16 THe cmawa mime, TRuresey, July 4, 1980 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ee BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TV--Radio R 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted |18--Male or Female 25--Apartments HOUSEKEEPER< WANTED to live te. Help Wanted BOWMANVILLE -- Park Road South, Will accept child, Telephone 726- CARETAKER Four - room unfurnished a| .main floor, private entrance, two chil WOMAN or girl to care for child, live FOR SOUTH COURTICE |manvilie ¢2o-20. dren welcome, $40, month, Dial Bows in preferred, Telephone 728-8427, WAITRESS required for evening shift. SIMCOE North close to four corners hey he * campbell it Genouhe, Hotel. PUBLIC SCHOOL Haeg-ronm pee pircaged | reed . Tr vr HOUSEKEEPER to live in, three chil] Duties commencing July 15 [three-piece |b For personal interview be a present ot eat, dren, would like references, For par- SOUTH COURTICE Cabot Si SCHOOL SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R_ J. SCOTT AON eprs0r, or Aun OF HIS HUNDREDS oF INVENTIONS, LIKED Tike, eal alned ME BEST. Building Trades 1B CLANCY'S Accounting Service.|ALL TYPES of building repairs, roof- Sermiats bookkeeping service, Bond | ing, reals ynaetdg fireplaces, sidewalks, Btreet West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. . Gordon May, 728-030. » Accredited Pub-|CHIMNEYS built, sidewalks and stoops ares i Cae! " also brickwork, F, McCann, Brooklin./ 655-3061 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, eavestroughing, painting, cupboards, floor tiling. General repairs of all kinds. No job too big or small, All work guaranteed, Financing at bank rates. Sar us anytime. 19 Colborne E. Accountants |Mortgages Need A Mortgage Loan? PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES Agreements for sale and mortgages purchased. Low rates, your mortgage prob- lems gladly discussed. No fees. No waiting. Immediate GUARANTEED repairs ae all makes TV, radio, car radios. Thompson Elec- tronics, 157, Elliott, 723-9792, Fred. UY i: For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satisfaction Available aay 18. Apply 178 tieulars, dial 725-0277, WISE homemakers find bargains every- nos aTkaa OE 730 -- Twe room, unfurnished apartment, day in "Home Furnishings" tn Claasi- fied, Be smart, check Private bath, gas range. Baby wel gome, $55 monthly, EXFERIRNOED | waitress, vented. ; Apply J staurant, y. Brock Street South. Telephone 663-9061:| 7 p.m, Monday, July 8th LEGAL STENOGRAPHER for one or THREE-BEDI 4 afternoons at week, and to relieve|2Q.Room and Board ment, near hospital, Adults only, Lencerave for last two weeks in August, phone 725-3388. Poul Cieslar, Prop. Fapectenned ualy Sere apply. Louis S./ROOM and board for one gentleman. sso0 18 the full down payment OM yman. Street FE: close to downtown ort en- 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 _ reliable woman, for|¢ral Motors. 29 Elgin East, 720-9643, [bungalow located, 5. oman" Bz: ae |NEAR DUPLATE and bus, clean, quiet tate, 728-6286, home, good meals, lunches packed. |NICE "private o 'one-b =~! rib ' » a HOUSEKEEPER, TELEVISION. ore one day each week, adult home, pos. gery Shift workers welcome, gentlemen pre-|Warren Avenue, TV outlet, parking, ferred. _Dial 723-1248. jlaundry room, Imm eat possession, service for quick results. sibility full time work, with. live in| for gentleman, day adults only. $70 monthly, 7 3211 Privileges, Write Box 819, Oshawa CALL 723- All Makes. oner a General THREE- ROOM "apartment in ent in ne new bull in Ye 986 King Street Wee Oshawa. 728-2221. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. - MONTEITH, MONTEITR, RIEHL, and Co,, Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 125 Simcoe Street 'North, Oshawa, Ajax WH 2-0890, Whitby MO 8-4131. ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account- ant, 323 King Street West, Oshawa. Telephone 723-1221. WILSON AND BURROWS. chartered accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh-| p NELL'S, awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, G. Edmond Burrows. CA, 728-7554. Telephone 728- 2061 YALE, FRIEDLANDER and Co., | Chartered nts, Licensed Trus-| a coolntey. 