14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, duty 22, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY "ange Accountants Building Trades ERT HOSMAR, chartered account ALL TYPES of. building repairs, 3 King Street West, Oshawa, Tele ing, chimneys, fireplaces, phone 723-1221, swoops Gordon May, 728-030. NAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited Pub-| CHIMNEYS built, Nie Accountant. Commercial Buliding, lalso brickwork, F 786 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-222), (655-3061 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered) YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping) Chimneys built and repaired, , bi 9953, ings instailed, furnaces vacuumed aoe ss Tae | emia. 723.2907, BOB CLANCY'S 'Accounting PVICO, | ene ae Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond ROOFING, shingle ee Street West. 520897 Res, 723-7605. louvers installed. Siding, a'terations. woeucenent " MONTRITE, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and suaranteed, Tucker, 728-0826 Chartered Accountants, 7 7.) ROOFING, concrete floors {ss Simeoe Street North, Oshawa,!our specialty Ajax W:' 32-0890, Whitby MO_8-4131, YALE, FRIEDLANDER Chartered Accountants tees in Bankruptey, Kast, 7 i HOPRI tere' Fast, McCann, arge and smail jobs. | a | (ne and Construction and 725-6997, and Co Ns ike new by Hydro-Se ho dust . Free estimates Sherpening ant Rental "ACKERMAN Excavating --- Loading Send Fill 64 King Street /cleaned method, ~ | Stan's BE -ADLE AND 60, "Char 23. ountants, Oshawa, _Ontario and = BURROWS, ntants, ll4 King Street East Ronald FL D. - ond Burrows, CA chartered Osh- Gravel rs Fe And Top Soil Dump Tr Reasonable PHONE 623-5756 BOWMANVILLE HOME REPAIRS Kitchen Appliance Service SEWING MACHINE tune ups, els by your Elna dealer, Oshawa Sew: ing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South 728-2991 Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West-----728-1607 FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" LE 2- 6182 TORONTO COLLEC PLASTERING | New cement ments and » Ww Rem re Barristers ork MANNING F. SWARTZ AND DONALD L.' SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, N es, Money to a Henry Block $ yt East, 723-4697 Resi- K dence, d Louis $& tor, Not re WOODS 7 3420 SAND, eyes STONE, FILL N. G. BARTER 725-7119 A. FOSKETT AND SONS Roofing Mete ing s ex pert hom Sol King monies ih bag om 43 Mo' tgage VIC TOR BA otary 446 KELLY, Barristers, King Street East Phones ; Terence V LLB. GREER AND Solis DAVID L., e Street 264 MANGAN, QC, to loan Oshawa. GREIGHTON DRYNAN Mt RDAC n, Bart sters, Solicitors, nr Bank of e Street North Res emo ROWMAN, tor, 3 Reside ne e JOSE PH P. F rrister, Soli ch ab < 25-9592 pe visten, Off he AND ® | 668-5906 or 668.2341 roof. sidewalks, cleaner gas lin Free "yoo! and gable} carpent TYs) materials flat roofing new work and repairs, Roof Licensed Trus-| BRICK CIEANING -- Have your name ~ Parrister, =: icaiae Mor 'king No: Ps aon JOHN'S MOVING a " Oshawa, Whitby 163 Fully equipped and egy AND CARTAGE Reasonadle rat RALPH JONES, BA. and THOMAS Ff GREER, Associate Barristers and S 3% King § East. rage loans available. aor AND DONALD, ora, ete aie |Dressmaking DRESSMAKING rg, expenenced, Mra. Elbridge, 67 alte Barristers and 69 King Street East Mor "MacDONALD, "RA, LLB ui r and Notary Pub- 5 Gerdening and Supplies LOAM, sod "manure and ever post Mole digging an able rates. Telephone CEMENT gravel, sard and fi) Brantin, Whitby 'TREES work, Al Free est an MeGIRBON and BASTEDO, Barristers. available ~~ Ee SAtMERS tor, @ Office 72 He areadia ted MA BA ® Residence 7 eovenys pen "on TREE SERV ICE a ROOKKEEPING Serv Reurns 723-1361 Loam and page Washed Stone, Fil Statements TS Newm we WALCO CONSTRUCTION nae oe BEATTY sper ULA 725-2156 Instruction PRIVATE a A EXPERT >» IMPROV EMENTS Roof Want Ads no shing éave hold the key to Extra Cash sified Ad Rates WORDS OR LE it ory ineccurccies in ony form are conto ned therein, Money To Loan AVAILABLE Low Interest sidewalks and stoops Brooklin Valuations: Afranged Residential City and District Vacant Land Members Ontario gtage Brokers Mor Summer Properties MORTGAGE MONEY Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simeoe St. Nor Oshawa, On th 725-3568 TV--Radio Repairs |WHITBY TV aerial and tower service. [tNal 668.8344 | GUAWANTEED TV radio, tronics, 157 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS | | Guaranteed Parts and Service | DAY. QR EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, Prop 728-5286 Cry TY, For Surrounding Guaranteed Satisfaction Poul Cieslar Prop 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 TV TOWERS AND ud RNa HE 4 % oR ana SUERARLY h ck: OTRER SINGS, (pel $ COLLARS WERE FASH)ONABLE,. For Bot MEX AND WOMEN DN THE 18605 repairs to all makes radios, Thompson Ele> Ell ott. 722-9792. - Fred. Oshawa Districts ond slar a 4 Avy sic STING CAUSES Z ta QME-STING CAUSES KABROBRACONe 1S AM INSECT WHR A "IN POISON SOX APPARATUS A USED LIKE A RYPODERNIC NEEDLE, WING BEAT OAM Netw Neda te tne Peet ate canned, By R 1 SCO NVMTNGALE NAVE VOCAL x YE ONE yee $ AND De rh \ WHERE, 18 Ate. LOWEST PART ANE U.S. THAT OS Not DRY LAND LAKE HuROX~ So fo PREY, | FEAT BLOW SALVE, Mortgages FIRST AND SEC OND "orts ages. nts t sold Hennick r ter 31 Street PRIVATE MORTGAGE LOANS T TIME 15 YEAR MORTGAGES CORONATION nvestment Ltd Ine ra ale! Co LIMITED "Sale Hen King IN CANADA [ittiAm s 728-3376 SCHOF! ELD-AKER LIMITED Musical Services PIANO TUNING PIANO Optometrist © # TUCK, RO, Painting and rc, At PAINTING OUTSIDE PAINTING EXPERT PAINTING ---- 4--Sportsman's Column es Stark, ppeabasinunue nace Rug-Upholstery Service ue STERPIELDS STERFIELDS Se les and Serv ice ART'S GUN REPA AIR Surveyors PONEVAN AND PLIESCHMANN a Egineer Antenna Repair 9--Summer Properties TRIO For Sale or Rent TELEVISION TNOBMOROOM fur te $18 623 BOND ST. £&., OSHAWA 28-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Pr nished cottage and * Norland. August 3 fireplace, three kitchen cup dd swimming 7088. FIVE-ROOM § ¢ bath, sh Lake ottage. plece om COTTAGES - and lots on the Black Rive miles north of Uxbridge. ephone Black River Securities, UL collec' ior sppeintment FOR RENT tw dec Available COTTAGE row Lake, and rang: Dial 723-7140. all con By. the € OM. " eM ced to suit your budget ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Lakefront Cottage and Lots Well cna, Ph sta 5 each KROONTJE, 2 Nea work, ¢ Park Road. 728-3060 DIGGING reo > NS | Y AFTER 4 P.M t reer West y, : : ' 11--Articles For Rent Di - Cutlery - D 7 k B Coffee Tea Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals Lake TERMS August 3) Sep Anchor, six tonabee, tive. nder FOR RENT fh or S re ale Lake Simcoe compressor 433 by machin W PO Box BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING s WELL zing Glasses owls ens Silver Service C Telephone 728- 091 ] 2--Personal My TOU ha x RENTALS Of All Kinds Of ve a ai nking ~ LEN PULLAN GLISH TAILOR n ne prod S!S 3--Pets & Livestock DASCHUND DOGS GERMAN REAUTIPUL r 259 rnone #23 DACHSHUND wour 12-- Articles Wented GERMAN WANTED PUREBRED