Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jul 1963, p. 16

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2 ei! 19 23: seer wee eon 16 _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 22, 1963 He was predeceased by his wife, the former Eliza M, Gray, May 2, 1940, Surviving are a NEWS IN BRIEF TTALY SHAKEN RIETI, Italy (AP) -- For the BIRTHS OB) [TUARIES DILLON -- Alan ne acter, ine Lynch) are an SPY IF BOM, J Murray, at the JOSEPH A, (FRED) GARTE ane re, owners ' Belleville -- Joseph A, (Fred) Gariepy of 304 Albert St, died eneral Hospital, on Wednes: wash 143, Spectal gene Or, ieee Saturday, July 20, in Belleville General Hospital, He was in his Hatanwanares and 76th year Born in Ottawa, he was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Gariepy, He had liv. ed in Belleville for the past fifty ears, moving to this city from ingston, | Mr, Gariepy is survived. by 'his wife, the former Blien Em) ly Dumbleton, three sons, Don- lald and Melville, of Belleville and Gerald of Toront~, two daughters, Helen, Mrs, Douglas Turner of Oshawa and Audry, SIMMONS ~~ hy Mo. tay red Mrs, Alfred Willis of Belleville, Henley) are happy fe enneuncs "11 grandchildren, one greats Hahn fre oonawe phon Hort! grandchild, one half-brother, pital, Dee Gratias, {Roland Dempster and one half: lsister, Mrs, Albert Stinchcomd, : Marys cnmiboth of Detroit @ their son, Murray Gordon, on Satur) A retired railroad engineer, day, July B, 196, a) Osnawe Gereral/no was a member of Tabernac!s biseobie United Church, of the Brother: - tn cnee HOOd Of Locomotive Engineers, compen) ore 'Nupar' te ennsune the ariof the Moira Masonic Lodge rival of @ daughter, Sheri Ann, on Joly A.F. and A.M, No. 11, GRC, ¥ General Hospital Pri ig Bg Rona jand of the Independent Order) jot Odd Fellows | MRS MARY GRZESIK | In failing health for three! months Mrs, Mary Greesik, 60) TAYLOR ~ Bill and Pryitis (ree Haw! Parkway avenue, Torontp, died) tel y ee canton Conn we Sunday, July 21, a St Joseph's weighing 9 ibs, 4a O23, Thursday, July Hospital, Toronto She was in V8, 1983, at Osnawa General Hospital, A her 83rd year slater for Janet, Jeanne end Sarsere The former Mary Zybala, the ceased Was born March 14, in Poland and had lived 42 years, Most of that time the. deceased had lived in Oshawa prior to mov PINDORFER -- oly and Margot »/ hs to Toronto seven years ago.) WEIN w= Toly end Ma ar nb rest aa si pleased to announce the arrival of their Mrs, Greesik was a former eharen gon, Jeffery Peter, A brother tor member of St, Gregory the Revert Jones Great Roman Catholic Church GON, Daughter, Twine or Triplets, you and was a member of the Pol Will want to tell the whote town adout| ish Alliance Club in Oshawa and the latest arrival in your home An Toronto perma gg et lg get yo She is survived by two daugh qaly $1.90, Just telephone 723.9492. ters, Mrs, Stella Piontrowski (Peters), of Toronto and Mrs DEATHS Frank Ostrowski (Mary), of St. Catharines; a son, Edward @RIESIK. Mary of Oshawa; 9 grandchild Srtered Into reat in St, Josepn's Hospital, No = Paut and Vivian are bcp cod the arrival of thelr Dianne Elizabeth, on Saturday, Cone Mow rie to po July 2, 1963, at Osnaws pi, A sister tor Peter and HORNE ~ Tom and Marie (nee Har