Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1963, p. 3

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CHILD LOSES 24- |! : jat Saintfield. : | dent of Oshawa for 50 years, ' jcoming here from Toronto, the first time her hair was ever touched by a pair of scissors. In the lower picture Vicki chats with her mother, Mrs. W. Saville, following the hair cut. NINE-YEAR-OLD Vicki Lynn Saville takes one last long look at her 24-inch locks of hair as she gets ready for her new hair style. Vicki's visit to hair stylist Miss Grace Ann Wood, was her first ever. This was Oshawa Times Photo Kingside Park Opening Success The opening of Kingside Park, brought the opening day cere-| for the summer was a most/monies to a close. successful event. Ideal weather! Winners of the races were as prevailed and a large number| follows: ef parents and children attend-| Girls, 5 and 6 -- Lynn Shol- ed. Pres Joan Sudsbury, Carolyn' The Caledonia Pipe Band pro-/French; boys: Jimmy Powlen-| vided the music for a parade|zuk, Mark McGregor, Ken Walk-! through the streets of the Apple jer. Hill area, which featured the| Girls, 7 and 8 -- Carolyn members of the boys and gitls|Anderson, Debby Sproule, Deb- softball teams proudly wear:ng|bie Jackson; boys: Robert Rick-| their uniforms. Clowns of allijard, John Jeffs, Ricky Sydner. @izes and shapes as well a:| Girls, 9 and 10 -- Irene Chare- floats were also in the line of wicz, Lorie Wandless, Bonnie march. 'ue. } ve Wayne Suds- ury, ale Tullock, Bobbie MAYOR OPENS PARK \Glecost " His Worship Mayor Lyman) Girls, 11 and 12 -- Valentine Gifford rode in the parade and/Mischtschenko, Nancy Coulson, later officially declared the| Anna Pavioff; boys: Tom Grant, park open. During the evening/ Dennis Abramoff, Bobbie Duder. a band played for dancing} Girls, 18 and 14 -- Andrea Fe INCH LOCKS ET City Seeks More Houses Oshawa City Council's special housing committee Thursday night asked the Ontario Depart- meni of Economics and De- velopment to reopen negoti- ations toward erecting more aomes in the Christine Crescent public housing project. Sixty approved applications are on file at City Hall for this type of housing. The committee, headed by Ald, Gordon Attersley, sees the development of about e ight buildings, representing 16 hous- mg units, on Normandy ave- mue, between Dean avenue and Omistine crescent. The lots on which the home would be built are already serviced. It is possible that the pro- posed addition of 16 units could cost the city no money. With cost sharing on the 75-1714-7%4 basis (for federal, provincial and city governments, respec- tively) the city could recoup its OBITUARIES share on the sale of the serviced Jand, H, W. Suters, director of the Housing Branch of the depart- ment, and Ron Mitchell, repre- 1 ee 1 | The death of Mrs. George Henry Arnold Suddard, 25 Greta |street, occurred Thursday, July /4, at the Oshawa General Hos- |pital after a short illness. The former Olive Minetta Sto- vin, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Sto. |vin. She was born Jan. 18, 1886 | On Nov. 15, 1911, she married }George Henry Arnold Suddard lin St. Ann's Church, Toronto. Mrs. Suddard had been a resi- She was a member of \George's Memorial Anglican! Church, and was an active) member of the Westmount /Group of St. George's Church, ithe St. George's Women's Aux-| liliary, and the Pentalpha Chap- |ter Bowling Club. Mrs. Suddard is survived by ers (Beatrice), Mrs. \Clark (Doris), and Mrs. Bruce! Murdoch (Lorraine), all of Osh-| awa, and seven son, Harold, Kenneth (Ted), and Ross, all of Oshawa. She is survived by one} sister, Mrs. Florence Ewen of Uxbridge, and a brother, Wil- mer Stovin of Oshawa. | Mrs. Suddard was _prede-/ ceased by five sisters, Gertrude, Rose, Mila, Lillian, Clara and two brothers, Stanley and John i She leaves 30 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The memoria! service. will be} jheld in the Armstrong Funeral |Chapel, Saturday, July 6, at p.m., and will be conducted by . R. G, . Brooks George's Church. