ib noe ati | Brenda Mason, Tony Chernick , ee Le fa aaa. y Are Married In St. Andrew's Brenda Joy Mason and (Tony) |and matching pitk hat and Anatole A. Chernick exchanged! shoes. vows recently, at St, Andrew's) The bridegroom's mother) United Church, The bride is the) wore a gray and white dress of | daughter, of Mr. and Mrs chiffon poised over taffeta with | Richie S$. Mason and the bride-|, ty) skirt. Accessories were | groom is the son of Mrs, Julialwhite and pink roses formed! *|Kajmowicz all of Oshawa, both corsages The Reverend John Leng of- Leaving on a motor s ficiated with Kelvin James as around: Lake Ontario, the bride! organist and Mrs. Laura Saries! donned a three - piece white, of Stirling as soloist linen suit with red accessories! Given in marriage by her fa-land a corsage of red roses. ther, the bride was gowned in The couple will reside in Osh. jfuil ~ length peau-de-soie and) .y. : . 'Chantilly lace, featuring a scal joped neckline with traditional Relatives attending the cere- lily. . point sleeves, Her skirr/Mony were from Edmonton, designed with lace motifs fell Burlington, Toronto, Madoc, into a chapel train, Her pillbox Stirling, Belleville, Trenton, |! headdress was trimmed | with' Rancroft, Kingston and Co- pearls: and held a shoulder. yourg jength veil, She carried a cas leade of red roses Maid of honor was Connie Smith and the bridesmaids were Linda Meyer and Donna Smith rt Ann Arnold was BUDGET TERMS junior bridesmaid,. The atrend , -- . : ' : ant: were similiary gowned in " P LARGELY RESPONSI! the group above, From the ton, Mrs. Elgin Knopp, Mrs, Mrs, F. W. Amey powder - biue, featuring. short 9 ; tor the success of the gare jeft they are Mrs..G. M. G. N, Varnum, Mrs. Allen Ba sleeves and rounded necklines of party. were the members of Peters, Mrs. Keith) Alder. Smith, Mrs, George Ellis and ~Oshawa Times Photo 'atreta and chiffon, Their bout & | fant skirts were trimmed witt = We are clearing our entire stock of ladies' bette dresses . . , includes all 26th Scout Ladies' Auxiliary PERSONALS matching 'blue and accennres' WIFE PRESERVER (2 oe ee were white and blue. The maid po Values to 14,98 Values to 19.99 Values to 24,98 Hol j Succe ful Garden Tea . sawtnheimer.ipot luck supper ree i oo as sigh in : shade When making a large group} ss 1 eepe J an 1 Y Mrs. Olive Wood and Miss Jean * her et ' i : Re os i oth ' he ef i : ang ona of sandwiches at once, as for a CLEARANCE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE " 'oronto 1 a t bie Symington, - all of 7 to, at. were played, The follow nosegays of tinted blue and party, use an ice-cream scoip to The terraced grounds were of Mrs, George Ellis, Stone > er ae honoring marked the closing meeting bedecked with colorful ambrel- street west, on Thursday iast agg prothy 7 : ine! tere the Cubs Re freshment AP ning white chrysanthemums get equal portions of filling i n abi bie a > idert res tS bit tata a z ; ohn y a Bur > sk} ni with gentle Pct an - oo ag Gace a S ou; Set aseeciere A ae! songs baiedague ty Hf egprorcheligaeeves t : ol . we _ Br tr 1 ine nematic i the scene thal captured the al. Mothers' Auxiliary introduc. Phone Company me Mts Ralph Coburn made ahd rs Ey teh Donald 'asa tention of those who attended ed Mrs. G. N. Varnum, pre 1" 5 j + eee core ~ cae nn Chersick and Gary LADIES Ld Ld bs The Grade and 6 pupils of che artistically and realistically Dennis the garden party at the home/dent of the District Commiltee o, ppjiip's Schoo! closed the depicted a wolf's head. svmbo. Jackson ' No beby sitter, me cer tere ~ ~ { Scout up » : . ae nt y . "tie vo : aes Stow Lames AUX year with & Most enjoyable Pic tic of the Cub Emblem and The rec 'prion Was held al the Mr. Bernerd . Jas ¢ aries 4 cutting T ' : > hit : ' or 4 oronte § * eading on to the gander Mr . "heh "ye thy. colors, AN w thanks for re- UAW Hall. Receiving guests Experienced Hair Styiist LADIES All Ladies sORGI ; : ' A t "cu IK snd swim freshments served by the Aux- the bride's mother wore a dusty FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS v graty he Mth , aay ' : . Varnam congravlated the 36h cng fied the program. Late ta 'war giver, Toneeh eee aes ne ane ee" Gas Bese ALL WEATHER COATS © SUMMER SLIMS u r or e t ' } ' » Wee ass -h & Woods Senior S th a lace tri ex ac and wished them évery success) "ince party for their teach : ies We 8 ee ee ee ---- = @ PEDAL PUSHERS for the future. Every mother|'" oe and WOOL TOP COATS with a yon in Scouting was ee a a ae & @ BERMUDAS matically a member of the 1a Daz 4 Higt Sheol Te ' be | Semectty tailored, letest feshions . . . new and SHORTS ame gh x t . clearing at fentastic sevings. sould = i a ama TereshmnenTd were Be --) All REDUCED ALL REDUCED ir Big Repo an ceecs: puredand served By the ges ' __UP TO 12 PRICE UP TO 12 PRICE live membe x num and weicomed the wome , Mrs eturned from a cruise George