Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jul 1963, p. 7

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"Where Art Thou?" ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON In the Garden of Eden was one tree whose fruit God had forbidden Adam and Eve to eat, on pain of death, serpent tempted Eve to eat il, tel The ling When the serpent implied that the fruit would make her wise like God, she ate of it and gave some to her husband, who also ate of it, And they Fovtedinted by King oN When they heard God walking in the garden, they hid from Him in fear, God called them forth and questioned them, He found they had disobeyed God chastized them and, so man might not also eat of the tree of life, He drove him out of the garden, * till the ground."---Genesis 3:14.24 'to By Altred Buescher' REPORT FROM U.K. Coronation Stone May Be Duplicate Ry M, MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng, Correspondent to The Oshawa Times LONDON Is the stone now reposes under the seat af the Coronation Chair in West: minster Abbey the genuine stone of Seone, or is it one which was substituted for that which was stolen from the Ab- bey by Scottish Nationalists at Christmas, 1950? Some doubt as one Which Was substituted for lit at Arbroath, STONE GUARDED | The statement issued by the group says: "The Scottish guardians of} the stone, having guarded its) location. during the © past 13) years in a place near Dullater,| Dunbartonshire, have now, ow:! ing to the. possible redevelop. ment of the site, been com:| STORY NOT BELIEVED THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 20, 1943 b 4 ltears with the whole thing," he \ spokesman for Westminster *4ed Abbey, however, discredits the claim of the Scottish Guardians; of the Stone, He' said that it had been positively identified when it turned up at Arbroath 100 days after it had been stolen in 1950. There is no poxsilsility of the stone now under the Coronation Chair being in any way spur: ious,' he said, lan Hamilton, now an Edin: However, Councillor Robért iGray, of Glasgow, who is a ;monument sculptor and who re. paired the stone after it waa damaged in transit fram West. minster Abbey, reports "1 had thvee large stones when | repaired what waa jthought to be the Stone of Des. jtiny, They could easily have been mixed up, But Iam con: vinced that the stone removed from Westminster Abbey in De burgh lawyer and a member comber, 1940, was not the real of the group who removed the Sione af Destiny and certainly Stone from the Abbey at Christ: never was Jacob's pillow, I be. mas, 1950, described the state:/jieve the records in the Abbey ment as "complete nonsense," show that the Slone of Destiny He said he was satisifed that was a piece 'of yellow lime: the Stone which went back {0 stone, and the stone removed London was the one which had and brought back to Scotland Him, eating the fruit,--Genesis 3:8-13, ,GOLDEN TEXT; Isaiah 92:6, NEWS IN BRIEF | GET NEW WEEK VANCOUVER (CP) firemen will get their 42-hour {work week earlier. than. they her she would not die.--Genesis 3:1-5, knew good and -evil,--Genesis 3:6-7, BIBLE LESSON Peace For Soul Chapter Needed [py 93rd Psalm is ° | 1 As Explanation By R, BARCLAY WARREN "That - sounds familiar." An computers tound that the grad | aavyq Other time when the sick On® vated reduction worked out by Psalm is cant. Its could show no visible reaction.)a conciliation board isn't prac Ry N, SPEER JONES The serpent's clinching argu OUR EMPHASIS in this long ment, notice, the appeal to decessor, the 22nd, is the Psalm it Was to the family that God tical, of the Cross. |t begins with spoke-in comfort through this : pautif '¢ lesson will be on the third chap-human nature to be like Gud words uttered by Christan the meney aoe hitore Ghote ter of Genesis, considered by) Thus the seeds of both good and cross, My God, my God ve uae Sam 'that I was called v i ir > eihast thoy forsaken me?" {er wax ¢ , ' 1) mportant single evil can be found in the sam ' > 7 ' eae dunia psa ag hg apo Bible. Cer-/elements, for the efforts of man concludes with Christ's exclam: 1° nee _ -- a sn ~~ tainty its W thdraw l wouldto be more Godlike in virtue ation from the cross, "He hath ie , Sete Hg a had 7 s i awe would t Pe » day