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. MRS, WALTER R. WARD A well known Claremont res- ident, Mrs. Walter R. Ward, aied in the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital Thursday, July 4, Mrs. Ward was in her 85th year and had been ill for a week. She was born Bertha M. Coop-} er, daughter of the late George} jand Catherine Cooper of Clare-| mont. In 1902 she married Wal-| ter R. Ward at Claremont. | The deceased was a member of Claremont United Church of St.) | and Miss Kingside Park was |nandez, Lynda Broome, Susan chosen. The judges, Ald. Gordon/Lupel; boys: Elliot Beharrel, Attersley and Ear! Brown, chose|Art Fernandez, Jim Verrall. Miss Christine Nizio for this! Boys, 15 and 16 -- Ted Nizio honor. Runners-up were Misses|Ken Broome, Jerry Mills. Anne and Andrea Fernandez. | Relay races, three on a team, Winners of the draws were:|12 years and under, girls Ronald Templar, garden um-/Julie Andrews, Anna Pavioff, jand took an active part lin church affairs. She was the jorganist in the church for al-| }most 60 years and also took an} jinterest in the church choir. | She is survived by her hus-| | | mo' ters, Mrs. E. M, Wynn, of Port Hope and Mrs, E. T. Arnold- Forster, of Par, Cornwall, Eng- land and five grandchildren. The funeral service will be held at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home at 11 a.m, Sat- urday, July 6, followed by inter- ment in Riverside Cemetery, Napanée. Rev. A. Woolcock, rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church, will conduct the ser- vices. f JOHN RUPERT VILNEFF PETERBOROUGH John Rupert Vilneff, 43 of Keene, St jdied unexpectedly at his home! Wednesday night. Mr. Vilneff was born and educated at Marmora and was |the son of the late George Vil-| the former Melinda He. served overseas neff and Rupert, |with the Hastings and Prince) |Edward Regiment in the Sec-} ond World War. He was em- hurch. Mr. Vilneff is survived by his wife, the former Doris Buchan. Dale, both at home, and two stepsons, Harold and Howard Stevenson, both of Peterbor. ough. Also surviving are four sis- ters, Hazel, of Ingersoll; Mrs. Joseph Lytle (Vera) of Indian River; Mrs, Sidney Derry (An- nie) of Oshawa; Mrs. William LeClair (Jean) of Toronto; and five brothers, Albert, of Peterborough, Gordon, of RR 5, Peterborough, and Wesley, George and Everett, all of Mar- ra. The body will be at the family residence from Thursday even- ing. Funeral service will be Sat- urday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. John Fullerton, of Keene Unit- ed Church, officiating. Burial will be in Rosemount Memorial Gardens. MRS, ROSE VIPOND Mrs. Rose Vipond, 1208 Sim- coe street north, died suddenly of a heart attack at her resi- dence Thursday, July 4. The former Rose Beavis, she was born Aug. 1, 1890, in Corn- wall, England, daughter of the! late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bea- vis. She married Thomas Arthur Vipond in Oshawa, at King Street United Church, and lived here for 52 years. Mrs. Vipond was predeceased Dennis! | band, Walter R. Ward; a daugh-| py her husband in 1949. She is lter, Mrs. W. R. Evans (Aldine)| survived by one daughter, Sa- sented the province