\29---Automobiles For Sale $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we deal u down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 29--Automobiles For Sale BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LOOKING FOR A SMALL CAR WITH BIG CAR COMFORT ? See Our Full Selection BM.C. CARS AUSTIN 'AUSTIN HEALEY MORRIS MG RILEY WOLSELEY We Are Open 7 Days Each Week For Shopping Convenience of Everyone CLAREMONT GARAGE SALES AND SERVICE Clarefnont, Ontario Telephone 649-2101 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale (27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale - of Oshawa/ INVESTMENT property, two acres|100-ACRE farm, frontage 0. Highway NASSAU Street, six-room stucco house, TEN ACRES land with building on/33 AUPE uO "telephone Bowman: fustrial Bloor Street West, fac-|12, house, barn, creek, Illness forces|furnished or unfurnished. Completely Highway 2, ten miles north of Po rt] eet eninge. es Astin '97.500 with torma,|sale. Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 985-2905, modern, $9000. Telephone Brooklin Open to offers vgs Ms -- area, Apply Box 823i, George Blyleven Realtor Call 623-5300 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 5, 1963 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) 25--Apartments 26--Rooms For Rent Fuutlemane 396 'LaSalle Avenute South) DePeer, T23/ = iteaee ee PRIVATE SALE bus at door, Dial 728-1832. F, , D i Wh by 'airview rive--Whit! c i phe NRL tn '|27--Real Estate for Sale Thtsabadioce house with jo.m FULL a ara trontane L-shaped living-dining room, r) 7 ar ee, P sted WANT YOUR se clinly foods gag Pag cree dpb room, x 36, ly 3 lage a on breezewoy SKILL = vgs g Bye WE LIST TO SELL peg se ASK OUR CLIENTS CALL 728-5123 We specialize in A. Priced ot Our volume of recent sales hos reduced our listings to a Resale Homes LIST WITH LLOYD minimum, If you are selling THEN CALL YOUR MOVER your home and want exper- LLOYD REALTY lenced advice, sincere effort, (OSHAWA) LTD. GUIDE REALTY tive results, CALL US 723-1121 R. VICKERY JUST LISTED -- Lovely ranch REALTOR 728-9571 46 KING W. style bungalow consisting of living room with dining area, Open Evenings modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms OPEN HOUSE Bowman Ave. Whitby --- Tum North off Dundas St. east to the Model House ond see our all electric colonial bungalow. Built in oven ond stove -- mony extras, Don't miss seeing this scaped lot, patio, rock garden in front, paved drive and ga- rage. Full basement with attractive home. many extras. Close to schools. Owner leaving city. COLLEGE HILL-----Five-room brick bungalow on beautifully landscaped fenced lot. This weil kept home consists of large living room, 3 good sized bedrooms with double closets. Modern kitchen, Ex- tra high basement and door leads directly to back yard. This home is priced right at $12,900. N.H.A, RESALE ---- Space is the keynote in this 3 bed- 723-2176, OWNER transferred, quick sale, Three| so aK, mngen rer BROILER FARM. Fully d dq and) PRIVATE GALE -- Tovey ¢ on Ritson landscaped house, good location in/Tiaad just north of Adelaide, home,| Whitby, Dial 668-5673, No agents, please. Dial 728-1349 after : . Terms Real money maker,|MAKE AN | OFFER. sa Real Estate, Bowmanville 623-/Tanch | bungalow, 'en 728-7328, Keith Peters Realtor air heating Open to coah offers house in four range and di s with bates garage, drilled well,| LOT FOR SALE -- 103° trontage by|/ Must sell, Tnieas + | 120'. Landscaped, one block south off! King Street East, Five minutes' walk-|LAKE SCUGOG, -- erors and ing distance from bus, churches, pub-/ about 20 acres of choice soil, near lake, eee separate 'or high school, $49 An bon city Sen yensiote, 50? good yg will $15,000 for aulck, aale_or consider reat . Port P erry wST0Ie THREE BEDRVOM aaa ==r'=Some Sell Houses tar eee ee We Sell Homes bench Rags omg bus, ere "P| The difference is people $12,500. Call after 7 p.m. Private sale. No agents,| please. Houses are bricks and mortar PRIVATE 14% acres, just east of Osh- awa, Good leve' garden soil, $350 per 723-2094, Homes are trees, schools, happiness and