Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 5, 1963 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton "WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto ' WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel %--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie 5:00 P.M. H--Family Theatre 4--Mr. Bumble's Curios 11:30 P.M . Ll--Wrestling ®--On The Waterfront ity Shop 6--Premiere Theatre 2--Featurama 3--Movie -- Attack 3: M. SA. Ub . 6-3--Cartoons 8:00 A.M. sAt sY EVF 6:00 P.M. 2--Felix The Cat €3--Web of Life 9--Hi Time 8:30 A.M. 2--Capt. 8--News 6:0¢ P.M. 7--Farm and Hom eee! Alona tuti pour : 4--Wrestling wun +-Concons 2--Featurama Territory| 8-2--Three Stooges jean Hunt f 6:30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. ll--Bachelor Father 6:15 P.M. | 9--Professor's Cartoons |) Hee "Court Haynes Show gat glo Beg €--Maurice Pearson 6:30 «.M 4--Fun To ric = 11-9-43--News; Weather: 9.30 A.D Sports 7--Cartoon Jamboree 2--Cartoon Capers 6:45 P.M. 0" AM. 1i---Hudson's Bay 9-6-4-3--News; Weather; 9--Meta Presents Sports 8-2--Shari Lewis Show M 4-The Alvin Show = /11_The Bowery Boye ve: A.M, 9--Laramie lb--Pioneers 6-3--Beverly Hillbillies 9--African Patrol 4--UB Round Tabie 8-2--King Leonardo Panel 4--Mighty Mouse 2--Dragnet eople Are Funny | Playhouse 7:30 P.M. Dr. Kildare | 11:00 A.M, 82--Sam_ Benedict B--Gilence Please | 11--Storytime 7--The Gallant Men 77 P.M. | 9--Glencannona 6-4--Lucy-Desi Comedy | &2--Fury 3--Candid Camera Sa ntuternstionsl L Ee Cortoons UY Showtime T--Cheyenne Show ' FRIDAY EVENING 6.00 P.M. i--Family Theatre §--Kidde Five O'clock Show Early Show 3:3) PLM 9--Professor's Hideaway 7--Early Show u . 4 8 Sings 3--Leave It To Beaver 2--News; Weather; Sports - 6:45 PM, Key! News; Weather -One 6--Cousin Bill |11--Father Knows Best 6--I'm Dickens -- He's Fenster ll--Club . Eleven Dance | @--Roy Rogers li--Fair Exchange | 7--Hootenanny 9--Movie j 3 8:30 P.M. gy tee Gun Wil With 6--Shamus Film 9:00 P.M 7--Flin' 8--Felix The Cat | 63--Great Movies 4-Rin Tin Tin | 9Academy Perform- } ance : 8:30 P.M. whide | mm -- | 7--Matty's Funnies Party 8:60 P.M. &--Peter Gunn 9: J 7--Father Knows Best 12:00 NOON | 6--Red River Jamboree €-3--Music of Eric Wild |11--Hobby Time 4--The Defenders | 82--Mr, Wizard Travel! 1i--Checkmate | 7--Bugs Bunny j , ho s Ales | | 2--Joey Bishop Miteh j 4@--Sky King 8-2--Movie €3--True With Jack | 12:15 P.M. | 7--Lawrence Welk Webb | " 4--Route 66 | 9:30 P.M. 9--Dick Powell Theatre @--Have Gun Wil 12:30 P.M. 8--Jeff's Collie 7--Children's Program 4--News 1:00 P.M. ii--Cap'n Andy Show | 7--My Friend Flicka | 63--Wrestling | 4--Rural Review 1:36 P.M. $--Proffessional Tennis 8-2--Major League Base- bal Travel 10:00 P.M. | U--Wrestling 9--Answering Service 7--Boxing 4--Gunsmoke 10:30 P.M. | 9--Answering Service 6-3--Juliette 10:45 P.M. | 7--Make That Spare 1t30t J--I'm Dickens -- He's Fenster €3--Tommy Ambrose Show 23 €.M. U--Leve That Bod &--Death Valley Daye 7--T7_Sunset Strip 63--Empire 4--Alfred Hitchcock o-Tae price te Right! {Fiilm Featurette 10:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. | \1-9-8-7-6-4.3-2--News ii--The P.M. Show 11--Hawkeye and the Weather: Sports 9--McHale's Navy fohicans J @2--Jack Paar Show | ® ribadl Football Play- | §.2--Saturday Night at . backs the M Stee tex teak 6-3--Tennis 7--Late Show Travel 2:30 P.M. er via %--The Third Maz ll--Hopalong Cassidy pee 6--Candid Camera 6-3--Golf 11:20 P.M. 4~--Eyewitness ' Ul--Sports -- Norm sey 3: Marshall 4--Sh. 11:00 rife 7--Bowling ll MOO1-6-49-0--News; 4:00 P.M. --Blockbuster 9--Pierre Berton Hour 11--Randy Show i riller mi Pp 9--All Star Theatre 12:30 P.M, . 