at last night's meeting. They will be asked to deliver the department's opinion on jwhat direction future public j,housing in Oshawa should) ltake, especially as to the size of individual projects, because there is still room in the area for more units. Choices include: land assem- | bly, spot development and other |projects of approximately the jsame size as Oshawa's 42 unit) project in the Dean avenue! jarea. | Crowd Jeers Speakers At US. Rally CHICAGO (AP)--An angered | her husband ag oo ve Pio ployéd for some years as an/Mayor Richard J. Daley and a daughters, Mrs, Donal william assembler at Outboard Marine,|Negro church leader were uname attended the Keene United|jeered from the speaker's plat- form at a U.S. independence Day rally that attracted an esti- mated 20,000 persons on Chi- |William, Henry, Bruce, Frank.) 4. ang two sons, Leslie and|cago's downtown lakefront Daley, boss of the Demo- leratic party in Illinois, led a 13% - mile "freedom march" ithroug the downtown area sponsored by the National Asso- iciation for the Advancement of Colored People. The manch and rally were ar- jranged in connection with the NAACP's national convention. The convention resumes, sus- jpended for Independence Day, jnesume today More than 100 whites and Ne- groes waved anti-Daley plac. ards reflected claims of segre- gation in Chicago schools and ghetto conditions in Negro sec- tions of the city. "Tokenism must go," they shouted each time the mayor at- tempted to speak. "Down with ghetto! Daley must go!" Mayor Daley told the NAACP delegates at the convention ses- sion Monday that Chicago "ha; no such thing as a ghetto." His statement was challenged from the same platform by Dr. H. L. Holman of Joliet, Ill, a state NAACP leader. Only New York and four |southern states have more Ne- igroes than Illinois, More than) |810,000 of the state's 1,100,000) |Negroes live in Chicago. Kenneth and Phillip of Bow. manville. There are also four} sisters: Mrs. Mary Armstrong} of Hatwhistle, Northumberland, | cern for students who will com- One of the three Royal Can- adian Navy ships visiting the - Oshawa harbor Wednesday and Thursday was HMCS Porte St. Jean, shown in the picture, Also in the squadron was HMCS Porte St. Louis, the Porte St. Jean's sister- TRAINING SHIP VISITS OSHAWA HARBOR ship. The vessels left the Osh- week training cruise on Lake awa harbor at 1:30 p.m. Ontario. awa harbor at 1:30. p.m. Thursday. to resume their two- RCN Phote NEWS IN BRIEF SEPARATE SCHOOL Track Lifting Work Started A request that the name of Corpus Christi School be chang- ed to St. Vincent de Paul School was rejected by the Oshawa Separate School Board at its meeting Thursday. It was the opinion of the board that rea- were insufficient. SEEK EARLY PLANNING The board urged that plans for setting up Grades 11, 12 and 13 be started as soon as pos- sib.e Members expressed con- plete Grade 10 at St. Joseph's High School and will not have a Grade 11 class to enter in the Roman Catholic education sys- tem. sons for changing the name! Oshawa and district motor- lists would welcome the news, announced in the Oshawa Times Thursday, that a start has been made in lifting the jtracks un King Street west. | It is now nearly two months since the red letter day Sat-) urday, May 11, when track re-| moval celebrations were held in} the city and the last train rum- bled along Oshawa's main street. The rails are being lifted in| conjunction with the storm! sewer work, which started ai! the Oshawa Creek Tuesday af- ternoon. They are being taken up in sections to keep ahead of the sewer crew. The first part to be removed is the section of line which ran TO SET BOUNDARIES Chairman of the management committee, J. J.