Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jul 1963, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 11, 1963 os GOOD EVENING -- By JACK GEARIN WHAT HAPPENED TO AIR POLLUTION BY-LAW? \e Pity the City's Health Department, ~ Irate citizens are bombarding it with protests these days th unprecedented numbers over a situation which is actually yond its control. ie They want the Department to do something fast to put & a@irh on air pollution over Oshawa (a pressing problem that fake been kicked around at high municipal level for several fears, as the official records show). ted The department is sympa- thetic to these anguished cries of protest, has done all within its power to alleviate the situation, but its hands are tied The depariment's defeatist attitude on the subject is re- flected in its "Quarterly Re- port to. the Community" (for last April, May and June) which has this to say offi- cially under the heading: AIR POLLUTION -- "Surveys have long since been completed outlining the extent of air pollution in the City, but as yet the problem has. been ignored, This is most difficult to explain to residents in some areas of the. City who must contend with smoke, soot and oders." The report was signed by DR. J. E, WATT Dr. J. E. Watt, supervisor Environmental Sanitation sec- ] | | | tion, Oshawa Board ofHéalth The Department simply can't act without the full co-oper- ation of ty Counc he majority of whose members have afopied an indecisive, turn-and-look-the-other-way attitude when the subject is discussed An intensive 18-mor air pollution survey was conducted in Oshawa for the period immediately preceding September of 1980. I: was done by the City under supervision of the Air Pollution Cont? branch of the Ontario Depariment of Health samples were sent back to Queen's Park for analysis The ODH recommended * ial Air Pollution by-law The dust fall and smoke qaeasurements ® t Oshawa in the past one-and-a-half for Oshawa" and years indicate th sed for a part-time Air Pollution by-law This was to be administered under a special full-time civic empiovee Known as an r ution Officer with the qualifi 'cations of a Stationary eer and attached to the City Engineer's Depar would be more than an inspec t Mixed Reactions To Royalty Visit By ROD CURRIE Britain's traditional freedom of| LONDON (CP) -- Ordinary speech | Britons are somewhat stunned ASKS QUESTIONS | but interested spectators to the' As the riots ranged & few Whole glittering, riotous Spec-niocks away in Trafalgar tacle surrounding the visit of the Square, Labor 'MP T. E. N. Dri-| King and Queen of Greece. berg rose in the Commons to| Queen Elizabeth, as hostess, a." for intervention to prevent no doubl is embarrassed by the th. "contemptuous ignoring" of| bloody clashes between police a, assurance that the ordinary| and demonstrators protesting), canal ratior the detention of alleged politi Hing ot ach ype demonatretion) cal prisoners in Greece But another Labor member, | Prime Minister Macmillan George Jeger, asked Macmillan and, members of his govern:|i¢ she could throw any light on ment have expressed time and sinic pew . found hostility to again distaste for the image Greece." 'A few years ago, he created abroad by the activi csiq the same people were de: ties of this hard core of seem fending the handing over of Cy- ingly professional demonstra tors and. their followers Macmillan said Mostly they are the same per you have called attention to} sons who stage the frequent ban: tha.8 contradictions, which pass| the-bomb marches and: almost i. understanding as well. as! constantly picket the United . they do yours," | States nuclear supply depot in 4 There the matter ended, Scotland ' The great public turnout for But some menwmers of Pariia Tuesday's welcome to King Paul ment feel the a out security and - Queen. Frederika almost measures to halt sa Gemronstre equalled that for last April's Vons are an infringement Ons wedding of Princess Alex andra Although the days when spec Royal Booing tators cheered themselves hoarse for passing royalty went . out of vogue a generation or Gets Headline more ago, the crowds Tuesday were unusually quiet There was a tension in the air In U K Press nti] the party reached Buck -- ngham Palace safely, where a great cheer went up, Everyone eemed to be waiting for som h to happen, to