- 27--Real Estate for Sale 27---Real Estate For Sale TOE SUSU KEAN AND CIFY. See ur choice selection NHA approved, lnapect and aslect tram subdivision plans in our office, R, Vickery. Realtor, 72895P), 46 LL King West BRAEMORE GARDENS, Inve. bedroom, List W rH LLOY fancy atone front, five years old, wel ; 4 Ve kept $14,800 $3,000, down. 7280704 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NASBAU Street, six-room stucco house, COURTICE turniahed or unfurnished. Completely modern, 89000. Telephone Rrookiia Cure 2 bedroom white frame O55-487 bunaciow with forced air oil INEOME property, three apartments, = jc0) walkout basement three bathrooms. large tot, $220 income, oi, Ldasenael -tanbed 10% . mn. Telephone 728-2680, lly landscaped | Mmnthty, $3000 dow 2 » 148° lot ohne tes INCOME home availadle, Asking only Link ena able hy se $12,000 with good financing, Call Howard p a Hi gedbacencghoe MeCahe, Myman Real Eatate, 728-4286 church, ask ' show vou this fine 6 year old GRANDVIEW hare' reo ot 720.2236 VILLAGE or 728-5123 For your new Kassinger™ $1,200 DOWN Hame. in. this choice east 3 _hedroom 'bungolow, | re end location, give us @ ca creation row beautiful Trades accepted patio With outdoor lomps close te all schools, call Bill Cari Olsen. Realtor 'nston now at 8.1066 299 King St. West SPLIT LEVE $900.00 DOWN PAUL RISTOW -- fita'sceann wo fee REALTOR ond $ ( ALBERT STREET Phd wat ta Ve Centre! lacation, two storey ee &.S205 ar 728 brick 7% nem pie " tirst and second floor hath Liovd Realty (Oshewa ited, rooms, make this well cared 0 . ee h for home. ideo! income prop khows. Onta erty, At $13,000. the down payment js very flexible with { f em e, Be a CARL OLSEN nr . REALTOR 723-113 A MONEY SAVER It's b and bia w . NTENTM Mave | : e re : aterms and ecue 1 " e { pe size back yo A .' to he vours $ e $00 with tow > " THICKSON ROAD { y Pe \ cuntry annen : : we ; ence " W e KPOr * are ® mick y { bungalow < offering six e ° e ae erar t x . < hon 2 a mic Ww ws ed + ease at $ 0 4 OVE AT FIRST S ' \ . R Nea ei « e 4 are t sin od this three bed white e and 5 bungelow « ed areee. bs 5 patio enciosed wer box e m the double drive é 8.088 4 the shode e .) elm tree setting, you'll find it EXCE \ WALUE ee ard ret aden . ° e quality and value more ® warre e ed e K $18,800 ex e ¢ e t gg 4 e a vides K we se $ « 2 eet e e ™ > eve ee e mice 4 BROC ¢ R 8? x 168. excelle $2.8 Call Tom } 28.9474 ¢ or 728-$422 evenings - 93 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR } LOTS ~six milea Financial Trade Bidg north of Oshewe, Priced et ea KAN ON : s 8? King 3S. E © KING T Property with 10 acres ge » land ding one re Asparagus. ideal spot for extra ome CALL PORT PERRY 985 - 2674 King Street West end Steve s Suitable for single fo erendd "oe W. SCHATZMANN REALTOR 1i4 BROCK N. WHITBY 127----Real Estote For a cores Estate Fer ia . WHITRY, CORNER ROa near schools and park miles P all three bedrooma have) wRh good Open to offers d-roomed elder prick house, Make an offer on tia eatate sale, Ossie 28--Real ame bedi ? Ln _29---Automobiles For Sale 195? CHEVROLET convertibie Va > ' ~@ ck 194) AUSTIN Healy FORD AGLIA 1962. Pontiac 'WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC tarks cleaned. promet service/FOR RENT AD . Wave Ward ™ Chew ree: ~ ae eit Di : 2 » Pee PRESSMAKING Suns. coats, crewmen, oo. aDerations. aig covers, dranes Fisting @ speccaltr Mira Tose. @08-2372 SEPTIC tanks cleaned. prompl sere 2 ae Kate pest? chain Wein we Street Weat, Wo FOR REN BICYCLE cegaics wsed 5 -- » neck. Pek . | mane 2 8 , 3 Toe ante FOR REN t if . aarti . ane ante ne . seen Te cere ord