Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1963, p. 8

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HAD MANY DANCERS ~ A 6th century BC Indian Prince, Siddhartha Gautama, is said to have had three pal- aces and 40,000 dancing girls to entertain him, uous-G. CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-958) RUG CLEANING "LODGES, AND |. SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH, 222 Sister Elda Howard presided for the recent meeting of Sun- shine Rebekah Lodge, 222, as- sisted by Sister Elsie McKeen, who reported on the members *iwho were ill, An important part of the) s;meeting was the recommenda: | tion of Sistar Frances Cornel:| jus and Sister Ruth Follest} for vice-grand for the coming year, Sister Irene Willes con- "jvened the refreshments, ist- ed by her daughter, Sister Mar- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 5, 1963 ANN LANDERS | Some Men Are Happy Wearing An Apron husband's name happens start with the same letter!" I sheepishly withdrew my suggestion and confessed I had just not kept up with the times, Where: are we heading, Ann Landers, when young people] © think so lightly of marriage that they can toss it aside like a sour plumb after one bite? Please garet Gray. comment, -- JTUSEUM PIECE The next meeting will be held AT @ : : on Tuesday evening, September Dear Museum Piece: Where) . : \ are we heading? Toward an in- : = creased divorce rate, whicn now is at an all all-time high, Toward an increased number of ; half-orphaned children, Toward He also tells me how to hang) more delinquency, Toward an pictures. (he's an antl - SYM) aregs ee metry man), how to arrange)" nulngy. sick society, flowers, where to put the fatni.| Our children need models, nor ture and how to sew on buttons, |CPes, Too many young people Am I wrong to be insulted have no example to follow be- He makes me feel like an idiot,|C'use their own parents are either at war--or divorced, Please tell me what can be done about this kind of man?--OUT) Dear Ann Landers: A further |postscript on tea bags, if you SKIRTED 2 < \ | Dear Out: Nothing, So don't/please: Canadians treat Amen. & S SESS AS try, It's a personality quirk and) cam toa bags with the same sus- has nothing whatever to do with picion that Yankees reserve for KIMB RLEY DIANE your competence, Some people South American drinking waler,| (both men and women) aren't Please, Ann, if you would hetp/ Three-year-old daughter of happy uniess they have the lagt/civilize America, let it be} Mr, and Mrs, Maynard Reck- word, It makes them feel im:/known that tea is never made! zin, Wellington street, is Kim- portant, So don't fight it--un-jin a cup, It must be brewed in| berley Diane, She is the derstand it a pot granddaughter of Mr. and Dear Ann Landers: Some-) We Canadians believe in aid Mrs, William Horban, Cour: thing happened yesterday thatjing our underdeveloped allies, made me realize how out of/so pass the word, And, Ann! date we old fogies in our 40s when you have advanced to this! are! Please print this letter, I/point, you may. then consider! Rites Solemnized At St. Gertrude's believe there is a moral here./the next step: The best tea is | My. daughter Hilda, age 20,' never found in a tea bag, it can | St. Gertrude's Roman Catho-/has been asked to be a brides-/be purchased only in bulk lic Church was the ng for/maid for an August wedding the wedding ltast Satur-'We went together to select a) orling silver strainer, the tea day morning of Janice Darlene gift for the bride, I suggested) must be served ty Rov al Crown Marie Warring of Toronto andja silver bread tray with theinerby china and naturally Mr, Peter Van Schyndel ofjinitials, Hilda exclaimed: "Way , age a biel Oshawa. The bride is the daugh-)mother, girls don't want. their ter of Mr. ant Norman/silver engraved anymore! If the Warring, Toronto, and the/marriage doesn't work out she bridegroom's are Mr,ican't use the stuff unless hor Dear Ann Landers: You hear to] | a great deal, these says about women who wear the pants in the family, Much of the criti cism is valid, All around us we see evidence that women are taking over the male role---and making hash out of their hus: But what about the men who want to wear the skirts in the family? I happen to be married to one and it's murder, My husband is a_ kettle-lid lifter, a taster, and a salt-adder, It doesn't matter what is cook: ing, he can always do some- thing to improve the flavor, e . 