THOUGHT FOR TODAY Tt is still human nature to re- gard a law as a rule made for aomeone else, WEATHER REPORT Sunny with cloudy periods to- day and Tuesday. A few isolated thundershowers both days. VOL. 92--NO. 71 She Oshawn Time OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963 for payment Authorized oa Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottewe end ot Postoge in Corn. EIGHTEEN PAGES 33 From Crew Believed Dead In Ship Sinking to-. pital, Thirty-three crew mem lerre, Que., into! be nearly Chinese, were real ' believed killed Capt the dead--I8 bodies have/te Roonagh Head's lights in found and 15 men are/the dark and mist, trying to "were from the 12,683./veer off, then sounding the carrier that sank e larm as the ships came to after a col with wether in a crash that could be "6,000 ton British freighter heard ashore : Roonagh Head at 1:33 am Phe shriek of the alarms in the darkness mingled with con in English, Chinese Men tried™to elimb as water lapped over any di in, Most JOB FOR QUEBEC (CP) - to Sorel, near Mont: day launched an inquiry the biggest maritime disa on the St. Lawrence River since 1914 The 17 freighter Trito and sunk in the ruday morning Quebec a} rs, au Swanson recalled seeing lision Sino-Soviet Talks Off Until 'Later' MOSCOW (AP) and Soviet Un have reed ' 16 «were - aiueboats put Head on rxioked Up ot three t 'by Roons the co the ed the smile of "a major change of " by the U.S. administra. OTTAWA (CP) A weekend of top level negotiations inja broad Washington has won the prom. it as ise of exemption for Canada course from the main impact of Pres-' tion, ident Kennedy's. proposed new " aN 2 tax on Americen purchases of ANXIOUS TO HELP mae foreign securities He said American officials The exemption, expected were no more anxious than the be an unlimited one, will be for Canadian government to create * mixta issues of new Canadian securi- & Situation "where our econo- ag a fuel : ae on U.S market, Mic expansion would be slowed at settling thei: r ideolog 5 second eng ce 3 Pai . . : "~~ hd 'ews for prov. down, With resulting serious un- cal aispute Diplor m mn three t re é tel oa cad' a tein Res oS 2 3 "eh hb vee (OMp oyment,"' cow did e me ' ; cee ig ise z Opposition I " -- packer Commen The ann agreemen; is "a simultaneously en. king and Mose wh oS ae unset he Sov Con aMISt e 12 x \ ' lidn't . ¥ j axe rw . the Pek ne accused it » } tig ildren--\ hu . a "_ « ee : mart yar ; ay t hiwhe . mic , aa Saat ncite Po He said he hadn't party rstood 'why the tax should The e been applied to Canada at broke Khrush Re notice gation, givin ner The @ay tees of would se nouncing deal Sunday with missing was Ar least hance, 80, af Quebec 15 of them myself," said a survivor of during the side Swanson, torpedoing who i r to ont appa sold the was for NOt eader Diefen- ad that the new step in. the ; Hed nahh and i b Dla ' . throug issue New announcement jed «some -- as. proposed tax on fn secures RIGHTEEN ~ YEAR - OLD ' . hes the ¢ chases aga Sov sroposed U.S. tax of up new Ameri- invest ments , Thursday by had been heavy out t which gold re: commun said the hath ¢ efore Jury rial -- Keeler Testifies B As Wards Vice T LONDON D » » als fie rday afte SURPLUS NOTED io Wash ag 'TROON, ; ' { « porary world developn vt : V Tritonica, today . ' ; aatghd ' ed course she was having from international and a woman cused him he arges concern living a Sper ¢ SS a cinaa ee : "4 . ; + * timing ' n ¢ me © lume wilA men Who Vis Ss of five vice changes that re- wholly or part on the earn-jlining up at dawn ¢ A , i ment and Sino-Soviet 1 volved around his keepingings of prostitution and of. at ftithJones told the jury ited his Mat, bat also ta procure jpretty girls as sex pets for hire tempts to procure or have pro-/Ward took a cat from the »m-/8itls for his_ own satisfaction, a ests Follow hewmen eared for We eins wader 21 Tor moral earmings of Miss Keeler,' He said Miss Keeler sought Brooklyn Protest a Uurd NEW YORK pohcemen, mo fom, moved pickets prote: ynation at a Br tion Satu TOR us Commun nd imve: Stment earn- t for years this Ca- an TY following talks said Ca- had said t "a very substantial > entire Canadian in- structure" to keep aie. capital inflows com- over the proposed new NCS Probe Of Eclipse Results Pleasing PRESS , ~arnired nized by both ents that such a devel- CANADIAN would be undesirable in paturday police picked By enstrators---11 two THI Top-Level Talks Canadian Exempti relief, hailed st jhope of a quick settlement all/ ' jut gone, They pointed out the big sur-jconfers today with management| plus the U.S. earns in Canada/and union _with country-wide tithe four-yearjong dispute over isho DEAL GOULD SAVE Move May sea Prevent 10N | Disaster present economic circum OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min- ances." ister Gordon's job looks more The U.S, had agreed that the secure as a result of a negoti- draft tax legislation to be sub-|/ated agreemen: for certain ex- mitted to Congress would give emptions from a United States the president power to provide/tax proposal which would have exemptions from time to time had a major impact on the Ca- "either untimited or limited in/nadian economy amount," The 5i-yearold finance minis- "It is the hope and