ARCHERY TAUGHT IN ORC PROGRAM wisi hit, Hy $1,000 To Arena Pensioner Gives | She Oshawa Times SECOND SECTION SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1963 PAGE NINE The Oshawa Civic Auditor. jum Campaign received one of its greatest boosts Friday af: ternoon with a -- donation of $1,000 from a city pensioner. When Bob Suddard and Nels Vaillancourt combed through the city Directory and listed over 5,000 names of persons who were not on the payroll deduction plan or on the list of Special names. Campaign Chairman Terence V. Kelly hoped that the resulting can vass of these people, who are mostly in the class of widows, widowers and retired people, would enable all of the citizens of the city to play a part in the project. ws ors for the past six years and - ig a widower living alone, y Mr, Kelly called on him Fri- day to acknowledge the gift > and the gentleman preferred to remain anonymous, He cited as his reasons for giving such a donation the fact that the | building would provide a place for kids to play and watch | hockey" WAS SUBSCRIBER He added that he had been a season subscriber at the old Oshawa Arena for years in the hey day of the Oshawa Gen- erals and he used to sit in the South end of the rink 'four rows from the back", His fav. ourite player: "Why, "Red" Tilson of course." Not far be- aind were Billy Taylor, Alex Delvecohio and Frankie Ed- dolls, whom he admired for his hitting qualities He rembered well the night at Brantford that the Generals defeated Brantford and the Oshawa supporters snakedan- RETURNS PLEASING Most of the early returns in this phase of the campaign brought forth small donations and grateful thanks to the can- vassers for their interest in making the calls but Canvas- ser Dick Snowden and his co: workers, Gwen Woodcock, 4 Auto Museum Opens Tuesday Charles World, president of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, announced -- to- day that the Automotive Museum at 99 Simcoe street south will be opening Ks doors to the pudlic Tues- day, July 23, at 2.00 p.m As some of the auxiliary displays are not complet the official opening will not take place until Sept, 23. The automotive museum is sponsored by the Com- munity Chamber of Com- meree of Oshawa, Admis- sion to the museum will be 7S cents for adults and 3 cents for students. 'Children 11 and under will be admit- ted free of charge when ac. nied by an adult memberships, which W the holder to visit The museum as often as desired during 1963 will also be sold The automotive museum will be open seven days a week from 1@ a.m, to 9 p.m shooting, Middle photo ShOWS Monday to Saturday and 12 ractor fer ARCHERY BAS BECOME p classes the children learn ced on the ice following the game, He was also in attend. ance at Maple Leaf Gardens Doug Graham, Stan Cairns, Harold Woodcock and Charles Bailes, have been having re- sults that are astounding. Al-/when the Generals set an at: ready they have collected $1404/tendance record ' jfor the fund and the donation of] His greatest disappointments; 1$1000 from the pensioner of/Any time Oshawa lost" and joourse is the largest jhis hope for the future: "to be | The % yearold North Osh-'a subscriber again" jawa resident has been retired) But he preferred to remain ifrom the line at General Mot-' anonymous, IN THE PAST few days a Building Fund, As a result i , oF | Left Scene Oshawa Man | | Canvass was held among the © $2,104.20 or an average of | Whitby M an New Forester employees of Millwork and $95.65 per man was realized, SP &S Kurelo, right, a member of the Civic Auditorium Com mettee, as E, A, Lupton, vice president of the form looke Oshawa Times Phote Fred Woods, left, is seen pre- on. been transferred to the lands ® rests. dopartm office | A Whitby man was fined gaint * oe ss jby Magistrate Frank S. Ebbs) Mr, Tippett moved his wife Friday for failing to remain at)and one-month old daughter to lithe iia their home a* George street last ee nae tes mance! Week. Whe here Re will be canes Ween 1 Henry | attached te the Umber branch street, Whithy, pleaded not guil-junder supervisor BE. F. (Pad) 'ty. to the charge, appearing in) Johnston the Oshawa Court After graduating Mr. Tippett