JFK Gives Blessing | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, JP 18, 1963 2] | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT To Civil Rights Rally | Fishing Booms wwe te oy wine LI Nova Scotia WASHINGTON (AP) = Presi. dent Kennedy has given his blessings to the late-August civil rights demonstration for the U.S, capital, At a press conference Wed nesday he applauded peaceful racial protests while decrying those which can lead to violence and bloodshed He covered a wide range of topics including Business and taxes: The pres- ident said business is better than expected, tax receipt con sequently have exceeded predic.) --oi4 he will ask Congress to end/like to undertake but he expects tions and, as a result, last year's! budget deficit totalled $6,200 000,000 compared with a Janu ary forecast of $8,800,000,000, He said this bolsters his argument that a $10,000,000,000 tax would boost the economy further and eventually balance the budget 4 Cold war talks: Kennedy said he is "still hapefu t United States, Britain and the Soviet Union can achieve some kind of nuclear test ban treaty in the current Moscow talks, But he thinks talk passible summit meehng is premature +n) eu: Moon race: 'The president wants a continued effort to pul an American on the moon in "the capacity to dominate space.' 'He treated as inconclu-/format diplomatic contacts with'the prosperity that it planned this decade in order to show said ing in late August. On other topics, Kennedy There is no need for more HALIFAX (CP) -- The Nova, prospered with the salt cod in: Scotia fishing industry is makidustry and dory men fishing ing giant strides to recapture/from more than 150 Lunenburg enjoyed based schooners made their sive' British scientist Sir Ber.ithe Vatican because there is no in the days of wooden schoon./home port famous, The decline nard Lovell's report that theilack of two-way communication ers, Russians -may be losing interest/al present in the moon race Rail strike: Kennedy again urged the railroads and aperat ing unions to settle their work rules dispute before a threat ened country-wide strike July He hopes South Viet Nam will resolve its religious disputes be. cause the military situation there looks more hopeful and a stable government is needed, \ trip to the Far East is %. If-a strike comes, Kennedy something the president would it by legislation As for-the Washington dem onstration, scheduled for Aug 28. Kennedy said it shapes up moting "a peaceful assembly calling nedy doubts the Soviet Union is a redress of grievances" anxious to face destruction by for and undertaken through cooper. supplying ation with the police ng to be time, Kennedy amounted to a ch to Congress by adding, "I sure members of Congress Wi n the cap be i has been some talk tha he gisiators might NEWS IN BRIEF JUMPER KILLED MANVILLE, Ni. (AP) -- A parachute jumper fell more than a mile to his death Wed nesday night when his main chute failed to open, Patice said John Maurice, 25, was practic ing target jumping, He jumped from 5,600 and smashed into a wheat field 2 from the tar BIBLES BANNED TALLAHASSER, Fla, (AP The Florida State Supreme Court has outlawed distribution ef. Gideon Bibles. in < schools, saying i was decision possible und U.S, Supreme Court r church and state separation The action came Wednesday in an appeal by a group of par ents seeking t© ban distribution of Bibles in Orange County, A jower court had dismissed the peuuer CHINESK TO HAVANA MIAMI, Pia, (AP) -- A'1® member Red Chinese military @elegation has arrived. in Ha wana te attend the 2h of July celebration marking the 10th aaniversaty of