Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jul 1963, p. 27

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UEP e we wr ae Lilian. a yey idith nite. Mihi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 17, 1963 27 pment = il suvive 1 MOPED waar gh a lenge, was, Fennec pt ear cae bench (new) cost ie pac! 14" Beaver motor, inter, oo i eae Street West, m tray capacity a7 King 29--Automobiles For Sale 29----Automabiles For Sale jos@ MONARCH Lucerne, V4, 'automas| 1050 VOLKSWAGEN. Gomapieraly ic, equipped with radio, power brakes,|inal, One owner. Must be ins steering and windows, $650, Telephone week, $650, or bestoffer. eas-ast?, ,| Walthy 668-3126 |id58 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, sunroot,| 1963 TRIUMPH TRI sportscar, "immac-| radio, $700 or best offer. Telephone 72% late, Must sell, Until 5.30 p.m, telephone! 9590 after 6 p.m, aay, _.. 1986 FORD foursdoor, slccylinder stan. an 300, itis auicK four-door, "two tone green, | \aard, good running condition, Original ae Ae automatic transmission, radio, Good con-| owner. $350, Telaphone - 725-8358. 1955 5 PONTIAC good "condition, éeylin:| say iia Far. nITey, Seas |{osn PONTIAC" with "overdrives"excel-|der, slick, push Button, radio, Telephone] tang, 1952 CHEVROLET, radio, good work-/ient mechanically, $200 cash, Apply 14 TSE, ie }ing order, 875 Telephone Brooklin 655- Parry Road, Ajax, or dial 942.5864, 002 ChevRoLeT Rebar, 14700, | FOUR dual wheel tow truck, 1087 Ford|nardtop, black with réd Interior, excel ~ |e IMPALA convertible tutomatic, secian, new paint fob, Telephone Black:jent condition, new tires, radior vee ae 44393, wher, clean, | *2 mae Priet Ra es op ey ital belts, windshield washers, ne bs ion. Apply 14? Eastdale or al) oe r {ie PEUGEOT nearest' offer, | otter, $.30 telephone 2 inesean 000 miles, one owner, AeBh Jeconomical, $1,000 1953 "OLDSMOBILE, ioe a around "cone Second Elght thou- |27--Real Estate tor Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale INCOME HOME, 15 rooms, three baths.|sPRCULATORS' and investors' oppor |iarge lot, half mile north of King Streetitunity, double house with six rooms |Bast on townline, price $17,000. cashi/mach side, needs decorating. $5,000., $ per cent Interest, Best offer ac-juntown, 27--Real Estate For Sole 27--Real Estate For Sete FOUR-ROOM Maco gye d on one = Ot] PRIVATE -- Must seul, THREE . BEDROOM winterized cot] tage, Bowmanville Beach, all conveni-/ and: Near Mosport, priee | ihr ences, $2,000, Telephone 623. years old,|! » not deco Whitby 6 per cent NHA e offer. 668-4593. 29--Automobiles For Sale |1962 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, black, trim, power sterring, brakes,|*ees, radio, executive driven, new car con evening Cal Orono 4R6. | rated, in car SACRIFIOR = Thive:bedroom, aay] seetzaae. M Walrey, _.. cepted, no. agents, Apply 3 Rockcliffe, big taed a eOF/ and a half, modern kitchen with range ee | Senawe Ph nee 728-6587, schools and park, shaded, all services, new gaa furnace, finished hecreation 1000, DOWN, Immaculate lanes "pea-! 3596. J 93500 terms. Whitby 668-35 lroom bungalow with garage, finished|(OTS, SUBURBAN AND CITY. See our vi c : Only $1,273, down cori 'ye r00. at Aton Sassi nad ipecreation room with two-piece bath>|choice selection NHA approved. Inspect co ag Be Ao 'te meni - |room, Hurry for this one, George Koorn-/and select trom subdivision plans in our ra : bag Mei' eS oy Estates 7G 'ONE-STOREY in Nestleton, tour neat, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7977. office. R. Vickery, Realtor, 728-9571, 46] iWEROOM rick iin Wrme|st-000. with tate' "Fred Cook|COUNTRY living, ranch bungalow, two) King Wes) [aie possession. Call Dick Young, 723-1121, cond! agg ne este Est 1 Marvin Nesbitt 64 garage, two fireplaces, large lotigRAEMORE GARDENS, {hree- awe Si Really Lid. Realtors, 116 Simcoe call nee cog) agee nent n, 906-4804, dining room, Call Earle Alten 725-7782 fancy stone front, five years old bead j South. Pees girl Call pave ower at Hyrnan Nestieton, -- . Es Peters Realtor. 