ALTHOUGH ALFRED TOP- PING, of Cheshire, England (on left) and his brother Har- ry Topping, of Oshawa, have not met for 49 years, common share They are both 8 aaa: ' "es ' 4 . \ Sey: Nien < i Welch, Penny Howes, April Lee. they interest, keer pigeon fanciers and here Harry shows A most enjoyable and success- ful oienic was held at Cedar Park last Sunday, by members of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion and che Legion Ladies Auxiliary, A record crowd at- tended Events for infants and chil- dren, four years of age and un- der, were held first with each contestant winning a prize, La-) ter races were held for old and! young. SPORTS RESULTS The results were as follows: Five year old boys -- Ronnie Graham, Lennie Bulmer, Barry) Parker. | Five year old girls -- Jane) Howes, Jan 'Kingston, Debbie) : Cameron, Six year old boys Boivin, Danity Reid, Simard Six year old girls -- Lydia Ron! Donald pase | Seven and eight year old boys is brother some of the fine | Allan Boivin, Mike Welch, S SS s ip > . Darlington boulevard south stein aah vee dt a | --Oshawa Times Phoio, | > Se¥ AgAt Year Od itis " ss -- Susan Bligdon, Debbie John- son, Dorothy Anne Logeman Legion Picnic Fine Success iwas Jack Cash $4 years and of} jt¥e auxiliary David Kingston; She Oshawa Times Shirley Thomas, Glen Walsh. Adults belt race. -- Mr, and|/SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1963 PAGE THIRTEEN Mrs, Don Kellar, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Van Kemp, Anvil Devon- ish, Gary Prince, Men and Women's Ballon race -- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Thomas, Mr, and Mrs, Ted Williams, Mr. and Mrs, Don Kellar, Women's rolling pin contest-- Mrs, Harry Brown, Oldest member of the branch Mrs. Bourgerie, who is 90, e The baseball game was won by the ladies auxiliary with a score of 26 to 8, Children were able to go in the pool, and all were given 3 sheet of treats, Children were divided into differen: age groups for the candy scramble, and the supper were soon into and or with, y DRAW WINNERS The draw was held and the) | winners were -- bicycle, John) > Manning, 98 Highland avenue;| wansister radio, Alex Muir;/ transistor radio, Lionel Sch- wartz, 102 Central park bivd. north, transistor radio, Wendy Nine and ten year old boys --' Gibbs, 561 Lansdowne avenue David Lev, Kerry Kellar, John' Ticket No, 340. Sleeping bag Boivin, courtesy of Canadian Tire; Gor- Nine and ten year old girls -- don Proctor, 835 Mary. street, Laurie Maclnally, Wendy De-/Ticket No, 206, Pratto, Karen Perry The horse -- oe = leven and twelve year olg/(@St "as won By AD Taylor and since Ms -- Ken DeHart, George Fred Taylor, Second place went) Beer, Richard Weld to Al Elliott and Bil Smith, | Rleven and twelve year old The Gence SRR Sewehy D: Sea Cadets Will Brothers Aid At Concert Reunited The Band of The Ontario oo ee pode . Regiment will present another Harry Topping, Darlington in its series of summer concerts boulevard south, Oshawa, had) Disas Waite" Joaane lows the picnic, was held Satur. from the McLaughlin Band Shell met his brother Alfred, who!Dart. Dianne Dart. OaNNe day Night at the Legion Hall tracks began at the corner of | King and Mary streets. Re. Thursday, July 11, at $59 p.m lives in Crew. Cheshire' Ene os Pissoen The Royal Canadian Sea land. The two brothers were Ph yo aglgg Big: Sq Cadet Corps "Drake reunited when Alfred came tl weeks Bob Freza. Real Estate | moval of the controversial Agents Aid i gen 'Rink Fund | i ] en hand to perfe Canada on a vacation with his A further plant was covered ing D ions Cere son-in-law, Eric Gilbert : tg Susan by the Civic Auditorium Build ee S MAIN RAIL LIFTING WORK IS COMMEN railway tracks started at the man crew and a mechanical Oshawa Creek over a week digger to lit the lengths of - ago in conjunction with storm track as shown above. Work sewer work. W. B. Bennett commenced at Mary street Paving Co., Limited of Osh- shortly after 8 a.m. and the awa is currently using a six- stretch between Mary and A Celina streets was cleared be- fore noon. The city's main street has been free of trains since removal celebrations were held two month ago. --Oshawa Times Photo Sidewalk superintendents had a full schedule downtown | this morning when the remov- year al of the Oshawa Railway Co., Doug en year s Nor MeQuoid @ O'Neill, Sharon McQuoid Fifteen years and up single ") bors Wayne Marchant, Gor./ @on Perkins, Frank K Fit years and , {aint Carol Daniel Wards, Susan Waite ye Tests Reveal 33 Cases Of Impaired Hearing closing Evening Q They flew over from Eng-/p, is a simplified version of land and arrived at Malton Air.