Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1963, p. 11

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at Fort Erie, Ontario, yester- day afternoon to take the lead from Janilyn (right) in the HANNIBAL MISS (No. 6) is shown moving up through the middle at the clubhouse, turn Jr. Legionnaires Lose Close One ushawa Canadian Tire Le-}He crossed the plate with the gionnaires dropped a ; fought 4-3: decision in their Lea-|guson singled, gide Junior Baseball League) The game was called at this schedule fixture with Richard-|noint, in observance of a park @on's Sports, last night at Tal-/ourfew rule Sot Park in Leaside |. Oshawa Legionnaires outhit Roger Reeson went to We Richardsons by nine-to-six but mound for Legionnaires. Helo. ier runners on base in the on Ss the first, in !second and third innings and ning, on a walk to Mike . vei picked up only one run on three _-- -- hes! a hits in the fourth. Davie Fer- single and a sacrific t ae ai Dtchells in the fifth, Todd tripled and|ii¢ Ron Bell and Al Etche that brought home Dalit Wrig-)~ << st ee ley, who had singled to open on rege weet in ' a iefly, 322, ren "ae Fe, Richardson's tied|they scored two runs on an the score at 3-3 when Warren payee pig by si ( = n \ . ingia Choice play, Reeson's sir i gure oe oe daniel 'ig ac ng out and a single with one out and with two out,/0Y *erries John Gartley singled to score ee SS omm replaced Ree-/2b and ss; Ferries, Lepeergy oy coal : ef and lf; Newitt, Ib; Etchells, Richardson's won the gamejss and c; Domm, ¢ and p; an the bottom of the eighth in-/Couch, rf; Mitchell, If and 2b; ning when Reeson gave Bob Reeson, p and cf Weiss a free ticket to open the action. Then he walked Royj|2b; Todd, cf; Gartely, If Hirr. Weiss had stolen second/near, tb; Weiss, ss; Hirr, c¢; and with Ted Baylis grounding Baylis, p; Ferguson, 3b; Wrig out, Weiss advanced to third,'ley, rf. Scugog Cleaners Blank Agincourt Oshawa Scugog Cleaners |gied with one out in the sixth whipped. Agincourt Seal-O-Wax/inning for the only hit by Agin- iris 60 here at Alexandra/court -- and the only runner to ark last night, in their East/reach first base. Toronto Junior Ladies' Softball! Donna Jarvis, pitching for League fixture. Agincourt, gave up just six Six hits for six runs while/Mts but three errors proved backing pitcher Mar ily ni costly, In the first inning, Carol Schultz's splendid one ~ hitter|GeTmond singled with two out with erroriess support in the advanced on a& passed ball and field, that was the compact scored when Schultz was safe on story of the Oshawa girls'/#" infield error. clean-cut win in a game that In the third inning, Chery! was actually close Pelow fanned but got on when It was quite the best mound the catcher missed the pitrh performance of the year for Marilyn Schultz, who struck out six batters and didn't issue a single walk, Linday Jarvis sin- 3b; Bell, an 'error and Carol Ge triple brought them both home for a 3" lead i Bnssniwinss Atte is | Seugogs doubled their total in the sixth on four hits by Ger mond, Sandra Paradise, Bev March and Mary Clough, plus Kay Hopkins And xix, . P er Lose Final ex eso out and a bad out- AGINCOURT -- BRACEBRIDGE, Ont. (CP)-- Sing. c: George Olley of London, Ont../vis) p: Adams. cf: Leahman and Joan Griffin of Torontoirf; Hussey, if; L. Jarvis. 2 dominated the Northern Ontario Kendall. ib Tennis Championships which OSHAWA -- Pelow finished Saturday at Bigwin Inniss; Germond, ib Coutnry Club, Lake of Bays Paradise, 2b; March, ri Oliey won the men's singies,cf; Vandewalker, If teamed with Mrs, Ruth Gilpin 5d to win the mixed doubles and paired with Don Fletcher of St Mary's, Ont., to win the men's doubles title Friday LEGION MINOR ey pay en's singles 34, 64. &3 andiin the only Legion teamed with Mrs. Eileen 'Bol- League rame and of Toronto to win the lad + > ' ies' doubles 6-4, 6-2 over Miss Gib, ® Johnson, ss; D. Jar pitched the with Bod her while ce formed Excelsiors 8-6 Foley's won an 86 decision ever Excelsiors, in their Civil Service League game, last night at Thornton's Corners Foley's struck for three runs in the first frame on a walk to