Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jun 1963, p. 9

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a 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 29, 1963 BIRTHS _IN MEMORIAM ant gg (nee! for whe a Debra Anne, y, June 2. 1983, | Ape Mina' oirth of) Roem - ral Hospital Choosing 8 oud De a real a0 want to knew end the individy: ee Birth Ad all the cards and gifta sent us during Classified ineluding Birth ¥ a, 188), Annie Siner of Eva (Mire, Roy Mowbray) of Osha' Resting at A en a un exten Wak Tt pm, Savarday evening RUBRARD, Oliver~ Ratered inte rest in the Oshawa Ger: eral Hospital, on Thureday, June 2, 1983, Oliver Hubbard, deloved husband of Amela Bates and father of Mrs 3. R. Hat (Marien) of Rrooktia, in hia THR year Resting at the Arm strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with arial service ia the CRapel on Mor @ay, July 1, at 2 Rm, Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Oat., MeDOUGALL. Wentworth Armer Battered into rest at the Oshawa Gea. gs] Hospital, on Thursday, June 2, Wentworth Armer MoeDougall evel husband of the late Mary Ade Funeral Home, Oshawa, Friday eves ing wat 9 pm. then to Kirkland Lake fer service Monday, July 1, Interment Wil be im the Kirkland Lake, Come tery PLITS, Gustave inte rest. sadenly family resid 3 Pickering of Saturday, June 3. 1983, Gustave Piite, of Mary Krveler and a oe Gastav Jr, an all of Pickering: Mary (Mra. K tMefar) of Searbere, Douglas of ing, Susan (Mra. H. Sauve) of SA. Catharines, Beatrice (Mra. A. Mar. ehend) of Pickering, Ingrid (Mira. A Twas) of Pickering, Sendra (Mra. Ray Jackeem) of Oshawa. Mr. Pitt: is res We at the MoBachaie Funeral Home, M Kingston Road West, neral » & 323 pm. Irerment Cemetery Saeetea. James Kenneth pres arre Weir family estates together i ee Tawa Memorial Park testify this te de She answer te & Geticate future prod. jem. Call fer courteous information LOCKE'S FLORISTS i @trengement end fore! requirements for ai! eecesions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-46388 ¢ SS -- eine memes ad sere, Bibel eg Bg ER a wwe BF The years are sult passing And wl we Gon' feeget Fer @ te dearts tat loved Your memery hagers yet o--hediy sssed, mether and ftarmity CORDEN -- bh ews memory & = ore Se Se oan been avy boty: Noatang oR ever take away wets, yer Rememtrance Reape ber Rantnahs ressembered Dv coum and tot Na a eee emery of a a, See, whe Passed away, TA ETER Dee aad e@erialew ea an pene Boom DENTER .. a xing memerr of a Gear soa, Brian Aptbeny, whe paserd --AMaxe remembered By Bary MeRKESOCK --- Ip kiwg memers of &@ Gear mouder and grandeether. Mave Peacee MeKesneck, «20 passed away are B aee. Peo Geary Wred w ever de fecgemes, ~--Hech. Reyee, Jean aad Rod WrQt UB ke leg meonery of J er Sear 'ad: eyes Treg der weal oe geome forever ser Dard we canman aac. eae BICMARDSON -- Pm xing memory @ & Ger pelber and gremdestibes Vera. he passed away June BA lee. year: ewe peseed. doar cee Rea > Wars we sae vee we fede are ~"e vow, i oa a et Vem a eh Wueree -- OrGers Comp ete tor and wai scvption Semwce 132 SIMCOE SOUTH Phone 723-1002 sé MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 wins!Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street East 728. 