Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jul 1963, p. 26

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*26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneadey, July 17, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINES SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account| ant, 323 ing | Street West, Oshawa, Tele)' phone 723! Building Trades ne YOUR LOCAL "CHIMNEY cleaner, bulit and it gas lin. ings installed, furnaces vacuumed, Free 723-2997. BOB CLANCE'S Accounting Complete bookkeeping service, 184 oe Bend Street West, 725-0997, Res. 723-7605. ROOFING. louvers allied. Siding, pre rockin anal: ROLD £, DEWAR, Accredited Pub- te Accountant, Commercial Building, 206 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-2221, LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Urevnan, Suite 203, Oshawa Shop) -- Ping Centre, 725-9053 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIERL, and a,, Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 128 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax Wi? 2 W:" 2.0890, Whitby MO MO 8-413). YALE, "FRIEDLANDER and Co. Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus. tees in Bankruptcy, 4 King Street Bast, 728-737) HOPKINS, BEADLE AND ¢ tered Accountants, 167 King Bireet East, Oshawa, _Ontario. 725-3509, WILSON and BURROWS, chariered accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh-/ awa; Ronald F, D, Wilson, CA; G. Burrows. CA, 728-7344. Appliance Service SEWING pag onal Brogge oS = mee els by your Eina ing Centre, 329 gine Sues" "sou 1. SAVE AT. WESTERN: SERVICE CENTRE Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West--728-1607 "BIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" isters H © VICTOR BA, LLB, Tister, Solicitor and Notary Pubiie Simeooe North, 723.3446. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers. Seu ete, Lea King Street Be Dial Residence Phone: J QC, 725-3368; Terence V, Kelly, =! S832. Bar- $ DAVID L., Barrister, Sollcl- tor, 34 Simooe Street South. 725-9502 Residence 725-0264 JosEra P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, rae 14 232 G. M. Drynan, jurdoch, 723-4788. oale x. Creighton, ta ® ? _" L. Mortg ee bought, eon and arranged id EES BRUCE -V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. "ga a funds sven. _ Street RALPR ska: GREER, Associat citors, 130 King Street Morgage loans available. Lovis & HYMAN, Qc. Notar., Alger Bui) Street East, T2403 seeteeee monies available t THOMAS | bal and Soll fave 728- 6246. , Soli- quaranteed, H. Tucker, 728-0826, our specialty 'pg and and Construction, GHIMNEYS bi aid also ee F. MeCann, 655-308) ALL Te of building repairs, ing, chimneys. stoops, Gordon May, 728-02%, ACKERMAN Excavating --- Loading Sand, Gravel, Fill And Top Soil Dump Truck | Reasonable Rates | PHONE 623-5756 | _BOWMANVILLE | HOME REPAIRS | | Kitchen cabinets, vanities, | roofing, Any kind of cor- pentry repairs. - LE 2- 6182 TORONTO COLLECT "PLASTERING New and = repairs, cement work, parging ments. Remodelling monship guoranteed estimotes A WOODS 728-3420 | SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, FILL N. G. BARTER 725-7119 A. FOSKETT AND SONS Roofing, Sheet Metal, Paint- ing, Decorating, Caulking. expert home repairs. No job too big or too small -- We give service to them ail. FREE ESTIMATES 668-5906 or 668- 2341 | Cartage stucco, base- Work- Free JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE Oshawa Whitby Reasonable rates Fully equipped and insured. 728-966! HUMPRREYFS. ( BOXCHNY ei MAN, Street Ore, " King ar B. Hum- a G. § Beyehys, Qc; W. A. imam, LLR Office: T21-S177; Resi- DRESSMAKING a rg, Mra. Eldridge, 67 Montra -' Dressmaking alterations. | pant cuft- Tease: t experienced, TA, Waitby: 668-2761, NHA and other mortgage! funds available. DODDS AND DONALD, Bardistere ana SODS DELIVERED. 1 Solcitors, oe 69 King Street East. Tea . JAMES A. MacDONALD, 1 Barrister and Solicitor and Nota . The Commercial Building, 236 Wem, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking available. 