'Kept' $1430, 58100. down, 7200 _ 743-6206, 5 $1,000, DOWN buys $s sicroom home, ; Oshawa. 7 . ard ae \ HOUSE and two acres, east o TOEAL SITUATION for children GRANDVIEW fs oon call sfeouie eons hag oes VLA approved or straight sale, LOW) room ranch style, complete with recren:| T Estate, 720-6206. |taxes, Asking | $12,200. with terms, "ihe fom room and patio. Approximately one) VILLAGE Real Estate, 728 Perry, 725-0903, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, ' mile east of city limits, lust off. No. , |TWO HOUSES and n ssmuiaing 'oie on 728-7397, Highway, $17,000, or near offer, -T For your new "Kassinger" [sewer and water, in Cobourg. Full pr ee aw SGNWCRT alone and plonsingiy| phone 720-0238, Home in Jthis choice east UO a Hitting Raat Lai aa different. bungalow in north end, $14400,/(NVESTMENT property, two pores) end location, give us a coll. | gewmanvile, eh rice NO Seed te Arthur Wein-| industrial land Bloor Street West, face) Trades accepted. Carl Olsen, Realtor 299 King St. West 723-1133 berger, 723-7244, Joseph Bosco, Realtors.\ing 401 Asking $7,500 with terms./ 106 SCENIC ACRES with three streams 77. Open to offers. Telephone 723-2176, | renning full leng _ furnished or unfurnished Compistely jlots, Bethany = area. Asking $16,900. modern, $9000 Telephone Brook! tn) Terms. Call Jack Ricard 623-3393, W./ 2 eRe : WANT YOUR 332 Fairview Drive Ischools, churches, bus. Available Sep-| 4' Greenhouse, 60 acres workable, bal-| Ranch type home, with at- | tember 1, Asking $12,500, Call 723.2180 ance in bush, Near Mosport Raceway, dining room, Large kit three bathrooms, ha sl Fee gaits uM peuple > = -- |monthly, $3000 down. Telephone Frank Real Estate Lid, Bowmanville, | chan, ive bath, paneled sae | }asking $13,600 with 6 per cent mortgage, A preferred location, | Telephone" 655- Sts after 6 p.m, : 103 King St. E. We specialize in Resale Homes of property. be 'iimeondl enemeeroemenny i 'pond sites. Chalet type cottage. This PRIVATE SALE | 458-2457, | Prank Rea. Estate Ltd, Bowmanville, toched - garage. Three bed- jatter ? p.m. Private sale. No agents, Excellent value at only $8,900. Ww. Lot 75 x 180 ft. Near |BROOKLIN 'O-roomed older brick house room, LIST WITH LLOYD NASSAU Siteet, six-room stilcco house, | property ideal for subdividing in' 0-acre WHITBY } THREE - bedroom bungalow, close to} 100-ACRE farm, %room house, barn 30' x Call Andy McGill 623-293," room, L-shaped living room three "ba "property, three apartments, down a 5 " . d Catho! hool joli heat, aluminum storms and screens, Public and Catholic -schools, CALL 728-5123 REALTOR THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ke | Martin, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco, Real tor, 728-7 737%, $900. DOWN -- three-bedroom bungalow with walk-out basement, Owner will con- sider late model car as trade. tmmedi- Telephone 728-7586, weiter scale | LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Atte or 1960 "FORD sedan, red and white recon-| Telephone Tae 2038, se top,|dition, $300, jditioned, 1955 Oldsmobile, sedan, blue); os ti, two-door hard stendard, 1954 Ford, one ton tow truck,! eaaie, Ad Cpanel a bts ae oor motor Ng "aso, fully equipred with power wench. Also ; «A ee W949, Chevralet_hal-ton pick-up. Phone) oar. Apply 78 Ritson Road South oF) 96) "PLYMOUTH VE, aulomatic, wine eal 725-612 equipped, mechanically ok Bowmanville 623-5756. F 5 aa phone ect + offer, 4g t ka o |j888 BUICK aulomatic, $275 or bes % one 1959 CHEVROLET hardtop, $650. Apply offer. Telephone 728-5468, Tr ROE iaden iscsaniatenasnianiiih |9 Prince Street anytime. 