Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1963, p. 17

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29--Automobiles For Sale |32--Articles For Sale 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 5, 1963 v7 iT tomatic, $275 or best LD'sS tricycle, high chair, pedal-/BUNK BEDS, complete with springs,|RANGE, GE 22". Ideal for cottoge, A-1 ULASSIFIED ba "Telephone 728-5468. -- pedal pce for sale. Call 726-6844, mattresses, side , ladder, $25.| condition, Dial 623-3139. Tem Apply. 580 Mary » Whitby. " Tn . ton with in- i Zig-Zag Si includ-|"P* vaurparan Imperial range, 30", In- ADVERTISING <= ge oe, = $1,000; also' ss gy te ndine Solon for only | TELEVISION, tienarat Electic, cabinet washing machine, wringer § 1954 3-ton dump truck, Apply George E. i Fe senosreeees balance er take up|walnut finish, 2l-inch sereen, good con- mot th, good condition. Telephone witty Scott, Kingston Road West at the| payments laa " iL oaaggecd -- Fan 804 Telephone after 5 p.m. » ke ti » plus 29--Automobiles For Sale kw st hems me es bu ee ee, anl oa rou _ er -- in rononto Pe eee ger cane roma, renin ie, eae Without attachrvents. Your old machine|¢, %, ¢'s HOR fence Poel" netore 5] 008: neering. Ae. a cond ice trade| Orci 7a5-0000. alter 6 receped as, down payment, Dealer, B!°C® di.1"%95 0702 'Ask for 'Nick, pet | re bed 1 ExoMange--July 5 bag vet ined ral 909-4800 goog ES ae |Write Box 508 Oshawa Times. ee i i Pec =| (Quotations in cents unless marked § 2 - da, $250.) BU¥iNG or selling furniture or appli- y 2 958 VOLKSWAGEN van with windows, bod lg a Mage Mo 668-8371, OASIS DEHUMIDIFIERS ances? Call Elmer, Hampton," 263-2894/ ONL bigger eieinala, landeonme. new paint motor job $495. | 1080) Whitby. Keeps your basement dry ot eM PEI on FB ge hyphae tiny soloer i Volkewagen. pi od asking best offer.|i9g) PEUGEOT 403, one owner, clean, and liveable TWO-PIECE nylon frieze livin Foe S Call Clark, 325 Brock Street Super aed $1,000 or nearest offer. ONLY: $129 a. fe ag Sherwood Avenue. Tele- Whitby. 1985 SiDewORILE et on 728-2038. ISION cot dition, new paint job, 4-door, will! i957 CHEVROLET four-door, radio, 6- PARKA TALEV 5 0 WEDDING GOWN, floor length, size fad gl ca B ot ie' PR ord ute accept trade, Diel 728-0563, dard deluxe model. Two- imcoe 8 to 10, bouffant veil and able. "After peat : 3 Bloor Street! Stock Sales High Low o.m. Ch'ge ite MONARCH 3 door, new | metar|tone green, $395, Dial 728-3422, ee Bd nigeaee Purchased in May, Reasonable Anat Se Sees. BOO oe Sn aa a a ard geen ios? FORD, standard shift, four-door. Osi turday a noon j, evenings, 739 LEE OR Tea Ps ONE om Sinaer ey nme se ye Py Dial " DRICH STORES -- Tires, Feoondynon | Ackind al Ashburn. Call between P.m., Will accept older car as part payment. during Summer a. ¥. GOO! ea. Only 328.00, Bin anger, Sewing a a 2 s = Gales ERGOT Bg Stock Bales igh Lew a.m 'on'ge B pr 106108 108 108 vt 0%--% A Ee #? Bs 5 5 § L ie H on se $235 56 ae weNg 3a a ME Seb5 4. io] EEEE " ipa - + sess sagatiesetseis g32sggsSesegsyus ie SRaEE # i i g8esdfaliessefescayfe eghSsBexaudB2e , excellent " Palen. Thetlty Budget plan, 725-4543. nas 4543, ve umies. yt yy etore leaving i mE sae i eee BOATS, MOTORS. | |avpewnrrens, adders, cashiers, du- vow By 14 ft. Taba nearly try Dial yi 1987 DSMOBILI 'omnte, ae LA » chequewriters, comptometers,|20W: Price $250; also boat house rice { i. j 3 -- ON DISP eg Teen centres weer cae and used. We buy, $230, at the end of Beech street, radio, SxDSMORILE and» skirts: | enn PONTIAC. sat" Gee ener eae. Bee shi: | erty. 