THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 3,1963 § WHITBY and DISTRICT [i Vichtow Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Tel. 668-3703; Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn,; VanGoor $10, Alfred Grant $15, jlevied more than $350 in traf. Joseph Guitard $10, and Donald fic fines in Whitby Traffic Court) Real $15, Thursday. Oshawa citizens Lloyd Hinze, 'Fined for speeding violations George Harris and Dennis Bagg i were: 1 gta A Donald were fined $20, a2 and $16 re. H. Williston $15, Bruce S, Skene spectively $18, George Moore $13, James Richard Se sien RR 1, Clare-| Miller $13, Ceacilia Huinink $20, mont, received a $10 fine for| | Keith Fisher $20, Armand Bouf./ operating a motor vehicle with. fard $15, Aldin Neil $15, Fred out a> licence Bruke $10, Morris Davis $10, Owen Fitegerald charged with) William E. Davidson $10, Al./ Bassing within 100 feet of a rail.| _|deric Demers $9, Betty Gilbert} Way crossing and creating un i /$10, Albert Ibbitson $10, Gerald/ reasonable noise was fined $15 Leger $10, Edward Rancier $10, Margaret Short $15, Afaald Failed To Church Women : Share Road M Close eetings Fined $10 For Summer ating \ Whitby man, Johann Vis- | 1] Mrs, J. Beckenridge < Unit ors, 23, of 113-dohnson avenue : {2 of the United Church Women ...'rined $10 and costs in Whit. jof St. Marks United Churehs pO pra ptie Court Thursday for! presided ai the final' meet '08 | failing to allow one-half of the of the season held recently Hraadway, se: [The meeting opened with a Vice was involved in an hymn , accident June Ul, on Dundas A brief business "session fol street when his vehicle collided owed, during which the eas with one driven by Richard tary's report, roll call and Of! \itnews, 368 Fairview drive. | fering were presented ' , j > nm passing judgment, Magis. cussion period was held Aas g \ Sone 8 ate Harry W. Jermyn, told on changing the date of future i f Vissers, "you are like a master TOP STUDENTS AT ST. JOHN'S HIGH SCHOOL AWARDED PRIZES "= s'sas'oS"S Neg pm " eeervtaing you do Members were reminded of Rev. L. J. Austin, pastor, past season with a gift pur ay teacher at the schoo! their Gacision renardine 4 te St. John the Evangelist chased by the Grey Sisters. made presentations to Jacque- ing th most progress and im: | posed project to be worked on * 8 Ohurch, this week presented At the same time Father lune Hendricks and David provement during the school "ll i i Plaskitt, gt . Isits = as Ted McGee, adjudged top stu- Austin made the presenta Hissiay. wr Wael of the bis inn Manager: Rae Hopkins j | } were awarded prizes for show dent at St. John the Evang m at the rectory. Mrs. Ca ' of the devotional; read Isaiah ist High School during the milla: Flanagan. regi senior teachers WIN OVER PORT CREDIT The two. students Oshawa Times Photo -, Her theme being "Submit ting Ourselves to God's Wil Pi R it ] The meeting closed with a Increase 1anod ecl a hymn and a prayer, offered by social peried "telloyed. with) 10DE DAY CAMP PROVIDES SUMMERTIME FUN Pl L social period followed, with ast Month Gases arge SS Some 100 Whitby boys have | son. Every year, hundreds of al Asseciation, declared the A d Whitby's VON nurse, Ruth something to do for the first Whithy and district school camp officially open Tuesday u lence . ® Bowring. reported 113 visits) two weeks of theirtwo months children take advantage of morning and urced its attend. Outstanding among the many Fair Prize turing the month of June as) summer vacation They are the facilities offered at day ants te share in every- a aa e thi A ared th TR ' attending the Viscount Chap amp and every year they re thing they do during their B klin L ers e 0 s eon apared w 73 visits during § . "i : me present ec e 1962. OF these visits 93° ter IODE day camp, this turn: Rev. W. J. S. McClure, -- stay at the J. MeQuay farm '@ | ture rs @) "pul f Edith M Ni b ; were for general nursing care; Year beginning its Mth sea- on behalf of Whithy Minister campsite, Mr. MeChure is mers, ATCM, RMT, at th inners Mrs. B seen flanked by a group of Rarbara Lewis, a re eg rm ana we a W. Browne, Chapter Regent, as he raises the Union Jack, de- claring the camp officially open _--Oshawe Times Photo HOMARKET FOODS LTD. FOR THE FINEST IN FOOD AND FREEZER SERVICE $ 313 BROCK ST. NL WHITEY ritby Bapt oh mt public