W SS Recently three Girl Guides Round cords, signifying their of the 7th Oshawa Company high standing of proficiency. were presented with All- Seated is Mary Southwell, 14, GUIDES RECEIVE ALL-ROUND CORDS (Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 28,1963 7 and standing are Heather Davis, 15, left and Nancy Stewart, 14, right, --Oshawa Times Photo Donna Mary Brady Feted By Friends Prior To Wedding Showers have been held for Donna Marty Brady whose mar- riage to H. Lionel Kelly will jtake place at the Church of St. Gregory the Great, A personnel shower was held jat the home of Mrs, John |Shaw, Markham, Ontario. She jwas assisted by her daughters the Misses Sandra and Lynn Shaw. | A shower was held at the jhome of Mrs, Hurvin Hosey, |Fairlawn street. She was as- isisted by Miss Catherine Bur- nie, Mrs. Gordon Young and Mrs. Frederick Fountain, A presentation of a vacuum clean- er and many novel gifts was made, Present were co-workers from the City Hall of the bride- to-be. | A linen shower was held at the home of Mrs. A. L. Stevens, Oshawa boulevard north, she was assisted by Mrs. Clifford Hanper and Miss Jill Stevens. The Misses Janet and Joan Ste- jvens assisted in serving re- |freshments. | A miscellaneous showere was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Malley, Bowmanville, {Ontario. She was assisted by iMrs, Harvey Metcalf. A shower was held at the home of Mrs. James Conner, Kaiser crescent. She was assist- ed by Mrs. Wilbur Hall, Mrs. laecry Benson and Mrs. B. C. Showers Honor Carol Ann Scott, Oshawa bride-elect, was feted recently with a number of pre-nuptial parties, Miss Scott is the daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scott, Division street, She will exchange vows with Paul Law- rence, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence, Beatrice street, tomorrow. Carol Ann Scott Prior To Wedding Tomorrow at the home of the president, Mrs. William Boissoin, Con. naught street, presented Miss Scott with eight place settings of crystal and kitchen supplies. The ladies also entertained with a mock wedding starring Mrs. Leo Menard, Mrs, William Boissoin, Mrs. Anthony Cebul- ski, Mrs, D, B. Armstead, Mrs. A personal shower was host. ed by Miss Susan Powell at her ton road west. Her fellow workers in the data processing department of Gen- eral Motors honored Miss Scott with a kitchen shower which| was hosted by Miss Doreen| Frances Bourrie, Adelaide avenue east, held a miscellane-| ous shower. Another miscellaneous show. er was hosted by Mrs. Peter) Scott and Mrs. Frank Mayer,} at the home of Mrs. Mayer,) Dymond drive, during which) the bride-to-be was presented) with a pair of table lamps, an electric floor polisher and kitch. | en supplies. The CWL of St, Gregory the; Great Roman Catholic Church) SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and: Mrs. Ward Bick, Whitby, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Donna Elizabeth, to Mr. Vincent Buote, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Buote of Prince Edward Island. The marriage is to take) place on Friday, July 26, in St.| ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wyro- zub, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their only) daughter, Mary Ann, to Mr Vincent E. Vasey, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vasey, Mark- dale. The marriage will take} place on Saturday, July 27, at! 11 o'clock in Holy Cross Roman| Catholic Church. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence T. J. Allen of Oshawa wish to an- announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Ann- Marie of Winnipeg to Hendrik. us Steenge, Winnipeg, son of) Mr. and Mrs. Evert Steenge,) The Netherlands. The cere-| |McAllister, Assisting the host- esses were the Misses Barbara) |Conner and Mary Anne McAl-) jlister, A presentation of a card) |table and chairs and many oth-/ 'ler gifts was made . THE NIGHT SHIFT Twin rows of lustrous daisy embroidery and scalloped lace cascade from the low neck- line to the hem, Both the hem and trimmed with lace. Pert and pretty is this be- guilling nightgown designed on the same lines as the shift Gress. It is made of a gentle blend of Dacron, ylon and cotton in white, pink or blue NEEDS. ST. JOHN ORDER [of St. John in Canada was an- OTTAWA (CP)--Appointment nounced Thursday by St. John of Arthur A, Crawley, 79, of Ot- Ambulance national neadquar- tawa as chancellor of the Order ters, There Is No "EASY" Way na We at the Oshawa Business College believe