is THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, July 18, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Sales and Service ARTS GUN REPAIR CUSTOM GUN WORK Reblueing, refinishing, stock- mae ins bought, sold, exc anges, WHITBY, 668-2497 Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLIESCHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue prints, 1) Ontario St 'Street, it, 725-5692, ee ge AND Pag egg Ny Paeee Tanteae <i _ITV--Radio Repairs WHITBY TV aerial and tower service, Dial 068-8344, GUARANTEED repairs to all makes TV. radio, car radios, Thompson Elec: |. tronics, 187 Elhott, 723-9792, Fred. OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Guaranteed Parts and Service DAY OR EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, 728, "5286, Reinga ae For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satisfaction Poul Cieslar Prop. 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 13--Business Opportunities|17--Male Help Wanted |23--Wanted To Rent RESTAURANT AND PROPERTY. Com-|NO EXPERIENCE necessary, Salesmen, lal, C location. suitable for bull-jan @ pry rane ram, Car sup Bey ee a pe _WANTED Three Bedroom House piled, years at pm apeerane, Nene 1352, 1 pportn jee by reliable people, by August Ist-15th, north Oshowa grea, TATHE-HAND, must be first class, CALL man Shop. Top wages to via 725 - 8643 industrial Tools, Bloor West, Oshawa. 24--Houses For Rent PLEASANT COUNTRY home in SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT ue a askiae ous NG WE dont su feoane hve ne] enter 4 moe ORES, Ur sult, area, Private, Pickering TE 9-300), CORNER STORE, Simcoe south and John street, ideal for restaurant or other business, vacant July, Telephone| 725-9544, CENTRAL 568 SQ. FT. OFFICE SPACE On second floor in three ad- joining areos. Will rent os unit or separately, To i t PHONE 723-4523 AFTER 4 14--Employment Wanted MAN with he ee ~~ likela age wie Ev. fae SERVICE STATION attendant or al handyman ss r) ae lenced. Building Trades ALL TYPES of building repairs, root: tng, chimneys, * Loge sidewalks, stoops Gordon May, 728-03 cleaner, YOUR" LOCAL CHIMNEY Chimneys bulit and repaired, gas ings seosatinns Tarpaeet vacuumed, Free Money To Loan MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Low Interest Valuations Arranged Residential City and District Summer Properties . Vacant Land Members Ontario Morgtage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale agreements purchased and sold, Hen- ~jnick and Hennick, zartnererse a King | Street Bast, 723-7232 to! | PRIVATE and corporation monies jtoan pn' all types of mortgages; mort }gages and agreements of |ehased, Creighton, Drynan Mur. |dech, (See heading "Barrister,".) 12 YEAR MORTGAGES No Bonus or Hidden Cost, No Prepayment Penalty, No Broker's Fee, To obtain your free brochure on sound residential mort- gage financing of up to 80% | Of value... CALL OR WRITE C.A.C. REALTY LIMITED Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa 725-4777 MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fost re . F, SWARTZ 26. @ King St. East bak gla 72 Accountants ACEERT WOSMAR, fered account| cher' ant, 323 Fi Street West, Oshawa, Tele phone 723 CHONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered) Renner, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping) Contre, 725-9953. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service Complete bookkeeping ye 14 Bond Stren Wests 25-0001, Rea, 133-7605, LD EK. DEWAR, Accredited Pub i Ascenian, Commercial Building, 306 King Street West, Oshawa. '728-2221, bat qroaccountaate, RIEL, and| Or Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to quolified ap- plicants, Also senior -- students for P mer work, Fuller Brush. Co, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St, Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m, 18--Male ¢. a Help W RASPBERRY sie a are High: way and Thickson corner farm, WOULD you like to earn $30.00 & week parttime, o* @ week full time? if veo have the use of a car and can na fait ° " we have egies nity for For elephone!| full Sorenetion ae Box we Oshawa wars | tanan, WANTED TAX! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 20--Room and Board KOOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, nice bse ag home, Good meals, parking, clos erneral Motors and Shopping Centre, ue Park road south, Sid PER WEEK suitable for men, will. ing to shere rooms single beds, Tele- phone 728-3396, 22--Offices, Stores, Storage iE ESKIMOSe ROOFING, shingles; roof and gable ied. = Siding, A louvers -- install carpentry Workmanship, materials guaranteed, H, Tucker, 728-0626, pogo concrete floors, flat roofing specia' new city and repairs, sarge and smail jobs, L. and H, Roof: ing and Construction, 725-6997, ACKERMAN Excavoti Loadi 7, srr ay fd ld Ne Boy Reasonable Rotes PHONE 623-5756 BOWMANVILLE "HOME REPAIRS Kitchen cabinets, vanities, roofing, Any kind of cor- pentry repairs, LE 2- 6182 _ TORONTO COLLECT _ PLASTERING New and repairs, stucco, cement work, parging bose- ments, Remodelling, Work- manship guoronteed. Free estimates, _A, WOODS 728-3420 ~ SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, FILL | N. G. BARTER 725-7119 "A. FOSKETT | AND SONS Roofing, Sheet Metal, Paint- ing, Decoroting, Caulking, expert home repairs, No job too big or too small ---- We give service to them oil, FREE ESTIMATES Write Box 904, Oshawa T! OuRaN four-room bungalow age, located, oe Call rasta. psa a, nen, Bh bungalow, $90 monthly, Avaliable tty 15, 5"Respnale tenants, Write Box 918 Oshawa Times, FOUR room house for rent, good condh tion, garage, a bath, $65 montiy Wy. Telephone 7- FOR RENT: sia "ies bedroom bute peed In Whitby. Close to public school, vailable August 15, Toronto 699-0599, 25--Apartments nfmneeianiohernencnataae FOUR ROOM apariment, two bedrooms: living room and kitchen, Newly decorated, refrigerator and stove, Parking, After $ o'clock, apply 299 Montrave avenue, THREE ROOM apariment unfurnished, self contained, Apply 539 Albert street, Telephone 728-6070, Accountants, 728-7527, rt North, Oshawa, - we 23-0890, Whitty MO 4131, YALE FRIEDLANDER i and i Go. Accountants, Licensed Trus- tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Bast, 728-7371, HOPKINS, BEADLE AND ©O,, Char tered Accountants, 187 King 6treet East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3308, WILSON and BURROWS, chartered jot 114 King Street Bast, Osh- awa; Ronald F, D, Wilson, CA) G, Bdmond Burrows, CA, 728-7354. BRAIN WORKERS REQUIRE MORE SLEEP THAN PERSONS DOING PRYSICAL LABOR CAN TURN 1S oe INSIDE a mk Appliance Service GEWING MACHINE tune-ups, all mod: Elna dealer, Oshawa Sew: = Contre, 939 Simcoe Street South 2391. Auto Ports SAVE AT WESTERN |-- SERVICE CENTRE Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 Kirig West---728-1607 "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" Barristers ae eee SOsEPH © VICTOR BA, LLB, Bar Fister, Solicitor and Notary Public, § Simcoe | North '723-3446. GREER AND ) REL ty, Barristers, Soll- SY reet East, = tAoy -- like a peers ina sees home doing general housework, cooking, Live In preferred, Write Box 708 Oshawa Times. 16--Female Help Wanted |EXPERIENCED salesiady tor Ladies' |9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent THREE turnished cottage for sale, with living room and kitchenette, mov, on Stone Street East. Telephone! Reagy to Wear Store. Must be land capable, Permanent position, good |TWO-BEDROOM "furnished cottage and) Salary, Write Box 608, Oshawa Times, Lake, Norland, August 3) RELIABLE GIRL or woman for to hay s190" "plat 629-2775, household duties, live in, no cooking re FOUR-ROOM cottage, fireplace, a Three| Wired, ie nO | ITRESSES WANTED, also reggie Boat, Good swimming.idish washer, Apply Mr, Campbell, Gen-|; Lakeside Beach, H. » Chinn, 723-7088. osha Hotel, : LAKE SCUGOG -- three-bedroom col-| MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted to care tage, 100foot sandy beach, finished in-ifor three children and hold duties, '22. side, pressure system, furnished, Must) lve in preferred, days only. Room and sell, Will accept reasonable cash offer.! |doard plus SIS week, After $ o'clock Write Boh Northey, Bridgenorth. Tele-| japply 74) Beaupre Avenue, phone 292-8435, nome ERS tor single ma.just 1. For information, dial Tags ingle needle HALIBURTON -- Fully modern cot-\chine sewing on blouses, Call collect, tages, inside conveniences, ends | Toronto, EM #075, 16-----Female Help Wanted OFFICE OVERLOAD .