64 King Street| Cartage tees in Bankruptcy, Dast_ 728-7371. |JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, HOPKINS, BEADLE ANB' CO., Char-Oshawa, Whitby, Reasonable rates. tered Accountants, 167 King Street! |Fully equipped and insured. 728-3661. East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. OF CHINA, REPRESENTE! 4TKE SUN AND KE MOON. ANKE SMALLER DISKS REPRESENT AME STARS, buy ROOM vend board * hift preferred, worms, $4 per thousand, No less than! ® Motors, Telephone 7: if five hundred on purchase, Apply Osh-| jawa Live Bait Company, 843 Ritson/ROOM and board araasis "for mum:| August 15, §. Avoly $89 Lansdowne Drive. Road South. mer for two boys, age 4-12. Hobby|Dial 725-4 Farm, apartment, suitable . ne Ajax, $12. weekly, Ajax! ONE-BEDROOM HAI RSTYLISTS -- |hvdro, Avellable 4 july' Dial Tasos 21--Room & Board Wanted |iwo.nennoom apartment, ma Apply | Times. EVENINGS 725-2539 nN Sapte Sets Repaired in y6ur home. (MORTGAGE -- Appliances during the evening Also will LOANS Telephone 723-1411 Moneys for first mortgages Well | Drilling--Digging _ Interest at 7% WELL DIGGING by machine, special-| Open Mortgages izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest- " No bonus nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby, No charge for valuations | 668-2563 or 668-3809. How MUCK MILK 'WILL PROVIDE ALL AWE ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS REQUIRED DAILY 1M THE AVE RAGE. MAN'S DIET 'e ONE Quart, HUMMING BIRDS ARE SO FEARLESS KEY WL ATTACK AWIS WHICH YENTURE too CLOSE % TKUR NESTS, near ond Hairdressers wanted im- i tor and built-in stove, $100 recotely, due to expansion. ROOM gad ag fer aralonan ltt ale es Excellent opportunity. Mrs, 8.90 a.m, and 6 p.m. 668-5893 Buena Vista, Apt 1, Mortasees end Agreements WILLIAM KROONTJE, well digging. Hughes, Whitby 665-206! or 4 #43, MONTHLY. Lmmediste posssesen curchored. 9 compressor work, clean-out and deep:| apply receptionist ot the 22--Offices, Stores, Storage ON Maple Grove and 401 Highway, H Beaut linic Shoppin seated, two-bedroom apartment, spacte Moneys for second mortgages |Fas-aoes, a buleded domrcsle tonalisan decay 9--Summer Properties. |12--Articles Wanted eres ity ws Ping LARGE SIX-CAR garage for rent, 357 9ug rooms, newly decorated, separate Fast service For Sale or Rent 4 as 'i www} Bloor East. Telephone 728-8817. entrance. 1 725-3445, M. F. SWARTZ BILL LEMON -- DALRYMPLE cottage, _ welll WANTED TYPIST | BUSINESS OFFICE, 350 sq. ft. Close to REATTY AVENUE, 184 -- Furnlahed VA ; ' » modern conveniences, Day SCRAP, al ay eet WELL DIGGING downtown and parking. Available Aug- two rooms, self-contained apartment, August 10 te Labor Day IRON, POULTRY Oshawa resident needed for [ust 1 private entrance, TV outlet, Laundry Oshawa, Ontario 3940, ig r AND FEATHER TICKS: part-time work, Three to 4 |LARGE WORKSHOP, storage or heavy '®cllitles, Suitable for couple, Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals hours daily. 723-4697 Cleanouts, Deepenings, Musical Services Compressor Work | Dressmaking rseriareae AKING, alterations, pant cuff- ing, experienced, reasonable rates Mrs. Eldrige, 67 Montrave 725-6476. Gard g and Supplies CEMENT gravel and driveway gravel, and and fill, For delivery call Eric! rantin, Whitby | 668-2660, CHEMICALLY treated fertilizer al lawns, flower beds and gardens.| Prompt delivery, $6.50 for 3 cu, yds. Dial 728-4746 CEDAR TREES for hedges, choice PIANO TUNING. Reasonable nates, | quality, all sizes, also hedges planted. $7.50 Telephone -- Bowmanville 623-7283 Guaranteed to grow. Telephone Bow- PIANO, reed. pipe 4 electronic manville 623-5034 jorgan tuning and repair, Instruments -- TREES taken down and chain 1 saw) appraised, J. Hiddink, Ajax 942-664, | work. All jobs insured, nothing too big.) \Free estimates, Dial 725- 7887. LOAM, sod, manure and ~ evergreens, Also post hole digging and urar Rea- rates. s. Telephone 7: Appliance Service SEWING MACHINE tune-ups, all mod- els by your Elna dealer, Oshawa a fing Centre, 329 Simcoe Street South. 728-2391. Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN| For mformation, dial 725-5192. tby 668-5 i sn ad NE Gian Work in' own equipment yard, heavy wired. Liver- RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- fourroom (collect) home, Write pool Road' .at 401, $63. monthly, Ajax apartment, heavy duty wiring, law |, TURNER 842-1617 > facilities, Ample parking, $70 month, telephone 728-3684 Po t Off ce Box 356 "--" from 6 until 9. Telephone 725-44é. Telephons 720-0911 [ee eee bl TWO STORES FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment GES, ; is Bus aE STASOT Oshawa, Ontario rest Salmon River. Must ave boat for|13-----Business pportuni RENT FREE cottage on river, $20., $30. weekly.! SALESLADY | GOOD LOCATION | I HALIBURTON lakefront housekeeping | cottages. Modern conveniences, safe,| private beach. For further information, 'Women' s Column BS (AENRIRE SE ERBARIO FOUR ROOMS on main floor, hard. wood floors, stove and cupboard ia kitchen, tile floor; share bathroom, 960, monthly plus hydro, Dial 728-7028. ENTS on n special, 396 Pine Avenue, and bath. Immediate possession. Apply 7 FOR FASHION STORE 68 Cabot Street. Oshawa Shopping Centre MAN dressing, Optometrist | 725-5363. FOR SALE. g00d location 725-7066. "Corner rocery store in 723-3413 and after 8 p.m DRYNAN AND) Solicitors, No- Commerce} 5 Simcoe Street North, Osh- Ontario, 723-3446; Residences: ._ Creighton, Qc; G. M. Drynan, Murdoch, 723-4788. ale r hanging 13. private entrance, park- $15, weekly, Telephone Ont., 'available, East. 723-1107. Res. 985-7163 of aE RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS 8.) GREER, Associate Barristers eitors, 180 King Street East. Morgage loans available. LOUIS 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli-| citer, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King Gtreet East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies 2 le. Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires----12 cu, ft, Pressurized Hallways BUM BOYCHNY and HILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street East, Oshawa; R. B. Hum- phreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A Hillman, LLB Office: 721-5177; Resi-| dence: 728-432; Whitby: 668-2761, 725- NHA and other mortgage funds available JOSEPH ©. VICTOR BA, LL.B., Bar. ister, Solicitor and Notary Public. 5 Simcoe North. | GREER AND KELLY Barristers, Soll- 114 King Street East. 7 723-2278. Residence Phones: J ng IE ac, Bag Terence V. Kell: iy | iREYS, Turkey Home Windermere jed apartment, jed by two adults. | 668-5612. |W ANTED -- three-bedroom house, by [reliable persons being transferred to Oshawa, references. Telephone 723-116)./ Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each |24--Houses For Rent -- floor lau EBEC STREET, 248 -- Three. Vanity in bathrooms |house, $65, thiy, Dial 725-0500, ' Sad Mein A Few Choice |WHITBY -- Modern splitclevel three- : . bedroom Locations Available house, nice district. $108.| meee. Terenas Sete. | Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: | FIVE: ROOM bungalow for re S- | session August 1. Apply 410 King Street! " | 9AM, to 9 P.M, Schofield-Aker . Limited 723-2265 "kittens, eight Telephone 668-8386 weeks after 5 FOUR-ROOM house and garage, cen- itral. electricity, sink and cupboards, | toilet upstairs, $50 monthly, 41 Col-/ borne Street West | bbe NORTH, 882 -- it! three-bedroom home, large living-roam,} modern kitchen, Must be reliable: ten-| ants, Telephone owner, 725-2539. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Modern tages, cot- electric- hot plates, For the fish- erel, speckled northern pike, black For the hunter, moose, birds. Also for prospec- ond mining men . Amer- ican Plan, Write plicants. Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work, Fuller Brush Co, Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 am, to9 p.m |Can You Qualify? Starting income $75 Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax Returns. Statements prepared. BC| pope 708 Newman ness Residential EEPIN » I Tax} j i j Returse. Sistements prepared, Be ser] City and District vices. 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8252 Summer Properties Vacant Land Members Ontario OSHAWA TIMES INTERESTING | POSITION Frank and Jane Bowen 145 King West--7 28-1607 page Hair. Whitby, good location, Profitable oper- BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- ences, A le now, weekly or month- Times JOSEPH F, MANGAN, QC, B Bank or 74 Burk Street? Dial 725-4587. 