725-4716 or 135-4717. | Dadtington Garden's ve fll BA, LEB, ville, 633.3905. <4 ae kee GEMENT gravel and driveway gravel, sand and fill. | Brantin, Whithy 668-2660. Gardening and Supplies a as B ge Se, Prun-) Patios delivered, Buna Bowman. For delivery call Eric McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| toy yy nes COwr,, SRG, chain saw Solicitors. first mortgages, 20 Sim: oe T28-7336- Charlies C. Edga Bastedo, ec. = ¥ SALMERS. BA, "Barrister, § Solici- tor, etc. 1344 Simece Street N Office 123-1101. Residence 725-342. Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING Services, Income a Returns. Statements prepared Services, 7 Newman C reseeatl (@68-5252. BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax Returns. Statem Prepared, BC Ser. Vices. 708 New Crescent, 668-8252 Building Trades mece Stre et fl. sand £ Gressing a Clients" funds available for poe cattcantea Dist 125 nothing too big MeGibbon, CEME TERT. "and road gravel, top } all purposes. Loam fill, gravel M Pulverized loam for top Mower beds, 100 per cent 33-5279. DAVEY TREE SERVICE Pruning, spraying,' feeding, bracing, tree and stump re- movals. "The oldest and lorgest tree saving service in the world." 723-1361 sam for (usable, Dial BRICK CLEANING -- Have your home ~ cleaned like new by pdro-Selica method, no dust Free estimates. Call Stan's Sharpening anl Rental Lid., 733.3228, WALCO CONSTRUCTION For guoronteed home. im- provements, store ond office remodelling,. expert workmaon- Free estimates _Whitby 668-441 2 GORD'S © JANITOR SERVICE Exp er enced cleaners on 1 ceilings ond ship s sidentio! ond Corertercial Bonded and insur 723-1 302 ~~ | Reginners Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill i Excavating, lots leveled i Loaders. Trucks for hire | BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 Instruction FXPERT tuition in Freach by "quali fied teacher. Ima: u or advance available PRIVATE teacher, $ years expe only ak now LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING shingles; roof and gable carpentry, materials ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing new work and repairs, sarge and email jobs. L. and H. Roof- ps Brooklin. rook fireplaces, sidewalks, ~jagreements purchased and sold, ality ~~ Money To Loan Rug-Upholstery Service MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Low Interest Valuations Arranged Residential - City,and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Members Ontario Morgtage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Mortgages PROMISE your children a pet? Well, you'll find just the right one offered in "Pets" in Classified. Turn to Classifica tion 3 now FIRST AND SECOND ~ mortgages, ~ Sale Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street Easi,. 723-7232 PRIVATE and corporation Joan on all types of mortgages; mort- Rages and agreements of sale pur chased, Creighton, Drynan and Mur doch, (See heading "Rarrister.".) MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7 Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations ges and Agreements r second mortgages ce M. F. SWARTZ 26 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723- 4697 1ST TIME IN CANADA 15 YEAR 2nd MORTGAGES CORONATION Ltd Investment Co LIMITED The first ond foremost Con- eden c compony nm the field, now introduces long-term 15-yeor open 2nd Mortgages on house less than 10 years old-up to 10 yeors on older properties For full details, call 723-2265, after hours 728-3376 SCHOFIELD-AKER | LIMITED 360 Kino Street West Qnd and 3rd_ MORTGAGES WITHOUT LEGAL FEES public --No Bonus --Disco --Low Monthly Payments ~---NO LEGAL FEES SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- - Canadian Loan Company" 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 DAILY UNTIL 5:30 PM WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M SATURDAYS UNTIL 12 NOON OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT unt for Prepayment wh i 7 OFFIC monies to ARRANGE now to have your chester. field suite while on SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK No. down payment up to 8 months to! pay, Por estimate, phone ee hgh bagi age rebuilt, recovered like new, Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable, Satisfaction