honest th ide warked for the forest inventory According {o Me evidence ipranch of the department at Wilde had side-swiped a park-/ Downsview LINDSAY -- Forester Ratph! Building Supplies Limited for i C rim Tippet of Oshawa, a 1962 grad.) the Oshawa C.yic Auditorium senting the pledges to Bill jwate of the faculty of forestry at) ~~ ee ee the University: of Toronto, has ° ° | Trimmers Clip An Million Christmas ers On hot, sandy land in the/a good price on the market, Pontypool area are helping a mil prepare for are trimming trees Tae Christmas. very popular with Oshawa proper way to handle a BI Fiegs the inst noon to $ p.m, on Sundays children with 43 attending the fely at the range. They the group (lef) giving some twicea-week class held at t im target, cloat and = poiniers. te Marie Whiting Alex Newell and Ian Johns --Oshawa Times Photots Refused Time To Pay Fine shooting. In the top Lakeview Park wader the se the group Hanes wp for MAN ON THE STREET Survey Shows Tastes photo and of driving while his Was wnder suspension Donald Morrison, A 2l-pearold Oshawa man heence home. 208 Divi ed cat on Henry street not far) During the summers of his trom his house. but had contin. eNyear honor course at uni t | versity he worked in research ea parked in his OWN) ang cruised timber in Kapuskas./OCcasion Avewal vag and other northern districts The accident was observed ------ -- . Durham County is the centre hy an off-duty policeman, Con- . Will Talk About anti usually in three to five years mam of the Scotch pine industry InigRASONAL WORKERS North American continent Mr Winters, of the Whit- Stable G says Wilfred Richardson, one of porwean ¥ fined a total of $300, in the... X ; : ys BIOS SENN , ONC O vetween 300 and 600 seasona Oshawa -coart Friday, en al 7. teme Pelce, whe was four ta . Christmas UWeeiworkers are employed by var growers' charge of dangerous @riving aot be a. "ee Work In Malaya eeewe Cees 'ous growers in the district ON techniques, : the accident and the Wilde Each year since 1938, during/the timming or shaping Dr, Claude Vipond, a formerithe last week of June and the Chrisumas trees 3.) Constable Winters said Wilde member of the club who re-jfirst three weeks of July, LINDSAY -- Sweating work-jwill result which cana command First pruning or trimming isiof the tree as a on North American fami.iesusually carried out during theidrawn to a circle. In this weg jthird growing season after plant the entire side of the tree iB heir Christmas|ing, or earlier if the trees grow silhouetiod and R is easy more than 18 inches in the first/achieve straight sides, There ave only 160 days Jeft/Or second year, Annual trim.) Gang supervisor Albert Knapp that special mid-winter/Mings are necessary thereafter/of Pontypool said if trimming until marketable size is reached|is not done this way, there d Shape Trees by working from the bottom we wards, trimming along the edge tangent is ig, jtendency to make gouges = jleave humps, He said the length of the lead Richardson estimates that er will vary from tree te tree Vand is an expression of the personal trimmaag Mr, Knapp pointed out tit j@ensity can be uniform from tap the) Pad Johnston sald average|to bottom, but trees are man : e jsion street, pleaded guilty, His/@enied having hit a car, He cently returned from Malaya, large scale trimming and SWAP 'number of trees planted to an{pleasing to the eye if they are ] a Ss Va |request for 30 days to pay dis Sad Wilde drove away trom | will be the speaker at Monday's|ing operation has taken place, jacre is 1,200, OF this about 900| More dense at the bottom thas Ifine was refased, The alterna./the Scene and then tarned oft macting ---- Rotary Club of! The prosperity of the industry will be harvested, He said in-lat the ten, tive to Ris fines would ammount iS none before entering his OS -- - pos Ly Ragan 5 Geponds to a great extent onisects. and disease account for) Many defects can de ' enths in jail Ign OWR driveway 4 me 3 t OF Ms TANK, |y 2 the trees are te nd Ube ' OTe " = n Y jail, Re also De Vest wet & Meee the trees are trimmed remainder overcome in the trimming oper @A a weekend Like Mis saying he could}>at I think the dest