1F YOU have a drinking problem, write tala: Rate, wandy beach: bs milea tek Sales Experience In Corsetiere OSHAWA TIMES fore 8 p.m -------- |fill, sand fill. Pulverized loam for top jCORNER STORE, Simcoe South and mediate possession, 425 j ea Road and/». ' et puaees Tee DAVEY peas |hydro. J. E seria CHARTERED accountants office ve| AIR-CONDITIONED apartment, furnished, stove and Terris Specialist in garment altera- sors LOST' LAKE CAMP, Modern house Main building consists of grocery EXPERIENCED rdware store, Full time employment, preferred. Apply anytime. city <o* city, - ol SERVICED BY ELEVATOR bracing, tree and stump re- elephone '668-8328 in Whitby. 10 PRINCE aT. ding, linen, For the fisherman, attached garage and gas pump. Could and cupboards, bie moose, bear,| cottages ren year around. Asking surrounding Oshawa. Worth up to/ ; pinds 7 in the world."" $ | ee Reais se a CONTRACTORS | duf IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, $80 month. | Marie Murduff. will be in Jane Bowen, Elk Lake, on High-/ wi) consider clear property plus some finery Corp., Box 711, Fort Worth 1, 723-3474 lly, self-contained two - bedroom aparte L d G | | ;ment, in modern apartment building, oam an rav i ave Spray Painting dates for appointment. sufe_ swimming, spacious grounds, re-/Bay or phone Dunbarton TE 9-2502. struction accounting, ete. Good work: Road, Apartment 2. TRNIS! hree- ood hl Rleaca lod | i 464] Din: Recacat afer RUBER see --jary expectel t. PO Box li, FURNISHED ¢ or four-room apart, Loaders. Trucks for hire. : weekly with boat, $8-$6 daily, Plan aldressing. Telephone Bowmanville 623 papio. television. record changer 725-9964 k sken, Ha INVESTICATIONS r arwood. Phone 4Ri. | requires full or part-time, summer em-|further information, contact Roy Whit:\room house with furnace, garage at- nn % h - i PATIOS © pee ee St GENERAL INVESTIGATIONS Housekeeping | WANTED TO RENT -- a three-bedroom : | | : PO E 3 hours per evening, plea-. | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH | 314 Simcoe St. S, (Bassett Bldg.) | ihn on We Cae WER | 725-3887 | Telephone Whitby DIAL 728-7628 i | | rere - \Plumb ng and Heating Telephone 2318 BOX 823 725-3521, Harold H saddles, bridles, blankets. Mel S S 'Instruction PIONEER Vi CASHIER or Kent ottages yea and remodeling, FOR SALE -- Poodle pup, purebred, 4 9 TRIM sremaab = SSONALS: BA, Barris- Late Act now. 725-1054. |231 Palace Street, Whitby Boats, Fishing. Grocery store. 564 KING ST. E. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, | SHBRAIT IA! 3 West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client park- DAY or EVENING WHITBY 668-875] | satisfaction. Telephone 728-7057. MALE Siamese GIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, you estimates. See our ?-™ CAMP ret OSHAWA AND WHITBY material : North, 728-7336" Charles C. McGibbon,| For drapery making, Full : Three full-time and Money To Loan like new Why pay more? Our rates|ROARDING daily. weekly, monthly,, ity, refrigerators, Office 723-1101. Residence i ada ment and workroom supplied AVAI BLE holstery Co., 10 "Bond West. Dial/house east of Wilson on Taunton. Over trout LA ot Dealership to qualified ap- East. 723-7232. | No down payment up to 36 months to Broad, BOX 820 xcellent pedigree, male » fe jcovered like new, Get the best for less pg Pi Seely go yg ar ae ; Lake Unt. on Hwy. 560 Repairs to All Makes "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" Abi Telephone | STURGE WAKE, "cottage 'tor remt,/ation for man and wife. Owner has For further information a FOUR-ROOM apartment, self-containe tor, 3% Simece Street South, 725-9592. 8. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please) 2--Personal ly Telephone 728-9191, ed, heat and water included, adults, eriiiig|CEMENT and road gravel, top quailty| Box. 333, Whith 1 668-3034 "live Saas eta dese ey to loan, Office 14% roa rayel, ox 333, itby, or ca "9034 OF chawa, near Breckin. 728-3060 afer 4\° : - LOWER duplex, five very large rooma, Baicior. Soney Ys OF call GEBSS OF Cohawa, 'Rear Breckin. 