* Maher, re- ported that his committee had prepared a report recommend- ing school boundaries in relation to Conpus Christi. Holy Cross and St. Francis Schools. Be- fore a final recommendation to the board: the committee will seek approval of the parish priests concerned, TO FORWARD DATA Business Administrator Frank Shine was directed by the board to forward information regard- to the Cooksville Separate School Board as requested. BUDGET COMPLETED Chairman of the finance com- mittee, Lioyd Bolahood, report- ed that his committee had com- pleted work on the final budget for the fiscal year. NOTICE OF MOTION A notice of motion by Mr. Bolahood that separate school dismissal hours be changed from 3.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. will not be acted upon until a report is heard from Constable Wil- nam Tane, officer in change of Oshawa Safety Patrols. MANY CHANGE MEETING A notice of motion that the board should meet regularly twice a month was tabled until the next meeting of the board. PROPERTY SUGGESTIONS The property committee made the following recommendations to the board: portable class- rooms will be located north of School; a salary schedule for takers next week; plumbing re- be discussed. with the care- takers next wek; plumbing r. pairs at St. Josph's School will proceed; no heating system alterations will be carried out until 1964 ing setting up bilingual classes} from King west into the Mc- |Laughlin Coal and Supplies jyard, | There was considerable bustle jm the street Thursday, with a }mechanical shovel tearing into jthe excavation for the storm! jsewer while a few yards away] jworkers were busy removing jthe rails. CITY AND DISTRICT ATTENDING CAMP Leading Cadet, Gerald Pow- lenzuk of the Sea Cadet Corps) "Drake", left by train recently! |for a seven-week camp at Corn- wallis, Nova Scotia. Gerald was one of the few who quaiified for this trip. ATTENDING CONVENTION Past Governor R. Stroud, Vice-president Gordon Adair and Dr. Roy Rowsell, all mem- is Club, are among the more than 15,000 people attending the 48th annual convention of Ki- wanis International at Conven- tion Halli, Atlantic City. DENTAL GRADUATE |recently graduated from the |Universi'y of Toronto with the degree of Doctor of Dental Sur- gery. Dr. and Mrs. Oliver will hve in Ottawa. $300 DAMAGE A two-car collision at Mary) and Brock streets Thursday bers of the Westmount Kiwan-|i2%, Neil E. Oliver, formerly of! Sims (63 Ritson road south, Oshawa, | Phanto |Star Shadow, No Boy (B)M3 Honor Graduates | At South Simcoe Principal John Francom ad- promoted. He wished them 8 dressed the students and pre-|good and pleasant summer and sented the Fanny Hislop Award'dismissed assembly. to Dennis Hercia when South! Simcoe Public School held its| Nee HONORED last assembly of the school| Recently the graduation class year. |was honored at a dinner. Also "Mrs. Bert Fry, president of at the dinner were the teaching, Home and School Asociation, (staff, Inspector T, J. Heath, presented Dennis Hercia and |Rev, Mr. L, Ware, Aberdeen Linda Chandler with certificates | for high standing on behalf of} Robbins and Mrs. C, M. Elliot. Gloria Russell said yy and . -__| Rev. Mr. L. Ware and Mr. T. J. the Home and School Associa-' tion and Mrs. James Essex,| Heath spoke. Mr. A. Robbins, treasurer, gave safety crests to| Vice Principal of Central Col the following -- |legiate Institute was the speake Peggy Bollan, captain; Larry) € He gave an inspring talk om Scott, Janice Astle, Carol Krag.