Homes, doubles by Ross and McDougall and a single by Row- botham, Excelsiors tied it up with three runs in the second stanza, on a walk to Linton, singles by Johns and Beare and P88 Ta a. agian A oa Exceisiors broke the tie with qo his team i , eaals, inte bs finals wh a run in the fourth on hits by.) Se aeee ment wack at Beare and Simpson but in the being ened aah ie hig ve t sixth, Foley's tied up, Mc. *° om Aere Sunday paced the winners. McKee was he best for Younz's Two No-Hitters And : One Single, Same Day CHATHAM (CP)--Iron man Chris Leyte, 12, pitched two no- hit games and a three games Saturday the second . anual peewee tournamer one-hitter in during Kinsmen's second race, Hannibal Miss went on to win, with Select Chick (left) coming second, A SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY SOFTBALL Oshawa City and District Assoc, = MacLean's Esso vs od Boy Appliance, at Alexan- ia Park, 630 p.m. Scugog Leaners vs Heffering's Imper- jials, at .Alexandra Park, 8,15 PENTTI LUND By. CHISHOLM MacDONALD p.m.; Genosha Aces vs People's Clothing, at Fernhill Park, 6,30 p.m, and Port Perry vs Brook. To Pentti FORT WILLIAM, Ont, (CP)-- Lund, pounding a typewriter is the second best way to stay in sports, The burly veteran of 330 Na- tional Hockey League games hung up his pro hockey gear 10 years ago, Now he's back in his home town as sports col- SOFTBALL umnist for the Times-Journal, Beaches Major Fastball! Writing sports for a news: League -- Hamilton Merchants| paper 'thas been my second am- vs Oshawa Tony's, at Alexandra!pition in life since I was a Park, 8.15. p.m, ; youngster," says the 1948 NHL UAW League -- Plaza Foods pookie of the year whose hockey vs Oshawa Quality Fuels, at/career came to an end follow: lin Concrete, at Brooklin, 8,15 m™, UAW League -- Handy Any's vs Kent's Western Tire, at Alexandra Park, 6.15 p.m, WEDNESDAY crowd of 7,768 attended the opening day of the Fort Erie meet, --(CP Wirephoto) FORT ERIE RESULTS hard-}winning run when Warren Fer- : Lutton, | RICHARDSON'S -- Meadows, sce Kin. &8 then Connie Lucas was save on mond's * For Maiden $5000. Purse FIRST RACE S Furs hyearolds, Claiming all an ert Sty e Boy. ' Gigitation Start good, won handily Also Ran in Order; Forest Bird, Chi- nese Chequer Richview Duke, Prilyn, re Mate, Mance Bob, Back Nine and Rostindale, Late Can, Sheere Khan. Winner ch ¢ 2 Parade -- Fair Ally Trainer K. G. Nicholds, Start good, Pool 21,127, Wick 51,80 19.90 12,90 Leblanc W220 7.60 1.40 won handily Double Pool 45,032 SECOND RACE -- } and 116th Miles. dyearolds, Claiming ali $2500. Purse 1900 &Hannidbal Miss, Robinson 11.90 5.80 3.90 SSelect Chic, Harrison 5.30 4.00 S-Jayell's Eyes, Dalton 44a Star? good, won drivin Winner br 1 3 Hannival -- Miss Betsy Trainer 0, 6. Brown DAILY DOUBLE 2 and 6 PAID $325.20 ' Pool 4,250. THIRD RACE +yearolds 1 and vsth and up. Miles Claiming al 4Janhill, Harrison $.60 3,50 2.90 J Anonymous, Bohenko 6.90 4.50 &Espalaris, Oitttach 3,70 Track Fast Start good, won driving Also Ran in Order: Be Merry, Gallant Hello, and Royal Wayfarer QUINELLA NOS, 4 AND 3 PAID $25.20 Winner, dik f, 3, by Federal Hill--Trojan Spear, Trainer, A. G. Smithers, Pool 23,475. Quinetia Pool 25,792 SIXTH RACE -- 4% Furlongs, for 3 year-olds and up, $7500 added, gross $487.50, <8) SAN Canadian, Robdinson 9. 5.10 4.00 &Loch Miss; Fitzsimmons 11,90 6.70 +Puss N' Boots, Leblanc 630 Track Fast Also Ran in Order: Carroll County, Winisteo, Indian Crossing, Come of Age, and Roman Anna Winner, 0 g, & by Windfields -- Cana- Q Trainer, G. $. Nemett. ol $2,811 SEVENTH RACE -- 6\2 Furlongs, for year-olds and up $7500 added, gross $8487.50). (8) Bi Roman, Fitzsi'ns 23.590 8.20 $20 Remillard $.10 3.60 rrison 3.80 " Start good, won driving. War Caper 9 Brown Eyes, Smir ge and rang Winner 0 g 8 High Bandit -- Equitable Trainer J, C. Meyer. Start good, won driving Pool 49,07? FOURTH RACE clds. Alw, Purse $2800. Tip Tomgery, Dalton Cesca, Fitzs's & Pours : Burton Start good, won driving Also Ran in Order: Firs? Nominee Ontario Holiday, and Farmer Jack FIFTH RACE -- 6): Furlongs, for 3 year-olds, claiming ali $4500. Purse $2100, (eo) Southmead And Storie Midgets Chalk Up Wins Southmead defeated North Oshawa 7-3 at North Oshawa last night and Storie Park tied Fernhill Park 7-7, in the Two Qshawa Minor Softball Associa. tion Midget League games play. ed last night. Storie broke in front at Fern- hill with three runs in the first ning, added two in the fourth and got singletons in the 7th and 8 They loaded the bases in but couldn't squeeze ded to wir a run in the fourth d 7-1 going inte the Sth but they came up with four runs in that 4 Ag then added a co in the Sth to ti the score, They had the winning run on third base in the $th and again in th rie held for 11 halted SOUTHMEAD WINS North Oshawa t visitors, held bay until the retire d and so ¢ a walk ck. They added trip Southmead got to Brack for a run in the and two n the third a 3 to Waters followed Reid and The visitors added two r the sixth, by McGraw and. Kidd and the same two plavers cras sed the plate again in the § this time aided by and Cooper RECORD FLEET SAILS MARBLEHEAD, Mass. (AP) A record fleet of 34 yachts sailed off inte a fresh south- erly breeze Sunday in what skippers and crews -p be a fast rac e Wind was to 38 : worked f evening ap DCalais ,and a homer by Stead in .' Master, R Also Ran in Order Banquet, Absent Son, and Ragout Winner, ch @, 4 Sy Roman Sandal -- Betsy K, Trainer, J. C. Meyer Pool 38,202 Roman Treasure Bive Light, Hidden BIGHTH RACE --- About } 116 Miles turf course, }year-olds and up, claiming r al $3900. Purse $2000, (8) Co Guy, Rodinson 8.90 4.40 3.20 nd Lanoway 3.40 3.00 \-Acompanado, Burton $H Start good, won driving, Also Ran in Order: Cassis Miss, Fap sun, Sassie Maid, Polycell, and Buleck, Winner, br ic, 4 Sy County Delight Galties, Trainer, J. Starr, Pool 54,604. Total Pool 416,137. Attendance, 2,768. KIWANIS BANT MINOR SOFTBALL Playing at Valleyview Park! last night, Woodview. Park Bantams defeated Valleyview) boys 34-8 in a three - hitting game that saw the winners) stage big rallies at the plate in the second, third, fourth and sixth innings. Marks, Cochrane, Bambino, McAllister, Brown and DeHart all tried very hard for Valley- view, even though they were a little outclassed, CONNAUGHT WINS Connaught Park Bantams scored a 12-0 shutout ast night at Bathe Park with John Dick striking out 15 strike outs in getting the win. Butler, who had a triple and a single, tong with Cockerton and Lioyd, each with singles, were the only successful Bathe Park bat- ters Connaught had homers from McQuade, Gardik, Dick (@) and other good hitting from Herrington and Farncombe NIPIGON NIPS VISTA _Nipigon Park nosed out Lake Vista 5-4 last night, in the. best Ra ef the Kiwanis Bantam Alexandra Park and Dyett's Sports vs Karn's Drugs, at. Al- exandra Park; both games at 6.15 p.m, . Civil Service League -- Post Office vs Reynolds, at Lake- view Park, East diamond and Firefighters vs Oshawa Dairy, at Lakeview Park, West dia- Bruins against Hawks in 1951 when the stick of Chicago's caught him in the right eye, © ing an eye injury, Lund was playing with Boston § Clare Martin Chicago Black & Almost blind in that eye after. © mond; both games at 6.45 p.m.jit quits, East Toronto Junior Ladies') League = Oshawa Scugog Cleaners vs Toronto Lou Myles, at Toronto Monarch Park, 8,30 pm, Oshawa Minor Assoc, -- (Ki wanis Bantam League) -- Nipi "I'm not the ward, he stayed in the NHL for © almost two years before calling © superstitious © kind," he said in an interview ¢ the other day, "but the time of | that eye injury makes a guy think back some," Bruins had played 13 games, gon Park at Woodview Park; had 13 points and "well, it just Bathe Park at Lake Vista and/happened to be Nov Valleyview at Connaught; All games at 6.30 p.m, 13,"" After a variety of jobs, Lund came to the Fort William news. | , (Midget League) -- North|paper 14 months ago "to stay | Oshawa at Sunnyside Park and Fernhill Park at Southmead; both games at 6.30 p.m, RASEBALL Lakeshore League -- Oshawa Merchants vs Peterborough, at Peterbor-| ough Riverside Park, 8.00 p.m,| and Ajax Merchants vs Belle-| in the field I love best," CHECKED ROCKET Some 20 pounds over