Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1963, p. 9

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Many Are Helping Auditorium Drive Help is coming from all quar- ters for the Oshawa Civic Audi- torilum, and it is not all just money, Tomorrow at the Osh- awa Shopping Centre the Motor City Car Club is holding a 99 cent car wash at Corby's BA Station with all proceeds going to the Civic Auditorium Fund, The Shandels, a youthful group who have an orchestra which features rock and roll and rhythm in blues, has offer- mied its services for a teenage dance and by coincidence the Kinsmen Club has donated the Kinsmen Community Centre for an evening and Mrs, Christine Thomas, who organized the the successful dance at Oshawa Shopping Centre prior og parade, is looking for a time hold a teenage dance. SOFTBALL GAME A week Saturday there will be fun at Alexandra Park when} the CKEY Good Guys meet the Oshawa Bad Boys at Soft- ball, There will be favors for the children and 20 handsome prizes with all the proceeds going to the auditorium, ODD FELLOWS DONATE $500 TO ARENA itorium Fund, while at right is Harold Crawford, Vice Grand, The campaign has a minimum objective of one mil- Hon dallors The Independent Order of Odd Grand of the Order, is seen as Fellows donated $500 to the he signed the cheque prior to Oshawa Civic Auditorium the presentation, At left is ;day of) success jof Gay Meanwhile the blitz of local industries and businesses con- jtinued Thursday and the volun- teer brigade reported a further The employees Company Limited do- nated over $1,000 and Thursday night Corinthian Lodge, IOOF, sent a cheque for $500, Finance the) have contributed individually Ohe Oshawa Cimes to the project in the city in- dustries, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1963 SECOND SECTION PAGE NINE $10 DONATION At the lodge Thursday even- ing Mr, Kelly was told by Wil- liam Harmer of an incident at a northend hardware store, An elderly lady was seen stuffing a $10 bill into one of the counter cans which have been placed in local stores to boost the audi- torium fund, E, R, S, "Dick" McLaughlin, chairman of the committee, hoped that an up to date figure of the total to date would be available at the beginning of ithe week, Meanwhile a further phase of jthe campaign is increasing is jintensity with the canvass of ithe more than 6,000 persons who cannot be reached through the payroll deduction plan or icity businesses, | Bob Suddard and Nels Vail- jlancourt are continuing their exhaustive search through the Oshawa directory to compile; ¢ names, Thursday they were! jhelped by typists Betty Branch,} Betty Blasko and Pat Tureski,| | Kits are being delivered from| campaign headquarters to 100) volunteer canvassers who will) call at the residences of these people ' i EQUIPMENT DONATED TO OSHAWA HOSPITAL Fund Thursday night. Howard Terance V. Kelly, finance Hutchinson, seated, Noble ran for the Civic Aud- chaix Equal Rights For All | Oshawa Times Photo Seen Pressing Need executive Affai a in Darren L, Michael, secretary for Public for the Adventist Church Can- ada, in addressing the annual conference now in its seventh day of sessions on the campus of Oshawa Missionary College, said that all too offen the church in its zeal to fulfill its & mission has resorted to methods shat deny one of the basic & tenets of Christianity -- the & rreedom and responsibility of FF the individual before God "Christians around the world were heartened by the efforts of the jate Pope John XXIII to in. tuse a new atmosphere of tol- erance 'and recognition of the equal rights of others in and by the Roman Catholic Church," stated Mr. Michael. "It as to be hoped,"' he continued, * this trend will continue that it will be fully reciprocat- DARREN L, MICHAEL oldest. international religious telecast, "'Faith for Today," told the audience of recent ex- pansion of his TV program now Ona circuit of 214 stations in Canada and the United States to now include Korea and the use of color telecasting. Ap- pearing with Pastor Fagal was the Faith for Today Quartette which holds the record of the rongest continuous appearing musical group in television, REMEDIAL AGENCIES Continuing his message vhe healing ministry of Ch Mr. Fagai stated that while 'he Adventist Church endorses di- vine healing, it maintains that this belief would in no way lessen the importance of reme- dial healing agencies within the power of man that the occa- sions of divine intervention must be left to the dictates of divine wisdom He sees no conflict between on st jmother wanted to have it ed by other religions and all Christians throughout the arvine healing as understood world." 