Col or lace moe WILDE <a as Sak teil - RENTAL TWO BEDROOM ane ~ init Abin Gah oe oarana, &° Cone She SERWICE A SAS ater & : 2 rn 1415 Dundes Fost AVTO SERVER > te Gicbee i Whithy 668-3226 tema 29----Automobiles For Sele MERCURY Comet , SS METEOR Niagara sedan, Ve, over , drive, Four barrel carburetor, Complete | equipped Mechanically perfect pad S828 Affe $30 telephone 728-1602 1962 CHEVROLET Impala, convertipie, ed trim, power steering, brakes radio, Executive driven, new car. condi hen, $2,950. Telephone 728-7586 oF every P2820. COME IN TEST DRIVE Car of the veor RAMBLER Abner's Esso Service 1959 Meteor > DOOR SEDAN Reduced to $1] 195 958 Oldsmobile > DOOR HARDTOP Ne ed to $1095 ova FOV Z Fenhvyr 2OOR SEDAN ed to $995 nMeauc 1959 Pontiac PARISIENNE tae , QA Fo; + Fairlane 500 toes aadon mages "Deluxe, Asking $2,198 Private sale, Apply Highland Avenue 962 TRIUMPH TRI sportscar, 60 IMPALA convertibie Va» CHEVROLET RelAlr, two-door * hardtop, Black with red interior, excebh) > ent condition, new tires, radio, seat!' windenield washers, Backup fights, 2,000 miles one owner, $250 of make standard transmission. 184 FORD convertidie iiuen and TYPEWRITER !29--Automobiles For Sal 129---Automobiles For Sale | , ne MONARCH, "Wwodoor hard ont 3000 wn CHEVROLET sours door sedan me seals. TORR, An condition, "oash, Apply 73 Ritson Road IE ge or eal) TOh-G1a4 Bt shone er CORVAIR Monza, black with red diond, 825. Telephon : ather upholstery. Very geod condition Teleph one PBT 30---Automobiles Wanted 195? TO" 1959 car or wagon wanted. phone 725-7210. {RCA Victor table model televis have a 1956 Pontiac and some cash, Tele 8008 Condition, $50, Telephone 728-9995, SEY-LINER TV antennae and rotar, Ban THe OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 22, 1963 15 32--Articles for Sale KITCHEN six pieces, aa hardwood, RANGE, Frigidaire, electric, automatic oven, excellent condition, reasonably priced, Telephone 725-8206. fon, 2h", LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want care Gein price, Owner leaving town, @6@Sase. fo wreeking Highest prices paid, ao Wentworth Past aia! 100 CARS WANTED Buying « New Car? Sell your used cer to "Ted" Talk Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 » 31---Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO_ PRODUCTS 6? KING ST, WEST Y 3.7822 seeds some re d2----Articles For Sale REFRIORRATOR, Frigidaire, about 7 cu, Y 1960 CORVAIR motor, new, never used Vtoot cedar strip boat, 723.729? WILLMAN reconditioned motor, $14, also tranemission, Dial ?2e-4aa?. o w D GUNS WANT Telephone Oshawa 20) SAIL OR Cabin Crolsers, boats motors *railers, three-piece baths, laundry tuba, pressure systerns, stainiess steel sinks, cad'nets, 4, Chinn, 7237088. TWO-DOOR refrigerator, freezer, In very goat condition, $178 Was $280. Call LADY'S new Swiss wrist watch, New all Ne electric Roto Broil Rotissiere, bar decue: rita, broits, fries, dolls Afternoons of evenings 7287770. MOFFAT range, tour burner, 20° condition, Reasonadie, Telephone yas.aaa CANADIAN Fiighthcraft boat lett Ma homany plywode with M@ hp Evinrude mn te 194. Many extras, - Excetient fraiter, 723-4300. ergiass DS hp Seat? mote, elect start with frailer and extras $800 for quick sale. Apply 20S or 225 upin Driv, Whitey @001 Candin ce 3, Dia rey pelo S$ bicycle, medium site, OS. Good tion, Telephone P2$-4éas LADDER, wooden adtete ale 5 'goed Wwopnone MEVELE Drandt new, doy's oF girl's ere y age oyt, converts to car bes. dive, excellent condition, Beat TENT trailer, 1999. 