and twenty-five years experience has shown that to train a young person to fill Junior Steno- graphic, Clerical, Bookkeeping and Secretarial posi- tions efficiently takes, on the average, 8 to 10 months of hard work by students and teachers But the Rewards are Great A graduate of the Oshawa Business College will have these skills. @ SHORTHAND (Pitmen) 100 te 120 words per minute. TYPEWRITING (manuel and electric) 50 words per minute. Employable knowledge of BOOKKEEPING PROCEDURE in- bpavers Payroll Procedure, Journelizing, Posting and Ledger 'eeping. Fully quelified DICTAPHONE - EDIPHONE - STENOCORD, TRANSCAiBING TYPIST. QUALIFIED COMPTOMETER, CALCULATOR, DUPLICAT-_ pond ADDRESSOGRAPH, PHOTOCOPY MACHINE OPER- ATOR. COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF EIGHT FILING SYSTEMS and FILING PROCEDURE. IN ADDITION -- greduates receive personal instruction by FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF in Business English, Spelling, Repid Calculation, Arithmetic, Letter Writing, Office Sys- tems ond P, di ond P. hi These cre the qualifications demanded by employers. Our groductes cre ALL employed. Fer Complete Details Diol 725-3375 -- Free Literature and Counselling The bride-to-be was present-| ed with TV trays by her co-| jworkers at the Board of Health.| The prospective bridegroom) was guest of honor at a stag} party held at St. George's Hall, Albert street, by. Mr. David) Kelly, Mr. Mark Maly and Mr.} William Miklas., A presentation of money was made. Following the rehearsal, the jbridal party will be entertain- jed at the home of the bride- igroom's mother, Mrs. Percy | mony will take place in the) chapel of King Street United) Church, Oshawa, Monday, July} 22 at 7.30 p.m. | Baldwin Crescent home. A mis-} cellaneous shower was given by| Mrs, Allan W. Robinson, Taun-| Mrs, Lawrence, Hardy. | Maid of honor Miss Mary) Mark's United Church, Whitby. |- M. W. Hanley, Mrs. Andrew |Mowatt, Mrs... J) P, Mangan and Mrs. Harold Brain. The bridegroom's mother, is having rehearsal party this evening. SA Home League Holds June Picnic At Lakeview Park The annual picnic of the Sal- vation Anmy Home = League, jwas held at Lakeview Park this} ------ week. where a lange number ¢ members were present. It was a lovely day and dw ing the afternoon, sports and races were organized by Mrs. William Saunders, which were enjoyed by all ages. Supper was prepared by Mrs.| William James, Home League secretary, and her assistants, and all were ready to partake of the goods th'ngs provided. Major Fred Lewis who has re- turned to Oshawa from his du- ties in England, asked the bless- ing. The next week's meeting will be held as usual and the ladies who attended the Home League Camp at Ameliasburg, will be in charge of the meeting. The building is cool and all are invited to enjoy a social hour. HAD MORE BABIES The i361 Canadian census re- vealed Newfoundland women average more babies than the rest of the country--34 per thousand compared with 27.5 per thousand for Canada. CARPET PANY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM S LOCATIONS EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING 'hoe 72 07 B3G4WILSON RD.S 8-4 iKelly, Banting avenue. { Calvary Baptist Pioneer Girls LODGES AND _° SOCIETIES Meet For Picnic . The colonist Division of Cal- vary Baptist Pioneer Girls held its closing meeting in the form of a picnic at the Nonquon Mills, 'chief guide. Visiting guests at the picnic were a Similar group from Christian Missionary Alliance. Miss Joyce Clark and Miss Tina Husak gave a word of welcome to the visiting girls and their guides, Following a supper, the girls then had a game of ball with the Christian Missionary Alli- ance winning three to zero, The running backwards race was won by Frances Wilson. The three legged race by Mar- guerite Clement and Brenda Roxburgh, The clothes dressing relay was won by the 'Phea- sants" column, Prizes for an achievement contest were presented to Kathy Griffith, Anne Watson and Su- san Wonnacott by Mrs. Robert Watson, assistant guide. A presentation of a Pioneer Girls New Testament was made by Mrs. W. Mills to Eliza- beth Cowley and Marguerite Clement who are moving out of the city. After a short song fest Miss Margaret Imrie, a nurse at the Oshawa General Hospital, brought a devotional message. |She spoke about Africa where VICTORIA LOBA LTB. 55 The regular meeting of Vic. toria LTB No. 55 was held re- cently in the Coronation Orange Temple. District Deputy Grand Mistress Sister Elda Howard