per) are proud to announce the birth of 'ton, Stepnen Edward, 7 ibs, 12 oft. Saturday, July 90, 1963, A for Ne, e on Fredd - and Claire (nee Nar ayy nd to announce the eae arrival of a gon, 7 Ibs, 6 Ott On Fri: day, July 1%) 196, at Oshawa General al. A brother for Gerald and Mark Allan, Many fanks to Or. Morris, Dr Spragge and nurses on ath floor SMITH = Warren and ere STEPHENSON -- Ray and Mara are very gratetul tor the gift of a @aughter on Saturday, July %, A ster tor Peter Michael and M. WASSELL -- Lisa and Lane are proud dec te announce the arrival of their Davy sis 188], ter, Shelly Ann (8 iba, 15 igs.) at Osh i ' 2 a awa General Hospilal, Friday, July 191°" Canada for 7983, Mother and baby both fine, Thanks te Dr, Morris. oi] MAIDMAN, Beware Chraries Enrered into rest in fhe Oadawa Gener) ) Hospital on Saturday July Bh, 1./ Edward Charis Maleman deloved hur! band of Vera Raynor and fatner of Airs.) Cyr, Gladman (Medea) of Oshawa, Mrs./ rea Colear (Eypel) of Powossan, Wit Yam of Ajax and Edward of Oshawa wr Nis Dist year. Resting at the Armstrong Poreral Morne Oshawa with Memoria Service mn the Chapel on Tuesday July 29 at 2 pm. Inverment Moov Lawn Come wry. MARTIN, Charts: Henry Entered ito rest at the Oshawa General honpital on Sunday, July DL, 163, Charles Henry Martin, deloved Desbang of the tate Eliza M, Gray, Father of Mrs, W em Dotwell (Flossie), Rey and Leo, in hin BORA yor. Resting at the Armstrong) Funeral Hore, Oshawa, with memoria vervice nh he Chapel on Teesday, Joly T, af 335 am. iterment Oshawa Union Cometery MALEAN, Frank Percy Soasenty, at he re Ovnawa Genera Hempel, Monday, Joly 2. 1963, Prank P Mclean, 125 Hickory Street, Whithy Doves Pusdard of Helen CT (Nel) Bly hers, Gear fher of Mr. DL R Ruth), Oadawa; W. Jom and F. & granctatmer of Elen, Patricia and y McLean and Jane Clark; dretrer 7, Jenmings (Lee) and Leste Mt Pe year. Resting at the Town Funerai Chapel, Waidy, for MY mn Ye Chapel, Wednesday, Joly Tetives a? 3.32 Bm, Permen? Union Cerme. ke My . yr ing a Oshawa, Prien: are requested not Mowe ~% ¢ at The Chapel detore 2 om Dr To@ay in Designs For 23 0 Clark upene ren and 13 great-grandchildren Mrs. Grresik will be at the Toronto, on Sunday, July 2, 198 Mary Armstrong Funeral Home for widow of Peter Joseph Grresik 4 S Stella Plotrowsks HIGH requiem mass in St, Hed- (Peters) of Yorente, stv Frank Ourew wig's Roman Catholic Church aki (Mary) of St. Catharines and « ? nS , » > cee of Guhawe, We her Gore year, Raatiee 10 am, Wednesday, July 4 ing at the Armstrong Foneral Home,/Rev. A, Bagsik, pastor of the Orpawa, wm Wish Requiem Masa = S.ichurch, will sing the mass, In. Hedwig"s rey Wednesday, July at es) 7 S&S ne ute parla dares eS. Gregory's Come terment will be in St. Gregory's tery ¥ Cemetery IRBITSON, Garth Amert Suddenly the result of @ car accident et IN MEMORIAM Green River, Ontario, on Saturday, July %, 43, Garth Alder? ipditson (or Whitty), deloved husband of June Rip VEENHOF -- In loving memory cf 3 piey, Gear father of Rodynn Pamela, darling davonter, Karon Lynn Veeenot Charies, Alle, Paul and Kewin, Gear soni who passed away July 22, 1938. of Mrs. W. Trennolm and tre date Safe in the arms of Jesus. Yoditeen, In Ais Qath year, Resting at he) Sate on