guaran- teed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up- holstery Co, 106 Bond West. [Nal 311. RUGS, chesterfields cleaned at your home, reasonable rates, Guaranteed satisfaction, Telephone 728-7037, CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered es re-siyled, Free estimates. See ou material for re-covering. Dalton Up. holstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- covered like new, Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451, Free estimates, Sales and Service ART'S 1% EARRINGS ARE. WORN BY THE WEALRY WOMEN oF KUN, (BET 40 WADICATE THEIR HIGH GfATION IM LIFE, GUN REPAIR CUSTOM GUN WORK | Reblueing, refinishing, stock- } making. | Guns peat, sold, exchanged WHITBY. 6e8. 2497 \Surveyors DONEVAN AND "FLIE SCHM. By R J. SCOTT REFUSED ; _ i$ CONSENT UNTIL BELL PERFECTED NYS KEW WYENTION, SCRAPS. ARE PECANS RICK IK aug YES. Some, VARIETIES ARE TEPERCENE F veycineton Cal Ot) Sl) aed Fan, COURSE YX LONDOS ENGLAND 16--Female Help Wanted Se il td 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 22--Offices, Stores, Storage |25--Aportments WOMAN t» look after three plus A Live in, Room and lephone children while mother works, Ages 8, 6 ag BUSINESS OFFICE, 350 aq, ft. Close to downtown and parking. Available Fouad ust 1, For information, dial 725-5132, SMALL basoment apartment, Yor one lady, ener oe reenitiee a, centra!; reasonable 728-4646, sultadle Inge APPRENTICE wanted for Z appearance. Write RIENCED salesiady for tor r Store, Must be ambitiou: and Athy Permanent lary. Write Box $08, Os Os! RELIABLE GIRL or women os id ogo ne in, no cooking re- quired, Dia' 728-; WAITRESSES | aanteoS also. dish washer. Apply Mr. osha Hot pal Campbell, Gen: for three children a duties, apply 74) Beaupre Avenue. HOME SEWERS for singie needie n chine sewing on blouses, Call Toronto, EM 6-0725, 18 to 21 years of age. Must have pleas- in; Box 97 Oshawa -~ Ladies' wig good JED woman wanted to care tive in preferred, days 'ont tean 'and PHONE 725-5132 board plus $IS week, After § o'clock © sth nde To Rent ma- Collect, | °° NEW OFFICES In Medical Center| wail211 Simcoe St. S. Available July 1963 Can be finished to suit Early Tenants, cou ih SSSR, "Sa act en! : Telephone 723-2118, * BLOOR AND Simcoe -- = ie Sire. + apartment, Laundry stove and rete 'ator, Fi cant, siroraor. Phone 725-0han, ~~ THREE-ROOM ~vnnrnihea-- ar esemece pe th, Private efitrance; ga age. $65, mon! Adults orci - elty limits, ie raat or neta. - ad ) school - iliac ih Bccrs THREE ROOM apartment unturnished, house, north end. pre: self contained, Apply 539 Albert street elephone 728-8070 wt bedroom ferred, by August 1, with option to buy. 7, in Help Wanted ie = plied. Must be @ppearance Wonderful opportunity. Cal Mr, Lee, 728-135: man, Indus |West, Osha Three full-time and $i $$ at Dominion Tire Store,| et outboard motors, 20 per cent 's, S's, 15's, 25's, 40's Phone" 13 6511, |4---Sportsman' s Column _|5--Farmer's Column FARMERS, need tires? Call Bill your} | and 60's.) tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue Dominion Tire representative, 725-4651) or prints, 11 _Ontario: Street 725- 3632 BH FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Survyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881 |TV---Radio Repairs -- | wHITRY TV serial and tower r bervice Tia) 668-8344. GUARANTEED repairs, ey all makes TV radio, car radios. Thompson Ele> tronics, 157 Ell ott, 723-9792, Fred. CY 1. For Oshawa ond Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satisfaction Paul Cieslar Prop. 51 Dean Ave. 725-0500 TV TOWERS inteenn: Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171) BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-6781 _ TV TOWERS conomy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Well Drilling--Digging WISE homemakers find bargains every- day in "Home Furnishings" to Classi fied. Smart, check today. WELL DIGGING by machine, special izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest a Street West, 668-2563 or Basin 3509. WILLIAM KROONTIE, € well digging. compressor work, cleanout and dee ~ ening. 