1300 deleg and friends, in i tures and that of); The prevalent modern teach- . ¢ methods, but that anyone can be mirac- relher that God works through! musty healed whenever he talented men and women to per. wishes is a@ travesty on the jus- form miracles in healing. Mir- jtice of Go aculous healing otherwise is the Mr F aga! the exces tion rather than the rule ales TRAVESTY SEEN Addressing the convention at an earlier session was William A, Fagail, of New York City who Who said be before an esti mated! _ dir rector _ot Fice Clan Holds Family Picnic | For the second year, "The Fice Family Picnic', was held Kane recently with very ideal wea Boys ther conditions UMASS This year everyone Springhill Park for an able day of races, sw prizes, treats and p licious dishes for r Among those attending approximately 38 children 8 adults. Wesley Fi r ed a loud speaker system kept everyone on the spot committee in charge f races, supper, | te be commended for @id efforts SPORTS WINNERS * Among the winners of races ,, and various prizes were as fol lows Boys race, § to § Fice, Doug Beirness, | Graduation Dinner Held A large turnout of staff, home and school associates and par. ents packed East Whitby Cor. onation Schoo! for a graduation John 'dinner, recently Gary' Those gradus get Alzner, ge Girls ra De ce, § to & -- Terryl die Fice ce, 8 to John Tresise = were Brid- Janet Bremner, Jane Dorot hy Brown, Diane, Buech- Doris ler, Danny Farrow: ' Linda Sharpe, Eitte Steenstra and -- Carol Wales. Among the were R. Farrow, the Principal, Rudi Maeder, pres:- dent of the Home and Schoo! Association, and Mrs. Maeder, i, Mrs . Rob- , Mrs ah B 'Simpson pray ng on dehalt of the stu dents Carol Wales thanked the and uh- association members for the Fice and dinner and pointed out that Cooper and Field Day this year had been day during which all the school met Lyon ams race Sheil 9 tu a Fice 'su race, 12. and over Fice -- Doris 'and Jane honored guests school and OF its splen race Doug E r) Fee Kicking Con- icking Con- a mand, men orerhand Lyons wamen - SPECIAL Control Of sia, Ajax Tract AJAX (Staff) The Pern Land and Development Co hax I obtained full ownership of WMacre residentia commercial development RR was learned today _PRIEE Ss am furthest aresent _ op argest family and Minnie most grandchil- ndustriz Norman and and heaviest Lindsey and BLECTED the election of was as fol. Nelson Fice: F trea SP Ss com President Lou's hee yesterday that his paid $800,000 for the by Principa Mr. Perini said ¢ epmen, company we campany sec Darren hal? a ; 2 art ron and Gearse shment comaut Gert Lindsey Deretty Fiee hold the i Pak ro] tien of Ajax, now between and 9,000. Set aside f family houses are plas 3% acres for 498 for industry, $8 for cial use and 148 echeols and churc {sen singe members had been able to par- Ucipate and had proved enjoy- le to all Each of the students) were present ed with a photograph of he graduating class as gifts from the association by Princi- pal Mr. Farrow. The principal auded Bridget Alzner, student with the highest marks. She thanked the assoriation for the dinner and photographs. President of the association Mr. Maeder spoke to the stu- dents about their futures and wished them future success on behalf of the agsociation Mrs. W. Mont pomery, past president of the association, who was unable te attend the festi- vities was given a gift. Similarity honored was Mrs. B. Trimm, vice-president, who had acted aS president during Mrs. Mont- gomery's absence The evening ended with a tour of a radio studie. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratailations and best wishes to the following resi- dent s Of Oshawa and dis- are c r dbirthdars today Donta Mar te May f 34 chairman Terence V, Kelly was especially enthused about this "| donation because the members of the to other worthwhile | Finds Hair Cut NotSo Dreadful Nine-year-old Vicki Lynn Saville had her first haircut Thursday, She was taken by her mother, Mrs, W. Saville, 209 Eulalie avenue, Oshawa, to a local beauty parlor and a 'Times reporter and photogra pher were there to see this great event in a little girl's life, Before it was cut Vicki's love- ly flowing locks of brown hair were two feet long and extend ed as far as the waist. Her cut on several occasions, but Vicki was fond of her long hair and cried at the thought of losing it Vicki, 'who goes to Public School and will grade 4 when she pr school in September, agreed to go to the hairdresser -- and when it was all over she found the experience was not so dreadnul as she thought ik would be Mrs. Saville's three other daughters also have fine curly hair, but never had any trouble in g g them to go to the beauty parlor, Gail Joan 12 and the youn ice, is eight, Whitby Siesiian Going To Greece Ritson be urns a. ss he T. W. Lawler, 522 Kent street,)~ | Whithy, has been chosen as one of the troop scouters who wil! lead the 432 Seouts who will Scout Jamboree a Greece, from Aug. 1 to 11 Aug. 1 to 1 The majority of the fy from i A special group made o whose fathers are se the Canadian ned Rurope will move ove the jamboree The Scouts and their will meet for the 7? at a pre Jambore Lawer Canada College real, the last weekend } Here the Scouts will el own boy leaders and start veloping the ; t work which will much to their enjoyment bd ss of the ~ Jamboree. There will be a total Scouts from 72 countries Marathon, of 15,00 at lodge who also donate) _ Projects 3 RCN Ships Visit Harbor | Three Royal Canadian ships arrived in the Oshawa orgie Wednesday for an unofficial one- night visit They are HMCS vig' > Louis, commanded by Li Bercham, RCNR; HMCS Fine Jean, commanded by Lt. N. Fox-Decent, RCNR; and HMCS Scatari, commanded) by Lt, B. Harasymiw, RCNR, | The three ships are on a two-/ week training cruise on' Lake Ontario, On board they have new entries.in the navy re- serve who are undergoing their initial training. HMCS Scatari, a RCN auxil- jary vessel, arrived at 6 p.m,, Wednesday, followed at 8 p.m by the two other ships of the squadron, both "Porte" class gate vessels, TO VISIT ROCHESTER They were scheduled to. put to sea again at 1.30 p.m. to- day They will arrive in Roches. tex, N.Y., Friday for an offi- al weekend visit, They © will return to their home © port, Hamilton, by the end of next week The Porte class ships are of trawler design and are multi-/ a Members of the Phi Phi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, visited the Oshawa General Hosp'tal Thursday night and donated a cheque for $300 to cover the expense for the | purchase of an opthalmoscope for use in the eye ward of the OGH, Louise Thompson, sec- ond from right, president of the Phi Phi Chapter, tries her _hand _with the opthalmoscope tight, a registered nurse on eye ward, The girls raise ed the money 'hrough the proceeds of a car wash held by the girls recntly. Oshawa Tims Phote as she examines "patient" W. A, Holland, administrator of the Oshawa General Hos- pital, Looking on are Marilyn Black, left, treasurer of the chapter, and Mrs, S. Pitman, 'Connaught New Pastor Inducted Park Opened A+ Centre St. Church A most successful ceremony was naught Park recently. opening During the afternoon the chil. dren took part in races and In were 54 Ritson enjoyed the various rides the evening two draws held. Paul Persall, road south, won the $50 bond; while Mrs. John Pack, 429 Rit- son road north, won a basket of groceries The winners were of the Under Five -- Lynda Le Bel, ni Henning, Paul Osborne; 5 and 6 Years, Girls -- Mary Mel aughlin and Doris Gillard; 7 and 8 Years, Fulton, Margaret Smith, Kathy Evans; held at Con- races Girls -- Jean 9 and 10 Years, Girls -- Thursday, July 4, at 8 p.m, in Centre Street United Church, Oshawa, an induction was held for the Rev, Arthur W. Magee. Rev, Dr, J, R. Leng. Rev. T. R. Norman. preached the sermon. The presiding minister for the induction was Rev, E. S. Lin. stead, the new chairman of Osh. awa Presbytery, The new minis. ter was introduced to the pres- bytery and congregation by M, A. Gerrow and Harold Whit. bread, Sr. A duet was sung by Mrs, Ron- ald Kellington and Mrs. Archie Britton, Ronald Kellington, the church organist who has been ill for sometime, was able to preside at the organ again. Mr, Magee was born in Han- The service was conducted by § Following the service the ladies of the UCW served lunch at a social hour, During this time several officers of