'Can. be-'moveds 'Dial' $08-5000, r | motor and ody A-1_ condition, $905. $e0s, Dial 728300 ox aly Grew Cruisers, Traveler Ma- i, 137 Brock South, Whitby, iADY's RICYOLE, vary H° i di. + 2 B5uF0853S85SS88 e [le+ti+ § = ff gstezzabesecsyes i st8tEpe8 2 a axa Tie s s° 23 3 o se 2 2 + fi "| phone 723-178. can i doe Aaa AUSTIN SPRITE. Used as 5 son, O.M.C. and Larson |" "OLD GUNS + in New 'top.| Boats. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento WANTED) | as RANGE ELECTRIC % in, 64 cu, fi, N KELLY DISNEY Never raced, Telephone 728-8300. and O.M.C, 88 Motors. i ¥oLE,b se sion Oe oe. Viking relrigeretor or wih full | frosees, S USED CARS LTO, 100 CHEVROLET convertible, 346, CYOLE, boy's, doubl : > vfs. * s+ = cy 2 2 goatee g§2eseSgs03 bhek couch, large wardrobe walnut finish, four barrel stick $2395 or $650 and take Open Until 8 P.M. dition, 20. 725-7730. _. ___| all in' good condition, Dial 725-4987, ree a oe ij 2° 1200 Dundes St: pies eager $65.00 per month. MARINE é SPANISH GOTTA like new and five ® WHITBY = 668-5891 tube amplifier. Dial 728-6708. Sea Pa For Mar sai -- as ¢ FORD COUPE. mechanically good,| Storage & Supply Ltd. |commenciat overhead ane im Servet of call Tabarer' gin Cars bought so body fair, asking '9125 of best offer. lee wood Pray 75a. oe ERISTLE 'baby os carriage in new condi- Liens poid off Telephone 723-1639. | Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 bei = Trode up er down 1053 CHEVROLET Bel Air, coe OTT AGE CHEST freeser, 21 cu. ft. Pairbanks-|priced. Apply 116 Goaliews precesen bly! OTTAWA (CP) -- The Farm Always Top On Quality _| condition, 4-door, Dial 723-9655. C Mores, bee-bee gun, two boy -- uni-) Telephone 723-9613. Credit Corporation, making een iol! 2 eames Eo OR ene eee, Se jartwood flooring. Tele-|i9¢; GALE § H. P. motor, used very|loans to thousands of Canadian VOLVO automatic, radio, Asking 91080" Dial TIME . [Phone _728- RTE Se little 9150; table saw $15 without motor t it need : SALES ond SERVICE | s@@-8144 Saat Sea Oe Gee Se te ct gin between th tate tee a condition, $25, or best offer. n e e 'a, , door, | at, "f JAKE & BILL'S [ie Teen ayaa, fy Se ELMER for BR a ame aaa nomen con GARAGE a seh sas Furniture on wood condition, $150. Telephone 725-2093, we ier raunee a be age red or thattnanendaphits GENERAL REPAIR and |i933 CHEVROLET, four door « bod Appliances. = SP Bowe Beg aol wih children under 14, Tel 968-4606. [has to pay the finance depart- * : AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE [S507 condition, Must De son tebe a See All The Rest Jancis tor two adults, three children.|STRAWBERRIES picked fresh daily.| ment for its capital, on va 728-0921 [ememnedty ating 1 Comme Pay he Sas Fer eee Baste uy Apply 2 King Street! she Crown corporation in. its ewe ¥ 1 Y . tae } RT a eae error Trae ren fo Ag to RR ee, ea [SPACE Santee. ange, a, wae teak STRAWBERRIES for sale 38 cenis per|annual report for the year ended TILDEN ler, two extra tires, purchased two mol, avert. _33_Soott Street. _Dial_¥3-4000.