Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1963, p. 8

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: : oe ae 5 es Caoksville, Newmarket, ina whieh a telegram was read Ry IDA JRAN RAIN coaxing Would start it, despite | 'fram pelatives in England 5 . How To Cope With Law Guests present at the Jack. Mr, Alfred Wilkins, Sr, the} son-O'Reilly wedding were fram) bride's uncle, acted as. master M 'Pillsanburg, Simene, Preston, of ceremonies at the Calder Of Calorie Reversal Tivaniford, Paris, Ontario; Ham. Wilkins wedding: reception dur W veu have reached thal all suggestions 'offered by ou King Ciy, Terentia, Part Perry elastic: period of tite known as guests." Uxbridge, St Cxtharines" Oytotiown guests at the WIFE PRESERVER middie ase you've come up 'The calorie law however, la Whitby, Peterborough, Mid Calder» Wilkins wedding includ ' and, Ranorafi, Halihartan and ed Mr, and Mrs. Willlam Bowl Lefiaver potatoe salad ia te Bai rusty , tanat subject to shimay, for it is : ARAINAL A werent law, Mi : hie law at nature "hosteriand, Ohio, 'Telegrams er, Ajax; Mrs, Rert tones, Mr. vitaliged hy adding a few table: wit! The law of calorie rever the inexarable law a were received fram Sault Ste. and Mrs, dames Masan, Mr ' 5 f hot water and s Tro sseau Tea And Showers sal by. whieh fond gets more that the alder vou get the fewer Marie, Qoman Ralls, B.C. and and Mrsy Dy Sehaats. MP and an oF Se) wAiee OA eee u calovjes you burn, Hebe are the \ fatiening as the yearns go by An "fram the bride's younger brath. Mrs, Norman Laidlaw, and _ . : é sve GiSAPUNtling facts Or ARe or, Ronald O'Reilly of Hinton, Mrs. Margaret Christie. all af : To add irony te inquiry, ONES a nuen five ta seven per Coal Alberta Toranta: Mrs. Krank Harrison HOUSEHOLD HINT j onor a ryn . C enzie calorie requirements decrease fawer calories with each pass Myrile: Mrs. William Marat Ta prevent silverware fram as income increases ng decade, When you reach 0. pasting shawers for Miias Whithy; Mb. and Mes. William: (atishing, Keep a piece of alum In honor of the marriage of; The Misses Doreen and Dar yy ine younger days, when it which as everyone Of ThAL ABE Pranoas Wiking priar ta her Ormiston, Kinsale, and Me. and ih the dvawer with it Misa Kathryn Eleanor MeKen: lene Hill kept the door and Miss was a struggle to make. ends Knows is just Mah noon of "marriage to Mr. Alex Calder Mrs. Ro BR. Tuerk, Rownvan vie to Mr. Robert A, Kellar on Gayle MoKenzie was in charge meet, you Could burn calories You burn 18 to 1 per cont fOWOr vore Mes Reginald Bilis and ville, Moan. Pravers were offered far Saturday afternoon in Colum: of the guest hook, galore. Sure, but you lacked the calories than you did ig votting MUS. Fol MacPanald, a mis : Hiasons and fer siek and shut bus United Church, the bride's in charge of the trousseau, Wherewithal ta,dine on Chateau ay " ' W par Pel ae ellaneous shower as Starie Mrs. Walter Nickerson anen. ins. The hastess served refreaty ie : . F tar } se . it ap : mother, Mrs, Allan ©, MeKen> shower and wedding gifts were Driand at S11 for two, and tap Ai Ae! te Tek af vawar Darks Miss: Betty Monchoski ed her home for the meeting ents vie, Columbus, held a trousseau Mrs. Kenest Wotten, Miss Rive: of with flaming cherries ju hs nt pe og ager bibs and Miss Larraine Harrisan, a af the Mary Kitiott Smith Mis -- » ? hanre 3 j bilee! Ay middle age when you PAR! requires a per ¢ vOWOT inhen chawe ' y th ey akin Wha wa lea at her home lyn Moore and Miss. Leona) \ fixed. nature ia Calories ta run on than it did POCNEN RON Mra, Floyd sion Circle recently, The devo Receiving, the bride + elect Thompson respectively are comfortably fixed, natu Thbh can were awry, & miscellaneous shaw. tanal period was conducted by M . : \ hizing on calorie spend om ' M Qardan Mele Mrs. Harald Parrot } om , pine organza sheath yp ride. gg COOROM th jordan Myles, a mis arold Parrott who read sour Peers uses white ace ~ ny i. . bye lel on Then you. worry about There it ixenas the years {Y) colancaus shawer and cachast. pravers fram an old praye Sas ake 4c catia a . . ained at : egg "os which mea! your next excess by, nature runs the hady MAFasses Mis. Rpneat Rarkor. Mrs. book of her OS8 's snower arranged DV rs er babi ' tinted