728-300 afe Dial 725-6537 SUITE : DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister|qressing and flower beds, 100 per cent\OUTSIDE PAINTING. Careful work. LEN PULLAN |CHEMONG LAKE, 100 ft. 1 e's John Streets Heal. for remtauremt,. br Whitby 1 EEO Ree Browne, 645 Queen Street,| " % TRE S CE A-1 PAINTING and p Chatham, quires senior matriculant, Dial 728-7371 OFFICES AVAILABLE erator included, two bedrooms, E SERVI -- ' : - tions, etc In i ible mendin PAINTING, decorating, interior and bi bbe 9, keeping, cottages, flush toilets, electri-( 2m? Plus four rooms on main floor,| y4 r eee Apply to Ajax Hardware, Ajax Shop- BACHELOR APARTMENT, two toome, re : , Picker/be converted into apartment building luding' sink movals, -"The~ oldest and ODD & SOUTER 728-5311 el, speckled trout, northern pike, Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON = Also for prospectors and mining |s34.909. with '$15,000. down, Price in 000 in a year, plus bonus. Write/ 723-1361 Painting, Paperh I : a:19!Ng, July way 560 ee P ging Oshawa, July 8th, 9th, 10th, way 56 cash as down payment Inquire at or Texas refrigerator, stove, hardwood and tile Washed Stone, Fill 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY cre an room st Three-bedroom ing conditions. Full or part time posi- 23-- Wanted To Rent Oshawa, ment in quiet private home preferred, 4 fishing now. G 71 BEATTY HAULAGE MODERN GRILL | pro liingge oleate gata cade Peg | poked technician required Top wages to the CHRISTIAN FAMILY with three high| 3 728-9054 Windermere Cottages | Ployment Dial 728-0933. tington, 5 Bond Street West. [Nal tached, by August | if possible, Write a Made Pies ond Deserts FREE CONFIDENTIAL Cottages, Kennisis Lake, |house immediately, Reliable baxeed esigned and _ installed See nator! Vth on. Me Han sant work, no canvasing. $50 |FURNISHED three-room = self-contain- Oshawa : ; "a abet S UPERMARKET ee 2G 3--Pets & Livestock eee BUCKHORN LAKE Oshawa Times |Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and vakefie id, RR 3, Norwood, 'Telephone PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor,|ALL TYPES of repal For Part-Time Work By interview | n, Reasonable| white, female, registered. tias had in| ,ON@ and three bedroom. ter, Solicitor. coe? public. 52% Sim C LEARN TO DRIVE ARPENTER SIAMESE CAT, seai point, male (neu- 728-2301 Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| _sitisbeadies eI Hae: |RUGS, chesterficlds cleaned at your|$#0. Telephone 725-1939 between § and 6 EXPERIENCED Late Models, Standards or PICKERING BDON ond BASTEDO, Barristers.) | CHESTERFIELD re-upholstered and ld, $25 Policitors. vail le for) |re-styled Free mortgages, 2) Simcoe Stre et) ig peeing, "gee Bg BLACK TOY "POODLES, males, regis.| h k : . arles Stree 7212. | tered, nine weeks, bred, $125. ousekeeping QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. ae ee A time employment on our ZT. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, S Selici five part-time treet Ni re reasonable, Satisfaction guaran- rates reasonable, Grooming. obedi ence,, bedding, linen | MORTGAGE MONEY | Ite. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up-/Karin Kennels, Registered. Second) rman FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale| jh iad Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. purchased and sold, Hen-| | 725-0311 ee 4hirty years' experience with all breeds. |ARRANGE a now w to have 3 your ¢ ct er- BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for bass Low Interest talking strain. Apply Mrs,| D€9r, Pay. For estimate, phone 728-3231. No POODLES, wiv - ; silve: jature, ni Valuations Arranged obligation Kennedy Uphoistering Ltd old, r miniature, nine weeks registered. stud services very 1 seen Ton poeta 142 Simcoe reasonable. Call Bay Ridges, 839-2516. E LICENSED MECHANICS DRY CLEANING business for sale in Barristers five bedre fireplace. All conveni-|other interests Write Box 615, Oshawa Ww OX 824 & RITE BOX 7 pay accounts at downtown Dominion LAKE SIMCOE -- cottage and lots for Please. Apply 68 McMillan Drive, be King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. jloam for all purposes. Loam fill, gravel! Painting and Decorating 425-0893, bom. fireplace, hot water, heating, $185. Lm lots Fife's OF MODERN and Solicitor, 264 King Street East.