health nursing gad > By CLIFF GORDON as both have some fine goal 4 Port Credit, Kapasky 28 » excellen performance by " sate from McMaster Univer. rT l ] imed Brooklin S ub scorers on their roster Penalties: Olah 1.06 > young pianist ncluding Listed sity, will be with the VON dur. took over JUST TALKING Coach SECOND PERIOD no umber a tre an ng the summer months and wil! tario 'St e leag g m Cherry must have these . piocotiin: Glen Lotton quartette for two pianos al assume the nursing duties in lario 'Sy. lacro Jeng ssi fellows 'wail "senooled in ihe " : mpresse arge audi Lucky winners of the W Whithy while Miss Bowring is neg ee aly ; = n in a row raee's e game. There was : bo aig net woe Smith Builders Supples prize on vacation arme 1 e inning tha Por Cred only on naity to the Brook aa : he, ensembie numbers Were draw were announced an the psig he right , ; and that was picked : Ruth Mitchell, Lyn closing day. of the recent Trade WINDSOR England (AP)--)in Libya. Greece iows " -- up by Joe Todd, a Jr, ut dey rae 43 da Hall, Louise and Larry Pog: Fair All N Medi Gen, Lord Freyberg, near-leg. and Raly ca 2 ' - haa bean Hastings along v noth " ot Credit: Grawtar son, Trudy Manson, Susan Al Councillor Joyce Burns drew ews la aut hero of dashing exploits The Brooklin n had b cw. hee r town if the : ie nice Matthews ne winning tickets Friday eve nh two world wars, died Thurs SWAM ASHORE tied with Port Credit and St : Ay " POOR bad by day night at the age of M4. He 'Typical of his resourcefulness he grand prize, a p Urged oO ac was known in the British army @™d daring was his feat in 1915, . * . persen of mour r Fi ' Pec |S Mudents ontr sung SQLOS nats going into 4 S% snd Callicett did not dress for : pene se were: Gail Crowley, Jane and night ame but got the jump ee . a i ng the lila see napa ght's g t r _ McClure. cable. was won by E. Fells, 120 as "the general with the uring ~ none on rye key . ana , : paigr ing cky and Wendy Wilde, Robin Palace street, Whitby ai gn. of swimming nake a heen we the Brooklin team in las Penalties Todd Susan Bryant, Bria on the Sailors, sc¢ hree of oe : v m . secede ign, of swim naked hal THIRD PERIO Minto, Barl and Cat ne. Bra Quarts of paint, donated 'by ana lan nity Freyberg's courage won m & ot Pate ede he " day 5 : : care night's game and Larry Fergu- 4rson 50, 8.14 \ lt bard 'ree i. 5), SOR Was not available Don were short handed. TI reals ce dee ee tee es een a has Pca as i ne "wephag ih: ah as ehgediaysrinier z one of th hardes and Brook ( Donald Andrews, Pam Benjamin Moore Paint Com ; isa" SMehes Cie ais Turk shore, towing a canvas took only one pena } Heff 6 Gibso: Art Pucknin } ina : : ne = Vickaria ' canoe and two revolvers six that were hanc ae hue es SVS Sete mee +] raielt Pisbangscog pany of Oshawa, were present TORONTO (CP)---Radio, tele- highest decoration for valor, and ** ees s wthiee eet Cre dits Te rit am and Linda aaa win. 04 10: Mis Ron Pascoe, 403 vision and the press should four Distinguished Service 0: He reconnoitered the enemy's Don Cra was the big gun ints on three goa s Avy Brooklit Coombes gg my bhi Cr y tal Pete. Chestnut street, Mrs. Robert strive to promote Canadian un- ders. the next highest. He. was trenches under the covering fire on ry Was t at AMAL waa ai an . r ote r ie "allin . ree t e 7 for the Brooklin team as same amount of assists raggs, Heffernan ... 5.3 ok, Peggy Bowyer, Shannon cou 308 Kent _stree K.lity, Yvon Dupuis parliamentary! wounded 1@ times, nine in the of a destroyer and } ghted flares fired three "goals and assisted'Don't forget that the St 3r n: Glen Lotton 7.1 R th MacMillian. Kerry 2¥elts_of Whitby, Charles Ry-| assistant to State Secretary/ First World War and once in the shore to distract the on aS many more. Glen Lotton ( arines Athletics with Gar thse Bir Porc ee iw a eaans eg cakate sroft, 700 Byron street, Mrs.' Pickersgill, said here Thursday,|the second hamgeg fase "aliioe ri a arin Thiele r al € y arga i y att - 99) sed: rive ne ' On Of the Turks ake & had a pair of goals and match Bob McCready, Pet re Lotton .. 7.5 rabeth Atkinson Doris Jones, 226 Rosedale driv Mr. Pickersgill, the minister' His order ta bomb Monte Cas : " r hizabett t n Ops Were being landed A nts her h e rday ni ght to try an r waeageeanss 2 Lynda': rs, Trudy Manson "5 -- hag ae ect ed it with assists. Single tallies Boro company w be in} ' : Kanasky Mire a P goat ny me ' --_ to Parliament ~ sino Abbey in Italy in the Sec went to Ken Ruttan.who has: stree ts han Sadho and television in Canada.