| different changes from element- lin, Susanne Blake, Shawn Es.|2tY School to secondary school. sex, Gwen Norris, Sharon Wright, Joselyn Lewis, Ralph attain it and also said that if Lewis, David Chaplinski and same. parol was to do entertained: Ws The students received clase Mr. Francom presented cer-| on behalf of the students for the Many of the students have ob.|Francom, Mr. McLean and Mr, With a reminder of the safety) rest of the evening dancing. was not fortunate enough to be! bers served. He said each student should aim for a goal and try diligently to Branton, Louise Bak, Linda Pat- A field, Pauline Shevchuk, Ricky they co-operated with the teach. ers, the teachers would do the Roger Davies. | ; Mr, Francon said the safety) Dennis Hercia gave the val |edictory speech. wie eat FatUre, pictures. Mr. Francom thanked ATTENDANCE AWARDS the Home and Schoo] Members tificates for perfect attendance| dinner and pictures, and congratulated the students. | Gloria Russell presented Mr. tained several stars over the Carmichael with gifts from the past years. jclass. The graduates spent the rules and to be kind to their) Mrs. Ken Code convened the friends, especially the ones that! dinner and the executive mem. SATURDAY, JULY THIRD RACE -- Starblaze, 92508 claiming. Purse $1900 for 3- and ¢yeam olds, 1 1-16 miles. Janilyn, "No Boy (A)I01 Prestia FIRST RACE -- Gledhill, $2500 claim-; ing. Purse $1900 for 3- and 4-year-olds,) 1 1416 miles, Navarro, No Boy 103 Shifty Charlie' Scoot Joe, No Boy Nv Joe the Captain, Robinson M4 Guaicaipuro, Bohenko 119 Gee Gee's Jayne, Leblanc 108 § 4 Mr. Yo Te, No Boy li3 i Newton, i Mus Brave Spartan; Fitzsimmons (8)i18 Time Clock. Dalton 16 Michalena, No Boy (A)108 Jodigien, Watters 116 Laggan, No 6 Wings of Flight, Fitzsimmons (A)i8 Chinese Bandi (aus A--E. Warme and M. Mitchell entry B--R. C. Siegel and T. E. Hays entry caused a total of $300 damage. Drivers involved were Silvio | Latin, 471 Brentwood avenue, and John Vanderburgt, of Ern-| nest Township. The Latin car| |was southbound on Mary street A--Mrs, F. H. Mernili Jr. and . Rotenberg entry Fraud Charges Urged Against John Profumo | LONDON (AP) -- A retired brelia table; Mrs. Lawrence|Marie Cory; boys: Ambrose, chaise lounge; Rob-|Abramoff. Paul Clark, Wayne ert Malarczuk, candlestick hold-|Sudsbury ers; Mrs. Robert Beharrell,| Girls, 16 years and under -- cooler; Mrs. Alex Flight, bas.|Mary Jeffs, Valentina Mischt- ket of fruit; Mrs. James Cleve-/schenko, Faye Broome; boys land, tea towels. |Eddie Sheppard, Jim Verrall,| and the Vanderburgt car was heading east on Brock street. MINOR BLAZE The Oshawa Fire Depart- ment reported one call to Har- jof Claremont and a son, Josephigie Vipond, of Newcastle, and| |A. of Ohsawa. Also surviving is|gne grandchild, Miss Aberta| ja sister; Mrs. Blanche Cook of) yinond. | Lansi sev ri Idren| i vice wil oe we "|, 'The memorial service will be}ing Glover, Tonteland, North- and three great-grandchildren.|neig in the Armstrong Funeral mage Mrs. Ward is resting at thelc + Rat eae j umberland and Mrs. Stella Mel- Chape!, Saturday, July 6, at lows, Benwell England; Mrs. Elizabeth) Brown, Wolsingham, Co. Dur- jham, England; Mrs. Glenden- Four Injured In Collision to Star, Harrison 101 A-Helienic Stable and Mrs. R, B. Fish er entry QUINELLA BETTING A fine display of fireworks|Elliott Beharrell. CAPSULE NEWS Hospital Beds Shortage Found achnie Funeral Home,} a.m. Rev. W.Herbert, minisier- Newcastle-on/| Tyne, England. | Four were injured Thursday ;Pickering, for the funeral ser-|of King Street Church, will cun- vice which will be held at Clare-|quct thé service. Interment will mont Uni'ed Church Sunday,/pe in Oshawa Union Cemetery. July 7, at 3.45 p.m. The officia- ty GEORGE LEWINS ting clegyman wil! be the Rev.