Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1963, p. 15

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BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM 132---Articles For Sale SALE *rallers boats, motors, laundry tubs, Cabin Cruisers three-piece baths DINEEN David and Natalie fornehan) happily announce the birth lr gon, Jetirey William, July 19, 1963, ? Iba» | on, at St pel Kitenener, A brother tor |, Deo Gratias PREDERICK Paul {nee Matthews) are happy the arrival of a davghter Monday, July 1h 196) tral Neapltal ? toa, 2 SooDMUR on PHY Leonard and and Or, Hubbard for the sate arrival & lovely daughter, Olane Lynn, weigh! ? on, born July i 180 Dowmanville Memorial Hospital and baby doing fine MORFITT Karol Marioria, on Monday, July Wa), at Barrie Hoapital (atiliborn MURPHY Gord aa Grace rival of hele son, Robert wl 1 on, on Friday, July 1 awa General Noapital \ and Mra. Donald Ow OwW8N wr (hee Forester) are thrilled to announce Auxiliary > ips, General re arrival of a girl, Lor Ann 8 am, Monday. July General Hospital, Fir orar and Mra, Donald Owen England 19 1$ st Stoke-on: Trent TOMPKING Rea and Ruby Bruty) are trritied fo announce the tival of Meir lovely davgnter, Dedor Susan Julie, § ids, 12 oF } e Saturday, July & 198) Moxpital, Deborah Susan's Mi. and Mra. A Tompkina, London Tormpkina will her granddavente Malt, Oxnawa Ge awe ara Broly mt te pital a Thanks eral Ho WILSON At Osh awa < ener a tal on Monday July and Mra, Gavin A, Wile Gavin, A brother tor Tranks te Or, McKay. and D Dona Maraas Tripieta, ¥ te town home SON, Daughter, Twins or will want te te whet Yee latest arrival in your ROuACeMeRtA ate accepted OF am, for onty 090 Just telephone F20198 (nee Mary's) Mark and =Margaret Yo announce Lesley Anne, at Oshawa Gen Mar Qaret (nee Snowden) are thanktul to God Kelty and Marjorie (nee Biair) announce the birth of a daughter iby (nee iy Bourne) are happy to anyounce the ar $ ibs Wah at Osh Ys an onera ndparents and Mrs, M and, Grandmathe atont AN RIMAR ot on Saturday. Dignitied and Distinet MONUMENTS FLAT 152 Simeoe St et 23-1002 ng Office at $ MEMORIALS MARKE RS, In Designs For Any Need Oshawa 128.6627 Evenings dystermms, stainiess steel sinks "pressure HM, Chinn, 723-7008 cabinets REFRIGHRATOR, McClary, dition, teerer across top, $75 728-0200 OPT in good con: Telephone MAHOGANY Grennell. Golden hawk outboard motor, a? wide, aile'? deep, New Mercury "?00" motor, Cor yertibie top, pustebutton radio with three separale speakers, 2 custom spotlights, barometer, marine clock, speedometer, marine compass, life jackets and many aceessories, Will aceept frade, car or boat, Will finance, Apply 6% Gladstone | Avease 1982 MECLARY range, 4burner, com plete wilh barbecue, clock, all equip ment. Used only three months, $140, off Mother CARD OF THANKS original price, Dial 668-4297, OUTBORAD motor, Gale, 16 HP, years 010, Used one yoar, $200, ree cash GAUDETT sincere tanks and apprec bors, friends and relations kind expressions of sympathy fioral tributes and Kindness © them in the sudden passing dear davanter and sister, Spec io Rev. NF tial Churen for his congregation of en The Women's The Motors, | 43, nuraey in Emergency Ay Genetal Hospital and vera Home for 1? ervices Ruby and by Firat Ausiliary Aaptiat the at me oY Ooctar kind Richard ¢ @ and ee al thanks GARIN Swackharmmer of lst Bap! three. comforting words Churen Dorcas coworkers of Dept Oshawa UP box fo the Gerrow Fy and efficient Statham's BA Service Station, corner We Wish 10 @XPrOns UF King and Ritson Road ation to neigh for The love WIth Case, ihoip FENDER 2 bass guitar, complete sland and cord, $295, Supro xtended ass amp ifler, $228, As} condition, Tele at our PRONE 772-3800 Yahe' Weymouth, sleeps 80 Jonnaon electric start motor He Heavy duty tralier, fully equipped, Ex celtent condition, Asking $2200. Telephone POR.aP?s CAMPING, 6 ft x 8 cab overhang $300 make offer, Rugs ror, desk, steel shelves comptometer, 668-5849 RADIO, bands, FM cruiser, aio a and ft, Velen 4 fh Nigh, Cost enestertiold, mir meal aiicer and pick family portable alhort transistor wave broadeaat ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING diodes, one for $70. Just Dial 63.952 