carnations, Her mother bert Cooper, Hibbert street Jo Aldwinckle, Women'a Editor Dial 723-474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, duly 19, 1963) 7 mother, 'Phe topic { pound is caming fram ONS fue and you and \ Pare Tohn Calder and Mrs, Wittiam "The Circle in Past Years chose a beige linen sheath With hor hame. Miss Kvelyn Moore, Pashionwise, the law of re: Wn on eyes ve cha Sova Calder, a miscellaneous show. Was delivered hy Mrs, Roher! \ led, white and pink: com a bridesmaid, was hostess with Versal goes into effect in a dia . i phan eon _ yr. Co-workers in the Paris and sage and the bridegraom's may Miss Glenda Wilson assisting, al holical way, -when you, pos an : 's alps Pa H ind Servic ariment at Genera ther, Mrs. Allan A, Kellar, was'a personal shower at the hame sessed a lowy Waist and wn oe per hie Tass Matars nied the hridecelect ® in a gold ant white flowered af Mrs, Allan Moore, Pont callipygian CURVES, elegant doesnt diminish, ne fasten soi tht A appliances and a ectro ysis sheath with a white and yellow. Porry : claihes were out of financias Shee. anyway. Food tastes narty arranged by. Mre » i goad' Nature buras our UC! he oat ; tunted corsage \ ron - reach, Ry the time vou can a ¢ We R lilsiohn. Mire. W ORG: A ae ' Mrs, Jack Mountenay and he fard ta he a. tres chic fashion feeds, nat. according ee 9 . Ace k Kemoves warts, males ¢ The tea room was decorated mother, Mrs. Stantey Webber, oo). ie teu tal mount salen. hut 2 n pink with awh and vellow gave. a linen shawér at Mrs at 8100: 14 é a. ihe manos : t \ sf , a te > table ceniie and rose candles. Webber's home in Columbus Vatike Gumpersoa STAN OT this push-bution. age woe U : . Over 1S Yoars' Experience 4 cat ' ; Mrs, Gordan Cook was the ain: Wor cacworkers of General POrversa We Haw Of Peveroal nuscies? So eallte Ok US punta cans CALDER-WILKINS WEDDING PAIR ug room hostess and Mrs. Stat \fotors Ragineering Office pre. ON the oe 1 a eieye sas e vay amounts ta aVEreAtiNg nd For Your Holidays MARIE MURDUFF ALLIED BUSINESS f » Yn » ar ANCe wy , aM Aldsworsh Photography. ford Cosway and Mrs. James conted the brideelect with a \ory OW" Oe ' Stark were tea. hostesses ated the Wride-tlect, With A nersoa's Law in an amusing) TeOnne Crererent B_RESORTS Four Seasons Hy. wit hs in Sere st me TT MACHINES SALES 'ouring tea al intervals dur The ip ne ; ve Acideat ram eX Ain oes 2 Dine Wace sie ' wh e " ; TOURS Travel AND SERVICE . PEC are hac riginate in hanging ahs 2 b a tag a Mr And Mrs Alexander Calder ng the afternoon and evening was presented with a purse of P s. The eg s defined thas, Come dawn, We there is. ane CRUISES Paacazey PHONE 723 464) . ' were Mrs. Vernon Powell, Mrs. money fram his co-workers at pi. thane af & ven de thing that goes contrary. ta the A Au A fer appointment on there dates 725-3508 Kenneth Powe Mrs, George narashin . M 'T): =" General Motors e at ain e law, Age " B the Skirl 0 Pj eS Kenzie and Mrs. David Me = 2h a Molo : probabilit , pare : eS : ~ al e y : Kenzie: Mrs Follewing the rehearsal this ta the degre rab . On the weight acare sted M and Mos | supertiuous hair Gordan Corner py } Mrs. Russell Powell, Mrs, Her. SVOMng, tre wedding party will This whimsics AW went Inia gees UP an ame dows Mrs.ifred Wilkins, the bride's bro Lo.) Gooner and Mas. William 0¢ entertained by Mr. and Mrs. effect at our house ducing the subtract calories, cut the Richardsan. Servers were Miss bridegroam's nephew Glenda Wilson Mrs lack ' A peception was, held in the Mountenay, Miss. Caratyn Web marriagt t y AUN 5 her s Ju 'vy i partiane es i S GAW Ha ve Mride'a encthar tt Mis une Werts, Miss : , Ehgabeth Haves, Miss Joan Mil eceived in a PINK § heath Stas " : a ys w th wane ae eae tin " ; ba : Ai Wilson and M Dox't Gettfe fo » Less than awered. chiffon hat and white Sagrado "tie SOIAL NOTICES | FI NATIONAL BRANDS Pip Alexander K i) her, and: Denald Calder, the emerged from S Allan Kellar Thornton's road holidays. The hearth fire aid ers af Thase three good squa north, parents of the praspee- ta spark the Yule log. simpy It's the sure way: ta cape moria vp bDridegroam frizzied oul and no amount' af the law af calarie reversal egream's Mer hase worpiece green § dress on ENGAGEMENT sheath. lines with beige acces Mr. and Mrs. Keith Krante sories and a corsage of deep Oshawa, wish ta announce the YOROW FASES engagement of their daughte: The bride was wearing a blue Judith Ann, to Lieutenant David sk sheath' with a while 'coal Osborne Studd, RCHA, san af ned with matching bine, as Capiain and Mrs. 0. lL. Studd he couple left for a honey. Oakville. The marriage is to moan in the. Maritimes Her take place on Saturday, August \ . bluefiowered hat matched her. 17, 1942. at 430 pm. in § . 