|usable, Dial 725-5279. Reasonable rates, Nelson Heisler, 723- hay cH Winey We Yee other business. Vacant July. Telephone 17----Male Help Wanted | nt siaciastasaiggaaid ' Resi- ENGLISH TAILOR DREW STREET, i -- Fiveroom Ontario, FRENCHME BAY, corner property. one CLERK for retail living room, kitchen and bath. Adulte dress alters Approximately 1000 sq. ft. Pruning, spraying, feeding, exterior, Paper hanging. Free esti- sasaradihbi: refrigerators, hot plates, bed-|°£et Tooms plus bathroom upstairs, ping Centre Senge: me completely furnished, -- ine' . Wax tee hank black/o, other business. Also four winterized MAN, 40 to 60. Handle sales territory k ae ____. bass. For the hunter, cargest. trae, saving servile | BAINTING AND DECORATING | namavur cr superfluous hair, 1 TELEPHONE 723-1959, ¢ men American Plan. Write Frank and! ciudes some stock and some furniture. L. G. Garner, Vice Pres., Texas Re a a e 1 Ul ne n ) on th : Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Phone Genosha Hotel on these [pick LAKE -- Cedar Cove Goltages,|Write Meringer's Store, Frenchmen's| AGGOUNTANT familar wih Teen: floors, Bus at door, Apply 165 Verdua DAYS 668-5862 ELECTROLYSIS cottage with running water, Frigidaire, 14--Employment Wanted tion. Apply stating experience and sal- ne Excavating, lots | led. -- a bias xcavating, lots leveled boat. Reduced after August 17 to $40/GIRL wishes to apprenuce in hair- Ontario, by young couple. Immeiiate possession. |Personal Service MAR 725. 9156 Taken: Hebi Bh Mitt 10D SSSSENDABLE senlir "Rule" Muda | Mant med: Mee be: experienced. Far} tGren coaniens feadhten: exon eeven: Bar-B-Qued Chicken, DIVORCE, PERSONAL. 725-5633 : ____|Box 822, Oshawa Times. 16--Female Help Wanted -- PART TIME _ WE DELIVER INTERVIEW. Sond beach, vacancies to | jwill lease. Phone 728-9159. to your specifications : close to hospital. Want . rr : ' alary, Ca . 1 ) Box, 420, Haliburton, Ont. weekly solory. Car necessary a ae Requires experien AFTER 5 P.M. heating supplies. WELL BROKEN draft and saddle Sequires experiend PIONEER VILLAGE with phone number, jing, 255 Simeoe Street South. ; rs' experience. rials, free. Dial 723-1193. J./noculations, Good with children. Apply) Water and hydro. Camping, APPLY MR. BAKER oe North, 728-2891 Oshawa Driving School Rug- -Upholstery Service 'ered); Sie Siskin hd stteateoete, by hour or contract lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King! home, reasonable rates. -G p.m. ing available, 725-4716 or 725-4717. a Tele -saarecge LOST LAKE SEAMSTRESS Automatics Dual Controlled 942 2401 CALL 728-0091 0 75. Charle CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt. recovered, @mily dog. Whitby 668-5426, flush toilets, se Oe as Premises in Oshawa, Equip- agreements , nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Reply in writing to | field suite recovered while on vacation. training. Elgin Street East tors |CHESTERFIELDS and old chalfs re-\old, cxeciat rede an ae Freé estimates. 4---Sportsman's Column 11--Articles For Rent SAVE $1 $ $ at Dominion Tire Store, |1083. Ga ard motors, 20 per cent; Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses off 3's, 5 5 muna "me Punch Bowls Coffee Urns les and Service OUTBOARD MOTOR __ REPAIR SERVICE SCOTT MOTOR Building Trades EAVESTROUGHING and, chimne | imaates. All work) Mortgage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY F cleaner.| Chimneys built and repaired, ga: lin-| ings installed, furnaces vacuumed. Free! vating. Fre ¢| estimates. C Taylor Bros.. 26 Hill-} court Drive, Whitby. 668-5612. ROOFING, shingling: roof louvers installed. Siding, carpentry| alterations Workmanship, materials guaranteed. H. Tucker. 728-0626. and gabe WALCO CONSTRUCTION For. guaranteed home im- provements, store ond office remodelling, e rt workmon- ship. Free estimates. __ Whitby 668-4412 | GORD'S oe Janitor Service To obtain your free brochure Spring cleaning, floors, walls on sound residential mort- ond ceilings, windows, plas- gage financing of up to 80% ter repair. Of value... After 4723-1302 | . CALL OR write Experienced cleoners | C.A.C. REALTY LIMITED Residentic! and Commercial | Oshawa Shopping Centre Bonded ond Insured | Oshowa 725-4777 'Mortgages | loan on all types of gages and chased. doch mortgages; agreements of Creighton, (See heading mort sale pur. "Barrister."".) No Bonus or Hidden Cost No Prepoyment Penalty. No Broker's Fee PRIVATE and corporation monies to Drynan and Mur- 12 YEAR MORTGAGES _ | Phone 725-688). |TV--Radio Repairs McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAW SALES & SERVICE OSHAWA MARINE SERVICE NEW LOCATION 1180 Simcoe N... 728-0031 ART'S GUN REPAIR CUSTOM GUN WORK Reblueing, refinishing, stock- making Guns bought, sold, exchanged the ' executors WHITBY. 