WANTED AUTO Ww REC RING O SAVE $1 3 8 863 Gale outt #7 3's s Phe 8 Tire Store per cent and 60's ne 5--Farmer's Cees FARMERS. Dom eve need Ss afte CASH on the M 13----Business Opportunities PESTAVRANT AND. PROPERTY. Com dining park * 7--Trailers rem SMALL 3 SPECIAL 14--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED Ye g Dase my aree LADY 'a NIOR © 9--Summer Properties . For Sale or Rest TMRE " BEDROOM yaa Female see hestcantn. PAtTS ue |16--Female Help Wanted WAITRESSES WANTED, RELIABLE GIRL wr household a HOUSEKEEPER Telephone WANTED Preferably Duying. WANTED Excetient <ar ash washer 'sha Apply Mr. Campbell Hotel duties, liv No cooking Pla 228-2803 e in red. tor tor pm lignt mn modern home after $ hairdresser who may Telephone client interested Salesiadies opportunity for necessary,. For infirmation 728-0320. MIDOLE-AGED woman for board plus seeerencee ale Ready wanted to ¢ and household dut: days only, Room week, After § Awenve 'ree children Nn preferred $is Beaupre ve app'y 74) lady So Wu ambit cap able. Permanent position, ao Write Box 608, Oshawa Times IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENTS ICTAPHONE TYPISTS & STENOGRAPHERS D also part-tl me Gen woman for general must have us Ng re ele mmediatety advancement cali are es. and jock DUS od SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICES WHIT B18) EXPERIENCED BY 668 CREE. REQUIRED PICKWICK CLEANERS EARN EXTRA MONEY mcoe th BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Required for Public Accounting Office Write in detail: in strict confid- ence Stating. age, ed tion and experience TO BOX 922 OSHAWA TIMES Please call |17---Male Help Wanted NO EXPERIENCE an excelien: training program, Ca SUP plied, Musi be 25 to 35 years with neat appearance, Wonderful opportunity, Call Mr. Lee, 728-1352, |NO EXPERIENCE necessary. Salesmen, lan excellent training program, Car sup plied, Must be. 18-28 vears with neat {appearance Wonderful opportunity, Call Mr, Lee, 720-1352, 3 j PROMISE you'll find just the right one offered in "Pets" in Classified, Turn to Classifica: tion 3 how _|25--Apartments, SMALL for one. lady very centra', reasonable %> telephone 728-4646, awitadie apartment, rent, room apartment anc refrigerator, cent, $82. month, Phone 725-0748. THREE-ROOM jfrance, Couple preferred, Nea PORT PERRY, bargain, on" Three full. time ain shopping district, seven large room: five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants, Also senior grade students. for temporary sum: mer work, Fuller Brush Co, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted RASPBERRY pickers, adults, 401 High way and Thickson Road corner farm offer, Apply 2 Union Avenve, decorated, 725-6648 TWO bedroom apartment In new apar ment. building, jSelored bath, All conveniences, J onty, $100, Telephone 723-1424, $8 monthly, Suit |bath, | boards, |ghla welcome, 'ember 1, refrigerator, range, 725-8344, $70 monthly. Apply 728-5787, 122 Mary = Stree! Available August laundry facilities, parning.| Between BLOOR AND SIMCOE -- Above store, + Laundry facilities, stove Free car parking, Var ¥ i unfurnished basement your children a pei? Well,|SPartment three-piece bath, Separate en South N) General Motors, $65. monthly, ya926e. large lol, cose to highways, schools, churches and ful! basement with oll furnace, hardwood flowrs downstairs, must sell, $8900 or best THREE room Upstairs apartment, newly couple, dullSin china cabinet, Adults | THREE room basement apariment with ample cup! laundry facilities, Parking, One! Available Sep FOUR-ROOM | partly furnished Spartenent,| 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 |27--Reel Estate For Sale KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 KING ST, EAST LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Lakefront Cottage - $500,00 down, brond new on Lake Seugog with about 82 ft, of lake frontage, immediate possession, Only $3800, This is a bargain, 2 acres with 6:room home in Qshawo, excellent garden land with apple trees, Asking $10,500.00 with easy terms. Enniskillen. 