311) vs(CARD OF THANKS ' Toronto Stock Market Edges Slightly Up TORONTO (CP) -- The stock market edged slightly ahead Friday after spending the day ambling in lower territory Stee! Company ef Canada rose 4 among. main list gain ers with Torontoe-Dominion bank up 1 te 65, Aluminium climbed % Heavier losers were Canada NEWMAN = We would: like to ex our sincere thanks to the nurses land waft of 3A and 4F which were all kind to wa, Many thanks for al the Siena ia Whe hospital, to Rev relatives; alse thanks for our atay at the hospital BAL and Teen Newman, ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17?) Panter, a quiets) Cedardale congregation, all our friends, at) | Reighvare « 36--Legel NOTICE Notice is hereby given that The Canadian. Union Confer ence Corporation of Seventh dey Adventists, of the City of Oshewe, Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the present oF the next Session thereof for the passing an Act amending its Act incerperetion te provide et That the nome of the Ce: Re chenged to day Adventist n Canede poration Seventh Church That the limitations the powers of the Cc . with respect the helding of parcels of lend be repeciec tion That the powers of the Corporation to print end @isserninate tereture be broadened and extended Thet the Corn authorized to Ac general meetings DATED at the City awe Py 1963 CROLL, BORINS end SHIFF, Borristers and Solicitor 44 King Street West Teronte. Onteric S| Bond Market Siaadiae Price Losses Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS The bond market was quiet this week, with prices drifting eff and thea recapturing their losses Friday Day-to-day money ithree per cent until when the rate dropr ped t per cent The treasury Bi)}) auction Tharsday resulted in the S1-day bills being awarded to vield 3.22 per cent and the iShday bills te yield 3.33 per cont, This was an increase of three Dasic paints at Osh Ant -~ the evince of ¢ this im yield in doth issues from the ¢ previous week Government of Canada Pi ISAS, Closed at 99.45 and the oh 19K, at 9.75 Laangmierm governments provinciais showed with Canada 44 at 3% and Oatar 19S, ar ST corporate was BR with the a Quebec Natura being the only active 8 ae {RC no 1982, dan 3 ree TASTE and Gas & Isee Coment and CPR, and 30% ° respectively, minion Glass, off } In penny mines, Lake Dufault climbed 50 cents to $7.10 and Tribag advanced 9 cents to $2.60; Noriex and Cusco showed narrew losses Among. senior base metals | Noranda rose 4 and Rio Algom isliped 44. | On index, all sections were thigher, industrials up .7¢ 629.01, golds 1.4 to 88.12, base metals .06 to 206.03 and western ails 27 to 117,90, Volume at the close was 3,776,000 shares com: pared with 3,955,000 at the same time Thursday, 22,634 Preferred Shares Cancelled MONTREAL (CP) Share. holders at the Molson Brewer jes Lid. annual meeting ap. proved: the caneellation of 22,64 authorized preferred shares, On April 1, the company had re deemed all its issved 34 per cent preferred shares The company has changed its fiscal year end te March 31 fram Sept, 30. As reported ear tier, in the six-month period to March 3, the company had net neame $2,970,000 compared with $2,890,000 in the corres. ponding period in 1962 During the first two months of the t fiscal year, volume of sales was slightly in excess of ponding two months at ely the same level ater H, deM Molson sresident Industrial Output Shows Slight Gains OTTAWA After two hs af gains, indus put marked up only a advance in Apr i, with ROR, and Do. of h present raings were (CP) StP@RE Outy pre. ee anced @2 per cent 18.2 tro} } 193.9 in he Dominion Bureau of ed Friday A an overall gain cent during the pre. TWO "MROATAS adex, ad tans, is based levels equa The eased i 173. @ me index 171.6 from Ad.percent manufac gain in durable Ore > WAS A » im nom-durab Re Im ROR-Guradie = a marge BUlpat af aecl manutactured goods rose oe n foods and bev chemicals and Motor vehic by almast MES STALKS rubber e produc OXWES MOORES advaaced Be, haa four owIAg and March SMT advanced about five ag predac