Bills, hosters 0. she Great Lakes. While heading dei ee a | > For Street and Casual Wear troduced the convene s hom Mrs. Wren wars Keith Alderton Wane uaaet attach Sed taken ' ; 4 : Amey, Mrs. Allan Smith s hospital 'iz " a 7 George Peters dd Mrs g si Ye naine " Knopp. The proje few months of « lovely otton, earnel, terylene . . . otf querenteed washable and color test. and figurines of | Sees + pl apy eye ire 42 ve 34, "Thi smn fe gerne ose & > REG. TO 4.98 Ass |. REG. TO 6.98 The success ¢ ; 4 partly was alinbuted Victoria age United hare' George Ellis for her efforts and Toronto. wer I and r SA CLEARANCE CLEARANCE Clare Shan 1 r nd MRS, "DOLLY WELCH -- irs. Swul Goldberg, The Bron i! Picnic $ ia Oe TL / : w REG. TO 5.98 REG. TO 9.98 Reception Honors 'icc supper fun : : * te =a : ) / ( | | e Fashion Shoes Z CLEARANCE for 5.98 Mrs. D. Welch For Bathe Park Aux. ef THIS IS TRULY AN OUTSTANDING BARGAIN EVENT . AND AVOID DISAPPOIN Irmiend Stone The Bathe Park Ladies Aux ber Mrs. Frank Brewer, St ing after 34 years service in Mh 5 . a : members and guests. "Tables pererghang, Florida; Miss Mar vralic department of the Bri set up on the lawn and garet | Syracuse, NV Teiaphone Company were ~ ss m = nd Mr Jonalkt Tail The reception was held in the *! enjoyed the picnic supper - --s y rx; Denes s alty SPECIAL " } land Lake; Mr. and M tadies' lnunge, bright with flew. which each family had brought ne wa A eae Ars G 1 UOarswe M and Mrs sn _ rH oon eh The children we g ' en Wavne, Roby ns ! i Mr : and THIS WEEKEND eee ee 75.00 RACK Outstanding Clearance of © vnesses . +... reg, value to 19.98 eae ; ... Peg, values to 24.98 ' COATS ce reg. values to 29.98 MOSTLY ONE-.OF.A.KIND . . . BUT EXTRA VALUE TO QUICKLY CLEAR OUR RACKS. as no vir n Torenre er On Retirement ----jiiary, vheir nomands and tam iroup the guests mt Friends, teliow - workers ang Hes held their annual picnic 8 worton-Horner wedding recent 150 prs. of coloured high ond illusion heel former fellow . workers namber. the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred ly were Mr. and Mrs naries * ine TM in all, gathered to honor Lodge, Solna, Mrs. Lodge and Schmidt and Mr a a Mrs DRESS PUMPS oe REG 9 99 Mrs. Doliy Welch who is ret Mrs, Byard King welcomed the 78! Horner, Shawville, Que » . a . a ot X HORS and Choco honer recerved a corsage of pink and white carnations and Mrs. Gladys Harrison perser of her with & perl . point purse SHOR APORING 'onMtaining & Sur of mone Giris Miss Mrs. Weich also ] coma' cheque from mewn : Boss -- Pau en ai eh a ~ NURSES -- DUTY. FLATS Comtorat sit ar those inng dn reg. 7.99 Sa ONE EP oe Ladies' Bengaline Ladies' and Girls' DUSTER COATS | BATHING SUITS AND WOOL TOP COATS Here is excellent velue . . . ond excellent [Fully lined, in your choice of many ettractive selection im fine quolity bething euite . . . shodes . . . sizes 10 to 20. req value 24.98. § most sizes . . . all styles. cuanance ¥@.00| "33° 1/2 PRICE Ladies' LADIES' GIRLS' mrs. | SHORTS | SLIMS haen he a sender exteqtion . im your me te ae entree Saget ewan S08 1.98 to 2.4% nn 0 ee ee ae . mormetty sold fer Sizes 7 to 14. SPECIAL pol SANDALS, Italian ae oi a ce . Merny populer stytes wolves up g "99 pr. 99< CLEARANCE MEN'S SHOES This is © complete cleerout of men's better tines of dress shoes thet normally sold up to 10.95. You con't appreciote the volue juntil you see them . . . come in tedey! : ICLEARANCE PR. MEN'S PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN LOWER! WHITE DRESS ars LUGGAGE Populer, cool short sleeve style ' FOR MEN AND WOMEN weer, 2 pockets, fully sentori Select . . . then peck for summer trevel . at. = elt since to aut every need. Durable and at- SPECIAL ba eractiven, NOW AT LOW, LOW PRICES ppipeuess re COME 1% AND COMPARE. ™ the 4 @ cleorout of tine qeelity sits thet sor malty sold up te 49.98. Most one-ot-o-kind, but oR well tellored end sttrective styling, Most sires = \W the tot Most sizes in the. lot. gs ec CLEARANCE 18. EXTRA PANTS WHERE AVAILABLE 5.00 CLEARANCE FRIENDLY BUDGET TERMS -- NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES MANY MANY MORE BARGAINS ON DISPLAY mg feot aoys. Mods now! A3A-2A8 2 PRS. 8.00 a1 129000 Gon uva 3304 DRESS SHOES ve thrilled, charmed ond truly happy with the xe choisette wooden \ ? yng splection of High ond ilusmn Heel now ' % ot ren! Money -soerme prices, White, Black, webbing ne White, Red, Blur Reg, $9.99 6.90 2 PRS. 13.00 g 3 y z ad FREE PARKING [NS BUDGET TERMS " ue z i 3344 one swe ONINUY 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER Fly RASHION SHORS jp, Retest ated DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 'ff ) CJ OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY -- FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. " 74 SIMCOE cy q. 733-3 across from South Simcoe School SenAWA SHOPPING CENTRE as eM FREE PARKING [ENN BUDGET TERMS