: Wusion and she carried acres) WHRE DO THEY HIDE? | SEND FLOWERS !Four-Day Festival | cent bouquet of white spray The Irish have a theory that) Swedes lead the world in orchids, stephanotis and ivy All Wild creatures (including a sending flowers by wire with '| Marks Completion ' tral few Irishmen) are protected by/172 floral messages per 1,000 Of M ' B a ' mauie, the "Little People", The sur. inhabitants each year, | UI. Marnage bonas: tebe die h SLED Mrs, Peter H. Lindsay was/prising thing is, at least ins : matron of honor and the other|North America, that no duck: LADI ES ROMBAY (CP). -- More than attendants were Miss Margar./Munters have come in contact 4. Oke 'as eer tere 15,000 marriages have been ne : et Graham of Kitchener, Miss Vit these pixie police... With) | , the eo micas : Mr, Bernard gotiated at a unique fourday) F : Alexandra Johnstone, Brant:| amount red-eye consum: Ot Leading Torento Salone festival of Brahmins in. the| ' Re ' iord a. a Samual Rie on almost any duck hunt, Experienced Hit Sryiat ancient hamlet of Saurath in) : ° pak Your ~ h Samue slits hard to delieve that some: FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS India's Bihar state . 2 'oung, Kingston, body wouldn't see ane -- even 25-6854 An estimated 250,000 Brat : eos a They wore belled' cocktail/if in tripticate! mins--members of Hinduism's " length gowns of delphiaium)| : highest caste == attended the sik shantung, The fitted prin)! @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 22, 1963 wedding market for which the State government made special! transportation and other at rangements, The actual marriage ceremon jes will take place in the homes) of the brides in communities as) i widely separated as Delhi, Bom:! 'i bay and Madras | The Brahmins go to Saurath because it is considered a holy cess bodices featured draped off-shoulder necklines and brief! sleeves, Their headdresses were} matching shirred pillhoxes, en, circled by full veils, They car. ried crescents of blue-ceatred| shasta daisies, stephanotis and ivy, Mr, Gerald W. Barrons of! Whitby was best man and ush) x" ering were Mr, Lawrence H | and auspicious place in India : q ae : : [= Rond, Toronto; Mr, Graydon! lis mango groves, where the : ' T. Knights, Pembroke and: Mr | Pe gry ae eet atk ps J, Douglas Mitchell, Kitchener, | said to hold special luce 'or N . | newlyweds » : NS : A dinnerreception was held in the Crystal Ballroom of the Y | of li PARENTS NEGOTIATE _< Walper Hotel, Kitchener, | our Symbol of Quality Parents of eligible boys and . The couple left for a honey. . > girls conduct negotiati . : : moon at Boston and Cape Cod, In Advanced Business Education through --record-keepers Ned) 2 ' SS Massachusetts and will reside paniikars, These me ai at S82 Guelph Tine Burlington é : <i " : to have with ther \ ' ' . : ' rg -- . the matrimonial re MONS MRS, NORMAN LLOYD HUNTER HOUSEHOLD HINT FALL TERMS af every Brahmin fan of eve m Photo by Belair Handy for the family going a away on vacation is a new first. do not cigs each ath face to N H t F ] Of Whitb Souk ta ae Pe cormygy> SEPT. 3 face until the actual day ef th 5 t ing a) Mr. And Mrs. William Goold Receive redding attoush tamos may se AUDCEL FOPMELY ADY ents shu Ss : sorted firstbaid necessities, tape. : : . Sh agoge sradiin ' : ; ; pad antientic and a firstaid SECAUSE OF PERSONAL ATTENTION Congratulations on Diamond Anniversary asta» sc oa Weds Judith Mitchell, Kitchener is 'sss oat * * he ee ; , e of Judith Ar ENROLMENT IS DEFINITELY LIMITED A joyous celebration 1a tiSt. Paul's Presbyterian Churchiin Motherwell for many years. forms a panjikar he e ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil father, the bride wore a clas ® : week marked the diamond wed:jand Mr, T. D. Thomas MLA) Members of Mrs, Goold? niniaw. He is | val Susan SbchAl WMA Makeaaaa ee Al eae ec ro ysis ding anniversary