Steel Agreement =" May Hike Price Ry JACK LEBLER NEW YORK (AP) Gees the new bony a fer the x _Teat wes i Vasted States. les Meas week Pro@actiqn was pore WACTRASES. Steel outy week for the ' Previaas Week VAM toms. Another fa expected tas week Users and service _ wa their sappites te ad at S3A.OM roms, or adoat tons above normal The du: iar Was Bet as Dish as expected be CRUSE COMSRMAPTION remand at a high peak Aa indestry pabdcane age, ekaressed the amenon t the effect ef last week's azreqmMent an Dy ae Wa be forty severe Cane@eraly welder axperenced on La Estimates af the drop on ace this month rance from 2 te W per cost OUTLOOK GOOR QERITe A ftacter » jaxer ol @astry is that the bane Wak regan goed and % af steel Camamptran who' 2. Saane steel t the exert need fax rehef was nee Ag st . Pema? oo force @ Max WAS vaneRcy estomaied te 22 cones a2 doar. . These & Om © QT Race Was 5 : AUTO PRODUCTION RIGH Pwr Aaa, ie > axy wxsage ; > ase predauc wakomnake tars wad Ford a workers The deernine ante has cet wBRemAAienmint Detrant metrapaktar ance Sat wa aS a Nah ha ape » who tm the extent ts @esgenat POTS Arka OF ret . Deeer: RE Sync cent roma respond ». Max wf 3 to; OBITUARIES JAMES KENNETH WEBSTER James Kenneth Webster died/ Friday in Bowmanville Memor: jial Hospital after a prolonged) itiness, He was in his Sind year, His late residence was 3 Bernard street, Son of the late John Elizabeth Webster, Mr. Web ster was born in Myrtle, On tario, on Mar, 30, 1902, He was a Canadian Pacific Railway station agent for 40 years, A United Church member, Mr, Webster was a member of Wroexeter (Ont.) Lodge, AP and and down 1 to Sf an wife, are a Surviving besides -- his the former Mildred Tarr, sister, Mrs, S, Brown, -of To rento, and two brothes: Allan of Oshawa and Clifford of Whitby The body is W, C. Towa Funeral Chapel, Whitby; a memorial service will be held at the chapel Mon- day, July 1, at 2 pm Rev, H, A, Mellow of North minster United Charch, Osh awa, will conduct the service Interment will be in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, Ontario JACK BDWARD CROWELLS Funeral service for 16-year jold Jack Edward Crowells, who was electrocuted near his RR 2, Newcastle home Tuesday, June 25, was held Friday at 2 p.m, at the Armstrong Funeral Home Rev, N. T. Holmes of Har mony United Church conducted the service, Interment was in Mount Lawn cemetery Pallbearers were: Pred, Ray James, Edward and = Frank Crewells, and David. Speirs NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian International Power Co, Lad, 3 mos, ended March 31> 2983, $2,255,070; 1962. $9,263 601 Canadian. Silica Corporation | Lid., year ended Dec, 31: 1982 S9B.OTT: 1961, $44,793 Pate Conselidated Gola Dredging Lid, 3) mos. ended March 31: 1983, S35.28.: two cents a share; 1962, $275,808 eight cents resting al IMPORT U.S. CHICKEN RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (Reaters)--The United States is finding a market Pakistan its poultry, killed accord ng to Islamic rites. This of curries and spicy, char ied chicken is impor about 300 tons of frozen py worth $490.000 during the yea ending June 30 TRAINS SHEARERS AUCKLAND, NZ. (CP) Sheep-shearng iastructer God trey Bowen <i left for Russia tic t® set Up a traiming school for shearers there. Bowen shears sheep at a rate of about ! ene a misute, has revolution ized shearing techniques in New . fie had lest contre) of him: the) edt when Miss Keeler, whose ~ immedia whe Gia 'Boy Friend' Definition 'Baffles U.K. Vice Court Ry JOSEPH MacSWEEN LONDON (CP)--There were plenty of covert smiles when Christine Keeler opened her story in court Friday but only | dene one