expecta-'ter had been considered on his tion of both governments that) Way out of that portfolio in the by maintaining close consulta-)Wake of recent opposition at- tion itwill. pvor -- oei spiels bn] tacks on his budget, the manner tion it will prove ts preparation and his handi- practice to have an unlimited ing of parliamentary inquiries, exemption for Canada without/Even some of his cabinet col- adverse effect. on the United|!eagues talked as if he would States." be moving out within weeks, Mr. Gordon told a press con. Now he is the key figure in ference Canada had agreed not|* Ste? ¥ = oe Sere sine Ang - : vent disastrous effects on Cana- to use the proceeds of new bor- : - dian interest rates, economic rowings to increase its foreign w exchange reserves at the ex. /srowth and employment pense et: US. reserves And the exemption agreement : negotiated on the weekend with The promised exemption will/the U.S. treasury and state de- not apply to American pur-artment had an additional po- chases of stock and bond is-/ litical advantage which Liberal sues already on the market, Mr./ sources were quick to exploit Gordon said U.S. purchase of They say it sawed the limb these een ng securities has/ off between the tree and Opposi- been a relatively small factor ne Leader Diefenbaker who Ee suggested that the "honey- Kennedy Cadet ee See To Halt Strike nounced plans last week to tax American purchases of securi- WASHINGTON (AP) -- With ties from Canada and 21 other countries Mr. Diefenbaker was refering jt@ the talks Prime Minister Pearson, held with Mr. Kennedy jafter his minority Liberal RO. ernment took over the reins from Mr. Diefenbaker and the Progressive Conservatives Between the Thursday ennouncement of the U.S Sunday afternoon, Cana- President Kennedy| leaders and then; sends recommendations to Con- gress for legislation to avert a railway trike Congressional leaders als o/~ were called to the While House va ' for a separate meeting with the oy wae on . ---- president as legislation appear. vie eis exemntions on Cons. ed the only way to. solve an snriritiin: as i da The Canadian negotiators con- new work rules vineed the Americans that the A flurry @ weekend confer. jU S. benefits by providing ex- ences had raised hopes mug alemptions because part of Can- settlement might be in the/ada's dollar deficit with the U.S. wor The optimism was is offset by this country" $s dol. Sunday night when Laborjlar surplus from with Secretary W ilard Wirtz re-/other countries, and "those dol- ported no agreement had been)! ly find their way back reached ; noon tax cut t rade AUDITORIUM PROGRESS $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 "$600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $50,000 Atom Test-Ban Treaty Ready For Signatures yovire}l & working pa touches this East West ar tests in a wader wate tiater W Averel an Was expected to t today or Teesday and re ston Wednesday on said vhrahchey a jaslminuic diplomats here regarded treaty as virtually com sources rty pat morn- treaty the air, MO! SK OW ini 3.008 Baby Strangled By Own Bedding BROCKVILI cP) -- Ja Hi r nu i son of (Savona ashing? in's Lara Minister Mm. Une mes TACT rancid he fh Troon bea kebeaan the beg. The meetings were resumed fier a weekend break im an mosphere of mounting oplim- ism. rai Saturday Crippled Tanker Awaiting Sea Tug Western cated that obstacle -- sources here indi- only a last-minute such as a Soviet de- mar an accompanying non aggression paclt--could block a U.S.-BritishSoviet cord to ban naciear tests atmosphere, outer under water. There was still no sugrestion Soviet Premier Khrash- chevy was making for a non-az tween the Western a NATO group and the Soviet bloc's Warsaw Pact countries a condition for a partial test ban There was no official meeting Sanday but Khrashchev bell fpr ac in the Space and that an hour's discussion with Har. ' Timan Soarces close to the Ameri ran and Brit said there was basic agreement Ss are Soviet Brezhnev Janos Rarri- FORGETTING NOCLEAR From ich gee - i svi Leonid Premier, Nika Un hrushchev, "S VRAD in - & man and US. Ambassador Fey D Kohicr on a draft treaty covering tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water. They said a the treaty had few iy passages of be worked out The Khrashchev Harriman meeting came at the annual Russian ~ American track meet. Informed sources said the So- viet prime m nister spoke wita iman 2 Am an eon bassader Foy Koh} ception room bdchind Khrash. chev's box at Lenin Stadium, site of the t At urday alks were and if whey same manner, * sight." ree ption Sat- ish delegathans "S"* TALKS CLMAX NEAR Most observers 'believed heart of the talks has reached and the mext two should show apreament will be The West jong ha yored a treaty barring under ground nuclear aved the 7Mpasse over on-site Inspec. tion. Both sides agree tests made above cround and under water can be detected without on-site Inspect The West NON-aLsression caue it would vide Germany an ply. Western Commanist Exst Associates of nedy have said a piedee of non which would not ental nembers af the beon day or whether the is na appases formal has ¢ SSian ey> would rmans Kennedy's pledge bind the West Ge chielt Buropean the Soviet « bound by a z treaty. wants Sron