The ill-fated circus vessel Fleurus sinks off the end of a Pearson Rejects Probe Of OTTAWA (CP)<pPrime Minis ter Pearson Wednp day rejec'ed the proposal for am inquiry into stock transactions by Wood Gundy and Company and Har ris. and Partners, Toronto in vestment firms, before the pres entation of the June 13 budget and before the June 19 with drawal of the 30-per-cent take over securities sales tax There is mo evidence to war rant any such inquiry, Mr. Pear son informed the Commons Proposal for the inquiry had been made by Opposition Leader Diefenbaker; T. C. Dou gias, the New Democratic Party jeader; Douglas Harkness (Pt Calgary North) and Dougla Fisher (NDP--Port Arthur) David Stanley, a member Wood, Gundy and «Company and Martin O'Connell m-| ployee of Harris and Partners continued to be paid by their) firms while they worked for Fi-} f of ane Won't Rejoin Navy After Discharge VICTORIA (CP) Gordon Knott, branded a security risk and separated from the Royal Canadian Navy on hearsay evi- dence, will not return to the service "He. has decided he won't go back,"' his mother said in a tele- phone interview fromiher Lake Cowichan, B.C., home. "He doesn't think it would be a good idea under the circumstances." Her 19-year-old son, fow a lngger, won an apology from the navy and fram Justice Minister Chevrier when it was discovered that an RCMP report--branding him the nephew of a Commu nist--was false oC LASSICe. °BEAUTY® PRINCESS MARINA Design by Bluebird For the finest in fashion and guaranteed - perfection, ~ BLUEBIRD ciamonds for happiness OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY AS LITTLE AS 1.00 DOWN=--1.00 WEEK BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. W. 723-7022 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT By BRUCE STOVEL MONTREAL (CP)--A_ specia Indicator published by the Mont real and Canadian stock ex changes shows Canadian 'stoch prices are likely to decline steadily in the next two months The indicator is called and it. forecasts the 'movement of prifes three to six weeks from the present, Its designer, Dleap S. Hall, 33 year-old statistics and research the} |Montreal Stock Price Trend In-} |dicator, week scope and produce less ér- atic fluciwations, Hall says. The key reading is 50 per cent. When the: indicator is ibove 50 per cent and rising steadily, this foreshadows a 'limb in stock prices within three iv six weeks. When the indicator {s below 50 per cent and falling steadily, as it is now, a decline is indi- cated: Hall says the indicator has aj) second purpose. A business| Long Drop Expected In Price Of Stocks by U.S. economic researchers, that there will be a slowing in the rate of incredse ih prices? before an actual price decline starts. So at present the indicator shows a fairly sharp drop in up- ward momentum, while prices are staying at about the same level, The imdicator's major defect: Hall says, is that it reflects out of proportion single occurences which have a drastic effect on ' | Stock Market - Closes Low On Wednesday TORON' (CP) -- The stock market pulléd up its socks slightly neaf the close of mod- erate trading Wednesday but failed to pull out of the "minus area, Moore Corp, slipped heavier man list losses with &. Sugar down 1 to 35 and | Dominion Foundries and Stee} off %. Losses of % went to Distillers Seagrams and Alu. minium, CPR, Pipe Line ahd Imperial Bank of Commerce (trading ex-dividend 50 cents) all dipped 4, On the plus side, Bank of 1% in | it Intenprovineial | \director for the exchanges, says|cycle is made up of many fac- its accuracy has been '80 perjtors, some of which occur be- cent at the least' over the last|fore others. | It is generally agreed among Montreal advanced , and Price Brothers climbed .%, Among more active specula- prices, such as last week's bud- get controversy, The indicator drops sharply just as prices n the Maritime Prov- One animal perished --(CP Wirephoto) centres inces, wharf at Yarmouth' N.S., ending a planned tour of small DIVIDENDS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS 2 Firm | 'The Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd. 10 cents, Aug. 7, record July 12 Dominion Stores Ltd, om nance Minister Gordon on the budget Mr, Pearson was replying spe cifically to Mr, Fisher who had proposed an inquiry by the seven per cent cumulative prime minister or by a Com we mons committee $1.75, Sept. 16 Aug Mr. Gordon has said that Mr Sobeys Stores 14d., class Stanley and Mr. O'Connell had July access to the final draft of the and that they were in of withdrawal of the se curities sales tax before he an- nounced it in the Commons But Mr, Gordon also said the two were sworn to secrecy and there were no leaks on the € e tax with mon 1243 cents, Sept Aug. 15 East Kootenay Power Co, Lid, pid 31 A 15 ecord common 12 '4 cents, record July 2 MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr, Service 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 men your HEADQUARTERS for VACATION SPORTSWEAR