4 THe OOHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 22, 1963 |Speeds Reach 90 In /Bowmanville Chase | BOWMANVILLE * Bowmanville policeman visitor from (Staff) and A a Toronta were led on a wild chase westward on No. 2? night one -iveached 90 miles per hour } tice reported >| The chase Luey, Thighway Speeds al began when A ee | in the Bowmanville area laie Sunday point po G his wife and three chil dren were proceeding west on |King street on their way home }te Toronte from visiting friends parked. My husband pulled ou to go around the car when suddenly took off "My husband had te siam on his brakes and our little girl who Was almosi asleep pitched onte the floor her head 'We followed the car around the corner and | ger the cence car then went down another street and we started for the Police Station to report the in number, The hind he rhe Was street with the banging Close pursult rhe Was ¢ managed to Davis as that said eight chase Greve the Car aula shat al the corner 14) , Iti King and Temperance and then chase f began 'in police cruise traffic an No fescribed = by medium-heayy' he passed al or ten cars' before ended up at the Service Station earnest west on Kin 2 Highway Constable j@ast Maple | Accident Ends 'Days Of | 'Fastest Car' ROWMANVILLE (Statt) An accident on Scugog road} Saturday may have ended the racing: days of what police de seribe as "the fastest cay Bowmanville The accident took Place nea the golf-course turnoff directly) n front af the home of forme Wilfred Carruthers, Ta northbound at the time The driver, Willis Fowler. of: M Tecumseh Street, Oshawa suffered aniy a small cul or his chin as a result of the mis hap al & rin Mayor car Was He the ja carbon dioxide 2 GRAND TECHNICOLOR HITS 'ROCKET' EXPLODES NEW YORK (AP) - Saceo Jr, i, was making e rocket in the basement of his home, He and a friend opened eylinde: and! dozen ploded packed it full of kitehen mateh Kdward)eads make a hole for a fuse pu slaried pounding had to Kaward a nail to the eylinder and After half a blows the evlinder ex He was killed Thursday, They os "ALL THE YOUNG CANNIBALS" with ROBERT WAGNER PAT inh "STATE FAIR" with Mrs, Lucy then described the cident NATALIE Wood PAMELA TIFFIN chain of events which Jed to the has 12 'ing fas a i POLICE TAKE UP CHASE teens si aged Py . | "We were driving west on The Lueys did need to . P ithe main street (King) and we report to police Constable jeame up behind a car stopped Tracy Davis was already in the middle of the street be: pursuit of the vehicle side another car which wWas Constable Davis pulled up be ansiable Day Poliee said the automobile sheared off the Carruthers mailbox on the east. side of the road, careened off a hydra-pole Constable and skidded into a 25-foot ravine and each time o8 the West side of the road onta Fewler claimed he was 'cut aff by an Austin we ee The car hil a cement He was doing abou #0 miles duct about halfway down anded on its four wheels The 1942 vehicle is the pap erty Rarry Oliver of Row Kinsmen Carnival ;:\": mh mo ration and hd aaned Pow MM Oliver has wo ROWMANVILLE da eq ' ae 0 > with the ea ad \ out steady, driving. rain . u mat the ad h said ta the age asm shown by the ° s described the and too ne as the driver puile ail wee Davis ve forced an ¢ he shoulder a out no h SMOKING (Outs STARTS Tunes reported bound ca aque and af SCANDALOUS! SAUCY! SPICY! "THE 81 PIGEON sic wool @ | That Took LAURENCE HARVEY FRANCE NUYEN "A GIRL NAMED many evens at tracks thy However «Staff) "ee § The saftha and fare mish proved no the NHL All-Stars and the loos at senthus: Junior All-Stars could be term 000 peopie ed Only sever squad game helweer Ontane dam far . : to the aula a fiasco ynstable Was and Nil player attending the showed & AJAX WORKMEN ERECT BARRICADE Barricade To Church Said 'Self-Righteous: No Injuries In Two-Car Crash | Row Bowmanville Boy Drives Bike Into Car Bown - Pickering Woman memanville bey su re "' Falls From Auto BRITON WINS RACE Ss N tO CHURCH COUNTRY SPECTACULAR TUESDAY, JULY 23rd SHOW and ms week radio ond TY stars in pers @ WILMA LEE & STONEY COOPER with