pansistera, five $120, Sell oottage ven t bari ooat re 'in for he om FELEVIION tower apecial, 40 ff structure, ineweding all channel antenna natalie? and guaranteed by experts ® 29----Automobiles For Sale mw) ehoanioally PONTIAC ay CHEVROLET rela ony with white nat atter way anv 2 Q INTERNATIONAL Rie padlication the same day to » tone DEATHS radio mA PARD Hias to be * BENNETT, Grace Winnitred Memorial Hospita WPRAPY iy 1S, 1% yrace ane @ years, wite Bennett, Newoastie and dane (Mr Resting at the Mov Rowmany lie Servic rappel on Wednesday at ment Belleville Cemetery QURGESS, Henry Artror Oshawa General tHorp!t poly YS. 943, He tre late Rorgess and Nellie Miller of To year, Mr, Burges: is Anderson Funeral > fee ih Phe chape am iterment Prienda are avked toreral home un? gay ™ oF Trermeas Tor FINIGAN, George At Owhawa General Howpital on Gav, July 24, 1883, George Finigan loved wR of ne late Minha Mary Finigan, im Ne Mth wear, Pune trom Metnrosn Anderson = Pune Home on Wednesday, 7 ? Gregory': The Great Gharch for Requiem Mase a: 20 a Trerment @ St. Gregery's OComete Peayera at the foneral dome Tre @ay evening at 8 a hoek FAMILIES whe deve trary family esiatee torether iawn Memona Raman Cathe pre arran n New anParma LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral . arrangement an Fieve] requirements tp ROTORS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONT 72B-6S55 goa nn yee Wr OLDSMORILE CORVATR MONBA BUICK elephore VOLKSWAGEN. ¢ One own Nias PONTUAL CRAVROLET VOLKSWAGEN CHEVROLET porte si * he METROR © a \ eso CHEVROLET ' Rew afte MONARCR Park restity > mwa | ONASE TM PONTIAC - han Ayan a0, ONS Owner, PRUGHOT om. 3 DEAT] ok ys PONTIAC IN MEMORIAM e ® ® adan WS CHEVROLET URGES peng Tremary ot wen) huNhens Jeaem> «=--- Buraese werartee MR ble July 4, Sere? are he Sienvy kept ot ee wie, Annie PREPADY PR oe Ane rar AX yoo always Renerneres Fiery ane Perlis MrOMEs ~~ > . me Deer ® he ) a meee Or > *eTrRerTys Deceewe Fe we weer y ax mh Pe he we ater ant Wher we ATE Pe Perrere De are oy eA MRNEMDe wt TBRew F Rae WAT Bas PENT PRA ae Wey He know Tr) Ta wh & DWAR PETAR RE > garen, Rare ox wrhren at Re Siew ont Sy >? MEMORIALS GMa Oper 'ive Oshawa Monu 1435 Kirg yan? veer Tay ae WINS BERUAN ABRARD Signer Po we atler aw anmaa) Rerim f RR TOR Mm : swOW FUNTOR nom, IRA annw " qRIBT oBliage fo. own De. 4. + Teieprone TINA Ms CHEVROLET IMPALA os AUSTIN wm. Dial 212 * CHEVROLET we ep hone *37 MONARCH sty > Ann hing ny $250. BRK awning WUVING or sel " with 10 yeata experience. $90. Trio Television, telephone F28-6TR under warrant Girls Inter hon set, Dia Westinghouse 2 ou, ft kite sod RANGH eitigerator mediate » yole a ee we PRAM ent ¢ deluxe mode brown and beige eruble, ter 5pm Triste yndiition im exce Dial alumifan af a) voter, like new, Must hp we neariy OAT Pepoy - : JACORRAN antiq walnut Witten rw whe art excellent a oak ehina eondition green. wee good Phone ected LASS arude moter paat traile oo. eontrals diat Lareon electric after RANGE aports @ > SPLLING appliances? We Duy oakh Teler ' Riake's St King Street STUDENTS A super value, approxi ately ©20 sheets of tevier size typing or (news print) fer only $1.00. Ap piy Oshawa Times Office, Whithy Dondas Street West Movtat wr RANGE goed TRLRVISION metare oma of fw Must be w Tada ne to take ove good weed furniture and BONS ST Cate Fornitere ae Telephone TIR.3I8 eiman, PIANO wanted atter en sive, oF ea, R good eenetivien simala Telephone apart ON ine AORS se bos AN More D mow mane, & neta mi Dene) new 30--Automobiles | Wanted WANTED TO BUY 32- --A~ wicles For Sale : ee NRC telex : ar OATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY ry AI three, Dial Apply | SPANISH cuit her Di |32---Articles for Sale |36--Legal ANTIQUE Spinning Wheel from old rural Quebee Conversation piece for "TENDERS FOR COAL" the home. Apply M8 King Street Bast) Sealed tenders marked 'Ten ENJOY summer camping with tents, ders for Coal' will be re- sleeping bags, ground sheets, lanter stoves, pienic fags, coolers, Beat prices tow. Dominion Tire Store, 4& Bond Weat ceived by oH undersigned un- ti! 10.00 a.m, on Tuesdoy, July 23rd, 1963 for the. sup plying and deliverittg of coal to Fairview Lodge, the Court House and