196) AUSTIN HEALY Sprite, white .redjsion, radio and neater. Reasonable, Tele-| CAR TO 7 blinds, Different sizes, Phone BABY carriage, Thistle, Igo ate baby cr Ms a mesh Tel Ne Masini $8,900 "VILLAGE OF VALENTIA" 5 year old brick 2 bedroom bungalow, Ideal for retire- ment or young married couple, Only $1,500 down, Coll Bill Johnston ot 728- | 1066. om te [142 RED ACADIAN "Beaumont" tour interior, soft top, tonneau, radio, mec -| phone 725-8787 rise ically A-1, new. paint, jout. Don't pass up this unusual bar ni gain; call Mr, Whittington at 729-4639, $Uer: Olal 723-1702 after 6 p.m. from 9-5, 728-8123 or 725-1917 evenings, ina CORVAIR Monza, black with red ¥ ial 1959 CHEVROLET four-door sedan" me- leather y, Very. ot © Wn types. Bt chenicaily perfect, $75. Call after 6 p.m. Teleprone HONS. ii" AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite 728-5762. 5 re ie i BUYING OR R SELLING gl gd very economical, a over ALCWARES"Or tats | TED CAMPIN lnm MOTORS 1952 PONTIAC, tour-door deluxe, radio, PARTS AND SERVICE sqnals, Clean all round condition, no rust, All Foreign Make Cars 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Cust Eost of Wilson Rood) Asking orice $150. Telephone after § p.m, Preity STATHAM 723-4494 Res, 725- 5574 B.-A, SERVICE I$ ALL CASH $-- se PONTIAE two-door coal o redio, back soat speaker, aki tay dual ex brushes, heses hh Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 For Clean cars we deal up or down, Liens poid off, Ph 7 Wa ton. "ie "Olds" en rentals Fw allane Vacuum, Get aed = 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ine, channelled 10" all chrome front] « erorpigesttet |Sna. New paint lob. Best offer, Tele: 'oman table. two [phone 723-7239. combination, rade and 1959 RENAULT Dauphine, good condi: Searteast te en " machine. mee drawer ca CONVERTIBLE Automatic transmission, 8 whe 668-8001 668-8101 © tion, nurse's car, new brakes and mut cylinder, power steering lees SPOT CASH Her, Ideal second car, Phone 720-2099, 1957 METEOR, two-door, écylinder, | ond brakes, color is with red upholstery, top, white wall tires and radio, under 6,000 miles. PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up stan: dard transmission, perfect --_ condition $3600 or down, Liens paid off, 'throughout, Best' cash offer, Telephone|rounts aayeners.. "We carry Restonie 725-605), and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Apply 590 Annapolis DODD MOTOR SALES Dial 728 4334 314 PARK RD, SOUTH i - en coe 'ie may ae idoor sedan, excellent condition through: seme ; : i "he iz "VOLKSWAGEN, radio, cond! ton throughout, Nor re asrogres a Eres lephane. Taessss "$1195 or best eason fused. Will accep? older American car 728-0558, atts eer $11,900 $1,500 DOWN 3 bedroom. split level with recreation room, Call Bill _ Johnston now ot 728-1066. ATHOL ST. E $9,900 FULL PRICE a room bungalow with gor- age, Situoted on quiet end of street. Modern oil heat, Re- quires ao substantial down payment, Coll Ed Drumm right now for appointment, to inspect, at 728-5123 or 725-9345. NORTH EAST $2,000 DOWN Five room brick bungelow with garage and poved drive, Nicely landscoped lot with shrubs and trees, Finished recreation room. Excellent terms and only $75 month- Call trwin Cruikshanks at GUIDE REALTY ¥50°8205 or 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street' North, 723 121 Oshawa, Ontario. TED ~~ Drive built home J0-ACRE parcels of garden land near, Courtice, $5,000., terms. Call Joe Bar- noski, 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estate tty Bowmanville, "JA. SHERIFF REAL ESTATE ° PHONE 728-1673 4 BEDROOMS -- 9 room, storey home in Port 20 minutes from Osh- wa, Situated on a well treed a wep . FLOYD REALTY | Stuctecie ie mane ona High Schools. Two fireplaces, (OSHAWA) LTD, 3 {ie asia oil peating Owner commuting ond must sell, Listed at $12, 500 with $1,000 DOWN terms, Open to 4 eason- EVANGELINE DR, offer further 5% room modern brick bung- slow, 3 bedrooms, walkout basement, Pierson windows, wear old. 6 ceramic tiled