44 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 10,1763 SCUGOGS WIN SPORTS | THIS IS NEWS!" FP af Genosha Aces Upset "CALENDAR Fishing Activity Bad Boy Appliances "xn. 1»,,. Petters Shooting _ Re --7 righhrnaee § 8 ied Oshawa Union Rod and Gun Club, held!and: Don Hubbard both had In the Oshawa City and Dis-;walked and Boivin -- singled; with one oul, advanced on an sey * econ ale every week at their range on 20-out-of-25 broken birds, htriet Softhal ~iation's regu-|Sambo" Smith took over and error and crossed the -- plate Thornton's road north, is no} Team No, 4 under Captain trict Softball Association's regu "Sam D0 Smith " oie lehan "Tal counented aatels Oshawa City and -District)Jonger a shoot of two top teams, | Rick Sheridan, who again forgot Bag |tar doubleheader, 'last night at/Tilk greeted him Oa wltth " ine 'Sth. a combination of, A880¢. (Major League) -- Mae-|for team No. 2 under Bill Rudyk/to show up at the last shoot, or; Alexander Park, Genosha Aces cies ete) later "a aot : wie a eae ws iks,|Lean's. Esso vs People's Cioth:/had their best weekly score,/had a negative score, Don {upset Bad Boy Appliances with/and infield out We Se ee co liie. at Radio Park. 6.38 om h 97 { 100 broken birds.) Henr d his' best s 16 decision in the first) .. Aces-s¢ored three runs in the plus Simpson's double, gave) '8: 8 ' sige wit v4 out Ms 1 oroxren bras, | enry had his best score of ani : Pgh A wariway'n nele. a Brooklin their other three runs, Oshawa Minor Assoc, (Ki-/for 809 broken birds, whic hithis tournament with a 23-our- jpame ot the ye st ye walk ind jaskell's ivinle, sus Bob Campbell started on the Wanis Bantam League) -- Nipi-|with six points for the day,/of-25. Jiggs Harlock and Jim j the second half, Scugog Clean.) walk and inax atid " ub sd mound for Brooklin. but ran gon Park at Connaught Park; {gives them a total of 36 points,|Harrison both had» 20-out-of-25 ers Juniors turned back the) Boivin's sacrifice a bs pig in aah Papeleaad ble rieht at the start Bathe Park at Valleyview Park broken birds and Sid Knowlton Northern Division leaders, ed two in the 8th on hits by Ma- into trouble right at the start ®¢ se Vals ) seie Most of the fishermen in the had his 'noorast' & ia th iBrooklin Concrete, by a 9-5 sod, TiIK and Szyszka, for a and when it became worse in and Lake ista. at Woodview Cjyh, who also shot. are say bo a : = ded ~-- ey lachre richly-deserved win the second, he gave way to)Park; All games at 6.30 p.m, ing that is the trouble. They, fe sige ita u dv high : | Bad Roy Appliances struck) GENOSHA ACES -- Zarowny, Ronnie Jones in the third in (Midget League)--Southmead | took a day off to go fishing ice ale iti silat Geil ene for four runs in the first in.ic; Rowden, 3b; - Gaskell, Ib; / ning, Scugogs picked up three at Sunnyside Park and Northithe "weed dras al PiZCON) proken bird separating them ning then didn't do very: much|Mason, p; Boivin, ss; Tik, If;/ more singletons in the rest of Oshawa at Storie Park; .Both/Lake, It was a great SUCCESS] co vii oak cee thewe fod teavs jagainst Bob Mason's pitching, Szyszka, 2b; Hickey, rf; Sen- the game, off Jones all games at 6.30 p.m with 79 fishermen, who took ey change positions Steal