|Phone 2453 West Gylford, $CUGOE lake front cottage, 3 bedrooms, beach. $3,900 with $900 ook Real ae Call Mar. We need more help urgently. EXPERIENCED, Underwood ond Burroughs Business mochine operotors, Key punch operators, highly skilled stenographers.and typists, For temporary and part time assignments. In areas Bowmanville to West Hill. Please call 728-9431 MRS. CHALMERS 3--Pets & Livestock DASCHUND (smooth) puppies for sale. Telephone 728-2242, DOGS, boarded, trimmed, defleaed and bathed, Phone 725-6321, FIVE WESTERN horses | tor sale LJ) Ranch RR 2 Millbrook Ontario, BLONDE cocker spaniel, male, one var ine old, has had some needles. Will sell for $25 to good home. Dial 725-5043, GERMAN shepherds, registered, "Cory boa: Ranch Kennels, beautiful puppies, Cham: pion Blood lines. Stud service, if not de sired now save ) number, Broolin 655-4662, part Persian, healthy live- 0, four room $70 monthly, SIMCOE Street North, apartment with bath, Telephone 723-2116. | FEN minutes from south GM, three room apartment, baih and garage, heat, pinohd ana water supplied, Apply 250 Street West, 6 to 9 p.m. NORTH OSHAWA: Two bedroom, mod- ern apartment in ngage pots e tree ony comer, Tee paved 'xine One e child wel i Tay ata Sch kPa ca' at it ast. ir BUSINESS OFFICE, 350 aa. ft. an une ther information telephone 725-1831 or US nights 725-3308. : $100 Two. "apartment, with Pog over-looking garden in oo td Drive, Apartmen' Snee Possession August 1 Hs pe B. 728-7428, Erreats, ten weeks old. Each $4. Apply 45 Raetsiae West, telephone 725-0891. WEIMARANER pups for sale, eight months, pedigreed, Apply 485 Albert Street or telephone 728-5643 BEAUTIFUL baby Sadgiea: ready for training, talking strain, Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, BACHSHUND puppies, six weeks old, Registered, $40. Leave with us while on your vacation, Dial 728-1075, Pu ED tiny fox terrier puppies. Special offer, Low price. Phone Brockville Dt 27354. nels, Highway Tribull j Lane, 4---Sportsman's Column SAVE $i $8 at Dominion Tire Store, 1963 Gale outboard motors, 20 per cent off Y's, S's, 15's, 25's, 40's and 60's, Phone 725-6311, ¥O3-2278. ~ Pasonet Greer, QC, 725-3968; Terence V. kelly, BA, BCL, 728-3832. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- tor, 344 Simoce Street South, 725-9502, | 7 abe CENTRAL Park South near King, six Kw stone and = Boca agyge modern kitchen, three JOSEPH P. MANGAN, ac, cauies| Solicitor. Money to loan, Office 144) bedrooms, _.. King Street East, Oshawa, 723-8232. j recreation ERETGHTON, DRYNAN aND| eonene MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- PORT PERRY, bargain, on large cose to highways, schools, ee shopping district, seven large full basement with oil furnace, narawood floors downstairs, must sell, $8500 or best offer, Apply 2) Union Avenue, Five room apartment in Prince Albert, ir Port Perry. All conveniences, near pawl Call Port Perry, 985-2336, , TWO bedroom apartment, large po (refrigerator and range Included, all con ences with private front and igo Jentrances, Near shopping centre and bus. Service, $100 monthly. Telephone 728-4873 or 725-0191. Tae 'ROOM apartment, furnished oF ples yg quiet home, all vieine ity Elgin and re Write Box 830, Oshawa Times, BEATTY AVENUE, I -- F two rooms, self-contained apartment, private entrance, television outlet, Laune Gry facilities. . Suitable for couple, ATHOL STREET EAST. 441 -- three toom apartment, Abstainers. Adults ~ jonly," Telephone 725.3425 after 6 r 6 pm. FOUR-ROOM "apartment, self-contain- ed, heat and water included, aduit@ eee Available rr ge 1, Apply 68 Me Millan Drive, before 8 p.m. NEWLY decorated ytral, Clase to hospital, $73, preferred. Dial 323-7a44, COTTAGE, Scugeg Point, SO new, five rooms, two-piece bath, good shade. $3,500 full price, Fred Cook Real Estate, Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894, $1,000 DOWN, balance one "mortgage, modern