2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusadey, July 2, 1969 Ww ADENAUER INTERVIEWED many, is interviewed in Ronn y dohn M. Hightower, Asse ated Press diplomatic re Konrad Adenauer, &f-year. eld chancellor of West Ger © < er interpreter, Hermann in background {AP Wirephote) ter, An Kustere Pope Paul VI Pledges Reign To Peace, Unit VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope; mate PROMO! me his coronatic ya mm Sunday nist ga 10 a seared and Christian aware O}stanies the se of the church Se words be spoke were for an fo an equallyJang per domar Wah We Wi Weather . es in Spanish, Porta geese and Polish Tee Wree paragvanhs ia Eng Rsk ammasited workd peace Pore Peul said tx Engiish he intended te dedicate ¥ "te the encouragemmt e matwal comprehen and peace between peonies, that peace Which oar b Lard eR te us and which the world without Him ea Ve We exhort yom our chiktren and al Englishemeakine mer good Wik, te strive and te pray that ths aticeless Blessone mar be given and preserved aren earth = S OVERWHELMED ta the Latin portion of Pore Pam said ow As corenation aver and seamed e act e 5 an chant ag nineh . bag of tricks ever Canada @ ing the Dominion Day week end As a resukt, Canadians sper the Three ~ day do ener G@odgung fram ar co-existing With the weather, Few had a chance enjoying 8 <t baz pre az 3 prad rarnadars on Qurheo and Saskat » ORS tt Qemands that Wh hordes af Canad ® beaches and high i # wear CAFRA Se Pocimnes 72g y canceivea ef wate as Pa ' Protestants. to LASTS AML, BAY A FR mm ORawa was mated that be > VYatcan ecw 'Cooler Weather 'Begins Tonight * Forecasts isoned by the Tot. Kitchener ........ dete weather office a2 4:33 a.m. Londen s Spnepets: Sickie comiet af Moart Forest ..... mee pashed southeasteara Wiechem ....... ini do Lake Huron and shoe' reach Bam the lower Jakes the ahternoet GS Cathar era t te beat Torrente mh Ras engelieg the Porerderangh meatier patt ef Getarie fer the Tremtem .......... Ee week Kitiaiee Caz, Lake Ere. Mostete ake Reren, Negara, Lake Om. North Rar ......... 3 = regians, Windsar, Landes, Sadterr GTerenta, Hames: Paria Bact .. Reeds whh a few scattered Seek Sie. Mar gbowers er mderstearms ths Rapeskacng amernean, Ceareg and tartene Whete River ooter thes eurmmg. Wonde chit. Mencanee @e @ eerterstt Be BR Oe T) L2TRIAB, = MRS .04,. = =] SAAR AANA ASN silake AAAS An8en8 sasess* sanasan072 eg we nat ta aec a bh "Western Qar Puzzling On Dominion Day By THE CANADIAN PRESS The weatherman emptied bs g--whick drew thous taters @ Bada the cap Car « Im Newfoundland, where July P* em rain » Pewer IPOBS, a ficws the Maritimes war aan city aaed ana > when fag z ers g . and the Martomes Manctrba Ree WHA the Weather and warm FARNADS STRIKES A rarnade strerk ATH ATCR Sask... bile one Searing tea others v Mon@ar, a sam AwAMMTA ante farm ara at La Sarre a nerves} wr Qader, kine one and im. FENIMKE Bt hast seven Saterd@ar alse <aw from ane % Power doches of re woke Tass SQmherA Alberta and Saskatchewan, washing ont sev ere! worden briters and forcing Yhonsends of halitaring res @rnes rr ater plans. Nearte Be were MApHrarity stran@e@ jp Ye Rocks Moertain fonthiits whem the storm koackhed om sections of a reed. Bich im the mountains, up th Swear feet af me Feil had traedic pearraly fine ¥ » Senne shoes Momdar en@ea a wf wel, coal wea im Rritsh Onumbia Se en fet \ aw 'Socialists In Quebec Divided ut Groups Retain Small Link | | MONTREAL (CP) = Quebec) ment or the government of the Socialists celebrated Confedera/ "state of Quedec"--would have tion Day weekend by agreeing/ the final say on economic plan ite disagree. ning in the province j They virtually split ap thei? epprp CLEAR forces between a strictly Pro) iy was made clear that the vincially-minded Quebec Social gitferences of opinion had split ist party and a New Democralle yide.epen the S0member pro: |Party organization that will OP! visionai