| last March $1 says its reserves gag eg HAMPTON |GUERAR, Gibson sie, Soa Rowman "Dini sassoars "| Ukely will be gone inside a year | . id . el i CAR Ae TRUCK Sreuees 263-2294 or shone favaaie STRAWBERRIES "for sal, "Aadiew| Consideration be given, {0 pro ~CHEVROLE' ei viinder, £ fe vk, miles Ss! Doft RENTALS dor, good pct ag . 263-2695 en on ere t abeotutely. tree East, RR No, 2, Townline North. 735. viding a bigger margin. o--, (All Makes and Models) | | E bedroom sulle, 9100 ar over. Easy Otherwise, things are booming can kes [tion "Best offer Dial faba. KEEP COOL: bane, eee So eee 134 Lee Aad Bound in the farm credit field, says 14 Albert St. i959 TRIUMPH sedan, good condition, MEDIUM SIZED piano, in good condi-|LOST -- Sum of 'money and Whree| the Teport tabled Thursday in/> -- rer -- pr taggg-| = brake job. THIS SUMMER tion, Telephone 725-3412. pw between ee Hotel and| the Commons. | or best offer, 790-3283. , hardwood, y ah. * ALL MARES OF CARS 1957 MONARCH sedan, _ automatic, Ip O6TS,, hardyood. d, Teach Call Mow:| Reward. Telephone Tos-s400 after' 3 9| 'There were 7,438 farmers who| fan, ? R fully vered, radio, padded dash./ ; ard, before 5 p.m. Telephone 725-9202, Bm. qualified for loans last year Sten ot Oshawa, in her 70h year. PARTS AND SERVICE Completely equipped. Excellent condi FANS and AIR-CONDITION- |si,no FOR SALE" -- flamed oak,|"ADY'S Bulova wristwatch, white g goid,| against 5,885 a year earlier. Av. : Funeral : $600. Telephone 723-2117. a rte size, Also girl's clothing, sizes|D'8ck velvet band, set with diamonds 1 $12,224 inst Gi Resting at the Armstrong All Foreign Make Cars tea. ERS, The right size for every | medium siz Gn shbuider, 'Viciehie taken & erage loan was f agains Home ia chapel om saturday, July 6 st STATHAM oss CHRVROLET standard alse 1983| need. Coll us for estimates [12 14. Col EE. ait| aM, 3.20, pam. Thursday, 'Kesreane|$11,652 and the loan total was Sr mataterment Mount Lawn Ceme- B.-A. SERVICE Dial 723-4491, and Installations. ree Sacaiak Gated Oh. Te } 723-7659. re gad against $68,600,000 in tery, Oshawa. Ri i 57 PLYMOUTH, must be sold this Nursery, Brock street north, Highway 62 BB hi igs: By a eee doas Vb. radio, white walle.| Used RANGES ..... from $28) 12" \iitiny ess-a162. 36--Legal sg og [Very' good condition. Best offer. Blsck- a Electric and Moffot lsannanc-GowN aim iid while onli WILL NOT be Teeponclile for aay| Dnere were 37,462 loans on the -- > + = $$ gf eghSsFeveutSzcetdty aed gSggetSe~"9 sgbSgSsroulSsccbdty eck aaagaa L ie go8s29354*95-" i i i 39 8 3 oSeutesteaes age rl s% 3 38 S82 if é P il a Fy zSs5e8 zZ a 3% su8iecuhs.e2.8sge8 3588885. z 2389 39% '. i L z 3 > & & eeGgag +++t FF H z se 3 Z88bE SShE82898 gelagcce $322*339**2 Feyece 8 i 3 : i {+ i sutitetsedssetee s8 bSiecus.e..Sagee "oz 3" Maple Grove Christian Youth Centre or the Bible Society. Bgszes b:! a a0 z get gg* bt uit 38 22522 SoEsteeesstaeetts ere Lie ae a be rH § 2 a 3 2. FF ogo cs 3 é Fi ny ij | Beteo¥F EBseobeeensee * re) + = z g z oe Ee = "i dij pes legiedteetetiiass! a3 gexne'eutdhiee 2= 2338 ege"se"saee" ae ate Ete £ +t e FF PELE bbb LLL sBase > : Ld = 2tetghyde & aie .~] 1+ FF ¥ etve*srsb5 syestaxsEbiceusee Be A a | s $3 23 = > # = é 8 é SceutsguoFotusy-¥g yedcsutsge. 