before ow s i pe comprehension of the rest/lead him to good, white his ree it ay as it hie ay irans adonie weakened ' 1 hilae ¢ 'alt t re G ke latec t is finished tis the % AY le "ult. as it wouldjtemptation to be more Godlih pa ay i . f ing of the " diffic - as . sia | : st he tra wy Psalm of Mount Calvary quoting Me her this ete 'a "rstanding of ri r ies mt uu a ' sal é F -- igniting Notice that it is not wrong to) Following the 2%rd_ Psalm ts ray tl aha ib ily hava wig beds h th : ntroduction seek the three things the woman the Psalm of Mount Zion, How } san } ' ap h : yi fe bs 2 » introduc nis r ings a ' » valle » f ay Ui nate D i in the saw in the fruit food. beauty, beautiful are the words Lift yh Mes y 1 oo hy vac i '- i nu MS Point e | ae joy sab . q Geath wi ear no evi or on rythi H been and wisdom, The wrong consists! UP your heads, O ye and elt narration, everything has been? g be ve lift up everlasting thou art with me," she spoke . doors; and the King of glory Yes. Jesus is with me". Hay shall came in." Between Mount (8 used the last-of her strength r ' 9 yi In this expression of witness pak Calvary of Psalm 22 and Mount she: MIARAdGAIG & ema Phat staff of the Malayan Technical Zion of Psalm 24 a valle aisuaen ' at sh ' with Teacher's Training un with its green g quiet * der a Colombo commit ters, with shepherd and grag. Tess ont ne hoor ' hrist . iM A ee We all ought to know the garq MO" He will reign triumphant from memory, We a (24). While we \ rough to know Jesus Christ this life, He wants to be ite Shepherd. If comm selves to His love and ca a cross Pelled to remove it to # safer! boon taken from Westminster, © was a piece of: Perthshire sand: place, "Anyway, it all happened so/stone, | don't believe the orig: "In doing so, the Guardians, long ago that | am bored to' inal stone ever left Scotland," felt that this was an oppar:} -- CHRIST MEMORIAL CHU tune time to report to all con) ANGLICAN cerned that the Stone is still) MARY AND HILLCRORT STREETS in safe keeping, in excellent condition and that photographs THE VEN. HB. CLEVERDON wo. PHONE 728.9798 The Rev. J, DD Phane 228-0722 to the authenticity of the stone has been aroused by a state. ment issued by a group giv: ing itself the name of "The Scottish Guardians of the Stone," RCH City This group, in a "statement sent to London newspaper of: fices, claims that the original stone is still in Scotland, that it is in safe keeping and excellent condition, It claims that the Istone which was removed from } Arbroath Abbey in 1951 by Scot land Yard, and which now re i} in the chair of Edward |) Enclosed with the stone was a Cells fori Westminster Abbey, is not photograph of a large stone with the historic stone of Scone, but an iren ring at each end BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV A, CARROLL TELEPHONE 728-2426 should be taken to provide vis. ual evidence of this, The Stone is now in a resting-place, where will remain until it: makes its official appearance in Edin burgh, the capital city af an ndependent Scotland." RECTOR Assistant Oshoine The very Yocation of the s pre 8:00 A.M,.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM.----MORNING PRAYER SERMON REV, J, D, OSBORNE NO EVENING SERVICE ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, REV, F. G. ONGLEY M.A, == Rector SUNDAY, JULY SERVICES: 8:30 A.M, -- 11:00 A.M. = 7:00 P.M, Nursery Facilities available at 11:00 a.m. Service 25th sb GET NEW CELLS WINNIPEG (CP) here have three new ithe safe confinement of drunk prisaners. They have heated floors, "smooth walls: and no glass, Lighting is controlled from the oulside 'and no glaring effect AID MALAYA WINNIPEG (CP)--Two Man itoba teachers are en route Kuala Lumpur, Malaya to pro vide technical advice and as sistance and become part of the Police war has Pastor G 7:00 P.M "THE gales; to Evangelistic Service ANGER OF THE LORD" Mrs, Ruby att ye Carr GOLDEN TEXT like sheep have gone astray Pilot Soloist 10:00 A.M 11:00: A.M, Zist---Trinity Vi oa Seale ' ; Sunday School we have turned every one to his own way; es College and the Lord has laid on him the of us all.