security acre. Telephone If you have a house to sell LARGE' fi $12,500 es '$s00 down. 3 bedroom bungalow on one ocre lot. Needs a handyman Asking price $9500. Give us on offer, Nice ple fot i one-bedroom apartment, venue, TV outlet, parking, had lt gy Immediate possession, adults only. $70 monthly, 728-9986. TWO-BEDROOM needa -- tor and poor stove, Wo cot lp Apply 30 Buena » Apt. 1. a MONTHLY. Immediate possession Maple Grove and 401 Highway. freated™ two-! apartment, spaci- ous rooms, newly decorated, separate entrance, Dial 725-3445. BEATTY AVENUE, 184 -- Furnished two rooms, pas honagg: pert apartment, private TV outlet, Laundry facilities, oguitabie for couple. RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- four-room apartment, heavy duty age Jaundry et aad parking, month, from 6 until 9. Telephone 4 DIVISION STREET, 210 -- two rooms and kitchen, unfurnished, Available now. v. Apply 4 at above address. CONCH COUTER, with quarters, extra apartment, parking lot, on highs way between Oshawa and Whitby. Phone 668-9037, Whitby. FIVE-ROOM bungalow with attached bbe ae peas a he North 7 man ua 158-8906. Close to Lege paces b 5 form with 7 ; a ton on 'gyre "38 ocre Ww orkable -- $16, 900 ped $2508 WN buys a new ranch bun-|- galow in Kingsme: re Gardens. oe Call our friendly Hall, 8. D, Hyman Ltd., 728-6206 evel 100 cre form with old home and new barn. Price at . $15,000, with $6000 down. Memorial Park 7 rooms, 2 baths. Private or income home. 723-7278 GRANDVIEW * VILLAGE For your new "Kassinger" Home in this choice . east end location, give us a call. Trades accepted. Carl Olsen, Realtor 299 King St. West 723-1133 D. W. McQUAY REALTOR Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-5868 Toronto EM 3-9603 Two bedroom -- clapboard bungalow oh landscaped lot and paved privete drive; some ownings; some storms and screens; T.V. Antenna and Rotor; wired for washer and dryer. Large rooms and large recreation room, Ask- alg $13,500.00 with $1500 competitor If you have a home to sell CALL US PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 King St. E. 728-9474 - 728-9475 SCHOFIELD-AKER 12 YEAR OLD 4 room bun- galow located in a quiet set- ting of green lawns, healthy green cedors and a babbling brook. Home is comprised of 20' living room, large mo- dem kitchen, 2 bedrooms, ond 3 pc. bath. Ideal for retired couple living on a marginal income. Taxes. only $98.98. Full price only $7700.00, ARTHUR ST. -- DOWN- TOWN =-- Sturdy and in ex- cellent condition -- 6 room 2 storey brick -- the home hos a large modern bright kitchen, dining room, living room with natural fireplace, 3 good size bedrooms and 4 pc, bath. Forced hot oir witn IDEAL VLA Property consists acres, with modern six-room Dengaicr | chicken coop, small spring on pro) short distance east of Oshawa. now and ask for Ike Perry, |Joseph 1 Bosco, Realtor, 72 PRIVATE SALE -- Five-room brick, nice home, decorated and landscaped, fenced in yard. Dryer and range in- (pa Close to churches and schools, Low down payment. Early possession. Dial 728-0320. THREE-ROOM stove and refrigerator, --o bath/ and entrance, $55. Apply Apt. 2, 67 Gibb Street. Dial 728-8180. 5 Ta THREE-ROOM naeys bachelor partment, stove and refrigerator. 'Available July 15.Apply Apt. 2, 67 Gibb Street Dial 728-8180. RITSON Road North, self. three-room apartment, furnished, heat and lights, included, washing facilities, adults, Dial 725-300. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment and bath, -- possession. Apply 68 Cabot Street. FOUR ROOMS | = main floor, hard- wood floors, and cupboard in kitchen, tile Poo ro share bathroom, $60. monthly plus hydro. Dial 728-7029. FOUR-ROOM apartment, ed, heat and water included, Please. Apply 68 McMillan Drive, fore 8 p.m, LOWER duplex, five very large rooms, fireplace, hot water, heating, $125. Im- mediate possession, 425 Dundas Whitby. BACHELOR APARTMENT, two rooms, and cupboards, private entrance, park- ing, -- end. $15. weekly. Telephone FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land. Near price Cail Orono 4R6, ESTATE SALE -- five-room, 1%4- -storey frame house with