presided in the absence of Wor- shipful Master Bro. Leo Keeler assisted by Deputy Mistréss Sister Mable Blow. The devotional period was presided over by Sister Betty Atkins in the absence of the chaplain, Sister Alice Short. Deputy Mistress Sister Mable Blow reported on the sick and Sister Georgina Welsh reported to be in hospital. All members are reminded of church parade to be held July 7, at 10 a.m., in King Street Unit- ed Church. Members are requested to be at the Coronation Orange Tem- ple at 9.30 a.m. to form parade. Evening draws donated by Past Mistress Sister Susan the place of service He had fo them, terior -Mission and urged the| girls to let God lead them te Spencer and Sister Cann Fowler| were won by Sister Emmeline Henderson, Sister Betty Atkins, and DDGM Sister Elda Howard. Draw from sale of tickets was won by Mrs. Pearl Irwin, 102 Gibbon street, first prize, ' nainting: Betty Shaler, 1/219 Sherbrooke street, Peter- second prize, towels, N. Sheridan, 1056 Ravine road, © 'owa, third prize, pillow cases. ,appy birthday was sung for Brother Bill Arbourne. The lodge closed with prayer by the chaplain, Sister Betty Atkins, 9'! WIFE PRESERVER To restore fluffiness to blan kets, add one tablespoon of gly- -- to rinse water for each pair. TAKES PRECAUTIONS LONDON (Reuters) -- The British government has taken every precaution to see that the king and queen of Greece are not molested during their forth- coming state visit to. Britain, Prime Minister Macmillan said Thursday. In telling the Greek government this, Britain also said the ordinary rights of peaceful demonstration are part of the British tradition, he added. LONG WITH US Sugar has sweetened teeth for many centures and in 800 BC one Chinese writer de-_ scribed it as a precious rarity. Ronald W. Bilsky, DC} CHIROPRACTOR | e@ HEADACHES © SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E. 728-5156 )- LADIES No baby sitter, ne cor fore Mr. 'Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS she served with the Sudan In- the ruffled collar are --By Tracy Adrian | GROUND AND POLISHED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL PRESCRIPTION Prescription sun glasses will contribute a great deal for your visual comfort and efficiency in the days ahead. Summer vacations, lidays, weekends at the beach, gardening, sports, motoring, etc., can all be more enjoyable and safer if you have proper eye protec- tion from sun and glore. Protect your eyes from dangerous ultra- violet and infra-red rays of the sun. Our prescription sun glasses r ision ground end polished, guoronteed to meet the strict tions of the National Bureau of Stondards (Federal Speci- s CS 78-39). 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS OF FRAMES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL AT ONE PRICE REPAIRS -- Broken lenses dup- WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS licoted. Fromes repeired; fromes AND OPTOMETRI PRESCRIP- reploced while you wait. Lowest TIONS AT THE -- LOW prices PRICES. NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED U.S. Trode-merk OPTICLANS--OVER '3,000,000 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor PHONE 728-1261 Registered SATISFIED CUSTOMERS HOURS: MON. TO SAT. 9A.M, - 5 P.M. WED. TILL 12 NOON London, Kitchener, Sudbury, We Belleve Them to Be $20-$25 Velues -- Our Price Now Only! SINGLE VISION $41.95 Complete with Fromes, Lenses end Cose BIFOCALS $47.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses and Cose 1 Vv VW, 4 4 a 4 4 q q 4 4 4. 4a te te te te, he te tr te hr tr Beautiful ladies' half-slips made @ of rayon tricot, or drip dry cotton, with lace or eyelet trim. Colours: cotton drip dry, White only. Colours: Rayon Tricot White, Pink Blue. Sizes: Small, Medium and Large. COTTON or RAYON Full Slips These beautiful contour strapless bras have famous hidden treasure cups... bring perfection to every body Stitched cup strapless bandeau--$4.00 Embroidered strapless bandeau--$5.00 Embroidered low back long-line VV VVVVVVVVVVVY Get the Peter Pan look! Available at all leading department, chain and specialty shops, including: Brenches in Toronto, Hemilt % % . ' Niegere Fells, Orillie and Chethom. Soult Ste. Morie, WIALKER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-4626 vvvvvvvvvvy Quality and well-styled crisp cotton or rayon tricot full slip: Well proportioned, full length, lace or eyelet trim. ' leg opening. Matching Shift Gown. WOOLWORTHS © ey S Fe, <A é, a y, 4 LOOK FOR YOUR WOOLWORTH AD EVERY DAY