of a highly-jand Mrs among af th at e os a dente white (pure ss hie respected Oshawa couple, Mr. / wide ¢ a } ar n ' Ad a r backs e : 2 said : - ne . m A-FAC > ; TH A and Mrs. William Goold, Rich! pho counte received hun « her : he hem. interviews are 3 Aah Hibs "ed peau, fashioned with a fitt Removes warts, moles and mond street east of cards and greeting dat a ransed } ae wan. Nts ARE MES. EVAL OVE BUR padice, wide' protrai \ superfluous hair B NE Arranged by their daughters,/srams 2 their t Hight; <ne caw Oleg + nde ige Me a scale oy oe f Whitt * e aged Be sg > Over 15 Veors' Experience SC 0 L a@ reception was held at theiand surprise was-a cable lace : Reta ben erat: Gok sak Glue Geen eee ts AI Shape 8 nly gather MARIE MURDUFF DAY/NIGHT SCHOOL --. SUMMER SCHOOL worrie, Ki ast, and a jest Queen abeth > es hie ares Mm be Qshewe at the @ rivate ne id u « a @ ing the afternoon and ¢ oe eee ented AYinack waistiine sive nif Senoase Mote doty aa, aa, aa PI HOME STUDY COURSES Qpendnentigg = e afterno were also the Gack Waist 3 aster xte feli r rit _ seiifabric rasetic opt 2 "an eel oe ty ORS Nah] PHONE 723-4641 TH 52'/2 Simeoe St. W. 128-7081 Mrs. Goold wh soe et mel . aaa remarkable recover "i hn rg eppeintenent on there recent iiness, bel " bouffant ve years as she received an Starr Worsh organza - covered silk flora or of Oshawa Lyman G erepe dress in two tones of b ford; Premier of Ontar At her side, the degsroam he Honorable John Robarts. ; 60 years ago, now and the Ontario Minister of ture of good health enjoying) Health and Welfare, the Honor himself immensely able Matthew Dy 4 Mrs, Goold's sister, Mrs. W From the Minister of Cit iam Ness, Oshawa, and her ship, the Honorable Joha a 2 § t nited ) sisterintaw, Mrs. Alex. Rus Mr. and Mrs, Goold and 14 greatgrandehil. < command the best af the Te eel of Ajax, poured tea od a framed, illumin < v serving during " er soald has always had 2 © case: an electronics q and evening were ne ey received also numerous terest in palitics and . rmat Ancus:Gravn' ters, Mrs. Gerald Gi r0der si member af the Proj: ad % ; : CARPET COMPAN ich; Miss Mary Elliott; Osh. ¢ e dow? aAgiA o » 282 King PROBED awa; the Misses Barbara and them a tele F : "i $40.000 in value > YOURS Ban Kathryn Deyman, Winn : : member of Oshawa Lawn Row! involved, however, persuaded RUG Manitoba; Mrs. Donald Gorrie, The former Th a Ras. ing Clad ay years, Mrs. his father to choose a girl fram CLEANING Oshawa: Mrs Ross Garr € uke, Lanat x » MAIR. 2 st- is hepa -- by Se cae Hamilton, and Mrs. Alan Gor R . . th rie, North Bay, . Personal visits were made by -- the Reverend Derek Allen of The boys and girls themselves READING GREETINGS FROM QUEEN ELIZABETH | a eas sameas ak Saari ties th Given in marriage by her A Message from John Labatt: & Ww, RE SOMY M we are Causing YOu any INCORVEMMERCY; at the ame time, we would like to thank vou for your enthusiastic response to A radiator under a window our new beer, 'Gold Keg,' Unfortunately, your enthusiasm has nine beaiis left us in the awkward position of finding ourselves in limited supply in ment by adding shelves across « the window | Ronald W. Bilsky, DC DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC And we hope that you contiaue to ask for 'Gold Keg" beer, We will get a : ~ 100 King E. 728-5156 , j ' Ps Al TO YOU M Quantity as SOQ as We Can, ; @ NECK PAINS ' & BACKACHE : : 3 r. : R MOLIC 2 > 3 : . " 2 AUG ' : : ' i \ some areas, During our 135 years of brewing we have never sactificed quality for quantity; and we will never do sa, So we ask for your patience, JON DLABATSE, § WICH PREIDENT, RABAITS BREWERS, * Mom & enjoy te peace of mind ha enmag eh boomag Yat af sx dis ane gait ard f only Paes te make one eaey mr y paxmen® Ab Sugeror frand fast, courteous, pers k got the cast | needed tape, So wtar wou read cas? te pay a your bil!s~gee Superar. You! 2¢ glad you Ga?