Boss Of Biggest Union Occasional Philosopher By ARTHUR EDSON only ng held his job, bat was WASHINGTON (AP)=James)said he won't return until the) Riddle Hoffa, squat, muscular|AFL-ClO gets rid of its pres:) boss of the world's largest|idet, George Meany union, occasionally becomes a' Last March 8, Hoffa guessed,| philosopher, perhaps proudly, that the Rov.| "It is always possible,' the/ermment has spent $50,000,000) Teamster president once con trying to put him in jail ceded amiably, "that power, No doubt" the estimate is can get out of hand." high, but certainly it is spend-| Many federal officials believe)i0&, Whatever. the age ayy Hoffa's power is out of hand believe it takes to get the ev- | ; ; idence.on Hoffa | and running wild Attorhey-General Robert Ken: Since almost everything at nedy 'won't discuss Hoffa, for| some time moves "by: truck,/fear of making: him look 'like and since -Hoffa's Teamsters!, martyr, but Kennedy can decide whether that truck/Kept whacking away, Since he _Should move; the big question'has been attorney-general, he! Is: : said recently, 146 Teamster| [officials have been indicted and n e SERIOUS MENACE 65 have been conyicted, contract in. 1964? There's no hint President Although Hoffa has been Kennedy has changed his mind under indictment on one charge since the 1960 election campaign or another for years, although)when he said: it could be as he insists, that: "I am not satisfied when I he is the most investigated man see men like Jimmy Hoffa, in in the history of the United/charge of the largest union in States, although he has -been|the United States, still free... arrested so frequently he has Hoffa represents a very serious) lost track of the count, although;menace, because that union is some of his friends and asso- terribly large and terribly pow- ciates are hoodlums or worse-- erful, and he has shown com- he has ridden out every storm, plete contempt for the law." For all the legat- huffing and Hoffa was born on Valentine's puffing, Hoffa has not spent a Day, 1913, in Brazil, Ind day in jail, His hold in 'his His father, a coal miner, died 1,700,000-member union appears When Jimmy was four, Six stronger than ever years later his mother took. the family to Detroit, Jimmy drop UNLIMITED EXPENSE ped out of school at the end He is paid $75,000 a year, has/of the seventh grade an unlimited expense account During the depression of the and presides over an empire 1930s, Detroit was no spot for with pension and welfare funds the weak or timid. In a tough ' worth $1,000,000,000. league with tough characters, Yet cocky, combative Jimmy!Jimmy fought his way up-- Hoffa knows he can't relax for! president of his Teamster local, Should a man like Jimmy Hoffa have this immense power, power that will increase eve more if he wins a country-wid By BOB TRIMBEE EDMONTON (CP)--Alberta's| redical care insurance plan, | wiiich includes government sub- sidies for low-income family) groups,. has put the medical profession on the hot seat "So far as the medical profes- sion is concerned this is it," said Dr. Pat Rose, director of} the medical services divison, body for th program, "Ths is the test of the moedi- cal profession's belief that vol-/oal Associaticn, and privately-/-MUM ON FINANCING has|uniary, universal prepaid med-| owned ical coverage can work, If it) fails it could be the end for aill) voluntary programs and it will be difficult to hold back the!to implement, added Dr. Rose.| subsidy -- costs, spread of compulsory pro- grams, such as in Saskat- chewan. N.W.T. Member Raps Planned 'Colonialism' OTTAWA (CP) Gene Rheaume, the 31-year-old Con- servative who represents a third of Canada's territory in the House of Commons, calls the latest administrative plans for his Northwest Territories con. stituency "colonialism." He has two main beefs about the plan to split the Northwest Territories intto two parts for local administration purposes The existing nine-man council with a commissioner resident in Ottawa has a majority of five appointed members, a moment. The Kennedys, among many others, think he is a national menace and are out to get him Since one Kennedy is president, another is attorney-general and a third is a senator, and since the Kennedys are determined people, anyone but a Hoffa might feel queasy Hoffa is under two federal indictments, In Nashville, Tenn., he is accused of tampering with a jury. In Chicago,. he charged with tapping pension funds for his private use "Phoney charges," Hoffa says, He has been investigated steadily by the U.S. Senate rackets committee since Robert F. Kennedy was its chief counse] and Senator John F, Kennedy was a member. Repeatedly the committee has