both, 6 00: ) Apple Hill N.HA mortgage $ } to Put and monthly covers | j Principal and Toxes $12,000 SELL OR TRADE 8 room CHURCH walking Simeoe Street ner repalra, all mite Parts, attach M estim reread guaranteed rebuilt, bo RESALE BUNGALOW $800 DOWN Two extra rooms in base ment plus three piece bath- room, Five modern rooms on main floor, Situated on Shakespeare, close to schools and bus service. Coll Bill Millar, 725-1186 THREE COTTAGES 0 N SCUGOG ISLAND AND RICE LAKE Immediate possession, Com- pletely. furnished with. inside conveniences. Your lot fronts on the lake. Asking $4,500 with terms, Call Bill Millor 725-1186 or 7 W. T. LAMSON Let us help you plan your future home in Beou Volley or take advantage of the many plons ond prices al- ready on hand that suit your family requirements lf you need early occuponcy, we have homes neoring completion for your inspec tion, Call 728-7328 and make an appointment now Perry 'or, fully equipped, $2,950 after § pm, |telephone 728-8210 lias INTERNATIONAL 100, new, V8 motor, saddle tanks, wheel and dump box, with class F-PCV) heence Telephone 723-228), |isk) FORD. Parlly customized, 8950. |Has to be sewn, Telephone 648-8371, | Whitby |19a0 OLDSMOBILE sedan good clean car, 728-1820 i962 CORVAIR MONZA, two-door sports coupe, Black and red interior, auto. matic Telephone after 6 p.m. 668-2837, 1950 FARGO panel rack running!!! Dundas Street West condition, Telephone 728-4 |RADIO, portable transistor, three 1958 PONTIAC two-door, scat" condition,|bands, FM short wave broadcast. bive and white finish, radio, $350, Dial/Eleven transistors, five diodes, one 728-4046. baristor, cost $190, Sell for $70, Just WS CHEVROLET threeton stake truck |\ie, Mune for the cottage, Dial 639-3502 J Telephone 725-8504 1963 IMPALA sports coupe "Vi, stick shift, power windows, heavy duty sus. pension, over-size tires, Brooklin bead | S750. FIBREGLASS Larson" boat, 1660, Fvinrude motor, electric start, cenit and boat tratlee $1185, Telephone 725- 6718 after RANGE aie 30 automatic rolls. jslere in oven, only one year old. Like |new. Must sell, $180 or best offer: Also \double bed, $20. Dial 7aa-1656. ag | We'll buy furniture or wiper nearly |e fifth isco" CHEVROLET Impala fourdoor| Our authorized = GE Been gl Contact 723-942) hardtop, automatic tranamission, Honest Cal's on King Stroet Bast, Var: / | d N ~Gooa-Bye ain hea, oe Tae Mary Street, evenings, TR5-8154, PIANO wanted in" condition, 3 svar: And A Pleasant Vacation To You: In One Of These GOOD BUY SED CARS $74 PRINCIPAL, INTEREST TI wait this well n ex cellent condition and ino fine REAL ESTATE LTD, lacotion, érid give us 4 call 67 King Street East, to_ inspect 8 room 24 Oshawa ee ee "yi treed yerd. Priced JOHN A, J 3,900. with year ediote BOLAHOOD | sete i | iD REALTORS LTD eee one ce INSURANCE be yours in this 4 bedroom , brick right Simeoe St. > 25 ONTARIO STREET oa « a ae notural dining OFFICE HRS room ist (9 A.M. TO 9 P.M) os bedrooms: ond. 4 MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT AND SOLD c 1 OPEN EVENINGS Asking aTUDENTS A super value, 29---Automobiles For Sale mately 690 sheets of i958 PONTIAC Sirato Chie? coach, & ster, standard, radio, good condition ce $975. Dial 725-7792 two storey ST. 4 bed distance of. down town, close to dsepcrate school, church, high school and Hospite!. Will trade for small bungalow in north end, EASY TERMS INSPECT, MAKE OFFER R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-9571 ~46 King W. OPEN EVENINGS Gerry Barrow Steve Lehon toxes ¢ House va- possession, CONVEN- SPACIOUS- sider home can bedrooms up, 4 pc. bath TELEVINON tes tower apecis apecial, @ structure, including all channel antenna installed and guaranteed by experts with 10 years experience, $50." Trie hi ; | Television, telephone 728-6781, 190 AUSTIN, perfect new | |RANGE, W POO ges eee tires, Diet 728-2128 lier relttniraea ak oe Pg Bg mg |ia42 CHEVROLET sedan, automatic 6, | mediate" bdieycle ales alten eet, Dial jwheel-dises, back-up, lights, arm rests, bemeos 182100. Telephone 725-8316. Phistie, deluxe mode! in excel- 11962 SPRITE, bive soft top and hardtop, ese eaten brown and beige. Dial |9,000 miles, excellent condition, -Apply | 728-8197. }4t Masson Street se _ BOAT, aluminum, 14 Rh. oS hp lias MERCURY Comet Deluxe, 5,000) 1961 motor, like new, Must sell, Dial miles. Asking $2,195. Private sale, Apply /725- s914, a condition, -- living firpelace kitchen the 2nd floor IN LOVE WITHA CERTAIN NEW CAR? room ond On well as 4 ™ tiled on floor BUY IT NOW WITHA | LOW-COST, LIFS-INSURED SCHOFIELD- AKER OFF KING ST. EAST -- bath there is a sed in sun porch overlook- well 'treed back yard ing a Bert Peyton METCALF - 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 INDUSTRIAL LAND Ideal Commercial or indus- trial site on Comer of Rus- sett Ave. and Simcoe St. North olready zoned ond perfect for warehousing or similar enterprise with office location on Simcoe St. North --epprox. 1¥2 ocres in all. Call for full information ond prices etc. right now SACRIFICE PRICE Look! Only $11,900.00 for this delightful brick ranch bungolow, Full 3 bedroom plen and all newly decorated throughout. Large londscap- ed lot and ail the extras. Low down payment ond very reasonable terms. See this home now. Vendor moving to Toronto ond wants, to sell immediotely. READY FOR. YOU Move right in to this shorp 3 bedroom roncher. Asking only $12,800.00 for 3 bed- roms, living, dining ond large kitchen, paved drive, landscoped and lots of ex- tras. Well worth @ look -- Cell us now for your in- spection. : A REAL BEAUTY Imagine -- a completely finished basement 42° re- Creation room ond oi! with 3 lerge bedrooms, kitchen end dining and broodioomed living room and a hall, All this in a fully decorated and equipped clay brick bunge- low and listed at only $13,- 900.00 with © reosonable terms. TRI-PLEX One of the nicest tri-plexes in this orea -- 2 apts rent for $110.00 one for $100. month. The price is right on this one -- call us now, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Ken Hoenn Jack Osborne yeor old 5 room brick cS golow. 3 bedrooms, large living room and lorge kit- chen with seporete eating erea. Owner must sell os he hos purchased another home in enother City, Give us a call now to inspect. Open to offers. JUST LISTED -- Stone front split level home with o beau- tiful view. This home hos o large modern kitchen, sepo- rate dining room, built-in bookcase in living room, Pic- ture a home in a good lo- cation in an area of fine homes, then coll us to see the rest SUITABLE FOR A FAMILY thet wants a. home that is immaculate, and easy on the budget, very reasonoble, cor- ries for $75.00 monthly, principal and interest. Only $9,300. tote! price. Some- thing like this is hord to find so don't delay. Phone now to see this property - to-morrow may be too lote. WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW WE HAVE GOOD BUYERS FOR THE. FOL- LOWING TYPE OF HOMES. (1) 4 bedroom home in the Masson ond Mary St. erea between Aberdeen dnd Rossiand Road. } 6 room bungalow in the Grandview Gardens area East of Hormony Rood Ww. (3) 6 room. bungalow w gorage in the Rosslyn Estotes oreo. SACRIFICE $13,900 Owner says sell - 5 room ranch bungalow,. very good condition - attoched gerage with breezeway, large bed- rooms, tiled bath, on o very torge lot,' Quiet orea in North-east. Close to Shopping Plaza. Only 7 years old. Here is a home thet is worth more then the asking price. 