His loving dreas? Ww. ©, Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy, for: There by Nis love o'ershaded service in ihe chapel on Tuesday, July Sweerty thy soul shall rest. 33 at 2.39 p.m, Interment Grovesige Come Lovingly remembered dy Aturnmny tery, Brooklin, Minister, tre Rev. J./and Dacay, sisters Dianne and Sandra Smith. Vistors commencing 2 p.m @ay " samc MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Letterin installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street Eost 728. 3311 Dignified end Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS Any Need meooe St. S$. Oshowa 02 728.6627 Evenings MIRCOCK . | would sincere. warka an ke Yo express rm % trie Kieeneriy. and $ Eva Hircock NORTHEY Erveree whe ret oF Sunday, Joly Best, o Oshawa Geners seongeal, Avce Maude Nortney beloved ete o We late Alfred Norteey ip Der a year, Lowing mother of Fred, Lorne Neos. George Bain (Grace), Mrs. Chtiors Brown (Devin). Tre ie Mrs. Northey rexting oat Pe Piatien Poneral Mame Peneion Fala. Serwite ta Pre Chapel on Tuestay at 2 pr. Ierment Fencion Fain Cemetery QVENDEN, Bady Sco Aven Emeres Po ret mh he Ovrawe Ger eral Moaptal on Fricsy. Joly 1% 196 Rany Stat Allen OQvenden. Beiowed wr oF Mr. BAS Mrs. John Overden and broiner gt Patricia, Jota, Kennet, Tienyp ane Randy, aged tern Gays. Funeral way hes fron Pe Arraxtrong Funeral Hore, Orr eer, Om Monday, Joty 3 at 12 Orn. Miter & men? Qunawa Union Cemetery charts Seagenip, Bt Ma revwence, Sovang | wre, Gr Nowday, Joly 32, 1963, Snares Reader, Beloved Mesdare of re inte teahel Jommasn, Gear Tether of Nelsen, tne Ws, A. Aree), Los (n Luke) of Ragin. Maty (Mrs, R. Dow son) OM Peertercegh and Doreee Ore D. Asberiage) Mm is. Fane year, Resting at Yee Chapel of MeDerrmoh}Panadaker Port Parry. Serwice om Wednesday at 2. Bm. erment Pie Grove Cemetery READER, 7p SIERSMA, Siouke Setderty Bt Ps residence, Srreet, Wraty, om Saterday, Jur RE. Slowke Serena, Deinved Husband oF Sieuwke Sregerma. Gear father of Mrs 7 $. Reena (Rieke), Mes. B Molter Perks), Mes & Heepkere Wants) © Marrren oF WhThe and George of Les arenes, Calferaia, m Da GP year he WwW. CS. Town, Chapel, Writhy, for service In The chapel en Wednesday, Joly M2 Dm Wer B Trent Grove Comertery, Brookiim. Min: ter, Pe Ree W_ 3. BS MeClwr. Vib wre Comerencie 7 p.m. Mangay THOMPSON . "HATTIE a2 Wilsaele Marer or Sunday Joly Th WR. Have Orcdard deioved wite of The wie Rey Thommeon and lowing mother of Jam, @ Londen, Om. The te ars. Trompe S 'ei at Meare Ardersen: Byneral Horne. Service ip Pe Chapel em Becresiap, Joly Br at 2 Der Piermert Kenge Cemetery ure TAMIUIES have pre aTTangee Shedy Parnity estate: together 2 Mount awe Memorial Park wetity Tha te de She enewer t @ Gelicate fetere prep en, Cel for ceerteses formation am. 