concluded that his union is over-run with racketeers who often milk both employers and their own members. In 1959 Congress passed labor legislation designed, in part, to curb Hoffa, Experts think Is chairman of the central con- ference, vice-president of the national He took over the presidency Jan, 24, 1958. Senators, so pleased at hocking off former Teamster head Dave _ Beck, found the union led by a man who was rougher, tougher, abler and far harder to bring down But they tried Early Summer Recess Plans Said Fading OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition irritation with the government has risen to a new pitch and re. liable informants say the chances of an ea parliamen- tary summer recess have faded away. Apparently what got under the skin of the Progressive Conserv- it atives was some of the things has hurt weaker unions more State Secretary Pickersgill had than it has the Teamsters. WOUND UP BOSS A federal judge set monitors to watch Hoffa and make sure he cleaned up the Teamsters. Hoffa turned on the monitors, kept them bewitched and bewildered--and wound up sole boss of his union The AFL-CIO booted the Teamsters out and said couldn't return until they had cleaned up corruption and * charges of to say Tuesday night about Op- position Leader Diefenbaker, former finance. minister George Conservative government up to April this year. Replying to opposition criti. cisms, Mr, Pickersgill attacked the Conservative government record, renewing Liberal indecision on the part of Mr. Diefenbaker and Mr, Nowlan, In the course of his remarks, tossed out Hoffa. Hoffa not OBITUARIES been very patient since Pa ment met May 16, "'alle tically all the deba MRS. FRANK NEAL MARMORA The funera service ef Rachel (Annie) Neal who died in Oshawa Gen- j3 eral Hospital, June 25 was held fror here in the Howden Fun Home on Friday, Ju i Rev. J. M. W. McLeod officiat mag " posite make, it t Mrs, Neal was the widow of ducive to more progress the late Frank Neal, who died At any rate, seemed an several years ago. She was the experiment worth irving." daughter of the' late Mr d . Mrs, Joshua i born in Hastings t years ago and during her ried life and until late 3 had resided in Bonarlaw She was at one time a mem ber of Marmora LOBA Ha mony 600 and was a member of Albert Street United ( in Oshawa, where she with her daughter, Mrs McCann who survives viving are three of New Toronto. Percy of Oshawa dren and 21 great dren The interment Nebo cemetery nephews as br Ralph Neal, Wil Harry Neal, Arthur Anderson and Bert prac be done" this had business t has occurred r two spee posi speed to me ew + ker I's remarh leader and about olitical speeches as a Chess Champ Given First Match Defea LOS ANGE was in Mount chess champi Rawdon with Messrs Ne led I alse s sons, Ge Thomas 12 ge and rdchil andch arers LEWIS GEORGE BURROUGHS oy eee Funeral services for Lewis Cyn tourr George Burroughs, 1459 Raila yp. : street, who died in Oshawa Gen eral Hospital Sunday, June 30 were held Wednesday, at the Mcintosh ~- Anderson Funeral Home, with interment in Union made Cemetery. Rev. A. Woolcock, of & St, Mark's Anglican Church, of. pet ng ficated. Pallbearers ent month from Mk n Moscow night' ™m Petroman won h with t five waten fans, ended he las andmaster Tay- } Robert ar McIntosh were Jack wife Jacque wh Fulton and C. R ALFRED JOHN LAVENDER Alfred John Laven son road north, Os at Sunnybrobk Hospit to, Sunday, Jv year. The funeral Armstrong Funcra! awa, Wednesday interment in Mour metery. Services we ed by Rev. A. Woolcock Mark's Anglican Chur dre of the Roya re cone as Frederik Olafssor d Najdorf of St and anadian h, an moves 'on. Sta nd of Wed The pallbearers were William nesday i! Richardson, Jack Lo ge, Najdort Robert Nash, Herb Coope Bartman ang A) Kellar play: Gliroric 1 149-49; Olafsson 1-1; i Ttaliar , per the Piaticorsky Founda- " A new council with a major ity of elected members and a resident commissioner would be established in the more popu lous western sector, to be called the territory of Mackenzie The eastern arctic would be provided with a new name, Nu- nassiaq, meaning '"Beauti- ful Land" in Eskimo, a seven- man council with only two elected-members and a com- missioner resident in Ottawa He says the pian is based on recommendations of the exist. ng council with its majority of government appointed mem bers and thus. northerners had little say He s fore Pa tian pcondly ests a ament plebiscite be takes any ac he opposes in prin ci cil with a majority of appointed members as smacking of an "38th century concept of colon- ial administration." NEWS IN BRIEF BUYS ONLY RAPHAEL | LONDON (AP)--Julius Weitz three Nowlan and the six