6--Championship | 6--Twilight Zone 6--Viewpoint ~-- SUNDAY 32--News and Sports 4:15 P.M. 8:30 A.M. 11:20 P.M. ¢3--Bowling | 8--The Christophers U--Sports -- Norm 4:30 P.M, 9:00 A.M. Marshall 14--Late Show jll--Cathedral Chimes 1 sore = Sporte 4--Popeye Playhouse @--Night Metro 'exas Rangers 3--Cartoons P.M, jil--Hudson's Bay Movie 5:30 P.M. &~Bullwinkle | 6--Time Out For Ad- ture 9:30 A.M. | 1:00 P.M. 8--Texas Rangers 'it--Rev. Oral Roberts 2--Big Rascals 7--Championship 10:00 A.M. Bowling 4--Lamp Unto My Feet| $-Film Feature Aroateat Hou 1i--Hudson's. Bay s-- rer pen 3--Flying Doc! 8--Socia) Security 1:3! M, 64-M Ht te Wesnes $-2--Meet The Press | 9--Italian Journal | 7--Big Show of the Week | 8--Felix The Cat % 4--The Twentieth ven 4--Amateur Hour 3--Cartoons 4--The Living Word | "Century 10:30 A.M 2:00 P.M. | $--Leave It To seaver Frontiers of Faith | 1!--Movie Showcase :30. P.M. SCincle Jercy's club | $--Music From Chicago 1 international Show: | 8--Playhouse | 2--This Is The Life World of § ah M §-3--Worl Sport i 10:45 A.M. | 4--Cimarron City | 4-Mr. Ed 3--Hobby 2:30 P.M. 3--Father Knows Best 11:00 A.M. T~Issues and Answers' 2--McKeever and Col- 11--Captain Andy 6--Film of Juan Fangio | -- onel, 9~Meta Presents | 3:00 °M. | 7:00 PLM, 8--This Is The Life ~The Deputy | §-2--Ensign O'Toole 7--Holy Mass 2 Hazel 4--Camera Thee 6--Camera Canada 6-3--Hare' 2--Talk Back 4--Chautauqua Program) 4--Lassie . : | 3:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 11:30 A.M. eu Theat {1--Sunday Movie Snecial 9--Spectrum 9--All Star Theatre ne With ToThe Bible Today Had foro esi] ea 7 came: 4--Williarca Te 365 2 } , 2--Great Books | 4--Playhouse Pa Disaer's World of 12:00 ION 4:00 a .M. 7--The Jetsons lb--Hawkeye | 9--Theatre 6-3--Some of Those Days 9--Italian Journal 6-3--Country Calendar 4--Dennis the Menace 7--Playhouse | 9--Boston Symphony 3:00 P.M. ap Weathers < Orchestra 7--Sunday Night 4:30 P.M. Movie |11--Pioneers 6-4-3--Ed Sullivan Show ' 7~--Take Two 8:30 P.M. |6-3---20-20 and News 9--All Star Theatre §:00 °." . 8-2--Car 54 Where Are {11--Family Theatre You 7--Major Adama, 9:00 P. 6-3--The Valiant Years | 9--Dr. Kildare 8-6-3-2--Bonanza 4--Planet Earth 4--The Real McCoys a--Frontiers of Faith 12:15. P.M. 9--Bravo Theatre 4--Congress 12:30 P.M. ll--Let's Talk With Father Meehan 8--Susie 4--Washington Report 2--Family Playhouse 2--Pick-A-Polka CROSSWORD | | | | i | j } CLASH ERAOM Tt IClAlTIHie-ECIEIOIDE| [AICIOI NE ICIONL Ie] MORES) BIAIG, Ve} ACROSS . Land along the sea . Lean . Bees and their hives . Olympic contest . Golf iron . Birds as aclass . City train . Tent dwellers . Scoffed . Top . Slants . Gathers, as the harvest « Sheer linen 2 > 7 18 [9 cloth . Birch-bark boats . Curb . Except . To collapse - Railroad: abbr. . Matured Capital of Czecho- slovakia . Erase? print. . City: NW, Ohio . Plant . Prices 4, Distance measure: Czech. . Instant . Escape exits in floors 7. Possess . One who mixes frosting . Headland - Periods of time Dissolve Girl's name . Stated in detail VANE IY] Iwi} IS Tri ie) IAT TSIBTIAIAY Yesterday's Answes 36. Belgian Congo river ' 37. Impolite 38. Old cars 41.A wing 42, Obtain Pi 30. Slumbered 33. Mis- take 34. Crazes 35. S-shaped molding DOWN . Arrived . Precious stone . Three-toed sloths OUT WITH IT WHERE WERE 'YOU WHEN THE CABLE FOULEO THE PROPELLER? © King Features Syodicate, Ine, 1968. World rigbts reserved. (De Gaulle To Cement Franco- German Treaty BONN (Reuters) -- French President de Gaulle arrived here Thursday for two days of talks with West German Chan- cellor Adenauer and his federal ministers in the wake of Presi- dent Kennedy's triumphal visit, . The French leader, accompa- nied 'by his prime minister, Georges Pompidou and an im- pressive galaxy of French cabi- net ministers, planned to put BUT NOT WéL.. YOU? 