'LOCKE'S FLORISTS -- Furnevel os orrangement ond fiorel requirerents for of CSO. OSHAWA SHOPPING CHOPPER FLYING GEN cut ying is a demanding task and piloting a he CENTRE doubly @ifficalt et the 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE few Canadian Army gonerals 728-6335 j who bas mastered doth fixed mer 3S One the former Vera Reynor; yada ™m \Ne Martin was f ployed at General Prayers' will be held at_ the funeral home at 8.30 p.m, Taes- day GARTH ALBERT IBBITSON The funeral service for Garth Albert Ibbitson, 200 St, Law- rence street, Whithy, who was killed in a motor accident last Saturday morning at Green River, will be held at the W, C, Town Funeral Home, Whitby, at 2.30 p.m, Tuesday, July 23, Rev, John Smith, minister. of St. Mark's United Church, Whit: daughter, Mrs, William Dodwell (Flossie) of Oshawa and two sons, Roy and Leo Martin, both of Oshawa, Also surviving are 11 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren, The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3.15 p.m, Tuesday, July 23, Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery, Rev, Dr, John Leng, minister of St, Andrew's United Church, will conduct the. services, | SJOUKE SIERSMA | The death occurred suddenly) jat his home, following a heart| EXPERT IN BRITAIN LONDON (AP) time in three days an earthquake hit Sunday over a -- Admiraliwide section of Italy, touching Claude Ricketts, U.S, naval ex-joff widespread panic, Residents pert on the Polaris-firing mis-/fled from their homes into the sile fleet, arrived Monday for/streots in dozens of communi- two days of private talks in'ties in a 150-square-mile area Britain which he sald would jnjand from Ancona on the range generally over "the role eastern Adriatic coast, of sea power today and in the future," APPOINTING NEGRO RECEIVE MOVIE BIDS MIAMI BEACH, Fla, (AP)-- \Seven Miss Universe contest: jants, including the entry from WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-/Canada, were offered contracts ident Kennedy plans to appoint/Sunday in a forthcomig --mo- Howard Jenkins Jr,, as a mem./tion : lattack Saturday, July 20, of{ber of the National Labor Re-|Henry Orient, British comedian picture, The World of by, will conduct the services./Sjouke Siersma, of 1119 King/lations Board, If confirmed by| Peter Sellers and producer Interment will be in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, A son of Mrs, W. Trenholm and the 'ate Hansford Tbbitson, the deceased was born at Mal- den, New Brunswick, 38 years 69th year, Born at Hommerts, Holland,) the deceased was a son of the) late Marten and Femke Siers- ago. He was married in 1950 at Brookdale, New Brunswick A resident of Whitby for eight years, Mr, Tbbitson operated his own painting and decorating business, He was a member of St. Mark's United Church, He is survived by his mother; his- wife, the former June M, Ripley; two daughters, Robyn and Pamela and four_ sons, Chalres, Mile, Paul and Kewin, all at home. Also surviving are seven sis- ters, Mrs, W. Wilkins (Viney) and Mrs, .P, Mason (Mildred), California; Mrs, L. Woods (Lil lian), Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. A Oulton (Irene), Bayfield, N.By Mrs, H. Beal (Mary), Midget N.B.; Mrs, C; Anderson (Helen), Toronto and Mrs, J Kueler (Marina), Welland, Ont, and two brothers, Dovey, New Brunswick and Wiliam of Whit by EDWARD C. MATDMAN A First World War at the Oshawa General Hosp'ta Saturday, July 20. Mr, Maid man was in his 7ist year and had been in failing health for some time, He resided at Hel liday Manor, 620A Richmond street east The deceased was Southampton, England, to the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maidman, He came to Canada