} Leckie of Warkworth. Intern-| The funeral service was heid ment will take place at Clare.) at 2 p.m. today at the Northcuit mont Union Cemetery. saa Smith Funeral Home, Bow- ;manville, for th te G FUNERAL OF | i r the late George i |Lewins who died at the Osh- MRS. VERNER S. BOOTH | awa General Hospital on Tues- The . memorial service for ' Ie Sen. Voruor $. Beth, sie ded * jbrothers:; Frank of Scar.|Wood avenue and Highway 401) borough, Ont., and Thomas of}in Ajax. | Newcastle on Tyne | Judith Frances Bryant, 18, of] The funeral service was con-|!42 Kingston road east, Picker-| ducted by Rev. D. R. Dowdney|'"8,; was involved in the colli-| lof St. John's Anglican Church, |Sion with a car driven by Mar- 'Bowmanville. Interment took/8@ret Dodd, 28 George street, place at Bowmanville Ceme./Ajax. Miss Bryant was _un-| tate, injured but a passenger, Mrs. Pallbearers were: F. W, T,| Mary Webster, 63 Cedar street. Lewins, Cecil Karp, H. Bergs-) Ajax, with her son David, aged Mr. Lewins also leaves twojin a two-car collision at Har-|, mony road south where a: bull- dozer-trailer caught fire Thurs- day. There was no appreciable damage. The city ambulance answered five calls. ADDRESSES CLUB W. N. Affleck, of Oshawa, was the speaker at a recent meeting of the Cobourg Phil- atelic Club. He told of his ex- periences as a stamp collector. Royal Naval officer acting as a/ former war minister John Pro- fumo prosecuted for fraud. Lt-Cmdr. W. G. Boaks has applied to the chief metropoli- tan magistrate, Sir Biundell, for a summons charg- ing Profumo wrongly accepted distributor of an Italian maga- zine. private citizen is trying to get) 50 ($150) in settlement of a libel) action he brought against the! SIXTH RACE -- "HBPA Neticnal Assn" Purse. Allowance. Purse 92808 for 3-year-olds. 7 Furs. iJechns Champ, Pruett 198 2-Etimota, No Boy 16 Robert 6 Ray SEVENTH BRACE -- "Canadian Me am pte age in Canada. Purse $20.00 added for ¢-yearolds. 1% milee (Turf Course) rion, Fitzs's (A) 130 Tuesday, July.2, at the Toron-|_ Mr. Lewins resided at 50 ma R. D. Whillans, F. Erwin 'wo, suffered facial lacterations. to General Hospital, was held Jackman road, Bowmanville.| ang J. MacDonald. | Mrs. Webster also sustained Thursday, July 4, at 2 p.m., in| He was in his 59h year and i jInjuries to her right arm. Mrs the Armstrong Funeral Chapel. died after a brief illness. He FUNERAL OF | Margaret Williamson, 29 George! : Rev. Frank Ward, minister|W@S born in Tontobie, Eng-) MRS. ANNIE B. HADLEY | crect, Ajax. and her grand! renting @ room! Westmount United Church,|!and, son of Mrs. Mary Lewins) The funeral service for the/chiid Kevin Barry. aged ie of the Ontario Hospital Services|church she go Posetlhr Md conducted the service. Inter-| and the late William Lewins./late Mrs. Annie B. Hadley Was! of 20 Admiral road. Ajax both -- Commission and Metro execu-|medal was gone and. stage a Sr nk nel resieen gg ag Breotlin, "a Monday, | wired -- fumo denied the rumor in the|®'*So Farms eairy tive committee as soon as he|money had been substituted for metery. . ~~ , **| Mrs. Dodd also sustained fa- House of Commons March 22,) EIGHT RACE -- "Springfielé" alwa, reads a report made Wednesday | | Pallbearers were Bert Ter-- The deceased was a resident/July 1. le : inj | 800d demand. th ine's Bri | é esday her funds, iwillegar, Norman Petre, Nor- of Bowmanville for 34 years. In| Mrs. Hadley died at Fairview, lal cuts. All the injured were!" , sued the