'YOUVE GOT TO STOP SEEING JANE / some real teeth into the recen- tly ratified Franco-German co- operation treaty. : It is believed the crux of the "low-key"' talks--as the French describe them--will be the at- titude of the German govern- ment following the recent visit by President Kennedy, . Kennedy's visit was seen as a personal. triumph and the French are anxious to find out what impact he has had on Ger- man government thinking in re- lation to a United Europe and the Atlantic alliance. The French say the problem is not one of choosing between }a united Europe and the Atlanti jalliance, but simply of what jmeans to adopt for building a junited Europe into a strong and - MICKEY MOUSE GOOFY'S. ALWAYS COLLECTING THE CRAZIEST THINGS! FOR "TWO REASONS... Distributed by King Featares Syndicate ----mmw jequal partner of the United States inside the Atlantic alli- ance. Adenauer said Wednesday night he hopes the Franco-Ger- |man alliance would last forever, In a television and radio |broadcast, he said relations be- tween France and Germany jwere decisive for the future of |Europe. | Death, Arson Continues In 'British Guiana «IT MEANS WE JUGT DON'T KNOW WHAT ELOB TO CALL Ir' CHA Es. 26 King Peataree Syndicat, tne 96). Wot Aight eave LET'S BUILD IT OURSELVES . .. FOR OURSELVES Every Contribution or Pledge, is urgently needed so we can build and enjoy our own OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM This Message Donated By The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. W. GEORGETOWN, British Gul- jana (CP) -- Death and arson {stood out against a background jof looting and bombing, as vio- jlent clashes between descend. jants of Indians and of Negroes jcontinued in British Guiana | Wednesday night. | One man was killed and a general store destroyed by fire in villages along lower east- coast Demerara. The incidents followed the bombing of a Georgetown movie theatre and of an office building earlier in the day. No jone was hurt in either explo- j sion, | Alan King, a canpenter con- tractor, died in hospital of @ beating he received while asleep in his hammock at Enterprise Community Centre, seven. miles up the coast from the capital, |He was of African descent. Po- jlice made at least four arrests jafter the incident. | Home - made bombs were thrown in two villages in a nine- |mile, high-tension area. In southern Georgetown, sev- |eral business places were looted jand individuals attacked and . Marauders smashed the windows of several stores and SALESMAN ON EARTH, BUT | CAN'T SELL A SHTOONK!Y LI'L ABNER VVE-s08!- ) WHUTLL LOST THE f AH DO WIF GOO'BYE,YO' PORE: BRS , HELPLESS, WORTHLESS LI'L THING Sa tage 8 he at ae ae Cae The oe ee ae, SEVEN THE HU WORTH OF POTASS CHEMICALLY SPEAKING, NI itwo oF soplum 1S WORTH ONLY 94 CENTS?) CTHREE fo: --~ DONALD DUCK one War Toe es Protortione Berd Rupes Reserved WHO COULD THAT BE PHONING AT 1 DEMAND) MY + nae ve ote, lat, 1d, Workdl vie 47 King Feature By etl a SOME GUY WHO j THOUGHT HE PuT HIS COIN IN A PEANUT MACHINE / THE LONE RANGER | MUGGS AND SKEETER Sue ~-~BEFORE THE BARONS HENCHMAN CAN HEAD FOR THE CASTLE! WELL GET THE REST OF THANKS / YOU SURE SHOWED up in Times COME INSIDE AND SEE OUR NEW KITCHEN, MARY-LINA! ENGINEERED, AND COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC! pe JULIET JONES jhouses with hurled bottles and stones. SIGN TRADE PACT MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Cuba and British Guiana have signed a commercial agreement under which the British colony will provide the Fidel Castro goy- rice and between 250,000 and | 500,000 railroad ties. The radio jernment with rice and railroad ties, Havana radio said today. The broadcast reported Cuba will receive 45,000,000 tons of Said the goods will be valued at $5,000,000 but did not say whether Cuba will exchange | other articles or pay cash. | SCREEN NEW SERIES | Dr. Finlay"s Casebook, a medicaladventure series made by the BBC based on shott stories by A. J. Cronin, makes jits debut on CBC-TV July 11, 'SALLY'S SALLIES | BANQUETS PHONE 723-4641 LARRY BRANNON SHE MUST HAVE LEFT WITH SOMEONE 24 CATCH OS SOW THEY BONT a || | GENOSHA HOTEL ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists @ Pick-up end Delivery Service ®@ Drive in Service @ Same Day Service Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR Ww.

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