Jail, Whitby, On- torio, Tenders must be sub- mitted on County -- tender form parts of all kinds, used tres, all sizes: also apindios and wheels for trailers, Apply 409 Bloor Street Bast, Telephone 729-228) URED car SPACE heater, Coleman, suitable for good size Dial 654.9502 after 5 pom large cottage, nine $0. SELLING furniture or appliances?) We'll ouy tt for top cash, Telephone Car lake's Parniture and: Appliances Store, 728-0101 Lowest or any tender not AWNINGS, canvas Prompt necessarily accepted, free estimates Chair, table Cleve Wox, 412 Simeoe North aervice, rentals Wm. G, Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario 416 Centre St. S., WHITBY, ONTARIO," OBITUARIES MRS, DAVID L, BENNETT A length, 4 ft. Call How 725.0909. PORTS, hardwood, 4 x up to Aft, 2) conta each ard, before § p.m Telephone GARLAND commercial four burner propane stove, Three burner propane eoffee maker, Rofrigerator, Rototiller Telephone Biakstock 6.448 RANGE gas, 20 eating section Dial 262488. GIRL'S -dicvele condition: oubrigger ncluded, Telephone rHree piece onadly price "n Telephone 725-0206 BABY carriage, Lloyd $12) lady's spring coat like new, $12. ial} TRUMPET also girl's junior Roth in very good condition age TRANSMISSION, Powerg!ide, for rolet or Pontiac, reby excellent tion. s Dial 72)948? RILLMAN ANSMNISS automatic with a excellent condition, as $10 juvenile site, $19, good wheels for beginner 725-4692 chestertiold excellent seendant, of Neweastle, died at the Me- suite, yeatsnorial Hospital, Bowmanville, condition. on Monday, July 15, Mrs, Ben. nett was in her 70th year and had: been in failing health for some years She was the former Grace Winnifred Maidens and was born in Havelock, Ont, to the late John and Jenny Maidens, Mrs, Bennett spent part of her $5 early life: in' Belleville, which 6449 had been founded by her VEL rad white sive }4 green a delge bicycle Dial 725 Chev cond reco or. f CATAMARAN § at main and iid & Like new ean de seen ? Cadillac Avenue PIANO ¢ $200, good ays East, Wi only " ancestors She married Major David L. condition (Dennett in Belleville during the even Firsi World War, The deceas- ed lived in Toronto before mov: to Newcastle 16 years ago She was a member of New castic United Church, Mrs, Ben nett took an active part in: his- torical societies in Ontario and several of on histor a published Surviving 7eW husband Major two daughters, Morse Goddard one son, Paul, ant UNdaS Yby Ng' LOWERY Two-durner after ¢ p.m. SKYAINER gain price, Owner POURLE BED, complete Viking Minch stove mile Ak, Telephone 725.4050 "BR. FP) GOODRICH Rattorios Kelv television, Thr starlet organ hot plate, Telephor TV rotar. Bar 668.8480 antennae and teaving town single' bed porecelain articles written matters were her STORES ater -- ret tty Budget plan OLD GUNS WANTED Oshawa Teeal f 8IVS1N9 rrr Writt RS. Tires pet ives are: her D, L, Bennett; Mrs. (Rev,) (Jane), Joan all of To eT r cottege, A-} Ana aiidors du.) PORTO meter Also surviving are two Sis way. tors: Mrs, Leah Farr of Trent River, Mrs. Della Warren of Montreal and two brothers of Toronto and Ewart of » Falls Mrs. Bennett andchild ased is resting at the Chapel, Bow- services in. the Wednesday, July 17 Rev, Mr. Woodland tle United Church will cashiers, What's My Line? one your need tor Valley Creek R CHAIRS nies, Rentals. w take pmetlery rment in © piace RICHARD I Rich CRAWFORD rawford died ofa Friday, July lle Memorial rd L. ¢ rack Bowma on awford was in his 83rd nd had lived in Pickering wo months ago when he to Newcastle was predeceased by his the former Agnes Wray in Keops ve ONLY $i. 2 PARK\ WAY TE s survived by Bernice (Mrs. neon) Ajax, and two Albert of Hampton, and at Bowmanville, There are ndchildren and 12 great Crawford daughter af LIONEL EQUIPMENT e v Page of Hampton the .servier at the Funeral Home fo! nterment in Friends Pickering The bearers were Gorm Marcie Larne, Ray, Ralph, Elmer 'DRAPERIES 1 Garnet Crawford all neph < of Mr. Crawford : ROBERT POLSON Dr apery F abr ics World War 1 veteran, Rob Ww m Polson died sad $1.98 eniy cs Moore's road home . on Township \ je ATth M. and . : ia 'John and _--_ ag Drapery was im his barn 1918 he married the for in England ad heed three mainly m