8 Sese-ag a Pre ith train. Re bie, Dial| debts contracted in my name by any-|COrporation's books as of March tay. pe tg ge ~ os tg Val laa "ebeR aacaliet condition, orig- wna Ea cn ba 728- geet cistern \Wrnthout " after this date July 4, 1963/31 totalling $270,277,265. Of these loved wite of the late David A. Vel The Home Of |inal_owner. Call 729-279 after 6 p.m. from $5 week. cte CONT wal a ton y ge wide,| 94-3 per cent were in good stand- » fo : a Less than half new price. Dial) Good Used Ca rs pe hg 75-2065. _---- Your Authorized Oshawa Port Perry 985-2500. --_--___3™ Clarke street, Oshawa. ing. 2 I i age YS | Electric Centre PE RECORDER, Phillips, @ mm But the inadequate interest ine chapel on Satur- "Before You Buy = bony gel sgl ystats : Kaynone movie camera -- aE NOTICE TO margin led to a loss in opera. Service i ' : HEV I " boys two pant suit blue, size 10, a CREDITORS ti for th of $1,080,597 interment River- hd i980 CHEVROLET convertible, a ' jons for e year 5 . Gay. duly 6 at ws. -m. Inter: v Give Bill A Try srecoe WAYNE S boys sport jacket, size 10, Dial 723-3810 Cemetery, » at, approxi lent condition, power steering, new top, mately 1.90 p.m. New Telephone Numbers | : ee APPLI AN CES |¥OR SALE OR RENT § A cabin 'caiiae| RUTH EWONONA MacMILLAN, |stands at $1,670,563. 1++ es ee + FF g f FEES) i 4 IN THE e four new tires. Call after 6 p.m. 668-4327 or 294 Olive avenue. ESTATE OF and the threatened reserv - VIPOND, Mrs. Rose 668-5871 and 668-5872 ee ee het ee, sleeps four with compact kitchen facil-| DECEASED condition. Before 7 p.m., ies, ght enough for' small European} All persons having claims Entered into rest in the family resi- |Phone 728-1296. SR EE | ; lephone 728-0818. th \du'simene sureet Norm. O@-| BILL: WHITTICK _ | iss: trata convert. power steer 78 Simcoe St. N. 723-1411 Sao against the Estate of Ruth Jefferson ' - : |WATER PUMPS (used) suit cottaxe or) Ewonona MacMill late of A gry W lk t MOTORS 'Bank et wpeaken, executive ive, Rage -- _------. | home, Duro and er Eee and jet.| PON, tate. oO ni a ou tyre the Township of Whitby, in onditiin. Tel e 728-7586; evenings ~ BABYLAND bet so the County of Ontario, Mar- 320-2503. CHESTERFIELD and chair, rust color, 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY ise PONTIAC" Tauren, tear BARGAINS Clean and cheap. Telephone 725-0287. - Werner heey nd - In Conference steering. BABY CARRIAGE, Thistle, blue, | good pe ogge whitewalls and yf ved two-tone, . Phone 725-0548. g*2hy i hg Ss zit eF Shtlelt FSESS FE >ES BFS rf 3 2388 9g p¥oggoty ee ; g getezgtt condition $25, Dial 725-9135. | of March, 1963, are hereby J N ' GREENHOUSE tomatoes forsale at| NOtified to send particulars On Ed tl ew a MORRIS Minor series 1000, excel- At WILSON S 557 Garran! road or call sn ke } of ir -- to the under- uca on lent condition, mechanically and body- AT excellent con signe Olicit f hy le WARD, Bertha M. 1963 jwise, Private sale, Reasonable. Dial ONE WEEK ONLY pont ; ot baie cee -- ministrator ow en a GENEVA (Reuters)--Walkout Entered into rest at Uxbridge Cottag | Te-5046. hws) 15th, doy of Jul followed angry walkout at the july 4, 1963, | McCLARY refrigerator, 9 cu. y ly, 1963, . pan eng ggg omc <P fe lncs, mew tetery, Motor ts Seed|' Brand New BABY CARRIAGES |General Electric _rangette, with tute ofter which date the Estate's |international conference on edu- Volkswagens shape. $80 or best offer. Telephone) While they lost .. from $19. gy control oven, $20. Telephone 7: assets will be distributed, hav- j|cation here Thursday after Af- 723-1224. Full Size CRIBS from $24. ware ee ing regard only to claims of jrican, Arab and some Asian L ' 1956 ar ad twe-deee hard top, | TTRESSES conan, 9 'motor' and. trane.