723-2265 - Open 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5. MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 BILL McREETERS 725-1726 Chorlie Choytor 723-7996 REG. AKER 725-0201 KEN MORRIS 623.5406 Bowmonvilie) John Kemp Dick Barringe : Joe Moga 360 King St. W, Free Porking WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- One-bedroom basement|SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service modern building. Oen-on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut |, O05 Green Street. Tele-/Strect West, Whitby 668-2562, | Apply Apartment 4 GRESSMAKING Sults, coats, dresses, . two rooms, alterations, si. covers, drapes. Fitting a @ specialty. Mrs. Toms, 66-2373. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 sae -- Recordin ee ve MODERN self coniained apartment, Buy, se! oF nag Bs nS pai livingroom, bedroom, bath, kitchen and appliances. Gooiés Furniture, *3 tility room, Rent $75, adults only, Call East, 460-581. Whithy 688-2084 |ROOoM "and board for gentleman, clean, ge et a ge No, children. Abstainer. and laundry. Dial 666-4769./ Boots, Conces, Cor Top aoavaue high pressure steam cleaner, | Boots, Outboord Motors, operates anywhere. Like new condition.| B Troilers, Tents, Stoves, Breech ang a? high pressure, Excetient tor | sna Apply 7) ead FOR RENT OLIVE AVE. Large store and eight room brick home, Store has wolk in freezer, large show win- dows, House has new ail fur- nece. Asking $12,900 with @ $1,000 down, Call now, and ask for Mr. Ratcliffe ot 725-6544 BELVEDERE AVE. East End -- at Seven Day Adventist Church, Lovely modem ranch brick bunga- low, attached breezeway ond goroge. Many, many extra features. Must be seen. Ask- ing $17,500 with $3,000 down. Call now to inspect. Mr. Appleby et 725-6544 or 723-3398 SIMCOE ST. Five room home with store or office front. Good base- ment for storage. Has walk out to back entrance, Ask- ing $11,500. with $1,500 down, Must be seen. Phone Mr. Rotcliffe at 725-6544, OPEN TO OFFER 6 room 1% storey insul brick with barn used as two car gorage. Lot 66' x 165' toxes only $91.00. Located in the village of Ragion. Es- tate sale must be sold. Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544 or 725-2217. We List tt To Sell AS MODERN AS TO-MOR- ROW ---- Excellent value will be obtained by the purchaser of this fine size living room, Hollywood kitchen, 3 bright bedrooms. Cheerful kitchen is 13 x 8 4 pc. bathroom plus vanity. Attoched garage ---- deep dry bosement. Location between Oshowa and Whitby. BRAND NEW HOMES now under construction with down poyment as low as $933. These ore 3 ond 4 bed- room quality built homes in en. Grea anyone will be proud to live in. Call us to view models $12,500 - VERY DESIR- ABLE 5 room brick ranch bungalow located in East End in one of Oshowo's nicest de- velopments.. 3 bright bed- rooms, good size living room, lerge kitchen with seporaote eating ores. Clean os o pin inside ond well londscaped. Monthly peyments including Toxes only $78.00 ~ 514% mortgage. Will sell quickly $0 give us a call now, SACRIFICE $13,900 -- Owner soys sell - 5 room ranch bungolow, very gond condition - atteched gorage with breezewoy, large bed- rooms, tiled bathroom a very jorge Quiet area in North-eost. Close to Shopping Plozo. Only yeors old. Here is o home thot is worth more thon the. asking price. 723-2265 - Open 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5 jot SCHOFIELD- AKER. and Alexandra Park to schools, Hospite! ond bus. Give us a call todey to in- spect. JUST OUTSIDE THE CITY bungalow tiled both, Balcony off the dining room with a large bedrooms, 4 pc. room. with a lovely Large lot 90 x out. basement, $15,800. view, Full 5 ROOM BRICK HOME on Private drive ond with basement. Asking $10,000 with terms. KING ST, EAST AT WILSON lot with 5 Excellent business. Hoig St. garage extra 3 pe. beth stool in ommercial room bungolow locetion for your Asking only $14,500 TAUNTON RD. WEST - --- and a chorm- ing bungolow with attached Limits. large modern kit- room, room, Five acres - goroge Beoutiful chen. 27 & nicely oum et City living finished rec storms ond screens, circuler drive, ond a 3,500 gol. soft water cistern property . is different well worth inspection 4 BEDROOM, 2 toched garage with Living room L-shaped dining orea plus Hollywond kitchen. 