668 2497 Estate of the Lote Mrs ley Hutson' 79 Mel Surveyors eee Bivd, Oshawo. |- DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On by pul guction on tario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue 4) yg an" prints. i] Ontario Street. 725-5632 tech Si ph oa es H FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Survyors, 111 Elgin Street East |5----Farmer's Column BUCKWHEAT seed for sale Bradiey, Brooklin. Phone 655 does SALF Pea vines for feed. Good lor beef or dairy cattle. See Maitland at Stokely Van Oamp. Will deliver CASH on the spot in dead and \Telephone collect, 3-272 | 245-C-43 Apply 4639 Whitby Highest prices paid crippled Hampton, Margwill's Fur Farm tasenee 6--Auction Having from received instructions of the stan mughlin will sell Setur 10 pm. the household content rater, dining chesterfield suite, rug tools, room wuite, 3. hall tree, lamps, french doors, quantity of fishing equipment, and other articles to num erous te FRANK tioneer mony WHITBY T.V. AERIAL AND Terms cosh STIRTEVANT mention aut Douglas Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES - oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- PLUMBER'S TOOLS cleaning rods, pod, pipe ter pipe pipe pipe vise tri- wrenches, pipe cut- threading dies, todet auger PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT tepladder sion ladders, steel ers, spray dluminum exten ladder jocks, scaffolding, compress- wallpoper tarpoulins blow torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT ---~ Acetylene outfits, guns steamers, torches, propane welding | Applicants are being accept- ed for a permanent position in the Social Department of The Oshawa Times. Appli- have Grade 12 education and be abie to type. Write stating qualifica- tions and experience to: BOX 816 OSHAWA TIMES SECRETARY General Office Experience Accurate with Figures cants must Good fringe benefits Top Salary weekly training pay Permanent Income $140 Weekly Thereafter. Clean-cut ond courteous men required, between the ages of 21 and 30. No sell- ing but ability to meet people essential. No experience ne- cessary, as training provided. No traveling, but late model car necessary, Numerous com- pony benefits provided, Call in person between 10 a.m. and 12 Noon hour only, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 522 Simcoe Street North Suite 5 18--Male or Female Help Wanted PROMISE your children a pet? Well, you'll find just the right one offered in in Classified. Turn to Classifica-/ For Appointment -- Dial Bowmanville 623-3311 m inishing tro- "Pets barrows, tion 3 now gis vibrator, | air ah ------ R. M. Hollingshead WANTED nand trowels, portable -heat- | Corp. Canada Ltd. =| TAXI DRIVERS electric | Bowmanville power Men or Women GIRL Apply hammers, building jocks, TO TRAIN AS MERCURY TAXI . : : c 14 Albert Street. 725-4771 | teh. billows. | Quick-change artists! Button BOOKKEEPER vert Street 725-477! | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)| skirt on or off for golf, tennis, 200 a electric welders, BUILDER'S 'EQUIPMENT .-- cement mixers By ALICE BROOKS Add decorative drama with | bright pillows -- roses in differ-) ent colors or shaded tones. Rose . applique pillows living-room or bedroom! Pat- tern 7055; transfer l1xll and) 12-12-inch motifs; directions 14- By ANNE ADAMS Classified Ad Rates TOWER SERVICE --Trailers 25 WORDS OR LESS DIAL 668-8344 bon GENERAL Better described offers get foster results. j---- a. ful cot Sa | TV TOWERS 3.75 4.13 AND 2.25 2.48 Antenna Repair MOTILE home, 10° x equipped, and in' Al condi Lat ated at Newcastle trailer welts, wheel electric | | ton Court jock hammers 6 consecutive days. ......cccceness water pump 3 consecutive doys..... RENT-A-TRAILER | ers, steel scaifoldina, generator