see. whethet ' arious Communist, pacifist and other groups would make good their threat to throw the yrocession off pace with demon LONDON (Reuters)--The boo ng Mat Queen Elizabeth and her Greek royal gue Wedne y night treatment in the today Battle of boos The Daily Teles " The Queen and P. e Ph with King Paul and Queen Fre erika, arrived at the rheaire last ght in the die of a fatuous battle of boos tions , BRITONS MYSTIFIED Ail this sudden hullabaloo has many Britons mystified the political. situation in a nnece The Save Greece Now organ sheer I and cheers, I vas a politica ation and the Committee of a hae gccmael | RE eviously devoted to ant uclear demonstrations, claim tha 9) prisoners in are held simply be politically op » Daily Telegray a message responden and b rne are general reaction » government and the apinion t prus to Greece, "Tam glad) th Negro ator to a patrol car hree other per ed when th a se r establishmen Atlantic Board Bill Attacked | five marchers shment more than f them white picketed known as Dizeyland put ens and entere a 'House Steps Up Pace Of Business By JAMES NELSON Reports are current that dur- OTTAWA (CP). -- The gov: ing the recess, Mime Minister ernment hopes to wind up the Pearson will shuffle his cabinet, current phase of the parliamen: moving Mr. Gordon to another tary session by July 31 and re. portfolio and possibly naming group its forces during a six. Trade Minister Mitehell Sharp lo eight-week summer recess, to succeed him as finance min: reliable informants say ister Starting today the pace of 'The summer recess tanget parliamentary business will be date now is July 31. give or take stepped up with a shorter supa few days. : break : Rane aetoned we ogteamnE Whe the opposition. reape aeacnares would like to show" their State Secretary Pickersgil! atrength in the parliamentary ' machine by keeping the govern: government House leader, has Com been conducting negotiations ment on stage in: the Commons " o as long as possible, their mem- with opposition party represen r tatives with a view to arrang. 2° 00; would ithe 0. Reneay . and the best guess currently mg Commons business to meet ike Gametabie. Few bindine available is that the session will . a ueess® adjourn not later than Aug, 3 wares NAVE Been Com The date of Partiamenta te The government had hoped passin dah fie eae a the session's first phase could % ee be concluded by the end of next opposition thnt the hewn ae re . be for only six weeks, wh week, But that was before oppo moana renuntite abeu mid sition MPs. sank their teeth into sabe Wing ut Sep. Finance Minister Gordon's con This, however, ie aot Nem troversial budget ~ a The g Propo The government wants the hold fb pide obpiell "¢ beg jbudget resolutions adapted by..." the rN ot "atk h " ithe Commons before it recesses be ween 18 | now being considered, It seeme even if the tax bills are not fin kely it will be. about mid-Sap- ally amended before the MPs tember, a time which usually scatter seams to suit most of the pro- vinclal governments n~ . MUST DECIDE DATES Ontario Legal "yx pncne pares whether the conference and the Rid S stem resumption of the pariliamen- y' tary session can be concurrent, One device the government Study Planned hopes to employ in hurrying the of work the Commons is an TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's adaptation of a practice in the POLICE DRAG NEGRO , tree legal aid system can ex: British Parhament, an alloca. pect a study by a government. lion of time to be spent dedat- refused jo leave, they were ar law seciety commiltee for pos. ing the spending estimates of sible changes, Attorney-General government departments Fred Cass said Wednesday With the agreement of Con. It's certainly got to be rear: cervative House leader Gordon ped the charges ganized,"' he said following his Churchill, a former trade min- (AP Wirephoto) (return from a study of the vega! ister, the trade department ea aid operation in Britain timates were passed in a single Mr. Cass said he hopes a qay iasi Friday in an unusual rested and charged with treas pass, but the owner later drop INTERPRETING THE NEWS iatement willbe teleaned Jer burst of pariamentary eneray. The Liberals hope that most Senate Given the committee, composed prob 'ably of four: government and three Upper Canada Law Soc other government