468 Park Road South wi sot R MILE LAKE, ~ BILL LEMON WELL DIGGING Cleanouts, Deepenings, Compressor Work Telephone 728-0911 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair) dressing, 39 Pine Avenue. Telephone 733-538). |2---Personal iF YOU have a drinking problem, \ Box 333, Whitby, o 658.3034 SINGLE LADY would like rice to Fred ericton, New Brunswick, or Woods! 'eaving Oshawa on Fridey or Seaeoen Telephone 728 a. LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR PO Bax 339, Whitby, BALIBURTON -- |Teom doathouse evenings after six, 725-7263 CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid in dead and crippled farm stock ! one collect, Hampton, COlfax 3 Margwit's Fur Farm. Licence S-C 43 CUSTOM WORK DONE CUTTING GRASS OR RAK- ING_HAY-SIDE DRESS FER- TILIZER ON ROW CROPS SPRAY FOR INSECTS OR , WEED CONTROL -- PLOW- ING. DISCING OR CULTI- VATING PHONE. 728-3901 ANYTIME 7--Trailers ie SPECIAL 13 ft. cabin trailer, new, off Hist price. Telephone 725-9336. @ TAG-Aieng tent tralier six, like new, Telephone Witt steep Port Perry, ENDETTE _ sleeps f Phone 735. for travel trailer f $40. A G rent, equipped, weekly FOR SALE -- Giendette" house cs '2 foot, sleeps five, Propane stove and P28. 1108. RENT-A-TRAILER Hitches supplied Moving boat d cabin MONTY'S BA SERVICE SIMCOE AT GIBB 725-9131 water, ice box,/ light also electricity, 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent THREE-BEDROOM furnished cottage for sale, with living room and kitchenette, located on Stone Street East, Telephone 1723-9707 j | |11--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 RENTALS Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT--- folding chairs, hand planes, nail pullers, staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, caulking guns, tape recorders, TV sets, transistor radios, tile polish- ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell shampooer, portable cooler, dehumidifiers, air condition- er, flight bags, megaphone speaker, strapping machine, baby carriages, C.C.M. "ex. ercisers, sewing machines Massaging belts, coffee urns, appliance cart CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 mm, slide camera, movie projector, slide projector, movie comera screen, sun- gun, binoculars GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- tric hedge clippers, post hole ougers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, garden sprayer, seed- ers, lawn sweeper, fence stretcher, post drive, tree pruners, scythes, lown areo- tors, sod cutters, garden tiller flame gun. CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, tent heoters, 's ng bags, liners, air mattress. Coleman stoves, jonterns, coolers; car top carriers, wo- ter skis, life jockets, out- boerd motors STAN'S Sharpening and Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshowa Phone 723-3224 five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants, Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work, Fuller Brush Co; Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED | Must be honest, reliable and hove a desire for high earn- ings. Call KEITH PETERS REALTOR 725-4162 Opening For Young Man With leading Intemational Company as soles clerk, with excellent opportunities for the future company bene- fits. Grode 12 education preferred Apply in writing to BOX 909 OSHAWA TIMES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR TWO MEN Aged 21 - 35 who are mechanically inclined. to train as Advertising ond Soles Representatives |¥WO-BEDROOM tornished cottage ond pectin Wanted doat on Head Lake to 3, SI Dial €232 FOUR-ROOM cotta piece Ddath, shower boards «and sink Lakeside Beach, 4. LAKE SCUGOG -- tage. sid Norland. August 2775. fireplace, three- oom, kitchen cup Good swimmin: 723.7088. age. Boat Chinn, 10O-foot sandy beach, finished. In- Pressure system, furnished. Must sell, WIN accept reasonable cash offer.) Write Boh Northey, Bridgenorth. Tele- phone 292-8435. modern cot safe, sandy motors available. Tele- -- Fully ages, inside conveniences, ch, doats, "rd phone 2453 West Gyiford. 