6 room home, oil furnace, bathroom, ¥ acre lot with wonderful gor- den with 26 pear trees, Must be seen, good value, Burk St. - Good family home, large modern kitchen with extra cupboards, new furnace lot 192 ft, deep, garage, 728-7328 . | Apply evenings between ? ~ 9 pm. WORM PICKERS, experienced only. Ap ply Oshawa Golf. Clud parkiing lot be tween 12.30 and 12 p.mtonight Ir tele phone Toronto AE 31264, RASPBERRY PICKERS wanted. Starting duly 2%, bus leaving Ritson and Olive 730 am. Ritsor and Bloor at 2.45 a.m, Telephone between 2? and 9% evenings. Bowmanvilie 623-2828 CANADIAN company Is 'expanding thelr eles force and require men and women train as representatives, Applicants © of a car and be free to work ev gs. $30 per week salary for part-time ard $80 per week for full time. @ Box 818 Oshawa Times WANTED TAXI DRIVERS Men or Women 26---Rooms For Rent CIVISION Street 299, Wenihed for rent, Kitcher facilities, 725-8702. ers, Dreakfast optional, in new Ol've, off Grandview. Telephone ns on? one or Motors. two, Close to north Parking, Telephone 723.7912, FURNISHED ROOM near hospital, General Motors. laundry facilities. man. After 3 p.m. PONTIAC INN double ing. Weekly or Suit lady or 223-1300. Rooms, genti nightly rates, 725-9035. up unt hanforth Nels Hyland, Toronto, HO 1.6364 Private room, ye ee Avenue FURNISHED trance parking Street. FURNISHED bedroim, tol, parking, suit gentleman, Teephone 728-2758. SHAKESPEARE 6% -- room outside of Dial 726-9394 Two hight two rooms, arge single central, Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert 725-4771 22--.Offices, Stores, Storage MUSINESS OFFICE downtowr t Far >treet 350 sq. ft arking Availab jon, dial "NEW OFFICES In Medical Center « 211 Simcoe St. S. Available July 1963 shed to suit 25-5132 Close to Aus Geet near GM and mY F reams. housekee stove completely ping, including and -- televisiin. nd shopping Central centre, Adul ciean room, working 223-2257. furnished minvtes woman light from downtown, or girl, 3 s week? FURNISHED ROOMS; Available in private home Call between 5 ond 7 p.m, 82 PAR KRD NORTH Ca be fin Early Te PHONE 725-5 SUITE OF MODERN CLEAN furnished bedroom. Suitable" for General North Kitchen privileges and single or Television privileges. Free park NEVER sell your car or half-ton pick 1750 en Free Apply % Centre forth of hasph) 9? weekly.! Furnished bed kitchen privileges, quiet home, bus! Abstatiner,| furnished for) refrigers| housekeeping | Suit ATTRACTIVELY -- " =: SCHOFIELD- AKER ROOM for gentlemen, preterably ahatelee WHITBY ---- Prestige ha borhood + custom built bedroom brick Roe ie with double garage, This is a beautiful home, Broad: loom in living room and din- nig room. Sliding glass doors leading from dining room to outside patio, Built-in stove end oven in large Hollywood kitchen, Finished Rec Room complete with fireplace and Bar Walk-out basement This home hos manv other extras, Call us today to see this lovely home ome | 2} ie TWO STOREY ----- All stone front centre holt plan only one half block from bus, close to St. Gregory's Pub- lic and High School, Lovely large living room measuring 22 x 12% with neturel fire- place, separate dining area, four large bright bedrooms, 4 end 2 pc. bath, Every thing ebout this home is spe- cious, well plenned and y.