magazine's British rep-|Purss S00 for CyecreMs and sp, i> Lat aun of asl |willegar. Norman Peire, Nor- of Bowmanville for 34 years. In| Mins. Wacry Friday, June 22,|'7eated at the Ajax General Hos-|, Country dealers are quoted by|Tesentative and April 10 ac-|*, jea.ule eek, fut couse poo ms. nn Beir oo Ibaugh William oo. pon Rose Fate ie "terme Se and was in her 83rd year. She| Pia! and released. ral oe a Gece ae 5 ee ee existing need. |_ BUDAPEST (AP) -- Marshal : pa nae : acu a : ling be The two vehicle -|Gurure on Canada grade eggs,| |Rodion Malinovsky, Soviet de-/#°¥@"d Canning. Lewins had been employed by|nad been in failing health SS iui damaged. The aceiden: Wuvered Toronto, in fibre | 2-Aurora Fox, Wolski 17 i y he Bowmanville Foundry for two years. She was born Annie cases: A NAMED REGISTRAR fence minister, arrived in Buda-| MRS. DAVID A. VALLEAU Sg be undry for|iwo year : |was investigated by Ses: A large 42; A medium MARKET PRICES The application named three other persons but their names were not made public. | pening Nga 120 ; Euro . i TORONTO (CP) Churains| In March, the magazine pub-/ 6-Bullruilah, Dittfack A) = cream and huier nitiek iprices|ished the rumor that Profumo) j7fist Gorm. Lanoway (B) 120 were unchanged today. ihad been having an affair w i . th) 9court' Roya!, Robi 18 jcall girl Christine Keeler. Pro-| A-Windfields Farm --J | The egg merket was firm |With offerings inadequate for a 1-Chope: 2-Tres Sauve, Burton (B) HY ; 3-Currytown, Hernander 112 TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario; iT prayer in a church. Mrs. Mer- Health Minister Dymond prom-|cedes Ariaga said she was in ised Thursday to call a meeting)Gesu Roman Catholic Church to discuss Metropolitan Tor.,/Thursday with two men who onto's hospital bed shortage. He had discussed said he will call a conference from her. Wh | "iy OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE i ct Nu-Way, carpet ond broad- loom hes been a specialty for 18 vears . . . with thousands iB. ot yords on display to select from. PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. Profumo admitted June 5 that) SM2"* Left. No Boy ¢ /he had lied in the House of Com-| shaven Wine, Gombe tes Constable | g9- mons. He resigned from the gov-| §-Rasout, Burtin 124 Br : " . 39; A small 28; B and C grad % ; int i is'Mr. and Mrs J. W. Rodd and/Fric Place of the Ajax Town a 5 | &Greek Form, Fitzs's 167 Knox-Leet. 60, was named reg-/Hungarian news agency MTI|the death occurred at Paicdaw| ce ot ee eee ee ass hav hemes te Kinaade be: RCS. putreniees Boaks said the chief magis-| $ Prompt Here, McComb. 14 ae Weatsae 9 cacy as a private ern io ne a ee July} He oo oe lfore entering Fairview Lodge) Page ge to -- for bday ey Ler him the matter of the|!@Pavela, No Boy i¢ Keox-Leet, formerly senior a3-| GETS APPOINTMENT tactile of ie ae tea John's Anglican Church, Bow.|t¥0, Years ago. UNDERGOES SURGERY (°°°.. * [ase mostly 48-49: Ajlibel settlement was being re-| : i he: : 5 ' ' ae }mostly 34-35. |prosecutions. registrar since the resigaa-. p,; co be . "ea / z mes T vived by one sister, Mrs. Roy Joan Kennedy, wife of Senator ' . pi . William nal alent of Edwin Ralph Rew. Senet ~ born in Newcastle, geo we cee af Lae Mowbray (Eva) of Brooklin|Edward M.: Kennedy (Dem.|_ Butter prices: Canada first) "As the matter is now going) July. He has been with the eom.| "°° of Sarnia, president and|O®t a received her educa- Orange Benevolent Association! 