10 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 4, OPA AUXILIARY SHARES THE WEALTH WITH YOUNG AND OLD dren's new school and clinic at Bloor street ond to the re- sidents of Hillsdale Manor. Left to right Mrs. Ernest Barker OPAA treasurer is From funds raised during the active season, the Oshawa Police Association Auxiliary recently presented cheques for the use of the Crippled Chil- Lois Evelyn Black Is Wed To Murray William Sanderson were crowns of crystals and the scene of the recent mar-|pearis and fingertip veils. They riage of Lois Evelyn Blackjcarried rust and white chry to Murray William Sanderson./santhemums and roses The bride is the daughter of} Miss Joanne McCaldin, cou- Mr. and Mrs: John Black of/sin of the bride was flower girl Oshawa, The bridegroom is the/in a matching pink cottcn eye- son of Mr. and Mrs, W. E,/let embroidered dress with a Sanderson, Columbus. jpink carnation headpiece and a The Reverend R. H. Love of-|basket of pink and white flow ficiated at the ceremony, He/ers. was assisted by the Reverend) Miss Black chose a co R. D. Black. an uncle of the/S0w" of white peau de soie bride. : with a lace bodice and lace Soloist was Miss Heather setae = we = ge agg Webb accompanied by Missive! accented by a lace edge ¥ refed : was caught to a crown of cry- Elizabeth Hayes, organist stals and pearls, She carried a Preceding the bride and her/cascade of red roses Columbus United Church was classic father down the aisle was the; Best man was Roy Sanderson bridal party gowned in tones of|and the ushers were the bride's yellow and pink. Mrs. Kenneth/prother, Ronald Black and Roy "Moore, sister of the bride was) Spry. matron of honor in yellow lace) For a reception in the church over taffeta, The bridesmaids/hall, the bride's mother receiv- were Mrs. Ray Sanderson andied in a powder blue lace over Mrs, Ray Crawford in pink)taffeta sheath with pink acces- lace over taffeta, Headdresses|sories and a corsage of pink carnations * . The bridegroom's mother College Hill Pupils wore a beige brocaded satin ensemble with white accessor.) Explore Toronto ies and a corsage of yellow carnations The Rey. M, R. Sanderson, an Courtesy of H&S juncle of the bridegroom, was mete a . »;,|master of ceremonies at the re Thirty-four College Hill Public} vention and Howard Hancock School graduating students SAW] save a toast to the bnde some of Toronto's culture and Leaving for the Ottawa area, industry, recently, when the|the bride donned a green and Home and School Association yellow linen suit with white ac- sponsored a tour for them. _ /cessories and a corsage of pink The students visited Casa/carnations. Loma, the Royal Ontario Mu-| The couple plan to make their seum and a biscuit plant. Mak-| home on a farm east of Raglan ing the tour were Steven Ber-| Guests were.from U.S.A.. 0°- nacke, Brenda Clark, Thomasitawa, Picton, Huntsville, Ux- Clark, Nancy Cook, Janis/bridge, Toronto, Oshawa and Crowe, Sandra. Dionne,/Bowmanville Cheryl Embury, Dandy Froud, David Gordon, James CURIOSITY PAID Harmer, Donna Hoar, Jean LENNOXVILLE Que (CP)-- Hutchinson, David Johnston,/yirs Thelma Bowers. a farm Kenneth Johnston, James Kich-housewife.who "just wented to ko, Henry Koc, John Lasek, Lin-/know about the plants growing Ga Locke, Linda Marsh, Barry| around us' received her degree McKenzie, Susan McKnight, |in biology at Bishop's Univer Douglas Murray, Murray New-|city She has three children man, Gail Nugent, Gerlad Og-\ranging in age from 18 to 24 den, Philip' Solomon, Judith =i slate - i Stevenson, Irene Szachowica, 4 7 Sharon Thompson, Dianne ST MB ps Hy eae (CP) Thomson, Brenda Turpin, Da- Officials investigated reports ~~ = Ann Venning andithat a woman in this Lanca avid Venning shire town was throwing her Accompanying the students garbage out a field. She told were Mrs. Douglas Langley,/them she had just bought a. new Mrs. Melvin McKinley and their trash can--and didn't want to 'eacher, Mr. R. Goddard dirty it Recentiy. Sharon Thompson/~ and David Usher were present- ed with the book, "Common- wealth Annual' in recognition! of