the opening dlew eof Fidel Castro's revelation Havana radie reporied SHORT SKIRTS PUZZLE KANSAS CITY (AP) -- 1 N. J, Reekiel, head ¢ theran Charch of India, i vied by one aspect of Amencaa life, "With. 50 mach wealth yout country, with so. m money to bay deautifal cloth he said Wednesday at a chareh conference, "Im sarprised American girls and women wear their shirts se short AUTHOR DIES CORDELE, Ga. (AP Keazie Hooks Hyzaan aather of the best-selling No Time Sergeants, died Wednesday, apparentivy of a heart attack. The desk was feet aboat 4] for aa made inte a New York play ane M ater Ine a Mane NEWSPAPER OWNER DIES MILAN, Ray (AP)--Vin Crespi, GR. co-owner af the fmeaual Mulan newspaper riere DeMa Sera, died Weadne gay. The ether owner af wmnormiag Gaily, ranked as of Raly's greatest newspapers is bis Brother, Alda C QUAKE REGSNTERED UPPSALA, Sweden {AP The stivmaqlagcs Uppsala University 2 sireng yas tn the North Ar Ikeelangd and Gree a Mmagnredr is ' weaker than an aarthquaie caused seme Gamage i Nov iceland March 3 STRIKE ENDED BUENOS AIRES. Ars (AP)}--Adom, 152.0 fwere wotkhers ended stimke and retarns Thars@ar «th 2 exreaset in Ware parthgaaky GETS CULTURE Past UEBEC «PP, -- A wm ad Frenchdanatian caters nette Queder Fac bere eerad shed fe the ertec caltere aifanrs Soarges hm >. WORT nie "as panne PTUIT AMM WINMTIT KAN ot ada and the Unied Sates ane MOMMA ONMiats betecen Thee ana Quarter UNFIT FOR TRIAL VICTORIA i --t Breer ~<a Faatde! acreed Sn Phe of pT has a FIRE wes Farnd ™m a Thang wf m Se Apr » Cwitihert MAN Raraia mS fe Nhs hy TMNT > <Ierg CaP TH Wa a Ere h Rewer' SS CRARGED YARORAER «<P -- . Deurdage, a Beran aot wea chaceta? wth reer Pa) Gamage Begnetax er wan Tecra reer Sanir« vands ~ the House of Commons s x A dav iE Nh ne ECARD an " ~ . an RCAF transport fer Canada Doar out of the The man eaming he was T an smashed more 3% cage windows with aluminum bars Bourage was ! 23 for psvebiatric examinat BRANDO "VERY SICK SANTA MONICA, Calif, ¢ Marion Brando was tal hospital Wednesday w rho. Ser On Actor av SK DENTES REPORTS LONDON (Rea man n the affairs of F CRASH KILLS TWO WELDMAN, Mich, (CP) -- y Both oeccapanis of a privately owned aircraft were Killed Wed mesday crashed Johnsen, M owner of the Pi Wiliam Skinner ester, about central Michigan ef Weidman Cab, ar of Math Community EXPLAIN @PERATIONS DO SPR wie ~~ Operations of .ae North American Air Defence Com. ma wa rte were ex bers af). Pecial, defence commit? Mer the ong visit WR in READS LONGSHOREMEN MIAMI BEACH, Fla, (AP)-- United Slates east and C®ast Ieeshoremen Cam. Wiliam V_ Rred at the cuve Sargaining TO REPRESENT US MIAMI REACH 2 r pageant The Weyrar hs ER p EXMAODE BRIGGEST ROMR BRISBANE, Aastra (AP re < FALL, KILAS ACROBAT SALEM, One AP) -- A< feat Se he -- added the racis enge but doesn't am countl take ai 3® miles from this'at ev asmackinge Wi *Thartenes to be busy enough at home for some months Réd China seems bent on pro- nuclear war but Ken. the weapons that needed . ted States. condemns poticy of South Africa believe in expelling the United Na would be The Un from es tions no hope of peacefully with a Soviet satel te, like Cuba, in the Caribbean U.S. Grain Lost In Europe Congress Told WASHINGTON (CP . AP) ded to JUly The disanpearance of 24,000,000 bushels af U.S, feed gruins somewhere in Eurape"--on its to Austria in a barter deal trategic industrial materi was disclosed in Congress republicans de vestigat 2,000,008 «worth af riey and sorghum ve gone behind the * im Violation of ay as agreements, said Withams (Rep g for a Sonate hood grains "may have diverted and sold in West Germany aoliars, ? ald