| tastefully decorated, Grounds } ere well lendscaped, Looking "| for a big house with real Privecy, call us now, NONE BETTER te vou ere interested in a really large 2-storey brick home in en erea of fine homes, give us @ call --. we would be proud to show you this fine 9 room brick home with 2-cer gor to ts AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Ap mc O00 sq. ft. ELEVATOR L. WILSON PHONE 723-3474 23--Wanted To Rent hot SEPTEMBER 1} or siness woman. smal! nity Shopping 27--Real Estate for Sale WANT YOUR HOME SOLD CALL 728-5123 We specialize in Resale Homes IST WITH LLOYD CALL YOUR MOVER LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD, x October 1, by bungalow, Osh Contre. After 7 GARAGE 9 Osha 24--Houses pil Rent MODERN tek $0 pungaiow monthly age. Complete in every de- tail, $12,500 VERY DESIR. ABLE, 5 room brick ranch bungalow ieceted in East End in one of Oshowa's nicest developments, 3 bright bed- rooms, good size living room, large kitchen with seporete eating area, Clean es @ pin inside end well.. lands scaped Monthly peyments including Texes only $78.00 . stat mortgage. Will sell quickly 3° give us @ coll now, 2265 - Open 9 to 9, Set. 2 te 5, STEVE MACKO . . 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL . 725.0239 BILL McFEETERS 725.1726 Charlie CHAYTOR vavaece REG. AKER $-0201 MARGARET HALL ? 7 23.1358 KEN MORRIS 623- $406 (Bowmanville? | 360 King St. W. Free Porking tenants. Pa ven OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS also a one TIB-AI2 apartment, ONE dec rtment. Dxa W - 943] 728 Y af MRS. CHALMERS mu nm pay © Dial Bowmar we "tse boggy ma 7--Male Help Wa nted farm. Sta * " e many ame and x 4. Brooks, Be VEL ONL salesme me, tor Whithy e BELTONE OF OSHAWA Requires a young marr man with a car to verify pointments ap APPLY 422 Simcoe St MORNINGS ON No Phone Cells P Y we PLASTERERS Rate $3.10:Per Hour Pdus 4 Per Cent Vacation Pay MILBURN LATH AND: PLASTE 80-A TELEPHON OR PAINTERS WANTED UNION -~ R RAY McLEAN LTD. Horwood Avenue thy » Ajax 942-6150 , dairy Five ONE-BEDROOW LARGE rnoter NORTH 25---Apartments partment A rt Perry in Prince Albert, conveniences, pear! 98S. IBWVIS. 84 fovr-roah 370 monthly. Tele near Por Schools 3 SIMCOE Street North ot with bath niurnished apart menh entrance. ony. Just bP te, AA AM pt MO apartment "ave adie August room. waturnished, cally equipped and dryer. o- dow pesine arcty 2% ¥ <= TWOIN ONE az By ALICE BROOKS Bachelor Stove, Mreepiece tT hone Tere apart Seed in fashion Knit vest o stitch with -- west, decor art ent . 2 Ava adie OSMaAWwa sales ra «= Num: Want-Ads Don't | Cost-They Pay 723 - 3663 © elar The Oshawa has back Ortarie tax. POPULAR POPTOP By ANNE ADAMS Relaxed pullover -- favorite took eel the fashien world! See ing points up flip cel- om side slits, Sleek skirt Printed ra 43578: Misses* Sizes 10, 12, 14, 24, 18 Size 18 requires 3) yards D-inch fab FIFTY CENTS (8 ia cains (me stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontarie residents a 2 cents sales tax. Print plainly SIZE. NAME. AD. DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order te ANNE ADAMS, care of Pattern Dept. The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. Just out? 304 design ideas plus coupen for FREF pattera ~~ amy one you cheese in new jSering . Sammer Pattera Cata. ileg. Send 38 cents now, cents) is