lafter that, Jackie Sneddon eco, ef, home-run blows: and -all with) UAW League -- Karn's Grugsjover 100 pickerel,-:six lunges 'pefoa this tournament is lopened by getting on, via.an, BAD BOY APPLIANCES -- bases empty, Bob Young had ys Ward's Billiards, at Alexan- (keepers), and many others foo over : error and then after Mason had|Snedden, ib; Wright, lf; Reilly,;two and Vail had one dra Park, 6.15 p.m small to keep, and about a8) team No, 1 under Captain fanned Wright and Reilly. Joe/2b; Melnick, c; Berwick, ef Ralph Davis opened the game Civil Service League -- Rey doren bass Doug Branton, were only ob'e |Meinick drew a: walk, Bill' Ber.|Mackness, 3b;- Solomon, ss; or Scugos h & homer, In qoig's vs Foley's, at Lakeview, Under these conditions, some to pick up one point for their wick was safe on an error, then| Westfall, rf; Wills, p; Smith, p the second sianza knot CaN: Park, West diamond and Post Shooters are apt to go wild.'79 broken. birds, Doug Bran'toa | Jack Mackness singled and Bill/in 5th; Tureski, 2b, batted ir si aaaly sit iv : iw pees vs Oshawa Dairy, at ig sie oe No. 2 did. had 18-out-0f25 broken birds, }Solomon doubled, to complete! 7! ris walked, wag advanced' bY/_akeview Park, east diamond; With three shooters turning ini sian Starr, who ects : lthe rally SCUGOG CLEANERS WIN' singles from Solomon and Mc-/poih games at 645 p.m. perfect scores of 25-out-of-25}in a perfect rely te Peg vale | "The josers got their other two It was the 'Juniors'. Night"? Name Davis freed Norris at : broken birds They were Cal evenings, had 20-out-of-25 bro- runs in the fourth inning when last night, proven when Seu. the plate but March hit safely,| BASEBALL shi Bit Rudyk, Bill Welsh andi ken birds Curly Tomlinson had Solomon opened with a sin. gog Cleaners followed the Gen. then Mapes walked Prfory Oshawa é Minor : Astor John Law rence, who borrowed! 19.outof-25, and Harry Lyons wie. Westfall was safe on anjosha Aces' win by upsetting) sal a choice an av Sud./(Bantam 1 u Jury and B Rudyk s pump gun. With} had 18euto: broken birds error and both scored before Brooklin Concretes 9-5 in the d i he 3 ith his/ Lovell vs Cshawa Dairy, vat Rad a gee Paul Branton Ril Powell, who is single, and the inning was over, although second half of the doubleheader. t en Park, aw ta + edit he pir ie nth Tied geri an not "hog tied", and so. may there was no more hitting lan McNamee pitched the BROOKLIN : , . sei V : vega "ah der peat: car ese hs : bande hag ns have been sowing "wild gate" Genosha Aces got to Warren win for Scugogs, although need t its Bi avaltby 20th missed the 'money on this/Saturday night, missed the Wills for two runs in the third ing relief from Murray Hobbs voung's Fuels vs Whitby Le co money by one bird : onnaries, at Whitby Aj Team No. 3 under Capta Saturday at the Local 222 pic- Ww cto Rowden opened the inning in the 8th inning, when t S ee 4 . th a homer then Mason sin-) control Prior to ames at 6.30 pin Prosk who ied ths nic, trap shooting over Lake Siar with one out and scored on Namee gave Brook ne 1 ' t ' 3 1 shore Intermediate Lea ' ' most of the sea- Ontario, will be one of the fea- < nd Tilk's safe in the first inning ' a ( : a-) gue Ajax Merchants