| Which he sholl then have j|countries voted to expel Portu- as Low as [sesh pity ag Md gg Bg 2 on A-1 condition.| M0tice. gal from the conference for its Dial 728-3707. colonial policies. E a AL bbb ob 2 Bz Fe 2 eSbGBes 2bsee HE F 1 - y ay Ebee™ pil - A a Hit "al sysbiesdeisaedé 4 $ 1++ "ss see A E ren FTE oy a Sigbesasgs 88822223, 5828 3 $3zee SsatlelstSebes Scsute¥S 8.8538 ~8 Seabed Seabee ohb 3z 85s E 8 is a5 $ g -§ $ gERESEDREEODUUgz tgs g¥egecygnepytostaHy +1°-+ F | * i E yt SSussceyes see! = Ee i ay Sgssesshes e R BUY and sell, good used furniture and DATED at Whitby, this $] 95 Down ing 886. Side San A appliances. One location only. Pretty's| 20th, day of June, 1963. Portugal has three colonies in + = $F777¢ JUMPER CHAIRS, KINDER- |Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street South. | Africa -- Angola, Mozambique \iaep VOLKSWAGEN. Okrass crinw,| GARTEN SETS -- All slosh- poet man __| DONALD RUDDY, Q.C., and Portuguese Guinea. seat belts, tachometer, windshield| ed in price. BABY carriage, $25. Baby blankets ets and) Solicitor for the Administrator, Up To 36 Months conn a a = 3 i ++ se i s SUEsEeshGs Pees¥ebisseses3835 SSS. 8b nbedescks ied wag et boc egts waged st. L ' hee biibbe 55+ . bs ¥ - gaaed wgbebgu puss, ¥.8.22¢88 3885.38 eBE Iesebszascrdag9 wgbekexoy Ls 43% Playpen, Whitby 111 Dundes St. W A Nigerian resolution, ap- washers. Telephone 725-6245. undas St. West, ENJOY summer camping with tents.) WHITBY, Ontario. proved by a vote of 40 to 23 To P pe gE on gh Egg Dag ye WILSON sleeping bags, ground sheets, lanteras - with 17 abstentions, said Portu. (@) ay 725-6245. ines PONTIAC station wagon, four-door iow "Domine ire Ss ws bend Seat on dan tine ae ' 4 -- ae 8 ~ FURN ITURE VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. I E the child and the fundamental Phone oe Free estimates. Ti at x ' Open Evenings 1959 VAUXHALL Veivox sedan, ee ET ereshes, pone Pa Tce (@) CREDI TORS principles of education." LOCKE'S FLORISTS 20 CHURCH STRE , mileage, dark grey, chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Ser- rrangement ers, electric As $900. } vice. Call anytime, 728-0591. AND OTH ERS The Portuguese delegate ~ Funeral arrange ind SABYAN wipers. Asking = NEW. yti Ts E 85 Hie H i; : H i g z ii i ucking venue fused to leave and said his coun- floral requirements for all og pam A ne ao tasks oe a eee condition, IN THE ESTATE OF PETER try would appeal the vote to the occasions, f - et Internati Court of Justice at/F OSHAWA SHOPPING Motor Sales Ltd. Bes Cee reoret fearsdowe - datene deluxe STUDENTS A sper valus. approxi | BERNARD BOYLE, Deceased. nternational Cour' ustice CENTRE very good condition. tely sheets of letter typing The H 4 Authorized pe ma; eee es | Reverse - Sew paper coun print) for enly #100 Ap| All persons having claims oat ny u ze 195 INTERNATIONAL Riéo, neariy| ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby) ogoanist the Estate of Peter Canada, the United States, new, V8 motor, saddle tanks, 11 Dundas Street West. Britain, France and Australia Volkswagen Deoler wheel and dump box, with class yp ee Singer Sewing : wants Bernard Boyle, lote of the " |SELLING furniture or appliances?