18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thoredey, Jone 7, 1963 TENE - | Maple Grove Girl CY WE WERENT RO MAT SONSIADITY ust, | [ vex, marouseta | | Third In Contest TELEVISION LOG io Ce \ aap cece) || SA{BAa | yne. uner ray MAPLE GROVE -- Mrs, Ar sat | AIAILLION MILES! _@/ EVEN 70 LAND, thur Baker, San Diego, Califor ee ee ee | Baa, scour eed, was Tiacoiey aaa , : . , yi ui WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Butffalo ' : co F 1 ; dinhie gusets of the' ecmuts WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel Rochester j | : : (ta: ' sister-iniaw, Mrs, L. C, Snow- f ; ' ' ' ; en, CFTO-TV Channel 9Toronto' CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie -- 1 ji] | 4 ri : Mre. , G, Freeman ationtes oa i : , > ) | |the Orono Sunday School anni- 7:30 A.M. U--Buge Bunny and che Rg , / i ian ; ge last sy, when = T--Rocket Ship 7 ' ' i i Ret 6 ; n Ww especial #he Big Mac show atu the te | S f & | ' speaker. Three of her grand- 8:0 A.M 3:30 P.M, r f ms 4 \ children received a pin and a Ue care aay : ag %s certificate for perfect attend. Captain Kangaroo | * tere' ance at Sunday School this .00 A.M. 82--You Don' ' \ year, There were over 90 pere 1 per Room e. ' sons who received a pin and a Ma T--Jack Lalanne 7 - ht seagg ~ poten pire | A oe Oe ance, Two had perfect atten Tonk, a. nant ad she ps Mickey Mouse Chub e 4 2 PPENED ance for seven years. *" -- 6;00 P.M, 4-You and Your Family| 7--American Bandstand f , La (I TH é Mr. and Mrs, George Jarvie, Lawman 2--Bachelor Father vigg Shand : You MAKE | REE-LEGGED RACE -- Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. "S--Metro News vw: VM. : L. CASE ' ETHER ' Wy Se Wi Robert Jarvie, Kamloops, B.C., 4:30 P.M. BIG FEDERA\ \ f y 4 ee eee ti OUT OF NOTHING ~ . | have been visiting the former's H A "gs Hideaway k "Tmursday Cd O2-Say When mother, Mrs. Robert Jarvie. hhegase- Newat Wea: ta Pegs 4 r ; : . cee | | f : 2 ) SW, 7 Hl het at the y Egy 2 Mr Rete ees PM, | BaMgmzin oaaon, | Sekar Howse coun | | Ww ; y a | ff V)* y} Mrs. LC. Snowden, "Mr 'ce, (eee | ea : oer Ws : yi YG) Viaraciracy ane as Bae gad ota at . Family Theaire . . en's Institute at SOtina on Fri- molars It To Beaver 11--Destination 6-3--Razzle Dazzle day. Mrs. Thorton (nee Lene on mo Nay $Ewve, Geioe "sow | CROSSWORD | yA (2? Taylor) and Mrs, L, C "4--Bat Masterson f yenne Len ff . Te a me ¢ > : celebrated their bir' McCoys EN f this occasion. Mrs, L. C. Snow- @ Court Romper Room Ta ~<a : 3 Wm / it ae S den was as upper guest at the 7:15 P.M. 11:36 A.M, 6--Web OF Lite ACROSS 6, Three 21, Com- R fata home of her sister, Mrs, Sam FoNewss Weather 9--Our House Capt, Sallorbird 2. Oriental ° Wise Men: == pase Nc 'last 4 eee | Soe eee 6:00 P.M. nurse poss point: [EEL RDG +8-Wide Country 6--Metro School Tele-| #--Culdoor Sportsman 8.Godofwar: 6, British abbr. BBR] LNG aa --Oxzie and Harriet cast S--Tembstons Territory Rom.myth. -- colony: SW, 22. Permit [EIA's] Bo eae t q--Preciaent in, Wourope | oe? tnd Gladys oefen fem 9. Places Arabia 24, Writing [ieisere, sats : : officers conference last week ; . 12:% NOON 6:13 P.M. 10. Mine T.Spectator'a fluid Reena De ---- bi YES..BUT Z JUST ; 8 e 8:00 P.M, 11--Storytime With BID ; Pp DSS : TTS GOING 4 at Guelph --Henneaey Laveonee ers me entrance choloeseat 25, Flate 5 tr : NNIE THERE'S a SON ree oa Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Swallow +$--Laramle 9--Neonday Repent 6.30 " ' 11, Frighten 8. River Mw yaks PLAYING ¥ A URE YET! ey > Sons BE a ar, and . CP, *¥--Donna Reed 2--Your Firat Ue43--Newas Weathers | 99" 4 snocieg ' A G00? 