also be a wiolats for night, when their plane co | See Dead are Leonard 5 me reports said 2 had deen tablished that a large part of the shipments had been diverted the West German ports @ Hamburg and Bremen and sold commercially fer windfall prof. & Lester P, Condon, agricaltere department iaspecter ~ general, said the United States suffered the shipments im for Austria decause eived the agreedwpea stra e minerals in the barter ex oa ie) Riams said seven impor ers have been arrested in Aus na This is really big staff," said galt Senate. Republican Leader Ev- replaced ert M. Dirksen of Dinsis in Witams' reqaest te m special Sonate comait i give RSA. te loa TAS. DEATHS CANADIAN PRESS Weise, & jeweller whe st cree Ry THE : Landan-- Norman me Crar ai jewe: aboat SRAM alex R -- Neweastle, 2 AT Rev whe ha. read Reman Cath a riaciar Sat. Sie. Marie, Oni--Rev Frederick Wittiaza Calieten, S Sereeg a one of STAIN Many nm. of cancer Mabiax -- Mrs. Bean Bart 72, Ratax port and mether ai » Jegislamare mesnder S. Bart RESULTS COUNT! mays * MULTIPLE LASTING SERVICE JOHN BEAN "Visualiner" PHONE 728-6221 APT WrMOW . < Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service OF OSHAWA 728-4222 of the salt cod market and the Shipyards are turning outidepression of the 19%0s left the itrawlers in an unprecedentedifisheries staggering under a iboam. The value of fishing land./biow from which it has been ings is at an alltime high, Alsiow to recover new fish plant is under con,) There was a demand for more struction and a second is plan, /diversified catches but the in- ned. dustry was slow to replace sail Riggest part of the spending NS Ships With the more effi: is on the new processing plants oe and ~~ OWever, s rnifi. One is at the southwestern. .s © most signif M jeant feature of the current re port of Lunenburg where Lan) vival is an accelerated trawler enburg Sea Products Limited is! eee ae " h building. program which in the angaged in an $8,000,000 expan: jiaci 19 years has increased the sian program to create what the ombor fram nine to 37. The company claims will be thelgawiers vary in length fram largest and most modern facili-!cs 10 140 foot. The lon 7 i sia, 86 tO 140 feet. The longer ones ties on the North American cast $500,000 ic Sea ( ' ) ; , : -- Ha --_ a, sl pase Atthough fishermen didn't £ SO IMG QPOTATON ACK YORTicatch as much last year, the and will double the company's/..),. 424.195.000 existing work force of 300 -- se pi pounds -- "rs ' landed brought a record $22, The other is at the eastern 900,000. In 1981 a 458,955,000 port of Canso where Acadia pagnd catch netted $27,847,000 Fisheries Limited announced A sharp decrease in the herring last week plans for a $3,000,090 atch accounted for mast of the plant to employ 25 doctine in last year's landings Processing plants are the key ~ With more trawlers joining to providing fresh fish which about 9,000 other boats already both domestic and foreign mar. in aperation, the industry anti kets demand cipates ar er record year in A i ' fish value, Landings are also MADE PORT FAMOUS expected to increase ny the nent In the 1808s Shipping Firm Still Fights SIU TORONTO (CP Ranks and of an estimated -~ Quiticasting the firm he'll $3,008 a day says Upper Lakes crews, drawn year ~ od from the Canadian Maritime president af Upper Lakes Ship; Union (CIC) and the Canadian ping Limited Rrotherhoed of Railway, Tra teh didn't and General Wor t CIA). both sta h apmoneants and Bank's powerful Seafarers' of the SIU, have dean deaten International Unioa (ind.) is far up, shot alt and threatened since fram finished. the struggle brake inte the open