| qualified in skills and profes- 15 per cent. Under the budget,|greater for INCO than in any|riculture will appear on CBC. : sions to return to Africa however, this is reduced to 10/other mining, metai, steel, oil, TV's Country Calendar duri oe ; Membership of the sect is per cent "when the paying/railroad or pulp and paper com: ef ng ' CLOSE YOUR ZIPPER aril uand arms estimated at 30,000, The move- For Budget company js beneficially ownedipany in Canada; and the own-/the summer and fall ment began about 1930 at the! 2G THE OSHAWA TIMGS, Wedneodey, July 17, 1963 rideration to the wishes of thove, | INCo. Qualities Gend withheld for taxes was residents is considered to be)series examining European ag- by Canadian residents to thelership of INCO shares by any time of Selassie's coronation. He Di id d T extent of 25 per cent or more,"jsingle non-resident shareholder Helps You Overcome We mean the zipper on your wallet, and iviaend 1ax , bd e A statement from F, M, A.jTepresents only a small per- Hit In Jamaica Ace pA ar ingore oe tl'taree 6 FALSE TEETH | con't en it op until you get jdah," "The sect took its name)... I that pending clarification, 5/is expected that future divi- nh Up Welt ou Oe te \trom him | TORONTO (CP) -- Interna- ; J "neeetay: : v'| Looseness and Worry JOHNSTON' KINGSTON, Jamaica (Reut)raids on Rastafarian settle. ------------_-__ ne mag" Nickel ey . _ ~ Guanes dies a dends to non-resident sharehold-| jonger be-annoyed or feel il!-at- NSTON'S Ya YEARLY SALE @rs)--A big drive to stamp out/ments, chiefly in. hills and ada Ltd. qualifies for the ol mo , ers will be subject only to 10-/ ease because of Innse, wobbly. false : : : ; ap Pn Fagage ype lye: or = Nef ol Agen a HAD SURPLUS per-cent withholding tax on divi- n.|payment The enonee Five Ber a cant withheld tan" feeth, PASTRRTA ann Proved tke: of fine clothing, starting Thursday July 18th garde--marijuana--is ing onjsuspects and destroy the ganja| Australian government dends paid to non-residents of pen-tesidenta, Mr. Noblet odds: Jour plates holds shem Armer en they at: JOHNSTON'S 8 Simcoe St. N re with the help of helicopters/crop. |closed the 1962-63 financial vear/Canada, as provided under the s 5 ' s: t ool mare comfortable, Avid ember. tions aad police dest jwith a cash surplus of $36,000-/recent budget. "The market value of the vot-| FARMING EXAMINED -- | Rement cused by tenes plates, Out The government tant Os SMUGGLED ELSEWHERE 000. | Since 1960 the amount of divi-jing shares _held by Canadian' A five- ~part 1 BBC - ~ produced campaign following a series of The Daily Gleaner, a news- violent incidents involving) Paper Supporting the campaign, members of the ganja-smoking Says there is large-scale smug- Rastafarian sect, Three police- gling of dried Ranja leaves and men, three civilians and seven|Seeds into the United States and members of the sect were killed Britain. tm the clashes. Tt is widely suspected here the The Ddearded Rastafarians,/Police have not got within strik- who worship Ethiopian Em-/ing distance of the contro peror Haile Selassie and seek/interests behind the export repatriation to Africa, have con./the drug. These are said to be demned the government's anti-/fat above the level of the mja campaign, They claim/Rastafarian activities, | oe e@ drag is.a gift trom God and) The Jamaican Christian Coun- approved by the Bible. he has demanded ry A Rg _ Poli rt lice concentrate on the Tr wi sunt: Mont Cally behind the Ganja traffic < A new and dangerous note! Am Will was sounded recently by the! ericans 1 Rastafarians when a spokes. jman threatened with death ' "the Build B itish jblack and white oppressors" ri Standing in the way of the sect's repatriation to Africa Hovercraft "Blood will Now in Jamaica the Rastafarian spokesman LONDON «cp ae hap cried at a meeting at which ONIK No (CP)--British how members beat boneo drums will