three bedroom cottage at Caes- area, sandy beach, all conveniences, Dial 723-2721 be- fore 6 p.m. evenings 725-6359. FREE LUMBER for new cotiage in ex change for demolition of present one. Near Oshawa, Write Box 728 Oshawa Times, COTTAGES and lots on the Black River, 10 miles north of Uxbridge. Telephone Black River Securities, UL Mountaindale Ken: Brockville, Sharp's ie 4 on eae ec: . Drynan, 728-8534; L, Murdoch, 723-4788, ot one BRUCE V. MACKEY, Solicitor, Notary Publi Ba, 3 668-5906 or 668- 234) funds availabie, 3648 East, 723-1107, Res, 985-7163 "Cartage RALPH JONES, BA, ond THOMAS HORNS WOVING AND CARTAGE, GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli:\Oshawa,. Whithy Reasonadle rates.| eitors, 190 King Street East. 728-6246. runy equipped and insured. 728-3661, Morgage: \ joans available. TOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- [Dressmaking . Notar, Alger Building, 37 ees as Street | East, 723-403 Mortgage 2 monies|DRESSMARING alterations, pant cuff- available I Nes oo weg Pr ang le rates 7 rx idridge, jontrave T23-6476. DODDS AND DONALD, | s rs) Scien Sat Nt Gardening ond Supplies JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LEB, LOAM, sod, manure and evergreens, aise! Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. Post ole digging and fencing, Reason- he, The Commercial Building, 386 King! adie rates, Telephone TSI Wen, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking CEMENT grave: and driveway gravel, available, 72-4716 or_ 133-4717, sand and fill, For delivery call Eric! IN and BASTEDO, ; Barristers, |Brantin, Whitby 668-2660. REES takes dowr Simoce Stre et) work, 7338 Charles C, McGibbon,| I Pree QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC as SALMERS. | BA, Barrister, Solicl- 2 5--Farmer's Column FARMERS, feed tires? Call Bil y your Dominion Tire representative. 725-651) or evenings after six, 725-7263. 2-683) collec' for appointment CASH on the | spot. Hi ghest_ Prices paid) THREE-BEDROOM, Watertront co cottage in dead and crippled farm stock./at Campbeliford, $3,900. or best cash }Telephone collect, Hampton, COlMax/offer, Partly furnished. Telephone 668-/ \3 eke new Ws Fur Farm, Licence! 26 | - us _|COTTAGE -- Sturgeon Lake, all con-| CUSTOM WORK eg Ce 3), By the DONE FOR RENT houseboat at Anchor, six! jmites south of Peterboro on the Otonadee, BEN yg BR CUTTING GRASS OR RAK- [RY ar ING HAY-SIDE DRESS FER. joceee ore TILIZER ON ROW CROPS, SPRAY FOR INSECTS OR WEED CONTROL PLOW. BEECH LAKE, furnished cotiage ~ tor sale, sand beach, boat, Turn right at ING, DISCING OR CULTI- VATING e Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine, special- izing in 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chest- Dut Street West, PO Box 329, Whithy, 663-2563 oF 668-3809. WILLIAM KROONTIE, well digging,| compressor work, cleanout and deep ening. 468 Park Road South. Telephone Tae-3864 BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Cleanouts, Deepenings, Compressor Work Telephone 728-0911 2--Personal IF YOU have a drinking problem, saa |Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-034, --| LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment oltera- tions, etc, Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728- 5311 Removal of : superfluous 'heir, Marie Murduff will be in Qshawe, July 22nd, 23rd, 24th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for oppoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 DOMAR INVESTIGATIONS 728-9054 DIVORCE, PERSONAL, GENERAL INVESTIGATIONS FREE CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW 3% Simcoe St. S. (Bassett Bldg.) | Oshawa 22--Offices, Stores, Storage SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 723-3474 23--Wanted To Rent COUPLE ree two o> gyro Bog quire two bedroom house, ferred, by pyoheny 1 with pot lg to wey. 728-2362. RELIABLE GIRL 18 years or more, For Gro- cery Store, Single. With some cash register experience, 728-0851 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Canado's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, Nov- elties, ete, to friends and rel- atives, Over 300 