Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jul 1963, p. 1

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little warmer, THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT Look both ways before cross- Sunny with cloudy intervals to ing the street and avoid that day and Thursday, A few scat- rundown feeling. tered thundershowers and a VOL. 92-NO. 167 i oe _OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1963 Gurerond of Basare iene Wall Feet Orica Ospertar THIRTY-TWO PAGES CHARLESTON, S.C, (CP-AP)} National Guardsmen and state : . N --Racia! violence exploded on aj police combed an area between) "S : new target--Charleston -- Tues Veg and white sections of day night and flared a iC ridge, Md., after the wife briefly in two old trouble i Cambridge, Md., and Savannah, che heard a shot and something "be the quieter side of racial oy wife ") Col George) Nee o Rifle Butts ' . [ j ¥ . ; z | Urgency Sparked situation in the United States,! Horner said she was walking in a biracial ¢ mitte as her front yard when the inci- pag ly Mri ca Mor Sage ig BS or ae Curb Riots : By Banks Threat and there w several ¢ » commander, said a projectile of ments in th arts al t some sort might have knocked Washington piece of cinder block, a ee e OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-| 2. Revocation of government Five policemen and one fire nt of which could have \ I Viet Nam ment has ordered its labor, le approval for the SIU's vacation man were ure 1 the f i Mrs, Horner | . n gal and shipping experts to pay plan, which Judge Norris outbreak ole during pp NSION EASED x : draft an action program to cope said' is being operated illegally, month-long egro dem There has been an easing of SAIGON (AP) ~-- Swinging with lawlessness on the Great) '3. Appointment of special gov tions at Charleston sat OF ension in € CBs tet Ne oda this rifle butts and clubs, South Viet- Lakes waterfront, reliable ernment lawyers to find out 130 Negroes wer ted aevelonment. Nesro leaders de. : = namese riot police laid into a ¥ * sources say Whether enough evidence is About s ¢ Strators) creed 'yi hour aa) atorium on ' = demonstration af Ruddhist ONO 2 The program=actually a ser available to bring Banks, SIU gathered opposit cohen" s celine ana aikae monks, nuns and wemen and ; ies of separate courses of pos president into court on crimis courte: news ng in endbatinns Ehak & nies bh , children followers today, injur/@ : ew -- ee aaar agen the pal charges arleston ' wer a 8 . ' ' a0 : binet for study at the eartiest 7 wigge ise acial committee began ses me ing at ieast av 4 ; ca mn 4. Urgent referral of the prot fom Ley eal Patice "|sions. Guardsmen relaxed cur. ae Ss 3 Police backed by steel hel-| Bae ; ~ -- mom gare hrust on {0m of shinning diereptivan on img ar ts an-t 2 Sie after mi meted troops, arresied more - 3 - New urgency Was thrust Of in. Great Lakes to the Inter charges. A brick | ae de pw rules af a protest meet- > * : inter-depar 1 stud A ges, brick | i ike than 200 demonstrators, flinging : an inter-departmental study Of nosional Joint Commission for busine e r the crowd and fellec eer.) 3, Aoteeals ipeco ab caes NEW CANDIDATE them bodily into army trucks, | the farreaching recommenda:/immediate study and recom. touching off more nd > twee nineties lan eeake a Demonstraters sprawled * ' es jtions of the Norris report on mendation é more flying bricks and stone ive calm Was shattered by l DY Lawrence tion. The sitting member, in the dust as security forees : 4 aa a Great Lakes jabor strife in the" : CROWD DISPERSES red gunfire and one hugs his © af receiving Reréen Lavergne, refused to /kicked and clubbed them & : ' ' wake of threatened retaliatory APPROVAL NOT NEEDED Two fire engines hurried t o was wounded slightly the nomination @ tessive attend the nomination meet- Smaller demonstrations, inj # : F : oe action by lake seamen opposed Cabinet decisions on these the ecens. The or paige Six white juveniles were ar ' ste «for ing because of a dispute with volving about 100 monks and : : < , f Secuen (0 Hal ¢ a Banks and his;matters could be made without persing and hi "notre but no charges were rid ussell nbders of the constituency [nuns each, broke out around He : : maverick Seafarers' Interna: parliamentary. approval ¥ ' ed immediately i . 