be made in the and danced war dances i States by an American : ¥ for sale in North .Cen- pooh' TO LEAVE and South America ----e a ! f the Rastafari Hioensing agreement announced ret ted Front recently Wednesday Prime Minister The agreement is between! Sir Alexander Bustamante rec. Westland S. A. of Geneva (@ ogni ve their claim to Ethiopian wholly . owned vsuabsidier ry of citt enshiy p and be gin negoti oa eve aot ie ce ee AtP Handles Only Meats Purchased erat Development I td. and) A go ssion visited \\ Sor Ae oe ing ial A, sovernment From Federally Inspected Pac ing Houses 1 . a, § a Leone, Liberia, | Bulfalo, N.Y Ghana and Nigeria in 1961 0 \ ly ' as re Sale of the amon sige Pro-| inves sate the possibilities of jaced or . Thes lowed . = ghee A ro te ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 20th, 1908 ane « stat old a | . tla give sympathetic con was also known as Ras Tafari rding 7 | \ established Ottewa ott of, will / continae to offer Westland hov- | ACADIAN ' / SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE ercraf{ in Canada and. else where euteide the Unite by Seates "tl CLEANERS x Z Westiand's model SRN? re = og cently returned to the Unite? Odourless Cleaning Kingdom after a two-week der Shirt Specialists if Onstration program in Mont-J » Pick-ap end Delivery wee Servite if Later this sammer it will op] © Drive in Service if erate & scheduled passencer§ @ Seme Dey Service - -- gerviee @cross the Bristol chan Voults on Premisne | o ir Ave & Re Hovercraft travel aboct two PHONE 728-5141 MAYONNAISE 1-Aox jar 3 3 fect aff land or weter on a 208 BLOOR Ww Detergent Reg. Price box Gle--SAVE AN EXTRA 4: cushion of air -- GIANT FAB {18e OF Des!) box 5 Qe TU ed K c YS ceeds eae 4 45: | MARGARINE 4: oto 9c . 8 TO 14POUNDS AVERAGE em | LOOKGTALL B seca CORN FLAKES 2 «rie 5 5 -- (Se ann Rei Aaa a eansle ee NULFLUBR nga, |] CANADA'S Finest QUAUITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF SMOKED - SLICED - RINDLESS _ 64 Fez us @ Ze Be! Monte Rep. Prive tin She--BAVE Pe SUPER-RIGHT ig J] PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 «22-2 1.00 or ut TUCK SUCH FOR sROUNG a gpg REGULAR SLICED ' REGULAR SLICED Stem || -2ze="mmcs | RIB ROAST *59*| BACON 32694 1.19 "PIE Gem | GROUND CHUCK 59. LARGE 04-07 PIE ea =. SCHNEIDER'S 39: =, | CHUBS Smit. 2k OLIVE LOAF --~49 SWIFT'S PREMIUM SNOWBIRD BRAND Rep. Prive each 4 DANDRUFF TREATMENT SAVE 10: \AIENERS vie cote rio Ae Je HADDOCK FILLETS vale Ze SHAMPOO dane Parker Jelly or Reg. Price exch 39o---SAVE ite BURNS, VAC PAC COOKED & BREADED 1.49) 89° || LEMON'ROi""""--"29. | COOKED HAM «53: SOLE FILLETS +59 | Alberto Vos | BREAD Old Fashioned = 24-07 iont 22 -- Hair Spray SAVE CASH on CANNED FOODS at TSB) se || [REM RRUTS & VEGETABLES | A pena -- CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS, NO 1 GRADE CASE OF 24 TINS $8.28 -- SAVE $1.08 : AGP Fancy Quality Reg. Price 2 tine 2e--SAVE Se Bike TUMS || Gem? | TOMATO JUKE 4.45. BAST POWER | aw | _ pega 69: . AcP POTATOES 7 x19 | Rap. Price 2 tine 33¢-- SAVE 17¢ waren ||| ec ae ee CASE OF 24 TINS $7.08 -- SAVE BO. Case of 24 tins $3.39--SAVE S7e FROZEN FOOD FEATURES "New Pack", AGP Fency, Sliced Reg. Price pkg S7o--SAVE Se =, 86" || secon wee nn rom= fg | STRAWBERRIES -- 2-69: Benguet -- Chicken, Turkey or Reg. Price 3 ples 60e--SAVE Te = Check Below -- -- | | pams 'co eo Se iecel mea || | ee ee (ae ames See | ore . Sew sary a "ae. 1 1 ra i Ub pkgs ; 8 = oe poh =i a2 | CELERY STALK aeekogaa 2 = Betty Crocker Layer (12 Varivtien) Reg. Price phy 4le--SAVE tie 501 ROAD "tT ater Te Ya | | WATERMELONS © © | CAKE MIXES --- 2vwntQ ae ame fp EEE SELES EEE REE cineca Bayer Ree, Fre Ae he-OAE 2233 BROCK ST. N. Sec Gon Pete ee se ASPIRIN TABLETS 79 =~ wurrey mi OUR ih eonhiiltaet Oe So AP FOOD STORES 185-187 KING at LIBERTY $35 & COE $1 < OSHAMA, "ego Sica POSSLYR PLEAD _ -3 2 al SO STOCES (% BOWMAN :