items, For free, beautifully illustrated tal les On approv- al and he fastest service, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., Panag King St. E,, Hamilton, * ST. TIME IN \ CANADA 15 YEAR 2nd MORTGAGES CORONATION Investment Co, Ltd. LIMITED The first ond foremost Can- edion public company in the field, now introduces long-term 15-year open 2nd Mortgages on house less then | 10 yeors old-up to 10 years | on older properties. | For full details, call i | "and chain saw! All jobs insured, nothing too big.) estimates, Dial 725-7887, / |CEMENT | and road_ 'Fravel, top y quality }ioam for all purposes. Loam fill, gravel) tor, bg Simoce Street 'North. /fi), sand fill Pulverited loam for top K. Residence T25-552. | dressing and flower beds, 100 per cent . BOYCHYN ~ _ Wit) jusable, Dial ?25-S279. DAVEY TREE SERVICE Pruning, spreying, feeding, bracing, tree and stump re- movals. "The oldest and largest tree saving service in the world." 723-136) RES Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled. + Loaders, Trucks for hire. ~| BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 Ppareacaperer GR TUCK. RO, Qobmetriet Please" Instruction YY. accounts at downtown Dominion schlanhatan 725-4387, fourreom apart lectrically equipped. Very cen- monthly, King) Hum GARAGE wanted in Ritson North ot| Oshawa Bivd. North area, Telephone 723-1300, THERE'S quick cash waiting fot you! when you advertise your miscellaneous' items ith a high Times Classified Ad, @ay to place -- be in. the ship "Articles for OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS BELTONE OF CANADA Requires a young married man with a car to verify appointments. APPLY 424 Simcoe St. N. MORNINGS ONLY No Phone Calls Please LADIES EARN $30 to $40 Working two or more even- ings per week -- Hours 8 p.m, until, 11 p.m. No can- vassing, Cor on asset. For interview call MRS, JARVIS UNTIL 7 P.M. 728-7412 dence: 728-4024, Whitby, 468-2761, 725-4804, NHA and other mortgage funds availabie,) Bookkeeping onennigagy Mevied Servicea, Income Tax! Returns. wements prepared. BC) Services, K) Newman Crescent,' (63-8252. |. 723-2265, otter hours 728-3376 'SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 King Street West 'Musical Services |PIANG TUNING, rates $7.50. Telephone | Bowmanville 6 623-7283, |PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic orgen tuning and repair. Instruments appraised, 1? Hiddink Ajax 942-1664, EOUALE AVENUE, 3 -- floor apartment. Private em ae "and bath, Newly decorated. Adulte reader-/ preferred, Available now. 728-7742 after noons: BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax, Returas, Statements prepared, BC Ser) vies. 108 Newman Crescent, 663-8252 / Building Trades CRIMNEYS duilt, sidewalks and stoops) ee F. McCann, Brooklin. BRICK CLEANING -- Have your home cleaned like new by HydroSelica maethed, no Gust. Free estimates. Call Stan's Sharpening anl Rental Litd., P23.32é. ~ WALCO -- CONSTRUCTION lene mae 'tn remodelling, expert workman- ship, Free estimates, __Whitby 668-4412 _ GORD'S JANITOR SERVICE Experienced cleaners on floors, wells, ceilings ond windows. Residentic! and Commercial Bonded and insured. After 4 P.M. -- -_ ae . > FRPERT tuition in French by reall | nk or 74 Burk Street? Dia fied teacher. Imaginative approac Reginners or advance students, "ees 'Painting and Decorating _ ences available, Telephone 669-5375, AQ PAINTING and pape? hanging. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor,|4 Jensen after 3 p.m. 725-7213, 13 years experience, By interview OUTSIDER GAINTING. Careful work, jsety, Act cow 325-2008 Reasonable rates. Nelson Heisler, 72) aaa LEARN TO DRIVE, Sr es eres Atte a Sa cece SS Late Models, Standards DODD & SOUTER Automatics Dual Controlled PARTI Srenerone TRS OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 720-0091 | Gagan "Fun Wan Monk Gyptex, Full Wall Murals | MONEY MADE has ar a | Selling Things Spra ng | 107 BYRON' ST. S. wWerTey HOME through YS 668-5862 Neots 725-7426 IMPROVEMENTS | Oshawa Roofing, eavestroughing, Times and tollow signs to Martin's |_cottage, RICE LAKE -- Gedar Gove Cottages, safe