1 ag al executive (CP Wirephoto) | Saigon's central market and in . : y oe Vonal Union of Canada At the same time, Labor Min charges of creating) Police said Warnell Robinson . Chalon, the Vietnamese capital's! & i ; x : Mr, Justice T. G. Norrisiister MacKachen is expected to a disturbance 29. a Ne fireman, suffered e ;Chinatown, Riot police quelled hes avty war . é " fem urged the government to clampinress for an early meeting with Later, city poiic né ate|a minor gunshot wound in the Sino-Soviet Talk them quickly and carried off MUSA! ND : . ; ~ a three man oe ONUS Labor Secretary Willard highway patralmen dispersed/ Stomach while on duty checking jseveral dozen more demonstra: # : : . ; marine unions in his S18page Wirw, President Claude Jodoin 750 Negroes whe fire alarm boxes ; tor 2 ; ¢ BS < report made public Monday. He of the Canadian Labor ( ongress front. of church m Shat © fired into a Negro The nev h smonstre q : r also proposed other measures ang AFL.CIO President George cials feared rewd m family's home and into two AS against government of! 7 aimed specifically at the SIU Meany march on ci alice headquar- but no injuries were re 'ry D Diem 3 arassment of Cana ~ hinnine ters about four ks ay ported . ia ' toman Ca : pted as : . Negroes are demanding total At Baltimore, Md. Chief SCO hinese 3 Se-. Britain's foreign retary, 48-hour ha ke bY MO nd mS are the cabine Qematentins af public facilities Judge Simon E. Sobeloff of the', a -- + : ley oe eir the ari of Home. teld a pressithan 200 mon ey wea AS mor t sabi Fle 1 weigh carefully the politi GE Employees and it improved job opportunities fourth U.S. cireuit court of ap alagic alks! canfere Th Hagu i its second ¢ u en & fete) cal risks before imposing gov ---- peals was unsuccessful in an); : " ' deolagical split be The Buddhist } x3 nent centrals on th attempt to talk Danville, Va preparing 3 r t the Soviet and Ch their first open call to all Sout? front through legislative actior Vote To Return N B j ke | -- $ and Negro leaders int soften the thunder of their Ce a bi lispute/ Viet Nam's Rude : > Little hope was held out for ew TUNSWIC trying to settle their ra ali cannot solved." nent of the ban cel an Ss @) less trusteeship legislation te be pre T W k T ' problems voluntarily 'W --o e hina's official Peking an 3 -- the cor y sented to Parliament before the preséat session adjourns for Sup rts Tida POSTPONES ACTION ~ Resgpge ns ars es of People's Daily accused the'y risis, Vietnamese sol) OTTAWA (CP) -- The sumjations accounted for most of the see) : wt ipo He postponed for 10 days a tne 4 mcg , bgaiteiney pod Nate i hg s were asked re a mer influx of students into th M additional jobs dunag "Vee aK os WHC cou SYRACUSE, N.Y, (AP) -- A m - with AD ve int a CASO era > tr = » r x for . ame within t deh s eedom labor force slowed the seasons . me © wo Ween vote by an electrical. workers Power Proj t tt by Negroes from venaie Gence this aie, Pe ses soe t om 4 a nu ' M St sol decline. in unemployme: , f the 304.000 jod as! STUDY OTHER COURSES union signalled a retura to work yec s on picketing and deman.|°" ne . 5 Soawweres ® the aa aa rd hag r : Hghting Canada in June--leaving 304.000, month, about 31 per y Bat informants said other/leday of its estimated 4.500 SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--A es Be San ie wn, the La Pe . lier two cur the. Us vane: te mais ret sa iN . ont a - et CONg gue' workers in the ranks of the jod. $4,000--were between 14 and 19 possible courses of action are members whe conducted a one- : southern Virginia where more! maiMUles carver tw adi METHeuCaMY villas are Buddhists less, it was reported today years of age. In May, this group open te the government and are day strike ar the b yg Eleo. United States proposal that than 230 arrests have been made ined Chaikas, believed to con- inciting the Soviet Unien against); 'The Ruddhists originally de) x ie Ra vanbs: issued by/totalled. 60,000 wader Slanarveray sade ir © Canpeny aene eek Gee: the $1,000,000, 000 assama. wit fom Russian delegates, also China imande? only retigiey swedivaneioey we into the grounds of thei The newspaper Sovietskayalang ph ee " TeetaRtne federal labor department'g: aaa IN. HARD CORE 1,- Strict enforcement of the) Bur the International Union of oddy 2 wer Las $ . iy ~ ~ " pine bl tr -- = sie Angeles, actor Marlon, walied.oif villa Rossiya (Soviet Russia) carried| weeks they have made it clear era 'Re Durean of statistics! "Some 195.000, or nearly two Canada Shipping Act = We Electrical Workers, Lecal 328, n ly has met Brando said he would take part! "s. a i ld CER Selae be tho nn : ave made i CAT niaced the unemployment rate inde of the tolar hed boon on (NUTS TepErt said could deiheld open the pessibility of an: with hearty support in New q There has deen only ane ses-ithe ball today in the propa:lphey will settle for aathing less PM thirds of the total, had been un. ' pally sted ? any an pans PPOrt in civil rights demonstrations at sion of the talks this week--iganda war between Peking andi. acu. bie ROWING WSS 2: 