'goad ennedition, 8280 ations. Telepnone P25 Tas Beat off Colborne East *] va FIBERGLAS boat, lett, with a hp Evin ude Lark moter, Convertible tap, heave am yrad Hew Westinghoure, used one duly titfrache trailer and many other ° s al POPS extras, Telephone Poaatls RABY t exe lohtweight WE buy and @xchange ured furn anne anyit you have, The. City s % Pa 44 Simmeoe hy Saad No Y treet Bast BROADLOOM STUDENTS A super valus, approxi at mately $30 sheets of leer sive typing ' a paper (news p for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa * Office, Whithy SPONGE ber chestertield and cha Dundas West ey. lke new: MM mm camera; man's USED ca of all Kinda, used tires aitored. two pa s worn few Hmes all size: ngveN and wheels tor y © 42, for tall man, 6 fool. traile Bloor 'Stree? Bast & apne ATTENTION BEAUTY SALONS! Three mains, opera TELEVISION tower special, struc * ing @ " antenna in Quaranteed After S pm. telepnone Meda alled and ¥ experts with ars experience, $80 Telelvision HIGH SCHOOL deoks, Grade 8 Genera Pits ae pec debit ace ane' Camme a Joo ce weer i erry SEWING machine, portadie, Elite wend pred? 345, © pareat offe NORGE 8 conic 11. retrigerator, like news Cove Ole y ativess Mx 4, very clean hatntun enciewre and ac CORFIELO wringer washer with time ~. Reasonadle. Apply %24 $08 Roy's sidnwaik Dicycie wilt Dalance wreels, § el 6abas WEBSTER ecorder ples reels, 398 BOAT le plywood, Drend new. Apply washing machine, Argus Nesimoriand Avenue, after Spm, Baany overnend ny riNG ne sOLLINE A Ore" ances Kune » ELECTRIC orga Nery, two MARA aM KEYSTONE movie CaMera, tiple pd eS SOAINOF | ie eye, leather carrying case. e s ¢ eleprone C EARANCE OF "1963 3 MODELS E DRIVE-IN TLE, ONTARIO aPRM TO 1 PM eT wa 728-1468 sy F2R.ISSS Wha? MAY nae V¥AaTS My € V. TOWERS and C. Drapery Dry Goods Store ® >> 3 4 ~ < . ~ 4 qi 1 tre VSnewa Storr Furniture and Appliances DIAI N > Nery Ska > enue' storting et re A 5m NM % $ New cones piles. form $323 wp. Ad size > s Sprne « Bok * F TRACTOR TRUMPET ana pitty junior Lost A Ddiee ae DAIDe Answer bdFT, PENN YAN oot e oh Ay wi weekend to H. Taw Pion or phone Green: AWNINGS Vax, Prompt service, free . na able rentals. Cleve Simreoe N SELLING = faratere. or appliances? \ y ast oP cash, Telephone R ~'s FF { * and Appliances Store, King Street Rast, 728-919), DASE GUAT, Complete o, 3 Serre S20S, Ad condition. Tele. LADY'S clolhing, winter coal $45, fall . S12 and $18) assorted sweaters 35 Clerk-Treosurer, Sive 14, work very lite, Oressing Gounty of with mirror, $13, Teleprone 723.1906. WONEST Cal'a. Porniture and Api s Name > as a LERES We carry Restont ss are tines \ e Contact tener * Kine Street Bast. Var * Road ™ hows daly, 9.90 . e TmR.OI8 VACUUM = cleane pairs, a TaKRRS de estimate Parts, attachments @S. Qearanreed Re . ENJOY * a 8 Pe cn Dor Tive Shore, @ bene West et, & foot retria. made. Rerke BUY amd » fon vied farmitare and os we Woation nly, Pretty's "aS he Street Soata PONTOON house bos long. fully i \ moar, Baraain particutara 721872 RF _anonane STORES -- 'Tires, Aevnater remrigeratore, elevision, Taruty Radget plan. 725-403, SELLING ©. ¢ appliances? We ¥ P cash, Telephone Blake's > amt Appliences DR GAS OVEN, Pee portadie, Bur * > Sapien > Pie. Tacks, bor Nationa x eq isto . " 'se 4 Dwr pf oad Prt. and averian oS - ties © M CUTRORAD bo WPS Bice ve + On 9 sow. Dash Mam. cerean Dicycke very goo condition. Dial 225. ax 0% DOVALE bra xpring and Mather, ER pinta Bosket MICK you ederries at Anderson RR s) Telephone Seb.ahat. TICK vor oem strawberries at Grom. KO's RAGE 2 Pear, no Telephone 8Kd-28d5 "ewderries at a2 Gay, Ser * Gays fem > Me Rarhe of "Peter" wicinity ef Gar Reward. Tae. of money leet me wale Avenue ar