vs Port/50, are hay hg trouble, break-jture attractions of the picnic. son walked and was ret \ larch i Hope Ontarios, at Port Hope ing only 86 birds for a total of If you own a shotgun, bring it . ame, Genosha Hill, the latter scoring W iddard 16.30 p.m 4 Mig? wae birds and 31 points. to the picnic, and try your skill . . : ' four runs and Ferguson's double RY r rris, ef c *-' Leaside Junior League tha ici' hota let some of as a trap shooter, if only to * 8 . S Ne j from the mound, didn't score agi int the mee Hobbs Hoth and awa Canadian Tire Legionnaires bt Pst ances on the on ishaw the wife you need a few N? when Gash gled, Masonisixth when Ferguson ' ii Cheesems Richandson's Sports at Leaside POUon team get under his skin/more bucks to pay for shells WHERE DID I GET THIS CROW . Talbot Park, 7.30 p.m bd their Kidding, had his!so you can practise' trap or poorest score of the tourna-/skeet shooting, The Lewis Sys- Alvin Dark, manager of the al League All-Star team, did Tuesday afier h am ¢ VIC HOWE LACROSSE ment, ai 22-out-of-25 broken tem is used in scoring at this San Francisco Giants and: a double take for photograph- feated the American Leagu OLA Senior Teag Brook- birds. Roy Balsam had 23-out-|trap shoot, so every shooter nas skipper of the winning Nation. ers in. the' dressing room All! Stars, 5 to 3 n Merchants \. Catharines! of-25 broken birds, Nelson Starr,!an equal chance to take home a Kent's Tiremen Gordie S Brother Had Seer a Tn enor Te, BE Sk we SPORTS MENU ---- eee By Ceo. H. Campbell |Win Handily | pot Term In NHL fies Whitby Juveniles PELE tity "4 Men's. Doubles Tour a Kent's Westerr rournament at Port Perry SPORTS EDITOR Handy Andy's in handy fas en Beveg Oe Oe Wallo Alliston ast night at Ale irg ' ui ' ' he * AW Soft MONCTON, N.B, (CP)--The in the NHL, you, have to con He got h t chance with THURSDAY p . . heir t rT 'Everything From Soup To Nuts € hic the 7 vas ng a good-looking six-footer who pa- clude that anyone who makes it Nev 1 1950-51 aying SOFTBALL ee y 2-2 decision rols a beat here as a Canadian to the big time, even for a spt e ame hen after tours) Qshawa City and District ee ored an)goal but in the meantime, Whit- sig . ; : Railways Sine onc! by nor har n ordir h ¢ nn and Saskatoon Assoc. Major League Bad -mpressive 13-2 victory over A}. by had Tung up seven more _YESTE RDAY'S All-Star came at Cleveland was what ne batagete pine ex. stab a flock of hockey sha t bi New . Yor 7 Boy } jaa e vs Scugo ar ton, in their Ontario Lacrosse es caida bier old-fashioned, straight-away baseball ' he fourt? en. REMOTES. me SHOT TYING GOAT : ettacnaes , ee Juvenile League Davie (2), being the scorers And certainly there was | five-run splu A ' Gee . * ® weighing 215 pounds no laclear Rese 3 . rs en eee ast night in A The homesters drew 10. of the tact if it ar frame and f ' . y geting ling comparet th 172 during. his BECAME AMATEUR 15 : ee . penalfies meted out in this have been entir their. = major cakaayt iia Merkey pls ays, cherishes) Hi e . ee oss RS y al Port i} p.m. an he Green Gaels jumped inio game. Kay and Wheeler drew key plays, the experts 6°20 Leag : sped ale Ce et Brooklin Concrete Genosha® * n the first period majors for fighting Lents incationsd ' oh . y é é : a Vie BR ~~ ' gee Aces, at Bathe Park. 6.30 p.m eee agi ie esa ck, Arm WHITBY D, Wilson, Koles- gee eet 1 at 1 : s : : ' | i LACROSSE t | Gray and Jones and nick Keenan: Gutsole,. Kay, run soon enough o A : ; ; OLA Je : yop. the middle canto, Young and Sheedy, Stroud, Armstrong, T. . © tide : : a ' fee f ; sit hev trav | (ies sah etic ooh a rmstrong notched tallies to/Gray, Jackson, Davie, Jon en, e plate by Willie Da IW : . . 