ee Fes Ma gh | Succulent Pl ants M ake THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 24, 1968 W de CHILD GUIDANCE | : |"all-around education. ange-red blossoms in the falljcalled window plants, earning It's Harder To Graduate vatse assumpnion | Modern Rooms Opulent et Ry Ce cheemagieren mdr : . 4 develops little plantlets on its » Th Get I t C 1] anaed Pha fen ns En By ELEANOR ROSS A number of succulents in|leaves and whenever a leaf with|!eaves. There are many varié an 0 n 0 1@) ege he is doing likewise at college,| Surveying model room dis- red clay pots, clustered on alplantlets attached drops to the|ties, some with protihersnos | tray of pebbles, make an at-|ground, the little plantlets root/that give the leaves the aps ee ~ that he will easily|plays, we find plants used more P By GARRY C. MYERS, PhDjsures, social distractions, i = ia pelt eae Aine more as important decora- tractive grouping. Water them|in the soil and continue to grow,|Pearance of having been sprite The high school graduate|maturity or lack of responsi-| mpey and their son or daugh-|tive accessories. The modern|thoroughly so that the water) Many of the seedums form kled with minute pebbles. wishing to enter college faces|bility and self-discipline. 4 . drains out of the hole in the oxy longed d aeay bt oi ter may feel sure that every.(@nd comemporary rOoms, WEl.oiac of the pot and into thelezeuate sroundtmgging roset- When you need |STUDIES SUPERVISED ithing will turn ont well: until notice, like the succulent plants, - t So h i rane rol-| ; olants,| tray, Excess water in the tray|tes- Some of them look like 1, To win entrance to the col.) Some of the brightest students but we think they are nice in) vil' evaporate to increase airjgreen roses and periodically "HOME-NURSING" lege of: his choice or even tOlontering college were accus- there comes the tragic letterjany interior and ideal for wit-| | cists around the plants row up a flower stem that any college. ltomed to close. supervision|stating that, because of low dows, LAs tora al Mot x Do not|Produces yellow or orange bell- Call a V.0.N. Nurse 2, To stay in college and)while at home attending high {academic standing, he or she| They seem almost self-suffi- i 'jlike flowers, 1 725-2211 graduate. \school, Their parents and cer-/cannot return to college next/cient, Give them a spot in thejlet the water in the tray rise O° ee aoe For instance, his academicjtain teachers and counselors)!#! oy sun, water them regularly --|to the top of the pebbles, for WINDOW PLANTS EVERYONE" grades, together with hisjkept after them, seeing that) You parents of young chil- practically every day in althe buse of the pots must not! The Haworthias are the s0-| lial achievement on entrance tests,|they did their homework andjdren, hoping they will finish|warm apartment -- and feed] oonstantly stand in water. | : are foremost in determing his|¢ompleted their assignments on|college by and by, need to be- them once a month during win- : acceptance, - jtime. gin now to think of ways of cul- ol ee iB ---- = One variety has bright or- : ' | At college, almost wholly on/tivating in them habits of self-jtheir rapid g . They may See pre : rae OCCUR their own, they may easily drift|reliance and responsibility andjeven surprise you with a blos-| | --" 3 - = er how disc rim into neglect of systematic out-/other qualities of character that/som or two, come spring. 4 a ' sag ve entrance PrOceSS,|of-class reading and studying, May make this achievement] But whenever you go in for, 9 . ah e be eke ta nga eSPe-/They may easily become pro- Possible, assuming they have|them, and whether they flower| a\c ong when the 2 sonia NOOl Tec-lorastinators, Lack of maturity|the necessary native mentalior not, you'll find their inter-| : mor hiner Hayes oy or when and personal responsibility! ability. lesting shapes intriguing. They | y|considerable weight is given tolspelis failure for many a col pasa) a fit admirably into the decora- | athletic or. musical talents or|jege student. PARENTS' QUESTIONS | tive scheme of things in all Gr alumni status, As a result, a) On his or her own at college, ° Can one approve and)modern