time 1 " "ges wher] rary Wilde said he had been each pear, says Mr, Richardson | Scotch pine was first brough . we Be asd 4 Bata noe suspended for a x > 3 ~ non > £0 an er hy 3 na arking _-- 2 two year F * : itn, ®housands of Oshawa and gp rch A allbacnal ine had Was on a working tee years crowded to the side of the road (WS FEATS AO WR his wife/On his Pontypool plantation, Mr. jinto the province about 2810, Mr trict peaple are jooking forw s a show which every/holiday in my student days. | waa uh hie Non * oe ? and family te work under the Richardson has about 400,000 Johnston said t annaa vacation, 2 bs a soe at east worked as a bel-hop on the SS read Into the Te dy another car COmIAg {OMiOolombo Plan. He joined thea... ; ~mgy paee oie ane "4 Morrison had the opposite direction and weav- Scotch pine. Many farmers im Noronic on the Great Lakes "There were ¢ight deli-hons and We worked 12 hours on and vad 2 oars ea the hosp esting to speculate on the qaes ty of Calgary people as fad tion: What was the best vaca tion you ever had? The qaery was pot by an wn, of Toronto ein i "i r * Oshawa Tames reporter to ser p r at The Oshawalcan the o t a skidding through sev-/cident, but wanted to get Ris! Rotary' is doing in the Far East, About 2,000,000 trees will be ee ee ee Ratsare) ee eral local people and he COM branch of a Amance commany,/ {2c Toor and were re When Sanit i 3 PT heal ot the read The program will de under/harvested in the district later tne > ante te cenncelone tainly got some interesting Te he had been' to Nassan SOle for dusting all NM as wes te aM Tank 'S-\_Defende Counsel Duncan B. ithe difection of the club's in-/this year : "Mr Johaston,. $01 pie mice and enjayed i very mach|8e. Tailings, panciling and sq POPS was told Morrison had Mctnyre argaed there had ternational 'service committee! "gig are still encountennstmeae : : her. 72 Oshawa bowle dat this veat sat te Jame gone around a Curve with the deen no intent on the patt of the Ken Coulter will presi ' yg cecountering trimming has a far reaching ef: Jim Falter, % Oshawa boule dat this year he went to Jam a a iia atk lee gntent Gn Pp | preside and crowing pains in this young infect on th Rity of the huish ward south. said his best bo The usual route was fro S car "Tishtading™ | aoogsed to Jeave the scone and, Dr. Douglas Lanemaid will in dasiry." Mr. 3 con chee . im pro 7% ~~ day was when he sn Minaie ty Danton Detroh % Deleth and , mpage d went -- farthermore, he had not really treduce the Spoaker mented 'Since the "post WRT eas & ene teak ee on fear Other young men sid Mr Brew "R bet OR OMe OooAsION we Ae THAT THC TORT CH ieft the scene, his house being doom when many peaple bought lof tree Late tr mmMINg produces wonderfal Present * % Chicage for the World's Fair." The SS Noronic was Gestroved mm a f age % a sammer ¢ wp from Laborvagh Lake, bos from Kingston "We enjoyed Tything you would want was told clk onded ap ip crashing through sign and a hydre po the ro atte ao oO ed police ona Chase, at speeds » 98 miles per hour, forcing ar of the read three reing from side Rotary Cub in Ponang and carried on a frequent corres pondence with the local clad telling of his work and what the district have smaller num-/its own about 15 years ago. I bers of. trees LARGE HARVEST ing over to his side of the road, He said he had every in- temion of returning to the ac not lose is neodies well within viewing distance Crown Attorney W. Brace At. feck fe] th choagrteawsijsa Neck feR the charge was justi tand and grew Ch with the idea of making a fast and weak branching back, times have changed : Re cited the trimming opera BUD FORMATION Police Searching For Three Youths a aR ie Chnstmas/that a well . TistMas Toees an gpen tree with sparse follage yation, said Mr, Johnston, He said the grower has to decide whether or not the tree should "Sootch pine réally came into de culled, He noted that if high nStandards are to be achieved proved popular because 2 does/every effort must be made te Tt has re. Prune the defects out, supervisor emphasized trained and well omganizved rimming crew is ep said time atjsential Tor success of the operas jtion, Bad trimming can result in loss of thousands of dollare t@ growers | Thieves Take / Store Cigarets stip", said Mr. Pallier : a Oe Ted in view of all the circum. Favorable bud formation is ob- a ck was ws fs Toronto @ooks same year ide wire, When. the pelice stances ORONO Gai --Provincial rnc: OME MME MAT ined if the shoots are cat be-| . the cottage We Wont ». SOME RETICEN SS eg ee a ee een POHCS are stil searching far" o yween the time when the new, BeTSlery of a local super ; . 