departments also van be pul through in ene- day sessions. It has suggested ety representative Provided sae hous not able to an understanding with appost: t . awe tion groups that sittings be ex- tor. He would a consultant. He could tell firms, if necessary. how to overcome pollution problems and how to ae By C he Greek a cour < ¢ , government. how y ommons isit to Londor P sists they are not politi operate boilers to avoid soot and dust & ' Foal | Eyres e pay a lawyer's fee, the system tended on these dcecas Look At Chin [aitters from Britain's in that mtmight. tram the Reranal daily yp > } ' r H an ch ~ ; OTTAWA (CI The Com Rritain pays those lawyers who : > ROreRe Seay it ick uieued AM : iS : adjournment hour of 10 pm of t ton sis irder. treason and other MOMs foGay sets a s offer legal services to the law with the ntive that if work » regret that the was bd . saauaen Se Sera n it i " , feeding 'a8, foe . ort expre gret tha V ws anabauenel oy. per hour 1 ased , Ry HAROLD MORRISON sities Foundation, who visited society and Ontario doest na department it ft hed '. se annually. outside of $360 for special smo not postponed cil . Canadian Press Staff Writer Red China, savs he Sees no The government finances eri go { "we et gig " ' 3 . . r ¢ nr Li x % measuring equipmen Engineer Fred. Crome estimated Th, Daily Express . thousand We t ' tud r iepth of Red quick transformation. China is Urety the legal aid service pro 1 fe gb 3 can knock off, ' ' : a ' . ake OV Phe a housands ss i rove geist : ' ne apposition ry would be around $15,000, but other City Hall estimates were Home Secreta e younger a8ena ' : m semen repared unlikely to become a scient vided by the legal profession: n ow n hinat ng pre t oung : 3 some inclinatic as low as $9,000--$10.000 as saving been traind rmmittee, ally and technologically ad Britain, this idea--as ° +4 + " . » n dat ster for » } ft _ ) nd nt q r £ Cla ribes rr¢ Chine vanced ountry for ait Ontario's operation, granted *o nitad ni one The Province made recommendations September 1, ; 2 Z and ehab '0 4 'hous wks. DP nels. Gate mited the less controversial Communists and 3 " ograr Y 4 St -hurea s stagna . ' me ders s. he sg t if sing! rm $8 968. to Dr C. Stewa City MOH, who immediately con- . --_ ed hocade © sare departme such as the post a! observers scoff Senate study than $1,700 annually, or if mat V curred in them and so informed Council, He asked for action he: Manchester Gua : ried $2,500 ($200 allowed for Office, mines, fisheries, and for. The er was th kicked around at Council-leve!l for "Queen Elizabet! ne are arge that the 46-year There was some disagreement as io what the total cost the job w npower i ages mited. vet each dependant), places a great O°") ; burden on its law society, Mr as Cass said CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY 2 id queen, a much more forcefu x ' +) ' x Several weeks without any definite. action -- the draft of a nished at Und Of NISStS ye rconality than her husband. in n plans ve t with ambition and whe present leaders fail to make proposed Air Pollution bylaw was on Council's agenda for. and cries of "Sieg he but that os runs the government J md reading wt hn ek abe srranio. ft af what they have . +1 regained her com. |*"* 7 . y n pMncip n Pas s ' ' : S November 21, 1960 but it got sidetracked in the shuffle. Some = 2° aM ny nee 3 ih : apf WAS IN HITLER YOUTH Pp : slow and p erous. Per #9-vear-old Mao has one posure and entered t thes " u sett 1 © pro aldermen thought it would be too costly to enforce the pro ith aa cneaied wie make much of st evaities ta the bosses and n posed by-law from Queen's Park. It has remained on the pi. a ee e in Hitler's vouth o ope "Sidelines ever since without implementation tion and claim Greece is Wednesday's It is estimated that Ontario awvers provided $1,700,000 srea power--human multitudes hid onen Re ee worth of legal services free last) FREE TO CUSTOMERS ch na has about 700,000,000 peo CALL PERRY to Marxism are rated above mt A ay j tronic vent and among these cases pie In an age when electron La Rat the ha cidale Mage male dlnue 'aber ot 2) murders and 378 other . ' y Stonder AS "GROTESt "ag 5 state dominated », ' rer d by a Canadian educa. 