6 miles from} furnished four-piece stip, 30 6HP moter, row- » On beautifully four-bed- bathroom, modern cottage, wi th Sshawa, Cedar Cove Cottages, spacious 'grounds, -re- stere, Three-bedroom Frigidaire, $60 with August {7 to $3 > $836 daily, Plan a Good boats and mo. tors for rent by day or hour, Joha/ Frisken, Harwood. Phone ana 31,000 DOWN, balance one .mortgage, modern three Sa room cottage at Caes- area, andy ch, all conveniences. Im t Brcsoien Dial 723-2721 be. fore § p.m, evenings 725-6359. RICE LAKE safe swimming creation roon. cottage with ru fush toilet ete doat @ PICKERED LAKE -- housekeeping cot ages, inside conveniences, refrigerator, Stove, santy beach, good fishing. Helm, Figar Cottages Sundridge, Ont FREE LUMBER for new cottage tn ex change for demolition of present one. Near Oshawa, Write Box 728 Oshawa Times COTTAGES and lots on the Black River, 1© miles orth of Uxbridge. Tele * WANTED To BUY Three-bedroom col i Peterborough ---- for Oshawa Branch of » INTERSTATE ENGINERING yur half-ton pickup or you see Nels Hyland HO Avenue, Toronto. chanical S538 tools, also tool box -- one set of me Tal WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Row Furs, Deer Skins, Metals * (collect) 1. TURNER 2043 723 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cors For Wrecking Parts for sale, ulso scrap iron and metals, etc. bought Open Saturday ali day. Phone 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E. 723-2281. DIVISION Salary ond Bonuses For a Personal interview PHONE 723-1146 SHELL Canada Limited Requires clerk for Distribution plant operation in Port Hope oreo. | Applicants should be 20 to 25 |} yeors of age, with a back- ground of University Troin- 13--Business Opportunities| RESTAURANT AND PROPERTY. Com- mercial, Corner location suitable for bull- Reasonadie Frenchman's Bay ang stores or any business. price, Terms to. suit, area. Private. Pickering TE 9-380) CORNER John street, keal for other business, vacant July. 725-9544, restaurant 14--Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED woman with reference, ing, must have ability ond initiative to fill supervisory position following "On the Job " training, and be pre- pared to locote in other areas, if, and when required. STORE, Simcoe south and or Telephone Salary based on education and experience, all benefits, an excellent opportunity for the right man, would Hike office cleaning. Telephone Pic.) kering 839-3218. Reply in own handwriting, Oshawa Blvd, 1300. 8-28 years with neat TATHE-HAND, must be first class, for Jobbing Shop. Top wages to right al Tools, Bloor Street ™ jity _|preferred. Available now. 728-7742 after- 728-2362, : GARAGE wanted in Ritson North or North area, Telephone, -- THI aatinans electric stove ord refrigerator, laundry facilities, separe ate entrance, Suitable for business cou» [pe Centrat 725-2085. || THREE-BEDROOM house, prefer: with family or recreation room, requi by couple with one small child, on or Whitby area. Berean supplied it necessary, Telephone 725-653 essen senserenmaciymnententatnes DIVISION STREET 144, two room be | furnished apa: 4 es rtment, . private,, 2 Hou For Rent chen, stove, frig and water, $10 'wane THREE-BEDROOM "bungalow with walk) adults only, Apply above address, out basement, $115. monthly, possession, Call Dick Young, 723-1121. (26--Rooms For Rent [EXTRA large "furnished 1 Guide Realty Ltd, Realtors, 116 Simcoe South, housekeeping it ane or two, Apply 468 Simcoe SIX" ROOM house, centrally located on = Gibb street, three bedrooms, dining room, Sireet North. Dia TEM. jliving room, kitchen, garage, Teuonone CIVISION Street 299, furnished roe rooms | 723-9623. for rent. Kitcher - facilities. Telephone | PLEASANT COUNTRY home in pictur. 