his Lund, now 38, still has the agile movements of the days when he played navy hockey at HMCS Cornwallis in Nova Scotia or ville Kenmors, at Relleville Ex,|Wa@S covering Maurice Richard 1 Grounds, 8.00 p.m LAWN BOWLING , Mixed na tight-scoring NHL contest, | "IT know fans of Les Cana iN Inter mediate Playing weight of 180 pounds, hy : MAG : PENTTI LUND AT HIS TYPEWRITER see on the ice, But Gordie, al} Following discharge from the ; though he's more on the easy-inavyy in 1945 he played with Doubles Tournament, 7iens won't like it but I'd pick/going side, is still more of a for MacKay Memorial Trophy, | Gordie Howe of Detroit as the/natural star, He can do every, at Lindsay Lawn Bowling Club 1,00 p.m LACROSSE OLA Senior League -- Bramp- ton vs Brooklin Merchants, at} Brooklin Community Arena, 8.30 p.m Ward'sBilliards | Maintain String | Ward's Billiards concluded their UAW Softball League schedule last night at Alexandra Park with a 9-1 triumph over Dyett's Sports -- to make it a clean, undefeated sweep of the season's schedule, Only game Ward's have lost this year was their 10-9 reverse at the hands of Karn's Drugs,'* in the VAW Picnic Tournament semi - fianl game on Saturday, Maxwell limited Dyetts te seven hits and kept them scat- tered, They got thier lone run in the sixth when Welsh was safe on an outfield error and scored on a two . bagger by Bannon, Ward's got a homer from Norris to open the game, added another singleton in the second Stanza on hits by Maxwell and Milton and then exploded for victory) Six runs in the third inning, in, eluding another homer by Nor ris and one by Knox. Varga j walked in the fourth and scored the final run on a hit by Knox, WARD'S -- Norris, cf; Van. ; Stone, ss; Varga, 3b; Bryan, ¢; Knox, 1b; Clark, 2b; Maxwell, Pp; Milton, rf; Mason, If; Lyons, rf in 7th; Keenan, If in 6th DYETT'S -- McCabe, Welsh, 2b; Bannon, ss; bell, 3b and rf; Lupel, p 3b; Lyndmark, c; Georgeff, cf; Bradley, If; Foster, rf and p gue, right at Nipigon Park.! Carolwyn Grattan > winners got a run in the first inning, three in the thira) Greenwood Winner the} fourth, that proved the winning y as Wallace, pitching for) wake Vista, handcuffed the Nipigon team, all except Mc. Wilson, Stead and Hamilton Wilson, pitching for Nipigon,| gave up a homer to Zedic in) the third and was in charge! 3-1 going inte the Tth when Lake Vista tossed in the scare with three runs on a walk to Myers and good hits by Kram, y Bremner and Sallace PLAN RING CHECK OXFORD, England (AP) Britain's doctors have decided to investigate death in the box- ing ring. A call for the inquiry nto boxing injuries was made "Jat the British Medical Associa. tron's conference. It was backed by doctors who were amateur ughters in their younger days NEW YACHT LOSES HUNTER'S QUAY, Scotland (AP) -- Sovereign, Britain's ynew challenger for the Amer © itca's Cup, was beaten in her by Sceptre ailed to win a yacht series the United States Dougall and Delves doing the BRO ; N'S hitting. LUMBER & SUPPLIES Excelsiors went ahead 5-4 with LTD. a run of their own in the §th when Simpson opened with a "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" triple and scored on a single by NEW HOMES & Noakes. ; Foley's got to Mitchell finally HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF in the '7th inning, when Ross BUILDING MATERIALS singled, F. Cullen doubled, D. 725-4704 Cullen singled and McDougal! homered, Then MacDonald sin- 436 RITSON N. (Where Pavement E: gied and Nekkers doubled. In all, four runs crossed the plate for an 8-5 lead and Exceisiors were only able to get one back in their half of the 7th. For personel use or for @ Compeny use there ore é definite odventeges when you loase @ mew . . . e No imsorence costs for tall dotoits. PHONE 723-4634 There Are Special Bencfits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN ~_. Ne meintenence costs . . . One rete covers everything on one of two yeor lease items . . MILLS AUTO LEASE LTo. ACADIAN Other PONTIAC ge" BUICK Request 266 KING ST. WEST TORONTO (CP) -- Carolwyn Grattan, an li-yearold mare owned by Bert Madill of Lea.