ramset Hitches supplied tollers, lectric Moving boat and cabin Count eoch word, Box number If not poid within: 7 days, ei rote apts. initial, QUICK CHANGE masonry sow 8.50 1.60 Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each 'additional line per month (Not applicable for aeadaaatas edvertisements.) DEADLINES iner, wer tamper, aQuger sapplicd POLLOCK figure or abbreviction as. one word. pawn 15¢ TRIO traliers | mortar mixers, mortar boxes, MONTY'S BA SERVICE chain hoist, miter saw, elec. TELEVISION ' SIMCOE AT GIBB | tric plane tarpaulins, 14 ; it x TGI | bandsaw, 4!" j sand fey MAKE |for this pattern (no stamps, | patio lounging. See. how. one- 171, BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 725-9131 blo es Pp power S Ss : | please) to Alice Brooks, care of| piece playsuit makes you look ; post hole j | shawa Times Needlecraft sleek li aie j The Oshawa Times ut sleeker, slimmer, Word ads 5 p.m, day previous __728-678) i o py og STAN"S oe. | $100 MONTHLY Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario Printed Pattern 4799: Misses® Classified Display ...2:30 p.m. day previous or sale or Kent Centre In Y S Ti residents add Ic. sales tax. Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 28. Size 16 Births, memoriams, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. : COTTAGES and lots on the Black Sharpening & Rentals Ltd n Your Spare time | print plainly PATTERN NUM- vlaysuit 244 yards 35-inch; skirt Lest ond Fourld -- . . 8:30 a.m. day of publication TV TOWERS Teetinne Black River on ntien Ul 24 Kina S Ww h ; Ability to meet the - public Fuel cit company needs men |Det. NAME, ADDRESS. 26 yards. S Cancellations ond Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication. 831 collect for appointment 225 King St. W., Oshawa necessary po nang ppc Ghd 'women' for oon 'See 1963's Biggest Needlecraft) FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins REGULATIONS Economy and Deluxe apes. 0 PHONE 723-3224 cay & manta: Ge od bic solicitation of heating oi |Show stars' smocked accesso-;(no stamps, please) for this hs Cidiaes Vis A Ok ta Recedieds tes no, i ent, + ion aE or . fig Goewhtiona. Benefit Pion, customers in the greater ries -- it's our new Needlecraft! pattern. Ontario residents add ments submitted otherwise than.in writing, not for more thon Priced to suit your budget. jfishing. Boat pare a nemicres rants Pension Plan. For personal cele PN ia pow, {Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-| 2c. sales | tax. Print_-plainly one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the TERMS ARRANGED prin Aen Gauted. Tenia Pk Re een lOterview. soe aon Maha $108 nue you designs to knit, corchet,/SIZE, NAME, ADDRES §, : . . ' . antec elephone Por erry 55-7764, , - 7 u ide: ; 7 by orice on te @ single insertion of the advertisement in which /iPOW- WOW POINT | wont MR. W with only a few hours work |SeW, Weave, emborider, quilt.) STYLE NUMBER. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to clossify advertising eccording to its proper classification. In the cas® of display advertisements, The Times will-not be held responsible for more spoce than thet in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce al! adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if eny inoccuracies in ony form ere contained therein. SHAW District Manager For sun, fun comfort! Deluxe suites, golows, rooms Am $45 $62 wkly. All mer sports, ing. Write Lodge, Huntsville or good food and OSHAWA TV SUPPLY. LIMITED 728 - 8180 bun Plan sum tree woter-ski- phone 705-789-4951, | | | Pow-Wow Point | AUTO WRECKING.CO. Wonts-Cors For Wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. metals étc "SINGER SEWING CENTRE 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa each week: Previous helptul, Reply t BOX 818 OSHAWA TIMES We soles but not train you. experience required. Plus free. pattern. now! Send 25c.| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of the Oshawa Times, Pat tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Just out! 304 design ideas ne coupon for FREE pattern Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay. -- any one you choose in new Spring - Summer Pattern Cata. log. Send 50c. now.