council of the NDE in jerate solely at the federal level Quebec, That was the reason | Only a last-minute compro: for having an. "orientation con- Imise allowing individual mem~vyention'--to decide on a solu bers to belong to both groups tion--bdefore calling a founding provided a thin link between the! party convention, About 130 del: two, egates, mainiy from Montreal, | Tre breakup resulted from) attended the mecting pressures brought by ultrana-| Union organizer Fern iti Da- jMonatists and avowed oper eust, chairman of the NDP pro: 'tists who sought control of the! visional council, was elected NDP in Quebdec. chairman of the QSP__ previ: For a time during the conven. sional council whose job will be tion Saturday and Sunday, it ap-/to arrange, a founding conven: ipeared the break-away QSP tion somegime in the first nine would preempt doth federal months of 1964 and provincial fields, but it lost' He was also named to a 15 a bid to control both organiza. man organizational committee tions of the federal NDP group UNITED FRONT WANTED -- |,,Mi Dacust, & moderate, said Obvious aim in wanting te ee ieee gn see : : so. a Solution "to fill the gap" sep control the federal organizatior avatine th satan _ ng the two factions and any Quebec MPs elected on In his acceptance speech as a Socialist platform--there are') SF ths GSD cobcativn none Row--would be to presen "oy : et ae ee a a waited front at Ottawa a Only the action of prominent Quebec labor Agures apposed to separatism kept alive a federal NDP organization in Quebdec Michael Oliver Montreal, RAVE MAJORITY national joint president the «His nomination was unani NDP, said the saw-off setting ap mous and able ta both (wo organizations, was accep': Mr. Oliver and labor leaders in able though he regretted it had ine NDP group, and to Mr tobe, d Chartrand and his supporter it reflected who will be in a majority on the the situation 14 - member executive of the Micke! Chartrand, for QsP council, Mr. Chartrand is mer Quebec CCF leader and the a vice-chairman guiding force in the ; QSP, said he alse acce cOMpPTaM man of id: "I sha sible to rally the Quebeoe's jeflists iy the boat 1 Sign mediately 8 ma) y of Alo ORS Eroup. shall re ISS of af accep s the "realities of he se, Dal stressed was unhappy with by ¢ Party members stressed ihe QsP and again that livision sf t he The working tion ff sarty's founding QPLAGR CORTERTOR garern One such. wer ] Person Dead, 3 ned Dy te Oy Heavy D am age Mo From Tornado aw QOL LA SARRE TATAPAT AS mat Wa » Otlawa hing and elary and joint NDP sec Yvan Montrea paper Sec AC|USS y of between aa » BAY cP) ternade swept a a re farmland OSS lie s at OF of Ab WOULD RAVE A 2 af ty 4 VETO ® he Ch early Me One pers a no. at ast , dailars %0 ' i wak High Winds Rattened at ie DAarAS ? POTS me Ae farming districts of Dupuy, P: marelie, Se. Germaine and aire Oty Known victien of the was ldwear of Re ans wt ton and the hb external affairs aise weal' have Vengs as inter dank matiers Row ex jaris es and Tams (43 TOW ald Bernare a Germaine, k remmang teward his wher a dara 08 oe vapsed constifation said APSA BR reperts from sativ ne ef tough propesals , Andre > apased a new * jthe QSP would be 'completely 'devoted to the economic and na- tional liberation of Quebecers,"'! | A proposed manifesto de- jfended by Mr, Chartrand de- iseribed French-speaking Cana: idians as "down-treddén" and/ porns" by Bnglish cap} Lt | | French ~ speaking capitalists) were deseribed as "traitors" by Jean-Claude Lebel who sup: ported the manifesto, Mr, Lebel.) an ally of Mr, Chartrand, also jis a vice-chairman of the QSP 'council | Mr, Oliver said the manifesto left him and Bnglish-speaking Socialists in Quebec no place in the QSP | NOT SINCERE Dr, Jacques Ferron said En- glish.speaking Socialists in Que- bee should "abdicate their priv- sulking ileges--otherwise they cannot be sincere Socialists," Lawyer Robert