in 1912 and lived in Cobourg and Oshawa Mr, Maidman worked paint shop of General for 31 years until his ment in 1958 During the First World War he served overseas with the 2ist battalion for four years He was a member of Roya! Canadaian Legion, Branch #8 and was a former member of Local 222, United utomobdile Workers, The. deceased was member of St ean Church He is survived by born. at in the Motors rehire George's Angli his wife two daughters, Mrs. Cyril Gladman (Medea) of Oshawa and Mrs Fred Colber (Ethel) of Powas san, Mr vivied by two sons: Ajax and Edward of Oshawa A sister, Miss Ethel Maidman of London, England, and 12 grandchildren also survive The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home Tuesday, July 23, at pm.-The officiating clerg ' will be the Rev. A, Woo!cork padre of Branch 4, RCL. In terment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery William of CHARLES HENRY MARTIN | F Following a short, serious ic} ness the death occurred at the Oshawa General Hospital Sun day, July 21, of Charies Henry Martin, 3N Nassau street. He in his 80th year Born Oct, 22, 1883 in London Engiand, the deceased was mar ried in Oshawa Feb, 19 resident of Oshawa for t 69 years, he had been in Car 7 y WAS more than rly em Motors mited an t Alger Press I wing and "chopper" ff is Gen, R. W. Manc tal officer command ern Command, seen here rar- checks with Capt. Pat Thorn- ton of Calgary and. Alliston, veteran, | Edward Charles Maidman, died] a 'i tery Maidman is also sur-| ma, He was married at Sneek, Holland in. 1934 and came to Canada and Whitby 11 years | ago, | A carpenter by trade, the de- jeeased served in the Dutch Army during the First World | War, He was a member of St, jAndrew's Presbyterian Church, | Whitby, | Mrs, Siersma is survived by ihis wife, the former Sjicuwke | Stegenga; three daughters, Mrs, S. Eekma (Rinske), Mrs, B,/ Huitema (Femke) and Mrs, H.) Hoogkamys (Jantje), all of Whitby and George of Los An. geles, California The funeral service will be held at the W, C, Town Funeral Home, Whitby, at 2 p.m, Wed nesday, July 24, followed by in-} terment in Groveside Cemetery, | Brooklin, Rev. W. J, S. Me} Clure, minister of St, Andrew's! Presbyterian Church, Whitby, ;will conduct the services i FUNERAL OF MRS, EARL GILLARD The funeral service for Mrs] Earl Gillard, 342 Mary street,| Oshawa, who died in Toronto] General Hospital Wendesday,/ Tuly 17%, took place: in St) George's Anglican Church, Osh- awa, Saturday, July 20, with in- terment in Mount Lawn Come-| tery, Rev, R. G, Brooks oifi- ciated Pallbearers were B. Law, J Danilko, F, Marshall, R. God. dard, H, Power and P, Bakker,/ i FUNERAL OF MRS, WILLIAM NICOLLS The funeral service for Mrs Wiliam Nicolls, 161 Park road} south, Oshawa, who died in Oshawa General Hospital Wed-! nesday, July 17, took place Sat-/ urday, July 20, at the McIntosh-/ Anderson Funeral Chapel, with interment in Mount Lawn Ceme-} Rey, R, G. Brooks, of St.) George's Anglican Church, offi- ciated Pallbearers were Ed Kitchen, Fred Ellegett, James Forbes, Norman Lowry, Henry McGhee and Hugh Cavanagh j Brokers Claim. Panic Caused | Market Dip | TORONTO (CP) and Oo, Ltd, investmen 'rs and stock brokers, says Ca-| n stock markets dipped] as a result