Fun in the sun sportswear for the entire family! No matter what your vacation wardrobe needs . .. slims, shorts, bath- ing suits, beach robes or a Cabana set for Dad... you'll find them all at Walker's. You'll love the low prices and your family will love the smart fashions! ' from 1.98 ea. (sizes 10 to 20) I9¢ 1.49 to 14) 39 (e) Misses shorts and tops from (b) Girls' cotton T-Shirts Assorted shorts from (sizes 7 {e) Boys' cotton T-Shirts from from Boxer waist shorts (sizes 4 to 6xj two years. After hitting a temporary high of 50.5 in the first week of May, ithe: indicator has been falling isteadily, hitting 43.1 in its latest 'computation Friday. Meanwhile the exchanges' 85-stock compo- site index has been relatively constant, showing a loss of less than two per cent during the six weeks The indicator readings, such as 43.1, are actually percent ages, The basic calculation in- volves adding the total number of stocks advancing in one day to one-half the number of issues which were traded, but un- changed, 'The resulting total is then expressed as a percentage of the total number of issues traded that day AVERAGE WEEKLY Each week an average for the five days is made, and this fig ure is then averaged out with the figures from the four pre vious weeks, This is done. to put . | economists, he says, that stock; drop in this type of situation, i 'ibut the indicator drop has no yrices are a "leading Indicator")... ath , gah motel the first signs of a gen- pragnoatic value, . eral turn in the economy, Other), Hall has. been computing the leading indicators are construc- indicator since he joined the ex. tion figures and new manufac- changes im early 1961; and it turing orders has been published since July, ot |1961. He describes it as the only LAG BEHIND index of its kind in Canada, "An analogy is a parade of|though several organizations in soldiers turning a corner," he the United States issue similar says. "The inside line--the lead-jones based on the New York ing indicators--turn the corner/stock exchange. before the middle column. The equivalent to the middle line, CATHOLICS LEAD and the outside line represents The 1961 some indicators, such as retail ' sales, which lag behind the gen- tabulated 25 religious persuas- eral economic cycle ions and showed 45.7 per cent "So with the stock prige indi- of the population are Roman cator you have a lead of about Catholic four weeks on a leading indi- cator in forecasting the general business cycle." The indicator is a diffusion in dex--it es how widely- spread throughout the market a price movement is, It works on) Canadian census 14, record the movement within a five-'the principle, 'discovered PLOCATIONS = EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING FOR MEN 1 kopee D BG4WILSON RDS 794 ----"-- 728-4626 lives, Silver Miller advanced 8 cents to 43 cents and Tribag climbed 7 cents to $2.68. New Senator--located near Tr: dipped 1 cent to 25 cents, Senior base metals slumped generally, both International Nickel and Falconb idge |dropped 4 and cHned 14 On index, all sections were LADIES No baby sitter, no cor fore Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Styiist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6854 ibag--| Noranda a Every Friday Nght! OSHAWA 9to1 JOIN THE FUN! h life! Shop ... then ingest square dance WILKIE SHOPPING CENTRE | p.m. ave the time of your hop to the hoedown- music of them all! RANGER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Everybody BRING THE W Cancellations at 5 eames Welcome! HOLE FAMILY!' / CENTRE KING STREET W. AT STEVENSON RD. p.m. in case of rain THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 7, 1963 }] bata Industrials 2.41 to 632.72, golds .19 to 86,89, base metals} j 1.58. to 207,10 and western oils * et Hs Servet Laker, Aa '2 43 to 116.80, Volume at the Huron has the largest area om close was 4,876,000 shares com-|the Canadian side of the boun- pared with 4,045,000 at the same dary--13,675 square miles. ime Tuesday, sR oe LIES IN CANADA NET EARNINGS | | By THE CANADIAN. PRESS H, Corby Distillery Ltd, 3] mos, ended May 31; 1963, $304,. |220, 27 cents a share; 1962, | /$291,315, 26 cents; 9 mos ended! |May 31: 1963, $937,956, 84 cents a share; 1962, $924,581, 83 cents Standard Paving and Mate-) rials Lid., year ended March} (31: 1963, $701,000, 68 cents a share; 1962, $601,000, 59 ents. RAYD C CARPET COMPANY 282 King W , 728-9581 RUG CLEANING | | | | | =49OS-002 fe Y)~ Half Boxer Pant ¢ with that Jaunty Look ¢ Boys' sateen finish san- forized cotton pant, shirred "Y . elastic half-boxer with all @- around belt loops, has per- *. manent welded knee for q longer wear. q Colours: Loden, Charcoal and Black. 4 Sizes: 8, 10 and 12, 4 You get top valve in this T-shirt. Complete- ly washable, short sleeve, knitted T-shirt with Perma-Stay col- lor {always = looks neat). 3 button pla- qvet. Plain colours, horizontal or vertical &n fy hn tm, fr, hi, hr, he, le, hn, hn, Lr, LOOK FOR YOUR WOOLWORTH AD EVERY DAY