25--Apartments TWO-ROOM apart iebed Ye Mary Street, 7R-2104 THREE-ROOM move and refriverstor, @weet. Dial 723-8180 6" THREE-ROOM stove Avedabie 'July 15. Apply Apt Sweet Dial 728-8 RITSON Road North, -- self esnjeines: three-room Qnd lights, included, @duits, Dial 725.209) , '27--Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE -- building lot in new aub ranean aes private division, water supplied, 100 x @i4, by range, Furnished or 'oung couple, br vey to hospital, FIVE-ROOM bungalow basement i Call Glen MeKinnon, § W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD., 177 Church St., apartment, ROOM, bedroom, Quiet home. Bus service deor, Near GM, Dial BRIGHT ROOM in priv ate able for two men or Close to howpial cand high. sx Abstainer, Dial ? iN ONE FURNISHED room with = refrigerate 26--Rooms For Rent GNGLE farnistied room Bruce Street after § p.m TIGHT housekeeping Privileges, bus at door FURNISHED single gentiem an, 336 La Salle Avenute LARGE furnished room, . Suit middle-aged r East. Telephone PONTIAC INN Gouble, Television privileges Free parks ing. Weekly or nightly rates 725-9 KING STREET West, ping centre, partly Raukel, bedroom, pfivate entrance 725-5610. ELGIN STREET EAST Toom, kitehe, with stave. Suit couple girls. Telephone 7235 ATTRACTIVEL tian ta vais ROOMS Available Call between £ 82 PAR K RD NORTH 110 Acre farm near Orone, Rooms. ile and Oshawa, Good build- abstainer lieht 27---Real Estate for Sale INVESTMENT : industrial land, Bloor ing 41. Asking § Telephone Open to offers Near Memoria | P Priv -- ne 723- 7278 Would You Take Out Your Own CERTAINLY AND PLACE YOUR LIKE: YOUR DOC We have never homes MAY WE SELL YOURS PAUL RISTOW REALTOR Financ sold many 728-9474 EXTRAORDINARY \ New 1,140 sq lovely living room plus 40 Cerport. All on lighting, with fruit trees poreble ot $! Act. Lots on Western Heights lighting, black top x yeur V.L.A, thr F. J. MISKELLY, REALTOR COBOURG W. SCHATZMANN REALTOR -- Mary St W glider brick house ment requ Palace S age, natu MIRROR OWNER LE Clarence storm BARGAIN ON ING FOR E or Helen Sime Modern o Bill Sehotz property FAITH IN HIM . _ WHITBY CLASSIFIED plex, private SEPTIC FOR RENT: Three becroar heated. garage Bre S ply 208 Brock Street FOR RENT Oe ay e | Boating an Equipment WILDE RENTAL SERVICE A} 1415 DUNDA WHITBY 668. Qne-bedroom apartment tanks cleaned calls. Walter W Street West, Whitby, 6 FOR RENT Three taimed apartment. Main f dren welcome, eS 'mentaly | BEBO |27--Real Estate for Sale HARRY MILLEN. REAL ESTATE 9 BAGOT ST, YEAR KOUND RECREATION FOR CHILDREN Just listed is this neat 1} storey brick home Aero to the new Boys' Club where the children can swim alt year round, close to all schools. An ideal family home with large kitchen, -- living room 3. bedrooms and 4 pe. bath, play room in basement finished off with sub flooring for extra farmth. Backyard all fenced and hedged for complete privacy and nicely landscaped, paved drive, Ask- ing $11,700 with $2500.00 down. Call Loreen Kellett 723-3770 for further inform. otion GUIDE. REALTY 23:1121 DEARBORN AVE 2 storey brick home close to downtown ge and private c in back yard 3 good sized bedrooms ond with drive 4 pc. modern bath upstairs Larger than ave kitche Hardwood and t Home in good 4 n 000. down BROOKLIN 6 ro bungtlow N.HLA arge liv room and dir area. Gi sized kitchen. 3 >vely bedrooms with arge losets, one nicely panelled High basement with large windows for recreation area or t. Close to § rol e $83.60 per m h ICE REDUCED to $ 700 ¢ room. stone 4 brick war bungalow w breezeway and garage 2 stone fire ces and 40 x 13 f e » Nort east ea, Ow anx se aportment arge lot & x 199 with 4 Property ear MASSON home w bedrooms. separate ¢ trees in beck yard. Immediate possession, Full price $12.- 900 LOW DOWN PAYMENT N.H.A, Resale with 3 bed and Seperate schools. Immediate possession, Ask ng onl $31. 