- mington, Ont. won the fea- tured sixth race by a head at Greenwood Raceway Monday night, defeating Rendez- vous Boy by a head. She posted prices of $24.30, $9.70 and $5.40 after stepping the distance in °-ar 2? Leny Boy was third STARTED CHURCH John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, saw his church _ srow to 76,008 members in Brit- ain before he died in 1791 MIDGETS. TONITE - 8:30 OSHAWA ARENA "HANS SCHMIDT YUKON -- tric vs MIDGET TAG TEAM best hockey player who ever lived and give secand place to Richard,' says Lund who had dealings with both in his rolé as a left wing specializing in checking, "Maurice was undoubtedly a great scorer, He had a sickness, | a hunger for goals you could) Wagering At Woodbine Near $19 Million Mark TORONTO (CP) -- A record) total of about $19,000,000, a | 500,000 increase over last year,| was wagered at the current 35-/ day horse-racing meeting at) Woodbine, which ended Satur- day. Fans numbered 322,000, about 2,000 fewer than last year. ' thing well, "But if Howe only Rocket's heart, . ." Born in Vassaniani, in 1982 after his family moved to Canada. cesiniaiecininiiiaaaitaemeniiilis REMEMBER WHEN , . .? By THE CANADIAN PRESS Rocky Graziano reached the pinnacle of his stormy eareer by stopping Tony Zale in the sixth round at Chicago 16 years ago today to gain the world middle. weight boxing title, Gra- ziano, banned from appear. ing in 'several states, lost the title to Zale less than a year later, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 16,1963 79 Boston Olympics of the Eastern jAmateur Hockey had the WO seasons, then turned pro iwith Hershey Bears of the Finland, American Hockey League. Lund arrived at the Lakehead Playoff appearances with Bos. Former NHL Performer Now Sports Columnist ton in 1947 and 1948 were his introduction to the NHL, JOINED RANGERS Acquired by New York Ran ers in. 1948, he scored 14 goals and 16 assists in 59 games and won the Calder Trophy as the league's outstanding rookie, The second of three years with Rangers he scored 18 goals and had nine assists, Picked up by Boston for the 1950-51 season, he got into a total of 30 games with Hersey, his activity limited by that eye injury, He quit after appearing in 34 games with Bruins in 1952-53, "But IT guess athletics is not something you get out of your blood too easily," he says, "and T guess that's why I'm here beating the typewriter and still in the business," One of two sports writera on the Times-Journal staff, Lund has little opportunity to special- ize in his favorite field and covers the general beat, His brother Joe also was ac- tive in hockey, having played both in the American and West- ern Leagues, But Pentti sees the game slipping away, for the present at least, from his im. mediate family, "My family of three are all girls--even the twins," SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, retioble Gee Dealer in your eres. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athel) 728-9441 oamnmemaaell | | | | | CLOSE YOUR ZIPPER We mean the zipper on your wallet, and don't open it up until you get to JOHNSTON'S Ya YEARLY SALE of fine clothing, starting Thursday July 18th at: JOHNSTON'S 8 Simcoe St. N. XTRA 14' x DELUXE EXTRA TO Protection For Your Car! Added Value For Your Home! ry GARAGES y SPECIAL 22' x 8' GARAGE COMPLETELY ERECTED ON YOUR SITE ny ...645- 4° CEMENT REINFORCED FLOATING SLAB ABOVE PRICE No Down Payment "hh NOV. Ist, 1963 ON OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN "DEAL WITH THE BEST AND GET THE BEST" OSHAWA WOO! HEAD OFFICE AND SHOWROOM -- COURTICE PHONE 728-1611 craftsmen . OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 728-1617 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS ALL TYPES AND ALL SIZES ee PRECISION-BUILT GARAGES save you time, labor and waste. Erected in one day by our skilled er delivered ready for owner assembly! You have choice of: PRECISION-BUILT STANDARD GARAGE PRECISION-BUILT -- CAR-AND-A-HALF GARAGE PRECISION-BUILT 2-CAR STANDARD GARAGE (Deluxe Models Also Available) D PRODUCT os Ke ' AULUEN TOLLS £ x setts

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