Savt> Genera' pep. Reward, Can 225. jail 36--Legal i wit ath poe ny pk tony eet acted in my name ae tis date, Maly 2} ec = my | written consent, = Ronald | IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE NELSON FIN. IGAN, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, GENTLE- MAN, DECEASED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons havi cloima sentnat a the Estate of GEORGE FINIGAN, late of the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, who died on or about the l4th day of July, A.D, 1963, are hereby not. ified to send full porticulars to the undersigned on or be- fore the 31st day of August, A.D. 1963, ofter which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of : which the undersigned shall then hove had notice Dated at Oshowe this 18th doy of July, A.D, 1963 STANLEY REGINOLD HEAD Executor By his solicitor, JOSEPH P MANGAN, Qc. 14¥2 King Street East Oshowe Ontario COUNTY OF ONTARIO TENDERS ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE BUILDING AND COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Sealed tenders for the. gen- eral contrect, oddressed te the undersigned ond clearly morked. os to contents, will be received up to 5.00 p.m, E.D.S.T. on Tuesdey, August 20th, 1963, for the construc. tion of an Administration of Justice and County Admin: stration Building Mechonical ond electrical trades will submit their Tenders to the Bid Deport. ment of the Toronto Builders' Exchange by noon, Monday, August 19th, 1963 Plans ond --apecificotions mey be obteined from the Architect, Mr. T. W. Beds dol 240 Eglinton Avenue &, Toronto, Onterio, by submit. NMG @ written application ec companied by a certified cheque in the amount of $350 00 per set Pions ond specifications will 130 be on displey ot the Toronto Builders' Exchange ard at the County Buildings, Whitby, Onterio. The lowest of any tender not Necessarily occepted WM, G. MANNING Ontario, | 416 Centre Street Whitby, Ontario" Facts And Figures Monday's Big Bout LAS VEGAS, Nev,' (AP)-- Facts and figures of the world heavyweight tite fight Monday between champion Sonny Lis. " ton and Floyd Patterson: Date--Monday, July 22 Site-Las Vegas Convention Centre. Time of fight--9:30 p.m, Fighters' purses--Each geis 38 per cent of all revenues. Rematch--None. Scoring--Five points to the winner of a round, four or less to the loser, five each for an even round Rules--The three knockdowa and mandatory eightcount in the event of a knockdown will be in effect Tale Of The Tape " For Monday Night LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)-- ale of the tape for the heavy. weight tile fight July 22 be- ween champion Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson Liston 23 Age 7 25 Weight 19 2S ag Height ea i Reach Dy big "#" Chest (Norm) 48" #61," Chest (Expd.) 42" 3 Waist 324" 1 Fist 1 3" Thigh m4" 1715" Neck 164" 16}_" Biceps i," $35" Wrist sy" 16" Calf 1s" 2 Ankle *," SPORTS BRIEFS SIGN FOR FIGRT MIAMI BEACH, Fla, (AP)-- Two recently - deposed world doxing champions -- Luis Rod. riguez and Denny Mover--were Friday for a li elevised fight Aug. 1? at Mi. am Beach Convention Hall Rodnguez lest his welterweight Ue 10 Emile Griffith on. a split aecision in New York last month. Moyer has lost twice year to Ralph Dupas with de yamor middleweight crown al stake SEE TICKETS VANCOUVER (CP) -- Police mbdling squad officers said day they have seized print. ng type and lottery tickets on Monday's Sonay Lision . Flayd Patterson world heavyweight boxing match. The officers said ne 3,000 Uckets on the Las pas fight were printed fer a Vancouver area "foot. * cd "n A a