sical ) | Stock Market | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Grone Tell e Conspiracy To Murder, Drifts To Eskimo Crafts | Blame Selves essa sits site ic seta mum ost | Charge In FLQ Case | Lower Ground In Market Lack sseiet"as"* 'rou and our and tne industry in the erp o G wtitn . on | officials bas --, Loge Noy the | the small numbe Resagl partici ILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)--|tobacco board and at the gov-jpatin gin our markets," fags ig A pre Mire Market rows /Ontario's flue - cured tobacco' ernment level," Mr. Duckett! Mr, Duckett said Rhodesian i -) Barlier, the judge granted tain stock market dri re . rowers will have only them-| said, \flue - cured producers. are ea ga a6 Geeverleeemi to Ear age tone ef property bailto Eugene lower ground Tuesday, EDMONTON (CP) -- Eskimovis a tribute to the handicraft) coves to blame if they don't| Mr, Duckett made a tour!pleased that Ontario growers Setastors. - seeeee Siberation|" Jail Governor Albert Tanguay) Pilote 20-year-old former proof; Among losers, Canadian Cel-/craftsmen have stuck their foot/of the Eskimo. The work is OF take measures to strengthen|with two other tobacco board/are "aiming for guaranteed pd neigg eigen itt "y s leommented that the attorney. reader for a French language anese fell 8 points to 54, not hay-jinto international markets with /iginal, true-to-life, finely fabri: their multi-million dollar indus-/officials earlier this year of/prices that end up with a 30,. pg a ag ere " of eneral's department had or(daily newspaper, who isjing traded since June 17, Bankja $7,000 sample sale of handi-jcated and made of quality Ma-/try in order to pocket a bigger|world production and buying/000,000-pound carry-over in the trial Tyeeday oa 8° nok ot \Sered FLQ suspects separated,| charged with conspiracy in con-/issues were lower, Toronto-Do-|crafts to Italy. »+/terials, _,, |share of world markets, a di-| centres, past two years and . . . cutting re oe an re itylto prevent them from planning! nection with the bombing of the minion off '%, Nova Scotia and| Selling "distinctively Cana-| The products are further di\rector of the Ontario' Flue-| Price setting and failure to production the way we have bd oo sunitted after] thelr courtroom strategy to-|Royal Canadian Legion 'branch Imperial Bank of Commerce %/dian™ products, the market for| versifying the --, ©COM-|Cured Tobacco Growers' Mar-|ensure a continuity of supply to| these past two years." -- Ye Trottier go that| gether, and facilities for 'special building at St. Johns, Que, He|and Montreal '4. ithe exclusive Eskimo lines pee hi ~ on as ton ture) keting Board said Tuesday, exporters are the major blocks) Continuity of supply was the pe ary vidence pre-|accommodation were limited, |will appear for trial in the fall.) Distillers | Seagrams fell | § seek ee te ee and teeland atchc cher fenihe. B8'N8 'The opinion, formed after dis-|iN the way of expanding over-/ «Knowledge to the world trade canted BY the crown is admis-| He said the low-level cell) Also granted bail was Andre /with Canadian Utilities and egret grote ie hare 'ay Genet Gaees rn Eskimo| cussions with officials of the|Seas markets for Ontario leat,! that tobacco will be available aible. Schoeters is in actually has the/ Garand, og with baving iperial oil off %4. Alberta Gas, ere okes, an employee of the works through a "eo-operative--|Japanese tobacco monop. he said. jon the auction floor at competi- B born Schoeters is| advantage of being some 15 de-/helped plant |" olotov cock-Canada cement, and Aluminium) | 1 tones ae ee department, |and there are many now in op-|l¥, Was included in a report to| 'I am convinced that Cana-|tive prices year after year." A The Belgian-born + to trial on grees cooler than