|", Wavy S SURI Ceremony port Saturday, June 29, and w GUEST VOCALIST be returning July 19. The vocal soloist Tt was Mr y . ral ing will be Ross first visit re Bowmanville, Ross i came to. the visor of music in the Dar 1908 and lived for five t . School Area and was sx ivania. His three broth.) _ Girls shoe race under 10 years ful in. the Peterborough Niwani ee sisters also went/Od -- Wendy DePratic Festival with six out ¢ but they later Smith, Karen Perry Ss, emen up Care single Ed. to nine classes which entered will be accompanied by Beaton, of Bowmanville ist and choirmaster Paul's United Charch The band will i maval marches "Quarter and "Trafalgar" two ove: "Vagabond" and "The Lon Min" and Waltz "Vienna ef My Dreams" The instrumental soloist the evening will be music Austia Wiltshire who will the Ot Don Ailaan, CONCERT PROGRAM The program for the concert I felews March -- "Drake", Quarter Deck", Alford Qverture -- "Vagabonda" Drake Riramer Waltz -- "Vienna, City of My Dreams", Radelph Sieczynsk Guests At ' Area Park . Among the ¢2 deen at Dar park this week rs... Anthony gam, Sw JAMS Mr are Mr. ar Rossews 2 standard PATRS A ae the River, where ¢ ime Oatlets and provided far the hat : ef Law a tard, and thor son James (om Fev " Zehr ROSS METCALFE Voral March phonium Sele -- "The Car. taken part in | Saie reland: (B) "Come to Martin Romber Metcalfe, accompan plane by M. L. Beaton Trafalgar" "Oa The Ross Metcalfe. ithe piane by M. L. Bea Overtare Miz . 720A (A). "Sea (C) "Serer Soloist Ross ied at the Selpist Mausi- ch Polka", Jo Whea Irish E, Ball (B) Cadman, Soloist ~ accompanied at ROA, "The Lonely , caster. Hymn -- "Abide With Me" Provincial. Police, at Whithy "God Save the Queen" "Swiss Folk Say Drivers Fortunate To Be Alive An empty came stay this grave a hat % a berbor hee err track and 2D. Teer Har ¥ | was to Eng moved to Canada the only one to re tard The last time Harry bert. met was 1814, when Harry was in En with the ro Navy Volunteer. Reserve (Overseas Division), On day there was a family reunion at Richmond Hil The two brothers are doth and A *" 'Wo keen pigeon fanciers and Mr./McGovern Harry Topping's bdirds S0har le have Traces Police Raid Golf Clubs WHITBY (Sah) -- Ontaric swooped down on two county golf clabs Teesday night in a search for quer, OPP spokes- man said today Two seven ~ man teams raid. ed the Whithy Golf Club at Ash. barn and the Whitevale Golf Chad around 8 p.m A spokesman at.the OPP of- ee Whithy described the raids as "hqeor seizare inves- tigations." He said Mat the investigation was SUR being condacted. Re- ports will be ead with the wn atierney for stady added = a OCKNTS WETS Soa Gumang the raxi Police stated that W cases @ dbrer and seared arges Rav , said tm Osh she They jave th REMOVE RARPWARE MOSCOW (AP)--Sorict waman wha swallowed them mt effort to cere ss. Tass news & her as Am %. She e@ as saying that "evi s dren Tampine raleiL wii are Rr park --Oshawa Tass Mhow. | ander Boys shoe race old -- Danny Smit sote, Gordon McQuoid Boys shoe race o old -- Robe 18 year: John Del Fund Tuesday afternoon as fund moved towards the $709,000 mark the 'co-operation of Furniture Company of >, Terence V. Kelly, Chair- man of the Auditorium Fi-' & nance Committee and Am § Green, a volunteer worker, were © 4 able to address the 280 work. & 4 ers @uting a minute period ' © when - sage Bee a shat down,| PES Pa Mr, Kelly told the workers of Girls sack race -- Nore Mc. he, progress of the campaign GETS CERTIFICATE Quoid, Carol Daniel, Kathy * Gxe an dasked them to signi Davia E. Vanson, son of Mr Twaites ~|ap for the payroll deduction! anq Mrs. E. Vanson, of