three-piece bath and garage. Well-treed %%-acre lot with creek. Located east of Oshawa, close ng school and stove. This is good value $9500. Terms arranged. wen Real Eetate, Bowmanville 623-2 CARL OLSEN REALTOR -- 723-1133 FARMS BEEF FARM -- 100 acre farm, 7 miles north of Osh- awa. Spring creek never dry, good buildings. Asking price $25,000. with terms, TAUNTON--52 Acres with good house, small barn, double garage in excellent location. CENTURY OLD STONE Exclusive Agent OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5853 OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND DOWNSVIEW PARK Two select models by Peter Jonansen Ltd. nearing com- pletion--See them! Buy them! Move right in! Several others under construction to choose from. Choice tots still available for building your own selected plan. Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-5893 THE HOME OF NEW AND RENEWED CARS iMMEDIATE BB je orggaginos $80 month- ly, self-contained two - umn gyrate mag "ment, in modern refi » stove, Thres bedroom split evel brick bungalow on well land- apartment . hardwood and tile rigerator, floors, Bus at Were Apply 165 Verdun Road, Apartment | Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu, ft, Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 AM. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 26--Rooms For Rent NEVER sell your car or half-ton pick- fm elbow Nels Hyland, PONTIAC INN -- Gouble. Television privileges. Free park- ing. Weekly or nightly rates. 725-9035, Rooms, single or KING STREET West, 378, near shop- ping centre, partly furnished, upstairs) bedroom, private entrance. socauged | 725-5610. ROOM, p ronag home. Bus service outside -) . Near GM. Dial 728-9394. sanieT ROOM in private home. able for two men or single gentleman, | Close to hospit: Abstainer. Dial | 725-3288. ONE "FU D1 TWO or three } housekeeping nished, near High School and hospital Phone between 5 - FURNISHED single room, centrally jo- cated, private entrance, parking, rea- sonable. Apply 725-0853. Suit-| al and High School area.| light with refrigerator. ior 723-7800. ELGIN STREET EAST -- Bed - sitting! room, kitche, with refrigerator and . Suit couple or two working girls. Telephone 723-1N5. LARGE, "elean, | fully a. "house- keeping room, suit one Central./ Apply 58 Nassau. SINGLE furnished room, man, use of fucken ss and washing ma- chines. Apply 148 Brock Street East or! » lady or -- ? 7235-81 30. g rooms, fur- 6 p.m. only. 728-8214 9 Cemre Street. Tele- KING Street West, 460, furnished, beautiful large bed-sitting room with) sink, cabinet, hot Teom. Also bedroom with sink, cabinet hot and cold water in room. Five min- utes to | and cold water in Shopping Centre. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS | Available in private home. Coll between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PAR KRD. NORTH room ranch bungalow. Large combination living room and dining room with large pic- ture windows front and back, The well landscaped lot is 110 x 168 ft. This home is ideal for the young family, close to school yet off the busy streets. Carries for $85 per month. PRICED REDUCED to $12,- 500. Newly decorated 6 room 2 storey brick home just off King St. E. 3 bedrooms. Give us a call today. WINDSOR STREET -- Semi- duplex ----- 6 large rooms, Complete with aluminum storms and screens, Reason- able down payment. IDEAL LOCATION FOR BUS!I- NESS -- on Wilson Rd. South with 5 room home. Priced at only $14,500. TRI-PLEX -- 14 storey brick on Simcoe St. North on a very deep lot. Double gorage. Ail large rooms. Upstairs rents for $75 per month. Basement hos kitchen & privote both & rents for $45. Separate en- trances to each apartment. Hot water oii heat. This pro- perty has just come on the market so give us a call to- day. NEWCASTLE -- Brick duplex on main street. Must be sold as owner leaving the country. Low down payment. Balance on oné mortgage. 7 ROOM HOME with extra large bedrooms. Very well decorated. Located on Sylvia Street. Ideal ploce for a large family. Priced at $11,900. EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL LOCATION on Green St. in Whitby. Lot 76 x 130 with 10 room insu! brick house with garage. Priced at $17,- 000. INDUSTRIAL SITE just west of the south General Motors plant. 