emploved as the Depart far was WIth Dry Goods Store was an adher ian charch oo the was im an aseGa » Presbyter 33--Market Basket MOK and na Gilbert, oe esting at » Punere Pickering ce im the July 1% at take place Crmerery STRAWRERRYS RR WN CREE NROV ST The rsda ent wit a Lost And Found V7 ae F WATCHED BRUNT SHE FFORD, Que ireais of spectators ™® watch a score af % the Montreal Rant ci a fox hal, de mn Quardec's vst Shappens ai Eastern Townships COMING EVENTS ~ FREE ADMISSION - _UONS BINGO UBILEE. wa LION PRIZE ~ ~~ om ON PAV) = | COMING EVENTS | Commonwealth body, AFTERNOON Ringo every Wednesday, M4 regular, 4 specials, | 2 pm, sharp Share the Wealth Jackpot, Fernhill clublence following his return from house FERNHILL Bingo, tonight, Avalon 7.90 Seven $40 jack: 20 games, 8 and S10. potas, Door prises KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos, 52, 50 sie He er ee ens <INSMEN COMMUNITY C iNew Guinea which the Dut j 109 COLBORNE ST, W. - ne Menzies Shows | Surprise At Sukarno Move CANBERRA, ' Australia CAP) toy, a visit to Canada, Britain and the' United States, Menzies said it is "rather odd" in view of re- ports about Jakarta not intend ing to hold a plebiscite to allow. part of Indonesia, West Irian was formerly West jturned over to the Indonesians |through the United Nations fol: \'owing Indonesian claims on the lterritory, Australia rules the eastern half of the island of iNew Guinea, The Malaysia federation will) ibe made up of Malaya, Singa.' pore and the British Borneo ter. -- of Sarawak and North Borneo, Another Borneo terri- oil rich Brunei, has Prime Minister Menzies has €X-\packed out ident Sukarno's criticism of the decision to pro-| ceed with the Malaysian feder- \ United Empire Loyalist de> pressed surprise at Indonesian} Mrs, David L, Bennett! P renewed GOT BIG RESPONSE The. Canadian Red Cross ap- ation and his demand for pleb-peal raised nearly $6,000,000 in iscites in the British Borneo ter:/1962 and achieved 97 per cent ritories intending to join thelof its objective, Speaking at a press confer.) the West Irian people to decide} whether they want to remain) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, suly 16, 1963 15) | HONOR OLD H TOKYO (AP) -- Communist China has opened a revolution museum in the mountains of Kiangsi province, the earliest base of Chinese Communist party chairman Mao Tse-Tung's jforees, the New china News Agency reports TOOK AWFUL TOLL In three days of fighting at Gettysburg in the American Civil War 51,000 men of the North and South were killed, wounded or Missing, BOLAHOOD REAL "O35 = in Need Money For Vacation? Then SAVE IT, at JOHNSTON'S Ve YEARLY SALE fine clothes, starting THURSDAY JULY 18th at JOHNSTON'S 8 Simcoe St. N. Lk RBA' ea From 3 leading Canadian makers! Men's Cool Short-Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Ordinarily 4.00 to 6.95! Breezy 'Sanforized" cot- tons in new-season styles, colours, patterns----cleared to us by three of our best- known Canadian suppliers. Choose several! 'Perma- Stay" and button-down col- lars. Shades of green, gold, blue, brown and red in the group. Sizes small, medium, large and extra: large in- cluded, EATON Special Price, each 3.49 3 for 10.00 RATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE 725.7273 Store Hours: Good-Looking and Practical ORONADO' AUTO MATS @ Soft, pliable, durable 1 and 2-piece rubber mats. Smart deep-rib design with non-slip under-surfoce. Created. to compliment moder, colour- twl cor interiors or te edd colour te older interiors, Eesily removed tor cleaning or weshing. In 6 ottroctive colours red, blue, green, brown, block or white, cor 1-PCE. MATS Front (approx. Reor approx. $5 x 27") 63 x 18") wer 5.45 ncn 449 TWIN MATS -- 4, Pag 2.89 > Durable Car Blankets in Carrying Cose! For the cor, home or family outings. Wool-and- nylon blend for greater weorability. Complete with @ somuloted woter-repelient leotherette carrying case which may be used as a cushion in teh cor. Green, block or red carrying cose 8.99 with matching ploid robe. EACH EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 763 te Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9

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