90} eTHCENT on the mt seat, He was pu aye Several hundred acres of market netted §9. pack ow te, swimming, bad sinasthgae . ole Ste Was Fe three youths who broke im The cn oe : needles are three-quarters as) sarc Sean te Some poopie aown on round. motionless JAILED SIX MONTHS " "a nt "Scotch pine plantations in the cigarettes for the thieves Frk Toasts or Fast Ry a) . a ay Orono Co-Op and stole three py, ' ; "por WORE as ature needles and the/|a~ .. ine & cnuy. Tin ort adios, were a bit ambulance ar. Francis P. Vanlaven, S?/cmall tems carly Friday mor PoMyponl area now have "Yor -- when tue arent Saree j@ay night & quiet Part of got UP and said he Agnes street, was sentenced to ing a Sate" Rolices posted " Wekere Gk axes Os erie Raker, manager of the marth shore, which is Not a mt six months in jail for contri.) Gerry Duval, a. neighbor, CHRISTMAS JUNGLES lal condition of each tree, by/ Power, Supermarket Lad, 30 messibie as the saath are had been Grinking, wing t juvenile three shots at a track They are veritable Christmas CRAIN nies it trom & @istance wee Stree, east, called AS a Close second Mr. Fal a eS was told. Magistrate There were two charges, On used by the trio when he heard tree jumsies, sald E. F. "Pad"land at close range. Looking WOece ®t FT am. informing mentioned a vist t the G&G was qane --" wie * : thoarht the ac which Magistrate Frank S. the borgla: alarm racing Johnston, lands and fores:s tim. through the trees im the rec Ot the Breakin, Police <eES Sar A i had deon try. Hobs dmposed sixsnonth terms) Police report that a vaccum ber supervisor, He said mainition of the san helps to -- found that the store . anreren, A Bo away from the police to Tun concurrently. Vanlatven cleaner, steam iron and & Quart 'reason for the "jungles" is That houctte The Internal stractare, "Ad. deen entered through a by 4 on sd far west She Thought his icant a Gea. wailty to the ch ' apt Jans oh eg ows wh ' broken panel in a glass door at 0 bid 8 : : ze vonuse nis Hiconce was ender plea gaitty arges teranch aril were taken fromierowers did not. maintain the Next cames selection of Slee Sank at tae wales TR ee last Wook me CoOp. sana trimming, and the trees/ieader | -- The 'strongest shoot! "O° te cach sents i. FAVORS WEST One man said he hed net been quickly Geteriorated in quality, which is a projection of the an exit stall had Poin y Ansher ast for a wa. able t get away from his bus Also the growers in the Ponty. handle Throagh the central AXIS) aan aa the a Bogs) ea atwn owas Goprpe sess Por the last six years, st . jpeol area will soon have to face of the tree, The shoot chosen | oy the ear. AD -- Se enc 2, Tordnte, he Gi get remember whem de the problem of reclaiming some/could be ot contre and Slopingliciars were apened. Mir Bane Ke i& n an Oshawa had a pond vacation of the thousands af acres ef away from the vertical, R Ti ia that te pate Nore had cert r 60. 30 --_---- abandoned land would sR be best chosen as. a eon cleared = . an all te war B "Reclaiming and rehaditat. leader because R provides ® lesed : store ing this land is a major prob. straight axis for the tree. z he ace". he wid Workers Ri tom and one which the jndustry) Trees with maitiple Neaders nahdine wee hor Been | re the RAAT will RS Samet series aS inreresting % she try Bat west." 1 at Millwork rr wv MolLaar eeHehe * cron ~All < ' 18) Samcae street nee Thars@ae 830 i he had just reter \ te dart wat dost wacRtion he : c N ann > SR + RAR Cha Charas 2 ana his wile wort : Qe SPEBSBA Girected Oy Er noheay % The Tsing Fier Ac Tommessee and ie Bowth and Te Poor As an 2didrd Rarer Shap Nic Coats, qaartet of T were Ral nm Pr m The employees of Mibwork and Ruil@ime Sanplirs have con tribared $2,708.20 % the