Osh- Boys and girls mixed wheel. Pan which will be implemented) aya who received his inter. barrow -- Lyna Campbell, Ken. 2Y the company. He reminded) .ovincial certificates in aute- meth DeHart; 'Joanne , thom that 19 members of the! Dotive mechanics from the ] _ -- ' auditorium committee from all Provincial Institute of Aute- walks of life had contributed an) oo ae Allied Trades at average of $768 per person 16) MOVE BNE AkeG fraces i ) Sudbury, David attended the fund in addition to many Queen Elizabeth Pablic Schooi hors of time. He alse told the and O'Neil Collegiate and Vo- jecplayees that cash being col-| "ational Institute here. He is employed at LaPrairie Bros, garage at Eliot Lake, Ont 500 People At Concert would pay the expenses of the fwnd Aas deen farther More than 500 people atiend CaMpaicn PLANS DISCUSSED boosted br a $3.00 amount with ©d a concert beneath cloudy pledges and Skies and cool weather & . A meeting of the building i ~~ committee under Chairman Harry Gay incleding Dick Mec- Laughlin and Ril Kurelo was! held gay wight and ¢ jarchitects discussed plans w Real Estate 'Teesday CAMPAIGN WAS COM- ney the assis*ance Carl Olsen t and Committee south Perkins, Ri Girls shoe race over ok -- Lanne Campbell, Gay Lackey ren McQuoid : Boys sack race -- Wayne Mar. chant, Gorden Perkins, Paul 18 years jthe committee eve ra Tier. of Oshawa gave the Memoria Simcoe street x the a wil b held .T antil Aug 13. game Saturday he weekly event is sponser nit rween «the «=Torontoieg equally by General Motors of CRKEY Good Gays and the Osh- Canad Radio and Bad Boys. The Toronto 7 - st Pand of the bring a clown t® enToronte Masi Assoc he chidren and ® hand- 1 be given away start at 8 pam ity at Alexandra Park, Already 5aq RO Orchesiz t ckets have dren sod All pre- we Stan Kenton ceeds of the pame will co i the pueda hv & ivic Anditorlam Buildings. pm The St Prince and Broce MoArter sicmand Rombers. th MigManad ROMoOOTS, tAe t of the Oshawa team, |. Deen mm Mv Beart mn stent and Just We Two themba, The Poanat Ven- , Came next alter which there m from Rye, Bye Coupland then sole, You Go sre ast being completed for ce: Doar NAMED CONTROLLER Yo y of H. Mer. line roller has 4. B. Reid, The Mr nifinance of awa LTAMm open whith ta ea with * an ver nis Was fol tic waltz med- years and has served as a Ise at A Members of the Oshawa and Whitty Lawn Bowling Ciabs will represent District 14 of the Provincial Lawn Bowling Asso TATION the Eastern % be dol Jaly 27 at gave a trempet To My Head The next ys ce Cant G nD conn mee Owme bad weather m the hae Thre ia the doubles plaratis bela U.S.A. the werkiy pigeon race then Pate at the Oshawa cleb Tacsdar @ the General Racing Piceon tinents mint Jack Sam Chih had te be held over un" MacMM@an of the Oshawa > Monday, Jaty § @efenieg Clarence Oke The birds were shipped from Cambanchero Frea Cale of Bowm R shawa Tharsday evening, July a. were Stare Was DW te & ana shoald have deen re twe.old Ravprites The rinks phot? was held at 8sed at Danvilie, Minvis, Set-5 a o a Ape Tree, and St the Oshawa clad last werk when © R heary Tain PVA Lomis Blues. The southern Ma Dick Adams and Waiths throat Titmnois, Sanday ® oy. oy ca with a Dixiclan rink scored am extra end ic. UNOk fox set mn ceasing another yee, then' a Main Line nrg over the Oshawa rink. The 29. By Monday the weather Theme pee ie 'e the end of Be a eared and the birds were The om cased a: $6.90 aa wep spite «f a strong north Wh a ( twp of the binds arrived Moon Qshavwa Mondax ca wit eveRALl with more arriy hp Turs selection was, I Started, which had econ with the next My Merry Oismo- dance tunes were firstly, The Gon- two selections by Omanid Runier and a rhemba and © The foliewed by In the Shade . Salas a m he tien TS emis was ted Mal Other members af the vik were Barry 1 Ress = Jack Anne bers of The Oshawa Gordon MacWh ert Ga it Sam Whar wik- ™m GT » Miler r Whe The National w %® 2 Clost Mediey and cies Anthem att a ne TAKING ROLADAY ROME }--Two have been: Tre ¥ Bh, Sk Jack Ber Foliews Prescott 95S AH WAS TOR BA Crwit mn. SUR FIGRT FLOORING wiv, J. Askew VAN VER r Beokowski, 