900 coms, Close to Pub 7 ROOM BRICK HOME ave mg Lake oatugog on @ quiet street in Port Perry 3 bedrooms, sun perch, tiv. ng room with fireplace, sep erate dining room. Large lot witt ade trees. Close to school, stores and bus B 9 Cedar 00 x 124 # vate 3-p rented for $70. ner month Ful! price $15,500 E TO DOWNTOWN wd Corson Leon Men tius t IMITED Realtors 16 Sir e St. $ J. A. SHERIFF REAL ESTATE BEAT 25 ONTARIO STREET _|27--Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE eight 1 room brick "house, | an LoT -- 180 ft. frontage by 100 fr, deep. |atoreys, oil heated, quiet location, 496) Dial Cacsarea 906-4410 after 5 rs pm. om [NASSAU Street, ix. "room stucco roished, |27--Real Estate For Sale |27---Real Estate For Sale {27----Real Estate For Sole sie DOWN buys . wew ranch bun PRIVATE SALE - pe", in Kiagamere Gardena. Call Lea egg ie on lange lot, newly . Mary Street North Telephone 7%. noow bungalow, on o ve of tu Reasonable price: modern 658-2457, ny ACRES -- atx miles east of Oshawa SCHOFIELD- AKER pa old 5 room brick bun- with modern sixwoom bungalow, » small spring on property, KATATE SALK -- five-room, 1}4-storey PRIVATR SALE -- lov frame house with three: piece bath and ponee with large kitehen, on located east of Oshawa, close cage agents, to school and stove, This ts good value 5 P.m 'Terms arranged, Kowal Real Bowmanville 623-2455 TEN ACRES land with » ten miles north of ent Hope, in resort area LLOYD REALTY ang Open to caah ites 3065 LIST WITH LLOYD Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 984 3 bedroom storey and 'a halt home with extra large Leamen, RR North Orene, Ont 728-7998 Keith Peters Realte larae modern bright kitchen, 7 9 tan > ; Lantinaned, one block south off distance from bus, ehurehes, size bedrooms and 4 pe ; trentase foot with services "Fully _autamatic 29--Automobiles For Sale GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars this for $11,900 and ONLY e 45 acres on 'eketrent, ONE-STOREY house in Nestleton, four Ritson Road and Kina 723-4733 and 723.7712 extha washroom and shower Owner anxious te sel The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871! and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY INVESTOR'S opportunity LISTINGS-LISTINGS Hurry for this one by METCALF AO King St. East a vi died base mont and many You may choose vour colors on "DOWN PAYMENT brick dwelling with Asking price $13,000. Volkswagens room brick bungalow sin oven and stove sliding glass door in dining BE RNHARD CRES it led walkout basement with wash. $195 Down Up To 36 Months seen At least $7,000 down CARL OLSEN PRIVATE SALE Open Evenings 30! Fv IEW v HEIGHTS Motor Sales Ltd. ASK OUR CLIENTS educed our listings. to a a =) RAL F er BLVD, Ritson Road South Dependable R, VICKERY OPEN EVENINGS TIL WANT YOUR HOME SOLD We specialize in Resale Homes 1963 DODGE 1963 PLYMOUTH 1963 VALIANT 3 Demonstrators See and test drive 1962 PLYMOUTH LLOYD REALTY only 8 *. miles PAUL RISTOW 1959 PLYMOUTH 1958 BUICK FOUR DOOR SEDAN ELIZABETH ST ree -- brick bunee- 1958 princes > $ on * 4 1956 PLYMOUT D MOTOR SALES BOWMANVILLE house, /i9is, BUICK automatic, $273 or best > 1 Completely otter, Telephone 728-5408, we he J FORD V8, radio, washers, nn | body, motir and tires, $450, Telephone ¥ two-bedroom | 739.7 roe. : "| Te58 VOLKSWAGEN van with windows, new paint and motor job S495, Please, Dial Yas) atter| Volkswagen ert up asking best offer, | Telephone 728-) DOWNTOWN Oshawa, six-room frames sig aLaaMoar Jon, new paint 1957 OL + |deor, in good | 728-9422 | tes0 wares state truck, model WC 16 otter, Dial 788-8595, zal 1988 TRIUMPH peda good condition, recent motor overhaul and brake job, $ Superss, good ean. 1937 | MONARCH aaa. ob, dedoor, radio, will! fully Livan radio, soeesh trade, Dial 7a8-0d6s 194 MONARCH & door, new motor; ard stickshift $150. Can be seen at 1058 -cauveolat wa PRIVATE 144 acres, just east of Onh- | Aanburn Call between 56 pom. Dial in awa, Good leve! 'tion, soil, 8360 per! 055-4616 2004 [Pontiac, both (Dial 723-4401, 1962 CHEVY 11 stationwagon, excellent 1008 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, four and Condition, Must sel! before leaving coun Ghaur 20 acres of choice soil, near take, try Dial Port Perry 985-9463 "all city conveniences, good roads, ) THREE nuDROOM _wimtertsed cottage) Phone 720-7791 all conveniences, | 1959 CHEVROLET station wagon, six. extra wheels With snow cylinder, standard transmission. Price owner, TURKEDEDROOM bungalows clove te Bee mag nee: MNS! 1008) Te schools, churches, bus, 8M; 104 Poerd, barton, int PLYMOUTH, must Asking $12,900, Call Taxai4 Mikes! week, two-door al $425, All cars in Asi condition BA Service Station, Raglan, oscy ped co cond offer Telephone 45.398. -- en, Som bias 4 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST OSHAWA (lust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 \1980" PONTIAC.) Parisions, |sedteon Telephord 729.9765, four new tires, Call after 6 | iS 1? METEOR, Rideau hardt THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 4, 1963 19 a 29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale ) | ton, 400 or best