of panic than! nk in théeir re-} action to President Kennedy's tax proposals | The comment, made in. the company's Li ng Post, writ.) ten by BE. A, Walker, adds "We feel the real danger has tt return of the to parity with Mr. Kennedy's wassures that it par, ht is the -- Gairdner deal-| ten ster k t ta visu " r ta So first negfo to board /stroet, Whitby, He was in his/the Senate, Jenkins will be the Jerry Hellman offered one of serve on the the contracts to Jane Kmita of Rogina, ' DETROIT (AP)--Mrs, Cath- erine Kwasiborski found an en- velope containing $350 under the door of her suburban Mad. ison Heights home Monday On the lap of the envelope was an unpunctuated note saying "ean't do this forgive me first time we scared," The seven $50 bills were stolen from Mrs Kwasiborski's desk drawer the night before, she told police, PRANKSTER DROWNS TAMPA, Fla, (AP)--A_ man described as a good swimmor had been playing pranks oa his friends by pretending to drown He cried "help" again, his friends ignored him and he was drowned Thursday. Authorities said the victim, Elmo C, Seran- ton, 22, apparently got a stom. ach cramp and went down In 12 feet of water, Todays. Stock TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS 1) Net ay Canadien le - Stock - Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 'oronto Sto xchange--July Quotations in cents unless marked $, Oolivie 4 sie 1 lt BeOdd lol, xXd=Bxdividend, -- xt--Bx» 100 395 rights, XweeBxwarrants, Net chan 400 from previous board-lot closing 200 900 INDUSTRIALS ' Sales High Low am, Ch'ge 810 340% A M+ 700 290 280 +10 Alta Dis vi 1000 255 250, 250 45 Alta Gas 14400 227% 7% DM Ve Alta Gas w 100-790 79 790 +10 Alg Cen 20322 Oo Alg Cen w, 100 55 Algoma 570 i] Aluminl 2440 Mb) Argus 200 RW +! Arg ¢ P pr 700 aur At! Sugar 2s wv { Bank Mont -- 62? 6a TM! Bank NS ara Gell Phone 2697 Bow Valley 300 oll ws ars 200 860 140 430 345 $109 101102 ae Reichhold YOO Sl0%e 10% 10+ Revenve pr 250 $22 22 2 Royal Bank 743 Ww+ sh OM Pee +s 1417 WM 635 645 3% 14 +9 $9% 9 9M We ; Stock Abitibi Alta Dist 2S + Shell | wts Silvewd A Slater Steel Slat Steel pr 25 S16 16te 46a $70% 70 SS4¥e 53 490 «490 «490 $774 27M Se Whe $10 $20" 7 100 $47 BC Forest 7 Fin summer S H @ Pp | N C3 specials If you are trave!l-minded and like to seek new places to go, new. things to do on your Summer afternoons and holidays, or one of those leisure individualists who prefer to relax at home on the patio or lawn, or an eager beaver-type who is constantly working to inyprove your home and property, you will find each week in the SUMMER SHOPPING SPECIALS things vou wi ll need and want the Shepping Specials makes it convenient for you to find where to go when you wish to buy SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES FROM 1.98 UP LUGGAGE AND WALLETS REDUCED 20% BURNS rr). 