the clinch mountein clon @ CY ANDERS e@ TOMMY HUNTER @ MYRNA LORRIE RED BARN 178 WAYNE SHOWTIME 8:30 ADMISSION 1.50 CHILDREN 75 This show will be taped ¢ date ov the Saturday evening Lionel. Parker stated very ple earn rarrman he Was 1 > turnout t from the peaple anditions VARIETY WINS 6-1 Sam's Foods Nip Shoe Store u- 3 WA 5 : asmite his i4 strikeouts hits, but Girl, 2, Hit By Auto; > Suffers Bump" ROWMANVILLE (Stat suffered on FRANK'S WIN QUEEN wit k eA w a the mov va ased Wit ATTEND | Kinsmen Carnival of the afterwards ; was wsidering th beamed He too 2 BEING ENTHUSIASTIC IS LIKE HAVING TWO RIGHT HANDS! e ostic, YOUNG PEOPLE. CAREER: DESIGNED Business ar tne Oshawa Business College Why Enthusiastic PY dividual eceve ta om from fully qualified ww who ore realty eathusieste Training An Opportunity | The Assistance ace partment in se seneting » with o future when you graduete The Opportuanity be > other ambitious Peopye yo ear-cut objective NEW FALL TERM STARTS Tuesday, September 3, 1963 monte Opes ail wear matan--Naoa ebigaran ham onde 35.00 pee > odfe:e comptete ates ROME" TAMIKO" 0 owed fescribed fh onstable ew mome @ WAS § whe was slick ate hae REE R BOT TLES e The adverse ed fielders anditians and hase D alike to Avis Wa ans ase footing were cammitled Count , g ine Constables Len James and Jahn Farbes ved an the que My wa men both sids heeuase it Spe mast nud mpossible to. pive avis tale tan wh med them A Was thraw: om The he oa GAME LASTS 4 INNINGS The NHL team won the gan 2 dehind the pitching nee Sullivan Hare d-throwing : Bit " Bias borne ' idle a 2 es e we a and issued a num af walks the first " ms which to his s wa Cons Constable by The gam eoniy lasted ' The ump to call the game in th ame, bul players « sisted on pilavir es , maney heiwes Dane Found belween us. We Mergy-Go-Round was ea We did we weather beat owner he camp SELI 2008 SORT DRINAS OPP; estimated the ben ve dam a e was al aver $1000 ame the age to des xlens rightrear 3 a smashed g Bowmanville buted the mishap tos CONDEMN INTEGRATION ACKSONVILLEI Pia \P ata saying a nte ryag and Saprem ak meeting sents 180 ssionary Rantists ACADIAN CLEANERS QOdourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists ® Pickup and Delivery Service @ Drive m Service @ Same Day Service Veulta en Promines PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR W SINGIN SWINGIN Se RAS Hed bee 1D He whe? FEATURE TODAY 2: 10 FOR Distinction FOR Comfort FOR Savings The BARON 65 Styles, Shapes and Colors To Choose From Oe? WE FAL ALL PS. OCVUAISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW PRICES NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED US. Teede Mark Registered Derqcamy--Ovee 2 OOO OR Saratag Cortamers 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd tloor PHONE 728-126? OSHAWA a Niners Bain HOURS: MONDAY TO SATURDAY PAM, te 5 Pw WEDNESDAY TILL 12 NOON iN COLOR BOTH Adult Entertainment With CHARLTON HESTON BILTMORE *° NOW 2 GREAT HITS. WELL WORTH THE SHORT DRIVE OVER MARLON BRANDO---SANDRA CHURCH "eRe UGLY AMERICAN" | -- ALSO = ACADEMY AWARD WINNER GREGORY PECK... MARY BADRAM "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD" Recommended A. Adult Entertainment BOTH IN COLOR @ ALWAYS COLOR CARTOON = ey Ses BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. ® INCLUDING SUNDAYS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE KIDDIES PLAYGROUND DRIVE OUT TONIGHT -- ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON ONIGHT thru WEDNESDAY BOX.OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00---"PLEASURE" STARTS 935 Soot xe FRED ASTAIRE DEBBIE REYNOLDE LILLE PALMER TAB HUNTER rite | Sue AER = YER Ade kre Seatee bang rates He wenn LORE ARTI. RARER RASA EA WRENTHAN HLL COCR AT RANE CHAT it oe "Zhe wo yee Relax im the Comfort Ot Your Quan Cor ot The Oshawe Drive-in! Cr\ttdren Under 12 Free! DRIVE-IN THEATRE ~*~ x *?3.49 SINGLE VISION 11-95 ee oy Lennen ond Cone BIFOCALS $17.95 Camaiese wat Same Rewaes aed Cane ayy. a\\ aa Yarge + DEX HVA i SEA FTO ' PRESCRIPTION SUN GLASSES AT SAME LOW PRICES oom. See Be Mele alk = OPEN DAILY | P.M. COMFORT