44 per cent of the labor snabieh tar. tack Sune 4d used te shut down the SIU's other walkout in its a&spate . : 'Gwyna Oak Amusement Park), M ays We iSescew than "social justice'--an end tole ; mnpared with 43 pers Anta ann ~ Shining Ralls, through which SIU)» al ie Premier Louis Robichaud|near Baltimore and at Cam- onda 8 far as Westera re- hand i police state methods: in South egy less, Another 46,000 were seek-| mambe 'ae \ ver &@ local supplement te the eaid he wes "all for it," andibridge, Ma. but did ant carniporters have been able to as-| Am editorial said the Soviet fig: Nam "jgent in June, 1962, and 5.6 Per ing work for the four to sikisning OTe MO OR laeinational contract with the: com tian neanle "ar aaeave' bas »> leent is . = 0 t wt faite ihe gorernman' would spect date Ae ae Teak' saci Coarsenint passat huecnting rect ond) At axaee wn (Sate ne, Sheen he eum a sav } r iY , a « af ¥ be 7 . aN by ay i & . o v = ; ~ a} ; Sonale atu Paid an te yo = The fifth U.S. circuit court) qay's J a2 which central committee open letter "* buddh: as i demands _ Were aor the mid-May jobless dan' be the hardcore jobless had The waien threw picket = i pint ASCUSSOT of appeals at New Orleans was) ry R tha remierjattacking the Chinese hard-tine °C. S@tished there would be £ 326.000, But up 2.000 over th Gan Ge Gee ial Teo 14 U. Soldiers erent SS eee) eee in detail : as sked 10 requi re the Jackson, Khrushe? ug thalmalice tn ete suicides by burning and vy po Bh lg ----_ months or more S. plant Taesday, then withdrew The possibility » nessing Mis * ba : P x , . " a disembowelling by b monks a nm atals ther ly ides of P ASS Ray admit wre children to\), ait Blass " hag saslieak wi " ta = hore al powevvand nuns. Qne monk Reoraer T jo> picture in brief, with Pcp mg pap ox bo malt Injured In Raid x sheet task aie ae sal nlite a ct anidered a white schools t "hit ment for Wese-|third day in an atmosphere that NUBSee alive on a Saigon street tes in ~-- - eg py BP cage are ag cy SAIGON (AP) -- Communist _ The union alse decided to bold rad Cape » frtondty, accord A9e3 1988 19eSI800 (138,00). Ontario aa.one TReCTNSS raked the airport of Se an ae = oo ce GSES G38 &.752 (80,000) Prairies 31,008 (40,000); SUUeR Viet Nam's second lark: Toa acatien shutdown. (Nec Seaplere €.333 6.312 G.a51/British Columbia (32,000 (35/884 CRE WHR Mortar and Mai) contract tal = a 335 6,512 6.951 bia 3 Sl ohine 9 . », eral centracy talks between ne : noved 4 "gs Sar) Oe ~ , es GB and the union are to begin yathiy repert is based odless rates for June. wit ' hy Atamest : . 33 > " at . ' tee pabaan or % hicks ; : ® aes +o poctcadigp wean ee Sees brackets At at Can Tho ain One man was arrested duriag fullibe a a. . a . cals, Usual het : . ' 2 tm OOS 'a te 8.4 per cont (10.4): Que port "98h les southwest ow here picketing on a charge of dis. ' Gea vune 2 dec 39 7.0); Qatarie 38 Ds Nasted only eis rainy bul Orderly conduct and four pick TEENAGERS A RECORD Prairies 26 (3.4), British Co: ahout 98 mortar shells bit the' ets were taken *y haspitat © bed bd , eat ei gM ge rig r eport. said 79.080 teen. Umm 31 GT) astalaties Police were ted the m | i's bens . 123 rs entering 849 dusted Ry t reef of a shack housing the US OS™ OS™ ' " d a aly 3 Baye : RE vate for June of ner © Army special farces team. in. (PIRg te crash the picket Raes. ONDON (AP)--A labor lee jo. ves > was stil "an un. |COMPI ri ne unadjusted flicting all the casualties Three Ar. the same time, traffic ie 4 Qa a sdason./wW im serious condition. Three ups developed oa reads leading Ce @) V Ers M agreem : ; be : gislatior ke tla eandaets ve wd his 3 von . Nadjust asis. the jobless Vietnamese alse were souaaan t@ company facilities where ak S rush Lewes. 39 - ea easonal f ' mped ¢ fram the Damage to the airport was most 153.608 persons are em. nev : ed "age nde onto de ria tt oe ny P r in comparatively light mleyed, WASHINGT AF T d services. Defer M-ARSTESSION Rronke 3 i sor : : NM -Namara drapped nermal fer this Four Young Girls . Burmed To Death TLAND, AUDITORIUM PROGRESS r SG eee .~. In Bank Holdup $1,000,000 t Pr : Roms m i . : : S ' . : ona we va - et Barbara "a * oe : -- : M. TORONTO (CP) -- Tee . m= $700,000 [eat commis < a © Drastic U. Ss. Stock k Exchange Overhaul Urged 9 ws im Pa : at < a = Ss = Feoths Learees vw XETON ~ Am unexpectediy @rastee everkau pase ~~ mat iia hanacaes. agua ia $500,000 Ce ere oh with. Regal passessin $400,000 Nine ~Year- Old Missing gud F 'Tiday ALLEGE RED ENFLAENCE Rawk erderea all undergroand tanre te se : aie ee ss , o_ 4h $100,000 , $50,000 , . OAS RT PACUTE ' seein te 13 per cont af a ate euttartinn. is " liewe wean

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