their high scholastic achieve. ment. The presentation was mage by Mrs Ronald Lenover president of the Home and School Association . The following field day win- ners were also honored: Dor- ien Fredyniak took the highest points for the girls and Waiter Harmer and Philip Solomon shared the honor for the boys. Classroom trophy, winners were: primary division: Mrs A, Dion's class; junior division: ~ Gary Mimacs class and inter. mediate division: Mr. R.. God- dard's class. These presenta- tions were made by Mrs. Len- over and Mrs. Harold Nugent We hendie cll Summer Cleaning such os . @ WALLS, FLOORS, CEILINGS @ PAINTING @ GARDENING SAVE $$Ss NOW Money Soving Rates On WINDOW CLEANING Eftective July Ond Coll 723.2521 All work Guoran FREE ESTIMATES HIGH SHINE WINDOW CLEANERS 276 Grooms Ave. 723-2521 OKEEFE EXTRA a superintendent of Hillsdale Manor gratefully accepts a | cheque from Mrs. John Powell, OPAA president Oshawa Times Photo handing a cheque to Mrs. A, P, Fulton, president of the Women's Welfare League which operates the school and clinic and Mr. W. D, Johns, November, you will find that THE STARS SAY | practically all of this new year} | {in your life will be marked by By ESTRELLITA happy domestic situations, And, . s for.romance, your best pe- FOR TOMORROW sel Pisa your Des Friday should prove a stimu.| ods include the balance f lating day. Personal relation: this month, September and J&n- ships will be highly congenial, | "@"Y: Look for good travel op- so. such interests as group ac. portunities this month, in Aug. aes pei fe ust and November. tivities, travel and -romance A chila b iis dag will should bring you great happi-|, ' sisticelly mer one G87 wil ness. Business interests. may sed pepo : 1 ting tg will be somewhat on the "dull" side, 28V¢ @ Sreat love for music however. and-or science, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, you may anticipate a year of change, new business and ro- mantic ventures and, quite pos- sibly, a change of environment. It would be well to remember, however, that in any transac- tion of major importance, changes should not be made without cautious consideration Do nothing under compulsion or duress. Let your keen mind, rather than your emotions, be your guide. Best periods for ad. vancing your occupational and financial interests: between mid . August and mid-Decem- ber n February and March If you are careful to avoid friction in late August and early | HOUSEHOLD HINT Put garments on hangers wrong side out, This keeps them clean longer, © Air Conditioners © Refrigerators WAYNE APPLIANCES 78 SIMCOE NORTH Quolity Products -- Low Prices Accent On Volue 723-1411 also NESBITT'S Semi-Annual Summer CLEARANCE SALE For Example: SPORTSWEAR SKIRTS, BLOUSES, SHORTS and BERMUDAS Reg. up to 5.98 and 6.98 to clear at 98c, 1.98 and 2.98 When We Advertise A SALE, We Mean A SALE Not An Inch Is In New Storage Prices By ELEANOR ROSS Today's designers of storage pieces won't accept the word of their elders.-And, in a way, it's a good thing they don't, for the "science" of storage planning has come a long way in recent years. Limitation of space has had much to do with this, of course, and so has the evolution of fur. niture and furnishings. Grandma may. have stored tablecloths -and napkin rings. The modern homemaker stores place mats, slim candelabra and freeform bowls. Casual sports wear has replaced the hoop and high hat and functional storage units in beautiful woods such as walnut have replaced traditional Wasted room are newly versatile, Beds or dressers may be topped by useful hutch arrangements, the usual shelves running curved, partly recessed or even straight across, some have freeform shelves. You can store such unwieldy The advantage? articles as tall candlesticks, the giant peppermills so popular to- day, decanters and tall bever- ideal where space is limited. COMPARTMENTS FOR ALL There may be compartments for hats and hat stands, narrow age bottles--things that can be so difficult to keep out of sight when not in use, yet are al- ways good to have on hand, jand Mrs, John Kent was in | charge of the tickets. Lionettes Hold Strawberry Tea {10 further the benevolent works jof the Lionettes. ~The Oshawa Lionettes held a : strawberry tea, recently, at 3 Hillsdale Manor. | WARNS ON CLEANING Mrs. Lyman Gifford and Mrs.