2 Pc. washroom on the main tloor ond 5 piece both up- Stoirs. with shower doors. This home is on a large 90 x 175 landscaped lot and hos many extras such es broadioom, fon in_ kitchen, electric heating and covered verandah ot back. Give us a call to inspect this ex- ceptional home 'to-day. OSHAWA AT LAKEVIEW PARK -- 12.53 acres, for- mer golf driving range, 'im- mediate possession. ideal investment, BUSY BODY SHOP -- Going concern, must be sold, build- ing jess than I yr. old with modern 5 room apt. All the lotest equipment in drying and spraying. Locoted just Outside Oshawa with plenty of room for expansion. COUNTRY RANCHER locet- ed just outside the city. En- iov @ spacious bright home with bracing oir ond lots of sunshine. Three lorge bed- roms, extra lorge living room with fireploce, dining room ond efficient modern kitchen. Extra lerge 4 pe. tiled both. with vanity. At- tached goroge ond covered tio. Full basement. This hame is in tip top condition ond we shall be giod to give you on mspection. JUST LISTED -- Corner gorcery Store with seven rooms for owner. Immediote possession. Call today for full. particulars. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Close 179, walk price This ond STOREY HOME with breezeway and at- | For full particulars coll 723-1121 | Lioyd Corson irene Brown | pod BCEITIP LAM LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA K.O. USED CARS At Roy W. Nichols In Courtice and Bowmanville 1960 Envoy Sedan Rodio. and heoter, color, 1959 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan Standard six cylinder wind- shield washers, white wall tires, bock up lights. Red in color. 1959 Chevrolet Station Wagon Silver gray finish. - Eight cylinder, stondard transmis- sion, Radio. 1959 Vauxhall Victor Black with red trim. Radio and seat belts and wind- shield washers. 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne Coach Standard, woll tires. 1957 Volkswagen Radio. Ideal for economical transportation, $550 Aqua in six cylinder, white 1956 Pontiac Sedan White woll tires. Nice and clean in white ond green, 1956 Chevrolet Station Wagon New motor job, cleon throughout, 1955 Pontiac Two-Door Hardtop Six cylinder, SMissiOn, woll tires, automobile. gutomatic tran' radio, ond white A good clean At Ontario Motor Sales | | 1962 Chevrolet STATION WAGON Four door with power steer- ing and power brakes, $2495 1962 Chevrolet SEDAN $1775 1961 Chevrolet BELAIR COACH $1795 1961 Ford SEDAN $1575 1960 Chevrolet SEDAN With custom radio. $1545 1960 Falcon | TWO DOOR | $1195 | TWO DOOR $775 1958 Pontiac TWO DOOR $895 1958 Vauxhall CRESTA Six cylinder, $595 1957 Buick FOUR DOOR HARDTOP $595 1956 Chevrolet DELUXE TWO DOOR 1956 Pontiac $695 FOR THE FISHERMAN'S VACATION | 1956 DODGE, automatic 1956 STUDEBAKER Sedan 1955 MONARCH Hardtop 1960 Volkswagen 1962 Corvair COUPE Equipped with custom radio, $1995 1962 Chevrolet SEDAN door, finished in' Red. $1995 1961 Corvair SEDAN Two-tone finish, $1395 1961 Hillman CONVERTIBLE With radio, $1295 1960 Corvair DELUXE SEDAN Custom radio, $1295 Four 303 Highland Avenue 1960 RENAULT Caravelle, tops, low mileage, snow tires, 725-3073, radio, excellent condition, | 47 mpg, palr new Dial 1960 "Voiks" station wagon, ieee et sige 1961 NSU Prinz, 60 miles per ion, 7,000 miles; also 1950 Chev iain 623-2020 after 5 p.m. i VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshowa 728-0921 ~~ KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD, 1200 Dundes Street WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quolity | TILDEN | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS {All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. 