725-8702. jesqve setting, Fully equipped and win- CLEAN turnished bedroom. Suitable for terized. Near Ashburn. Unusual terms./one or two. Close fo north General Write Box 904, Oshawa Times. Motors, Parking. Telephone 723-7917, CLEAN four-room bungalow with gar G4 SHAKESPEARE -- furnished bed- age. Centrally located, $75 monthly,/ room, abstainer preferred, Kitchen privity Call 723-7244 i eges, quiet home. Bus service outside the NORTH OSHAWA, hospital district, two! 70r Near GM. Dial 728-9394. bedrooms, refrigerator and range includ:| FURNISHED ROOM near hospital, North ed. Adults preferred, $90. per month. General Motors. Kitchen privileges and 723-1745 laundry facilities. Suit lady or gentle man, After 5 p.m. 723-1300, QUEBEC STREET, 25 -- Centrally 4 to Private cated, single furnished room, private. ene above ad- bedroom self contained apartment, main floor with priv vate entrance, $85 per month, Available August Ist 5-6588, |'25--Apartments THREE ROOMS, unfurnished. bath and enirance, adults only. Apply \ap/trance. Apply after 7 p.m. Gibb Street. THREE ROOM apartment, furnished or CAROE; furnished bedsitting room, vane partly furnished, clean, quiet home, all) |"Y Cabinet with sink, hot and cold water conveniences. Adults. Abstainers, vicin-| ( TOOM 5 minutes to Oshawa ane Elgin and Mary, Write Box 930,|Cen're. Apply 460 King street wes {Oshawa Times. CENTRALLY jocated. "Double bedroom, isco, | FOUR-ROOM apartment in the coun-|f@lly furnished, Kitchen and laundry try with iawn and garden, Separate facies, Business girls only Tele entrance, modern conveniences, $60.) Phone 725-1918 monthly, adults. Telephone Brooklin COLBORNE EAST, 655-3481 room for rent |ONE bachelor apartment, also a one-| 728-3258. laure apartment. Di 23. |FURNISHED two t Tooma, = Rood BEATTY AVENUE, 18 -- Furnished) 'T8nce, also large single tree jtwo rooms, self-contained apartment,|P®"king, very central, 'Apply 9 96 Centre |priv ate entrance, television outlet, Laun-| Street. |Gry_ facilities, Suitable for couple PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single oF |ATHOL STREET EAST, 441 -- three. @ubdle. Television privileges, Free parle room apartment. Abstainers, Adults|'"8. Weekly or nightly rates, 725-9035, jonly. Telephone 725-3425 after 6 p.m. CELINA STREET, 135 -- room, large | FouR, ROOM apartment with ba th single, 7 sig clean home, gentlemen on! land TV outlet, near store and south) Ne@r Four Corners, After 3 p.m. General Moors.' Apply $25 Lorraine Seve _eddress Street NEVER sell your car or half-ton picle FOUR-ROOM apartment, self-contain-/UP until you see Nels Hyland, 1750 ed, heat and water included, adults) "*2forth Avenue, Toronto, HO 1 jonly, Available August 1, Apply 68 Mc-/CLEAN bed - sitting room with pr private Milan Drive, before 8 p.m bath, in good home, central, Bus at door, NEWLY decorated four-room apart. Telephone 7258876 0 ment, electrically equipped. Very cen-/ BROCK STREET EAST, 148--Single fur jtral, Close to hospital, $75. monthly. n'shed room. lady or gentieman, use of |Adults preferred, Dial 723-7244. ki'chen and washing machine. Telephone | THREE furnished rooms, newly =. TIER |reten, sess, Shenae Contre. gene oa ~~ ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS Street. Available in private home. zpartment in private home, close to Sbuth [LARGE bedsitting . oF Five room bungalow in cen- street, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS TWO-ROOM ierge), furnished Call between 5 and 7 p.m, jGeneral Motors. Telephone 725-2351. "room, Unfurnished, modern kitchen tral location for genuine EULALIE AVENUE, 256 -- three-room ' PRINTED PATTERN ees "18 -- Farnisbed After 7 p.m., telephone ment, clos to downtown, available ime | | mediately, Reasonable rent. Sult one or its. Telephone 728-0933, \74 DREW STREET -- three-room apart: NORTH iment, furnished, stove, _ refrigerator; |Ecoran couple preferred, No children. 27-----Real Estate for Sale electrically equipped, Sir. Conditioner, washer and Gryer, pri-) vate bath, to suit widow or business! cash buyer. Cali Henry Stinson second floor apartment. Private en- 723-1133 trance and bath. Newly decorated. Adults) Evenings 25-024. STREET WEST, 19 -- Fourroom Central, available Apgust 1, 1963. WANTED lady, Dial 723-2428 or apply 210 Mary) CARL OLSEN, Realtor noons. 