Cliche of St.) Joseph de Beauce, a pro NDP spokesman, 'said the split "will ruin our chances at Ottawa," He said the Roman Catholic) hurch still is a factor in rural) Quebec and that "when the! clergy decides to announce its view on separatism it will be opposed to it because it feels it is against French-Canada's 1s} terests," 1 Robert Ovellet, a union or FF ganizer named chairman of the gy federal NDP organization com:) F mittee, said "it's our own fault if French «Canadians do not control Quedec's economy, It's not the fault of the English, "They just took over where we gave up and went away " c Canadians Reap $1 Million Wins ve try the impos. By THE CANADIAN PRESS drawal Canadian holders of Irish Sweepstakes tickets reaped a harvest totalling around $1,000, 00? in the international lottery based on Saturday's running of the Irish Derby, won by long shot Ragusa Three Canadian purchased tickets collected the big prize money of about $160,000 each, one of them shared by an Irish mother . daughter combination from Torento who have bought tickets since 1928 in the lottery held in aid of the hospitals in ; hb Republic. A London C widow and a Calgary man held the other two Nine Canadians won second: mace money of about 360.000 With tickets on Vie Mo who Paished second, and Canadian tickets, one read by two Otlawa men, col scted about $30,000 each on Tiger, the third finisher in the TaAce Five Canadians who held tick on Reiko, Freach ~. owned wiener of last month's Bosom Derhy who was regarded as such a shooin That bookies re tased fo take bets on him at odds, had Uheir hopes shat tered when the faverite pulled ap lame and was scratched a minute bafere post time DREW 13. TICKETS Ta ali, 129 Canadian-dough: tickets were drawn on the horses originally entered for the h Dorky, second of three aces Gach Yoar on which Irish Sweepstakes are held. The oth ers are the Grand National, in the spring, and the Cambridge are Handicap in Octoder, doth HEnagksy races Sixteen horses started in Sat arday's Irish Derhy, Nine oth ers had been scratched cartier with Retko the lastaninate with rach each > Chine two ts sali aS Meny As may have COMM :c ns tes were knocked reads. Blecked by fa making confirmation @ Parey net «their ives aR bal 7. f and Residents deecr the ter aga tar as mh over Swe AWLP HMacSWEEN Writer Prim ac al Rx Canadian Press Stall n ~ bet that s oe TAR Ma w Ka Preodent ; me = a i roat of ane n al Their weekend mane Was mped on Whe ORCS COTATAMA Que NPakosmey ToTAA Mahan by make plain the @ the tee Westen Rast-West passbic ~ FR Pe ¢ ates Gamage wha ex we HaTN BHP LPTT moet West Pressing | On A-Test Ban | : ™m a wealy were achieved, Mac an woald get. mach credit teas be enabled to enter He Rex? election With renewed Strength or i retire covered ith honors Somme sources say Maceii fan's Wory weakness al present Was tarned to his advantaze on aneiter topic i Ais ciscussions o with Kenaedr--te US posed NATO Rect Carving Re COAT WOAPORS and Maluunahona CHEWS in his reasoning, Kemmedr knew Macmillan wes in re pox * DOR t take a decision now ang ye tricky sitwal WOKIAK WW ~ pahr CONSTANCE BAY, Ont wat wR Bead conten im bap tat here Sanday after Beene shot a the neck Be & Provincial po e rt qaeckag The " oSVAr haders the coun 40 CARS s town, 3 miles west The aperarer, Raye wes te LAWS Canstahe® Lagan te) imi owarestigaies, & x gqpeetar semt te ineestqgate The cee shooting That A man Whe AP mictt be te eared t have been Grn ye United approached the @etachment's Of ayaa: anx Aire about noon Saterday @) wee, Mascoe a Shoteen @ Ws hands The weekend eet-tecether was He said De semt Nis Wife ard ee ume Macmillan thas reo chdkdren ete the Beck part arecagents since lhe of the cottage, which aie seTwes gage afhice Gy Pears age, and a an Sie. he has Smagit te drewk 4 am pong t BM wea." MH goon Ract-West barriers witicey claimed the man Said, No one is samresting be