spectator forgot himself | Re porte rs, so far as te blurt "haw, haw, tightly haw The florid - faced middle- aged gent clapped hand over mouth to shut off his own | raucous laughter while Mag: | istrate Leo Gradwell stared at | him as at a man who had lost | austere prosecutor, his sonses to be baffled by 'Ym sorry, lm sorry," the spectator mumbled and in nine two pew women eragmed even box, heard Miss plain patiently ina voice exactly what she the was roughly equivalent husband eynicism fickered"across the faces of the-2b<Spectators--12 men | like | es in the ny courtroom, more | packed in a balcony: si | like gallery over the witness Keeler ex small meant by the term "boy friend," Mervyn Griffith Jones, professed | term | which as used by Miss Keeler | to her | the | because he likes girls," she | ited reporters, | system | plant Miss Keeler again had to he very explicit before Griffith Jones would understand why DIVIDENDS 'Chamber Protests she introduced girls to Ward, "IT introduced them to him British Columbia F ructs LAd,, common : | Aug, 1, record July 5, Crown cents, Oct, Du Pont said Security measures at the Marylebone. Court, not far from where Sherlock Holmes Was supposed to have lived, were extremely tight, Police al four separate places | checked the cards of accred: | much like the | a secret nuclear 1, record Sept, ord July § 1A 7% cents, Sept, at Aug, 9 The w@iting reporters studs | ied the foundation stone in. scription at the building's base, It was placed in 1896 by | Kaward White, chairman of the Marylebone vestry of the | commission for "public baths and wash-houses," 4 TORFS ON INCREASE cow pewspaper reports, Trust Company, - of Canada Lid, jcommon 20 cents, July 31, rec. Rolland Paper Co, Lid,, Class 3, record MOSCOW (AP)--TheTorfs, liny tribe of Siberian reindeer herders, has Moreased from 417 ea persons in 1926 to 650, a Mos Por live By THE CANADIAN Press Budget Tax Change at Prod. cents; | MONTRBAL (CP)--The Cana- dian Chamber of Commerce Fri day sent a telegram to -- Minister Gordon, protest » cont tax changes in the bu: ee The telegram, signed George P, Keeping, chairman of the chamber"s executive coun. cil, asked assurances that "ef. fects of budgetary 7 in sales tax are recognized, ~ "In our opinion these will work against Canada's posit ion (in respect to foreign com: petit in both domestic and foreign) markets," * in, a Soviet-buitt' village merly nomadic, the Torfs nowinear Irkutsk affairs have rocked Britain, assured the court it was her practice to have only one boy friend "at a time," Dr, Stephen Ward, 50, soci: ely osteopath and artist charged with living on imme ral earnings, listened to the testimony of Miss Keeler with expressions of disbelief, faint amusement---sometimes of ap- paren tenderness CALLED 'BROTHER' S in OSHAWA | PORTUNITY DAY The dapper osteopath low ered chin to chest when Miss Ke 21, spoke of him as a "brather." Expressions of CMA Claims Budget Tax To Hurt Economy TORONTO (CP)--The Cana dian Manufacturers' Association in a submission to Finance Min ister hua says the federal budget's withdrawal of sales tax apeuenl ens on factory ma chines and processing materials used production. af geeds poses a serious threat te em playment: and should be can. Mev, a the celled The association also asks re moval of @e sales tax on daild. AE materials used in construc tien of new factories and plant extension The submission, forwarded over signature H. Roy Crabtree, CMA president, says the new taxes W POSH TA an and sizeable increase of manufactur ay Canadian manufactur Will Rot be able ncreased casts the of By te t CAST ers t Says a absorb these and will