ht looked rather n 1M) ' said Mr. Leitch, whese DIDN'T EXPECT drap § or . pain SUL . I hadn't expecied anything a wave of Great Lakes po nis" Mr Leitch adm 2 and terrorism > an int « s a Vemew caught we "Rat ance we started we 2 _-- " T thought, we A po r os WORN SF y Rave Gur BRIO = _ whole way. If and Ranks would have his." row anks you 2 oo know =SBanks you I thought be would abide by that once vou defy sy nd : * See ae hans hen ® © law. Bat we get t " warty " at and they are ignored. We start MB dots San = proceedings and we Rader, described as a "DULY are dayeotied and lawbreake ia the royal "gun although ear main bas. commission repart ef Mr. Jus inecs is te make moner. there luce RS G. Norris, has cost Up comes a. point behind human per Lakes an estimated $2.000- ogorance a point when vou we ng legal fees and @- aie in purety a ma a erating lasses wriacante : One of ts ships, the Howard Al L.. Shaw, has deen tied up in a Caicage dock since April 22, un Cioage dock since Apr urn bayoott by the SIU and-rid nited Sates dock ~ workers, 'stead quit and the part Lakes bieak al OaSIOR Started had you understand him, you an point, Mr Lelich ied to bas wife's pleas that he Mre a personal bodyguard Bat he ate so mack we gol of him and hired a dar in ' Mr, Leitch chackied ane ve WORE ROLLER SKATES WATERLOO, Ont. (CP) -- Wade Birth 1% of nearkx New Hambarg, whe drove his car 7) miles an hour here whik wearing roller skates, was sen teaced Wednesday mamths in jail and had his te three ar's. Hownce sagpanded Meee CLEANERS ond LAUNDERERS QSHAWa ~ PORT HOPE WHITEY . COBOURG BOWMANVRAE ~ SCARSORO Cemena Dreres Rapken Rog OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 erty saath rp alse Was fined ar c week OMATA al charges af draiong while ander ane anerating am yehnce ara Vnsaie LAWRENCE WINS Assacia has voted the bes The Press York Arata Vat ten of waTeNTe wf mn of the , {ROR ho Vac fimtier...and Its tatomatrny, wm eRMher oolver et YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKES Mistake-proof Cameras joek Rar The green Ag Agamnane BUGS Mon PX M™| Got natural and Hiei "VIKING" Automatic Dryer Check These Features! SO SCTIANS O48 YOu @ tor most fobrica @ Voriadle heot to Choose Me CO rect drying temwerctur Sos S 3 OSHAWA VIKING ECONOMY MODELS Automatic WASHERS, DRYERS worms wosh--worm rinse. Re cron with tw boffien . . . Ge' clones gentry Rat thoray ' Capacity ns off drum when door & Qnened = EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 257 @ Sotety switch th @ Top tocar from Tint trap for convenience. @ Autornotic timer... settings up te BO morta. EATON Price, Medel D63F1, each each MATCHING GAS DRYER, Model G36F2, EATON Price, cach EATON Price. Model W63F, SA AAA AAR Mow be set for lag of short cycle for venous fobric, Large capec:ty sett-cleaming porcelom enamel ied tua. Speco! setting for smell lboda. 229.95 "VIKING" Automatic Washer With 2-Cyele Action ! @ Two-wosh ond rinse settings . . . hot wosh--cold tise WHITE EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT By Benjamin Moore Seve an this specielly priced exterior paint from Moore's noted 77?" tine. Moy be tinted if desired. A timely specie! tor painting your home, cottage, fences, garage or boot. POUSA, EATON Special Price, GALLON 5.19 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT 275 PRONE 723.7373 } For A Charming Gift! Cultured Pearls | Mech Below Usual Price! 2 A, NECKLET-. Clossic. single strand = graduated cultured pears, approx of dustrous e n> 14" AG, § with dointy 10K white goid filigree safety clesa B. EARRINGS Single cultured pears. Dutton Pe " an SorSwm DACKS OF Storing Sever