upstairs cells! tails" -- bottles filled with gas- declined M4. \rove cates in 1962 of the Es-leration in the north, Through/the board by Ernest Duckett./dian tobacco is respected and|30,000,000-pound surplus didn't the fifth age: Sry ms from in summer, oline and set alight -- outside) Scattered gains included In-/5-% Vonaiwork totalled $750sithe co ~ operatives, he learns| Leamington area director. our potential could be feared,!attract buyers. -- ae at Wilfred) Already committed to trial on/@" armory. **/terprovincial Pipe Line up Ms lo00 2 1963 the volume was business management. self-re-| amas = eae bars Otel en ae watch.|the same charge are Yves La-) BAIL REFUSED |Dominion Foundries and Steel| rpecte a ve seule. "iene eat aaiar tale tl man killed by a terrorist bomb. bonte, Jacques Giroux, Gabriel) Bail was refused for Denis) and Moore %. . | Mr. Vokes, who acts as mar-\self-government. | Schoeters has persistently re- Hudon and Raymond Villen-/Lamoureux, described by the! Falconbridge climbed }4, Nor- ting and retailing officer for) The department of northern| fused to testify at his prelim. euve, all alleged members of | prosecution as the "'publicity) anda 4 in senior base metals,jthe Eskimos says "if you'relaffairs acts in an advisory ca-| inary hearing, the FLQ, a separatist group de-/ man" for the FLQ who sent wit! with International Nickel down|jooking for something distinc-|pacity, giving advice only when The Crown successfully intro- dicated to violence to achieve its mimeographed press releases to 1, lively 'Canadian and you're will-| requested. duced written documents to ob- &1Ms. rT wen ia h 1a), On_index, industrials fell .63)ing to pay a little more this is} 'phrough the co - operatives tain the committal of others in! yyewTION LANCIAULT a 'nerig occa Tena to 617.30, golds advanced .12 to;what you want." and the newly-found diversified the case, | There was mention at the pond bey tried to flee to Mexico 89.01, base metals climbed 1.36) He punctuates his sales pitchieconomy, the average annuall COMPLAINS ABOUT CALL hearing of Jean Jacques Lan- wien he learned of other FLQ 10 and western oils dipped with references to various Es-/Eskimo income has climbed to Schoeters complained to|ciault, a name that has cropped cospects being arrested, and 02 to 113.96, Volume was 2,476,-/kimo products -- muskrat mit-/$300 annually. ¥ i 000 shares compared with 2,393,- " Judge Trottier Tuesday that he UP periodically throughout the p44 not abided by court rules. peed ont cg pare jtens for $15 to $25, seal fur hat ; " ings li five men, lawe > - iwith inlaid animal figures for) : Deing 'kept in the dungeon" hearings of a His lawyer, Pierre Cham-)_--_ Ms mes, 4 hud ot Serkeens Ji and that he Det.-Sgt. Ellis Lala, metet pagne, said Lamoureux has) os sount mail boxes teal pes --" animal fig NET EARNINGS . vii i s cross-examination, sai vanci- + trouble and his condition Durban Wes Wu Ss. ' a, : ' . --_ ote grog ae --_--- ault was never arrested, but pe get worse if he is held in One exploded while being dis-| All items are handmade and gy THE CANADIAN PRESS ace = st the that he had talked with him on jai) long mantled by Sergeant-major Wal: range in value from $1 for) Imperial Oil Lid, 6 mos As a matter of fact the -vveral occasions prior to the "Judge Trottier said Lamour. ter Leja, badly injuring the knicknacks to more than $300 ended June 30: 1963, $34,800.. 