| Town of Ajax, in the County opposed the resolution, saying licence. Telephone 723-2281. Mach We'll ouy it for top cash. Telephone! oe he confe was not entitled i 1935 CHEVROLET, two-d acnine [Cal alake's Furniture and Appliances! Of Ontario, who died on or {tHE i bane oe IN MEMORIAM af Hees Seed Seah excellent mechanical pron 7 'ound Bobbin Store, 728-9191 . ++] S FF FFE i ® i 1] sedaxt glitter. H "F $886, Deeb gdecebssess a af + +] E i 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 : i Seon eskee¥haS, SSsSERSShss sen § reges¥ yaucey 8 SoyScrysoysr Sous sruges 2s" Hi & 3 - *& R i ebout the 28th day of Dec- |to expel an invited member | minor body repairs, Asking $378. Apely| Walnut Console Cabinet | awNINGS: Prompt service, ember, 1962, are required to | country. 'Gees _ 723-3461 3461 : 1s Rearend. Svenen. Serer ee Bench ond Buttonholer ree 'estimates Chair, table rentals| file the some with the under- In protest against the "'sit- HUGGINS -- In loving memory of| ~~ | 1988 CHEVROLET °59 Motor, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, _--_|_--signed duly verified on or /tight" decision African, Asian Viola Huggins (nee Thom) who passed yy DAY reneed, good $125; 1948 Pontiac' b- i Regular = $148.95 TELEVISION tower special, 40 f| before the 2nd day of Aug- /and Arab delegates walked out away May 31, 1945, also Roy Hurgins, a oe ee structure, including all channel antenna) ust, 1963, after which date mB Egg who passed away July 5, 1855. | are 2 | Now Onl y $109. 85) installed and guaranteed by experts) the estate will be distribu to be followed later by India, Ever d by the } 1957 CHEVROLET converte, 4 id years experience. $50. Trio istributed, Israel and Yugoslavia. h 8 : RANCE | motor, "pot" ones ret Si |Televislon, telephone 728-6781, phd fa aah only to claims : st offer. aeety Pa Prtoee| HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appli- m JOHNSON -- In' memory of a loving |Street. inger carer Meise wanda at beget ie DATED ® mother, Mrs. Anne Johnson, who pas- SALE counts anywhere. We carry Restonic ot Ajax this 24th eed away July 5, 1961 30--Automobiles Wanted and Beverly mattress furniture lines.) doy of June, 1963. ree onvl --Ever remembered by son, David and] ewing |Your authorised GE dealer. Contact ony ora ll yg Han all gpaae es a a Hone Street East! GERTRUDE BOYLE, eons a \ 4 ces Seely Lot to be cleared Sarre i Centre Reeth sete Adesinisteetts. Ask Remand; SLEDZIEWSKI -- In loving memory NEVER sell your car or your half-ton| r LESSORS, 14 HP, $354; 10 y her Solicitor, COMING EVENTS of a dear wife and mother, Mary, piri by July 12th |pickup until you Pag He Hyland, 1750) Ld i Wicee Gea' Engine,| 1H. S. POLAK, 4 ' asf passed away July 5, 1958. | Danfirth Avenue, Toronto, HO 16364. | 14 Ontario Street |3¢ HP, $150; Cement Finishing Ma-| Box 39, Ajax, Ontario. Ca t S t Past her suffering, past her pain, 1961 SUNBEAM" ALPINE "100 ) CARS WANTED Oshawa Telephone 725-5443 |chine, 3 HP gas engine, 3 blades, $198; n 1 SPORTS CAR --Convertible | | | Custom and Ready-Made pa Fé rink. = cue sa'00; Water t a 'Ss Heav. with the blest. 