now @roprmne te Bis knees ie The ic promoting WRh spre! view: street and alening & 22 RwEEt he idea c & test treaty te res shetewn at the escreen @0T cae Anse from politica) at Constable Laren sei@ de ~ ~- rea a shot from des 3 calere revaterr thrsagh The TON striking She mem im he Weck i OF % ATTA. A not woth ogaa what attihade Y Teetoers | tes' Oongeress METMATM wade ken met ane AL ® « Geormaa Ray, Badmertea, Ab a regiees, Neth Bay, Saat Mars, Sadbary Sapna welt a few clade periods and eoner today and Wednesday nas parthwestarty 38 te 2 « & ami regia, Path « AT TABS Cechrane re and cee TOCRSt: eanperatercs oe avernigat, igh re ¥ = U_ ay rece EATON'S Record Breaking DAY SALE || ~~ ° | Starts Thursday, July 4th! * A Smeshing Ona Dey Demonstration ! ® Scores of Timely Roms: et Sole Sevings? PRONE .72S-7373 FOR YOUR SMARE OF TRE SAVINGS READ THE CIRCULAR Goel erase | CLEANERS 36a tal ~ FORT ROPE WRT . COBOURG m darther ~ PROPOSAL REVISED? The propesal Was pat away for study These sources say that the prapasal already has been ara. ucaly revised since Kennedy first Breached The Mea of a nacitanrgqaipped NATO feree in Otfawa in 1961, and may well de revased again Despite the brave wording of fhe Kennedy - Macmillan com vaunqae, the atttade in London leward the possibility @ a ne cleat treaty can be @esoribed as hapefal rather than aptimis. hie informants say 3 is sie Soviet Premier Kaeibekeer wil] met know how far he can 20) toward an arreement antl his Rorthooming talks with Req Chima's emissanes on Wicolog: CR]. Questoans OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL ot Ne Way comet ond brand. toon haa been @ specialty fer 18 yeor with Thousands ao yor@s on Gisplee f eelect trem, PHONE 728-4681 RUG CO. LTD. 176 MARY ST a - wities, Bat Rh happens that H mot expected back in Toronto commissioner in Landen, sala the concept Of the Com- la private dbarial within jts walls However, holders of tickets on all 23 horses not in the Winners' circle will collect consolation prizes Holders of tickets on the 13 ne-winning starters will col lect prizes of about $2,900 each The horses who started, be sides Ragusa, Vic Mo Chroi and Tiger, were: Lock Hard, Gala Chief, Tarquogan, Diritties Prado, Final Move, L' Homme Arme, Partholon, Chamero Philemon, Paddy's Birthday, Christmas Island aad Cervinia.) Scratched earlier were Tudor} Gay, Nalian Hill, Barly To Rise,! Rebirth, Hejarz, Aloe Wily Troat and Count These, along with Relko, will Rive their ticketholders residual prizes based on the total ame Saturday received one of the seven existing copies of the famous Tait McKentie "Boy Scout" statue in a ceremony 1t) at the National Headquarters of the pool, h tion there in Ottawa. The life-size replica are numerous fractional!) was presented by the Phila- prizes for tickets not drawn on) delphia Council of the Boy an eligible horse ' WON'T CHANGE LIFE Mrs. Marion Pollard of Lon Gon, Ont, said $160,000 windfall won't change her way of life, She has worked for 2 department storefor 23 years and is intending to stay @ the yod Mrs nt ac other hey LONDON (CP) -- Dr, Nor A. MacKenzie, tas of the Universtiy o S. White and Mrs. I Caldwell of Toronto, who split another first place ticket, plan Omer to take a lone vacation in Ire. Bet and later, They , Shortly after the resul M9 race was made known Nei] other te Calgary man pec to quit the rest of Can the top winner, has returned from a job in Jas per, Alta, Friday night to find a telegram. advising him he Gay, te held @ Uickel on Ragasa. How onist ever, he thought his chances ¥ Change Winning the top prize sq slim Frer that he stopt soundiy until awak. and opportunites mast ened by a Saturday opened up for French . Gave morning, Like most other Gians ners, he admitted no imamediat ii pans on what to do with the factors or inf money VAQARS dimmer of the Canada Qab Mon vein sted quences upon Can Mad no indication even doers contention for a prize was Mrs. Quyebec:; and Bertha Foley, who eR Toronto cance" in the composition @ wast Monday for a beat tr , Phrough the Thousand Isands.'