TELEVISION LOG vss ihe' rie URCH-TV Channel Li--Hamilton CBLIVIV Channel ¢=Torento| *""ijsah ma WOR-TV Channel %--Bultalo WREN-TV Channel ¢~Buttalo| "I WEBW-TV Channel }--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel Rochester | 11-0 CFTO-TV Channel Toronto CKVA-TV Channel 3--Barrie i, FRIDAY EVENING BATUKS § @Ali As MY, A aon 6.00 P.M, 8:00 AM, 1300 AM, 11:30 AM, wre ER on | et Hs ER se shew nor ae Eerie oe one Farm i. vary tahewy 4:30 PM, ERP) Fete fait he THE OSHAWA TIMAS, Pridey, July 12, 1963 ss 6:00 PLM, 7 Territory : i lant ¥--Cartoon Jamberee )48 PLM, @:15 P.M, Ae voy i begs chown Weathers @-arthur Haynes Show a0? AM, M. 6,90 « 6:45 PLM, ra . vous Me a . WO aeDieseet Searts jean Patrol 2:90 PM, "ay tite Gallant 2200 PM, , Candid Camere The Menace /11_orviime at Ba wa; Weather LimFather Knows Beat : @--faturiay Movie 9:30 PLM, Club Kleven Dance ¥--Hoatenanny + River Jamboree he Defende: At Wn Tk MO aah he | a anders Have Gia Wil Travel ee aE Uh auvelin Yeo Gar @3--Great Movies os " a3 PLM. 12:30 PLM, o--Pick Powell Roelt's Collie tHave Gua wu ave %Chikiren's Program 10:00 PLM. resting i ay 4--News 1:00 PLM, li--Cap'a Andy Show $_Gieo toMy Friend Plieke G3 Wrestling 4--Rural Review 1:30 PLM, $--Proffessional Teants 4 YM, @2--Majer League Base} P-Make That Spare Pal oe Baseball Game of the (1.03-7-64.5.9--News Week i Weather: 2:00 PLM, ' sad @3--Saturday Night at li--Hawkeye and the The Meviee Late Show at Metre if i ee ap a i thea s ' a OL ae hee ah Vy te > tm. live P.M, }il--Randy Show MOStessa--News: | S--Chmpienshi SUNDAY | & AN | & The Christophers ; 10) A.M. ji--Cathedral Chimes ; | 9:38 AM, | @-Texas Rangers & Big Rascals Nem PQQoReaea es Wee 10:88 AN, 11:38 PM 4---Mr. Bumbie's Ourton scene cay 9 My Fest Ae Wresttins Pe B--Secial Broun | tae ' = iter 2% PM, SSacred Beart orien LET'S BUILD IT OURSELVES . . . FOR OURSELVES Every Contribution or Pledge, is urgently needed se we can build and enjoy our own OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM This Message Donated By The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, 266 King St. W. Seah Soviet-U.S. Line = To Open Sept. } LONDON (Reuters) = "hot line" between the Krem sage St open . ener Tase reported Wi Two-way teleprinter tra will be pe Bg iy n by a cable running via Hel; Stockholm, Copenhagen an London, \* --_ 'The line is intended to provide ll Presiden Kennedy ange Prethier poe bg in an. je to tone down cold war One Man Hanged; : Another Confesses == LONDON (AP)-Home yea men e ¥ hanged last year, ™ -- ay ament=> district wheres siciet Mic! Gregeen Wae-« ilied by @ hitehhiker on Aug, = 1981, asked Brooke * mistaken identity, : The identity of the pereega said to have confessed was not > made public, Winter Navigation Said Not Planned - wien ito ih prom Wednesday the government ; take no action on winter navi s websseeess eed 'he promoted at their expense, Min Meliraith said that the 8:2 } \Lawrence: Sea era ae i winter use OP -* es $ iii TR takes a ship an av hours t© past throagh the Canal and 1,000,000 tons Me ping use the route every * SALLY'S SALLIES e4iceaatt MULTIPLE LesToR® StRHICE e ae ad