CANADIAN IN Laurie Le Caine, a 22-year old Sioux Indian girl, (centre) **Miss in a Regina Chach beauty for srowned this week contest heid in was ees" DIAN BEAUTY Indian girls. Chachees 1 Cree world for beauty (CP Wirephoto) Big Defence Problem In H OTTAWA (| department's the rising cos ig chief »biem 1s armed fore qu money waar left over ment In eosts of maintainir ating the 121,000 armed forces is and the fund ons $258,479.000 This means tha spent on equipment fo $4.48 spent on paying men, providing them with hous ing, buying gasoline for tar and planes, and the like Because straitjacket ment in recent ye able to tackig only one major equipment program at a time and each can take four or five years. Other needed projects h had to be deferred or can- celled. Defence Minister Pau! Hell yer, 39, a self-made Toronto business executive, indicated Thursday that he Is going to try he current fisca z and member 158,380,000 weap yper the $1 eft for new $1 service- Upkee barrier How. wil DROPS HINTS Ile io defence: exper aker Conservative mim frigale e for Commor me government may be scrapped and that an RCAF CF-104 proposal to acquire more low weeks such procure ment programs and more: deci sions on future d early next year M He ng to oresis -- { efence policy yer indicated he' powerful in pbuilders and Libera defence take 0 ne sf nis own shape po proo.em nowever goes r r than, say, scrapping th rigate program and puttin other costly project or several smal! ones in its place With equipment prices grow ing, he will have to give him- self financial room to ma noeuvre in futu bombers * V the program is dropped p Cost same d f at This may enta which for the changes in poucie last decade ve been accepted out over accomp dow: mothbal carrier Bona disband some a ] ' aft pianes army b Canada reation of a= single service with tegrated admin istration and supply systems of his statement Hel appears make over de- ke no minister ; axton the basis Mr to On Thursday determined polic ver fence since the oke VICTORIA ace Wa of Yar- rows Shipyard, said Thursday a cutback in the government's present $374,000,000 naval frig- ate program would be a fatal blow to shipbuilders Hi. S. Hamel, general mana- ger of the Victoria machinery depot, also predicted lavoffs if Still Much Canadian | Industry In Country OTTAWA (CP)--Despite the fuss over foreign control of Ca- nadian industry, homebrew eni- terprise still abounds ia this country, Much of it may be) it's Cana.) small industry--but dian. | A néw studs by the bureau of; | statistics shows 13,647 new man 'ufacturing establishments apen- ed their doors during the 10; years 1953-62 and are still in business. Only 883 of them--some 6.5 jper cent of the total--were un.! BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT der foreign affiliation or control A total 729 were United States firms, There is one important gap in the bureau report. It doesn't show the size of the new for- eign-controlled enterprises com- pared with that of the new Ca- nadian ones. Lumping them al! together, DBS reports 7,875 gf the new manufacturing enterprises had fewer than five employees and 3.482 had between five and 14 employees. This means that 83 VANCOUVER (CP)--The la }bor movements of Canada and the United States have different concepts about the private en-} terprise systems of their coun- tries In the United States labor ap to bolster the economic and political system. In Canada labor wants to change it Ironically Canadian unions seeking a change sometimes are affiliated with American unions supporting private enterprise The differences were outlined n talks by two men at a Brit- ish Columbia-government spon sored labor-management confer- ence OW 1 prog here A. J. Siegel professor pears CSS of Boston, as sociaic economics at the Massachusetts Institute of achievements n bene of said esulted and polit Technology of labor unions fits to the economic US thought the same thing true in Canada But Edward Sims, regional vice-president of the Canadian Labor ¢ clear that the Canadian labor attitude s different Dr. Siegel said achieve ments have resulted from nego vate parties private stem of the He dicated he was ess, made it abor tiations between pr and are na aw sense ADDS TO ACCEPTANCE "The fact that they have been made through private bargain ing strengthens basic accept ance by union members.of our economic system Indeed, the U.S. has fortunate among been uniquely de Heve Your Sult Styled end Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST. EAST From A Large Selection ef Fine British Woollens Labor Attitudes Seen Different veloped and free-enterprise eco nomies in having an industrial work force and labor movement that accepts this basic political and economic framework and seeks to advance jts interests within this framework." Not said Mr Sims "Although. this may apply in the United States, as far as the labor movement concerned this does not necessarily apply to the trade union movement In Canada,"' he said He said the CLC, which rep resents most of the labor move ment 1» Canada and which ioined with the old CCF to form the New .Democratic Party "very definitely supported the principle of economic plan. so in Canada is ning eels 0! important as ge those problems the area of man relations, cannot unemploy The cot ss f thal ctive barg it ie f or solvi which le in agement-labor by itself the ment He solve problem." said economic planning which would require the use of policies as of fiscal] and monetary well as the establishment planning bodies, obviously outside the bargaining power lable of collective per cent of the new manufac- , turing firms set up in the last. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The decade had fewer than 15 on| government Gla mped bet the payroll. Only 200 firms had| Thursday on free export of U.S. more than 100 workers, sugar to prevent a drain on do- mestic cane and beet supplies NEW ONES CONCENTRATED) that could further upset the al- However, about 40 per cent of ready unsettled world market. y the new industries set up under) 'The move affects shipments of foreign control were concen- YS. sugar to Canada. trated in three fields of manu. Sugar prices recently shot to facture--metal fabrication, elec- a record high when rumors of trical and chemical products-- an impending shortage set off.a where the size of plant tends to wave of. hoarding. They have ' : aioe g. ) be larger than average ae dropped considerably, but not to On-the other hand, Catiadian normal, since the agriculture ownership among the new firms) gepartment gave assurance that was dominant in wood products! there is an adequate supply to and food and beverage indus-) meet U.S sugar needs s tries, where domestic raw mate-| 'Thursday's action was made rial supplies are readily avail- necessary because the 'world price of sugar is about two cents The report also indicates an) a pound above the U.S. market, jacvereration in recent years in the reverse of the usual pattern the number of new manufactur The United States usually has ing. firms up--an average " ~ set Free Export Of Sugar Curbed By U.S. Move THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 28,1963 73 | port of U.S. sugar imports.for sale in the world markets. The order basically 'knotks out freedom for an exporter, to send sugar to Canada without '/an export licence. For the third quarter of this year, an export licence quéta of 1,250 metric had to pay a subsidy on sugar it) tons Was established. imports under quotas td stabil) An export licence will bé fe- ize the industry, The current beni yet to -- <i pane jany s of sugar value US. ee pee i Ba at more than $500, a rule which $ » applies to all other countries in the world price 9.5 cents. % aa ; The commerce department For at ether thes areal = said the embargo will be tempo: y sh rary until] the world supply ate 2S. ve ~~ sugar--meaning current short-| jicence, Diba cea ale i ages--reaches a point where pe current hi : : gher world .su- satan lage, iy em pres areata pre agriculture department's -- re- et crohueish caret tnt quest, It said sugar deliveries) With sh ale to domestic distributors and us. pineilln: tebe' obama. gl areas overseas. ers was well below normal for ' : peek... the third straight wee! INDISCRIMINATE EATER EXPECT LITTLE EFFECT A bull frog will try to swWal The department said it does|low almost anything that moves 'not expect the embargo to have|--insects, mice and even bids, any appreciable effect, other|says the National Geographic than to prevent abnormal! re-ex.' Society. 1,600 in the last four years com pared with an average 1,208 in the previous six years Largest number of new plants were in the wood industries-- 2,424 during the decade. About one-third of these were in Brit. ish Columbia, while in the At- lantic provinces they accounted for almost half of all new firms in the area Heaviest 9x 9x7' 9 (with 542" Wall) @ SAVE DOLLARS concentrations of new manufacturing industries were in the central provinces during the period, with 4,774 in Ontario and 4,332 in Quebec. to gether accounting for two-thirds of the total Ideal family tent with vinyl fiberglass sereens Off centre dutch door with NEVER MADE PIT LEICESTER, England. (CP) Charlie Barrs has retired after years working at a coal mine --and has never been un- derground. A surface worker Charlie once was ordered below but broke and he never tmp he the elevator made the PERFECT "Family Camping" TENT 2 SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM (with 542" Wall) "Trailblazer" Highwall Tent Lerge windows and pull rippered storm ti and vinyl fibergloss sereen. Sewn-in floor, Complete with steel poles and pegs. Sky blue treoted tent drill, ® BUDGET TERMS e NO RED TAPE @ We do our own financing 48 Bond West (Corner of Church) x 12' x 743' NOW I! @ No. 62304 -- 9 x 9' x 7%'. $h%' woll, Was 73.95 ' SAVE $14.79 59.16 No, 62305 -- 9' x 12' 70.36 al on ench side x 71%" x $%4' wall. Was 87.95 SAVE $17.59 . TORES LIMITED 725-6507 DOM:NION TIRE HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The extablished, reliable Ges ler in your erec. 31. CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 SHORGAS | Prices at all time low! Over 100 Cars SAVE $$$$'s! to select from. 1962 Chevrolet A shimmering black beauty. 4-door sedan. Was $2145 NOW 51779 1959 Chevrolet BEL AIR SEDAN 4-door model. Was $1395 NOW S1145 Exceptionally clean. Deluxe 4-door model with 6 cylin- der engine. 1957 Chevrolet STATION WAGON D Ww Was $1175 NOW 51049 GRAHAM WHITE suggests these exceptionally fine buys . . . 1956 Chevrolet eluxe 2-door model ith custom radio, Was $695 NOW 9999 GRAHAM WHITE JACK HUGHES 140 BOND WEST JACK HUGHES makes these suggestions. . . 1962 Chevy Il 4-door seden with euteme- tic transmission, white wol ond radio. Lew, age Was $2095 NOW . "1895 low mile- 1961 Oldsmobile Dynamic "oe. 2-door Herdtop with sutomatic transmission, power stecr- ing, power brokes and ra- dio Was $2545 NOW »2399 1958 Pontiac Deluxe neden with: VB en gine, eutomatic transmission and radio. Was $1195 NOW °1039 For The Best Choice .. . Choose from the LARGEST selection at ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 1957 Buick 4.doot Meardter with pow- er brokes, power steering, automatic transmission and radio. Was $795 NOW 5999 725-6507 MOLSON'S -- INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1 J : + 78