4 SS AWARDED COVETED CORDS proficiency, The girls are members of the 4th Oshawa Company --Oshawa Times > @ Karen Mosier, 16, centre was recently presented wita the Gold Cord, the highest award in guiding and Lynda Gingereski, 15, left, and Susan Gingereski, 14, right, receiv- ed the blue and white aill- round cords, a decoration for tice, and Mr, and Mrs, Frank | Reckzin of Pembroke, On. | tario, Mrs, Daniel Harbaren: | ko of Oshawa is Kimberley's | great grandmother, --Aldsworth Photography Tinted Hair Needs Extra Care Under Scorching Summer Sun One out 9° every three womeniIf you can't sland a cap, re in Canada is adding color to er) member to toweldry your hairy you, tar Rinse semi + porn ae sg! = og a pcb ery a , color or onest-.t-gocness-for- dry tt -- bad for the color, 02a) must wear a hat and kid gloves keeps dye -- it makes no differ-}for the hair say the experts. Keep up the fight, You have/ence to the powerful sun of sum-)And don't assume that daily nothing to fear but tea that ts) mer, It can lift color right out! dips will substitute for a sham- served in American restau lot your hair with megicai ease,/ poo Dust and scalp oils won't! go away without a shampoo --| Photo } " Schyndel-Warring Furthermore, you must use a nd Mrs parents especi son's and Mrs. Antony Van Schynde!l Dear Blaik: Since you have/the time gaps between tion of color to keep ahead of , sheen to the hair | The Reverend J, B, Myers } Confidential to Hate. To Hurt of us -- a little inclined to the SWIMWEAR Before your permanent, use, Given in marriage by Mr. moon, there are the usual warn. Did you continue to wear them) and its Well,/ your head outdoors Sof Gemert, Holland, who trav- accepted our warheads I will For the rest of us who don't performed the ceremony and Him: What did you do with your) manana theory in summer--the hair conditioner to tone you r locks, Use it after the perma:/ nent -- and occasionally through! he summer to counteract dry-| ing by the sun, wind and water.| sot rants.---BLAIK : rants. ---BLATK If you're prepared to. shorten j ® a pre} ' applica.| One that doesn't. strip the color for our season if t e sun- pjelied to Canada ally for THE STARS SAY ; but does give a clear, beautiful) = i their wedding 8 jaccept vour advice. Thank you the sun, then you've almost no By ESTRELLITA for writing problem, But if you're like most dip or dye, summer sun is also Miss Connie Lukas played the FOR TOMORROW a powerful enemy to the hair wedding music With the advent of the full choos when you outgrew them?) way out is to protect your hair color before sticking }iTed Van Schyndel, the bridejings to contro] emotionalism and cripple your feet? wore a floor-length, white gowN,)/ and to remain serene in even you've mown this young Protection starts ending in a ane a -- Aithe most complicated of situa-/ man entle but firm, Telliggily application crown of péaris "held er veill tions > re workers, how:/h + i tio Pw asin Ae Caw ! tions. Creative workers, im both be better off creme drilliantine Use a cream brilliantine regu:| larly of iusion and she carried lever, should find this a period apart nosegay of pink and white car'og great inspiration, should be out with the a good smiteh of palms of Be g of you'd A t rubbed into the your hands and then re GENERATIONS This family group of five generations was photograph- ed recenily at the home of ther, Mrs, James Hardie Sr and grandfather, Mr. Bert Hardie, Mrs. Cardinal has 25 grandcmidren, 60 great- grandchildren and one great- great-granachild, Mrs. Car- dinal recently celebrated her S$9th birthday and is enjoying Mr, Arthur Cardinal, son of Mrs, William Cardinal Sr, Huron street, seated left. She is the great-great-grand- mother of Scott Michae] Mc- nations and pink rosettes The maid of honor, Miss Pat ricila Munro and the attendant, Mrs, John Blankenstein, wore blue organza over matching gays. The bridegroom's brother, Mr, Gerrit Van Schyndel was Schyndel ushered A reception was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gerrit Van Schyndel, MacKenzie av- enue, The bridegroom's mother ring a beige silk shantung le to capitalize upon original and unique ideas FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, taffeta with blue veiling head. your horoscope indicates that, dresses and tiny bows. Their) while your job and financial af- flowers were shaded pink car fairs could be lagging at the vation Army Home League ad-|scarts -- in chiffon or terry oF running nations and rosettes in nose-| moment, there will be a defin. dressing a reguiar mecting told/cilk. There are half a doren g ite uptrend as of early August, members there was no need for) ways to tie a: scart on your continuing into late Decembe ' : In fact, a good break toward). best-man and Mr. John Van the end of August could provide the impetus you need to forget past setbacks and strike out for yw), new quickly and lightly to the hair will put up an invisible para- sol that deflects the sun's burn ing rays. Today's sun hats add chic to your costume -- so wear If "hats are simply not Tells Home League To Honor Old Flag Mrs one ' Fred Lewis of the Sal-| your dish, wear one of the new head, from Aunt Jemima style Although the Union Jack is/on top to the wrapped throat only a small piece of bunting, effect or the pert triangle tied its principals are still there,/under the chin. Even a wind do we need a change?" hood of net affords some pro Ta new flag in Canada y goals before the end of o.