apartment. Asus: S ' ' ol argent may ~~ UN-/the student may be tempted to --_ child' too often? | -x-asetaeeeensmmemmnmmertncacitenntetmant CARPET COMPANY ; , ready 'for college and become} gy, "social activities) 4» Hardly, when it is honest} | 282 King W. 728-9581 HS gigood candidates for "busting lend overweigh 'ona and for specific acts which re-| MAPLE CLEANERS ' wr gout in the 'freshman or sopho-/tig for winning attention in quired effort by the child. || 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA RUG SRR HR ES re year. ne a en a ean annem | ry ? what seems to be leadership ex Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service "BABY DOLL Then, regardless of the de-iperiences, in fraternities or STILL. GOES STRONG ; & eur Service | CLEANING gree of academic readiness, the)sororities, residence halls, cam Richard Rogers has been Nour Family's Friend" "This cuddiesome cutie is Sa- enue, and. grandaughter of youth entering college may fail|pus politics, These may be the) Composing for the American PHONE 725-0643 brina Ann, who was one ycar Mr, and Mrs. Frank Black, |to survive through family pres-'matters he most often writes! musical theatre since 1925, old in March. Sabrina is the Cobourg, and Mr, and Mrs iene ; : = ciesiihbiiiisiaamiciaenetie ve ovaerssa ncn wo daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Tomehysehn, Oshawa Bruce Black, Farewell av- --Ireland Studio LEARN ON 'PHONE They've been given a recondi- ibe -- WINNIPEG (CP) --Children|tioned switchboard in the hope) : Y STORE at the Kinsmen Schoo! for Re-| that it will help develop muscle} P: pe : tarded Children should soon be}co- ordination and correct R r 2 playing switchboard operator,speech problems P § Q RS 1. SHOP-EASY LABEL ari ps 4 os Variety names are right | | Wyehatl': ) Open Thurs., Fri. at the top of the label a (is, SPECIAL 4 Sot. till boy) : an at. to speed selection... save precious shopping time. 10 p.m. QUICK-TWIST CAP g Free Parking A quick \ turn and the jar le open. Another \ turn recaps the jer to refrigerate any unused Ss ' oe. portion. : : C WIDE-TOP JAR ***+, wha CHOICE lb Mebes Rexirecaryto y \ | ¥ apoon out baby's food... < = at right down to the last bit : in the bottom of the jar : FRESH SHOULDER PORK ROAST ....%35: FRESH, CHOICE CHICKEN WINGS .» 29° | PORK CHOPS » 59° FRESH, SLICED VICTOR BORGE PORK LIVER u 29° | GAME HENS u. 99° COMPARE AT 1.49 convenience! Johnston's RAID =" 7.00 plus .. variety COMPARE AT 35c @ aqiser rout c Gerber offers over 100 strained and junior foods -- to teach baby the delights of many different COMPARE AT 75c 4c OFF MIRACLE WHIP foods provide the many different nutrients he needs. By serving a wide variety of Gerber 32-0Z Baby Foods throughout babyhood, you pave JAR- & the way for future good eating habits. All! are prepared by specialists to preserve the utmost in nutritive values . . . the ultimate in quality. COMPARE AT $3 HEREFORD COMPARE, STOKELEY'S FANCY JAY'S FANCY QUALITY 10c OFF AMERICAN DRY Corned Beef 2°" 85 | Fruit Cocktail "*** 39° | Tomato Juice 'Sc* 59¢| Ginger Ale 6c.-., 36° en COMPARE AT 3 FOR 39¢ COMPARE AT 35¢ CLUB HOUSE SUN RYPE _* a oe 55c ' f : : : i : : Gra . Sardines 12 ,,, 1.00 | Salad Olives "32" 29¢ | Apple Juice '2 G5 | sete excxen, musnnoon Exciting New* COUNTRY FRESH GRADE "A" SMALL EGGS 31.00 Trnnatonal SWIFT'S PRODUCTS LYON'S DISCOUNT SOFT RITE " " KM ARG ARINE COLORED oe 27° Tea Bags 100's 79° TOILET TISSUE by Shamrock 98 JEWEL SHORTENING » 29° || BustiteBubs2 70 ||__8 ~«_ 99° nee Lan fio STUART HOUSE CHICKEN NOODLE Oxford Cloth Shirt 3 a8 IRISH STEW -- MEAT BALLS 5 4c OFF RAP RITE : SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS 5 a WAX PAPER 'ih tieetnieenisis<cc adh 5 ceeeaceeeesussass vie Take up-to-the-minute styling, FREE add "Galey & Lord's" combed = cotton Tarpoon' in dark mute PICKED FIRST OF SEASON doz 49: plaid tones... and achieve the . most exciting new look in EARLY Transitional separates! GOLDEN YELLOW PLUMS | Just a few of the many styles avallable Hes. TK Gerber 23% Quenn. valleys A etied| SUPER SAVE sty a. MARKETS | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 Ma\l° cacti |