752.338; J. Strachan $3.900.000 procrar ~ombat F. Onwe, 793.88. J. As 45H TooMs h Miahs British oi Tending war be which w eid birds r r azency Tors's Refres r jshor Holiday shmem OT | 2war Impaired hearing was tected in 33 of 2,231 Oshawa stu- dents. given audiometric tests in the past three months This information was contain- ed in the Oshawa Health De- partment quarterly report to the community and includes statistics fer April, May and June, 1963. In May, there were 175 births, #® deaths, three infant deaths, two stillbirths and 56 marriages om January to May, in ¢ ec, show 76 births, 218 deaths, 15 infant deaths, 10 jbirths and 177 marriages, In the 12 months of 1962 there were 11673 births, 41 deaths, 47 in.) 2 Res jfant deaths, stilmirths and 3) marria In the past three months, 311 cases of communicable dis were reported te the depart- ment. Figures showed that the namber of cases of chickenpox $ dropped in the 2 three months compared to January, Febraary and March. Total for April, May. and June was 38, compared to 36 in the previous three months GERMAN MEASLES The report showed that only one case of erysipelas, an acute reddening of the skin, has deen) reported this year, The number! of cases of German Measies in-) creased in the past three months, with 21 cases reported compared to 12 cases in Janu ary, Febraary and March Other diseases in the three months were > measles, ™m . 98; scarlet fever, Totals at the end of six months this year were: infectious hepa- titis, 8 measles, 166; mamps, fever, 7; whopping past infectious} 147; > + Commanicable diseases and their totals reported im all of 192 were: aseptic meningitis 2; chickenpox, 310; German measies, 126; infections hepa- itis, 9&8 infectious mononacie- esis, 4 mealses, 157; mumps, /160; scarlet fever, 11; whooping coach, 138 No new cases of taberoalosis have been added to the reg ister im the past three months (However, im the past months, seven cases have been Imoved in, one person has been admitted t a saniteriam, and sik persons have been dis charged from saniteria. At the Steals Truck To Catch Wife, Family BOWMANVILIE Gat An Oshawa man, whe said he Stole a track t catch a car containing his wife and chil- dren, was found guilty in Ma tate's Ovart here Tarsday Harelad Haward Bryan, Park road, was remanded out of cus tody wnt July 3) for sentence hy Magistrate R. B, Baxter Breen told the court he an by a friend when R st by a friend whe R stopper service Siation on July "While I was in the si the other fellow took 0 car with my wife and chi} Bryan said he stole a c from a nearby farmhouse and hased the aute. He admitied Trading the track's spare tire . gas Guring the chase ty Osh + edd Re testified that he found his T?-\wife and children at his home 27d : when he vot there jdeaths, Si June, X-Rays taken at 1] clinics and three 7 aibylaws, a need for a law mak ok de-jend of six months this year four, would be an excellent idea, He new cases have been added to/stressed that licensing and ap. the register, 12 cases have/proval by the Oshawa Health been moved in, five have been|Department is required before admitted to sanitoria, and nine construction of premises. have been. discharged from) Activities of the environmen- sanitoria, There have been no tal sanitation department in the deaths from TB in the past/past three months are as fol- six months. lows: visits to public eating Totals for 1962 show that 19 establishments -- 66; visits to new cases were added to the Other eating establishments -- register, 17 cases were moved 25; total swabs -- 143, food in, 15 were admitted to sani-/StOp inspections -- 12; soft oria, M4 were discharged from @rink samples -- 18) raw milk sanitoria, and there were no Samples 208; pasteurized milk samples -- 292; ice cream samples -- "50; meat carcasses inspected -- 197; houses con- demned 2. One handred and thirty-four chest X-Rays were taken in the past Unree months at five clinics) which were all attended by a -- al o> gp akeshore Samples -- 18; barber inclusive, there were 278) sng beauty shop inspections -- 20; 'septic tank inspections -- #0; school inspections -- 10; an- Civic