}ond World War brought him averaged a goal a game since <top ti tring of the Brook! rry Pogson, Lyn.|Sowmanville and Roy Allan: was to have addressed the Ra- much adverse criticism but he 23¢k to a destroyer being in FREE DELIVERY joining the Brooklin team, Rock 1; " ae oo "Ruth Mitchel |9¢ Donavan crescent fio and Television Executives was backed by his commander. '2¢ Water for two hours before PHONE Batley, Gerry Burrows, Ken FIRST PERIOD 17 dit: K A corsage of white carna : -- ub of Toronto but was d@e- in.chief, Field Marshal Sir Har. %¢ Was picked up. That won him Lotton and Cy Coombes ' at tk T hesen ' natn } ns es oe ned in Ottawa by government | Alexander. 3 Ear! Alex. 'he Distinguished Service Cross ton and Cy Coo 1. Beootin:"Crage omiches be and & ively garden chai! From vaseen (ave © wernimemod Aciander, new Barl Ales a Scwee CuS | 668-8321 668-8687 For the losing home team it Bruce eee aed 7.01 Penalties: Ahearne 5.05, Port o- os to Mrs. Sum mussions fr pusiness ander of Tunis He won the Victoria Cross by Id veteran who did) 2. Brooklin: Ruttan .... 848 Credit too many men served by mers. 'or i the pupils mn { am more than convinced Freyberg argued that the Ger. 84 me his men th big scoring, George Ka-| 3 Port Credit Henderson 10 0?'Kapasky 19.55 by I Henr Hi h hat no other media can do... a German lines en the § Golden Gate Egg Roll .15 pasky had three goals for his nore than yours te achieve Ca prose he : os ttle ae eee SORneee SUE prLEEN night' ae i} ate do 4 4 "nb ome digs * pa overiooking the battle $ i night's work, while mates Pa Promotion List adian unity," Mr. Dupuis, MP Cassino, as a cover and inflict." Beef Chow Mein _ 1.15 Chicken Chop Suey 1.00 Sweet & Sour endarenn, Red Crawford GRAND OFFICERS ATTEND Jean-Iberville - Napier. ing terrible tosses on the Com. Spore-Ribs cccx Oe » , " Flory Tomichesen and Bob Henry Street ville. told the executives, "espe. monwealth and Polish forces Sweet & Sour Hanna each bagged loners nowadays when we read pelow 'The ate denied that Chicken & Pineapple 1.50 The first period was a close hard fought affair with the Diced Chicken & Vegetables Almonds 1.35 'Brooklin team building up a 2-0 Breaded Shrimps 1.25 lead by the 8.48 werk before the Tar boys finally managed to Barbecued Pork Fried Rice . dem the riggin behind Pat/ » Afe don't make head: horn in England but spent his SHOP Baker in the Brooklin cage Shrimps Egg Foo Yong .95 Va Southern Foled e RG oe t Fourteenth Birthda ay ee Rind New Bend 1 «conn tree rs apas each ar pe-Brown reinia Terring ¢ Seem' Serrer.| 1941, he was named te lead the Henderson and Kapasky ach Ou ee V Mary Hope-Brow Virgin aaale hed et Wraai ae Lik e wa d to lea € ges end Rese Chicken 1.30 GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT CHINESE FOOD TAKE OUT and very clean game Janis Matthews The following High School students were pro moted from Gr ade i! and hear se Much about things , : : >the Germans used the monast : . es going bad here and there in Cam ony for observation. It has sinc S , , Mes, | ada been rebuilt tunately, the bette Bernard Cecil Freyberg was One-Stop DECORATING scored to tie it all up with just and Parikhal. John equat New Zealand Expeditionary a few seconds remaining in the ay Marian: Henstock (eration Quebecois in Quebec,' Force and was its commander | @ Wellpeper end Murals first stanza Thursday evening, June Patron, were given a sincere Anne: Hamer, Margot . said J am sure © CAL, Points and Vernishes The Brooklin team looked the, Whitby Chapter 48, OES welcome : Phe Times regrets any am ; agree with me that ® Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points mighty sharp in the middie celebrated its 14th birthday and Sister Jean Gow, Grand Star Poi: gave rassment caused to the stu ® comt of the people in this . frame as they scored four goals Grand Officers' Night with Sis. Tru + En t Thome eport on their talent money. yr their teach through ?* nce of Quebec, 9 per cent bobpD & SOUTER and held the home side to but a ter Louella Cook, worthy ma. son Gr cand Be nevolen ter The sick conveners gaev their a typographical r » and be a part of Can- single tally, that by Crawford.