offer, 738-3288, padded aly ocuipees. * Ex cellent 0 condly, sedan, windshield washers, rear x er, 37,200 original miles, excellent come rE dition, $1,375, Telephone 725-0618. if desired, | rad hitewat M {|t088 DODGE four-door Regent, runnis SiS, 000 for Sine ae or 'consider rent. later nil ad baa , iT celine | pw iong FOF or sports car, Call after 4 pm. Tele 1960 CHEVROLET Impala, fourdoer hardtop, automatic, radio, ee wallas 8905, Order, S75. ibe V8, radio, white walls, stock 1es9 'ee Scena condition, ol nal owner, Call 723-27 after @ p.m, ioe CHEVROLET hardtop. best offer, Telephone 9267 1960 CHEVROLET Scere once tent condition, pewer steering, new to! m. $ ALL CASH $ iM two-door, Dial itby 'For Clean cors we deal up or down, Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S Oshawa 728-092) KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 Dundas Street WHITBY 668.5891 C ars bought and sold iens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quolity TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS All Mokes ond Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 93.942) See Jack Lees at Bramley Motor Sales Mercury, Meteor, Comet New and Used Cars rimeoe N.. Oshowe 723-4675 Drive A Mile SAVE $$$ 1962 CORVAIR MONZA Ermine white with red inter- -- Ris ~ ? or, Big automatic vedic. nodded doth white wos, whee HSS 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Four door SX Cyne roadim, two-tone green with matching im- terior, automatic 1959 CHEVROLET V8. automotic. redie. sotin beige with sunten copper matching interior 1959 PONTIACS 1957 PONTIAC STATION WAGON DELUXE 6. 'cytinder, stenderd trens mission, two tone point. ideo! for the summer 1957 CHEN /ROLET GUS BROWN MOTORS LTD. R.R, NO. At The Hilltop Oshawa ew elephone Lis ng 728-7375 or 728-7376 toe? 18? MG Midget, 8,000 miles, seat belts, fn lighter, tonneau cover. Dial 1968 CHEVROLET W fourdcor > sedan, six cylinder, power arte white walla, 1962 PONTIAC ote station wagon, wagon, four-doer | Phone 735-3894 seti, mileage 9,000. S2450, | 185 "CHEVROLET, | Automatic six, Very Reasonable, Apply it PONTIAC one-owner, new bail fuel pump, rear gy ge 2 exhaust Best 196 FORD av. ve One owner, After 4 p, 725-8764 1937 CHEVROLET, Standard, radio, Good condition, Before 7 p.m. ~i phone 728-1296, tee? IMPALA "convertible, p ing, power brakes, pe radio, reer speaker, executive driven, in top conditiin, Telephone 728-7886; 728-2503, ry =i > «telephone V4; automatic power asteerin radio, whitewalls a disca, two-tone, ete, Phone T35+ "1960 MORRIS "Minor 'series 1000, excel ent condition, mechanically and body eine Private sale, Reasonable 'Dia 181 STUDEBAKER four-door, tives, Rew battery, Motor in good shape. $80 or best offer, Telephone 723-1204. 1 MONARCH, automatic, radio. condition, eash Apply 3 Ritwon Road South ar call Ta5-6194 183 FORD, two-door, good condition. Asking 8136, or best offer, Telephone 72544054 1939 VOLKSWAGEN, Okrasa seat belts, tachometer, wind: washers Telephone 725 . by redoor "herd i we Sa 1400 miles, 966 Juli jieg AUR aL ~Velvox sedan, males dark grey, eaten We electric wipers, Asking Shoes Oe it ptincham pe peg or phone condition. a Sinbon Street. 19M8 STATIONWAGON, Ponilac. delune tourdoor, automatic transmission, V: USED CARS At ROY W. NICHOLS 1962 CHEVROLET SEDAN 6 cylinder, outomotic - trone- mission, washers ond white woll tires, @ local cor with miteege ---- shorp. 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE 6 cylinder, eutomatic rtons- mission, custom redio, new white woll tires, washers, dises, ete. a beauty in blue, 1959 CHEVROLET BROOKWOOD STATION WAGON Stenderd 6 cylinder, ideal for the coming holidays. 1959 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR SEDAN 6 cylinder autometic trons mission in beautiful condi- tion, One owner outomodile. 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN 6 cylinder stonderd with, radio. A good sound cor 1956 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Two deor, clean throughout. Priced to cleor. 1956 CHEVROLET SEDAN Runs good, Priced $250 1954 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR HARDTOP FADO. Priced $275 We hove o fine selection of Used Cors From Whic ch To Choose et our Courtice Lo' ROY W. NICHOLS COURTICE, ONTARIO 728-6208 (Continued on Page 20) CHEVROLET, six-eytinder, four geod condition, $505. Telephone bo 10 excellent condition. $1850 between § and at Pom; 725-8164. tele power pteer. PONTIAC" Laurentian ian, tourdoor 'Randoer deluxe,