2 > . Penpitone maybe should have I ' j ' f eres . 1 wi ed one oy rr wis. * ahs offset the hi Tt ar ai or eye Young and H, Gray. off the winning ant's and ie i ani reps , ky a : i by Perey : ; : : Eee ty aS on & pass) ALLISTON -- Hetherington, > a pulout on Willie = hit t ! : ' " peoning (ae x and «tt 2! y a AMF } . 4 une . Forbes, Mortimer, Hackett, Mik > + os > - --_-- es? Y r at ' the a rame 1 r r heeler and Bobby Richardson, one of the iy" S the 1 Vallevficid : : a 7 ' ' ' nd a ierwood vs Whit n Gale , _ ee lo t met Wheeler, Barber, Hayden, ' aaa SS ae t ' » went wrdie i fay hith acelin ' i seconds of 'he/Mainprice, Hambly, Robertson, time, was charred with the oniy te 1 5 at Whitby Community Arena scored 'A W Mays drove ina ~ ag on " ; oe home for a steak dinne \ eight month Howes 990 p.m =i cored Aliston's second'Johnson and Keating. playing error of the entire game illie dr r eye "Gordie didn't think much of aded for Moncton 3 lis job idge: 1 . stole second and then scored himself.in the National League's Garme teat x : OLA Midg league -- Tons two-run splurge in the third frame and in addition, he pulled np : : e said uld V ; , t hockey for four Oshawa " ren's ' na, %0 GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS off what was the only sparkling catc the Less than "Y : ; 'anes |S : g a ears i n ed & season» m 45,009 customers took in.the game, mosily Cleveland fans, LEGION MINOR i e agsed al \ ' n aska- [0 ' seavers § BefOre SOCCER TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1963 CLEAR AND ) FAST who boord justily every time a N.Y, Yankee came to the 2 0 ES ms an pauls and as. toon and ie atines cna | quaittie " onan os . ' Thee turn r saDpr ted as American League BALL sc R ¢ ' t r hor ( t t . 1S, Whitby nag -- s 3 1 Mile pace, 3} and 4 Alse; Phyllis Satie. | plate, Th n turn were disap a an y ' clut , , 1% s of su ° 3 ean : A a anda. iain ve ruataias tue ese mee ae fans in that such National Learue mound stars as Sandy K ) " . ib to ¢ ; sof : * te ee were -- -- n hal didn't t us ta Rolahood's ' : pes Pode 1 ee 2 out Dairy Q 7 ! ¢ t t tra s camp u v3 8 SIXTH RACK -- ? Mile pace. (Rabe + ar Dar In short, a jot of didn't get ut De " 3 hed dinun ' ' R saad , to fa working a Var k--Past Chub Purse), J:yearolds and up, claim ik atk wah a ies a oe alt Harmar Atse: Cast 1 Money Down, ing a D0. Purse $1200. <3) a chance io shine and a lot who had did ; Pee on - tase : hy nv . y ndso the r Y Y t t t em yg Tor : abe A pdor's Boy, and Domin-. 