| Vapors from improperly deo- Rufus Lambert, a charter pre-|dorized ganments cleaned in sident poured tea. iself-service machines can be Past president, Mrs, Robert|toxic, warns the National Safety Scheneau welcomed the guests|League of Canada. drawers for accessories, wide shelving for the bedroom tele- vision set or for a small radio. Some of the latest armoires have adjustable shelves or rods, Although an armoire is really for clothing, the new versions serve as bar units, linen clos. ets or for storage of sports gear. Even today's buffet chests have taken our modern way of living into account. Instead of VOTE 50 YEARS Norwegian women won. ful! suffrage. in 1913. For Your Holidays RESORTS Four Seasons TOURS Travel CRUISES =. sortest 728-6201 Official Agent For All Airlines and Steamships outmoded ones, There isn't an inch of waste space in these functional units. Designers are now measuring the exact space taken by eight stacked shirts, four bulky sweat- ers, a dozen linen napkins, a portable television set. PRACTICALITY ACCENTED One new walnut collection, de. signed by a young couple who are city apartment dwellers and professional designers, reflects the emphasis on. practicality. DELICIOUS AND NUTRICIOUS! BUTTERMILK +g: is the perfect thirst quencher and sotisfier during hot summer days. Ss Everyone in .the family will tove Ideal Dairy Buttermilk . . . in fact, they'll probably ask for a second serving. So be sure to have plenty in your refrigerator, © A handsome buffet of dark| walnut with rounded edges has/ tambour doors curving at both) ends, with room to store the) punchbowl, the eggnog set, the! silver service, the vases. A desk divider for a room has neat compartments for type.) writers and folders, small draw-/ ers for packets of stationery, larger compartments for ledg- ers and budget books, ne a * P P Ideal Dak AY Limited ! QUAUTY DAIRY PRODUCTS OSHAWA ONTARI ZELLER S RETAILERS THRIFTY C€ Summer Nylon Special ! pairs 1.00 REPLENISH your Summer" hosiery wardrobe now at this Big, Bia Saving! Seam- mirco-mesh; 400- 15-denier' glamour Flattering Summer shades of Enchantment, In- trigue, Burnt Almond, Amorous and Charcoal! Sizes 84 to 11. 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS Downtown 21 Simcoe 4 $s. Shopping Centre 723-2209 Storage units for the bed.) Eni AT dust. Take SLIP COVERS FREE For « limited time only, OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING are. making this truly areat offer. You can have your 2 or 3 piece chesterfield suite re-upholstered and OSHAWA UPHOLSTERING will include at NO EXTRA COST a set of easy-to-clean Vinyl heat-sealed Slip Covers. They will protect your newly upholstered suite against stain and have your suite covered later if you wish. solutely , oy The Convenience of Plastic Covers NO EXTRA COST HOLIDAY SPECIAL While on Holidays let us re-style and re-cover your chesterfield . . . and in addition get ab- FREE VINYL Heat-Sealed SLIP COVERS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ! advantage of this great offer. Order now, Payment Until SEPT. NEW SPRING FABRICS 2 PC. SUITE RE- 3 FROM 99 COVERED MATERIAL INCLUDED scenes 10 BOND ST. WEST 725-0311--725-0310 Out of town customers call collect. Hove our consultant call and give you tree estimote . Take 24 months poy . aed Pasay te .. $10 monthly FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY, 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE eons ee Prsercsocmcian Now, for the first time, two ales have been blended to give you a smoother, more mellow flavour than it's possible to brew in a single ale. OLD STOGK ALE O'Keefe Extra Old Stock Ale flavour is the result of blending two specially brewed ales--one full-bodied, well-aged and mel- low--the other light and smooth. The flavour you get is a smoother, moremellow flavour thancan be brewed in a single ale.