the church welcomed Mr. Magee, They included M. A, Gerrow, clerk of session; Harold Whit. bread, Sr., chairman of Com. mitt Stewards; Mrs, Fred Gral&im president. of the UCW; Cal Cathmoire, Sunday School Superintendent; and Mrs, H, R, DeMille, superintendent. of the Primary Sunday School. Rev. Frank Ward of West. mount United Church also spoke words of welcome, and com. mented on the spirit of fellow. ship existing between Centre Street Church and his own con- gregation, He mentioned that during the Wendy McLaughlin, Leslie Bowes and Sharon Stonebridge, tied; 11 and 12 Years, Girls -- Jackie LeBel, Patricia Lee, Beverly Fulton; 13 and 14 Years Girls -- Stephanie Kyc, Evelyn pose vessels which can be used for operating gates in anti-submarine booms at har- ntrances, They can also used as fleet auxiliaries, nti-submarine net layers for rances to defend harbors or be fitted with mine- ping gear The ships displace 465 tons, nah, Alta, He received his train- ing for the ministry at St, Steph- College, Edmonton, Mr. Magee has served charges in' REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE Alberta, and two years prior to " tie, oh: Band 1: , ; 7 Fors moving to Oshawa, at Drayton ary 2, 'arley, an Smith, Gertrude Gillard Ontario Lauren, 9, They will reside mt a _Sand 6 Years, Boys -- Shawn yr. Magee and his wife, Dora| newly purchased manse located/ Farrow, Bobby Henning; 7 and nave four ¢ chil dren, Richard, 18; | at 418 Masson St. 8 Years, Boys -- Ricky Watson, )----_ en's next two months the congrega- tions will hold combined serv- ice. In July the congregations will worship in Westmount !Church, and during August in Centre St. Church, Mr, Magee will conduct his first service in Centre St. Church on August ithe 4th. are 1234, feet in length, are a powered by single-shaft 600 power diesels, for a maxi-) m of 11 knots i complement is nee 38 men, but HMC Jean was reported to aboard at the present ling four officers. WAS SAL V AGE VESSEL John Fairservice, Michael Qs-) tapowich; 9 and 10 Years, Boys} -- Jim Smith, Michael Clapp,! Wayne McLaughlin; 11 gt Sn Years, Boys -- Ed. Groa SiScorgie, Sid. Root; 13 =a 7 Years, Boys -- Jim Engiand,| To Visit UN Families Danny Burley. e Leg -- Evely and. Deve Smith' Jim and) Three Oshawa and district! 'The 40th Blackburn - Hardy Judy Smith, Walter Harrison Students were among the 37 stu-/annual picnic was held July 1, y' and Danny Saunders dents from all over Ontario whojat Solina Community Hall and Wh R if R J left Oshawa early Thursday on/school grounds with 97 attend- heel tahoe : ace -- VIM an Oddfellow-sponsored trip to! ing. England and re ene the United Nations. The executive for 1964 is as Root and By Rory Smith, Sid) me student sponsored by/fellows past presidents, Everest ao Oshawa Corinthian Ledge was and Mrs. Carl Down honor. Miss Catherine M. Van de Ven,/able presidents, Mr. and Mrs by the Ajax Lodge, Allen/Harvey Hardy and Mr. and Brace Hotta, and by District) Mrs Farewell Blackburn; presi-| j4l Lodge, Brace H. Craigie, RR Gents, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred 3, Oshawa. Allin; filrst vice - presidents, Student tours are sponsored/ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cornish; annually by local or district /Second vice - presidents, Mr, and Oddfeliow lodges and Rebekahs Mrs. Arthur Knight; third vice- lin Canada and the United presidents, Mr. and Mrs, Wes- States, It is the aim of the Odd-/!ey. Down; secretary, Mrs, fellows to better acquaint young 'hur Thompson; assistant secre- people with procedure at the/'@TY, Mrs. Roy Slack; treasur- United Nations and in that way/Ts Miss Lela Knight. improve their education. Last sports RESULTS year, 1017 outstanding high school students were selected] Winners of the sports are as ollows: 3 origina . a salvage and supply he Royal Canadian a familiar sight in Ss and wears the a _commis- SAILS WITH ESKIMOS MONTREAL (CP)--The ice. breaker C. D. Howe sails Satur. day on her annual supply trip to the Canadian northiand. She is to carry home a number of .| Eskimos treated in hospital here! and in Hamilton. Other trans- aboard the ships port department ice - breakers 1 over Canada put-/scheduled to leave here later n thei r 'first two weeks of this month on similar voyages aining as navy reserve are the N. B. McLean, John A. personne! 