4pirect Rud, is "so sae Basar, wom Mirceck wckcl etic See cone inh-eba remumnral teem eh Port Perry 23° TEESE Maas « mgesoaiied BITS: -- Friends of Cif nda ei-known Zotahood's 'the 0 h L 11136 SECOND RACK Mile trot, teat Cloudy -- /. igs local bowling enthusiast (both on the alleys and | lawn) oy. CAN -- . . iy and up, Non-winners since J --_ wha ncr Retggcgens Bigs ene x : regret to learn that he is ously i the hospita : nese Still In Slump, BASEBALL SCORES SRAWA LOCe Wins Over ' t Lee Jt 'eten 1 repr spina oe aye 2 may ' These baseball fans who are taking ; Holiday centre, = orale Wins Over Whitby matRiddell" Nadi" Ae 3.00| enauae ul ee eeccaineee OF ties weekend tr n of Buffalo h Cie ¥ z anges "te vate' ' . Crackers Lose AND STANDINGS 3 : ; the: Gah 7 ack--Fast m ae. ---- pe veleg Se 'and any wee nterested going along houl tact Thurs@s ghi at ' s MacLean S Also: Bivia, Meadow Rrownie. and a 5 : 5 a triple and twe ' ; Chdidree's A Nercrs Gas Mimperial Lee, Holmes 13.80 7.10 len Wilson t 723-7976, to complele arrangeme Rv THE CANADIAN PRESS ""* DP ON & AND & PAID shoa.K0 woomy Day, 'Cote 2.78 Fe een : : fea awa Le 13 . iy SCUGOG CLEANERS and Genosha Aces, this city's two good POI AC 0g a vabatid In Richmond Major Leagues defeated Whit ' : rasa 2 THIRD RACK -- 1 Mie pace. 9 Alsen: Shadydale Editor, Twinkle Cam: 8 2 both pulled good wins in 1} ity and Dis- Po Result Tuesday : sltbiai aici fh e uidcia' Wuras eae te i Meter Serkerk. Cherie Brats, oc Mer . . : American League er , victor a a ~ ~Nwearalds and up, Winners of mere eadine Bad Bovs 3 Perry, the home club won their abb as 2 her nd 4 turn hon : ; Probable Pitchers Today cis ws ' an Oshawa City laces Date s than 31500 but not more than $3300 te gave over MacLean's 0 TRACK AND FIELD sport Dougal, catcher for 1! bolster their on ne lead VET) Pocton Morehead . a ee t ation Major Tea. 3" ma.R. Veo ri dalbherg onto doublcheader, here jast: night, Sex winning i wee Les By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS oping Bones shi as ied t0 cine J Pas NOUg 10 1-Crystal Duke, Hopkins 370 2.99 2.90 Lady Scotchwas Genosha Aces upset the league pa FIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile pace. ® sto i wad ( ssisted e ' = Tarport Jimmy, White 299 200.2 itam . t Joan's "Comant McCatum 8.90 3.20 : + Pars : : ms ;/ Past Traffic, Miller 2m another bir bonst th riday night when The Globe and Ma cea t § ee ( r ame schedule s n =~ Cloudy---Past » this couniry. and th t ra in particular, gets first annual "Invitation Mcet™ will be held at Varsity Siad ei vith nvitie Games Thursday : ed Jones, pitching for. Mac-|Purve % Atsn: Success Stormy, Dean Herbert, a ua vita : : ; i y de + ame : ' moré ai } ' . a : seen | LT 3 t seriou ' "A ai} ee Wapies 7 80 High Patch, and Mighty Creed ™ Outstandir a ang many 0 hem champions, an >> i' ' 1 : nae 4 ollywood Richard, Rei ' t ae f s ed i h at MacRae NINTR RACE -- 1 Mile pace, dyaar. eaming from . t ompet Seven countries te . +? > ' ) | : s : gente ming fre \ orid ampere en co o tk aici * R t 3 "ite ae Mitchell ' midis and up. Winnera of more thas iat kn someenladl 283 | be on hand nning, to aid the * : : s s ae 6 . : : an 3 t the 7 rother race |,3 rar # 1 52500 but Rot more than $3590 in 1968. r i ( aw » eam a le enn n Purse S000, CR) not at Qeatt Gist tn the ~ x . irae at ais by " ie ON CITY OF HAMILTON sold part of Scott Park to the Board of PROPLE'S CLATAIXs ' . : so Minne 4 New York y it again Thorsd: ich free ticket 3 a. ek Kawarth an did not fix erry C'ck, Miler . 