swimming, spacious grounds, re- creation roon, stere. Three-bedroom cottage with running water, Fr: ANYTIME flush toilet ete $50 weekly, $60 with ~ weekly with boat, $886 daily, Plan al 7--Trailers hea mcg St ay oon and mo-| $s for rent by day or hour, Joho Wad SPECIAL WT Hi. cai a 3200. off Ust brice, "ocean Pind Eo Lo Tisketwellornes TRAILER, i housekeeping in i cred coninon: price tm Dit Mwabwe | U----Artieles For Rent _ Dishes - Cutlery ~ Glasses 133 ft, sleeps five, Water, ice box, Pro- pane stove and light, al: lectrici! $900, | T net Ree oe Coffee Urns TA Silver Tea Service RENT-A-TRAILER Silver Candelabra itches supplied. ' Maieits Oeat nd cake Sargeant's Rentals traliers. 725- 3338 SIMCOE AT GIBB RENTALS 725-9131 9S 5 HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- i ca -- folding chairs, hand plones, ___For sale or Rent | nail pullers, staplers, bolt ; cutters, tile cutters, caulking Windermere Cottages | Suncare econden, TV sete Windermere Housekeeping transistor radios, tile polish- send beach, vacancies to shampoocer, portable cooler, week of July 20., August dehumidifiers, air condition- 17th on. Mrs, C. Harnden, er, flight bogs, megaphone Box 420, Haliburton, Ont, speaker, strapping machine, Telephone 2318 boby carriages, C.C.M. "ex: gorge > ercisers, sewing machines. COTTAGE LOTS applionce cart. For ten 100 ft. frontage lots CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 with choice sond beach on mm. slide comera, movie Papineau Lake. Projector, slide projector, Sok in nics waiee pegged screen, sun- | W. H. BRADY, REALTOR Compbellford, Ontario | CLERK TYPIST For varied office routine 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Accurate with figures, good typing speed. Reply stating experience etc. to 'BOX 715 Oshawa Times Carnarvon a? Mediey's, for two miles PHONE 728-3901 boat, Reducea after August If to $40 |FOR SALE -- Glendetie house trailer,| Punch Bowls MONTY'S BA SERVICE Of All Kinds Cottages, Kennisis Lake, ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell Massaging belts, coffee urns, FOR SALE GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- tric hedge clippers, post hole ougers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, garden sproyer, seed- , fence For Sale Lake Simcoe Lakefront Cottage and Lots Safe sandy beach. 60 milés from Oshowo. Near Brechin. 728-3060 AFTER 4 P.M, 2--Personal Notice to Citizens of Oshawa Due to the fact that the Barbers Of The City Of Oshawa have net had an increase in price since 1958 Rising Costs of Living and business overhead have forced them to agree Want Ads ; . hold the key to Extra Cash tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, flame gun. CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, tent heaters, sleeping bogs, liners, cir mattress, Colemon stoves, lonterns, coolers, cor top carriers, wo- ter skis, life jockets, out- board motors. STAN'S Sharpening ond Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Qshowa Phone 723-3224 12--Articles Wanted \WANTED TO BUY -- om sc ft me chanical tools, alse teol Bex. Dial j i | i 17--Mele Help Wanted [wo exe len qucetant Webiig 'greprens. Cor sib! ipied. Must be J828 years with nest ALL YYPES of reneirs ond new and used «materials. ot sates, Estimates free. Diel 7abIIe. J! i Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey kinds, Ne job too big or 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH P. NELLS, 19 Colborne E. Place your order Better described offers get foster results. Personal Service ef a ran ff. Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Classified Ads Made Pies ond Deserts smell. All work guoronteed. Financing at bank rates. Cail 725-3887 Telephone 728-206) TODAY Classified Ad Rates Cash 3 73 "MODERN GRILL tiling, General repoirs of all us onytime. Call 723-3492 WE DELIVER 25 WORDS OR LESS Everyone will admire this protection for your toaster, It adds color to your kitchen, Charge 4.13 2.48 6 consecutive doys. ........ eet 3 consecutive doys. ......... aes Count each word, initial, figure or ebbreviction es one word. Box number Se ; 1 not peid within, 7 doys, dun rote 'eoplies Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each edditione! line per month 8.50 1.60 {Not eppliceble for merchondise odvertisements.) ADLER Word ods Classified: Displey ca 3S pm. doy previous . 2:30 'pm. doy previous | material TURE. jbolstering. TS Charles Street, 723-Par2. home, rates. 8 tisfaction Telephone Fas-PesT_ CHESTERFIELDS re-aphelstered and restyled. Free estimates, See eur for re-cove: Dahon Up- CHESTERFIELOS and of chairs re Covered Tar new, Get the Dest for tess Bt Modern Upholsterers, 342 Simcoe' Sout. Cal 724en) Free estimates, /ARRANGE pow to have your Chester felt suite recovered while on vacation. Births, memorioms, cards 'et thenks -- 9 am Gay ct publicetion.'No down payment. Up to BM months to Lest end Found -- . 8:30 @.m. day of publication. Cancellations ond Ceevactions--8: 30 om. dey of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshowe Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise. ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon ome incorrect insertion ct eny odvertisement, mor beyond the price charge for ¢ single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshowe Times reserves the right to Clensity odvertising eccording to its proper clossificotion. in the cose of displcy odvertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce thon thet in which the octuol error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ol! adver. bly ee but assume no liobility of odvertisement 3B am inoccuracies in ony form ere contained therein. pry. For estimate, phone 720-378 ; ODigation Kennedy )_Upnoistering uns CRESTERFIELDS reba. Teor Uke new Whe par more? Ger rates! No Times Clossified Ads. By Petition of 94% to charge the following minimum rates beginning MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963 ADULT HAIRCUT $1.50 ADULT SPECIAL HAIRCUT $1.75. SHAVE $1. - CHILDREN'S HAIRCUT $1. CHILDREN'S SPECIAL HAIRCUT EXTRA This announcement is due to the efforts of The Executive of the Oshawa Branch JONTARIO BARBER'S ASSOCIATION | [SSS ESB 'NAVE You" "something Wh your home jyow wish ws fo sell for you, cars, forni- jue, 3 Open: Daily, 1 pm. - ? om < : R. Armstrong, 555 King East, Oshawa |SOMBONE wants that noloncerusedl ibike you're storing, Tarn & inte cash! leith an inexpensive, fast acting Osh-) jawa Times Classified Ad. Dial T2282 'eoday SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metols icobiect} 1. TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cors For Wrecking Ports for sole, ulso scrop iron end metols, etc bought. Open Saturday oli day, Phone | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. Write Box 814 Oshawa Times You'll enjoy making this -- shutters, applique; flowers lazy- daisy stitch, Use a remnant for roof. Pattern 7216; transfer pat- tern; directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needie- craft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. On- Opening. For Young Man With leading Intemational Compony os soles clerk, with excellent opportunities for the future compony bene- . : Grode 12 education pref a Print plainty PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft Show stars smocked accesso- tax, tarie residents add Ic. sales) HEART-WINNING By ANNE ADAMS Valentine-pretty! Pop your happy, little cherub into this saucy skimmer, and watch her break hearts galore. Very easy to sew in checks or white pique with red pocket. | Printed Pattern 2632: Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 Size 6 takes 13% yards 39-inch. FIFTY CENTS (30c.) in coins (no. stamps, please) for this ries -- it's our new Needie~ craft Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you designs to knit, cro-) chet, sew, weave, embroider,! quilt, Plus free pattern. ce. now! ipattern. Ontario residents add y2c, sales tax. Print jiniy SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, jcare of Thé Oshawa Times, Pat- Apply in writing to BOX 909 OSHAWA TIMES Want-Ads Don't . tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Just out! 304 design ideas plus coupon for FREE pattern -- ey one you choose in new Cost-They Pay jSerreesummer Patera Cata.