12%a--22%2 ot ddd Ee At tell aath i di pint din A } * CES IN ONTARIO EXPERIENCED women deuires -- work by hour or Gay. Telephone 725-8754.) SERVICE STATION attendant or general! handyman requires a jod. Experienced Tet 723-1316. " LADY would like a position in a private AUGUST 3 TO 18 -- One or two weeks, home doing general housework. no Sbedroom cottages on Rice Lake, safe) sooking. Live in preferred. Write Box wiring spacious playground. Cot. 708 Oshawa Times. tages have flush toilets. trigiaaires, runtiing water, etc. $80. weekly. * 16--Female Help Wanted RELIABLE boat. Motors available. Phone it me 4 GIRL or write Cedar Cove Cottages, Harwood, 18 yeors or more, For Gro- Ont COTTAGE -- Sturgeon Lake, cery Store, Single. With some cash register experience. _ 728-0851 week. Telephone 728-7844. FOR RENT houseboat at Anchor, six miles south of Peterboro on the Otonabdes, 3 minutes from Oshawa. Sleeps five, Availadle July, August and September. Show Canada's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, Nov- Fhone Grono 2 2 BEECH LAKE, furnished cotfege for elties, etc. to friends and rel- atives. Over 300 items. For sale, sand beach, boat. Turn right at free, beoutifully illustrated Carnarvon at Mediey's, for two miles end follow signs » Martin's ---- catalogue, somples on approv- ai ond the fastest service, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. LADIES EARN $30 to $40 Working two or more even- ings: per week -- Hours 8 p.m. until 11 pom. No can- vossing. Cor on. asset. For interview coll MRS. JARVIS UNTIL, 7 P.M. 728-7412 stating age, education, pre- vious experience and salary desired, No telephone or per- sonal calls PLEASE. phone Black River Securities, UL 2 collec' for. appointment THREE-BEDROOM, waterfront at Campbetiford, $3.900, or offer, Partly furnished. T. 2m After 4 PLM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Root 9. Poynting cupboards, floor re] General repairs of all ki nds. Ke job too big or small. All work guoronteed. Financing ct bank rates. Coll us onytime. P. NELI.S, 19 Colborne E. Telephone 728-2061 Poo Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described ctfers get faster resul ete Models, omatics Duo Auto OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 728-009! Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash Specialist in garment altere- 2 tions, etc. Invisible mending dress alterations 10 PRINCE ST, 728- 5321 Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in QOshowo, July 22nd, 23rd, 24th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for appoint- ment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 ~ DOMAR | INVESTIGATIONS 728-9054 DIVORCE, PERSONAL, GENERAL INVESTIGATIONS FREE CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW 3¥a Simcoe St. 5. (Bassett Bidg j Oshowe | |3--Pets & Livestock leeman Shepherds, "Fegistered, Cary Ranch Kennels, deautitul puppies. Cham- pier, Diced Hnes. Stud service. Hf not de- Sire? now save number. Broolin 655-2662. Rav eats. > pert Persian, healthy _live- oi Each S. Apply 6 Mclatae" West, _telepbone 325-0591, WEIMARANER "paps for. sale, cight or-B- hy months, srdigreed. Apply 485 Albert Qued C icken, Turkey ~ oe poo Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home leases a noe 8 Mode Pies ond Deserts Telephone rmbanet sth) puppies tor aa WE DELIVER DOGS, boarded, trimmed, defleacd and 345 gas so RD. SOUTH Dathed, 1 735-6321. 725-3887 a brecaning and Heating 36 Musical Services PIANO TUNING, rates $7.90. owmanvilie 623-7283. Optometrist ce © @ TUCK. RG, Optometria Please pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank er % Burk Street? Dial 725-4387 Painting and Decorating PAINTING, decorating, interior and exterior, Paper hanging. Free = esti- mates. Telephone 868-838 in Whitby OUTSIDE PAINTING. Careful work. Reasonable rates. Nelson Heisler, 733- 837 A. PAINTING 3 Jensen afte EXPERT PAINTING and decorating AL work guaranteed. Mbbitson and Sans, HO St Lawrence, Whithy 668525 "Cottage dest cash Telephone phone 448 eavestroughing ADDRESS TO: POST OFFICE BOX 127 PORT HOPE, ONTARIO '18--Male or Female |____ Help Wanted [RASPBERRY pickes, adults, @) | High way and Thickson Road corner farm. WANTED TAXI DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI | 14 Abert Street _725-4771 ltern 7156: transfer 1 % yards '20---Room and Board each of four bands, 1 to 144 in- [ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen nice CRS. 12 motifs 1 to 334; direc-) jciean quiet home. Good meals, parking, tions. i jclose to Gerneral Motors and Shopping) Thirty-five cents (coins) for |i Pun WEEE ccs ie SS =<a-wig, this pattern (no stamps, please) ; ve men, wiito Alice Brooks, care of The Drone TS SMe Peds: Tele OQ nowa Times, Oshawa, Ont., phone 725-339. 