70 acres. Close to 401 Highway ond neor 2 rail- ways. All level land. Suitable for large industry HARMONY RD. SOUTH -- 1¥ storey home on 4 acre of land. Private drive and go- rage. Summer cabin in gar- den. Buy this home under V.LA. Open daily 9 am to 9 pm For particulars call 723-1121 Tony Siblock Steve Englert Jean Peacock Irene Brown Licyd Corson Dick Young Lucds Peacock GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Leon Monitius Steve Zurba Roy Flintoff | Drive out Adelaide St. Eost to Wilson Rd. | Salesmen on duty Saturday and Sunday 1:30 - 8 P.M. scaped. lot. Beautifully ap- Pointed inside. High age ond excellent view to west, Asking $14,500. to." Would You Take Out Your Own Appendix? CERTAINLY NOT! YOU'D CALL YOUR DOCTOR AND PLACE YOUR FAITH IN HIM, DOCT! LIZE, KEEPING INFORMED AND CONSTANTLY LEARNING IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE, We have never removed an appendix but we have | })9 sold many homes. MAY WE SELL YOURS (Your home, that Is) PAUL RISTOW REALTOR Financial Trade Bldg. 187 King St. E. 728-9474 Smart brick and frame five end a half room bungalow on paved street in the south- west part of Whitby, Storms ond screens ond private drive. Close to High School. Asking $14,900.00. Lovely older home with six acres of lond on No, 2 highway, just west of Whit- letely renovoted with new wiring, new paint, new flooring, Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, pages and bathroom. Gon Barn, 3 chicken houses ol included. Asking $24,000. To inspect ony of the abvoe coll Keith Lunney,. 728-9475 RESIDENTIAL |= ACREAGES WHITBY CLASSIFIED Street West, Whitby. Prompt service,FOR RENT: Three Chestnut | tanks cleaned, calls. Walter Ward, 204 (658-2563. a specialty. Mrs. Toms, DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, Gressen,| CAR Lode bedroom upper du- plex, private. heated. garage. Available jimmediately 1216 Brock Street South. after 5. alterations, slip covers, drapes. 668-2372. SEPTIC tanks erlls: Street West, Whitby 663-2563. service Fiting/ FOR RENT -- One-bedroom apartment ji triplex, washer, dryer, refrigerator,' cleaned, prompt heat and water included. Available Au- Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut) sust 1.'Telephone 658-4322. ply 299 Brock FOR RENT Bont and Camping quipment WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS EAST WHITBY 668-3226 George Street. Whithy. 668-5685. TEENAGE boy wishes summer em- ployment, aning! yards, begs cars etc. Will, baby sit. Telephone 668 j FOR RENT = central, TWO-ROOM ap apartment, -- central, chi. dren as (FOR RENT ~ Three-room self-con- FOR RENT -- Three room,. self-con-| jtained apartment, available July 1. 107 tained apartment. Main floor, $55. AD | Keith Street. -- Whitby 668-4379. Street South. MO 8-497.) after 5.30. Pon | RENT -- Ground floor 'apartment, jtwo large unfurnished rooms, (bath, Separate entrance. Suit People. Dundas East. BICYCLE n repairs, fem ga! all m makes, pick-up ---- Pick-up Purdy, 1700. Charles mowing lawns, cle: EXTRAORDINARY V.L.A. New 1,140 sq. foot brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, dining room, lovely living room plus 40° x 12' panelled rec room with bor. Carport. All.on Ye acre land serviced with municipol woter and lighting, with fruit trees. parable at $17,000 in Oshawa. Yours for $14,500 under the Act Lots on Western Heights, Newcostie with. Town woter and street lighting, black top roads. Fruit trees on most lots. Enquire about your V.L.A. through F. J. MISKELLY, REALTOR 255 DIVISION STREET COBOURG lovely lawns and perenniels. Com- TROUT STREAMS FARMS COMMERCIAL METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 KING ST. E. Dial 728-4678 DOWNSVIEW PARK Builder's special--one only! Large ranch style bungalow with attoched garage and Sitting porch behind, All the extras ond beoutiful decor throughout included. Londs- caped front. See this one to- night. Move right in ot $17,- 900.00 full price. LIKE