5 . é visited with relatives and +--The D ae ee 34. Japanese Slideae i AT THE BIJOU! friends in Toronto last Sunday. : M ; 245 P.M. i. 5 ; iy) f ; eo Nats h : a ee A, ea T--Tennessee Ernie samenis Theatre elty pio fulfilled Nii, ; J : : ; > Miss Carole Greenham at- dicate Ratan wonal 'font Wontar: | $3 -Munley gorse | 28.Enclet 39 Founderoe 28 Take \ , eto Ley f ah ing competition last Saturday att aw ae eh lc: ho = Seer aT |e Y Be eo gy|| at' Kitchener. "The. Starlettes . ave '0 7h oat ee . cienc , F| is : VB % ; 9:00 P.M, oarree ae ah PAM. Rom, th, Compan . Cough a= : AN) Twirling team, of which she is Stary Stew a 3 Alouse Hatton he Menace bes Unhappy tlon' .R : ~~ a . | leader, won third place, 6-3--Playdate PEP ye aaa g--News: Weather = cewad 27, Insect : 4 r oS 4 Ys | age. *. Pe co Loe Mrs. Roy Collis, Twilight Zone @2--Trath er 0- 3 20. Soldier's F . wt} Kas Of AD im, Mike, Marie, Minden, Pe y_Goneequences | Scr kudare = -- leave of = ae wi: oN ; spent the weekend with his mo- --Mr, Lucky --Father Knows 2 Tg | 5 absence : ms ( ? ' ther, Mrs, Louise Collis, sister tate Seer er temorrow yr bodleagn Oe alae ; and husband and family, Mr. Aine gg a-News) Weathers 1-7? oo eg " aseare | Ta a 1 i and Mrs. James Geddes. 21--The P.M, Show 12:45 P.M, Move 31. Inquire Page sory og Fe -- "ero PAN I. "sowie a Harvey at her cottage at Little ow bi A le oh vtu Tt--Premiere With Fred/i1nnd.day Matinee ?--Cheyonne Show note Canning Lake, Haliburton. stair 6--I'm Dickens -- Be' 83, Sailin, , : " @-Aifred Hitehcock Ht adage yg Fenster vessan Miss Kathy McGuirk was a Ge T--General Hospital ee hae 85. King of eoretaceeraes + et _ guest with Miss ? 4--Meet M) : .M. ; ; T SRW [EUs ween Terese oe | Sa v ROP RIEN ER) | [emEw ene || REGAIN) | [Stet Bvards "Gatawa, id-day al Path now! . r be . 1:30 P.M. 63--Country Hoedown 87. Entertain 'd PILLOW TONIGHT. IT6 PLACE BY MORNING?/ | LEAVE ONLY LOU: | |and feunily were Sunday supper 9--People In Gontties Pili P.M. 88, Flashy GRANDMA/, ' on pack Mr. and Mrs. Geo, eITOO: ow 1--Checkmate 39. River to os a exdale, Sports wi 2--Sing > GE, ae 5 ia #2-Sing Along With Elbe Y, : i : Mr, and Mrs. Eric Burton, 315 P, Thea T--Flintstones 40. Wife of , ' : 7 Oshawa, spent the weekend 82--Ben Jerrod 63--Troe With Jack Zeus: & f : . J : --_-- Route with their son and his wife, Mr. M--Sports -- Joe Friends 4--Route 66 Cryadak myth, F : f, = and Mrs, Cecil Burton and ne _P 9:00 eM. 41, Plural "/) , ; 5 ss 2 1 | |family. -4--Late Show %-Sam Benedic! Pp . ey 8 7 ' , -" Mrs. Floyd Willoughby, 5 11:30 P.M. @--Nursery School 5 ee -- He's 62. TV award . ; . ; a . and Mrs. Ted F peaiggso § B U--Jack Riagston Show 330 ¢.M, €3--Tommy Ambrose DOWN : ; Aa -- j Don Mills were Saturday visit- 6--The Detectives Show 2, Room nod ' N " s ors with the former's sister, 3--Movie , 93° PLM, 2. Ancient ' Ring Dewell, Hampton, last Thurs- ay. Mrs. Charles Greenham at- ded the Women's Institute Mrs, Cecil Jeffery, and Mr, ai 'Seba Valley Daye | | Kingdom | . a--Desth Valley : ~~ pode "_ o family. --77_ Sunse ry r, and Mrs, Jim Ewing and ear ge ---- family of Seven Islands, Que-' oa Hasten 27 bec, returned home last Wed- 2--The Price Is Right nesday after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd LET'S BUILD IT OURSELVES ... FOR OURSELVES = [BBR SS) | is ie irs Every Contribution or Pledge, is urgently needed so we can build and enjoy our own fe Se? . ha Patrols On Beach OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM inom gee, natin £2) || Fight Rowdyism This Message Donated By The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. W. CSE «eae im BT aZORT BLGIN, Ont. «cry -- areas are being set up by po- lice and cottage owners at Port . and Sauble Beach to com- RYT Wri, | WATERED MY HORSES WOT) oes ply decors op roan se ey Pai Av Te "2 THREE HOURS AGO/ ae recent summers. There have been complaints of wild parties on the beaches and in cottages in the two Lake Huron resort towns. Four provincial WAITH=aasuay PAID You VYO'IS ALL $12.50 AWEEK.TO WIN MY £ HEART, _. ru Bay By BULLMOOSE/? .0O EEK, MY BILLIONS 7? THE LONE RANGER DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER BANQUETS PHONE. 723-4641 GENOSHA HOTEL RESULTS COUNT! Mm] MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & Distri Real Estate Board JULIET JONES YOUR WiFE=> 1 TOLD HIM THREE HUNDRED THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS S LARRY BRANNON