4 " : J brightness in aol oe ae mass arrest June 1 of suspected ny, ho like Schoeters has re- atmy engineer. for a muskrat parka with wol-'999, $1.10 a share; 1962, $33,- 49 price tags mean Special Savings this week! gee said. ass s us, who like § ters has : a s vag ha gg Cl for five FLQ members fused to testify, showed that he' Only two suspects, Francois Verine fur 424,000, $1.06 -- --_ weeks. There's only a small "Did he (Lanciault) give you ~* ape for the authority Giroux and Roger Tetreault, re- FAME SYREADING Superpack Corporation Lid., CASH SAVER! YOU SAVE 7c! HEINZ COOKED 1 . is " ; sk i a he prosecu-| The products have been a hit/6 mos, ended May 31; 1962, vr sdow i ~ell and it's quite a list of names?" he was asked. of the court. main to be heard. The pro r i mos, ef ; hi oar and hese : "No. he didn't," the detective .amoureux is accused of,tion said it expected to finish > Canadian centres and their $182,979, 37 cents a share; 1962, 15-02. . tt i : Li helping plant time-bombs in su-'its. case by Friday fame is spreading. The demand |$155,213, 31 cents : TINS Cc Judge Trottier said he would replied ping | eee = Ss Lea at CASH SAVER! -- YOU SAVE 9c! -- WHITE OR COLORED TISSUE WHITE SWAN 4™4§ CASH SAVE! -- YOU SAVE 12< -- FANCY QUALITY SOCKEYE SALMON « 49: CASH SAVER! -- YOU SAVE 6c -- WAGSTAFFE (with pectin) RASPBERRY JAM <= 49: 49c FEATURES! GREEN PEAS 3 NaF 496 SAVE Sc!--KENNEL CLUB OR TOPS DOG FOOD 3 'xs 496 SAV E4c!--SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING "ar 496 SAVE 7c!--SWANETTE TISSUES 3 'xo 49¢ AVE 10c!---CULVERHOUSE FANCY CREAM CORN 3 7txs 496 SAVE 9c!-----SUPREME PICKLES 2 thes 496 SWEET MIXED---RELISH--BREAD 'N BUTTER SAVE 21c!--SUPREME PURE BLACK PEPPER 2 tas 496 SAVE 11c!----PLANTERS--10c SIZE PEANUTS 6 Tics 496 : A 6.07. JAR OF HEINZ FREE! ... PREPARED MUSTARD WITH THE PURCHASE OF MILD SEASONED SKINLESS WIENERS ne 99° FOR FRYING OR BARBECUING -- CHOICE PLUMP ~-- GRADE "A" 2¥2 to 3-LB. th AVERAGE ! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PORTION CUT CKEN in a BASKET u. 436 FRESH SLICED i TREND COOKED HAM """* ... 49¢ SA' © PRODUCE © | frsvis Vinegar CHIQUITA. THE BEST SAVE 4c WESTON OR SUNBEAM COTTAGE Bananas 3»: 4g.) rc czen rece DELICIOUS FANCY Cantaloupe' * = 5,23. Kernel Corn a 49 FANCY FLAVORFUL HOME GROWN 2b. Cauliflower"*' a 25° Mixed Vegetables vey 49° TASTY, CRISP, ONTARIO Lesioil Seve 26 28-01. 59° Cucumbers"*' 2, 25°] save 2: sbi SAVE 2cl--PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK A-1 Sauce oon 3l¢ Stokely's Ping = "xx 37¢ DISCOUNT PRICES " FEATURE!--£. D. SMITH'S Med FILLER REGULAR 69c! a 2 Gion' it Top: Starfire Coupe Bottom: Siarfire Convertibie gy ap ag . 20-cr. 20-oz. Tube Starfire is virtual perfection -- supremely comfortable, superbly responsive, immensely satisfying. For Pie Fill red E Ghony STE wit' 23 Res your passengers, Starfire provides the luxury of bucket seats, full-length console plus the beauty of Sai T i Fi h 7-ox. $ sone 49° distinctive styling. For you, the driver, Starfire is equally rewarding. Power Steering, Power Brakes, eg of ee tachometer, Hydra-Matic Drive with T-stick control and the high-spirited S345-hp Starfire engine are Ivo Li id Gient Listerin Bottle all standard equipment. Starfire also has Oldsmobile's proven record of dependability and value. The pie, Hos ne SAVE 4c! ™ a Pks last word is yours ... make it "yes" to a Starfire at your local Oldsmobile dealer's. 2k Gillette Blades Of 10 49° Bee Hive Syrup Tin SAVE 9c! -- GOLDEN HOUR ae DURHAM CORN STARCH--pkg. 21< Candi TAKE THE EASY STEP UP TO OLDS AND STEP OUT IN STYLE TODAY! Cild=mohile Remi aa marion sf 32-0z. 99 VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALER Johnson s Klear Size ONTARIO MOTOR SALES = HARRY DONALD LIMITED | SPROULE'S DUFFY'S MARKET 140 BOND ST. WEST, 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY, ONT. | CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONT. : BROWN'S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET Aa PHONE 725-6501 PHONE: 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306 BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO & GENERAL MOTORS VALUB a