4°45 "ss oe we % ne s rharee ith eanita) of The City Hall, incidentally, is one of the worst. offenders' -- ned en : : > Mik , avo a shed the nist who made an on-the-spot Ooselete, but attempts to har./ Perens charged with capita 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT for allowing soot and ashes to pollute the City air, but most of ti oS Bo aS ae Pa DN ; ' , ie 5 oe ause-by-clause study eA jaca Ware me a " ei ness this 'huge "human. power ' ces won -- ror s the Buckingha ated daughter of oval ho : : Foreign ideas ret e € a antec board have proven none toa produc cheated ; ' aoe s : een the ; : ' , the compiaints in the past three weeks have come from th ace banquet given he vf Denmark, granddaughter of oovernment : . y are rejected and students northeast and east sections of the City, Citizens blame local ihe Greek royal couple jay the Kaiser and great - grand'. controversial clause 2 tu d 'abroad are regarded "Y¢ factories night "a grotesque vity jaughter of Queen Victoria dav the ' $ i with nm at home If n fact, the ideologica any { b a P % ' rre) rest favor of Citizens are becoming more persisient in their demands The ies of I on and Bu home, where shevén ining peadiz aati Viewed ainst this internal Qa s in favor of Rus DRESSES 3rd ANNIVERSARY technical sk a conclusion cor estmin of ne coer laa re colt th her r ' i " 'a ' that something: be done to correct the situation, but they = have be oerced Geared herself with her work at wy re going to the Ser ese problem of a dynasty : oO b t r tr b the City. i280 @ Pattern of iron behavior the front during the civil War. aie on its way -to s royal under chairman Mao Tse-tung Stanted that China would re ore Dare ap ne WEE Ue eee oe ne oe to keep the people apart fror she enjoys widespread popular. yccon) | 2 na of incertain strugele for Main decile in* defeat, More Heaith Department : monarchy that has meant little ity and often takes unscheduled venation. the Soviet-Chinese likely, the Chinese would. press As the clamor of protests grow louder, the situation be- to them in the past and ie des: without a guard, through MUST BE APPROVED Aid encia bereits a ¢ or more overt aggression 0 comes more pathet The City's only Air Pollution testing them 1 " the colu s vy streets in her apen ca The measure g ' sche ' i r factors woula 'heir own, to demonstrate their It is actua 33 a Wil am onnor Her who fe seems to be de. & Spend ahowa & to dica nd sina is deomeg Contention that the U.S. the $100,000. 006 ) t main thrust of Western defence Sa paper tiger." machine today operates on the roof of City Ha ly owned by the Ontario Department of Health. It is used jp check radiation. and measure the amount of fly-ash and writes +14 voted i¢ establishmat of a The whole farc " zo dov f m under the mon " si, as a traffic ~anot density locally. An Oshawa Department of Health em = » pei , ' nad eb mae ai least to a dis ten behind Saviel rushchey's banner ¢ This could deepen the Soviet : xistence with the h t and aggravate ten ¥ yus or t er t c red s eV r ' ' ' or pray lov € ery 1 + plovee: adjus's weekly remove the recorder-paper, which a bv anks af ' : t mona : : : . Wes sions between them. While Rus tis sent to Queen's Park, Toronto. That is the only ioca shade and hue--and of unforgiy. ch ane s ne doubt ix why > are ea sia and China may never came abie advice tendered by efied same of her advisers "? Vernmer R HAS MORE APPEAL to blews, the split may demand Most of o cied presenialives appea neoncerned rackpol advisers in ihe g r ma t trip here despite = * grid se te Russ mas DIAVOR NS Ae eventually that the Seviet Unien = . ment to Her Majest he th y threats of demon. Po niin ' s 4 y au Ss it } amassed 1 s ' mat thie - about the health of e children and adults who breathe ane ; cued 'gisuntenie: a . : Her Rag oelggse embark an a patiey of contair ; this air @ ™ : apse ' : ; ae ment of the Chinese---a policy this Y Ais » terms of off he e world rockeiry that could make life a little = ans easier for those in other parts WEATHER FORECAST January by the formes Progres, tary power. As a showcase f6¢ Gr'tne word nism, Russia. would seem * watch on poliut mm City Ha FOOD SANITATION PROBLEMS Congratulations to Charies Cornelius, branch manager of . CNR pas r tick sales f this area, who w celebraie his 43rd. year N next Saturday. He has been in the : King street of nine vears Members of the Oshawa > C of C and their wives have been invited ta visit the beauti- * ful