---Isaiah 53:6 she on R ts t , ASS, It plan Praise and Worship GETHSEMANE" iniquity BRUIOD GREAT DAM $800,000,000 y Tuesday 7:30 C.A, For All Youth nowjin disobedience of God's W The great essence of man's disobedience here is beautifully discussed by Milton isn his \eropagitica When God aekk < exaun gave (man) He gave Psalm 23 him freedom to choose, for re siwave anpron son is but he ha been @ artificial Adam We ourselves esteem not of that obedience ve or gift, which is of force: God therefore. let him free, set be fore him a provoking object ever almost in his eyes; hereir gave His He forevermore encourage able to sav The I shall St. James Day--Holy Communion M BROOKS ~ THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY Court & Barrie beautiful Thurnsdey, July shame is expected on building a 600 gh, 44-miles s ¢ British Columbia's Peace perfect and es comes pain death The word from an meaning to creep" Eve's first mistake talking with the senpent mitting herself to explain and thus to argue with this tenipta tion. In her argument she alters, God's command somewhat by t leaving out "every" and "freely" eat, thus overlooking God's generosity, She also weak onsisted his merit. herein ens His original threat of pun-jright of his reward, the praise BLOOR STREET BAPTIST C ishment from "surely die" to of his abstinence. Wherefore did 'lest ye die', Further, she adds'He create passions within us 135 HARMONY §& SOUTH WM. LE a certain severity to her con. but that these rightly tempered cept of God"scommand by say. are the very edients of vir ing that God said they might not tue? : even touch it, let alone eat it Immediately afier their . dis The first recorded lie in the obedience, Adam and Eve be Bible appears verse 4 1 came aware of their nakedness which the serpent says Adam and were ashamed, and they and Eve would not die if they were also afraid of God ate the fruit Notice that Adam, when ac se omenarcnieneeceerneermmnenceroreon 1 OUSOG, ahiftn the blame, direct British Navy __istei"'sfeotse har ot Not Worried By Integration God's judgment includes re moval from the tree of life. thus allowing the element of dust in man's makeup to work out 'its ywn decay * LONDON (CP) -- Defence in- tegration isn't going to cause British seadogs to gag on their arog That was the answer. at the admiralty Thursday to ques tions about whether the proud Royal Navy is taking kindly to integration with the Army and the RAF lt was our ' sorrow and a Pi rose ita be Wednesday 7:45 Bible Study and Prayer, foat-hig on somes what A Church Where God te Present and Everyone ia Welcome word or "serpent Arab to pierce toa shall bea: rool to be to move reason confidence is herd quoted seen in from te mind and body relieved, turt said, quietly ] cto the very il, L have "aR xine st. PENTECOSTAL cwurcn || _ : 611 KING ST, WEST J). M, MacKnight---Pastor 725-1661) Residence Church 728-5371 choosing Corner a mere comes in URCH RECTORY is 228-2083 1 per some the and One REY, L. M. WARE SERVICES 9:30 A.M.-HOLY EUCHARIST - Ne Evening Seng July, August sion d man ed to his wife and Mir seismic devices w ised by an expedition seek the tamb of King Antioehus inn RK n Turkey HURCH WIS PASTOR or | ' 'a Rey thus and cheerfully.l, of 7:00 P.M, DRIVE-IN CHURCH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AT LOBLAW'S net GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & Rev. Philp Fiesa, Viear Qwen Aho, HARMONY UNITED CHURCH N.Y. Molwea, BA. B.2, Moniater Rosa Meteait ARC? ACTCM, Orgeniat end Cholemaster \ TO SERVE GOD! ng ee PASTOR PREACHING Rev TO YO 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, "A CALL TO BATTLE" Nt: Now Meeting at HARMONY RD, PUBLIC SCHOOL Mack CAR Oost AMPLIFIED right HIGHWAY 40} Minister Assistant PO AM FRVICE UR 5 MEET 2:45 A.M, = SUNDAY SCHOOL EARL NG } 2:00 P.M LE. SUNDAY SCHOOL 00 A.M, GUEST SPEAKER: REV DOUGLAS OF PENNSYLVANIA UNDAY 'NIGHT EV SUNDAY SERVICES 2:48 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M DIVINE WORSHIP WEDNESDAY 1:00 P.M. Church Schoat 2:30 P. M.meDivine Worsh 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP H OF ANGE 6:15-~OPEN AIR SIMCOE SOUTH 00 PM S| 5 MOOS PENTECOS > TAL CHURCH hy Catvary Baptist CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS ated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Ch ad \ p ty Welcome Ya AB ---- Church ALBERT E, LARKE, Minister Ma, C A