|tron, presiding in the East, Freida Wilson. DDGM of No eport and were glad to say The name of Craigen. Sha assure you that in the Decor Centre on WOT Byron Se. S Whithy Phone 668-5862 & Shirt Lounderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery cect E o6-a3ar Burrows, Bailey, Glen Lotton Brother Clarence Hallett, wor- Sister Agnes Wallace, DDGM of that everyone who had been it who was promoted to Grade province of Quebec, $5 per cent and Craggs did the damge for thy patron, assisted No. LL were given a welcome sre improvit i@ from Grade $9 with homers are just as pleased as you are y itte nm errer hare that Canadi the winners. After the opening. of the Sister Lena Roberts, PDDGM are being made for a, Was omitted in erro » share that Canadianism The third period was a close Chapter, the minutes of the hard fought affair with both Previous meeting were read teams scoring four times. Pat Baker te classy goalie of the Brooklin team took a mean and approved Sister Mary Inkpen, conduct- ress, introduced Sister Edna one just under the chin with Anderson, Bowmanville, RGM about three minutes to go. The % the Grand Chapter. of On- blow floored the big fellow for a tario and honorary member of few minutes, bdut he rallied the Whitby Chapter, Sister Lil. around and did a fine job in lian Luriff, Toronto PGM. and holding the fort for the Brook- a Quinton Boyd Barrie PG lin team Saturday night the Brooklin After receiving a warm wel. team will try to run their win come from the Worthy Matron string to five as they play host they were escorted to the East te St. Catharines, one of the and given Grand Honors. Sis most improved teams in the ter Pearl Kohi, Barrie, Grand league. It is always a battle'Conductress and Brother John when these two teams meet up Muir, Toronto, associate Grand ROC WHITBY B K Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 9:05 Saturday Matinee at 1:30 the for fury. fora ture is... and honorary member of Whit by Chapter, Sister Winnifred Newton, PDDGM, and Past Matron of Whitby Chapter, Sis. er Ruby Clark along with Sis- ter Betty Thompson. PDDG were given a warm weicomé Presiding Melody Matrons and Patrons Sister Minnie Sales, West Hill Chapter, S$ ter Gladys Searles, Golden " angle Chapter, Cooksville er Cora Lyons, Sunbeam, Osh awa, Sister Shirley Dunbar. On ario Chapter, Pickering, Sister Daisy Holden, Corinthian Chap ter, Toronto, Sister Alice Ben nie, Toronto Chapter, Toronto Sister Marga A th Chapter, Toronto Audrey Martin. Durham Cue. er, Bowmanville, Sister Mary Gordon, Deborah Chapter. To ento, Brother William Wa ace, Markham, Brother Frank Train, Sunbeam, Oshawa Brother Charles Cooper. Qn. tario. Pickering. Past. Matron and Patrons of Whitby Chapter Sister Anna Patterson, Siste: Pearl Roper Sister Audrey McKenzie, (Sister Kay Browne Sister Elsie Goose, Sister Julia Thomas, Sister Mae Phair and Brother Jeff Martin in office.) Past Matrons, Past Pa s 1d other visiters from To West Hill, Port Perry, Bown ille, Pickeering, and Caan were given a sincere welcome bazaar in October Sister Edna Anderson spoke briefly about the starting of the Whitby Chapter OES 14 years ago and wished all'many more happy years The meeting closed in regu- ar form, Sister Frieda Wilson giving the farewell. Brother Stewart Davidson, Toronto. ,. favored them with a few songs that were enjoyed by all Sister Cora Fallow and her ommittee brought in the birth day cake and after each Pas' Matron of Whitby Chapter and Patron of the Whithy Chapter had lighted a candle for their year the Worthy Matron invited Sister Lena Roberts to do the honer of cutting the birthday ake, which she did in her own gracious way A social hour was spent ove: a very delicious lanch Three Fined For Having No Dog Tags ohn Greer, reported 'ie Magi rate's Court Thursday tha three Whitby residents were and thanked for coming out on Keeping dogs without licences such a hot night The Worthy Patron said a few words of welcome fo the officers and 2embers of N hitb 1a Charter members were intre duced and escorted to the East an admonition to obtain a b-j fined Alex Pearce. 1297. King r 1963 "Wiehteets Harry W. termyr Rebert 'Younc: 1988 B . and Jack Britten, 11¢ street, $10 and costs wit where the Worthy Matron pre.icence er be recharged aptain Morgan \_\ | |