NEW i NOTHIN' TO DO Very modern 3 bedroom clay brick bungalow, decorated throughout . with broadioom in living room and' halls, Completely finished base- ment with 40" rec room and FR 2-2144 BEAU VALLEY The interest shown and the homes already sold has | helped us decide on keeping an open house for awhile longer. if you are interested in a prestige home in Oshewa's Smartest Subdivision come see us this weekend. VISITING HOURS 1 P.M. -- 8 P.M. Exclusive Agents Keith Peters Realtor and Carl Olsen Realtor lovely bor. Londscaped alu- minum storms and screens, doors, forced oi! heating. All the extras. This home is a "Must to see. Call now! Move in ond start living. Price now only $13,900.00 WHY RENT ? When you can buy your own home for $11,595.00 with only $595.00 down. Where? in Greenwood Heights - and look!! Only $98.00 monthly including taxes - Call now ond buy todoy. WORKS ALL DONE ' WHITBY PROPERTIES 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached gor- Hen Semecubte ame felon, @ 22" We tiv Besehag) ars ear finished rec. sggyo ibang oir yond drape bc ces a aashie ond arven storms and other extras -- Ask for Audrey Moore, 668-5853. GREENWOOD CRES. -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow built on o large lot -- Full price $12,600. Large 10 room, 2 storey older home in excellent condition on Athol St. Oil heating. This is a well kept fomily home -- Full price $19,000. -- call 668-5853. BELLE DR. -- 4 bedroom brick ond stone construction with ot- tached garage, L-shoped living and dining room with stone fire- ploce -- 12 x 8 modem kitchen with built in stove and oven. Full price $18,000. Ome N.H.A. mortgage. Ask for Audrey PALACE ST. -- age in a good orea. includes Moore 668-5853. freezer, READY FOR FUN On this shorp 3 bedroom rancher. A real fomily home including a dining room, good eating orea in kitchen paved drive, Storms and screens, etc. Only $12,800.00 with reasonable down payment. PLANNING TO BUILD DO IT NOW Check. the advantoges of Beoutiful Downsview Park - rolling terrain, - classicly designed layout, to offer you the smartest in better styled family _ living. Oshawe's smertest medium priced sub- division awaits your choice ond STONEY LAKE COTTAGE -- 20 x 16 living room, 2 bedrooms, jof lot and home. Buy your 10 x 12 kitchen with tiled floor, fully insulated, oil ronge- boat house - excellent location, sondy : ii Evenings Call Whitby 668-4088 _ of OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST beach, good fishing and hunt- possession. Ask for Phyllis McRobbie -- 668- lot now in Downsview, and hove your new home built this summer. 3 completed homes réody for inspection--- several more under construc- tion--Come see'. Come settle down in Downsview. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osbome John Kemp Dick Borrioge Joe Mage Bowmanville 623- 7159 WHITBY 668-5853 oil, All this for $11,900 and ONLY $1500 down. One mortgage - easy terms. Call now - this won't last. NEW 6 ROOM BRICK BUN- GALOW with 2 cor garage located in Beau Valley now nearing completion. Features include double windows throughout, sliding glass doors to patio, extra flue for fireplace in Rec Room, pig mony, many other Full 'price 319, 738. 00 v with $5,245.00 down, WE NEED YOUR HOME NOW WE HAVE GOOD BUYERS FOR THE FOLLOWING TYPE OF HOMES (1) 4 bedroom home in the Masson and Mary St. orea between Aberdeen ond Ross- land Road. (2) 6 room bungalow in the Grandview Gardens area East of Harmony Road N. (3) 6 room bungelow with gorage in the Rosslyn Estates grea. 723-2265 - Open 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5. it. ¥ to 3. REG. AKER .... 725-0201 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO . 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 KEN MORRIS .. 623-5406 (Bowmanvil'e) 360 King St. W. Free Parking HOUSE -- completely mo- dernized, this stately old home with its spacious Grounds, large stone patio, and grand old trees with a terrific view, double gor- ege ond 30 x 70 barn. 39 acres. Asking price $39,000 We have acreage, also a smal] farm on No, 7 and 12 Highway. SMALL FARM - 36 acres ex- tra good soil with seven room house, drilled well, bath and oil furnace, born 90 x 30, drive shed, garage and chick. en house. Taxes $169.00. Asking price $18,500.00; Cali Wes Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. For further information on these or other properties con- tact Charles Naylor at 723- 1133, evenings 728-2857. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. . Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES eirbiaces ~<a AND vere roe KING or EAST Only 2 yeors old, 5. lovely large. rooms, bedrooms, breezeway and attached goroge with electric doors. Brick and stone bungalow, 4-pc. ceramic bath, in perfect condition, many extras. Reas- onable, $3,000. or fess will hondle, fer something special, con Mr. Appleby eat 725- 6544 or 723-3398. INCOME Oshawa Blyd. N. close to King St. 8 room 2) storey brick. Separote meters, 2 modern kitchens, 2-3-pc. baths, hordwood ond tile floors. Home in excellent condition. Priced to sell at only $13,500. -with good terms. For inspection, coll Mr, Yeo at 725-6544. A REAL CHANCE A real chance to try ot store keeping, in this large store with walk in freezer, show windows, shelves and back entrance. Included in this deal is an eight room brick home now renting at $80 o month. Everything to be sold end asking only $1,000 down. Coll Mr. Ratcliffe at 725-6544 $9,900 6 room 2 storey home. Lorge modern kitchen, living 'room and dining room, 3 good size bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, oil heat, paved drive, lot 70° x 200°. Very clean home, nicely decorated. Located in the village of Port Perry | close. to schools and shopping To inspect, call Mr. Yeo at 725-6544 or 725-2217, WE LIST ONLY TO SELL 28--Real Estate Wanted INCOME PROPERTY WANTED ing property. Phone 725-3568 Party willing to investi- gate any income produc- 29--Automobiles For Sale 1959 CHEVROLET station wagon, six- cylinder, standard transmission. Price $1,450. 1957 Volkswagen, 1956) Pontiac, Ford, half-ton, $435. All cars in A-l condition. Mikes BA Service -- Raglan, Ontario. $595; SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 Special LOW PRICE RECONDITIONED 1955 and 1956 CARS 1956 CHEVROLET 1956 FORDS 2 to Choose From 1956 PONTIACS 2 to Choose From 1956 DODGE 1956 PLYMOUTH 1956 BUICK Prices $195 to $795 1955 CHEVROLETS 3 to Choose From 1955 PONTIAC 1955 BUICK 2 to Choose From $495 to $695 Van Heusen Motors Ltd. 156 Kihg Street West Oshawa -- 725-3557 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 DOOR HARDTOP, flawless, two tone white and blue, with im- maculate matching interior. Equipped with a V-8 and radio, ete. $2895 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE TWO DOOR HARDTOP, one owner. Beautifully finished in twe tone brown. Equipped with automatic, radio, and economical 6 cylinder engine. $2895 1960 ZEPHYR FOUR DOOR SEDAN. Finished In two-tone white ond red. Ex- cellent mechanical condition. $1095 1960 FALCON 2 DOOR SEDAN. In gleaming bleck with spotless interior. Ready for many thousands of vacation miles. $1295 1961 ZEPHYR FOUR DOOR SEDAN, immaculate one owner. In excellent mech- anical condition. $1395 1959 FORD RANCH WAGON Attractive two-tone green ond white with automatic transmission and radio. $1395 1958 FORD, TWO DOOR Six cylinder in beautiful light blue finish. Only $895 1961 ECONELINE PICK-UP ...... $1395 1961 VOLKSWAGEN VAN ....... $1195 1961 RENAULT CONVERTIBLE .... $1095 1959 FORDS AND METEORS from .. $1195 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN $1095 1958 RAMBLER 4-DOOR SEDAN $945 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Our Four Point Policy For Customer Protection 1. A written guarantee is furnish- ed with each car 5 years old and less. 2. The name and address of the former owner of any car sold by us is available upon request. 3. We do not sell at retail any car previously used as a taxi cab or police cruiser. 4. We do not sell at retail any car that has suffered a major colli- sion or that is not mechanically sound. Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-5893 Your authorized dealer for Ford's Family of Fine Products,