1 Herd T: Buying New Cor? : " SS ed - N ER, C, BINGO . <deringly ronembered 7" Dusted) with Black Interior © New | Sellourtsed corto "Ted" | DRAPERIES -- istsss baisitert'Siaet IN THE MATTER OF THE (GP) rthoes convlaen wie soll ry y- im Condition. Mileage | Talk "Cash" to the New Se ee eee a ESTATE OF PEARL COB- |they were too sore to sit, were WILSON -- Loving memory of a 500. Cor Deoler ond "SAVE" | | le Pri rigera Uni runner, 4 given a week's remand Thurs- HARMAN PARK Ses) i961, PONTIAC FOUR | TED CAMPIN MOTORS oe ooemage + tee Paap Tank, 10 'gallon capa-| BLEDICK, LATE OF THE |day--but not because the court Barbecue Supper : ASSOCIATION i |city. with hose and spray guns; Elec- i | | took cognizance of th deci- Loving and kind in all ber ways | ROOR STATKIN WAGON - 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | Drapery Fabrics [tre Motor, 20 he CITY OF OSHAWA IN [Seek cognizance eir ST. JOHN'S HALL and ee days. © yrs ; | Regular Price per yard $1. | Telephone 725-9216 | ; . we Fine Conditi D be 'i . ; | 9 ahs _seacared tat Gerard Caissey, 28, Wayne aa ee ee Colmaaa abl Secs cea Flas 31- --Automobile Repair J) SPOCIAL. WOW... 78s What's My 'Line? THE COUNTY OF ON- | carison, 21, and Nelson Bernard Corner Bloor ond Simcoe ~agteadiy senpmnerea wy dengaue,| oe OY eg yt S'GARAGE | We install drapery tracks | giving or selling used fur | TARIO, SPINSTER, DE- = ,27, said they wanted a) FRIDAY, JULY Sth July 8th and 9th sen oe 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR on CE STATION ec niture and appliances. For | wee o recover from the é eg _.__ | TWO DOOR HARD TOP BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- | M C your needs phone. CEASED. be =e eS the British 7:45 P.M, 4:30 Until 10:30 P.M, R ic \ PLETE BRAKE SERVICE d : olumbia Penitentiary. MEMORIALS saad "spas ate a | MOTOR TUNE-UP AND an Valley Creek Furniture NOTICE They are charged with at- 20 Games $8 and $10 Stevenson's Road North MARBLE and GRANITE 19 | GENERAL REPAIRS 728-4401 of call at the store tempting to escape from the ee ee at Marion Street Designing, Carving, Lettering | vg iy. ay ble SEDAN-- 67 KING ST. WEST Drapery 16% Bond W | TO CREDITORS jpenitentiary, with holding a re-The-Wea shies tar hs Dida Installatior., Repairs j Real Good Cor". 723-7822 i -- | guard hostage at knifepoint and Booths for all oges Open Evenings Until 9 | 1959. VOLKSWAGEN DE | and | ~~ BEACH Y BALLS -- with robbing him as a result of B | N Home-Baking | LUXE COACH -- Radio. SERVICE 20c EACH All persons having claims a riot at the penitentiary April Your Choice of Oshawa Monument Co.) "Cleaner thon you expect Hove your Austin, Morris, Dry Goods Store | against the Estate of PEARL | 49.99, | i : « Ss 1+ ++ # £F FE + & CESK eSs 3°233 gsepe gygrrgsg8 gage 25 8 og Scpye~guy 'al ks gs gs i 2 Fs Py Fe FA % ' 'Begsbebesedstte g82 8 # 3 if 303 ee e+ F FF 3 z 3 2 2 Fe 3 FS Sales to 11 ° 4 3 st Cal's on King " Barbecued Steak or y | MG, Healey, Sprite, Volvo, ond many, more bargains st | COBBLEDICK, late of the ) ' RANGE TEMPLE 1435 King Street Eost to find anywhere | TR es / Poe ed es sink eens ak Oshawa's Largest Little City of Oshawa, in the Coun- | Warden Tom Hall told Magis. 