220 two, nieces and three ne-|Mass.), underwent throat;S'@de: Ontario tenderabie 51-52; |to the director," Boaks said, "I | tion there. Associ phews. She was a member ofj surgery Thursday and later was P0"-tenderable 4914-4934. in light|shall press him to take action, |Corporation Limited, to the/tle in 1932 to David A. Valleau' Mr. Lewins is survived by his . : = * , ' ; " TORONTO (CP)_Dr Gl board of governors of the Uni.) who for many years was an em- Wife, Rose; his mother, Mrs auctea by Rev 'Fred Reed of Al Watt cad pig hoy Robert Pe ese eete ha NTO r. Gloria versity of Windsor, was an-|ployee of the sales and service Mary Lewins; four daughters, | 7 ie ying Belial yest Se if Pearce Bakhtiar returned to he: indsor, h- : si le tt 3 ¢ monds United Church and in-| moved from the right side of the | T/nounced Thursday by John J.\departments at General Motors Mrs. E. Kirby (Marie) of Bow. terment took place at Groveside! inside of her throat and she was SHORGAS NEW HOME Hl Agili, Iran, to visi- with her pa- - ten + Mrs. R. D. Whillans (Joan),} rents for the summer. The 28- DEFENCE COSTS DOWN ,, is. Vallleau was a resident oa Mrs. H. Bergsma (Dorothy)| year-old doctor, who married a} OTTAWA (CP)--As a propor-|marriace until 1935 when she/all of Bowmanville. Persian land owner whom shejtion of gross national product,| went to live with her daughter! Also surviving are: three met at university, has been try-|Canada's defence spending de-in Whitby. She was a member,500S, Frank of Warkworth and ing to bring 20th century medi- clined to 5.1 from 5.3 per cent of St. George's Anglican Church» -- ine to peasants living ina bibli-) between 1961 and 1962. CanadaiOshawa. e i eal environment. stil ranks seventh among the| Predeceased by her husband! GOOD FOOD Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. ROBBED IN CHURCH |) NATO Aations in this regard,|in 1947, Mrs. Valleau is survi- 5:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. however. Air Chief Marshal/ ved by a daughter. Mrs J. G Hote! Lancaster "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 [if bray @ Commercial ond Indu: | Newton, Raiph and John Mow-'§ strial Sites Deoler in your crea. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 TORONTO (CP)--Richard W. pest Thursday for what the| Following a prolonged iliness 26 years and was foundry su-/B. Rodd, daughter, of the late ernment and from Parliament. | ;qox pol Bi sistant registrar, has been act-| WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Ap-jas and Annie, Gibson, the de-| Manville. The deceased was a The late Mrs. Hadley is sur| HYANNIS, Mass. (AP)--Mrs.moctiy' graze' 7) A smaliiferred to the director of public mission since 1946. jmanaging director of Polymer! she was married at Newcas-| Lodge No. 1291, Bowmanville,|,,onds United Church. described in! good condition at '84mg; western 50%4-511g (nom-jand if he doesn't, I shall come! native Toronto Thursday from Stuart, chairman of the board. for duane ene: manville, Mrs. C. Karp (Stella),| cemetery, Brooklin. Pailbear-| resting comfortably. Industrial and Reel Estote Ltd. Paul Ristow REALTOR 728-9474 MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--A Cuban Frank Miller, 'chairman of the Stewart (Margaret), Whitby, woman told police that $1,250 chiefs of staff committee, Thurs. and two sons. D. Bovd. of Srar- end a gold religious medal were day gave the Commons defence boro and Richard G., of Whit-) @olen from her as she knelt in committee the figures. iby. Also surviving are two sis- ers were: Lioyd Moody, Clifford) ---- Rogers, Elmer Harris, Jacki 3 Commercial The esteblished, reliable Ges TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King Se. W. 187 King %&. E.

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