! education A liking for contoct work And are on experienced Clerk Typist We hove a position for yeu. APPLY MR. FORSTER Industrial Acceptance Corporation 728-1636 Enrolment starts Mey ? ond continues until quotes ore filled. Applications ore be- ing occepted now ond will be processed im the order re- ceived. You must hove Grode 8 educotion or better, be 16 (not yet 17) on the day you enrol ond meet army test requirements. PHONE OR VISIT YOUR LOCAL ARMY RECRUITING STATION TODAY, OR MAIL THE COUPON BELOW TO: Canadion Armed Forces Recruiting Centre, 25 St. Clair Avenue, Eost 10th Floor TORONTO 7, Ontorio, Telephone: WA 4.7345 Please send me your free booklet "The Way to a Fine Deote and Yeor of Birth TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS WORK FOR YOU WHILE YOU WORK, SLEEP or PLAY EXPERT TYPIST FOR General Insurance Office Dictaphone Experience Preferred. Married or Single Age 20 -- 35 Apply in Writing BOX 926 OSHAWA TIMES | KITCHEN TOWELS | jtains with this embroidery, Pat-) tel imotifs: Show ierait Cai i fresh-te-you ' By ALICE BROOKS Fruit 'n' vegetables in a De in bright , yellow, gTeea, pa kitchen! { Brighten clothes, towels, cur Wardrobe-in-One By ANNE ADAMS directions You're off to a fine start THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) | jwith this pattern -- one dress for thi erm (mo StAMPS,/for city, one for. sun! Choose Brooks, Cateiiram delectable, new thrifty a The Oshawa Times, . Needle. cottons, Linens D wa, Ont. On-) Printed Pattera G9: Misses" dle. SalesiSizes 18, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size PATTE RN116 stim ss 34 yards Binckh; BE, ADDRESS. [aan 3e ya est Needlecraft) FIFTY CENTS (0e.) in coins smocked ACCRSSE| (RO stamps, please) for this pat- "s our new Needlejterm. Ontano residents add 2c. log? Plus over 200 sales tax. Print plainly S12 E, designs t@ kmiLJNAME. ADDRESS, STYLE weave, embroi-/NUMRER free pattern end order to ANNE ADAMS, care Of The Oshawa Times, -- Dept., Oshawa, Ont Just out! 3M aesign dead |ptus coupon for FREE pattera j-- any one you choose im anew lsoree ~ Summer Pattera, Cata- leg. Send S0c. now. Tl@2: transfer six Gata Ost ALS Nieer's $s Bi i sty mes crochet, @er, quilt Send Be. | Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay sew, mas now