11D. QUALITY FOOTWEAR 1 King St. West DIAL 725-461) SHOES SHOES Collins MID-SUMMER SALE CONTINUING SPECIAL GROUP OF FLATTIES BEIGE @ TAUPE WHITE © BROWN Regular to $6.98 ollins Shoes 119 Brock Street S, WHITBY Dial 668-3476 Open Friday Evening TH F am Asphalt DRIVEWAYS SERVICE STATIONS INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS PARKING AREAS GRADING DRAINAGE |W. B. BENNETT 'CHOPPER'-FLYING GENERAL Army Training fan oto from Nation- | al Defence) PAVING LID. 728-8132 1290 SOMERVILLE OSHAWA Holiday Specials BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD, "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" New Homes and Home Improvements, Full line of Building Materials, 725-4704 436 RITSON N Where Pavement Ends) All Sporting Goods and Camping Equipment. Greatly Reduced. BAR-B-Q'S COOLERS | LANTERNS SLEEPING BAGS LAWN CHAIRS PICNIC JUGS COLEMAN STOVES TENTS AND ACCESSORIES GUNS AMMUNITION AND ALL DIVING EQUIPMENT AT REDUCED PRICES DYETTS FIRESIDE CORNER 205 BOND WEST DIAL 725-7578 EXTRA SPECIAL 14' x 22' x 8' DELUXE GARAGE COMPLETELY ERECTED ON YOUR SITE $645 4" CEMENT REINFORCED FLOATING SLAB EXTRA TO ABOVE PRICE ALSO STANDARD GARAGE. CAR and HALF GARAGE, 2 CAR GARAGE NOW ONLY 3.99 NO PAYMENT UNTIL NOVEMBER FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. HEAD OFFICE and SHOWROOM COURTICE OSHAWA SHOPPING 728-1611 CENTRE--728-1617 Where you may buy Lumber ond Building Moterial REGULAR 3 Ways SERVICE POLICY CASH AND CARRY CASH AND DELIVERY FIX UP YOUR HOME FOR OUTDOOR LIVING Paving PATIOS | ENJOY OUTDOOR LIVING MORE. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH US TODAY THIS SUMMER . . . . . . HAVE THAT PATIO 30c PER SQ. FT. Call Us For A Free Estimate HAMBLY CONCRETE | HIGHWAY 2 AT THICKSON RD, PRODUCTS 668-4159 A 9 Tr Can PL 2245 78 600 BC Pow BC Phone Bulld Prod Cabol Cal Pow Can Cem 350 aio 3S SM SM 1050 $21¥e 2% 237 6 5 Sa 2M 210 $80\e 88\a CAR 1850 $10 9 C Brew A pr 210 $5) Coal | W Pacific $ ig al re eT Westen A S164 140 18 tO Chem w Weston 8 200 $1984 19a Wat Collieries West A wts 1958 885 885 885 Woodwd A 100 $194 194 1 > Drege «Dt Zenith 2S 4) 40 480 Hydro 210 $17%a imp Bk C Séd $02% OILS ind Gas r 6100 37 Ch. 260 $15 Acme Gas 1000 10Ve 108 Wl +10 AP Cons 707 $5) SS SS +N CPR 2710 $31% Cdn Tire 10 $35 3S Ang U Dew $000 CS Pete 900 Cap Bidg Oo 320 30 Cla © Dein 2050 tone wo 3? ? WOO 275 C Ex Gas = + Cc LI Pete $00 *) Cent Del 200 +" Cc West P eo 6180 (80 Dome Pete 334 I' Wt Fargo on 2 te CS Fr Pete pr 220 280 280 20 Glacier we Mt 2 » Gridoll = Home A 0m WN te Home B 4 DY Wet 250 Sida 44 HA rw Ww W = mS Md ad +8 " OM _) $2)\a 21a $34 53% $6 6 OM 700 +28 . eis 278 +s 4 34 A+ 4 Be Dav 16 Na+ es 3% H+ Hw 9, 0 +4 ms" YD Vet & 2s $2 SiMe Sabla $30 $18 we 8 +h 0 $n) n n j 10 $1018 TO DIM Be) 0 M4 4 oO 265 $5la 1 + 1680 Sa Vie Via % ww YP R+h Net Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge | Eddy Mich 3 te MY MM | Faicon S6S $502 SB SB + Ml Fam 2 ve Wh Frain Globe A GL Paper S18 Whe e+ G \ Power S22% 2M DM GN Cap 1) | GNCop 8 Ww ' yo +38 Gr Wee @ ) S16 16%e 16% +18 235 $23 Pay 2 j 38 Cisirion w Dist Seag D Briage Dom Elect Dom 1 pr Dotasco Dom Stores Dom Tar Du Pont Northcal Permo Petrol Piace Provo Gas Quonto Sovth UV Triad Ol Unispher Un Olls W Decaite Winatall +v + * = +38 Stock ays 110 mesoo S MINES 45) GS 66S nn 8b OS aa bad Advocate Hawker pr Fewest T Fatima Hayes St Horne Pt Hac Husky imp Lite imp Oi imp Tod ina Accep tnd Min inland Gas intand G pr int Nickel Atlin: Rut 4 4 4 Aumaq he # Ot Bankeno a a4 a Banktield mB HB WH Barnat ae WW WW +8 Base Mets se of OF B-Duaq » » RHt" Bethim 4. 