1960 Volkswagen 36--aAutomobiles Wanted SUNLINER Custom ' redio. $975 1959 Vauxhall SEDAN $795 1958 Chevrolet SEDAN Custom radio, $975 1957. Pontiac TWO DOOR $685 1957 Oldsmobile SEDAN Automatic transmission, $495 $75 $65 $175 Come in to-night or at your earliest conven- ien,ce and let us talk terms with you . . , our well qualified salesmen are here to serve you from 9 a.m, until 9 p.m, Mondays through Fridays and on Saturdays | TARESHORE Auio Wreckers want care) for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Wentworth East 28-1181, |NEVER sell your car or your half-ton j pickup until you see Nels =. 1750 |Danfirth Avenue, Toronto, HO' 16964. 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 FIBREGLAS 'BOAT 14 ft. with 40 hip, Evinrude Lork motor, convertible top, heavy duty tilt-frome trailer and mony other extras, Price $1300 Telephone 728-4113 What's My Line? Buying or "soe used fure niture ond a nanan For your needs phon Valley Sead: Purnia 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. BOAT 14 we FIBREGLAS 25 hp. motor, con- bond + er lights, heavy duty Gator trailer, complete for water skiing, $650 TELEPHONE 725-7887 BOATS,. MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler Ma- son, O.M.C. and Larson Boots. Evinrude, Volve-Pento and O.M.C. 88 Motors. Open Until 8 P.M, MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont, 655-3641 31---Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 SERVICE Hove your Austin, Morris, M.G., Heoley, Sprite, Volvo, T.R. serviced by foctory mechenics, large ports de- partment, work guoronteed. NELS HYLAND 1750 Danforth, Toronte HO 1-7572 Starr Furniture and Appliances YOUR EXCLUSIVE MERCURY OUTBOARD DEALER DIAL 723-3343 New 1963 Mereury 35 hp. outboard motors, both electric and manuel starting ot re- duced prices. : Johnson 1958, 18 h.p. elec- tric starting, like new, com- plete with controls -- $215. Mercury 1958, Mark 25-20 h.p. complete with controls and steering bracket, excel- lent condition --- $225. 1951 Evinrude, 7¥ h.p. like new ----~ $65. 1954 10 hp. Scott-Atwoter rr aap with bole-e-motie Viki 5 hp. A-!. she = $100. 4 '32--Articles For Sale New Teenee Trailers from $115 up. All sizes, Custom and Ready-Made DRAPERIES Most Reasonable. Prices Drapery Fabrics Regular Price per yard $1.98 SPECIAL NOW PES a, | We instel! dropery tracks at a Nominal Fee M. and C, The famous Spring - Bok Rocket. The 5 yeor uncon- ditionally guaranteed clum- inum 14 ft. boat -- $575, JULY SPECIAL 12. FT. ALUMINUM CAR TOP BOATS, FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE ee Easy Payment Terms Arranged STARR Furniture and Appliances 491 Ritson Rd. S. DIAL 723- 3343 (Continued on Page a Steve Englert Steve Zurba Lucas Peocock Dick Young Leon. Monitius . Tony Siblock Roy. Flintoff leaning 'heavy construction equipment! Lonterns, etc. te car engines, Every Service Station! tT Trojlers Cebin jané Machinery owner should have one! ent ond i Troilers. | Reasonable price. Phone 723-9968 afier 6 Pm. WILDE oe erence Stove, "refrigerator, 'util: tes @ parking, central location, sult RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas East Whitby 668-3226 couple. $75 monthly. Also two-room and b from 9 a.m, until 5 p.m, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 Bond Street West TELEPHONE 725 - 6501 REG. AKER 725-0201 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO . 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 BILL McFEETERS' 125-1726 CHARLIE CHAYTOR 723-7996 . KEN MORRIS 623-5406 Bowmanville) --T 360 King St. W.. Free Perking | Drapery and 'Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs Call us today. 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa ¥ « ROY W. NICHOLS: COURTICE AND BOWMANVILLE 728-6208 Jean Peacoc Guide naa Limited Realtors 16 Simcoe St. 5S, bath, stove and refrigerator, $535 monthly Dial 668-3577. BICYCLE repairs used bicycles. Guar- entieed work. Pick-op, delivery. Pov y roe U7 Tiee Street,

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