6) Barbecued Half-Chicken, oO | trate Gordon MacKinnon a lash- 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN-- | mechonics, lo ts de- Variety Store ty of Ontario, who died on or |! A AY, JULY 6th : Radio - "Holiday Specioi"'. | partment, im waren soe HAPPY CORNER | about the 18th doy of June, | ins had: been administered in a| SATURDAY, Pg Ay 723-7827 VARIETY STORE AD. 1963, are hereby no. {disciplinary action at: the peni- Li ic 1957 PONTIAC LAUREN- NELS HYLAND \74 Celi 'St Osh RUCE STREET tified to send full cde tentiary. 7:30 P M. ME TIAN FOUR DOOR HARD | = 1750 Danforth, Toronto Lelina street, Usnawa: | = ee lors to the undersigned on or | Crown Counsel Ted McQuarrie z G MORIALS = Aastarnetic. Radio, up. | HO 1-7572 | before the 3rd day of Aug- asked the hearing proceed, say- 20 Games -- $8 Want Ads. stery and body excellent" ; ust, A.D. 1963, after which jing the men did not appear to Dignified and Distinctive 1956 CHEVROLET COACH |32--Articles For Sale Growing in Special Rose Pots dete the Estate will be dis- |be suffering. = ee hold the key MONUMENTS "K very Nice Car" |Bea cee cues 'ei neieebase taser | Plant Complete with Pot. | guau of curt ae cuit ner eM \ : claims of which the under- |them a respite to July 11--to 1--$150 Jackpot to FLAT MARKERS 1957 CHEVROLET COACH [WE bey. sell and exchange used turn! 100% Guaranteed to Grow. sioned shall then have hod "| give them time to hire a lawyer. . nah to Extra Cash In Designs For Any Need Radio, "One Owner" {Trad shai boat' 446 Simcoe Street SPECIAL PRICE THiS WEEK sa ; cates ----| Children Under 16 Not Admitted Wis Seco St. S. Gehan hie ees ans fe wh am nd Stree East. 723-167! | DATED ot Oshawo this 4th | ', ER ie N foes wal Transportation: Special $179 Loketield Boat Everblooming Glaze Climbers, Poul Sturlet Climb- doy of July, A.D. 1963. a Ser : MONSTER Bl GO : | 'Top cyclists in the 2,500-mile has ans Mass frac ; bers, American Beauty Climbers, Doubloon, Yellow, JOHN HENRY McKEEVER, Pind HA Siar tank' awh Executor : q .; : See "TED" 14 Ft. Cedar Strip | °"4 Oronge Climbers.. In bloom. : Iearts that beat only 45 to 30 Over $500 in Prizes i By his Solicitor, /t S t ed t CARD OF THANKS TE p| a ie ae | : EACH $] h 6 Oe y his Solicito toned aon i commen '0 the 3 : boro ts See | es, nanan 96. | or SATURDAY, JULY 6th pee dl te Nyro ng greg Complete with remote con. | Hybrid Tea and Flora-Bundas in bloom{ 1414 King Street Est, FISH MISSES SKIP ' eration ind trols, windshield, steering Lawn Orndments, Patios, Spray Materials, Lawn- Oshawa, Ontario. | ATIKOKAN, Ont. (CP) -- AT 8:00 P.M. MOTORS > wheel, life belts, torpaulins, mowers. ____\David Robinson does not own sag Landscape Designing -- Free Estimates WENT WITH BANG i eee Se ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM 607 KING ST. EAST $750 A t the Katm d it. The four-year-old re- : TREET NORTH ; OSHAWA LIBERTY NURSERIES 'aoe a hiss rd 1912 spewed|centiy "caught a four - pound nes arctan 8 Uust East of Wilsan Rood) It k and deb: rt' pike near here using ADMISSION 50 CENTS DAYTIME 728-8252 128 LIBERTY ST. N., BOWMANVILLE aameaue ann rage . at the'end of an old : 723-4494 Res, 723-5574 _ 'Evenings Whitby 668-8706) DIAL BOWMANVILLE 623-3074 of 700 feet in places. skipping rope. CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED if rf i a t aE t +

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