have no alternative but t@ pass them along in the form => >A nn "Golfing Gizmo" Designed to cut from 3 to 8 strokes off your game! wf highe to hoth dames PUSTOMCETS. YY an (an mean Cana biore tc rs will find it fature te mee competition f more @ fhiealt ma A goeds t markets." the versatile both at home RQ Gizmo me tee Nec Zealand return | retneved EVENTS Anyone wishing to spend of Jul of J 1D »» uty 19 20 de weekend inclusive in Detroit Hotel, sightseeing ond CASE Qrronged Dp ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JUNE 29th 7:30 P.M. 20 Gores $e Sore the Wealth $42 Joc $ mare to o Apots of 30 Pot t2 ee hack 16 Net Admtied WOOD WiEWw Admission Ticket Gives You F 2350 POM ackper Peys Dowdle GAMES $20 and 5 $ ry «¥ OU R EARLY ADMISSION $1.00 RED BARN Moriday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM EAST FREE-ADMISSION-FREE 20 REG. GAMES--TOTAL $300 690 KING ST SNOWBALL 56 NOS- Plea $20 . Reguler Jackpot 54 Nos SHARE THE WEALTH GOOD PARKING NO FREE KINSMEN KINS SMEN COMML COR BORNE TL JESDAY $350 Fa S-- $30 Gomes: 2 >» Ba) 'nit a COMME BINGO-MONDAY, J UNE 29th Jackpot } ~$150 Jackpot (Mx LAR GAMES PAY DOL $200.00 DOOR F GANAR Beck Meniz ADMISSION 8 OX S13 Jockpot -- $22 each line Wo heacee hark Tacsaay. Te week, Beckre Wedaeaday €125. Higa nem sear SM. Py FARR eee Ae Loe. ser Ne 4 SSy WAY to Geve triving range in your own backyard. Ail you need is approx, 40 ft, of space and tm practice your wood and iron shots in privacy and convenience, The "Golf. req! golf ball, When hit correctly © few minutes te set up Golfing Gizmo i swing at full power using o indicating approx permits ful eft indicates slice Complete with instruc EATON Opportunity Dey Special, each . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 26) oc ton Qood ¢ rhytam aad power in your O-ordination 175-8 drive bal! is topped, it w TONS return right indicates book Hf the i} not return and must be SESASSAS SHAAN AS ENA SAS golf game. it-takes only the ball returns 2.95 PHONE 725.7373 LIONS BINGO - Wednesday r 8:00 PM EE PAVILION Watch Tuesday's Paper BINGO U.A.W Fe HALL TURDAY, JUNE 29 >30 PM > 30 F © GAMES $1 4 GAMES OF $ $40 ACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH NITY CENTRE Ory a" v 28 $30 ee Charce On Dow AL 4 White Finishes By Benjamin Moore it tein Ps aNeNts A863 voathouse. EATON Opportunity Day Special: Flat Wall and Latex Base Paint ..... Semi-Gloss and Exterior House Paint EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 Save on these specially priced interior and ex terior paints from Moore's noted 777" line. May be tinted if desired. A timely special for painting your home, cottage, fences, garage or 4.49 a. 4.99 uo s> Las GAMES < N 17 NOS PECIAL BLE ae R AT FAREWELL $} 80- $20 CON ~$100-- $20 Con. sS. XTRA ® BINGO NITY CENTRE WEST CLOCK Card SA} y ackinots ve GAMES Men's Cotton Much Below Uswe! Price! These regular length cord ed cotton socks ore nylon reinforced at hee! and toe for longer wear, These ore requiar~ length socks with Arqylc-design side patterns ond ade d-amonds to cnaose frome Basic colours inclu. Ge Orev, mevy, wine, brown, powder blue andi mess, Three sizes only 1O%4, 1) and 12%. Please state second colour choice mat every pettern in every £7; fe, EATON Dev Sec aah BATONS MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 20) : ' PHONE 723.7373 Watch for... A Smashing Demonstration! Timely Items Sale Savings! COMING SOON! EATON'S Record Breaking Day Sale One-Day Scores of at JACKPOT NOS. 50, 55 AR BRD GA | STORE CLOSED MONDAY, DOMINION DAY 7.30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS

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