33 EULALIE furnished | for/ Needlecraft Dept., Ontario resi- "g all By re GAY STITCHERY | By ALICE BROOKS: Cross-stitch -- today's favor- jite on garments, linens, acces- jsories in varied colors. Pattern has varied bands, and motifs, in cross-stitch. Pat- and paper hanging. eas $ 33-7213, Charge 4.13 2.48 figure or cbbreviction as one wey 1 6 consecutive doys 3 consecutive doys DODD & SOUTER | PAINTING AND DECORATING | CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Sproy Painti: 107 BYRON ST. S, WH:TBY DAYS 668-5862 Nit 725-7426 GHTS COTTAGE LOTS ~ FOR SALE For ten 100 ft. frontage lots with choice send beech on Papineou Loke For information write W. H. BRADY, REALTOR Compbeiliford, Ontario Count eoch word, initicl, Box number it not poid within 7 days, chorge rate applies. YOUR CHOICE By ANNE ADAMS Mrs. U chooses a scarf-soft. ened suit to wear to a wed- ding, travel in, reflect her fine taste, Slim, flared skirt? Choice is yours, Halt Printed Pattern 4732: iSocmene aa Sesired.idents add 1 cent sales tax. Printicizes 1213, 14%, 16%, 18%, ieeenaasl a jplainly Pattern Number, Name, 2005 &, We. " Size 16% (slim) 4 22--Offices Stores, , Storage | Address, , yards 3Winch fabric. a ------| 1963's Biggest Needlecraft --|" FIFTY CENTS (30 cents) in SUITE Show stars smocked accessor- soins (no stamps, please) for OF MODERN ies -- it's our new Needlecraft/this pattern. Ontario -residents AIR-CONDITIONED Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh- 0-ladd 2 cents sales tax. Print you designs to knit, crochet,/nlainly SIZE, "NAME, Ad OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. sew, weave, embroider, quilt.jdress Style Number. Plus free pattern. Send 25 cents) Send order to Anne Adams, SERVICED BY ELEVATOR jnow! jcare of The Oshawa Times, Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE |Oshawa, Ont. » Pattern Dept. Want-Ads Don't Just 'out! 304 design :deas -- any one you choose in new 123-3474 Cosi-They Pay | 8.50 1.60 Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Ech edditional line per month (Not eppliceble for merchondise odvertisements\) re ee S p.m. doy mee Classified Display .. 2:30 p.m. day p Births, memoriams, cords of thonks --- 9 a.m. day cf publ plication.| MODERN GRILL Lost end Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication | Concellations ond Corrections--8 30 o.m. dey cf publication. REGULATIONS i The Oshowe Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- i i For Sale Lake Simcoe Lakefront Cottage and Lots Safe sandy beech. 60 miles from Oshawa.. Near Brechin. 728-3060 AFTER 4 P.M, Personal Service licot ments submitted otherwise thon in writing. not for more thon one incorrect insertion of ony odvertisement, mor beyond the price charge for ¢ single insertion of the odvertisement in which error occurs. The Oshowa Times reserves the right to clossify odvertising eccording to its proper classification. in the case of display 'odvertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce thon thet in whith the octucl error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ol! adver- tising motter correctly, but assume no fiability of odvertisement it qry ineccuracies in ony form ere contained therein. ) SETTER puppies, six! "i, $50. each. Tele- weeks old. phone 723-3823. -------- FIVE WESTERN horses for sale LJ ¢. 1ALL TYPES of repels end remodeling, > + see bad wed aaleriate Remeneme Rasch RR Z Millbreck Ontare. Sing along with the happy rates. Estimate: free. Diet 773-2992. J REAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Fanty. Wraining, talisng strain. Appty Mra tolks who have discovered au PLUMRING Broad. 14 Eigim Soreet Eas. six woes < what a Want Ad can do. Leave wih we 188. "7 open ea coupon for FREE pattern and me supplies. {Sorng Summer Pattern Cata- wecetion. Disi Tae Send 50 cents now.

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