485 4 +15 Bibis yv vv =) Bidcop nw Bouzan 86 Bronswk Cadamet Camels Camp Chid +3 + M+ Ye} 1 ? $00 4500 1300 S750 2000 1700 VERO 4000 200 ®2+h WM | Rat We! Jock ws CanpErin Cassiar Chime Coch Wit Coniagas Con Shaw © Betiek © Discov C Mall Cc Meugl 6000, Coulee 230 Croinor F800 Cusco 48) Deer Horn 10000 Denison 140 Dicknsn Eider Faraday Froagoeur s 3 34 BA Wa Labatt 380 $14 1% 4+ Lakeland e % 3S LO Cer Laura Lay Leland $00 $0: 6000 2000 43 1500 Le 2500 Loed M MS and PR M Leat Ml SSstoeeds StZsxt~e2ks Nat Contain Nat DOrog Noranda ~ NO NGas " 2 - "% 8 we We 4 4 % Ss 5. S254 2 Ne e wat} as +8 3@ ~ +9 v0 iS vO 68 ™m mM + Sa Mh Pete sn B BV Sh RO NO 100 are »" 35) Se Te 1a + 3 2 i | j | | r 67 | 38 ; i can Republic (AP)--Rebde! ac] Madsen sO 2 4 34 8 8 iFighting, with heavy sual. Ber eee. Murray M valier band of vouths fashioned te 74) SM MW SIM S12s. 1M 1 900 900-900 Haitian Rebel } altian Rebe ay . Y a .* @ ® me 6S s ey: my eR D vity Sai 2 hh 38 GO O35 = $ S27 I reaking Out | tess" 8: j Lorado 1 } ~ -- = | Wace Mu SANTO DOMINGO, Domini-| Macon' *S tivity was reported increasing!) inside Haiti Sunday in a new] ; uM MSS attempt to topple the regime of] Martin RR, toes | iPresident Francois Duvalier.| -i c ? e s reported breaking out wranter Hd ¥ » nightly in the hills ardund Port) {un corp ago gu7te- 1% mae au Prince, the capital Mt Wright a @ in One report said an anti-Du-) New Atoer n BS Neanex wts ss 8S an armored with steel) New Hom 1. plates from a junkyard for a! ag eine rebel assauit in suburban Pet-| tionville July 14 i 96 4 le Wie Wie » See ee 2» 8 car J VON OS BNW 200 N Senator Nordeay Noriex | Normetat One estimate here of the eas-| N Borde jualties was that 30 government] Norteate ® . > "Lear " troops were killed or wounded ae in the fighting j 23 FO j Orchan ~m 22 These reports were being) shod gathered in the Dominican Rey / Ho 34 38 » Patino rts . Pax int IW DB B public, which shares this Car.) Pisce 22 oe" 'bbe island with Haiti, from} travellers and other sources Preston 2B 850 > Qu 22 S20 WT WR Rasis aaawr The government. has been sending troop reinforcements to the hills around Port an Prince} he rebels accuse Davalier of] ty serving a second term) Rai § Rayrock Rio Algom Rio Rup Ryanor Sateinte yrRP 3? 8s wae 6 6+ rR RP RP +h vy wv + MS OBS wa N 42: » wa ° : W890 rR a4 we 6 MINISTER RESIGNS MANILA (Reuters) -- Phil! jippines Vice-President Emman jlaez said Sunday he is secretary} had lost) capagal's Ao] s&s & me Dh MR Me 8 Ss) 2 aue he felt he President Diosado N confidence d : jvolving i Pel Weedon W Mailer Witray Wittsty Yk Bear Termac Pelapa m™ TS we UM a Ne we 2 2 ge 2 Sates f Ho am. 7 COMING EVENTS To ste two SHOP the "variety store" of the Clase. mecca we oh ified Section--"Miscellancons for Sale* manthiy poore 33. 3 é We Weay Jonded with wonderte! offere, WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 52~ 60 TONIGHT -- 8 PAA RED BARN ____._ EXTRA BUSES: KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK Aan ment referring to ican Harry levision intervicw] deported Amer; TO-NIGHT AT 8 PM | 690 KING ST. E. FREE AI ON Snowbel! wack 210 ~ 56 Nos. | $20. Con mn ARLY BIRD GA) kpot 57 Nos, $100 tion Good Prizes eS KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. Jac

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