., The draw which gave her a Nicket on Vice Mo Ohroi was tended By some 308 men made after she lof, and she was|Georee Drew, Canadian wnt] late Satarday night ' monwealth was evolved in Can ada, not "suggested or im posed" by Britain MacKenzie noted "there is an {i separatist: movemert Women Mourning Sultan Quedec that cannot be x n ZANZIBAR (Reuters) -- Wail. no eye though the few ing WOmMen Horan mourning yatics who Tesort to bombs or Mon@ay for the Syeareld Sak violence @o not represent either tan of Zanzibar whe died San. his grow or French Canada as @ay afier an emerrency opera Ren during which doth his kegs were azapatated The body of the sultan, Sevid Canada it Ab@allah Bin Khalifa, was to be escerted by 160 mourners 1@ a nearhy mosque today and then returned to the palace for whole." He said this showed a drive for separation of from "js possible and feas- a CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS lmmediately after derial, the suttan's son, Shycarela Sovid au PERRY Prince Jamshid, is expected 10 president/pared to pay the price. Addressing .a Dominion Day Nova Scotia-bora edu- : said the "winds of much closer Te The" are wafting through in semtiment and outlodk than ch Canada as Gsewhere they are to Britain and this is be bound t affect our future." the most important 7! ada in the Gomestic seast as: One winner who apparently The power and influence of the nated States penctration at all jafter the racé. that she was in jeyels; the Changes taking piace) "basic Pooliags of Bngtish-qpeaking per- Chairman of the dinner at- was high OMly some 2 who Percent of the total population, be named the new saltan _-- AND aT LECOFF' 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 PM. a BOY SCOUT GIFT The Boy Scouts of Canada' Scouts of America. David Prescott Ceft) and John Ket- ner of Philadelphia stand be. side the statue, the original of which was donated by Dr. Me. Kenzie, a native of Almonte, On, te the Philadtiphia scouts --(CP Wirephote)> Danger Outlined If Quebec Quits jible if those concerned are pte Oenada's English . speaking h Columbia, says it Would/majority should see that more possible and feasible". for atte nt on is pad to Frenchfe- radians where the federal gov. ade and go it alone--Dut thal ernment is concerned and that would be wafortunate for all Ca- more opportunities are opened up for them, he said |. "I have the feeling that youn /Bnglishianguage Canada ai most of the new Canadians are Americans MacKenzie said those separa. jtists who want a few Preach ion in North America have not "worked out the implica- tions of this, Which would be camplicated, difficult and ex- jpensive." "But when did humans count ithe cost When the emovORS are nd inveived?" The @esire for equahty With the rest of Canada was under standabie but it was a fact that French Canadians comprise ne more than 3 et "They are a majority in only one of the 18 provinces, and they and the rest of Genadians form part of an Englishspeak ¢ America that numbers 28. 900,000, This kind of a station for them js bound fo create ter. wpe ision and a measure of dissatis. faction and frustration." You Can Go Dancing after 3 hours Wr a Franchised Avr Bomay Qe Even if you've never danced be- fore you can go dancing after only three hours when you pat yourself in the hands of aa Arther Murray teacher. At Dur gay Studio parties, free to Off students, you will thrill % the wonderial odverture of Goncing the mew stops ip the Fox Trot, Ghe-Ohe, Wolke, You? goin poise, Gevelap your Personality os you moke new trionds Jom the ton: twhe edventage of Special vetes Goring oer Golden ares Schoo! of Dancing: AMS. OF DANCING W. Marks, Licencee 32%% Swncee Se. S, 728-3682 AIR CONDITIONED STUDIO OPEN 310 70.20 P.M.