years of ner, a New York dealer, paid £95,000 ($285,000) at Sotheby's London Wednesday for a Raphael panel believed to be the only work by the artist offered at public auction in this century 1503, depicts St. Jerome banish ing the heretic Sabinianus. It had been in a private collection in Britain RED RESIGNS WARSAW. (AP) -- Roman mbrowski, most powerful Po. Commu official viv ng from the Stalinist era, has stepped down from > n that © KAYE PERFORMS MOSCOW (AP) -- Comedian v ner. sm with the Russian a Reed s Com- aimed the has been Set for undisclosed d claimed Un versal owed her $70,192 under a 1956 contract GUNPOWDER EXPLODES LISBON, Port (AP) hinking woman B-year i Victoria Me hustied 220 o-workers out of a government munitin factory near Lisbor a just before 18 tons of r exnioded. Once uga = A tre wy © fainted nt was heavily damaged one perso was in- outside STEP ON MAFIA PALERMO, Sicily (AP) police rounded sons Wedne n jown Mafia gangs beiit i with two bomb nine up at persons 136 MESSING RANGOON, B ficiais 10 we JOHNSON TO VISIT OSLO (AP) Vice-President yndon B. Johnson will pa y the nounced Th foreign ursday. Johnson wil min t, Ray|res 4-4; Petrosian 44-144; Rev-|visit Finland before going to| shevaky 0-0; Panno 01. iNorway. e the idea of another coun-/sur The panel, painted in). tt Medicare Plan Puts Doctors On Hot Seat. "T think it can and will be; shown that Alberta's plan is by} far better for all concerned, I! have no doubts about its suc: cess, It will be interesting to} compare the situation in Alberta | and Saskatchewan a year from now." PLAN WINS APPROVAL The profession, through the Alberta College of Physicians) and Surgeons and the provincial division of the Canadian Medi- health imsurance com-| "have knocked tihem-| to ensure the plan) 1 is the right one panies selves out"' is ready anc | The plan was unveiled this} week by Premier E. C, Man- ning and his cabinet at a press conference attended by doctor and insurane company repre- sentatives: The air ef harmony was in sharp contrast to the hostility last July 1 when Sas-! katchewan's CCF government introduced its compulsory pro- gram over the objections of the | profession, j ! The Alberta format will see the Social Credit government) provide annual subsidies total- ling $18 for single persons, $42 for married couples without de- pendents and $72 for mamnried couples with dependents if they did not have any taxable in- come in the preceding year. Half these subsidies will be paid in each bracket for per- sons with up to $500 taxable in- come in the previous year, MANY PROTECTED Dr, - Rose estimated one in three Albertans will be pro-| tected by prepaid policies sub-| sidized by the government, An- other 65,000 senior citizens and welfare recipients now receive 100 pr cent medical coverage and this will continu after the plan begins Oct. 1 The Alberta division of the CMA estimated 40 per cent of low-income family will qualify, for subsidies now have some form of prepaid in- surance, It added less than 60 per cent of Alberta's 1,300,000 residents have prepaid protec. tion Of those that d groups 0 about 95: per ied with Medi- (Alberta) Incor- doctor sponsored cent are enn cal Ser ponated, zroup All a Albertans, regardless of health or occupation, can n the program. Medical, al obstetrical serv- ces for preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic treatment. and care are offered Not included tended health are such ex benefits as eye glasss or ambulance services Mmbers treated outside the province will be protected up to the amount available if the treatment had been receivd in Alberta. Additional costs are the patient's responsibility SET MAXIMUMS The government has estab- lished a maximum annual pre. mium which no insurance com- any may exceed. It totals $63 persons, $116 for mar- ried couples without dependents and $159 for mamnried couples with dependents Applications for enrolment will be accepted next week Only the head of a household rskint aged 19 and Say icy signed it neelled or. altered Y person reaches age 65 except for misuse or fraud and One is rannat be 1 the the Mexican Land Reform Programs Examined By JACK BEST |though it started as a move- MEXICO CITY (CP) -- "Injment to break the power of a -- oe recent years we have been able|dictator Porfirio Diaz. r. Rose sai re ain t serv te peace in| a number of technical probiemel ie tei tere cae no| PEASANTS RESTLESS still to be solved. The chief one|ivdencies toward revolution." |, .fe, ace that many peasants and one which opposition par. |(naenc et eee " {still live close to the edge ties have already hit hand is}, The words are those of Ro-ithe possibility of rural unrest th