62.90 26.80 20.00 new schoo] and i spend the monty tt National League age ver Whitt vegie popped up bul Bud ' > Sirup, Johnston 2.90 3.40 a } ' s Cis ' i : " ' s 4 Dx % tt wire. RACH t s whty Stein, McNutt 3 st another tor the Canadian Footba Se tn -: . : Probable Pitchers Today . G, Doug Scott was 2 . es (64) At r the . y nui ven hich wa > ha » jocated there en ast ' 4 9 . 0 v "s, Pox Adios Dominion, Futurity Onieg, we a » ' Priced ach r 0 12 ) Semiy Dares, Reval Gaks, and Fleet. S3) 8.00 4.42 wood E. Grattan ngled and Bill Corni : ngied : f ' teel Pool 218.409 WOODBINE RACE RESULTS ex =a eis Medio "Ee ae i cao Som Mf. Doug Howe as the : k ¢ helming at Philade h (s-4 ' awa Jayvere noa rezu'ar i em ily wot one more FIRST RACE Pure. tor Maiden FUFTR RACH -- 1 1% Miles for } battery eCKSOT 74 e : Ji n (3-7) at ' run 3 1. in the third narare an. fouled. Claiming all and 'yearolds, Filles. Allowance Ta r the 88 <triken 3 ers r at tory ane d G2 Ke . rested in play-/when Bruce Mitchell pene wan. Pr tue SiR Purse $2800, (9 Taylor, w par . « . > ; " ai Aitche opened ' : BRaya! Docter, Robin WD RTE oteardrap Lane, Wtach 7.30 440 240 BUOWINE ONY a aS amt trounced n z S sohee i) ut r th a walk advan ed on an ir Sfhuinese Cheverr, Remillara 699 Rovel Ji, Barrison a9 4% bic star. Hout Guar Thursday » ) t tart Thars- fieki out and later scored on a in f ac . e ae : ® 2Cieed Princess, Gudbins 290», ru nm the ' 1 hief 5 i $ ng. at New ¥ day 1 Y a ve $Oshawa passed ba 1m ae e y : _ Start good, won droving 3 se : s sd Bulls 503 caaenk. ' 3 at Phila t ens 9M am Jones stom 1© homesters ] oF TO em Bi gg a ig Sve Ren tm Order: Brictsin, Fier sik sae aRet . ; : i Reheee F 4 » the ousten at Pittsbur i : 1 hed fier that bat the ne Page, Special Pride, Bonnie Flare, CAME ? ttsbi s fle hat but the damase Lats Shin, an Rickshaw Gin i 407 oihe beduled mes \ F t om 2 5 . i hdrew, had been done and Scott, pitch, By THE CANADIAN PRESS cats last vear when they aad kare Ming ee _-- -- = exander a The 3 t , i hi. at nat i 8 tradle 8. ing for Port Perry, limited' Mac.) T9 most » the most im fullbacks : toi : Ring rainer id . . ! at a : : ' . nies t MRE @ mas " he r t Y ul x Armstrong ter th nr 5 t econd ning International League 5 ' l@an's to four singletons. Ted rt 13 thall 1 k compete with roak ORS 3 Nerthern Division : aTDN 3 Whitelev's triple and Danny im n Goodman an MECH ; | u MET 2 Reval Var- : ene sae : , = S : Wi Pet. GR ) H : Car Gray's double produced. the first 9: < inplodiag 5 r. Valesane and twe veteran vol- y eat . na 4 , OSHAY 3 ate et > Cond al Sam, Pare Se ot iy Hamilton Will . -- a So ae eee aes ran for Maclean's in the terbacks cast their vote s. flan Dave Mann am. co " : u i 4 OCS . { fourth. Pete Bilenduke was safe for the fuliba and halfback Dick Shatto. Not 4 Mansecr Bean, Fitrs's 3.30 840 6.90 Reman Anne, Hino J : rOSTEY i 41 3. ch 10 , m an error and red 1 R acke v--a % te move N nd SM: Eager Bac 3.BLM SAL Canadian, Dicttach . TWO RAP ROMERS ~ a3 axe tou, Shafer, D, Dawe, } Wit, Saar OGesenr< toe kone ; : ; a ae oa ee a -"" x 2a #Kisce Kid, Turcetie u e ite : : oe 4 A : a Tommy t