NAYLOR, AT.CM---RM®, A Hearty Albert Street United Albert St REV Organist-Choirleoder: 245 Simcoe St R, A. BOMBAY Att LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE ~~ HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 TO 6:00 P.M CKLB -- DIAL 1350 SUNDAY AY CHOOL 23, site 11:00 A.M, ek saaies Rev, R. E. Sternall aT 7:00 P.M, Moijor 5 in Nes Lewis ; Rev. R. E. Stemall ssh 133 Simcoe South ARE "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU emphasized that the merger, in any case, is taking place only at the top--on the edministrative side of defence Chief casualty in the change will be the first lord of the ad miralty, a political post now held by Lord Carrington. This will be reduced to the rank of minister of state. under HERRON CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF OSHAWA AND SECOND CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF OSHAWA block north of nighwoy mn Rd. and ye 11:00 A.M.--PUBLIC WORSHIP THE MINISTER WILL PREACH a 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE 11:00 A.M CHILDREN CARED FOR IN NURSERY t NOT Seotember Bth will be the dote AD MORNING WORSHIP The & IVITED DUNG uday School w meet agein. through the termes, SSRN : ee Centre Street - Westmount United Churches p ace the A N ~ the newly-created secretary of state is f for defence SUNDAY. JULY Most famous te hold 0:00 AM the job in the past was Sir Win- MR. HERMON SALOMONS ston Charchi the man who 700 PM sparked the famed "W VERBRUGGE back' » of the "Rack te God Hour 5 Spm, CKLB >} person THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST, PAUL'S SIMCOE ST NORTH Rossiond' Ra. W. at Nipigon } BE. & WILSON (Four plocks from King) i MA T.CD COMBINED SERVICES OF WORSH IULY AND AUGUST SUNDAY 11:00 A.M PLACE OF WORSHIP IN JULY WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH IN AUGUST SERVICES WILL BE HELD IN CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED St. Andrew's United Church SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS MINISTER: REV. JOHN R. LENG, ALC. BA. BO > MR, KELVIN JAMES, ALT.CM. DURING nston CHURCH APTIST CHURCH d Phillin Mur KING ST } Rew DB A. BP Alten Miniater ~ 728.6014 EMMANUEL B 20 Oy Moroater m-Modereter D R SINCLAIR BA AIR tor AGES REV HOOL FOR ALL te 445 Beverley NING WORSHIP DALE FREE METHODIST 17 Erie St Pas ° N 8 FR Ay. Pred Usaho 3 jester: NN oe * " Mn, Frank Welter Pianiat: Miia Joon Wer Rev. W. A. McM Organist and Choimmaater 9 00 AM- $30 AM MORNING WORSHIP AM , 12:00 AM 0AM M PM Tt SERMON TOPIC "PREPARING THE WAY" Sn OR + ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLA 2:45 AM- 11:00 AM Ww BANISTER Ree. Ce reece DQ WORSHIP . te BE WARMLY RYONE WELCOMED 945 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL 11:00 A.M "SPIRITUAL CHRISTIANS" 7:00 P.M REV. CHESLEY HOUSE Seageaqine te Organist and Choirend 11-00 AM MORNING WORSHIP MERMON SUBJECT: "ASSIGNED BY GOD vice With Simcoe SS. | Um tee Uc BARBY CARE PROVIDED The Baha'i World Faith All men are servants of the One God. One God reigns over all the nations of the world and has pleasure in all His children. All men are of one family: the crown of humanity rests on the heads of every human being ® NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH REV. WH. MELLOW, B.A MR. J. ROBERTSON, A.R.C.T. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A, MISS JUDITH DAVISON, 8. MUS. COMBINED SERVICES B.A., Minister wmroed Se mh im Sh, Anchew'g th:00 A.M and Primer Sumdex School Nussee. Beginners ond iO! King St. United Church EAS? MONDAY 8 P.M. FALLACY v far. hsthe ee OSHAWA BAHA'! COM SECRETARY, 22 GLADSTONE MUNITY Ph. 725.7578 OLBORNE ST. EAST at t28 KING SFREGT MERRERT Studege REN NS WESLEY Nt tanord vGcia We os rank Swackhammer White, omy Aawaton? _ CHRISTIAN SCIE The Mother in Mee, ® noir £ and Orgo: 11:00 a.m. NORTH/ AINSTER UNITEL | BROAIX a C we ey ' ¥ . e A R 2 me: o CLEVELAND COLORED om AM "4 4 The F Massocnusetts \ AA OF LIFE" a \ "PARADO Branch eof ch. of Chat . Sc Boston e "THE PATH TO PERFECTION' o SUNDAY SCHOOL:--~ 11:00 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. MLITe" 4 QUINTET wat 7:00 p.m.-FIRST BAPTIST e IN A SERVICE OF SACRED MUSIC G toy FADING ROOM HO "THE LAW OF SACRIFICE" eA

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