inability of th governmnt|Derto Barrios, head of Mexico's)This danger has not as yet any Dr Hihes admitted the prob {department of colonization and/noticeable political coloration, lem because income tax returns(@erarian affairs. He bossesisay Western diplomats, Mex- ae pbsiainy "It's a difficult prob: what Mexican authorities con-jico's small Communist party is oaks ype ts hkalie Hanne the sider the granddaddy of all/active mainly in. the univer: ace Su We have 8 depend| modern-day land reform pro-'sities and some teaching un- ¥ $ sas ; shang.) Shams ions. upon th honesty of Atbertern Outside Barrios' spacious and) Leftist former president La- icomfortably appointed office, injzaro Cardenas warned of the H would not comment about\the hallways and stairways of|danger two years ago when he where the government will getithe land reform headquarters,|said that if further agrarian re- the additional general revenue/grizzied peasants shuffled forms are not carried out, "a to meet th $6,000,000 annual) around or serenely, waiting! new revolution will be the sole Prmier E C.| to see some offivial about rights|remedy.": He also said there Manning denied suggestions by|/to a parcel of d, Many car- was national unrest among opposition panties tha' a sabes|ried pitiful Sacks containing |farmhands, many of whom are tax might be implemented to!their personal belongings |virtually unemployed, finance it "The agrarian program is! Mexico's principal crops are Next week each householder) eminently* Mexican, with no. re-| = will be sent a pamphlet by the ep to any _-- yang s medical services division outhin-|Barrios continued, "It is: older RCMP Questio rol and including an applica-| Then, for emphasis, he re-| eas 8 tion card {peated "It brings peace to our] itizens Ip ' " > oe be |Mroclaimed in the agranian| returned by all who wish to. en-| * Reich li rol through MSI or the insur. /!@w of 1915, five years after the| App icant "a ° : 00,000,000 acres to} insurance companies will 'give|MOre than 100,000, the application--both subsidized|Some 2,000,000 landless peas;| and non-subsidized _ policies--a/&nts. code number, Dr, Rose will| ECHOES OF REVOLT by RCMP about his "admitted have the information record Still, the government. presses|a@ssociation with known Com- cands in his office. tions remain a potentially ex-| Wednesday, : MSI and the companies will/plosive problem, Awareness of} New Democratic Leader T. bill the government directly for|this is reflected in Barrios' ne-|Douglas, who had raised the sit- any subsidies, peated references to agrarianjuation of the unidentified man SET UP COMMITTEES peace. jsome time ago, said that since ing details of the program, tell-/than any program that any ing people where they can en-|other countries may. have." ance company of their choice,|OUtbreak of the revolution, Mex-| MSI or one of the 33 member|ican land reform has distNibuted) at the government's data pno-|on with the program. It recog-|munists," Justice Minister cessing centre and then file the!nizes that Bd living condi.|Chevrier told the Commons these "associations which are maize, beans, cotton, wheat, cof- fee, sugar cane and fruits, The two principal export crops are cotton and coffee. Between them they brought in $230,000,000 in \foreign exchange in 1960, And |production continues to increase generally, Though the country has been increasingly urbanized in recent decades, more: than half the economically active population still gets its livelihood from farming LACK LAND TITLE Some factors aggravating the land problem: 1, Only a small proportion of the peasants given land. hold documentary evidence of title, This causes insecurity and makes many peasants reluctant to improve their land or engage in more than subsistence farm- ing, 2, In general, private land. lords, entitled up to a certain limit to choose what portion of their estates they will retain, jhave kept the more valuable }land, Only one-quarter of all the lland disbursed between 1915 and| 1959 was cropland and of this nearly 85 per cent was officially classified as "dry," 3. Some of the largest hold- jings are said to be those of pol- jitichans and their friends. 4, Though the back of the landed estates was broken by Cardenas, president from 1034 \to 1940, there now is the prob- 1 25 acres or less. Basically there types of distribution: joi. Land is expropriated for jthe benefit of an ejido--commu- are three THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 4, 1963 2] nity of peasants, Each ejido is given a plot to cultivate. How- ever, it remains the property of the state. 