10P. 8 es corren dress and her corsage was com:'Gearge's Memorial Chureh a rounded the hack n¢ lac erawn held h ho , zt weil of tulle and she carried a Posed af American Reauty Oshawa houquet of red roses and ste. POs@s GAC a : phanotis Mr. and Mrs: Calder will re Mr BN oo ; i ' S Maichin Set Mrs) Garden Myles, the turn to reside on Eastbourne . r and Ma Wiham ' et Ps BX j bride's sister was matron' of street, Oshawa iitoughby, Whithy, wish to ; ? \ gueta ip - "ae : A Geter . haat lain . announce the engagement aff ) 7 we A, ae x ' ' Wb ii ow tt ack Qoa Heic honor wearing deep aqua peau : their only daughter, Mary Edith j le gaia ici a, ie P t & T de saie, bel! shaped, with shart i Tames See Quail. bos eo OM, " oe ha : ; an op sleeves and a SO = CIPCST 4 . é A 4 pay Mr Mrs ai } ggg as Pi Mg niak| ; } Pan" uc ee ; saan on a carnations accented with 4 : Will take Place on Saturday Complete Glasses We Believe Them Te Be @ 63 STYLES, SHAPES DECK PANT ONLY os 99c er hued roses e Miss SI aif August 26, at 4.08 p.m. in A $20.00 5 $25.00 Valen, AND COLORS TO ca Myles, the bre ie Hit, Atal Chere' ONE LOW PRICE Ou Beiew tes Onl etre a TOP ONLY 59c wore fu ted Ay ' t it Rt) 6 Here at King we are proud te ONE PRICE --» ONE . aver taffeta in turquois 4 a MARRIAGE f ") PRICE ONLY peda 6 ; j | say thet we use nothing but | ¥ . panei je See cea a 5 EEA The marriage of Rita May National Brand Products: Mo } THAR VION serene' TO arene wrt si daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 small basket of pink carnations Ee -- & terials os Reulamens. Shmaid ' ; ; "ee sie tephensoan Rowmaanviiie ta a ai i Re Ci | NO MIDOLEMAN'S Ba idcercee'e weather, WILE PREOER VER Nee! Themes Geien, sen of Me fy er Oe oe * peor William Calder Jr. was best at rubber 1ha Mes. Albert Quinn at Osh me i ALA GLASSES COM r aft 3 : j man and the ushers were A Keep the soft spo awa, is ta take place on Satu aS } Gamptete with fremen, PLETE WITH LENSES at the ton of ye frigerater-davy. July M at 1:08 nm. ia Oxity Qe Keane, and Cone INDIVIDUALLY Adar fram wearin ; nra. King Street United Church, Osh LOW. LOW PRICES | GROUND ro vous tomorrow is your last C i 2 -- - EXACT N r Euchre Is Success ecting it with adhesive tape awa rang Ne Apporntment Needed CLUDING WHITE chance to take advantage . ; oe : | BIFOCALS TINT OR SUNGLASS é For Liberal Women wav starr piaanres _. _VSIRD IN ROMER i GREEN of Kresge's fantastic : s . Wamen's, OHICAGO (AP Three ps tr more than Years i REPAIRS.REASON, ngprtente ge hiatrists hav ' A yaa Ata wm has been used for j e i ABLY PRICED ' sawehatagica kitehen utensils and today seme i ve died ae Sie 8.008 tons are used in kitecher | A . veta tn Mak canunily meas Weal ---- LISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS ie tetas 7 : enn OM a OPTICIANS ---- QVER 2.000.000 . > jf PRESCRIPTIONS AT YHE CADIES is SS ed A LO Ht 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER Me daby sitters me car fare 2 , Mr Bernard MONDAY --- SATURDAY @ A.M. 5 PM, : PHONE 728.126) OSHAWA CLOSED ALL DAY WEONESDAY DOWNTOWN OSHAWA vot Hal sing Crrechan te Ternta, Wamiten, tendon, teatenen, Dedtuns, Toesernamh teat ie, Her OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STORE - NOW! A new and excitingly different taste in beer from Labatt"s Do you need a LOAN UNTIL PAYDAY ? | .. << ay $50 FOR 2 WEEKS = ~-- : . -- Itsdeliciously smooth flavour COSTS ONLY 47: . | : . iederived from a single sso «38000 Ha , -- ae premium variety of imported Sees f- f£¢/ fF AS --. 3 ee European hops, SUPERIOR | 3 SAL ¢ 4£AL34AG 7 ay 47 47 combined with a special blend of << aatanetaronneg | 'ff feo Ye | | & on - malt prepared exclusively for 725-6541 ae es | : St. N, 17 Simcoe

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