harser, op fullback pn m t om their positions, the 1. een @riving Start ghed, won @riving ATKaNSas pu ahead Sanit 2 a 407 at Goulding 31 in the nexi rete z me a ae : ae would like one of tn> Abe Ber @ reer Roeser. Oeern Ase Ren ip Orger: Windkin. ard Gen In the 4 _ 2 Ii Sule Maman. edn, Dereenn Chile, Val-icaen Denner : : a tel Saggeante gy ino Division : In the sixth Bes ' nadian Football League st-/ att ® prove he can do eT Te KT pak tren.an QUINELAA NOS, 5 AND 2 Pam on Football Hall nso a | a 45 38 542 -- SPENCE tn a double and scored ern conference . : tt ey'll be tested in an nana ag Winner, br. @, by Roman Might -- ndianay a 40 Ph C ll C ld nfield error and in the!aware of this as training caz nira-squad game tonight Poll BIH Withorwithout, 'Tretner, S. 1 HANULTON - " . . t 4 a> 44 506 2 one a ou t ne opened with a single. jmoved nish ALS LE S Two vRED RAC Maier 7S 7 Quimela Pool 3.1 HAMIL seh » SEVER TU r % Rg " Ink t , the bal! Sat 1 ' same time. the Mont- S ae _-- j Footbal! Ma 3 . G t F ll b shige : oe " sisted 7 " segee -- -- pr at . * SeyEnTs RACE : : s » S Tacksny tS 32 Shs 12 e a on . 6) S ed a cored on an Ticer<lats ann i Mor F yueltes, picked by many Suming Wings. 7 , ' og * ate. wert : : Reselts Teesday URORA. « nfiel nt and er" ' © planned to retire, it lef a m to beat in. 1963, @Among the ' . a aye ©ce nd t me i 3 27 > . a: te ey r ' ah ' at . to' them: es + - tm lg cid - sn slew we ' p " -- t Litt t Fallon. 2 1 und 3 the | u ats e Same t a MSely without the oak out. ~ ' 1 "i vig : 2 A fa 7 "St 1 : cra 5 Bat MACLEAN'S enduke, ¢ r -- without t rhacks--at feast Adee Rar im Order ~ . : ' 21 hits 4 : 1% Syracuse § a , O'Conner, 3h; McKee, sc: Cope-|. ie Sama' Trersn u ' 2 : lb: Whiteley 2 nan s : oi ' a . AB . 1 Whiteley, 2b: Keenar Pre. . and ephens and Dave eg ba on . . . Also Ran in Order: Hive Wren, Quiet J x t % : 17 Ta f; Pipher. cf Sek . . ee ce ww he rookie irom lowa ate, F Pir N and Thulyaree eduled 3 ' , ed ' : : wher oned »by ine . : 31. re \ I kie fr ty Terewh-- | se ; held: a ; Games Today 1 waa? time ' ne n . o of seven members of unt. Trainers Rie errs ie eat ' . a nn -B t i oT PERK T. ner, leaving head coach t am limping with injuries Smart goer r t . . J rect t : C has a bruised ankie Pom orm RACe MOO uentay 'sieht I ' dianapo Ro ack 3 ie ( Ss che, W cluding t anadians 3 : a bruised hip FOURTH RACY ~ > api, Canadian tented, claiming all S290: ye nd te the db , nt sates : -- icDou had } ; mrnEE, 4 - Q ach Jim Trimble said the yearette ont " Purse S108, (8 ; rhmond at Little Rock ri . colt, 7 i aid Rene Riog ¢ yure an intra-squad SMe Ceesi', Mote i Reerati, 'Turcotte 080 4m 2m , tena: Ham i ¢ nould be ready > " urterd harrier aw am ¥ » nae ~ 7 - = aoe ae hy vn give the FUNSTON SIGNS Paces RIDERS SIGN END ------Bob™Krouse siven at go in Thursday's intra-squad oo Sued, won 100 Start good, won ariving teat we 2 . AtiOT WINNIPRG (CP) W ve \ r 0 TTAWA, (CP) ' Ales Ran in Order. y Aise Ran tn Order . t ., 5 , " 0K R < " Pour, Prive Crew : Ritrers, 'Sarvegetr ; r 4 ue | ca 1 gen, ert Emits roan ami Pre Wineer } ™ 5. Beer Party song Wiener \ te Retteter Hetty. Trainee. E Marr Atipeerl. 4 _? ar ered, ww " ren al Poss Ero) ee Aurnéance @,00@