2, Where no land is available for expropriation in the imme diate neighborhood of an exist- ing community, the whole group may be moved to another area jand given land, 3. Lands not under cultiva- tion may be declared a public liability and ceded to landless peasants, As "colonists," they then become eligible for special assistance in developing it, Un- der this type of arrangement peasants are being moved in large numbers from the arid central plateau to the virgin tropical lowlands of southeast Mexico, 4 Under Cardenas a number of collective farms were also es- tablished but these broken up by his successors, weak- ness of this system was the temperament of the Mexican campesino, An individualist, the peasant likes to have his own plot of land and doesn't take kindly to compulsory co-opera- tion with his neighbors. OTTAWA (CP) -- A Reginajjem of excessive fragmentation. | resident whose application for| According to the 1950 census,| citizenship is before the cisizen-|§4 per cent of those peasants) jship department was questioned|who had been given land held) ACADIAN CLEANERS Odourless Cleaning Shirt Specialists @ Pick-up and Delivery Service @ Drive in Service @ Same Day Service Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR W. | who! : : Land reform also has a more) Three committees have been positive aspect, however, To! established to ensure close liai- Mexican authorities it repre- son among the govermmnt,| ents reassuring evidence that MSI, th college and the insur-! : ; | ance companies. The key body the 1910 revolution is a living is the co-ordinating directorate, | which will make recommenda- tions to the health minister on operations of the plan and the! pproved companies, It aso} will handle disputes between policyholders and the com- panies An tional development, | For historical and emotional) reasons, any dispute over land) tenure generates greater heat) than any othér kind of quarrel! in Mexico, The great battles of her his-| tory have been fought for pos-| session and use of the riches) wath _mmberstip from _ineuot the land, oth mineral. and comege, al. sega oa EE The revolution itself,. which Mey ca <a Atberta|d t© nearly two decades of Medical Carriers Incorporated, |pnarehy ond bloodshed, babe will act as a clearing house for} es revolt various private companies Risk policies will be pooled by the agency and divided among member carriers to ensure a faiir® distribution of the oad than 65. The key to the plan is free.) dom--on the part of the appli- cant, the doctor, MSI and the! insurance company, Dr. Rose said, "the government will ais- sume no' more control than nec- assary to ensure a sound opera- tion of thé' plan." Cammenting on Saskat- chewan government criticism that Alberta's plan was more expensive in premiums paid by needy famities, Dr. Rose said Albertans do not hav to' pay a sales tax or higher income or corporation taxes .0 support the program. The Saskatchewan plan is supponted by personal premi- assessment committee, FRONT-END ALL CARS JOHN BEAN "Visualiner" SPECIAL reality and a vital force in na-|. ALIGNMENT Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service | a . .. at KARN'S allegedly Communist are denied| -- < : <2 4 by this man, does this not point| up the advantage of having the kind of appeal board which we . « have been asking for re- peatedly?"' Mr. Chevrier said he could add nothing beyond his reply Tuesday in which he said there can be no immediate: govern- ment decision on establishing such an appeal board, : Wednesday, Mr. Chevrier said the Regina man was questioned routinely on. having applied for Canadian citizenship, But this! questioning extended beyond normal limits as a result of the "admitted association with known Communists." SS YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKES Mistake-proof Cameras Just aim--look for the green light in the viewfinder----and shoot! Agfamatic brings you perfect results automatically. Pictures turn out natural and lifelike in ether colour or black and white, FOUR MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM AGFAMATIC ARE PRICED FROM 95 PHONE for 728-6221 eppointment ums, a portion of the sales tax and income and corporation taxes. ENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 728-6221 HOLDINGS SMALL In. East Pakistan some 45,- 000,000 persons live in a land where the farms average three and a half acres in area $34 RITSON RD. S. Increasing your living space? You can quickly install clean, flameless SUPPLEMENTARY ELECTRIC HEATING for less than it costs to extend your present heating system. There are many heating units to choose from --contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION | 100 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA 723-4625