'Macdonald and D'Iberville. S Of wonten and is powered by ower diesel. She is trai nees for the summer train AE activities Mr.| Ar-} Area Pupils Blackburn-Hardy Picnic Men's ball kick -- Roy Slack nd Farewell Blackburn. Horse-shoe pitching -- Ronald Hardy and Farewell Blackburn. SPECIAL PRIZES Oldest lady attending, Miss |Stella Blackburn; oldest gentle- man attending, Wesley Allin; youngest attending, Lori Anne Allin, daughter of Mr. and /Mrs. Paul Allin; person com ing the farthest, Harry Earle, Grimsby; lucky draw, Isaac Hardy; flower draw, Mrs. Rus- ine Earle and Mrs. Ronald iv. This being the 40th picnic, Miss Lela Knight gave where oe picnics have been and who he presidents were for the past \e years. Relatives were present from New Toronto, Grimsby, Toren to, Peterborough, Ida, Bow. ~" 312 DONORS GIVE BLOOD Three handred and twelve do. mors attended 'the July Clinic of the Red Cross Blood Donor and peston, murse's sid, Arn Greene of cot as he is his bleed con- it is marks Mr. Greene 's 48h donation. Clinic charge of the July Clinic, Mrs Ww Pr to a for Thi Officials have expressed con- | cern over the small attend- ance this monjh, mostly due to the hot weather spell and the number of people on vaca- Lon --Oshawa Times Photo by boards of education to make the trip to New York for a one-week sta CIVIC WELCOME The bus-load of Ontario stu- dents arrived in Oshawa Wed- nesday night. Members of Re- bekah Lodge, No. 222, provid. ed a lunch for them at Hote! Genosha and they were wel jcomed to Oshawa by Ald. Gor jdon Alttersiey, representing the of Ceremonies A of Corinthian Lodge jel, introduced the dignitaries of lodges in Oshawa district as jfellows: Brother G Freenian,| |District Deputy Grand Warden! Tict 41 DDGW of District (41; NG Brother Hutchison, VG! Brother H. Crawford, Sister El- jla Bolmace, DD President of iNo. Y District, Oshawa: PDD President Sister M. Browning: jSister Nelda Howard, NG No. 122 Redekah Lodge STUDENTS BRIEFED Brother Elmer J. Rose, Windsor, director of the touring bus, briefed the students on what is expected of them in "he REXt two weeks when they visi the Parliament Buildings at 01 tawa, the United Nations, New BS and tour Philadelphia, Nimore, Washington and ivisitt Niagara Falls The Ontario students come from Owen Sound (two), Sad- bary, Huntsville, Pembroke, Preston, Weston, St. Catha (two), Toronto, Ottawa, Brockville, Galt, Hagersvil ilroquois Falls, Agincourt, Port s ta, 2, jander) -- Jim Allin and Gary ae? Boys' and girls' race (4)manville and surrounding dis- years and under) -- David Down | 'Ticts. and Donna Slack. Girls race (@ years. and under) -- Karen Slack, Debbie) ice sates owes Motor Motel Gets Licence under) Donald Thompson and Jamie Hardy. Girls' race (18 under) Darlene PICKERING (Staff) -- A six- Storey motor motel and a new tavern in Pickering were grant ed liquor licences by the Ont- and Mary Pearce Boys' race (10 years and ario Liquor License Board, Wednesday. under) -- Bill Blackburn and The new motel hotel, to be Donme Thompson, Girls' race (4 years and under) -- Kathy Blackburn and Mary Pearce Boys' race erected at the junction of Shep. parnd Ave. and Highway 401, was granted a dining lounge and lounge Heence. The building wil] have a six. storey tower containing 6 jreoms in addition to a two. storey complex, including a din. jing lounge, banquet and con. es jvention centre, meeting rooms and a swimming pool Owner is a Toronto syndicate made up of Harry Appleby, Norman Green and Vernon P. Dunn A @ining Jounge licence was also awarded to the Robin Hood tavern to: be situated at the corner of Altona Ra and Finch Ajax, Norwich, Brantford, New| Ave. Owner of the ren Toronto, Chapleau and Rich-| Howard T. Ross of Toronto mond Hill, The student from The Royal Canadian Lesion, Elk Lake, Robert Bain, trav-/ Branch' 419, Port Perry, was els 42 miles to the nearest) granted a restricted license By 'school ithe board. years and Thompson (ia years and Cornish Men's race -- Gary Down and Bob Blackburn, Ladies" spot race--Miss Stella ckburn Boys' wheel-barrow race |Ken Hawkswell and Gary Cor-/ nish, Brian Down and Brian ckburn * novelty race -- M Ror Hardy Ladies' shoe' kick M hosts ackburn, B Anne Hope, Welland, Listowel, Osh- awa, Schumacher, Oakville, Elk Lake, Brooklin, Picton,) Smith Falls, Fenwich, Midland, Ore Station, Sault Ste. Marie,

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