water samples, (bacter. ial) -- 176 and (chemical) -- 31; in all of 1962 there were 34 X "J > 2 inh " Rays -- at 23 clinics ___ jamal bite investigations -- 28, aa x Phevyy we Teme complaints were also vest ken i s noted: garbage -- 25; sewage saontho ane Pago) ae cas | tisposal -- 19; pests and vermin --_ six months, §3 and in »\---- 9; animal and poultry -- §; 87 Mood -- 6; housing -- 14; water SANITATION PROBLEMS gg ge TREES The department reported sev-/nandied by the public heal eral problems which frasirate rc po dig ey ~hg cane cS SANLANON ment showed little change over ae . the corresponding period last Air pollution is one serious|year, reported Miss Gertrade Sneed Rr same See wetness ae completed for s he which health nursing outline the extent of air polla- The following home visits tion in Oshawa, but as yet the) made in the past three months: peohine San deen ignored. Dr. 2955 visits were made by the Tirwnmettal_"sonaton antl erga Sats et games be als wa, 8 garding family health service; this is difficult to explain t0/ 53 visits were made to pre-natal residents in some areas of the cases; 334 visits were made on city who must contend with behalf of the pre-school child: --_-- roe dt ype * 336 visits were made on behalf ¢ in his of st S; isits we ade Tapert that surveys have sales mes lg) erg 'i nrg! - be ypagy boc mars sanatorium and to suspects and t liuti f Tial contact is; and chemical natare in Om a ae uae cee awa's watercourses, He pointed pehalf of the Oshawa Mental cut that elimination of pollution Heath Clinic. coartcl de carried vat with ©O-| Visits to infants were as fol- -- ha sg concerned. jows: infants under two weeks wt ~y eget that the con-|of age, 173; demonstration baby niigadi 8 note _ --s in| baths at parents' request, 8; 271 na --_. of ity "We-' visits were made to infants be- " Water senpty , tak Me ean ee ee tee ee ei age; 281 visits were made to q r s it infant possible for the department to -- ot -- eo condemn some of the worst PRE-NATAL CLASSES housing in Oshawa, but mach sinc 'pre-mata seb-standard housing cannot be a on come na ames pen dealt with in such definite ly = es ag eek wel " Gea! ee ee es, 48; total registrations, - terms Dr. Watt Suggested thal total attendance, 1428; number a mapection team should be who toured hospital, 10: wom. -- > a al HOUSINE der of father's in attendance at re ae - ewabiogg neasing parents' class, $3 and total at "ate Me. beiegya eid TeETIPIENTS sendance 143, Patients who were a : ag bad ey sao 'bY| referred to the classes by phys- ev ag 0 ree agy ter icians by doctors totalled 32, by -- a "a narse, three, by a friend, 68 gy ah ---- ee paid and with go information, six. wm Tre ~e s ? Ses He added that, # a more << oa chee ae stringent lecel bylaw covering... net cae ee eee : a swig won' wi secondary schools. Health coun- a o kana he ent selling was done with 471 ste- : Notice WRS also given in Dr ---- S Son oor ee . - na oe rts pe ? e Wat's report that an experi- a =f ee maak Sk ba ceahaael te ae chools. A Sa, 122 conferences ate te atdann of were held with principals re. ae bien winetln is garding students. Nurses gave an eden oe hubs health inspections to 923 ste- spe: neil aa agartenenit dents and another 1.308 were buildings. He stressed a need for referred ad the 'health ---- eval program aimed ar ot other. Inspections. Wents regardmge = ebhegrwesedore' peta | iy Foe }. (Color blindness, 16 were found te junk jn bark have a red-creen deficiency. De. Tecal. and a need for (cctive vision was Getecied in sti ine citizens: from Students and 189 students dumping gatbace and refuse found previously with defective over ravines and banks. vision have been examined and Dr. Watt said preparation of fitted with glasses. Vision tests R amounts of food im pri-/Were siven to 3,065 students hemes for sale Bt charch) Miss Tucker reported there other private halls qjhas deen a vacancy on the be prohibited because of the RUTsing staff since April, and fond poisoning Ho,that she had attended a seminar & mwicht course for murses at Western Univer restaurant © management|sity for several days in June. ot ee Ve shou