Oshawa Civic AwdRoream campaizn Terence V. Kets, Civic Audi torlum Finance Chairman, an i beem ones before to Wwrnaiiona WALES nownced This mar OKreh ¢ * 2 The Timure rapresents an ar Peatarrd oT Seon erape Of $95.55 per man and is Pascremen th Jorn D. Pow yw gate the highest per ~! emi w contribation ef companies } Cemrer who & or small in the w and bone «sale any refreshing sutprise % anditer Somewhere a Vaior & 3 2 ane for a Tam- jm eflicials Im view of Te in" h ". "nnG The Kids or Tact Thet Ghee campaizn has n vi boon gone GA now Tor quik Ann . Sergram some wme Hn. Rr Me ite as EA. Lampton, vice-president tke. § I sum- Of Millwork, said he was vor at. Beaverton en@ ef with the Tesponse from 'the [ @OEre OFPaTter, There's gen fishing @ hes and $s De Bh ut von Tan Tish al the * Plans are a ORRING HOUDPAY Gor " a " MOS Gaesaal penis Bw qarst he Descr mot The gy m, "Wiet was fx iors VT the © 'Fox and Bowes" % om won ever hed?" Sor 2 met The Peo The proce +i! a mm Tr ae K. Boren eam with The Chores @ Ee u i Ww s at dent with Tx N Deyn wv : Mv God To The n = : * Don Aleman will ac os m aly que a @ mg the game Por Six attont se rom Wack Friday wer of ceremonies. had same wonder ance Prizes morning and Gropped imo fhe Wil be forced te face soon," Anpear unkept, top heavy and said Mr, Johnston contrary 2 the traditional ) Mr. Richardson said tramming at a Christmas tree is aN art designed to stinvalate Workers are told by gang super. the prodection af buds by cal. visors that R is essential ting Dack certain shoots of the choose ane leader and remove current year's growth. Ry so all others. @oing, a wellkshaped bashy tree) «Trimming of the trees is Gone Bible School Has Large Attendance Stratead their activities and jearning across The twa weeks The program Included songs, More than 100 children par ticipated im the Vacation Bibic Schon! which has been going on for the past twe weeks im the Free Methodist CGharch, Brie Soties, memory verses and 2 street, and which ended Friday Uas saluting and a flannolgraph dismay MOTMIRL The theme of the series was "Walking on God's Highwar" The director was Mrs. Robert Perris af Scarbor Prizes were qistr ie far points as Pollows ners, Janet Nohbie Jenkins; Juniors, D Eaton: Top Boy, Roa Faster: Top Girl, Darlene Baggins, Th: amed two were cre and queen. Paints h. Pay ana school, either as Instractors oe assistants were: Mrs. Do Eaton, Mrs. Walter Snider, Mrs Wm. Imeson, Mrs, J, Marlowe, Mrs. K. Rawn, Mrs. Vera Weed epward, Nirs. R. Poster, Mrs. V. Rart Mrs, J Mrs. J. Take, Mrs E, Graham na Mrs R. Lovell These teon-agets also assist Denna Dragom Ariene Hawards, Janice Imeson, Gail Rrooks, Sharan Taite, Sharon Graham, Charies Eaton and Bil 2 ed az basement of the Bell Tele. me of FS pons. The unk is Umeson phone exchange in Oshawa. OCR were aS was del Ne Chi The paster, Rev, W_ Nc m Produced in the United States WWORGed on the. Mary street. re rs, pul played an active Part, im the side of the building om a S and>whole course and presided at i aL STTVICC the unit has @ productive rat --OQshawa 'Times Phot!triends. im which ther @amon- the public corvice to! Women who took part m the ; a Jenkins, | ea cabinet containing cartons of cigarets was althoagh the thieves stele the Yoase packages valved at $93.33, Mr, Baker said that a com Piste cheese of the ore wil! be made today Investigation was made by Patrolserreant Jota Jumtins and Constable Arthur Robbs ' Completes Course In Horticulture An Oshawa man, Oornelies /G. Van Grkel, was one af BB istudents who graduated Friday trom a three-year horticaltaral oeurse at the Ontarie Agrica tural Colere, Guetph. 2 22 who finithea@ he course formed part of an org. ml class of BA stade St af fs kind se Oovers Parks { | | | ; om > RUTSETY soRpe and cammercial her x ik oulutre vocations, Age ef grad ates Tanged Prom IT te 36 There is now alse | one-year correspondence course fer hame gardeners which has ak tracted among athers, @actors, LAWVOETS eopt co ntists, the president wf a Hte imsarance c ang a U.S. manefacterer. NAVY ADOPTS CRED The #5 officers and men af HMCS Resolate, a frigate, hawe agamed a daughter, seven-yean joa Kwon Da Yonge af Korea.