-ackea She urged members tection and it can be whipped 93, Other good periods: NEXt/tg remain true to the flag "for/off and tucked in a pocket in a February and March : In all dealings, however, fol- Salvationist flag," embie and a red rose cor- low the conservative path, and which we sta along with the jiffy For those of you who swim, Mrs, Will James prayed remember that bathing cans applied A short hair cut is a godsend) to the woman travelling or cot:/ tage-bound, Short hair shampoos/ quicker, sets and dries faster] and makes the application of a/ rinse just that much easier, If too frequent hair spraying tends to make your hair heavy, try a wet comb through your hair for freshen-up comb- ings. It re-activates the spray! already on the hair j Hair too oily? When you shampoo, shampoo your hair with egg creme for oily hair, but try to avoid massaging your scalp tee much, Over. active oil glands in. the scalp are only stimulated by extra massage! Easy-to-keep hair in summer Sail through summer in smooth style with this exciting new swimwear, Campus hits the deck with a boatload of refreshing style ideas in boxers, zipper-fly boxers, one-size stretch knits, lastex and reversibles. Trim-tailored for plenty of action. from 3.99 TWO LOCATIONS: 36 King St. East--"Downtown Oshawa" Namee, five months ald, seated on the lap of his mo- ther, Mrs. Michael Me. Namee. Standing from ieft to ight are great-grandmo- Sage, greeted the guests be especially careful to avold for the s Mr, and Mrs. Schyndel are extravagance and speculation yrs king their home at Bowma-|toward the latter part of this) scriptures and made 'he an)" 'month and in January, Those nouncement reminding mem engaged in creative or scientific bers of a bus trip to Niagara work will find September and Fails, July 16. She added there November highly inspiring and, were only two seats availabie Hgland for all; the stars forecast great) Toward the conclusion of the rabbit personal happiness for Many) meeting, Mrs, Melville Smith Janet months to come, Best periods! jeq in prayer | an for romance: the current month BARTENDING September and January; for 2c WEDDINGS ----- BANQUETS ---- STAG! fairly. good health. She. has five sons and three daugh- ters living and one son de- m ceased e --Photo by Horsby k and shut-ins: and now do a fine job of keeping is a blessing. Call it down upon Frank Buller read the|water out -- and color intact ;your head! and -- "Oshawa Shopping Centre" Stretchy Garments Control Bulges Under Swimsuit It is ut man} fateful day garments HAS PROBLEM PETERBOROUGH, E (CP)--A biack and white wypupcistp Milli 4 13-year-old been sent to rist because travel: the current month, Au season S -- ETC, imsuit duck. He's been gust and November y women, pu t iving i he River Nene for A child born on this day will when they mu i rie? ald be c n t his seven years-dat be endowed with the. qualitic "= needed to make a successful Exeetient Bortender Services ts toll ON physician, interior decorator or CALL 728-8391 linguist dresses since the devs of "Diamond Jim" toculor velue burst The Highly with it's jet bleck jy hés such © sper ss the optical horizon cleor tower rim offers @ setting for the sparkling peor diamond both com- end baguetts shaped Courtice HandS | = WO ee sepa Honors Graduates | Caarace Assomation simulated Service ond fuxury or 2 this on astc bs winding buy, plete with the lenses you need, at price of $11.95 and Schoo honored Home the lass of 31 pupils with and ith a class mt af the eve e wa t », awards to the two pupils with , the highest academic "4 e & Sharon first and for $35 s also a good standin tne nm Graham received John Murdock blouse ton second and received t cation bras worn ' S15. These award eliminate a lot of 2Te also donated by the Cour tice Home 2 Schac tion "yj on st nan Ds 63 ST VUES CaN Mrs. Lieyd Courtice, o : $0 ¢ * ter members lady dowed suit with or a looser and a nylon neath, w the pr A to® prominent tummy spoil the line of a swimsuit it is a good a wear panty brief of quick dr manmade elastic, elasticized nylon, or moulded rubber, for] added control over the abdo- beque _-- the softiy draped top Hit ao = »e tar SHAPES end COLORS! AT ONE PRICE os wet tame : a ' ¢ deg am aauxertment of men, hip and rearend areas i) ¥ wan Try on the panty with your om ALN "net case, wi cost c *@ Ore single $1) 95 ~ swimsuit (most swimsuit de 926 SIMCOE N. 725.3244 cee eee ee ee atis your t irst so : , WHY PAY MORE for Sxsan : e omer tremens GET GREAT ALE TASTE! Snappa Cappa Red Cap We believe them to be $20 ~ $25 Velues Our Price Now Only: SON te tera strength, ONE PRICE .. . ONE PRICE ONLY! e price of Seon Gepends on the vor the frame of your ance and >, AR ne « eRow ses to sea REPAIRS ases * es US. Trede-Merk Registered OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Hours: v -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Daily @ Wed. 'Til 12:00 Noon 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 Bronches in mony priacipel cities of Conede & US --Founded 1904 @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO @ UPHOLSTERING We Abe Rent Chairs, Tebles, ets. CLEVE FOX 412 $ North same owe THE BREWERIES LIMITED

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