gardens of Parkwood August 15 by Col. R. S. McLaughlin . Oshawa now fh a e g system for ch hes and > sition iz ave more appeal than Red overament is ing read s t atom bomb a eather Seria oi. «| pons CONTINUES : Truly exciting values owa:t you during this annual FOR Fashion event th and wealth that may bed bd t x Russia less. reluctant 'o a Drifting East j ate live name ow the Red China plea of her private halis where food is served. The big problem pone bin woh e ri . x ; world conquest through bloody SFemaining s this what should be done about preparation Forecasts by the Toronte wea. St. Catharines..... t more to lose than China which § SERVING OSHAWA OVER of large amounts of feod in private homes for saie at such the office at 5 am E Onin ...... ae . ¢ . » reais ' sling to feed its $0 YEARS premises? The City Health Department says such practices Synopsis: The northerly f ; i te evercome famine at 24-HOUR SERVICE should be prohibited wien =e wie sep Panay ico ialnsig ee taberals me, to find. sufficient teach : ' r es ta Ontar pe en ee SPSRAWA CREEK "DEFIES DESCRIPTION" pe cies ta stdehie ' peed The Oshawa Creek js grossty polluted and has a foul o wes i . nz Sudbu odor in most sections his starts around Rossland road warm air iv Karitor * The further south « moves the worse i gets, especially across the n Sault Ste se * below King street. The worst polluted spot of ail is in the Lake St r, lake F eee i " = BUY RHINOS = south sector. Surveys indicate pollution of both a bacterial '4** Huron, Georgian Bay White River > 4 mn Ativona hes sat agara, western Lake Ontario re. Moosonee ... 38 : «and chemical nature of: our watercourses. Elimination of sient Windsor. Landen. Hasnii Timmins wo rare white rhinecerases < all poliutinn poses a long and complex iaxk, but much could ian Torenia: Friday sunny and from South Africa "be done with the co-operation of all parties concerned The warm, winds heh e@ondition of Oshawa Creek im the south end of the City defies Eastern Lake Ontario, Ha "Geicription " on regions: Sunny with a Lakehead .... roe | : ¥ -- tal Gecitation ew cinudy perinds tnday F : : DR. J. F ATT, superviser, Environmental Sanitat) ic Gai Gad wenten winds UO Ree * section, Oshawa Board of Health ight cS. Ma. 4 : 1 Paul Ristow ' Kapuskasing .... eicaae Timagami, Algoma, Cort ck oar tes : Dr. Watt also thinks that the City's laws en property rane. White River regions North Ray, i... ------ Sudbury .... 187 King Se. E. 728.9474 . t ni re t t , ; North Bay. Sudbury, Sault Ste maintenance a oo lax. He geis complaints from itenanis Muskoka about houses that can't be heated, that have leaky reofs, etc; Mame: Sunny and warmer to wig, ogy = sit = " ' ¢ dav and Friday, winds south ay + but the landlord can't be forced to repair them . antien nas 31 ? 4 west 1h Friday 1 r The Departmen! can condemn some of ihe worst housing OrOMe 4.5 .* ' for health reasons (i ¢.. waler supply, sewage disposal). Much Ferecast Temperatures aOR 55,5 +. 7 on : > sub-standard housing can be. deali with "on such definite Lows overnight, highs Friday = , ie . sor RS mireal . '* > terms'. He wants an inspection team of all civic depart- Ml EE Pe Q s are » ments involved (Health, Engineering. Fire and Welfare} to ; = ee 7 zac IS THE TIME OIL FURNACES Better Hurry . . , JAYN -MODDE DRESSES ' 7? KING ST. FE. oppesite the Genesha Hotel 725.456) Russia has a lot 200 Observed Tempcratures Loews evernight, hichs Wed Wrnniper ey @ Coammerrist end make an official reopri on housing problems. Any housing Kitchens occupied by relief recipients would first be approved by this Mount Forest ; team se that the landierd who refuses io mainian deceni Wingham siandards would not be paid rent from civic funds. Dr. Wait Hamilter urges immediate actior Special Weekly Message To Members Of SEA CADETS AT RAND CONCERT CHAMBERS City. Cour tentatively set the: gradua caigire FOOD CLUB scale for the D r af pera ons ax ti 550.874 930 which BEACH OF ALL" es mm Phone 728-4681 * does not inci : ¢ benefits te be added The Sea A Seri pr aay soe cas coe -#2-* 1 NU-WAY : e ght's cence ' = rs Band of the fniz © be known as "Nav rh m3 thes w afficiat: b { « + eremar 'y Pong RUG co. LTD, ies. The loraie axhiin Bandshell, Roess'Meicaile, f - 174 MARY ST Bowmanville, wii 290 King W P?R-4220

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